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Futuristic Guardians Academy - Class of Omega

Lala entered the cafeteria with her tail swaying and her hand covering her mouth from her yawn. She was reading a book on human world lizards. Though their information was a little out dated. She didn't have such a wide snout and dry scales. Her face was round like a normal humans , though the scales were most certainly there, but they were rough. She looked around the cafeteria, to the students. Missing the first part of class and sleeping through the crash she slowly made her way to the machine. She picked up a plate and held it up. " Um...I suppose three rates, salad, two snakes, four eggs and water please." The machine began to give her the food nicely in a line. Bowing her head, her tail wagged happily as she walked away from the machine and toward the table where the others were.

She didn't want to be caught in a conversation with others so she quickly tried to blend in. She made her top half seem like the wall and the lower half to be the color and texture of the floor. She made sure to sit at the end so she blended in more. Seated and comfortable she began to eat her food with her hands, quietly chewing so sh wouldn't draw attention to herself.

(since she's different from the first, I made her skip the beginning of class and the crash)
Karichi looked up from the book she was reading and heard what her teacher had to say about all of them and how they should sit together instead of apart from each other. She shrugged and closed the book and went to move over to his table. He did after all share a good point about how the kids should all be together. Karichi loved persuasive speakers and although he wasn't as good as Dr. Kairoff Technis he at least got to his point. She sat next to him hoping he wouldn't mind. "That was quite a thing to say sir! Well done." She said.
Alan smiled as Vorlez and Kari joined, however he didn't notice the other girl hiding to due to her camouflage.

"Thanks Kari and I'm glad you guys came. I know we didn't have the best first day..." He said as he sat down and trailed off thinking about the disastrous first days events.

"But um.... well... we can still use lunch break to learn about each other and stuff. I mean since I cancelled class for today, let's rather use it as a class teamwork building exercise, yea, that sounds good."
It could clearly be heard he was making it up as he went along.

"Why don't you all tell me why you came to this school, why do you want to be a Galatic Guardian?" He said looking at them.

"I'll even start, well why did I choose to become a teacher. Well to be honest, I haven't really been much of a hero where I come from, but I can only imagine what it must be like to truly do something amazing and help people, but well I don't really have the ability to do that. So when those big-heads in the council offered me this opportunity, I thought at least I could help others do something truly amazing. So how about you guys, why did you join the academy, why do you want to be part of the Guardians of the Universe?"
Lala giggled as she placed her fork down and licked her lips. Uncloaking herself she appeared in front of the children who sat at the table with her. Raising her tail up beside her she placed her hand in front of her mouth and giggled. "Making this up as you go along, sensei." Lala began to move her tail from side to side as she bowed her head. " Wouldn't it be nice to help others and see a smile on their face...like when you prank someone. That would be my answer." Lala's tail spiked up straight before it slowly began to sway.

"Ah yes, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Lala, a pleasure to be here." Looking to the side Lala narrowed her eyes and made a snickering sound as her tail moved faster. Mumbling underneath her breath she hissed a little. "Not as much as the look on your face when you fall for my traps. I cant wait till we dismiss, the fun will begin soon enough."
Alan almost collapsed when the girl appeared over nowhere as he jumped back in surprise.

"Geezus!" He gasped, lookg over the reptilian girl. Another one that came late and this one can turn invisible, oh great. This make it's tough, she actually could have been in class the whole time and I wouldn't even notice.

"Hello Lala, I am Mr Manning. Ummmm....ok..." He said in response to her weird answer, great she was a prankster and she could go invisible, he was screwed....
"Your a little weird to be a teacher...and your human, What a feeble body you must have, weak too. You bleed easily I bet." She snickered all the while as she looked him over. A raised eye brow as she picked up her a drink. "It almost makes me want to do endless amounts of pranks yet protect you from them...I am going to have trouble. Hmmm, oh well. Be careful going in to your room sensei , I don't want you to loose a head." She cackled before taking a long swig of her water.
Morlin finally hobbled over to the table were his teacher and classmates were sitting at. Morlin placed his food onto the table as well as his book and slowly continued to eat as he listened to his classmates and his teacher talk to one another. "Well I'm Morlin a Reeth as you can probably tell from the planet Ridth. The reason why I came here? Well my family and almost everyone I knew were quite...unpleasant to say the least although right now things aren't looking to good here either" Morlin grumbled as he held his chest were the Crater Eater had kicked him, the pain was kicking in once again. He continued to eat his lunch and swallowed another one of the painkillers that was ejected from the small device conveniently enough.
Vorlez's eyes got a bit more serious when he asked why they were all here he quickly ate his food and burped, "I'd love to stay for story time but...I got...homework so i'll be seeing you guys." Vorlez said and with that he was out the door in an blink of an eye. Vorlez never really spoke on why he was here personally he didn't want to be here, he didn't choose to be a guardian and he most certainly did not want to be a guradian, he sighed and went back to his room sitting on his bed. "Let's hope tomarrow we land on a planet so I can leave this stupid school.." Vorlez mumbled laying in his bed.
Alan began slowly edging away from Lala.

"Ok...." She was clearly a little insane, but he moved onto and listened to Morlin's answer.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but on my world we have the expression 'Home is where the heart is', home should where you are happy and feel safe." He said, just as Vorlez gave his answer and zoomed off.

"I didn't give any homework... Didn't any of you come here because you really just wanted to be Guardians? I mean how can you do a job well unless you really want to. I would be honored if I was chosen as something so great to save the whole entire universe, even if I had the power to just make a difference. It's a special thing..."
Chiana sighed and laid her book down, with a flimsy green plant looking item resting in between the pages, "You already know that my name is Chiana, Teacher. But I suppose I must introduce myself to the rest of you..." Green eyes looked around the assembled group, narrowed ever so slightly. "And I joined the school because my mother wanted me to."

The small Ven poked lightly at her food with chopstick, leaning her elbow up on the table. She lowered her eyes once more to stare at her food, her tail flicking a bit, her ear flicked up towards the lizard girl. Well, it would be good to avoid her.... Anyway.

She didn't really know what to do here, she probably came off a bit snobbish, but she didn't really do well communicating with other people.

The child sighed, resting her head in her free palm. Man, this was going to be a really long education.
Alan looked to Chiana.

"Why did you join the academy? Did you have no choice as well?" He looked at her wondering if she was forced or didn't seem to really care like the others.
Chiana looked up at the teacher and blinked, "Well, uh, not exactly. I mean, my mother asked me if I wished to take part in this pqrticular training program. And she wanted me to do it, so I couldn't really say no..." No one says no to her mother. She's terrifying when she's angry. Even her father doesn't say no to her mother.
Lala ate the rest of her food and got up from the table. " I have things to do, and things to set. I'll Ketch you later sensei." Lala waved by toward her classmates and quickly left the room. Her tail flicked happily as she began to walk down a long hall. "Now that introductions are over, I can happily plan away. First thing first is my first target."

Lala turned down a hall where rooms were lined up. Sniffing out a particular scent, she made sure to get close to the doors. "A perfect trap for sensei, all I need is his room."
Karichi took another sip of her suradoto drink and waited for the others before she began to tell her story on why she's here.

"My full name is Karichi Nebua Technis and I'm from the fourth moon F1-T4 of my planet since the planet itself is uninhabitable. My father Dr. Kairoff Technis had me sent here to stay away from violence that have been occurring among our species the F1.v3. I personally think that being here will give me an excellent opportunity to learn about different species and their people. My intelligence I inherited from my family will hopefully be a great help to the guardians. It's a big responsibility my father has trusted me with and I do look forward to being able to protect the universe. Along with you guys of course!" She smiled and returned to eating her plate of macarax.
Alan listened with his chin on his hands to Chiana mentioned her mother forcing her to go, all these kids seemed like they would rather be anywhere then here and that wasn't good...

He sighed as another child left, just before Kari told her story. He smiled, glad to hear one child wanted to be here and seemed to truly care for the role she was given.

He finished his last chip, took a final bite of the hot dog and then washed all down with soda.

"Ok, you guys should get some rest and enjoy. Tomorrow we will start class early!"

He got up and put his tray away as he he headed out.

He had decided, there was no point to these kids being here if they didn't even want this. So maybe he couldn't teach them how to be heroes, but maybe he could show them why it's important to have heroes. He lifted up the textbook and looked at it as he spoke to the little digital computer.

"Ok, I'm gonna need your help... We got a lot to do to prepare for tomorrow's lesson plan." He smiled to himself as he headed for his room.

The Galavant was a massive a ship/school with all the things the kids could need, aside from their own dorm rooms, with common rooms for them to meet and chat with a cozy fire and even video games. They had the medical room with an AI nurse, the cafeteria, the communal baths which were large hot springs, training room/gym with amazingly advanced equipment and fields for them to train their powers and skills, as well as exercise and even play sports together. It also had a large library, which had rather digital computers and virtual displays rather than books for them to research about any species, planet, subject or topic. As well as many other useful areas for the kids to discover. No one had even seen every room in this spaceship yet...

However Alan's goal, was the library. He had some research to do!

(Ok, my next post will start tomorrow morning. So you guys can make a single post about what you do for the night before you go to bed. It's a boarding school, so you can eat supper, bath, exercise, plays sports, study, etc. You can even maybe chat with others or just play games, up to you. Just keep in mind, my next post will show tomorrow where we will continue with day 2 and Mr Manning's big plan :P )
Vorlez after chilling in his dorm for about an hour zoomed out discovering the gymnasium, Vorlez looked in awe it was an spectacular place as soon as he walked it the AI scanned him showing his attributes his speed obviously off the charts. After they finished scanning they let Vorlez move on to whatever activity he wanted to participate in, Vorlez immediately got on the track ready to sprint off. "This is more like it.." Vorlez mumbled and with that he was zooming around the track managing to catch his own streak as he circled. Vorlez laughed with joy as he tried going faster.
After lunch Karichi had spent the rest of her day in her dorm relaxing and finally reading her new book. She had also looked through some of the other electronic books she had brought with her from home to read more on some of the species of the others she had met today. While they provided a lot on their history and behaviors, personally she thought meeting them in real life was a much better way of learning about them. When it became much later she finished up her book. What an excellent read! Too bad I'll have to wait a while for the next one to be released. She thought. Karichi decided to reread the other books of the series and the next thing she knew, she feel asleep while doing so.
(Sorry for not posting, but I felt it best to give others a chance to take a break over the New Year. Hope everyone had a good one)

Alan lifted his head up as his cellphone rang, obviously it didn't have signal and had lost the majority of it's use, but he could still use it as an alarm. He lifted his head off the screen where his face was now marked and flat. He had fell asleep in the library doing research, he had been up all night. He suddenly felt really bad, but realized it was necessary and he now had a new lesson plan for today to help teach the kids about their future roles.

He hadn't even gone to his room and thus had avoided Lala's prank. He was already late, so he'd rush to a bathroom, clean up and rush to class. He quickly fixed up his hair in the bathroom, brushed his teeth, he didn't have time to change so he just flatten his clothes and put on some spare deodorant he carried around. He then rushed to class, just making it on time.

It seemed he was the first one there, so he quickly sat down at his desk and waited for the others, the bell would ring any second now.
Karichi woke up with her book on her stomach after hearing her set alarm go off. She didn't realize that she fell asleep before she was reading until that morning and felt a bit embarrassed by it. That morning she decided to set her alarm earlier so she would avoid being late like the day before. There wasn't much time for her to prepare if she wanted to be a bit early so she just made a quick stop at the bathroom before heading into the classroom to check how she looked. Nothing had changed with how she looked from yesterday. She wanted to clean herself but that would have to be done later. She lefted and went to the class room, hearing the bell on her way there and found that she was the first student to make it. "Good day sir!" She said to him as went to her desk.
Vorlez woke up in his room and yawned he stretched and hopped outta bed wiping the sleepiness outta his eyes, he looked out his window and saw nothing but endless stars and black. "I would say today's a good morning...but I have no clue if it's morning night day or whatever.." Vorlez mumbled to himself before speeding through his room and getting prepped in his room, it took roughly 4 seconds to finish all the way he then dashed and appeared in the classroom. "Mr.Manning hi how are yah!" Vorlez said before looking at Karichi and giving a small nod, he didn't haft to be a complete jerk everyday..then again he hasn't even begun to be a jerk.
Chiana had awoken before her alarm, politely asking the ship to turn it off as she got dressed. The young girl debated whether or not she should arm herself for today or not, after all it was just class today, but then there was the Crater Eater.. Green eyes closed as she thought it over for a minute before deciding on her favorite weapon anyway, her knives, and tucked them in their hidden sheathes.

Prepared for the day, the girl made her way to the classroom, bowing lightly as she entered, "Morning, Teacher." She took a desk in the back of the classroom, furthest one from the door.
"Morning children" Alan smiled as the kids came, rubbing the last particles of sleep sand out of his eyes.

"We are going to have an interesting lesson today!" After more people entered and the bell rang for class to start, he had the computer do register.

"Ok, it's time to start the lesson. So let's begin, today is according to the Central Galatic Calendar is Myllionth day of the Year 1987654. Wow that is big, ok let's start simple."

Their screens all switched on.

"Start by writing an essay about your home planet. It must be 2 pages long and and it must include, your home planet, galaxy, ecology and plant life, important historical events as well as any other information deemed important."

(Ok, notes for you. You will write by typing out on your personal screens, write whatever you want. It can either try be accurate or make no sense, it doesn't matter if it's right, if I have to make the fact contradictory at any point, we will say it is simply that you made mistakes, didn't know the correct answers or just make up nonsense for fun.

You can further more have your character write nonsense for fun, refuse to do work, zone out and dream, play games or simply not mention what they right, etc. Remember this is partially an alien hero rp, but also sort of a school rp, so have fun as different students in your different roles ;) )
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Zayra Kaltry, please proceed down the hall and into the second to last door on the left.

The silver feathered girl shrugged the two pairs of wings on her back indignantly as she scowled. Already she had tried to escape this academy that her parents had forced her to, but the automated system that was guiding her had blocked any means of her trying to escape by locking whatever doors she had tried to open. So, now she reluctantly trudged along the smooth flooring on her way to the classroom. Once she got to where the system had directed her, she stopped in front of the door.

Zayra Kaltry, please proceed into-

“Alright, alright I’m going!” Zayra snapped, drowning out the rest of the system’s message as she opened the door. She was greeted with the sight of at least seven other kids, by her quick count, and one teacher. Her fists clenched. She had never worked well with others, with them always telling her what she should do and giving her unwanted opinions about her looks. And to make it even worse, there was another Xsi. She had been hoping that she wouldn’t see another one of her race in this academy. However, she didn’t let that bother her as she walked up to the blonde teacher.

“I was transferred here as a late student.” She stated blandly, her black irises focusing on his as she stared up at him.
Vorlez blinked at Mr. Manning's command before rubbing the back of his head "You gotta be kidding right?" Vorlez said to himself before looking at the screen pondering if he should even bother with typing the essay or not, he obviously did not feel like typing about his planet his people or anything to do with an Xsi. Vorlez kicking back in his seat and did what he usually did stare outta the window and wait for that announcement for the class to be dismissed.

Vorlez heard the door open and looked at the new student, what caught his eye first was that the girl was Xsian just like him it was a little comforting to see someone of his kind..but it did not change the fact that he did not want anything to do with this place or the people. From what she said she was a late student most likely either accepted here or dragged here, before he stared for too long Vorlez looked back out the window seeing the darkness with the stars making it a tad bit more amusing.

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