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Futuristic Guardians Academy - Class of Omega

"Yes and you are late in more ways than one. Class starts at 8 sharp. You may take a seat in an empty desk, we are doing an essay. I suggest you start so you can catch up, you are to write an essay about your home world, galaxy, ecology and plant life, important historical events and any thing else, 2 pages please."

He motioned for her to sit, noticing she seemed bird like, just like Vorlez. They must be the same species, although they didn't seem very friendly towards one another. It makes sense, just because they come from the same planet, they could have never met, come from different countries, clans, nations, etc.

After looking at Vorlez he noticed he was not writing.

"This is for marks Vorlez and I will be collecting the papers at 10. If you don't finish now, you will finish it for homework and I will deduct marks."

He had a good reason for making them do this and it wasn't just about learning about their species and home planets either.
Chiana sighed, all though ever the bookworm, she preferred reading over writing boring essays... The young Ven started writing out on her pad, adhering to the teacher's parameters. History of her planet, the sometimes tense relationship between her own home one and their sister planet. they were peaceful at the moment though, sand she personally had nothing against the other Es'Ven. She did think it odd, though, how they had such monotonous colors... that hardly seemed natural.

Plant and animal life was a bit more difficult for her, she wasn't an expert by any means, but she had a fair enough knowledge to survive. The computer probably knew more, but she didn't want to use it and be accused of cheating for some odd reason. The young Ven frowned when she came to the end of her two pages, she couldn't have done all of the subjects already? Chiana raised a chocolaty furred hand, waiting for the teacher to give her permission to speak.
Alan looked at the girl raise her hand, his first question. He had to admit he was kind of excited and terrified at the same time, hoping he could answer it.

"Yes Chiana? Are you finished already?"
The small Ven frowned, "Well, I filled my pages, but I haven't covered all the entirety of the subjects." Chiana's frown deepened slightly, "Do you want for me to continue, or do you believe that this is sufficient?" Green eyes were focused intently on the teacher, her chocolate brown ears completely still and turned towards him.
"No, that will suffice." Alan nodded as he clicked on the chalkboard and all the essays began being sent from the pcs to his station, automatically whether they were done or not.

"Time is up, ok now that you guys have told me about your planet. Time to learn about a new planet: Alfen Sentori. It's a planet in the same galaxy as Ur Hoft, a small planet with much wildlife and primitive races located on it. They do not have advanced technology, they have yet to master space travel. It is a planet that survives soley based on the numerous vegetation they grow here. "

A picture of the planet, appeared on the screen. First of the whole planet, then it began to zoom in.

"It is a planet only used by other species to collect produce thanks to it's exotic and wide variety of fruit and vegetables. The animals on this planet use these vegetables of all sizes not only for food, but also for shelter, protection and have developed a symbiotic relationship to help them live. The reason we are learning about it is..."

It zoomed into a beautiful world filled with crazy vegetables of all shapes, sizes and colors growing out of the ground. Some were big enough for creatures to live in.

"That is where we are heading, I set the ship on course this morning. We will be arriving shortly. Everyone prepare for a field trip."

Alan smiled slightly, almost as if he had some sort of plan in store.
PyroWarriorZ updated Guardians Academy - Class of Omega with a new update entry:

Pictures and Posting

Sorry about the slow posting lately, a lot of people were away during the holiday so I didn't want to move to far ahead.
However now I want to move full speed ahead, the Rp is going to get interesting and we will soon be meeting enemies, mysteries and many more things.

Also our own member Krystael has very graciously and kindly agreed to draw base designs for the different species to give you an idea what they might look like. Your character doesn't have to look exactly like these pictures,...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Karichi became rather excited for her assignment. She had learned a lot about her species history and culture over the years and now it was time she had someone else learn it from her! Right off the bat she began writing, categorizing each topic by each paragraph. It was rather easy for her to list off some of the things seeing as her race became cyborgs and didn't have much in the plants and animals section. The history section was a bit of a touchy subject for her since in recent times it's become violent which upset a lot of their peaceful people especially her dad. She finished up minutes before her teacher had them sent to his station and began to explain Alfen Sentori. Being able to see an actual planet was better than her textbook reading so this excited her more than the paper.
Vorlez sighed and sat his feet down as the boring part of the class ended and he started speaking about interesting stuff "So were going on a field trip huh sounds great bout time we got off the ship and to a planet I need to stretch these legs!" Vorlez said hopping outta his chair and standing looking at his teacher "I wander what stuff I can find on Alfan Sentori.." Vorlez said imagining what things he could grab.
The ship slowly began it's decent into the planet's atmosphere, from the windows the children could not see anything but dark clouds blocking their view. As the landing procedures began, Mr Manning lined the kids up to prepare for the outing.

"Ok, remember stay together and no one goes wandering off."

He brought his digital textbook with him as the main entrance doors opened allowing the children their first view of Alfan Sentori and it was not at all what they expected or pleasant. Instead of the lush and beautiful farm like lands they had seen on the board, they saw nothing but ruin and death. The ground was blackened and dead, filled with craters and scorch marks, no vegetation or plant life could be seen anywhere, it looked as though every vegetable had turned to dust. The sky was black with smog, blocking out the sun and making it hard to breath if they didn't have their breathers.

Strange animals could be seen crawling around in the ruin, trying to find pieces of their destroyed homes or some hint of food.

Alan looked forward, almost a smile on his face for some odd reason.
Karichi's excitement began to fade once she saw what the planet actually looked like. She and the others were expecting it to be filled with life and vegetation but now it reminded an awful lot like her home. It gave her a grim reminder of all the bad things that happened there and why she was glad she got to see other worlds in the first place. "What...happened here?" That was the only thing she could think of asking.
"A asteroid shower, a set of meteors collided with planet hitting it's surface one after the other. Destroying much of the land, creating craters and tidal waves. They also kicked up so much dust that blocked out the sun, killing all vegetation that wasn't hit. The planet is in ruins and the creatures left alive are struggling just to survive and keep their world from going extinct..."

Alan told Karichi and his digital book showed the planet being hit by numerous meteors, showing the devastation.
Karichi looked over at the digital book's simulation with awe. The field trip probably wasn't going to be as fun as she had hoped it would. A dying planet isn't exactly an ideal place for anyone to go to in the first place.She sighed, "I guess we'd better get a move on then sir." She said with an undertone of sadness.

(Sorry I didn't put this up earlier! >_<)
"Yes, after what you guys said yesterday. I decided it might be good for you to see a world that has no one to hope and just what you can do. I want you guys to help, see what it means to truly help others."

He motioned over towards a small creature that looked like a cross between a turtle without a shell, but had tiny little horns and a very long tail and neck, that was crawling along covered in dust and coughing.

Alan pulled out a cloth from the supply cart that had followed them outside and began wiping the dust off the creature. Hoping the kids might follow and see where they could help. The car behind them was filled with all sorts of supplies they might need, cleaning materials, food, medical aid kits, building materials and tools such as spades, saws, etc.
(um...I'm just going to pretend Morlin was here the whole time...)

"I would've hoped that we visit a less depressing planet but oh well." Morlin mumbled to himself.

Morlin sorted through some of the rubble, looking for any trapped animals. After pushing most of the rubble away Morlin found a creature tha resembled a very large squirrel, however this squirrel was green and it had a second head. The two heads were both bickering with each other and also pleading for help, hoping they wouldn't alert a predator. Once the fallen branch that had landed on their leg was removed they looked up with a joyous look which quickly turned to terror, Morlin's species never did look the most inviting.

"Calm down, calm down I'm not going to kill you" Morlin said with a reassuring tone.

The squirrel seemed to calm down when he (or she) was picked up by Morlin and taken over to the cart and taking the medical supplies. Morlin found bandages, painkillers etc. Morlin also found a small tablet like device . When he held it up it began to scan the squirrel like creature which startled Morlin slightly but he thankfully didn't drop it. After being scanned by a red laser the animal was identified to be a Viridis which thankfully wasn't injured, just some bruises tha would heal themselves.

Morlin put supplies back in the cart and found some food, peanuts specifically. Morlin opened the plastic bag they were cotained in and showed the Viridis the food. Both heads smiled in unison and devoured the small meal.
Vorlez surprisingly was silent as he stared at the dead planet he sighed and looked at Alan "Mr. Manning...what about the planet..dont tell me were just gonna help a few creatures..and just leave there's no way they will survive in a world like this..no crops, water..just gray." Vorlez said sounding a little more depressed by the second.

Vorlez then sped around the area checking for more life as More in did sadly he didn't see any.
Chiana frowned lightly. such was the nature of the universe. What could they do about it? It was not as if they could alter planets trajectories or move asteroids, or even stop this from happening. She could understand wishing to help these poor creatures, but there was not much they could do, in reality, for the long run, "I agree with Vorlez. We might be able to help for a short time while we are here, but there's not much that we can really do. Even if we help every single creature in this area, the rest would just suffer, and even these would start to suffer again until the plants and vegetation can regrow."

But, none the less, China felt sorry for this little planet. And therefore, decided to help what she could, where she could. The young Ven went off, in search of life forms to care for.
Alan nodded at the kids, this what he was hoping to change.

"I think you are wrong! You guys said you were sent to this academy because others forced you to for various reasons. You have a choice now... I've only read a little about what Guardians of the Universe are suppose to do! If you really want to, if you can believe and work hard for it, you can be a strong enough that you can stop disasters like these before they happen. You can work hard enough after that you can make a difference!"

He looked back as he wiped off some more ash off the creature.

"That is what it means to learn to be a hero."
Karichi gave a small smile rather of sadness than happiness. She looked around and saw a small group of creatures huddled together shivering. She felt sympathy for them. They never wanted this like how her family never wanted a war. She grabbed some of the supplies they were given and started to clean them up from the ashes covering them. She picked them up one by one and could see the hope in their eyes. She was doing something for them they couldn't do themselves. Once she finished she felt an overwhelming amount of sadness and began to whimper. "I'm sorry it ended up like this for you." She said.
A faint drone could be heard through the smog, growing louder over time as its source approached the students. As the volume peaked, a small, silver shuttle emerged from the black clouds, descending slowly to the surface, the planet’s inhabitants scattering in order to avoid the landing thrusters.

From the craft emerged a boy who could easily be mistaken for a human, if not for the obvious cybernetic enhancements which gave him away as an F1V.3. However, it was much easier to mistake him for someone slightly older than 10 years of age, his gangly limbs awkwardly contorted as he climbed out of the shuttle, struggling to lift his luggage from the seat of the cabin. Eventually he gave a resigned shrug, activated the hydraulic power system on his right arm, and easily lifted the heavy-looking bag before waving the pilot off and turning to Alan and the students.

“So sorry I’m late, my shuttle was caught in a really bad ion storm on the way here, and it ended up taking . My name is Scott. Well, Eskatarr Valden, Scott’s easier, and my dad is the real Eskatarr Valden,” his voice trailed off during the last sentence, his gaze shifting first to his feet, and then to his classmates and the desiccated surface of the planet. “Scanners told us that everyone on the Galavant had entered the atmosphere; you are Mr Manning, right?” without giving pause for a response, he looked around the ruins and survivors, tilts his head, and continued, “so, I don’t know all that much about how human schools work or why we’d be planetside instead of in a classroom, is there an assignment we’re meant to be performing here on Alfen Sentori?”
Chiana's ears flattened to her head as she straightened from helping clean up a small rodentesque creature. The small creature ran off as she was distracted, barely earning a disgruntled sound of annoyance from her, as her attention stayed on the new arrival. A Fi. V3... he looked a bit odd compared to most, more humanesque in appearance, but otherwise normal.

Lightly she snorted, he came in his own personal shuttle. Of course. He might as well have been his own shuttle. The young Ven sighed, turning her attention back to the so called 'assignment' they were doing. She didn't mean to sound so condescending, or think that way at least. But, she saw this as nature's course. And whaat could they do to alter nature's course?

Chiana sighed, moving down onto her knees to start rummaging around for other creatures. The poor things did make her heartstrings twinge, she would give them that.
Alan was a bit surprised when he saw a small craft landing and part of him freaked that it might be alien enemies coming to attack him and his students. His heart twitched as he saw the door open, only to feel the relief once he realized it was simply another late student.

"Uh... right. Welcome, Scott-"

He paused, confused by the humanish name.

"Welcome to the class. Yes, we have a small project where we are trying to assist the inhabitants of this planet in anyway we can."

He smiled as suddenly the entire class felt the ground began to rumble and shake, a small vibration shook through them and passed as quickly as it came.

Alan turned around, looking to see what was going. But it seemed it was nothing. Must have been some small aftershock or something from the meteors, he thought to himself.
Karichi became a bit shocked by the sudden vibration felt in the planet's ground. The creatures she had been caring for all scurried away in fear from it. What was it that made them run away so quickly? It didn't affect the planet itself very much so why would they be so afraid? Karichi went back to where her teacher was and figured she might as well tell him what the minor earthquake did to the planet's inhabitants. "Teacher! That vibration in the ground we all just felt appeared to have scared the planet's creatures very much. I feel like there could be something else behind it that made them so afraid. But it's just my guess." She shrugged.
Just as Morlin went to go get more food for the Viridis and find any other injured or homeless animals he was interrupted by the quick Vibration that seemed to catch all of his classmates and teacher off guard and scare some of the nearby animals away, including the poor Viridis he was taking care of. Morlin waited to hear what his classmate, Karichi had to say and then chimed in.

"Well I think that animals run away whenever the planets starts shaking, natural or not." Morlin said in a condescending tone."But I do agree with you that this vibration was not natural, something else may have been behind it. Why would there be a small aftershock after a meteor strike? Unless there are still some falling but I'm pretty sure we would see them and the vibration would be larger...something is not right about this." Morlin said with a slightly worried tone as he stared up into the sky to see any leftover meteors entering the atmosphere of the planet.
Alan had to hold on to something, just so he wouldn't fall over as the ground shook. He heard the panic in the kids voice and suddenly felt very worried and bad.

"Yes, I feel you guys may be right. I don't think that was just a normal earthquake."

But could it be this is some aftershock from the meteor strikes. He just wasn't sure...

Suddenly a huge firey was seen blasting out of the ground in the distance ahead, it was a volcano! Suddenly most blasts of fire could be seen erupting around the area, as huge streams of fire blasting into the dusty sky started surrounding them as the ground began to shake more and the stones that comprised the ground were coming loose.

Alan's eyes went wide as he saw what was happening, what had he done. He had brought the kids to a death trap and if they didn't get out of here right now, they would all die!
Chiana crouched, her claws digging nto the ground to keep herself balanced. When the shocks stopped, she stood, looking in slight disdain as she noticed the creatures she had noticed scurried away. Lifting her nose, she scented the air, her green eyes going wide before the initial eruption had gone off. The young Ven started running towards the school's ship, skidding to a stop and falling as a blast burst out in front of her.

She didn't think she'd gone that far from the rest of her class! Quickly she dug through the pouch that was always on her thigh, and grabbed a cloth to tie around her face, before getting to her feet and starting to run once more. Green eyes were squinting to keep sparks out of them, and she shouted as she came up closer to the rest of them, "Teacher! I think we should go back to the ship and get out of here!"

Chiana wasn't afraid, no, she wasn't panicking. That wasn't something a Ven did. Her ears were flat against her head, her pupils slit, and her fur was bristled. She frowned, starting to run faster.

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