• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern H.Y.B.R.I D Haven


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Character Sign Up Sheet

Create a Hybrid or a Scientist if available!

This is where the character sheets live. If you have any questions, ask. Reserve a slot if you'll take a bit of time making your sheet.

Scientists (2 Slots)

Quinn Ann @FrostRaven


These guys are former G.E.N.E scientists who turned good and are now helping the Hybrids out with their daily lives. They provide money and funding for mostly everything on this island since now all 3 scientists are now billionaires due to the success of the project.

Hybrid Council (Closed Slots)

Hidden Kahgot- Head of Council @Kayzo

- Health and Safety Advisor

Sierra Springs- Security Manager

-Public Relations

These Hybrids are in charge of almost everything. Making sure that everyone is happy and healthy as well as organizing how things go on the island. Some of them might even have jobs online and such but it all depends. They are basically the leaders of all the Hybrids on the Island and they hold meetings to discuss about different topics and subjects that should be addressed. So if you are interested in becoming a Councilman then these are the lists of jobs needed.

Hybrids (Infinite Slots)

Ariella Pavone(Peacock) @Defective Kitten

Banba Talons(Great White Shark) @Jecklyn

Jack Messer(Donkey/Snake) @JackTheWriter

Blake Romero(Bunny) @Sgt Gomez

Cirillia Vines(Bunny) @Mitchs98

Kassina Ondola(Snow Leopard) @LilyannaGaming

Midiga Zyneste(Wolf) @LilyannaGaming

Hybrids are the main species on the island and are both part human and part animal. If you would like to be a regular Hybrid then this is the place for you!

Great! Now that we've covered the slots let's move onto Character Sheets! Also keep in mind that you're character must be balanced with both strengths and weaknesses. Overpowered characters are no fun to anyone so try to make it balanced. It's alright for a character to have reasonable strengths and no weaknesses while it's alright for your character to have as many weaknesses as you want.

Hybrid Character Sheet

Name: (First and Last name?)

Gender: (Male or Female?)

Age: (How old are you?)

Date of Birth: (When were you born? Remember to keep in mind the years)

Type of Hybrid (What human mixed species are you?)

Nationality: (What is your race?)

Strengths: (What are you good at?/What can you do?)

Weaknesses: (What are you bad at?/What do you fear?)

Occupation: (Do you work on the Island or do you have an online job?)

Personality: (What is your character like?)

Likes: (What do you like?)

Dislikes: (What do you dislike?)

History: (What's your story?)

Sexuality: (Straight or something else?)

Crush: (Who's your love interest/lover?)

Appearance: (Picture of yourself. Please put a picture that shows your animal traits.)

Other: (Anything else we should know about you?)

For Hybrid Councilman to fill out only--

Councilman Position: (What do you do in the Council)

Responsibilities: (What do you take care of?)

Scientist Character Sheet

Name: (First and Last name?)

Gender: (Male or Female?)

Age: (How old are you?)

Date of Birth: (When were you born? Remember to keep in mind the years)

Scientist Position: (What did you do at G.E.N.E?)

Nationality: (What is your race?)

Strengths: (What are you good at?/What can you do?)

Weaknesses: (What are you bad at?/What do you fear?)

Occupation: (Do you work on the Island or do you have an online job? or Retired?)

Personality: (What is your character like?)

Likes: (What do you like?)

Dislikes: (What do you dislike?)

History: (What's your story?)

Sexuality: (Straight or something else?)

Crush: (Who's your love interest/lover?)

Appearance: (Picture of yourself. Please put a picture that shows your animal traits.)

Other: (Anything else we should know about you?)

If you have any questions direct them to the OOC tab.

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Name: Jack Messer

Gender: Born male but intersexed due to mutation

Age: 14

Date of Birth: June 11 2001

Type of Hybrid: Donkey as dominant genome with various reptile genes recessive(including golden lancehead snake where the intersexing comes from)

Nationality: First generation German American

Strengths: Strong, can carry over 500 lbs. Fast healing due to his reptile genes.

Weaknesses: With being labeled a failure back at the facility, Jack has developed severe social anxiety. Also, the unrelenting ridicule he endured along with his unusual gender has given him an inferiority complex. No matter what he does or even how much praise he gets for doing it, he never feels like it is good enough.

Occupation: Courier/Transporter. With his genetic makeup, Jack can carry four times his own weight without breaking a sweat. Delivering supplies to the far corners of the island lets him spend most of his time alone.

Personality: Shy and kind, if you can get him to talk. Very nervous around others and usually looking for the exit in a crowd.

Likes: Long walks/hikes through the woods, reading(only when alone since he was teased for try to look smart by reading at the facility),helping others(even though he is afraid to talk to people, he is the first one to volunteer to help out)

Dislikes: Conflict, Tension, and the Bathhouse(undressing in front of others is a big No for him.)

History: At four years old, Jack was taken while traveling through Germany with his parents to meet his paternal grandparents for the first time. The newspapers called it a horrendous accident that claimed the entire Messer Family. The papers got it wrong on both counts. It was not an accident and not all the Messers died that day.

The scientists thought they had come up with the perfect combination for their new super soldier. Take the brute strength and sturdiness of a donkey, add the regenerative properties of various lizards and top it off with a lethal attack in the form of golden lancehead snake with its deadly venom. They thought they had created the perfect weapon but they were wrong. While the side effect of the child turning hermaphroditic was a minor one as far as the scientists were concerned, it was the choice of Jack Messer as the recipient of these transformations that lead the experiment to be deemed a failure. No matter how hard they tried, they could not incite Jack to violence. All these natural weaponry and defense in the hands of a pacifist.

At age 5 they resorted to torture to try and break his spirit and rebuild him into the warrior they so wanted. Every week they would chop off Jack's tail as soon as it regrew. He was insulted and berated at every turn. Luckily, his mind was as resilient and adaptive as his body. Speaking of his body's adaptiveness, after about the twentieth time they cut it off, his tail started to detach on its own. He would still cry out in false pain but in reality the slightest tug would remove his tail, which in turn regrew in about a week.

The rescue was anticlimactic for Jack in 2010. His distrust of others was so great that as soon as everyone arrived at the island he fled for the woods. For three years he lived off the land but a kindness from a catboy when Jack was injured convinced him to rejoin society. And so he found his place in this new small world, still on the outskirts but perhaps that too will change.

Sexuality: Asexual

Crush: None


Other: Jack does not have fangs from his snake genes. Instead his saliva is caustic and he has an iron stomach that can digest almost anything. Jack wears baggy clothes to hide his newly forming breasts and refers to himself as a boy. No one knows that he is a hermaphrodite(except perhaps the scientists)
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Quinn An





Date of Birth

July 7th, 1984

Scientist Position

Study of Animal/Human Anatomy, Gynecologist, Epidemiologists, and an On-Call Nurse




Quinn, being an epidemiologist, can help her prescribed medication or create medication for certain diseases since new illnesses wouldn’t be uncommon due to the new creation of the hybrids although that is more likely to be easier said than done. Her passive nature along with her calming voice causes her to be quite the motherly figure for the hybrids when they’re in distress.


Moths.. NOOOOOOOOOOOPE.. Breaking the fourth wall here but like I bloody hate and am terrified of moths with a passion so therefore Quinn shall also hate/fear moths, carry on. Although being nimble and rather quick for a woman in her 30s, Quinn lacks in physical strength and balance. She isn't a natural genius so when it comes down to solving problems on the spot, it usual takes her a little less than a normal person but longer than more scienetists nonetheless.


Although retired, Quinn works on the island just as an On-Call Nurse and returns to her Epidemiologist works from time to time.


As previously stated, Quinn is known to be rather calm and level headed, a little too calm.. Despite being calm a majority of the time, her patience for ignorance is very low but she handles those situations with passive aggressiveness which has been said to be scarier than actual anger. Like the motherly figure she is, her calm yet loveable nature creates a warm aura around her, as if none of the terrible past deeds or current situation ever happened. Although being like a mother, she can also act very much like a child, wanting to climb trees or explore or even prance around happily with the younger hybrids, splashing in the waters as she forgets all her responsibilities.


Animals, Humans (somewhat), Nature, Learning, Teaching, Discovering, Early Morning or Late Nights, Rain, Simply Playing.


MOTHS (!!), Lightning, Heat, Bitter Foods (such as dark chocolate or black coffee), Ignorance, Failure, Boredom.


Quinn never had a terrible childhood full of bullies or abuse nor was it all rainbows and sunshine. Born into a full family of a single mother and 6 other siblings, Quinn never had much of the spotlight on her especially since she wasn’t the smartest to begin with. Nothing motivated her to do good in school, she was more of an average student up until something caught her eye during her years in highschool that she wasted away just drinking or sleeping. It was the sly invitation for G.E.N.E. This invitation was of course not for her average little self but rather for her much more intelligent elder sibling, Quinn just so happened to find the letter within his drawers whilst looking for booze money.

Nonetheless, this sparked something within Quinn to finish highschool and soon enough she was flooded with scholarships from colleges all over the world at the age of 15. Finishing college not too soon afterwards at the age of 18 after getting one of her degrees, she took the position within G.E.N.E right from under her brother’s feet who, inadvertently, went missing once Quinn had gotten accepted… Even after getting in the organization, she continued to further extend her education whilst still working, getting her doctorate in the end by age 24. Of course she wasn’t born with natural and prodigy-like intelligence, she worked her hardest to get what she wanted in life and once she obtained it (it being G.E.N.E) remorse and guilt quickly overwhelmed her within the years.

Being one of the primary developers for the H.Y.B.R.I.D serum, Quinn quietly watched the children get injected, pushing back all the voices that told her it was wrong otherwise. With this, she slipped back into her drinking and sleeping ways, not wanting to look the children in the eyes or see the ones that failed to take the drug turn into horrendous monsters. On certain occasions, she would request a failure child into her lab for so-called ‘research’ when in reality she would just hold the child, crying in remorse for what she had done to them but as soon as her time was up, she would act calm and collected, as if she was oblivious to what was going on around her or just didn’t affect her.

When given the plan to dispose of the subjects, she thought that this would be better for the experiments to simply die than to live this miserable life. However nights before December 25th, Quinn was relieved to hear that there were 2 other scientist who were planning to help the children escape. The plan went off that night as scheduled. The scientists, herself, and a few other Hybrids escaped to an island where they had been living for the past few years. Perhaps this will relieve her of her sins.. or at least she’d like to believe so..




Quinn is a ears fanatic.. She quite adores the look and feeling of ears.. Beware.

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Ariella Pavone






Date of Birth

March 28th, 1997

Type of Hybrid





Ariella is quite the clever little actor, being able to play innocent or spew lies like it was nobody’s business although it’s not much of a habit since she’s been known to be a rather honest person to begin with. When her feathered tail is stuck out, they’re quite the attention grabber however she won't show them to just anybody. Being a bird, and a peacock at that, it’s quite an obvious that she would be rather graceful and light on her feet. Peacocks have been known to have extremely strong legs and hard beaks, resulting in Ari to have very strong legs and a hard bite.


FUCKING MOTHS. Fire is bad, her feather are flammable ya’know. Once you get her worked up enough, she’ll eventually lose her cool and become uncontrollably flustered and blushy. Birds don’t have much of a protection against prey other than flying which Araella cannot do very well, her only option would to be to run, scream, or to use her only means of ‘defense’. Biting.


We'll keep that for down the line..



Other birds

Rainbows, those are the shit

Anything colorful


Sweets, even though they’re not good for her tummy









Coming from a loving home of 3, mom, dad, and herself, Ariella never knew the frostbitten cold of the winters or the scorching sun-burnt summers. Always having a home and a loving family, a bed to sleep in at night, and a room that was all her own. This was of course before her father lost all their money and savings in the stock markets, leaving their family with nothing and soon her parents became desperate enough for any money or even food.

At this point in her life, at the young age of 4, she finally knew what it was like to be the homeless man on the street that she always saw but did nothing about. How she begged like they did as people walked passed them as if she were nothing but scurrying mice. Developing her acting skills in order to bring in more money whilst begging, she was known as the innocent little homeless child around the block.

At age 6, her family finally climb up from the rock bottom that was their debt by doing one simple thing. Selling their only child to somewhere who knows. After that day, Ariella no longer felt the same love from anyone, all she felt were metal rods, cold floors, and soon feathers that sprouted after they injected her. She didn’t have a house anymore, nor a loving family or a bed, let alone a single room to herself. She was like cattle in a cage.

Within the years, all her trust for anyone was gone and her faith in surviving past 13 were out the door as well. This was until the escape. She left the cold empty laboratory to somewhere safe..




She has her eyes on someone however trust is the last thing she wants to do..


Standing at a whopping 5’2 and a half, Ariella’s tail hovers above her at 5’10 when her feathers are displayed. Her pale colored hair is adorned with feathers whilst her slim body is lightly layered in gold and blue chained embellishments.


Ariella can put up a mean and tough front but in reality she more on the delicate side of things, especially due to her lack of defence and offensive skill, and you can’t forget her size either.

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Name: Cirillia Vines

Age: 15

Gender: Female


She's 5 foot even.

DOB: Nov 18, 2001

Hybrid Type: Rabbit

Nationality: 'Murica


Hearing: Cirillia has insanely good hearing due to the fact she has two sets of ears, human ears and bunny ears. She could hear whispering from the next room as if she was standing beside them, whispering from two rooms as whispers.

Speed: Seeing as the normal rabbit can run 45 mph for a good amount of time, Ciri can run up to 65 MPH. Though maintaining top speed is difficult and tiring. She can also move faster altogether while fighting and such, she is generally viewed and well known as a pink blur.

Leg Strength: Ciri's legs are incredibly strong, one or two well placed kicks could break solid bones. She is also able to jump really, really high, roughly 20 feet.

Energy: Ciri has massive reserves of energy, which is only further fueled by the massive amounts of sugar she eats on a daily basis. It is incredibly hard to tire her out, even further hard to get her to sleep. At most she needs four hours of sleep to be fully energized, three if she drinks a whole lotta coffee.


Attention Span: Unless she's fighting, and sometimes during, her attention span is incredbly short. Thereby she is easily distracted, sometimes even mid-conversation.

Weak Upper Body: Ciri isn't stronger than any average girl her age as far as upper body strength goes, infact she just might be weaker. She can lift heavy things due to having strong legs, but don't expect her to be One Punch Man.

Friends: Friends are a clear cut weakness for Ciri. Put them in danger or threaten them and she's sure to try to save them by any means nessacary, often putting herself in harms way to do so.

Occupation: Odd jobs, mostly. Or in her terms 'things'.


Cirilliais incredibly hyper and energetic and probably overly friendly to just about everyone she likes. She has an incredibly short attention span for anything that doesn't involve fighting, however. She likes fighting, friendly or not, though she prefers the not as she generally gets to hurt the otherperson more.





Punchin' Things


Not getting to punch things


People who make fun of her


Luckily Ciri was one of those kids that were abducted from an orphanage, so she didn't have any family to miss or worry about, no siblings either. She was captured when she was 8 and thereby forced to undergo the same experimentation as everyone else. She was one of the few to survive being injected with rabbit genes due to the immense strain it put on the patients cardiovascular system, mostly the heart. She doesn't care, nor remember, much of the specifics of the program up until she and the rest were freed beyond that.

If it weren't for the fact of being horribly experimented on Ciri might've be grateful, seeing as it was an almost welcome change from the orphanage she was in.

Sexuality: Bi

Crush: None

Other: Bunneh Powah.

Name: Banba Talons

Gender: female

Age: 17

Date of Birth: July 2nd 1999

Type of Hybrid: Great White Shark

Nationality: born and raised in Australia

Strengths: Due to the shark in her, Banba can breath both underwater and on land. she can also swim faster than most, but not as fast as a full on shark could.

Weaknesses: Banba, being part shark, has to be in constant contact with water. whether that's having a glass of it every half hour, or being totally submerged, doesn't matter much. of course, she has to be submerged at least once a day, and likes to sleep underwater. She's got a kiddie pool in her apartment, which she sleeps in. also, while she loves rain, she hates thunder and lightning.

Occupation: She works as a fisherman, catching fish with nets as she swims underwater further out than most boats go.

Personality: Banba is unpredictable, and likes to talk in nonsense and riddles. Mostly she's very loud and brash, but can become hostile in a short amount of time. She does have a bit of an anger problem, but that's more of her defense mechanism than what people usually assume to be the shark part of her.

Likes: Rain, fish- both to eat and look at, lemonade, and belly rubs.

Dislikes: Thunder, lightning, dry land for long periods of time, lemons, and unexpected touches. especially on the nose

History: Banba Grew up in a small house with a big family in the Australian outback, tending to the cattle. She was the youngest child of eight, two of which being twins.

One day, when the family was going to go check the cattle in a thunderstorm, she was left alone in the house. Some robbers broke in, and finding the terrified child, kidnapped her and later sold her to the labs.

She was deemed as a success by the experiment, but was such a happy child they couldn't control her. Even torture just left the girl broken and battered, and now spouting nonsense. She was thrown in with the failures, and was soon found to be one who kept the other kid's spirits up.

Sexuality: Demi Sexual


(Find in attachment)

Other: Banba's got a bit of an Australian accent, from growing up there.​

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Blake Romero

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Date of Birth: July 5th, 1995

Type of Hybrid: Bunny

Nationality: American

Strengths: Friendly, loyal, great chef, shy.

Weaknesses: She is afraid of death and not being liked. She gets anxiety when she is alone. She is extremely innocent. Heart problems.

Occupation: She works on the island as a chef.

Personality: Caring and friendly towards everyone. She is considered to be motherly towards the smaller and younger hybrids. She welcomes everyone with welcome arms, but if they are not so friendly, she will get defensive of the ones she cares about.

Likes: kissing, cook, reading.

Dislikes: getting hugged, being licked.

History: Blake doesn't remember much from before the incident since she was brought into the program at an early age. She was told her parent's were drug addicts and sold her to get some drugs. Due to the fact that the bunny DNA that was injected into her can cause stress on the cardiovascular system and her parents were drug addicts when they had her, the DNA put more stress on her heart causing her to have problems. If she ever got too excited she would feel weak and light headed as well as have a pounding in her chest. Before she was freed, she was considered a failed experiment because she was shy and in no way could be a soldier because it put too much stress on her. She ended up being put in the kitchen as a chef.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush: To Be Determined



Other: Friends with Ciri
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Personal Details
Appearance: Hidden has lean frame with only the barest hints of muscle shaggy, dark brown hued hair, hazel eyes and a pale complexion. He is usually seen in deep greens and browns.

Name: Hidden Rahgot

Nickname: Hidden

Age: 26

Date of Birth: March 19th, 1980

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Head of Council

Personality: Hidden is generally a pleasant person to be around. Social, he always loved to meet someone new. A bit humble, thinking himself to be no better then those he leads. Intelligent, not rushing into things blindly. Calm, not one to get riled over a small dispute. Yet, despite these traits, Hidden has a backbone. He can and will defend himself and those he cares for whenever possible and hopefully without physical action.


Assisting people


Solving problems


Being the center of attention

Speaking to a large group of people

Fear(s): Making the wrong decision

Goal(s): Successfully lead his council and people as well as contact his biological parents.

Hidden's life was extremely mundane. Parents were normal, his town of an average, american quality, nothing could've predicted this. But, at the young age of 9, he had been taken from his home in the middle of the night. His mother had watched in horror as they dragged him out of the house, his father screaming various insults while he tried to dial 911.

The next few years were hell. The young, sweet boy crying himself to sleep every night in an uncomfortable cell being sore beyond belief. The experiments had been torturous, putting stress on Hidden's body no child that age should've experienced. Though once it was done and over with and they were all soon liberated from their prison, instead of wanting revenge, he wanted to make a difference. And so, he helped many newer people adjust to the changes that had occurred, so on and so fourth until the young man was finally recognized and surprisingly offered his current position. That was 4 years ago.

Species: Elk

Animal Additions: Think his torso set on top of an elk's lower half with a set of antlers on his head. A centaur pretty much.



Level Headed

Quite Fast


Really Bulky

Somewhat Stressed

Cares Too Much


Amber Springs

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Date of Birth

June 6th, 1994

Type of Hybrid

Fox (cliché)












Swayed by emotions

Swayed easily


Member of the Council

Councilman Position



Checking up on members of the island

Acting as a counselor for people

Help settle disputes

In the case of human interaction, being a first responder and a peacemaker


Amber has a very soft spoken and caring personality. She cares deep,y for each and every member on the island and treats each of them with the same amount of respect, even if they aren't on best of terms. Though she's also known to be a little too caring as other people's problems bother her very much. Sometimes she isn't able to sleep because she feels bad for someone.

The girl isn't really scared or affected by memories of the years of torture she endured. She's repressed those memories to the best of her abilities and does everything she can to not dwell in them. She's a rather emotional person and tends to cry easily at the sight of someone in pain. Amber is a bit of a wuss because of this and her wife sometimes teases her about it. Fortunately she can take a joke well and doesn't get "triggered" easily. She also responds to criticism well, taking it with an open heart and mind before doing everything she can to make hers f a better person for the people.

The worst thing about her is that she is easily persuaded by people. If someone close to her wants something from the council they could just go to Amber, blackmail her or something, and bam they'll get it. She doesn't know that she's this gullible.

Perhaps one of the best things about her is that she's understanding. She connects well with the many different habitants of the island and even humans. Despite all of the terrible things that they've done to her she knows that not all humans act that way, and that a vast majority of them are probably good people. This is the main reason she's the diplomat and she won't respond with hostility towards humans.


Amber doesn't remember much about her time as an experiment due to repressing the memories, though it wasn't very eventful either. She grew up like any other captive, tortured and experimented on daily anxiously awaiting the day she died. The only thing she found remotely good about the whole situation was the fellow captives. It was nice to know that she wasn't going through all of this alone. However one individual stood out above the rest; her Cellmate Sierra. The two bonded throughout the whole thing and even escaped together only to join the council and get married.



All the inhabitants

Helping people with their problems




People in pain

Bad people




Married to Sierra



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  • Name: Sierra Springs

    Gender: Female

    Age: 21


    • Height: 5'5
    • Weight: 128 lbs

    Date of Birth: December 21st 1995

    Type of Hybrid: Cat

    Nationality: Russian


Kassina Ondola

Age: 16

gender: Female

Age of Birth: Lovely, March.15.2000

Type of Hybrid: Snow leopard

Nationality: CANADA

Strengths: analyling information, Deciping encriptions, Being alone, Flexible, suprising strength and Agility.

Weakness: Too much heat, Claustopphobic.

Occupation: Online Writer. Also works on island if required or needed in any time of need.

Personalily: "Why does it matter? It's not like many people see me." She muttered. Protective, Kind, Withdrawn, Loner, Hardworking, devoted, Caring, welcoming.

Likes: Books, Mysteries, Puzzles, Loneliness, Nature, Snow, Night, Running, Knives.

Dislikes: Crowds, Small spaces, Guns, Cars, Fire, Daytime, Having to be still for to long.

History: She was adoted for experiments at the age of six. She hated the scientist, And always caused riots. She never purposely hurt anyone though. She did many encriptions for them.

Sexualitly: heterosexual

Crush: NONE


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Name: Midiga Zyneste (Midnight)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

DOB: November, 20, 2001

Type of Hybrid: Wolf

Nationality: Was found in USA, But was born in Romania


-Enhanced senses, agility, and Strength

- Fighting comes naturally

- Is specifically good at stealth



-Being caged up

- Tranquilizers

Occupation: Photographer (Temp.) Is looking for a job in combat/fighting.

Personality: Loner, Kind, Determined, devoted, Hardworking, Secretive.

Likes: Nature, Trees, Climbing, Running, Night, Winter, books, Fighting, Swords, knives.

Dislikes: Being couped up, Yelling, Pain, Guns, Emotions, Crowds.

History: Midnight was kidnapped from her streets one night, The night she ran away from home. She fought and knocked one of the guards out cold with a single, (Lucky blow). they tranquilized her. She was introuduced to the lab and worked as a loyal guard. Until she attacked her other patrol parnters in an escape plan. We locked her down in the bottom cells and left her there. (Now she is free due to the lab blowing up.)

Sexualitly: straight

Crush: N/A


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Archie Roux

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Date of Birth: 7 July 1986

Scientist Position: Pharmacologist

Occupation: Pharmacologist/Chemist

Nationality: French

Sexuality: Homosexual

Crush: None






+Hiding his emotions





-Easily annoyed

-Somewhat reclusive


+Finishing a project

+The forest


+Hot men



-Small talk

-Annoying people

-Orange (color/fruit)



Archie is rather interested in the health of the hybrids for someone who worked in such a laboratory. It seems like there are almost endless projects he needs to work on, which generally stresses him out. After all, there's so much to do in so little time. But he understands that he has to take care of himself sometimes, so he often takes breaks to recuperate mentally and socially. He likes to spend his free time walking in the forest, mainly just exploring. Despite his position, he likes to build arbitrary forts in the forest. Perhaps it relaxes him. He can almost always find something to do, whether it's blowing something up or just throwing a ball against the wall. He tends to keep to himself in the presence of hybrids. Perhaps they just unsettled him because he feels as though they judge the scientists. They wouldn't be wrong to. But in all honesty, they make him uncomfortable.

With his birthday just after the deadline for school acceptance, he was admitted early via the entrance exam offered in his district. He passed, but he missed the question asking him the complimentary color of blue. How was he supposed to know? He was like, 4! But the school district was accelerated in terms of education. Throughout his childhood, he was rather studious, but never seemed to entirely grow up. From time to time, he was always seen doing something that might be considered childish, but he only seemed to do it when he was alone. Nevertheless, he finished on time on par with the rest of his class. And that basically meant he graduated at 16 due to the districts accelerated program. It wasn't much, but it was enough for him to decide that he had enough time for pharmacy schooling. It was an extra 2 years from an undergraduate degree, but he thought it might be worth it. After all, it sounded pretty cool, and he was a fan of chemistry.

He attended a top university, though it wasn't easy. But he surmised that was just because he was so young and didn't quite have the experience that the other students have. He enjoyed university, probably because he had a pretty nice relationship going. He was rather hesitant to move forward too fast, but his boyfriend insisted quite heavily. So Archie consented, though hesitantly so. They had quite the wild ride of a relationship, but in the end, Archie caught his boyfriend cheating on him, and promptly never spoke to him again. He was very hurt, and has been careful about trusting others ever since.

Once he graduated, he planned to go work for a prestigious pharmacological research company, but his plans were stalled when he received a letter from G.E.N.E., forcing him to evaluate his choices. In the end, he figured that G.E.N.E. had better benefits, though he wasn't too terribly sure what they did. He had to admit that it was more intriguing, but he was uneasy that they weren't too up front with their operations. When he eventually got there, he still couldn't tell why. After all, they didn't need the pharmacists to know what they were creating drugs for. Although they were kept in the dark, they were commissioned to create some pretty bizarre drugs that he didn't see a huge correlation between. They weren't to cure disease, that was for sure.

Archie eventually got too rebellious for his own good, snooping around perhaps where he shouldn't be. Though he was never caught in his lies, he soon wished he had been. The truth of what his position was truly accomplishing was too much, and he knew he couldn't continue like this. He was only 23, after all. But he knew he couldn't let on that he knew anything, nor that he wasn't content with working there. These people weren't just going to let him go just like that. It was times like this that he was glad he didn't talk about himself or his feelings. Perhaps it was a side effect of his tragic relationship. In the end, his emotional distress in the past may have helped him survive in this horrible situation. He was rather hesitant to get on board with the idea of overthrowing everything, mainly because he didn't know if it was real or not. Nevertheless, he ended up being all in.

He tends to spend his time now busily working to improve the quality of life instead of destroying it. Being among hybrids, he is constantly reminded that he is partially responsible for this life they must lead. Despite his wealth, he knows he can't retire. After all, he still had a lot of his life ahead of him, and he knew he would grow extremely bored if his conscience hadn't weighed down on him so heavily. He tends not to talk to hybrids, mainly because he's afraid that they'll berate him for all that he had done. He does, however, talk to the humans, as they were in the same position as him. Though he feels shallow for thinking so, the mutations creep him out.


"Sariko Katari"



((She has a tag around her neck and wrist with the writing, 'If found, please return to the hospital as soon as possible.'...))


"I think that you never really 'forget' something, it jut get hidden from your sight for a while... And you might remember it in a day or two... or it might take a long, long time, but as long as you search for it... You can find it." -Sariko




"Can't ya' see?~"



"Silly~ I'm only 9!!"

Date of Birth:


"My birthday?... It's everyday! Everyday because that means everyone gets to go to a party everyday! Although... The Big-People say I'm not allowed that... So~ They say I get to pick any day in the year I want it!!"

Type of Hybrid:


"Look at my wings! Aren't they pretty?~"



(Assumed Japanese/Irish).

"What's a nat... nati... oality?... Can I eat it!~"


-Can Fly/Hover slightly off the ground.





"I love drawing! Because... Then I have something to help me search for my memories!!~"



-See's things that aren't there.

-The Dark.

"I... I can't... Remember much... of the day before today..."



"What's a job?~"










-Cries easily

-Smiles a lot!!~

"Not many people on this island smile that much... especially the big-people. So I'll smile for them instead!!~"




-The Light

-Being around people

"When I'm with people I'm so happy! So, If I stay around people... I should never be sad, right?..."


-The Dark.

-Being Alone.


"I'll-... I'll keep searching!~"



(For character development reasons).

"History?... you mean before?... I don't-... I don't remember..."



"What's a sexuality?... does it mean love?... Well then I sexuality a lot of people! all the people I meet! and... my friends!!"



"I don't wanna crush anyone!?"


She has a condition caused by trauma leading her to forget most of what happens, the people she meets, the things she's seen, the life she's had... Wether it's a burden or a relief is really a point-of-view decision. This trauma has also lead her to see things, it's unclear of wether these are hallucinations or simply images of her imagination, also from what is presumed to be her 'amnesia' she acts like a child, not at all like her age, though-... some evidence makes it unsure of wether that may all just be one big act, the only thing she seems to be able to remember clearly is music.

"Huh?... Other? Oh! I like the colour pink! does that count?... A-And eating!!~"


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Levlio Montgo




June 2nd, 1998





Type of Hybrid:

White Tiger


+His strength is abnormal, and very above average. He is able to lift a tons worth, and if pushed to his limit, almost 2 tons

+ He is very fast, able to run at 45 mph for 15 minutes without rest

+He has very sharp claws and teeth, allowing him to rip through even the hardest flesh.


+ Levlio is afraid of fire, to the point to where he cannot move if even in sight of it.

+ Levlio is sometimes not able to control his animal instincts, and at times, loses complete control of himself. He is usually taken to a contained field to unless himself, so he doesn't hurt anyone.


Disciplinary Enforcer


Cats, Dogs, Cat toys, Food


Disrespect, Bitter food, People seeing him go wild.


Levlio was young, a young boy from a family of five; three boys, a mother, and a father. They all grew in the casual city of Baltimore, his father being a financial officer for a construction company, and his mother being a stay at home mother. Levlio was the youngest of the three boys, and also the most reckless. Levlio always tried to run out of the house to explore the outdoors, which he got in trouble and scolded for every time.

Finally, he learned the hard way.

At 12 at night, Levlio was still awake in his bed, ticked off and bored. So, the boy did what any other normal boy in any story would do, and snuck out. After searching in an alleyway, Levlio found himself in a dead end. Suddenly, the young boy could hear a tick. And another tick. And another tick, until he could hear it come close, and closer. Tuning around, Levlio's eyes were immediately clouded with a black bag.

Levlio never felt a warm touch in where he was taken. His family weren't able to find him. Suddenly, Levlio started to feel stronger, more powerful. They injected him with serum, and the experiments really started to go haywire. Levlio became the hybrid of a white tiger, his physical strength unlike any other. And his humanity, thrown out the window.

Scientists tried to restrain him for a physical, but he did more than just be physical. The scientists were quickly killed and ripped apart, Levlio finally being subdued with enough tranquilizers to kill any normal human.

Finally, on the fated day, Levlio was rescued. He was found in his cell, his chest caked with blood, his breathing in tatters.




He has his eyes on someone

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Name: Remi Ishikawa

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Date of Birth: Feb 8th, 1995

Type of Hybrid: Falcon

Nationality: Japanese

Strengths: Apex predator, flight

Weaknesses: Water makes it hard for Remi to fly,

Occupation: Hunter

Personality: Caring for everyone but his predatory DNA restricts him from prolonged contact which makes him seem cold at first. However, he is very cautious at letting people get close to him and observes them for a while before even trying to get close.

Likes: Flying, hunting, tea

Dislikes: Water, sweets, thunder

History: Remi came from a broken family with his father being a drug addict and his mother a constant gambler. He was eventually sold and then injected with falcon DNA. The DNA created complications in his bone structure causing him extreme pain until his wings had become fully grown. The pain slowly deteriorated his mind as the years went on. At first he was a shy, kind, child helping everyone he could even after he was sold. But soon, his predatory instincts soon began to unfold. Not wanting to hurt anyone, he tries to stay away from everyone.

Sexuality: Straight


Scientist Character Sheet


Alice Killios Nightmare Kingston





Date of Birth:

7th July 1998

Scientist Position:

Observer and nurse

(she is only a nurse if needed)



(mother was Europian, dad was american)


Sneeking around, gathering information and making friends with the Hybrids


She fears her father who helped make the H.Y.B.R.I.D.


Works on the Island


She is a shy person who only likes to talk to Hybrids. If made angry she goes psycho (eyes turn red) ans smashes things

Likes: pineapples, birds and foxes.


spiders, apples and people who descriminate her because of her age.


She has grown up on the Island with her mother help to look after the HYBRIDS and to observe and gather infomation. Her father was on of the people who help create the HYBRIDS and she fears he will return to kidnap her and the HYBIRDS again. When she was 3 her father kidnapped her for some new experiment but her mother found her half way through. (thats how she can talk to her pet bird and other birds) (only birds though no other animal)




(I think they are the same thing)


Levlio Montgo

(if thats ok with @National )




she has a pet bird called Bluey who she can talk to! She goes everywhere with Bluey! Her mother helped save people from their cells, she also managed to save the majority of people including helping out with Levlio.​
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Robin Venn





Date of Birth:

October 31st, 2000

Type of Hybrid:

Poison Dart Frog




  • Immune to any and all toxins

  • Hands and feet are able to hold onto and stick to any surface to allow easy climbing

  • Her toxin is used in certain medicines


  • Unable to have any physical contact with anyone besides her brother

  • Hates snakes and runs away from the slightest mention of them


Game Designer and Tester


Robin is more of the brawn in the duo. She has practiced and perfected a few fighting techniques, including mixed martial arts and karate. She is quite rebellious and a mystery to most people because they have yet to fully understand her. When put together with Ross, they make the ultimate rebels.


  • Candy and other sweets

  • Her brother

  • Playing games


  • Bitter foods


  • Hurting people


Robin and Ross were both living on a small ranch in the country with their parents. They lived an average few years helping with planting crops and riding young horses when they were able to. Around the age of five they saw a man taking one of the horses so the asked what he was doing. The man responded by grabbing the two of them and taking off. The next day he sold them and the horse to G.E.N.E. and just left. The scientists put them in cells right next to each other, thinking it humorous to have them each other tortured and in pain. After they were injected they were deemed successful for the pain they caused from touching people. When the three scientists freed them, they escaped just like everyone else and apologized to everyone they touched.




It's a secret ;)




Please refrain from touching, not unless you want to be rewarded with painful welts and extreme itchiness. She and Ross usually wear gloves.


Ross Venn





Date of Birth:

October 31st, 2000

Type of Hybrid:

Poison Dart Frog




  • Immune to any and all toxins

  • Hands and feet are able to hold onto and stick to a surface to allow easy climbing

  • His toxin is used in certain medicines


  • Unable to have any physical contact with any besides his sister

  • Has some OCD and goes a bit crazy if things aren't the way he believes they should be


Game Designer and Tester


Ross is more of the brains in the duo. He has some physical strength but not as much as Robin. Instead, he is incredibly smart and can be quite logical. He can also be a bit rebellious but helpful as well. He is also a bit of a mystery since no one had actually known much about either of them. When put together with Robin, they become the ultimate rebels.


  • Candy and other sweets

  • His sister

  • Video games


  • Bitter foods

  • Things not as they should be

  • Hurting people


Same as Robin's








Please refrain from touching, unless you want to be rewarded with painful welts and extreme itchiness. He and Robin usually wear gloves.

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Given Name:

Liezel Divata

"WAIT A MINUTE... Who's that? It's not me... I don't know that name!"

Known/Preferred Name:


"Please don't call me... whatever you tried to call me earlier."



"Obviously. I mean, I know I'm flat as a board, so to speak, but I am definitely not a boy!"



"How old did you think I was?"

Date of Birth:

June 15th, 2004

"No. Don't care. Just leave it alone. That day is the same as any and every other day."

Type of Hybrid:

Lizard - Bearded Dragon

"See my tail? I have scales too! I don't really understand why, but I do!"


Philippines - Filipino

"I've been told that's where I used to live. Before those horrid tests and endless days... I don't remember it though."


--> Playing games

--> Singing and dancing

--> Learning

--> Causing trouble

--> Active, loves sports


--> Drawn to anything sweet

--> Drawn to adventure and exploration

--> Can't cook and doesn't do much cleaning

--> Doesn't like wearing a ton of clothes or anything dressy

--> Afraid of sharp needles, abandonment, and being unwanted


Online Schooling

"What's that again? Isn't it like... work? Ick."


Saya is a carefree young girl, despite the traumas she endured alongside so many others. She almost always has some kind of cheeky grin, sneaky smile, smirk, or just downright happy face on around everyone she shares her home with. an adventurer and explorer at heart, she can almost always be found romping in the fields of running around trying to find new places for hide-and-go-seek. She can also often be found staring at the jungle in awe, though she's not quite stupid enough to go in by herself. A lover of sweets, one sure fire way to grab her attention is to offer up something sugary. Not saying it'll keep her around for a while, but if you know how to play your cards right, you could just get Saya to cooperate on somethings. Possibly. The girl hates her given name, or rather, she doesn't associate it with herself. She feels it connects her to some hidden life she could have lived, or the parents she never got the chance to enjoy. Instead, she chose the one word that stuck in her head throughout those tough days, despite how young she was. Maybe it was someone's name from her infant years that stood out, who knows.

Saya is a loving athlete and is always up for any kind of sporty competition the other can throw at her. She, like many others, hold the pain from her childhood inside, only really letting it slip through the cracks when alone. It spawned a fear of abandonment, and a strong need to be with somebody whenever possible, though she's lessened on that over the years on the island. She's a rather big trouble maker, almost always making things harder for those tasked with watching over her. Though she doesn't show it, she looks up to the older hybrids, for being strong around her. Sure not all of them were, but it kept her spirit going in someways.


--> Sweet things

--> Being active

--> Adventure

--> Creating or causing trouble for those charged with her care

--> Hide-and-go-seek games


--> Dressing up

--> Cleaning, cooking, working, etc.

--> Stuck up or grumpy people

--> Sitting still

--> Rainy days or being sick


Born June 15th to a very loving couple, Saya's life was happy, or at least what little she remembered of it before everything disappeared, to be replaced with torturous days and endless grief and pain. At age two, she was ripped away from her peaceful beginning and thrown into a shared life of misery. Of being a mix, something that did not occur naturally. Though she did not understand most of what happened around her, the screams and cries from so many others like her echoed day in and day out in the child's ear. She only ever found comfort by looking up to those older than her. Nights of crying herself to sleep passed, years of struggling through each and every day with a new appendage and several patches of scaly spots. Years of learning to block out the pain, and survive.

Over time, she found a way to push through, sticking to the one thing she remembered of her tiny bit of happiness. A word. A name, maybe, but a word nonetheless. Eventually, the tests drew to a close, and she remembered only the bursting of an explosion, the rush of cages opening and cries of freedom, before being loaded up with several other hybrids and shipped off. To where, she did not know, nor did she care. She was finally free of the torturous screams and endless pain. The place she came to call home, alongside those same hybrids was a haven. A cradle of safety and love. Family, that's what she came to see it as, though she excluded the scientists. Yes they were the whole reason they were there, but they connected back to the darker days. Days much better off forgotten. The girl began to identify herself as the name that had gotten her through it all, her given one became associated with the darker days in her head. Saya changed overtime, growing more open and into the girl she is today.



"Uhmm... I don't get it. What does that mean?"



"I don't know! I don't really like anybody like that..."


The image at the top is a very good representation. Saya does not have the wood growing out of her head however, and the scales on her body are actually various shades of lighter grey and/or white, similar to her tail. Usually, it's a struggle to get this girl into clothing, and those that manage to do so daily typically only manage to get her into a pair of shorts, adjusted to accommodate her tail, and a striped tank-top of various colors depending on the day. Her chest is never really an issue, due to her lack of having anything at all in that region, unlike many of her female companions. She is almost never seen with shoes, and if they happen to be on her feet, they'll be gone again in the next minute. Her long white hair is normally left down, or on those extremely rare occasions, pulled up into a ponytail.


Nothing as of current

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Evelyn Harper

Nickname: Eve

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Date of Birth: 21 April 1997

Type: Red Squirrel

Occupation: Environmental Science Student

Nationality: Canadian

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: None









-Pretty flowers


-People unwilling to let her help



+The forest

+Fresh air


+The ocean breeze







Eve is an absolute delight. She is always trying to find the positive aspects of life, determined to make the best of their situation. There was nothing she couldn't spin into something good, though she doesn't try to with the experimentation. That subject is too serious and too real for her to try to mask the fact that it was a horrible incident. She works hard at her schooling, though it's a little hard since it's strictly online. In her free time, she likes to spend her time in nature or with friends, preferably both! She is always there for anyone that needs emotional support, just like in the lab.

Eve doesn't remember too much about her life before the lab. To her, she might as well never even have had a home before then. Perhaps she doesn't remember because she had simply repressed the memories by the design of their treatment within the lab. Nevertheless, she tried not to dwell on it. If she did, she feared that she wouldn't be strong enough to support her fellow inmates. Without that foundation of hope, the whole frail structure that was their spirits would crumble, and they might fall into despair. She always felt as though it were her duty to be strong in body and mind. Though the body wasn't so easily controlled by her.

She tends not to discuss her time during experimentation. But she always maintained her composure, simply enduring her undeserved punishment as they delivered it. Perhaps she was a model specimen for them, playing right into their desires. But she didn't care. For she always kept it together for the other kids, never for the scientists. The reward of her peers' capacity for hope was enough to overpower the scientists' need to hurt her.

After they were freed, she spent her time keeping the happiness of their escape afloat, though she understood when to step back and allow them to release their repressed emotions. She was always there, a shoulder to cry on. The island was a wonderful change of pace; the freedom it provided was far more than she could have even imagined. The sun warmed her more than the heaters of the lab could ever dream of achieving. The wind whipped her face much more gently than she was used to. The trees whispered secrets to her she wish she knew long ago. Everything was just... perfect.

So she spent the most of her time on the island, taking nothing for granted. Every moment is precious, especially those spent outdoors enjoying nature to its fullest. What more could anyone possibly want? Well, possibly to be normal and go into human society, but hey, that wasn't going to be a thing. Besides, their uniqueness should be cherished, despite how they achieved it. Anything could be an asset, and she was determined to prove it. So she works hard to learn how to conserve the environment they all so cherish in order to preserve their little slice of happiness.


Hybrid Character Sheet


Kira Monsut? Killios





Date of Birth:

7th December 1997

Type of Hybrid:

Snake/Komodo dragon




Fighting, jumping, and computer technology


She fears people who make fun of her.


Combat teacher


She is quite and stealth like. She doesn't like to interact with others. (she was a fighting spirited sort of girl till after the experiments but when some one gets close to her (emotionally) she become more confidents happy and smiley)




Rude Hybrids, bats


She was taken away from her family when she was five. She had had a fight with her mother. Kira decided to leave and stormed off. She was playing around in an abandoned building when some men shoved her in a bag and took her away for experimentation. She was had to deal with because of her psychopathic episodes (she turns emotionless and kills everything. This has been happening to her since she was 2). But the scientists managed to inject her with the H.Y.B.R.I.D. syrem. Because of her psychopathic episodes and fighting spirit her Hybrid is a snake and komodo dragon.


Straight (hetrosexual)


no one as of yet



(no one knows how she got horns)


She wears a cloak to hide her Hybrid self. She doesn't put the hoodie on and she likes to listen to music!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca1ce24e0_ScreenShot2016-05-22at1.38.09pm.png.e0baf1051704db355186f928258a4b6a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca1ce24e0_ScreenShot2016-05-22at1.38.09pm.png.e0baf1051704db355186f928258a4b6a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


These are the headphones she wears (the headphones don't have kitty ears!)​



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Demisexual and bi




Premature/October 31, 1996

Animal genes:

Thylacine, AKA tasmanian tiger or tasmanian wolf.


Native Australian-Scottish



Yana has a great sense of orientation, hence the wonderful balance. It can be hard to knock this one down. It is unknown if she was already like this or if she recently gained the ability, though...


She knows she had good areobatic skills before, at least. Yana sort of remembers something called gym... Gem... Jumnestics? Whatever. Something she used to do.

+Opening... Mouth?

Yeah, that's right. Yana likes to show of/scare people away by opening her mouth to an abnormal degree. She finds it very amusing.



Her ears are extremely painful to the touch, due to deformities on them. She's almost deaf now.


Not that it's deformed, but pulling on it is like someone pulling on your hair, if hair had nerves. Or simply someone yoinking your spine.

-Reading between the lines:

That's pretty self explanatory.


DJ (is there a DJ yet??)

Since she's becoming deaf, Yana likes to be around sound or vibration as much as she can. She loves putting her hand on the speakers and can actually DJ quite well-- just always has to have some piece of skin on the thing making sound.


Yana is quite mischievous and childish, but nothing too much for her age. She will be your best friend of you give her food, but she very much dislikes it when you point out her ears in a bad way. She's hard to anger and likes understanding things before acting. And she's always one for second, third, fourth.. Uh... Just multiple chances. Yana is easy to forgive and forget, but don't think she's a pushover. She does have a line, and you do not want to cross that line. 'Kay? ^.^








°bossy people


°pulling on tail

°And more!

History: after growing up in Australia for six years with her mom, Yana's house was robbed by three men. Her mother, trying to protect her, managed to take out at least two of the men with a strong elbow to the nose, but she was shot. Young Yana slipped out of the bathroom, toothbrush still in hand when she heard the gunshot. She saw her mother on the floor, and a man standing over her. But Yana ignored him and lurched towards her mother, clutching onto her like that would save her, all the while light left the woman's eyes. The thieves were alarmed, to say the least. They were not expecting to kill someone, much less for there to be a child. So they picked this screaming girl up and tossed her away in the desert. She was found by her "saviors" and locked away in a cold place. It smelled of blood.

Yana was injected with thylacine DNA the next day, and the painful process began. She lost her hair, grew fur, and her ears... Her ears hurt. The scientists knew something was wrong. But they continued, filling in the missing patches of DNA with other marsupials'. For some reason, though, she never gained a pouch. Not a real one, anyways. Just a useless tiny flap of skin. It was later found that her reproductive system was damaged. Not that that was an issue to them. Who cared if their weapon couldn't make children? Not them.

Yana never spoke during her time there, in fear of the bad men's accent rubbing off on her. She remembered a woman she loved, and that she had she same voice as her. Not like these mean men's voices, talking like they weren't even making an attempt at it. Carelessly throwing words around.

Yana eventually forgot why she was even keeping silent. Maybe because the rest of the world always whispered?

When the day finally came, Yana was one of the first on that car. She now lives a happy life in hybrid haven, not rbeing able to remember her past life and all. Or that she'll never bear children.

Crush: I kinda like getting to know people first, ya know?


I drew it but... Uh, I don't know how to put it here..

Just imagine a tan-furred flat-chested girl with all fur on her head aside from a few dark wavy strands of hair, which she keeps stylized in a bang. (Think Gazelle from Zootopia with curlier and darker hair) Her face is a little weird, protruding a little but not a lot. (Gotta fit in those teeth) She still has lips though. She has claws and almost-paw-pads on them but has otherwise normal hands, and paws for feet. She has a tail too. (By e way, Thylacines had backwards pouches with openings that connected to the tail, but since Yana doesn't have a pouch, just imagine weird flaps on her tail) She has a bunch of horizontal brown stripes along her spine and... Yeah.
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Scientist Character Sheet

Name: Alister Anderson

Gender: male

Age: 32

Date of Birth:1984

Scientist Position: bioligist

Nationality: Scottish

Strengths: science, calming animals,

Weaknesses: animals and people killed by a human's work, hates guns.

Occupation: work on Island

Personality: Scottish

Likes: animals, scenes(pretty scenes), science

Dislikes: people distroying habitats and animals dieing

History: Alister Finished college early because of his level of intelligence When he was a kid he always loved going into the forest and looking at the different animals in there habitats. when he was a young boy Alister went into the woods and sat down in a clearing watching the bunnies and squirrels pass by gathering food when then a group of animals surrounded him they weren't scared or mad they were just ... there and they approached him. The animals seemed to know his love for wildlife. They played with him let him touch them. they trusted him and he always after dinner would go into the forest and meet with the animals. But one day after dinner Alister went deep into the woods and was playing with bunnies he stood up and went to a near by river to get water. when he looked up he saw a man with a gun pointing it at something. he looked to where he was pointing and saw a deer. when he looked back the man pulled the trigger making a loud BOOM and he saw the deer killed infront of him. He ran home screaming and crying. ever since that day he was against killing and guns.

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: unknown


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