Daryl put all of the cans into one big bowl and then went out side to start a fire in the backyard but first making sure there weren't any walkers. He put a match into some dry twigs and watched the flames eat them quickly then added more and more as he had them in a plie. He went back inside and grabbed the bowl and held it above the fire. He sat out there for. While holding it there with his built arms. Holly looked out her window and saw Daryl holding up a bowl which looked quite odd if you weren't there while they were heating it up. "Okay..?" She chuckled then turned around. She went to sit on the floor in front of her bed where the video games were at. She looked at them and squeled because some of them were her favorites like Zelda wind waker, super smash bros brawl, and others like skyrim and red dead redemption. "Aw man what I would do to play one of these again." She said as she looked through the rest. Jewel went to go sit outside with Daryl as he heated up the chili. "Well, its all done." He said heading back inside and placing the hot bowl on the counter. "Did you say you wanted to serve it?" Daryl asked kian. "Go ahead."
Sam came out and smelled the good smell of food. "What! Chili? Mmm that is one of my favorites." He said happily.
@The Divergent
Sam came out and smelled the good smell of food. "What! Chili? Mmm that is one of my favorites." He said happily.
@The Divergent