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Futuristic Guardians Academy - Class of Omega

Alan was brought back to reality by the late girl's voice. He nodded and ran over and grabbed the chain and helped to pull with Vorlez and the new girl. The three pulled, but the Crater Eater's sheer size and strength was too much as it dug it's legs into the ground and continued to edge forward to try and crush Kari.

"It's too strong, I don't think we can hold this thing forever. You kids should get inside the ship and leave this to me."

What the heck was he saying, if he was left alone with this thing he would be smashed into a pancake, then eaten and then probably crushed into an even flatter pancake!
"No offence Mr. manning but I don't think you'd last another ten seconds if we left you alone with this... This thing. I however have an idea, whether it will work or not is about to be found it. Morlin once again continued the same process of concentrating his powers to the rocks although this time it was faster due to him doing it once which gave him an idea of how to control said rocks. Morlin's eyes opened and he stretched both of his arms out in front of him, both palms facing up. Then slowly raised both palms, it didn't take long however for him to show signs of fatigue as he quickly began to sweat as a cylindrical shape rose from the asteroid, Morlin had rarely been able to section the rock apart himself and he was taking a large part of the asteroid as well.

Morlin continued to push and once the cylindrical part of the asteroid began pushing against the weight of the Crater Eaters underbelly, Morlin's hands dropped to the ground like an anchor being let off a boat. Morlin was practically on his stomach trying to keep up the weight, the only reason he was still able to be doing this was it required mental strength not physical (if it was physical Morlin would have stopped a long time ago). "I'll see...if I ca...can tip it" was the most Morlin could say between his panting breaths attempting to lift the cylindrical object up further and begin tilting it to one side so the Crater Eater would land on it's side or back.
Karichi immediately stopped her fire at the crater eater as soon as the thing began charging after her again. The boy Morlin began to use his powers to try and tilt the Crater Eater to its sides. Perhaps this thing has a weakness or weak spot we can use to our advantage. She thought. One thing she had been taught by the other F1 V.3 people was that all things especially organic have a weakness of a sort. This was one of the reasons that her race upgraded themselves, to become free of their biological weaknesses against other races.

"Teacher! If that book has information on Crater Eaters then does it have what their weaknesses are?!" She shouted to Mr. Manning.
Alan looked through the textbook.

"It didn't say anything about weaknesses... It just says it eats mineral to incorporate into it's skin. Eating all those crystals has made it even stronger." He looked as the creature was lifted by the boy that looked like a bug, as he tilted his head as it was lifted up.

The Crater Eater was lifted up on the rock, as the chain was unwound and it was freed from the chain. it roared and struggle as it clamped it's legs into the rock below crushing it as it fell to the ground, immediately swing one of it's legs to knock away Morlin and roaring at the kids.

"Wait a minute. When it was being lifted, I saw under it's belly. It's still soft and looks normal, it's underside must be it's weakness. You need to attack it from below!"

The Crater Eater turned it's attention to Alan after he was shouting and began to charge him again.
Vorlez acted quickly and ran toward Mr. Manning and grabbed him moving him to the side before The Crater Eater could get him, "Alright attack from below you say I think I got just the thing!" Vorlez said before speeding in front of the monster and taunting it. "Hey I seen a lot of things but you by far have got to be the slowest dumbest things I have ever seen lets see if you can catch me ugly!" Vorlez shouted trying to get the monsters attention which to Vorlez's knowledge worked perfectly since it seemed to be looking at him.
The green eyed Es' Ven grimaced, "Letting go now, everybody watch out!" She couldn't hold on anymore without the blade cutting her hand off, and it wasn't as if it was helping anyway. She let go, pulling the chain back to her as she did so and jumped away.

Chiana frowned. So his underbelly was his weakness? She watched as one of her apparent class mates taunted the monster, probably in hopes of distracting it so that a fighter could get underneath it and attack. Gladly. Being only 4' 11" and slight as she was, small hard to get at places were her specialty. Unfortunately she had a chain sickle, and it really wasn't her favored weapon when it came down to it.

The young girl sighed to herself, as if this was the most troublesome thing in the world, and dashed forward for the Crater Eater's underside, although some cover fire from the girl who had been shooting before would be nice.
Karichi noticed the Es'Ven girl as she was trying to attack the crater eater's underbelly. Luckily, Vorlez was trying to distract the monster to help her and the others, but she could see the monster was noticing the girl trying to attack it. My mechanical weapons didn't seem to work on it before... I guess the only thing I can do is help with distracting it. She activated her Gatling guns again and shot at the Crater Monster's face. "Hey I'm not done just yet! Try and block these again monster!" She shouted to it. It began paying more attention to her, leaving itself vulnerable to the other girl.
Vorlez snatched Mr Mannign away just in time as the beast flew past slamming into the ship which was just behind them, with enough force to rock the ship a little, loosening it from it's crevices.

It wobbled a bit as it shook it's head, hitting the ship head on obviously disorientated the creature, as it wobbled from side to side. It then heard shouting and began charging for the sound, following after Vorlez as he had planned. It charged towards him barely noticing the girl slip under him, but when it did finally notice her it was suddenly greet by a barrage of bullets aimed at it's face as it roared in pain, it's face not being as strong as it's back. It leapt up onto two legs as stood yelling pain, wildly thrusting it's other legs forwards.

Alan stared on as the kids all worked together, they were amazing and the plan seemed to be working. They now had a perfect shot at the creature's underbelly.
(I'm not getting alerts for this thread >:( )

Morlin didn't expect the attack from the crater eaters leg to happen so quickly but it did and Morlin was exhausted from lifting it anyway so didn't have enough energy to dodge the kick. When the kick hit Morlin his vision went black and the kick felt like his whole front body had caved in to the point were it was touching his spine. Morlin flew backwards however his speed seemed to slow down due to the lack of gravity but it wasn't by much and he still hit the ground with a heavy thud. His vision came back quickly but it was all a blur and he was struggling to breath, he thought that the crater eater had damaged his oxygen system at first but thankfully he hadn't Morlin was just very badly winded.

Morlin slowly pulled himself up to look at the blurry, ear ringing battle going on in front of him. Morlin could make out a roaring crater eater and a firing machine gun. Morlin thought he was about to puke but the nausea passed but instead he fell back on his back once again and his vision went black. At least my classmates are more competent than I thought. That was Morlin's last thought before he completely lost consciousness.
Chiana's eyes widened as the Crater Eater reared up, dropping flat onto her stomach and wincing lightly as the weighted end of the chain landed beneath her ribs. She frowned as the Reeth seemed to be knocked unconscious and rolled over onto her back, bumping into one of the lower legs, so that she was string up at the underside of the Crater Eater. Her breath caught in her throat, fear causing her heart to stutter and suddenly the grip she had on the sickle slackened.

Sure, she'd faced adversaries bigger then her, she was a small Es' Ven, not fully grown yet, but the Crater Eater was...was... terrifying. Crystalline green eyes squeezed shut as she bared her teeth, grip tightening on the sickle once more as she lunged up for the creatures underbelly. A small feline like yowl forcing its way past her lips.
Alan saw as the bug like alien suddenly fated as he ran over to catch him.

"Hey wake up, what was it again..." He'd already forgotten the names, it would take him time to remember them all.

He watched on as the late girl slashed the beasts underbelly with her strange weapon which resembled a human chain and sickle. The beast roared as glowing turquoise blood leaked out the wound. It growled as it fell back, then rolled to the side. It then growled in pain, deciding to retreat as it scampered off into the distance.

"Phew, I think it's gone. That was amazing all of you, well done!" He looked to the ship and then to unconscious alien.

"Looks like that thing did at least dislodge the ship, let's take him to the sick bay and get out of here."

He lifted the little alien up, thankfully he was small and not to heavy. He guided the kids back to the ship's airlock and once all the kids were on board, he asked the ship to head off.

"Come on, the sick bay is this way. Let's make sure all of you are ok." At least he knew where one room in this place was, the sick bay. I guess him fainting initially did have an advantage to it.
Chiana gasped, her eyes popping open as she stumbled up on her feet and away from the retreating Crater Eater. She took in a deep breath and started to back towards the ship, putting her sickle in her belt, after wrapping the chain around the hilt of it. There really was no convenient way of carrying these that she like, which was why she didn't use it often.

The Es' Ven clambered on the ship, but didn't go towards the sick bay with the teacher, instead turning to go back to her room. She had no interest in knowing if the other child was going to be okay, no doubt they would as the teacher wasn't panicking. And she wanted to put away this annoying weapon anyway. Chiana avoided the other children on her way in, keeping her eyes down on the floor of the ship once they were in, tucking her arms over her chest and ducking her chin down.

She hadn't even wanted to come to this 'school' anyway.
Vorlez watched the Crater Eater retreat and laughed "You run a lot faster when your scared and don't come back either!" Vorlez said giving a triumphant smile before landing and speeding past the others toward the ship being the first inside of course, Vorlez didn't bother hitting the sick bay instead he too the time to take the crystal out of his pocket and stare at it. Vorlez went to his room to go and set it up somewhere,once he reached it he threw it on the bed and dashed off going a random direction. He eventually made his way back to the classroom and sat down yawning thinking about the usual things..one being on how to escape.
Karichi saw the Crater Eater retreat and jumped up and down with joy from their victory. She was lucky their technique worked well against the monster. The F1.V3 girl followed behind her teacher back to the ship and headed straight into the sick bay. Although she couldn't get any sorts of fatal injuries like organic beings did, she figured she might as well have herself looked over to be sure her system and weapons were fine. She noticed the other two kids from the battle followed them in and parted their separate ways from her. She wasn't sure if the teacher cared or not about them. "Uh the others went off somewhere else...do you still want me to examine my systems anyway? I could go get them if you want." She asked him.
Alan bought the boy to the sickbay and put him down where he could rest as only the machine girl followed him, all the rest seemed to disappear. He lay the boy on a bed where he could sleep until he regained his strength, it seems they weren't to trained in their own powers if he could make himself faint.

The robot girl, he remember he named being Karichi or something, he would call her Kari for short asked him a question.

"Yea, it is better to be safe than sorry. Run a quick diagnostic or whatever it is you do..."

He looked around in the general directions the others ran off in.

"Well the others will come if they are hurt, I don't see a point to try to resume class. So we will leave it for today and continue tomorrow, I suppose."

He looked up.

"Um computer, can you make an announcement class is cancelled for the rest of the day and we will resume tomorrow."


"I'm going for a walk... get yourself checked out and then you can go rest back in your dorm room." Alan told Kari as he started walking off with a sigh, what a day... That was his first day?!?! What a mess, they crashed and then almost all got killed by a mad alien. What was the second day going to be like.... He continued walking through the hallways, feeling very unsure of himself.

(Everyone lives inside the school spaceship known as the Galavant, so feel free to relax in your rooms, or interact with one in another in the main halls, lunch room, etc. Think of it like a boarding school, except it flies through space!)
Morlin woke up a few minutes after Mr Manning had left the sick bay to the sounds of whirring mechanical arms scanning him and poking him. "Woah what are you doing?!" Morlin gasped in surprise as he tried to sit up but he was quickly pinned down to the bed by a larger mechanical arm. "Please Master Morlin do not get up just yet, you have some fractured ribs. We shall run a few more scans and give you some painkillers" chimed a robotic voice which Morlin couldn't locate. Morlin relaxed his body and the arm pinning him moved away but was ready to pounce on Morlin if he tried to make a break for the door, Morlin wasn't that stupid though plus his ribs were killing him.

"Okay master Morlin there doesn't seem to be any additional damage so please take these painkillers twice a day and rest. Do NOT strain yourself unless you want a more serious injury". Morlin nodded and was quickly handed a small PDA like device. It seemed to have a basic date and time table and a cross located at certain times of the day. One of the crosses was at the current time. "What th-" Morlin was cut off when a small cartridge popped out and a green pill emerged.

"Those are the painkillers Master Morlin, please take them when ejected from the device unless you think they aren't needed". "Um...okay" Morlin swallowed the green pill and slowly walked towards his room.
Karichi nodded and watched as her teacher left the sick bay. Since she was only having her system checked she figured she might as well do it in her own room. She left the sick bay to let Morlin be taken care of by the robot and headed down the main hallway. She turned to the second to last door of the hall. The metal door slid open and she entered the room. Most of the things she had in her room were from the fourth moon F1-T4 sent to her from her father shortly after she left as something to remind her of home. One of these things was a weapon inspector and assistants built specifically for F1v.3 cyborgs.

"Karichi Technis. Command: Begin inspection."
She told the machine. Her father had created it to response only to her and had a security system built in it in case anyone tried to steal or hack it. The machine powered itself up and began scanning her body's weapons for damage. It finished up the scan and flashed the results on its front screen. Results: Average. Recommended: Upgrade. It made sense to Karichi that the machine wanted to upgrade her weapons she hadn't done it even since she left. "Command: Begin Upgrade." She told it.

The machine immediately obeyed her and started adding things to her such as more ammunition to her Gatling guns, longer distance for her firing, and faster boosts from her rockets. Once it finished up she went and lied down on her bed and began reading the new book she received that day. All she wanted to do now was relax.
After walking around the corridors aimlessly for a while, suddenly a bell chimed through the hallways and rooms.


Alan's eyes went wide, he had forgotten about lunch. I guess even if the day was cancelled they did need lunch and thinking about it now as he held his grumbling stomach, he was starving. Now all he had to do was find the cafeteria... After checking a map through the computer he found the cafeteria. It was a massive room filled with tables and chairs, along the back was a line of sophisticated machinery. He approached the machinery where there was a small little opening within.


Alan's eyes went wide.

"Wait, are you saying I can have whatever I want and it will just appear, like in those sci-fi movies. Cool!" This suddenly made everything better, but what did he want. Right now he wanted to try everything, but he figured he had to choose one thing.

"How about a Hot Dog and some chips, haven't had those in a while..." Suddenly a plate appeared with a hotdog on it and some chips.

"Oh and some cool drink!" The light shone as a cool drink was added. Alan smiled, he liked this very much.

(Lunar-Eclipse, please note even your character will need to eat. While she may have robotics parts, she is still a living being who needs to eat food.)
Chiana winced as the intercom blasted out the supposed lunch announcement. She'd barely even gotten comfortable with her book, and now she had to go near all those other kids. The child sighed as she stood, tucking the book under her arm and making her way towards the cafeteria. Of course had already figured out the layout of the ship. Air ducts, so useful.

She poked her head into the door way of the cafeteria, ears flicking around to listen for anyone else in the room, and relaxed as she noticed that only the teacher was there. Stepping in, her bare feet silent on the floor, she made her way over to the opening in the machinery and winced at the loud sound of it asking her to state her lunch, "May I please have a kenasuwaba?"

Sharp teeth poked out over her lip as she smiled when the food appeared, glad that it was prepared right as well. She took the bowl, taking the two plastic chopsticks that came with it, the fishy smell making her stomach growl. Chiana sat away from the teacher, and as far in the back of the cafeteria from the door that she could.
Alan grabbed his lunch as the cat girl snuck past him and grabbed some food, she did it so quickly and silently, almost like a real cat. He had never gotten to hear her name, she hadn't been in class initially. She only arrived afterwards during the battle with the Crater Eater. As a teacher, it was his duty to get to know his students and know why they were late.

He walked up to the girl where she was sitting.

"Hello, I am Mr Manning. I didn't get your name yet, you weren't in class were you? Are you ok, did you have problems finding the class, is that why you were late?"
Morlin gave a sigh of relief as he managed to finally hobble to his bed with a book in hand and read in peace and let this injury fix itself as well as let the painkillers work their magic. Just as he opened the book to the first page the intercom blasted into his room causing Morlin to jump. "Okay, okay I get it lunch is ready no need to deafen me" Morlin grumbled as he grabbed his book and painkiller device and slowly hobbled along the corridors looking for any directions as to where to go.

After about 5 minutes of aimless wandering Morlin had found his way to the cafeteria and it seemed some people were already there. Morlin made his way over to the machinery which he assumed would serve him lunch. "Could I have some Erqwatilako" he politely asked as his beetle horns clicked at the strange sounding food. The robot presented Morlin a dish containing a grey mince looking food. He walked over to a table and pulled out his book and began intently reading as he slowly ate his food.
Karichi had barely read any of her book when an announcement went off telling the ship that lunch was being served. She sighed and put the book down on her table and got up from where she was lying down. It was only lunch so she decided that it would be fine to take the book with her to read there. She grabbed the book and left the room as soon as her door slid open and headed to where the cafeteria was located in the ship. She entered the cafeteria and saw that some students and the teacher were already there and in seats eating. Karichi walked up to the machinery and said, "I'll have macarax with suradoto to drink please."

The machinery then appeared the given order to her on a plate. She took it and looked around the cafeteria to see where she could sit. She saw the Es'Ven girl at the back corner of the room with what looked like the teacher and the Reeth boy who was sent to the sick bay who looked to be better than before. Karichi wanted peace and quiet while she was reading so she decided to move to the back corner at a table next to their where she wouldn't be too close to them. She wasn't sure whether or not they wanted to talk or not and she just wanted to read a little while longer. She sat her plate down and began sipping her silvery drink and reading.
Green eyes blinked up coolly from her book, chopsticks stopping in mid movement, "Hello. I'm sorry that I was not in class." She had been busy exploring the ship, learning its layout. Chiana didn't feel comfortable in an environment she didn't know. "I'm Chiana." She set her book down on the table, assuming that the teacher was not planning on leaving her be any time soon.

Her eyes flicked over to the door as the other two students walked in, her tail flicking a bit in slight agitation. She had wanted to eat and leave before the others showed up. Herog, this stunk. "And I am fine, the Crater Eater didn't even touch me." Well, she had rolled into its leg, but it hadn't touched her really.
(For the record guys, you can call them Ven when it's just one. Es'Ven is for the whole race, like the plural.)

Alan frowned as he saw more students enter, grab there food and rush to be on there own. These kids didn't seem to like or care for each other, he knew not everyone in a class got along, but for there to be no interaction was not right. I mean if they were meant to be a team some day, this couldn't be how it worked. No as teacher, he had to unite them.... but how.

His eyes twitched as he had an idea and he suddenly jumped on the table.

"Ok guys, enough of this loner stuff! You guys are meant to be a team, your a class. Which means from now, you all each together. I want you all at one table, come on move it!"

He spoke to Morlin and Kari and made sure he was loud enough so anyone else that entered would hear him, as he motioned for them to put down their books and come sit at the table where he and Chiana were.
Vorlez sped through the doors just as Mr. Manning was speaking to about half of the classroom, he slid making a loud screeching noise most likely catching the attention of the cafeteria, "Ah is this a bad time..I could always come later for lunch!" Vorlez joked as he went to grab some food to eat "Huh...so I just speak and it gives me what I want...sweet I'll have a Hasperat!" Vorlez said a second later a spicy sandwich came out making Vorlez stomach growl "Eh make that two and a Raktajino to drink!" Vorlez said and then two sandwiches came out with a drink as well, he then turned and looked at his teacher and classmates, "Well then since it's lunch I guess I should talk to one of them..." Vorlez muttered as he made his way to a table pondering on who he should bother.

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