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Futuristic Guardians Academy - Class of Omega

"I see you're not a man of acting. That, Mr. Manning, was an excerpt from the wonderful play 'The Rebel of Messorem.' A very wonderful play, in my opinion. The protagonist, Malevoliz, has got to be my favorite. The way his chainsaw glistens in the moonlight as he takes the breath away from the poor fellow with the contract on his head.." Malevoliz droned on in his sarcasm. "Truly inspiring." He leaned on his chainsaw whilst looking over the room.

He watched the boy zip around the room. "Very interesting.." He said, very impressed by Vorlez's ability. "So, are we getting cheezy superhero names? Because I volunteer that guy for Accel or Mach." Malevoliz asked, referencing an old pair of twins in Messoremian lore. They were very fast Reapers, but that's a story for another day.

As soon as the late girl had walked in, Malevoliz sprinted and slid towards her. As he bounced up, he put an arm around her shoulder. "Hello, I'm Malevoliz and you are..? I mean, beautiful of course." He flirted with a wink.
Dandd glanced up slightly from his game, looking over the teacher that had been assigned to them. "I'm Dandd Adandd Vorarlberna, a Gygak from the planet Gganvorlddana!" He smiled slightly at the teacher, "I'm here because my parents died in an accident and because the other Gygaks say that I'm amazing!" He blinked out and appeared in front of Mr. Manning, leaning in very close to his face. "My power is Teleportation! I can go anywhere!" He smiled at the human after teleporting back to his seat, and killed the boss monster on his game.
She looked around the room , tilting her head a little as she observed the class. She looked down toward her bear and began to mutter into its right ear. [/b] "Most of them have offensive power...which means I am more a defense right. My ability isn't bad right? It goes across the line of never dying right?"[/b] She looked back up toward the class then toward the teacher. She raised her hand again and spoke low, "I don't mind showing my power." She slid out of her chair and walked up slowly. Standing in front of the class beside him until he told her to continue.
Vorlez yawned as he looked back up seeing a girl come into class "Wow that's funny usually i'm the late one.." he commented before going back to looking at random things, he then looked at the other lady getting up speaking sorta low but he still caught ear of it "Yeah go on ahead it'd be cool to see what everyone can do." Vorlez added throwing in some sort of confidence before looking back outta the window seeing a ship from a distance fly by.
PyroWarriorZ updated Guardians Academy - Class of Omega with a new update entry:

Races Set

Ok since most people agreed to the new races and there were no objections, races are now set in stone.
So please change your character sheet as per necessary. When you are done send me a message, I will review and re-accept it before you continue posting.

Once this is done we will continue on with the RP, from there it will get interesting as we will begin our first adventure...
Read the rest of this update entry... 
"Ok, ok, quite down. Let's continue with the-"

Suddenly there was a huge tremor as Alan's speech was interrupted as the entire ship shook with force sending Alan flying against the wall and the rest of the kids out of their seats.


Alan rolled off the ground with a moan.

"Thanks for the warning, but I think you are a bit slow..." He grumbled in sarcasm.

He looked out the window as he held his side which was now throbbing in pain, they had stopped. It seemed they had run aground a small asteroid and weren't moving anymore.

He rubbed his head, now what. He thought back to what the Enin of the Grand Council said. He had asked what to do if they encountered problems. They had said good, he must use every opportunity presented to the class as training to prepare the kids for any dangerous situations. He should never turn down a chance for them to go out and help.

Truthfully Alan didn't feel right about sending kids out to a dangerous situation, but they were stuck and he didn't know what to do. Besides it was only an asteroid, what was the worst that could happen...

"Alright kids, it seems we've run a ground. I think we should head outside the ship- No. I'll go outside and access the damage to the ship, you kids stay here and stay safe!"

Alan felt the small disk on his chest, he had been explained it was a Uni. It translated what all the kids said so it came out as English to him and translated his words to other languages as per necessary, but it would also him to breathe and survive in space. The kids all had one, but he couldn't endanger them. They were just kids, he looked back them. They were all half his size, they looked weird, but they were tiny.

"Alright! I'm going outside!" He tried to seem all heroic and manly, as suddenly the digital board beeped and a slot opened up, firing something at him that hit him in the gut, causing him to collapse to the ground in pain. He groaned in pain as he looked at what it was, it seemed like some large digital textbook with the title: 'The Universal Textbook' (not to be confused with the Hitcherhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, that was the textbook for Gamma class).

"So much for lunch. Gee thanks..." He thanked the ships' computer again as he tried to get up, but fell due to the weight of the book. He then jumped back up, still trying to look in control as headed for the ship's airlock.
Vorlez yawned before a huge tremor knocked him outta his seat but he gracefully caught himself in the air and landed safely..he couldn't say the same thing for the others though. "Well that was cool what's next?" Vorlez said dusting himself off and then letting his attention tune in to the announcement given by the ship "An asteroid sounds like an opportunity to get off this ship!" Vorlez said before Mr.Manning spoke causing Vorlez to sigh a little "Stay here and let you do the work no thanks im coming with!" Vorlez said dashing out the door following Mr. Manning.
Allen watched as Vorlez zoomed past him.

"Hey, I said you need to stay inside. It's dangerous!"

He rushed after the feathered kid as he caught up to him in the airlock just as it opened up, allowing the both of them to see the asteroid.

The asteroid was just a little larger than the ship and covered in craters, however inside the craters were a myriad of gems and crystals protruding from the ground. There were crystals of all shapes and colors that sparkled in the darkness.

"Wow..." Allen could stare in awe at the amazing sight, he had never seen anything like it before...
"Whoa Jackpot look at all those shiny things!!" Vorlez shouted hopping off of the ship with a huge leap and gliding toward the asteroid. He eventually landed and looked out into the darkness of space "Well this is a lot better than that crowded class rooms I can actually stretch my legs and move around!" Vorlez said making his way toward the crater and smiling "This stuff is super shiny!" Vorlez said.
"Woah! Becareful Vorlez!" He yelled out at the little kid as he was already at the crystals. Dang that kid moved fast, how was he suppose to keep track of that and keep him under control. Impossible, he could barely see him when moved.

He was a bit weary of the crystals, he may not really know anything about the outside universe, but he had seen enough alien movies to imagine the crystals could turn out to be alive and end up biting Vorlez. He was the teacher and he couldn't let that happen, it was his job to protect the little bird thing...

He decided to follow as he jumped forward onto the asteroid as he floated up due to the very low gravity and then gently landed.

"Woah, that was new and it's gonna take some getting use to.... but WOW!!! AWESOME!!" He couldn't help but yell out, before he regained composure.
Vorlez looked back and gave a laugh smirking "Pretty fun huh this must be your first time space jumping huh Mr. Manning?" Vorlez asked not really needing an answer he could sorta tell from his outburst "Now that were both out here how about we figure out what these crystal things are!" Vorlez kicking a piece off with his battle talons breaking off with a single quick kick. Vorlez picked up the sample and looked at it "Shiny can I keep it!?" Vorlez said laughing outta excitement.
"I'm not so sure Vorlez, they could be dangerous. You should probably put them down."

He took out the textbook and shook it.

"How am I suppose to use this thing. I wanna know about these strange crystal thingies.."

Suddenly the textbook switched on as it began speaking and showing diagrams.

'Astro Gems, usually found on Asteroids around Blue Dwarf systems. Although regarded for their many colors and incredible strength, not very valuable due to the vast amounts easily found on asteroids.'

"Hmmmm... Well at least they aren't dangerous." Mr Manning lowered the textbook with a smile.
"Did anything too bad happen to the ship sir?" Karichi asked, she was right outside of the ship's now closed airlock door. She saw the teacher and her classmate Vorlez on the asteroid.

"I know you told us to stay inside, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything lethal." She looked down and saw Mr. Manning looking at the Astro Gems. "Are those Astro Gems?! I've only read about them in my home planet's textbooks. We never get any asteroid around since we've kept it secure against enemies..." 
(Sorry for not posting sooner...)
"Not lethal huh well that's just enough info for me to keep this sample!" Vorlez said pocketing the crystal and turning to see Karichi out here as well he gave a wave and then looked at Mr.Manning "So are we gonna look to see the damages of the ship? I always wanted to tinker with spaceships!" Vorlez said kicking up dust.
"Oh right, I totally forgot. That is why we came out here in the first place..."

He had been so enamored with the crystalline landscape and actually being in space with the moon jumping he had totally forgot the ship had crashed and was stuck in this asteroid.

"Yes, let's see if we can figure out what damage has been done to the ship."

He turned around and began looking at the ship which seemed to be lodged into the side of the asteroid. The asteroid was just a little smaller than the ship itself and didn't seem to have done any major damage. Just some scrapes and breaches, but the engine was fine and any tears could be easily repaired.

"Hmmm... yes.... yeah, I see. Yup. That's it! After examining the ship very carefully I have come to the definite conclusion that.... I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing..."

He said with a sulk as he lowered his head, some teacher he was turning out to be.
"What?!...then what are we gonna do wait until someone comes across a teacher and his students floating into space...cause that won't be happening" Vorlez said looking at the damages, "Oh let's see if that nifty textbook can get us outta this mess!" Vorlez said poking the book.
Karichi jumped down onto the asteroid and next to Vorlez who was trying to find an answer in the textbook as to their current issue on how to fix the ship and get off the asteroid. "I don't think that a textbook like that can help us in a situation like this. Unless there's something on what to fix a ship with after it gets hit with an asteroid that is..."
Vorlez looked back at Karichi and gave a tsk "If this thing told me what these are" Vorlez said pulling out the piece of crystal he broke off "Than I think it can tell us a little something about a bump from an asteroid besides I wanna fix this baby up anyway!" Vorlez said tapping the ship.
"Ok, ok. Well it's worth a try. How do we get our ship unstuck from an asteroid?"

He asked the textbook.

'Get a larger tow ship and tow if off.'

It replied as it showed the image of a large ship towing a smaller one.

"Well, I don't think that helps... Maybe we can try dislodge it and just push it off. If we can find the places where the ship is caught and maybe break away the rocks that the ship is caught on. Let's split up and try break any craters that seem to have caught on the ship."
Morlin had decided not to go outside initially, walking out onto an asteroid in space didn't seem like a good idea, however he was outside now seeing that others had left the ship. Morlin nodded once he was given his instructions by his teacher "I am able to move certain rocks so that should help...but I'm not sure if I can move the rocks on this asteroid, it will also be a struggle for me considering the size of it but I can be useful if I find loose parts.” Morlin began to walk parallel to the south of the ship checking to see if the back of it was caught.
Alan walked around the perimeter of the ship until he found a small fin of the ship lodged in some craters.

"There we go!" He smiled to himself as he went up to the fin and began to push. When nothing happened, he began to push harder as he leaned against it shoving with everything he had until he was out of breath. He collapsed with a grumble, this wasn't working.

He went up to the crater and tried to dig at it, but it was too hard.

"For crying out loud!" He went red as he kicked the rock hard, a second later his face went pale as he yelped in pain holding his foot while hopping and blowing on his sore foot until he collapsed, kicking up dust.

"I'm useless... How am I suppose to teach kids with super powers. I can't even do anything, how am I suppose to guide or help these guys who can fly at mach 3 and lift things with their mind!" He dropped his face into his hands, wondering how this was suppose to work. Why did those big heads choose him, why him of all humans. Why just some random human who couldn't even find a job.

It was only then that Alan noticed the heavy breathing.

"Wait, why am I breathing so hard..." He turned around as he saw some huge creature charging towards him. It was massive, the size of a small elephant. It had light black skin that looked hard as rocks, rough and blotchy. It had six legs like a spider that ended in spikes, but were much thicker. It's back was covered in super hard crystals that spiked out that gave it an almost impenetrable defense, the crystals covered it's head as well and branched out to give it crystal horns like a rhino. It had four beady eyes and large mouth as it charged towards Alan about to crush him to space dust.
"Did anyone hear something nearby the teacher...?" Karichi asked.

She gave her feet a speed boost and ran around to the ship's perimeter. She stopped and looked with a astonished expression, there was a gigantic dark monster that was charging straight towards her teacher! Now's the time to try my weapons! I haven't done so in a while now... she thought and turned her headphones into a helmet.

"Don't worry! I've got this!" She shouted. She transformed her arms the elbow down into laser canons and leaped into the air with another boost, this time from her back rocket. She quickly fired lasers at the monster and made a perfect landing on the ground.

"Well I guess I never really did get to show you what my powers were so now's my chance!~" She turned her arms back to normal and changed her wrist, shoulders, and knees into gatling guns and fired as much artillery as she could at it, hoping for it to surrender. How strange though, I've never seen any monsters like this in any of my textbooks before... she thought while firing.
Morlin hadn't gone very far down the side of the ship until he heard gunfire. "Oh great we're already getting into fights" Morlin mumbled to himself as he ran over to the sound of the fighting. Once Morlin had reached Mr. Manning and Karichi he noticed the gigantic, crystal covered creature which caused Morlin to stumble back slightly, he had never saw or read about a creature like this before.

"I can try to help but don't count on it!" Morlin yelled, keeping his distance from the unknown creature. Morlin closed his eyes for a few seconds, concentrating his powers onto the asteroid, testing to see if he could control it. The horns on Morlin's head began to twitch slowly, then rapidly and when Morlin opened his eyes the rocks around him began to rumble and begin to slowly levitate. He done an punching motion towards the crystal covered creature and the rocks around him flew towards it at a high speed.

The rocks collided with the creatures back and the pieces of them flew in 50 different directions, they had no effect on the crystal covered back. Morlin cursed and took a moment to get his breath back, it was especially difficult for him to move the rocks on this asteroid.
The laser bounced off the creature's crystal covered back as the crystals just re-directed the beam. The gatling gun seemed to have more of an effect as it was enough to stop the creatures charge towards the teacher, as it spun around and decided to go for Kari.

Alan got up with a fright, picking up the textbook he had dropped when he fell.

"What is that thing?!"

'Orbon Terrakin: Nicknamed Crater Eaters, creatures only found on Asteroids and Meteorites. They consume rocks and any other mineral substance they can locate, incorporating it into their own body and using it to increase the toughness of their shells and horns. Known to be territorial and violent when it's home is threatened.'

"Well that answers that. It must have eaten the gems around here to gain that shell, now it thinks the ship is attacking it's home when we crashed, so the Crater Eater is attacking us."
He then noticed it was suddenly heading for the little cyborg girl, rushing through her bullets to ram her.

"Watch out!" He froze up, he didn't know how to help her. What could he do, but he was supposed to look after them. He was the teacher...
A creamy white and chocolate brown blur popped up out of no where, a chain sickle flashing out, the weighted end whipping around and wrapping around the creature. At the end of the sickle an Es' Ven stood, an angry glare on her face as she tried to pull it back or even better, to pull it down. Sharpened canines stood out as she grit her teeth, planting her clawed feet into the ground.

But she was a short girl, a bit on the lighter side, so this scenario didn't seem to have a working end to it. "Hey you! Mr. Blonde Hair! Could you please help your student out!" She was losing her grip on the chain, her furred hands very much in danger of being cut up by the sickle. And she knew that she was going to have to let go in a moment unless she wanted her hands to be a casualty of the Crater Eater.
Vorlez sat on the other side of the asteroid staring off into space, he felt kinda bad about leaving the class like that but he honestly did not care. "They got it im sure the ship will be ready in no time..." Vorlez said to himself as he picked up a pebble from the asteroid and whipped his arm around at super speeds then threw it letting it fly off becoming outta sight, Vorlez yawned and laid down closing his eyes before he heard massive gun shots and some yelling. "You have got to be kidding me!" Vorlez said zipping off in a nanosecond and appeared at the scene where Karichi was in combat with a ferocious looking baddie including Morlin and his teacher Mr. Manning, Vorlez looked to his side to see a creamy white and chocolate browned thing come outta no where and throw her chained sickle thingy. "Have I seen her in the classroom.." Vorlez pondered but then shrugged dismissing the thought. Vorlez looked down at the monster and then at the new girl who had wrapped the chain around it holding it back for a couple of seconds, Vorlez acted fast and dashed down behind the girl and griped the chain he then turned the opposite direction and sped that way causing his talons to rip into the asteroid as he ran he gave massive support seeing the results as he looked back.

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