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Realistic or Modern H.Y.B.R.I D Haven

Full Name:Peach Craword









Personality:Peach is very shy and yet so caring. She'll rescue anybody and help them back onto their feet without thinking if she's doing the right thing.


Family:Left her.

Enemies:Girls at school. Most every man. Her captor.

Like:Soft things.




Dislike:Cold areas


People touching her or talking to her in ceartian ways

Weakness:Too kind!

Other:She's pregnant!
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Name: Leo Shaw

Gender: male

Age: 19

Date of Birth: 1997

Type of Hybrid:Lion

Nationality: American

Strengths: hunting, protecting friends, stealth, tracking, seeing at night, roaring

Weaknesses: fire, guns,

Occupation: (Do you work on the Island or do you have an online job?)

Personality: protective little hot headed

Likes: tall grass, high and elevated spots

Dislikes: fire

History: Leo's parents were zoo keepers. Leo always loved the lions at the zoo. Once when Leo was about he fell into the lion enclosure. The lions rushed to him, but instead of killing him they took care of him. One Lion in particular protected him by the name Akara a female lion. Leo was at the zoo playing with the new born cubs when he was taken by G.E.N.E

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: unfound


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Name: Rio Nortan

Gender: Male

Age: 14 years

Date of Birth: August 23, 2002

Type of Hybrid: Coy-Wolf (1/2 Coyote and 1/2 Wolf)

Nationality: American

Strengths: He is good with computers and has an affinity for finding shelter. Nature responds well to him and he is a good swimmer and climber. He likes working with his hands as it keeps him from dwelling on his past and tends to make an odd array of tools. He has sharp claws and teeth. His slim body makes him agile.

Weaknesses: He isn't very fast, only able to run at a maximum of 45 km/h which is the top speed for coywolves. He is afraid of fire and of enclosed spaces. Terrified of thunderstorms. The vast expanse of ocean bothers him and as a result he tends to stick close to shore when swimming. He likes children and will do what he can for them as he doesn't want them to suffer like he did among the humans. He doesn't do well in hot weather.

Occupation: None

Personality: Rio is a generally patient person and a good listener to others' problems though he is no shrink by any mean. He is intelligent and cunning, traits of his hybrid coywolf breed. He deeply misses his parents as Rio has no idea that his mother survived but he has barely any memories of them due to he was very young when his life turned bad. Rio prefers his solitude and doesn't make friends or relationships easily, believing it's best to push people away and then when they get hurt or die, it won't affect him as much. He is wary of the scientists and tries to avoid them at all possible, as well as not speaking of his time in what he terms...that place or Brimstone. Rio feels torn...his wolf side calling to join the pack (i.e. the other hybrids) and his coyote side saying to remain alone. Rio doesn't like confrontations and generally is silent when in a crowd, observing what goes on around him without taking any part in the activities of the community.

Likes: Chocolate, Reading, Art, Solitude, Being Outdoors, Hiking, Swimming, rain

Dislikes: Humans, Enclosed spaces, Crowds, Fire, Conflict, Doctors, thunderstorms

History: Rio was born in 2002 to Margaret and Jack Nortan. When he was three, he and his parents were in New York visiting his aunt when they were in a car accident. His father was trying to avoid hitting a deer on the country road and lost control of the car, killing himself and his seriously injuring Margaret and Rio. Rio was ejected from the car and landed several feet away from his mother who was rescued. She was taken to the hospital in bad shape but survived...only to be told her son and husband had perished in the crash. But Rio wasn't dead. He had fallen down the side of a hill and lay crumpled at the bottom of the hill, hidden by some bushes. The only thing they found of Rio was a shoe and his teddy bear. He was found by a man and sold to G.E.N.E.S.I.S. where he was healed and thereafter endured five years of slavery and torture, believing his parents had both perished. When the explosion happened, a day before the hybrids were to be killed, Rio was one of the lucky ones put into a van where he has lived on the island ever since.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None



Doesn't wear the shirt in above picture.

Other: Worries that the newfound freedom will be short-lived. Omnivore and has a sweet tooth for anything chocolate. He can change into his animal form which is 4 1/2 feet long and 45 lbs.


Born in 2002. Taken from a car crash at 3. Lived in the facility from 3 to 7. Six years later is 13.
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Name: Cyrus Fontaine

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Date of Birth: December 19th 1997

Type of Hybrid: Giant octopus

Nationality: French


-Reading people.

-Quick reflexes

-Greater swimming speed

-Can camouflage/change the colors and patterns on his skin

-Can spit ink from his mouth and temporarily blind someone/cloud the water

-Can go on land with ease if it's raining hard enough

Weaknesses: -Staying out of water too long can kill him

-Significantly slower while on land

-Skin is rather soft and easily breaks

-Kinda emotional when old memories are brought up

Occupation: Nothing atm

Personality: Cyrus is a bit of a hermit and is incredibly walled off when it comes to his emotions and life. One may even call him insecure as he doesn't flatter himself in any manner and takes insults a bit too harshly. He also has a tendency to hide away from people or just shut away outside influences for a good amount of time. He is also very skeptical of strangers who talk to him a bit too much, indicating a bit of underlying paranoia. Other than that, he's very good-natured and calm when nothing is around to stress him. And if you can warm up to him, he's can even be a bit sweet. It's true that he does try to avoid people, but he won't be rude if stuck in a conversation.


-Being alone


-Murky water

-Rainy weather


-Hot weather

-Being on land

-Being around too many people


History: Cyrus lived in the small town of Loches, France. However, when he was 6, he was kidnapped in the middle of the night, his disappearance not noted until the next morning. A couple of days passed until the DNA was injected into him. This already shy, self conscious kid only got worse when he began transforming. The first change was his skin, which became softer and more cartliganigous. After that, he began growing gills. However, he found them awkward to use for many years. His nails became sharper and more claw-like, and the last step was him growing tentacles which replaced his legs (yikes, did this turn into hent- just kidding, I'm not about that). After his final transformation, he was pretty much useless outside of water and was more suited for aquatic tasks and missions. The day of his freedom was a great one, and the fact that he now lives around an island is even better for him as he spends his day doing rounds and studying the marine life there. Though his past and current form still plague him from time to time, he tries to make the best of it.

Sexuality: Gay

Crush: N/A



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Name: John Abraus

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Date of Birth: 9/24/1995

Scientist Position: BioEngineering

Nationality: American

Strengths: Cybernetic Implants, Computer Sciences, Easily adaptable, Strong will

Weaknesses: Fear of a creation rejecting implants, Actual fear of Hybrids

Occupation: Engineer/Mechanic (And secret implants specialist)

Personality: He is a rather quiet individual, still doing research, even after his "realization" of his wrong doings. He prefers to remain alone, however, helps out with repairs, and equipment. If you DO manage to corner him, and talk, he can be... err... very witty.

Likes: Committing to research, Building strange contraptions, sitting out in the night.

Dislikes: Crowds, Large spacing, disorganized spaces.

History: John Abraus, the MIT genius... The failure. All his life, he was the one who strives for artificial intellect, the one who strives for robotic limbs, and he finally had the chance... the G.E.N.E. experiments... He always proposed an idea to the higher ups, but was refused, his experiments being deemed too damn "unethical". Like what they were doing was any better... In a fit of curiosity, (And insanity...) he cut his hand off to test a cybernetic... well, hand. He managed to fit it on, which turned out to be a huge success. He went to report his findings... then that's when the explosion happened...

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: He has someone in his sights, but fears her as well...


Other: Did I mention he dislikes Hybrids? Maybe I didn't make it clear enough, he's more afraid than anything else.
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Hybrid Haven

Name: Kianna O'Loake

Gender: female

Age: 15

Date of Birth: July 7th 2001

Type of Hybrid: Leopard Hybrid

Nationality: Irish


-Kianna is a good hunter, she is fast, agile, and can see well in the dark

-Kianna is good at climbing due to her claws and feline reflexes

-Kianna has exceptional balance from walking along tree limbs


-Kianna is scared of large bodies like the sea surrounding the island or lakes and deep rivers

-Kianna is terrible at speaking in public, and gets nauseous at the thought

Occupation: She hunts to help keep everyone fed


Kianna is very loyal to those she cares for and would most anything for them. She is very grateful to the scientists who released them and will try to show her appreciation in anyway she can. She's usually happy but can her mood can turn dark without much notice.


Exploring, heights,


Being told what to do, storms


Kianna was kidnapped by G.E.N.E when she was 4. They tortured and experimented on her until she developed into a leopard hybrid at 5. After that they trained her as a hunter and tortured her if she disobeyed or defied them. Kianna was used to hunt down runaways and traitors at 7 and until G.E.N.E. ended when she was 9. She was very glad when the scientists brought them to the island.

Hunted a monkey hybrid named Marco on a no kill training mission

(Happy she got to meet him and he is still alive, remorseful she ever had to hunt him down)

Sexuality: demisexual

Crush: tbd

Appearance: (All important bits covered)


Name: Sani Morrish

"I'm studying damn it."

Gender: Male

"You really wanna argue that?"


"You made me shouldn't you know this?"

Date of Birth: Sep 10, 1998

"Stop asking questions and let me study."

Type of Hybrid: Human and Owl

"Not really I just glued feathers to my body."

Nationality: German

Strengths: Flight



Has sharp talons for feet.


Weaknesses: Brittle bones


Other birds of prey

Occupation: Research assistant.

Personality: Has a temperamental mood like you average teen. He will do any tasks his mind is set to and if anyone interrupts him he gets angry with them. If he gets to annoyed he will lash out and attack.

Likes: The feeling of the wind rushing past his face.

Dislikes: Being interrupted.

Anyone who doesn't understand what hes talking about.

History: At the age of 3 months his parents who were alcoholics and drug abusers were arrested for the use of drugs such as meth. When Sani was born he was born with several birth defects such as him having a mentally impaired state and A.D.H.D. When he was adopted the staff had been told they were going to cure his birth defects. He was then injected with serum and was raised as a scout instead of a soldier who would fly above the enemies for intel. He has now devoted himself to learning new things and being a research assistant.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None

"I'm not going to fulfill your fetish."



Other: None​
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Name: Jason Fletcher

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Date of Birth: 22 September 2000

Type of Hybrid: Deer

Nationality: Aussie ^3^

Strengths: Very fast runner, runs at 50 kph but can go up to 60. Also has great hearing

Weaknesses: Stressed easily. Not that great socially, but does his best to make friends

Occupation: Programmer

Personality: Can be very competitive. Has a good sense of humor. Very nerdy :P

Likes: Computer games, anything competitive

Dislikes: Working in groups

History: Not much that he can remember as he was taken from his home when he was three years old. He has no idea who his parents were, and has no idea what his life was like before he was taken away. He was almost killed once when he and a few others decided to try and escape

Sexuality: Rly dude? >_> Straight I guess

Crush: Nobody really.

Appearance: (Can't post a pic now, might update later) 5'2", Dark blue eyes, Brown hair and olive coloured skin. He has a pair of antlers growing out of his head

Other: Has an irrational fear of bees o3o

Sorry if I make some dumb mistakes, I've only just discovered this place :P
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Hybrid Character Sheet


Ashley Ven





Date of Birth:

May 5, 2002

Type of Hybrid:

Snake, Black Mamba


American, specifically more of a Scottish Greek. So yeah, white.


-Expert on making plans

-Can poison you through fangs

-Focus is enhanced

-Smart as hell, man.

-Tail normally scares people


-Teamwork...yeah she doesn't do that.

-Easily stressed out


-Not a good talker

-Flighter, not Fighter


She doesn't have one yet but would like to work with the scientists


She is mainly shy, not knowing social skills and conversations aren't able to keep her from crying. She isn't good at making friends and stays somewhere private most of the time. She would rather be alone somewhere than have an interaction. She can't talk to 2 people at once in a group and only feels safe when a friend or scientist is in close proximity. She has trust issues, as you can tell. However, once you become her friend and she feels ok around you, then you'll learn she's nice and sweet like a normal human teenage girl. She doesn't like herself that much and feels like she makes a topic worse whenever she decides to come in. As said before, she's easily stressed out and would run away from her problems rather than fight them. Sensitive and sometimes suicidal when stressed.


Tea, sugar, being alone, reading, writing, learning, science and the scientists(That sounds like a TV show for some reason)


Herself, company, crowds and meetings, not learning anything new, terrible literature, when people are wrong, physical contact


She remembers it clearly.

"I'll shoot. Give me you're girl." "NO, SHE'S MY BABY AN YOU'RE NOT GONNA-" *PWAH*

Her mother was shot with the pistol, carrying her 5 year old Ashley in her arms. She was quickly taken by the man in black.

She was kidnapped at such a young age and she was so willing to escape but she was only 5. She was kept for a long time until she was "rescued" by another man who quickly took her into the program at just under 9 years of age.

One day later, she was all alone. She was in the dark room with only one window that let in faint artificial light from the outside. She was injected with the deadliest snake in the world's, the black mamba's, DNA. It was painful and took 2 years to develop completely. Always having lower back pain due to a new tail, her mouth constantly ached day and night making it hard to sleep. A newer organ developed on the back of her neck to produce venom, and she HATED it. She kept her cool but it eventually turned into a disliking for other people and her wanting to die sometimes. Then the escape happened, she did it slow and steady until she evacuated with only a few minor scratches and some burns. She went on the last trip out, and she lives here happily(kinda) on the island now.





Appearance: I am working on getting a commission done for her so don't worry, it should be here in a couple weeks.

Black hair that reaches barely to her shoulders is smooth and silky. Having being transformed she got thinner, not anorexic but more supermodel thin. She has barely and build and she is very short standing at a mere 5'2" (If you ever see a freshman this is insanely short for a 14 year old). She doesn't have an exact weight measurement yet but looks to be about 90 pounds. Her skin is american white and her eyes turned a deep purple due to venomous blood. She wears a purple leathery jacket that only reaches slightly under her breasts and a black undershirt reaching a little over her belly button. Her pants are jean-like and black. The most inhuman parts about her are sharp snakelike fangs that are small enough to fit in her mouth and a 2 foot long, black, scaly, snake thin tail with good dexterity and she has good control of it as well. There is a purple eyeball shaped organ that's meant for storage of lethal venom in the back of her neck and can be seen through her skin. Fingernails aren't usually colored but she'll sometimes paint them purple or wine red. Her shoes are purple women's sneakers with white lines crossing the middle of the top.

If there's anything I missed, please tell me.

Other: That's all y-you need to know...sir?
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- Name: Addanc Rhys

- Often responds to Rhys

- Age: 19

- Part of the elder half of the projects

- Gender: Male

- Hybrid: Crocodile

- DOB: February 10, 1997

- Strengths:

- Massive physical strength

- Toughened skin

- Weaknesses:

- Extremely sensitive about how people judge his animal half

- Periods of time in the overwhelming heat

- Extremely volatile in nature, no stopping that

- Occupation: Odd jobs near bodies of water, whether it be fetching a boat adrift and away from its port, repairing any structures (the supports beneath the waters of ports), even taking requests for diving when asked. Away from water, he'll sometimes deal with tasks requiring heavy lifting or perimeter clearing.

- Sexuality: Heterosexual

- Likes:

- Surprisingly gentle around children; despite his vicious personality, they are the small few he allows to tease him about his scales

- Personal space, crocodiles are territorial after all

- Generally a carnivore, his human half being the only reason he tolerates eating vegetation

- Dislikes:

- Being judged simply for being a hybrid

- Reminder that there were deaths at the project

- Loud, rambunctious types of individuals

- Being challenged

- Crush: N/A (currently)

- Personality: Vicious and quick to anger, Rhys has been the figure to quickly retaliate without thinking about the consequences. He also tends to stick with himself rather than others, the only exception being his fellow escapees. Being mixed with an apex predator, he is intimidated by nearly no one and is more than likely hold his ground before giving it up. Settling things with his fists is always a solution of his, his mutation giving him tremendous strength in comparison to his own mass. And although Rhys is of the harsher character, he does hold somewhat of a kindness in his heart and does put into consideration the wellbeing of others. It is what remains of his human side and not his croc half.

- Bio: He had just turned eight before he had been taken for experimentation, and walking his much younger sister to school was a daily routine. There was a day they were both taken, and experimented on like the rest of the mutations. He stood his ground, keeping his selfless attitude and being kind to the other members. That was until, he was informed that his younger sister did not make it through her experimentation, whereas he had. Heartbroken and nearly faced with depression, the kindhearted boy faltered until his crocodile genetics of being a lone predator flooded his mind. He chose to stray from other experiments, and chose the life of individuality.

- Appearance: For being starved and weakened in his days of being an experiment, his time away and free had given him much more time to build up what he had lost. Rhys stands at a steady 6'3 (Height), a leaner build instead of a completely bulky size. Despite his leaner appearance, his weight ends at a high 225lbs (weight) because of the added weight from his scales and spines. His black hair spikes up slightly, giving it an unkempt and untidy appearance (Hair). A nice contrast to that is his piercing yellow eyes (Eyes), which dilate quite uniquely in a reptilian fashion whenever he catches sight of something dangerous or interesting. What makes him stick out from the human population, his scales that run from the middle of his neck down to about the collarbone. His entire front side of his torso is scaleless, but his back is covered in the scales. His spine is a different story, where ridges have formed to protrude from where the spine would usually be, but not enough where it would stick out in a regular shirt. His four knuckles (thumb is excluded) protrude slightly a second time apart from his fingers, but only to retractable claws, which give his hands a more crocodile like appearance when curled into a fist. These are used as his main weaponry, and are hidden in public with more durable gloves, only because he can't fully control when he exposes them during his anger. His teeth, sharpened like a sharks, are capable of tearing through flesh and are used very rarely against other people. His jaw and gnashing power are well known, a trait he gained from the mutation, and is more than often used to mess with him.

- Clothing: Mixed attire depending on his destination. Daily attire usually consists of a plain black wife-beater, leaving his scales to only begin to appear around his shoulder blades and back of the neck. Along with the tank top, he sports belted cargo trousers for enough mobility to move quickly, and not thick enough to drag him too much in the water. For more social events, a green-black plaid slim-fit button up and a pair of dark blue jeans. In all forms of clothing, he wears a pair of leather fingerless gloves, ends cutting after the knuckle but before the first consecutive joint.

Edit: Name changing. Changed his name midway,forgot to change what I had written prior
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Name: Cindy Realno

Gender: Female


Date of Birth: April 7 2003

Type of Hybrid Frilled lizard (my pic is a dilphosaurus because i couldn't find a frilled lizard one)

Nationality:American white

Strengths: Swimming climbing and entering a area unnoticed

Weaknesses: Fighting,Running,heavy lifting,fears the dark and cats


Personality: My character is very shy because she was token with her friends when they were younger and all her friends didn't survive the H.Y.B.R.I.D tests. she prefers to stay be here self but won't ignore help if offered.

Likes: Bugs,Climbing trees,being alone

Dislikes: Dark,cats,and working in groups

History: When she and her friends were kid napped they were coming home from a movie that one of my friends parents took us to. At the time The parent had been in the bathroom and me and my friend were just standing around. Suddenly we found are selfs In sacks being hauled off to who knows where. when we got there i was separated from my friends. Next thing i knew i was watching my friends being killed during a no kill session by mistake. ever since then i promised i would never get attached to anyone so i would never feel the sadness i felt that day again.Because of that i worked harder and more determinedly then anyone else in my group.When they escaped the prison and started living life on the island i still had never made another friend.

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Doesn't have one because she doesn't really interact with others very well

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-16_12-48-5.png.8693d266727644a16d43f134c9beff40.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-16_12-48-5.png.8693d266727644a16d43f134c9beff40.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>I know this is a dilophosaurus but i couldn't find a frilled lizard But this is basically what i look like but replace the outfit with scales and she had a flat chest due to tests but she considers herself female )

Other: She gets scared easily<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-16_12-28-15.png.eebd7ad32a3ada050d858c74f1b0d710.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-16_12-28-15.png.eebd7ad32a3ada050d858c74f1b0d710.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Qubit said:
Name: Jason Fletcher
Gender: Male

Age: 15

Date of Birth: 22 September 2000

Type of Hybrid: Deer

Nationality: Aussie ^3^

Strengths: Very fast runner, runs at 50 kph but can go up to 60. Also has great hearing

Weaknesses: Stressed easily. Not that great socially, but does his best to make friends

Occupation: Programmer

Personality: Can be very competitive. Has a good sense of humor. Very nerdy :P

Likes: Computer games, anything competitive

Dislikes: Working in groups

History: Not much that he can remember as he was taken from his home when he was three years old. He has no idea who his parents were, and has no idea what his life was like before he was taken away. He was almost killed once when he and a few others decided to try and escape

Sexuality: Rly dude? >_> Straight I guess

Crush: Nobody really.

Appearance: (Can't post a pic now, might update later) 5'2", Dark blue eyes, Brown hair and olive coloured skin. He has a pair of antlers growing out of his head

Other: Has an irrational fear of bees o3o

Sorry if I make some dumb mistakes, I've only just discovered this place :P
I resent that "Other: Has an irrational fear of bees o3o" i am a bee! xD
Name: Gabi Lange

Gender: Female

Age: 11

Date of Birth: November 12 2004

Type of Hybrid: Is a fruit bat

Nationality: White German

Strengths: She is kinda and able to carry heavy objects for short distances. she is also a fairly good flyer and her tops speed is about 35 to 30 mph

Weaknesses: she is small and has a hard time trying to fit in with the large creatures. she is always scared she will get squished

Occupation: shes the mailbat

Personality: She is very out going and loves to be around other people. She is not at all shy and will try to get other out going and happy as well. She is very good at sensing emotion and will try his best to cheer you up. Her problem is he doesn't know when to stop.

Likes: Meadows,Schnitzel,flying and being alone

Dislikes: groups,animals larger than her,bright lights

History: She was On a vacation to disney world for his first time when she was kidnapped. At the time she had gotten separated from her father and she was trying to find a park worker. she found someone with a name tag and assumed they worked here. but when she told them she was lost they just smiled. next thing she knew she was being lead away with the guy threatening to shoot her if she didn't follow. The man led her to a big white truck and shoved her into a cage inside it and locked the door. looking around she saw that inside the truck was many other kids also in cages. everyone just sat there in silence and darkness broken only when ever the man returned with a another child. half a hour later they felt the truck rumbling and they started moving. after another hour or two the truck door was opened by a bunch of people in lab coats. our cages were carried off as we were token to different rooms. I was put t sleep and when i woke up i was in a cage again with a group of kids all with one animal trait or another. looking down i found i had a tail and i had wings! i put my hands to my head and felt two fury ears. .I was horrified but i didn't show it. i began taking care of the other kids comforting them and helping them get used to their new changes. since then i have always tried my hardest not to let anyone know that i got upset and to keep others smiling

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: to be discovered

Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-18_20-31-13.png.6f2a44c5b31da62ce3f209c5ab554037.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-18_20-31-13.png.6f2a44c5b31da62ce3f209c5ab554037.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Danny.. Um... Yeah, just Danny.


Gender: Male

Well I mean I can pull off a good "mean girls" act...


What, you thought I was younger?! I'm just short!

Date of Birth: July 10, 1999

Please don't throw me a party..

Type of Hybrid: Brazilian Wandering Spider

Wuhoo yay my extra DNA donor... -_-

Nationality: Phillipino-White American

Strengths: Venom, wall-climbing, stealth, running/walking long distances, defense, and ambush.

Oh, and my wisdom in the great art called sarcasm!

(By defense I mean hard skin plates on his shoulders, back, and a few around his stomach. It makes him hard to hit and stuff.)


Small size, claustrophobia, Easily provoked, insecurity, Over-thinking things, and doughnuts. Can't get enough of them.

And more!



There's no webs in it, jeez! I can't even make those!


He comes off as just another cold shoulder, but that's just a 'self defense mechanism'. (Yeah, let's put it that way. Just roll with it.) In reality he's an awkward softie who simply loves his alone time. At least, he was before the experiments. Now, due to the instincts that came with the new body parts, he's a bit more anger-prone and likely to try and hurt someone when threatened.


Jelly Doughnuts, the occasional pun, alone time, music, and horror/action movies.


His habit to over think, using his venom, crowded spaces, people,( nosy people ones who don't get his sarcasm annoy him the most) and spider-man jokes.

For the last time, I don't have Spidey-sense!


Danny worked in a restaurant with his dad as a cute attraction and order-picker-upper. Then, one jolly day, Poof! The six year old was taking out some trash when he got snatched up and drugged by some men, quite literally, in black. Funny how that was his favorite movie.

At first, after receiving his painful new limbs, Danny wouldn't cooperate with his higher-ups' orders. So, as punishment, he was forced into a small container that was just big enough for him to stand up. For those of you who don't know, Brazilian Wandering Spiders don't do well in captivity. Ever. Danny refused to eat the little bits of food he was passed every other day, and when they let him out, he was ready to comply. As long as they didn't put him back in there, right?

After recovering, he spent five years. Five years of his life as a weapon. And when they were in death row, he was actually happy. He could finally stop living like this. But of course, he was just as happy to be set free when the lab was bombed. He'd been managing to live in the city ever since. Well, aside from the occasional (cough many) vacation (s cough cough) to the jungle.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Crush: None


He stands at 5'2 but weighs 127 pounds due to his extra legs. He'll usually wear a plain shirt with dark pants and dress shoes (Or whatever the heck you imagine him wearing xD I'm not good with clothes). Has an extra set of eyes he hides under his hair and holes on the backs of all his shirts for his legs to poke through.


(More or less... Make him a bit older-looking and ignore the hair.)


Oh yeah, I forgot to add the venom glands were implanted somewhere near his canine teeth, which were then made to resemble a spider's fangs. Sort of.

I would really want to refrain from kissing...

Oh, and most of his mouth is black. :)



(Not really plz don't hurt me I just wanted an example of an angry wandering spider ;-; )
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