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Futuristic Guardians Academy - Class of Omega

Karichi had grown used to her new foot in the span of three days. The classes she had been given had been fairly easy for her and she managed to finish another one of her books during her free time. The thing she was most thankful for though was that the creatures had found a new home. As soon as the ship landed on the new planet the gravity change was noticeable. Seeing her teacher walk so ridiculously she couldn't help but giggle a bit at him. The higher gravity was a bit more sustainable for her but it still felt odd to her body. She tried to move around and quickly managed to get used to it after pacing in a small circle a few times. "What are we doing on Ur Hoft again sir?" She asked.
"Well, I've been informed along with your metanl education, you must have a degree of physical education. Since I'm not exactly.... er... that well versed in it. We will have a guest physical instructor who will give a quick physical training course to help build up your strength and get you good condition as well as give us some tips for keeping ourselves fit." Alan said as he continued to walk, before slipping and landing on his backside hard with the extra gravity making a loud crack.

"Ok, that is enough practise. I'm ready to go in, what about you guys?"
The young Ven had kept herself busy over the past few days When they weren't in class, she was training by herself in the gymnasium or reading in her room. She hadn't gotten any decent reading done though, and her workouts were lax at best. But, that was only because of the fight they'd had on the last planet. It shook her up pretty bad, and she'd never been in a fight like that where dying was probably the most certain outcome. Not that she would say anything about it. She was an Es' Ven. They showed no fear.

Chiana's toes dug slightly into the ground, frowning lightly at the denser gravity, her soft ears flattening lightly due to its affect its as well. She hopped a few times before walking off the strange feeling. Green eyes twinkled with amusement as their teacher fell on his back side, but she bit her lip to contain her giggles. Although, she was intrigued by who this physical instructor was.. Maybe they would finally have a decent fitness routine instead of her just having to go to the gymnasium by herself.
Zacsh walked in extremely shy it was his first day he had been very ill the past few days "h-hi" he said in a quiet voice "Im Zacsh.Sorry I am late mister...um human." 

[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Karichi felt a surge of panic at the sight of the eruption. She was ready to head back to the ship with everyone else when she remembered the volcano would easily kill the creatures that inhabited the planet. "Teacher! We need to save this planet's creatures! The volcano's materials won't harm me as much so I should go!" She activated her helmet and was ready to go. There had to be some way to save the creatures, they've suffered enough here already.

are you Neo? 
he started shaking with fear "So s-s-should I just take a seat or do I have to sit out here....just like in my old class" he says with fear in his voice 

[QUOTE="Charlie Quinn]Zacsh walked in extremely shy it was his first day he had been very ill the past few days "h-hi" he said in a quiet voice "Im Zacsh.Sorry I am late mister...um human." 

are you Neo? 
he started shaking with fear "So s-s-should I just take a seat or do I have to sit out here....just like in my old class" he says with fear in his voice

oh ok Lunar that makes sence sorry i started reading at like page 9 lol
Alan slowly picked himself off the ground still not quite use to the enhanced gravity of this planet as he saw the new student walk in. Of all days for him to come, he would have to adjust to this new gravity as well.

"Ah yes, the new transfer student. I was told about you, welcome! I am Mr Manning and these are your classmates. You arrived on a very interesting day, we are here on Ur Hoft to get some physical training. So you can follow me with the rest of your class mates. Come on guys..."

He opened the door to the outside activating his life support gear, so he could survive and breath in this world's atmosphere, just as all the students were equipped with.

Outside they found a very rough and rocky terrain, it seemed like no plants could grow in this area and it was nothing but mountains and trenches around them. However in front of them, carved out of pure rock was massive colliseum like arena, similar to the one in Rome, although instead of pillars, it had carvings of Urof on one knee holding was seemed like due to their positions, the tremendous weight of the walls up, as if they were the foundation for the whole building built all around. There were four main doors that led inside and it had no roof, simply allowing the sun to shine right in.

It was a massive structure with the statues alone seeming like giants dwarfing the teacher and kids.

"Woah...." Alan gawked in amazement.
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[QUOTE="Charlie Quinn](Why is everyone so shy? lol I know your on) (out of charecter)

its fine 
"um Mister...Manning was it?Can I g-get a n-n-new suit?" he asked "A fire proof one?" he asked panickly while his suit starting smoking
In a separate room Rem was putting on her suit , whatever they called it. She zipped it made sure she was secured then turned it on. Her ears twitched when she heard others , specifically a male talking to another student. Walking out of the room and toward the other she saw him exit along with the other new transfer student. Shifting her gear she followed him , waking behind so he wouldn't notice her presence. She took no matter in talking with the new student but gave him a short wave with a small smile. Walking outside she remained behind him, admiring the scene before her. It was different from her home planet and any others she saw in small book her parents would read to her. The sun was brighter than she imagined so she kept her head down a little and used the humans shoulder to block most of it.

With out an ounce of grace she tripped over her other foot when she went to move, knocking herself into the human teacher. She quickly stepped back from him and tried to act calmly. She turned herself around so if he did he would only see her back, which hopefully would make him assume it was some other kid in his class.
Alan smiled at the new kid.

"No need, the Enin provided us with these special chips which help regulate your body and allow you breath and survive in any environment." He threw the boy an extra chip.

"Just put it on any part of your body and press to activate." He smiled again at the boy before he felt something crash on top of him and with the increase gravity, even though it was a small child it felt like two giant men fell on him as he could his back bend and almost crack.

"Ouch...." He mumbled in pain as he lay flat on the ground, his body digging into the ground as he flinched in pain.
She turned around and laughed a little before shaking her head and pulling him up by his shoulder. She steadied him using her arm so he wouldn't fall on her. Properly sitting him up right she released her hold on him and put the tips of her fingers together as she bowed her head in apology. "Sorry for ...knocking you over. " She wasn't at all keen on introductions nor apologies but this one was her fault. She held out her hand toward the male human teacher and gave him half a smile as she held in her laughs from his dirtied face.

"My name is Rem..." She used the back of her hand suit to wipe the dirt and small rocks from his face. "I'm new, just transferred in today."
Goddess said:
She turned around and laughed a little before shaking her head and pulling him up by his shoulder. She steadied him using her arm so he wouldn't fall on her. Properly sitting him up right she released her hold on him and put the tips of her fingers together as she bowed her head in apology. "Sorry for ...knocking you over. " She wasn't at all keen on introductions nor apologies but this one was her fault. She held out her hand toward the male human teacher and gave him half a smile as she held in her laughs from his dirtied face.
"My name is Rem..." She used the back of her hand suit to wipe the dirt and small rocks from his face. "I'm new, just transferred in today."
lol lots of transfers today 
"thank you teacher"
The gravity was too great on this planet. Issis'ii didn't like it one bit. She took slow, deliberate steps, as if concerned that the earth might pull her all the way down if she wasn't careful. As it were it felt like the planet was trying to keep her from escaping--holding her to the ground when she should have been in the air. It was unnatural to be so close to the ground, and to have the ground so insistent on keeping her there.

She followed the sound of voices until she found the group she was supposed to be joining. and paused to study them before she approached. There were several students and only adult--who she assumed was their teacher. She considered him critically for a moment before taking a deep breath, steeling herself, and joining the group. She avoided, as much as she could, walking directly through the group, but instead skirted around the main hoard and approached the teacher from the side. She held in her hand a pre-recorded holographic message from her father, who had known that she would need an introduction and also that she was unlikely to give it, herself.

Issis'ii stared at the teacher dubiously for a moment, before holding out the projection device in the palm of her hand toward him and activating it. Her father appeared, in miniature, standing on her hand.

"Greetings," He said, to all intents and purposes speaking directly to the teacher. "This is my daughter, Issis'ii--she will respond to Isis, if that's easier. Please pardon her lateness; out timing isn't what it once was. Oh, and, don't be alarmed if she won't speak to you. She doesn't really speak."

The holographic image flickered and vanished, and Issis'ii tucked the device away. It was as good an introduction as she was going to get.
Alan managed to pick himself up in pain as he shook his head as the girl introduced herself.

"Ah you must be the second transfer student and I think here comes the third." He says a small bird like girl walks up to him with a strange holographic message.

"Ok... Um welcome Isis, Rem and Zacsh. My name is Mr Manning and you've come on a good day, we've come to Ur Hoft to receive special physical education training from a qualified coach so we can be strong in body and mind. We've all been adjusting to the gravity and now that we are ready... I think we should head in."

He smiled hoping that was the end of students falling on him because was still in a lot of pain and was especially glad a new coach would be helping him teach so he could relax, he needed it.

He walked in through one of the main entrances, when suddenly something massive grabbed and picked him up, smashing him against itself. It was huge, being twice as big as Mr Manning, making him huge to the little kids. It was an Uro, his body made of rock hard and rough skin that bulged out, huge muscular build. He had no hair like most Urof, but he did have a scar across his chin ending in a crack in his chin tip which was actually missing. He did interestingly enough have 4 arms, having a slightly smaller set below his main arms and strange rocky like pipes sticking out of his back almost like an organ.

"WELCOME!" He bellowed loudly as he pulled Alan into a huge bear hug, completely crushing his frail human body and almost cracking his bones.

"The Omega Class and teacher, you have finally come. I really wasn't you to be so small and puny... and weak!" He laughed with huge loud voice, which sounded like it was coming out of a speaker.
Issis'ii wrapped her wings around herself, as if for added protection of this strange place, and followed behind the teacher as he led way through the main entrance. She immediately regretted the decision to follow at all, as Mr Manning was snatched up right before her and--she was quite certain--crushed into human-jelly. She backed up very rapidly, and might have turned and fled if she hadn't remembered what her father said about learning to be more brave. So she managed not to run out the way they had come and instead she found a nice wall and put her back to it. This, she was convinced, would at least make sure nothing snuck up behind her. Now if only she could disappear into the wall entirely.
Karichi watched as the new transfer students arrived to the class. They both seemed a bit shy so she felt that befriending them soon might make them feel better. She followed behind her teacher and nearly jumped at the sight of the Uro. She had done studying about them back at home and knew how big they could be but in real life it looked much scarier. From the look of things her teacher could be crushed at any given time by the giant. While he frightened her quite a bit, Karichi could tell judging by the way the he acted that this Uro was very friendly. Most are supposedly from what she learned from studying. "It's an honor to meet you sir!" She smiled trying her best to be polite towards the Uro.
Alan started to turn in blue the face as he was losing oxygen.

"Nice to meet you sir. I am Mr Manning, now do you think you can let me go. You are kind of killing me..." He managed to choke out before he started turning purple.

The Uro laughed hard as he dropped the human to the ground with a thud.

"Ha, you are funny! Such a jokester. I am Coach Brik. Now the rest of you, show some pride. You are training to be Guardians! State your names!" He yelled out with great sternness as he stared at the little kids.
Chiana frowned, eyeing the new transfer students. She wondered how many more they would be getting and if they would be worth it. Green eyes went wide, her ears flattening against her head at the sudden billowing. Oh, it w's just the new teacher. He was quite... large. And one of the students seemed frightened, oh that was actually smart, putting her back to the wall so no enemy could come up behind her.

The Vent bowed her head lightly in greeting, "Hello." Although she wasn't to sure how she felt about being called small and weak. That actually was quite perturbing. "Oh, uh, Chiana, sir!" Her voice raised a bit more over her usual soft tone.
Things weren't really improving, in Issis'ii's opinion. The giant--the Uro--had at least put their teacher down before killing him (though Mr Manning looked a little bit worse for the encounter), but now he had turned his attention on them. Isis' eyes grew, if possible, wider. Her jaw remained clamped shut, though she did try to fade further back into the wall. Maybe if she stayed very still, she would go unnoticed, and the Uro would just take the other students' names. She certainly wasn't going to give hers.

Her eyes flicked briefly over as the cat-girl introduced herself to Coach Brik (a fitting name, if Isis did say so, herself). So the Ven was named Chiana--Isis had never met a Ven, before, though she had read about them. Still, there was something about the general relationship between cats and bird that made her wary. Then again, she was always wary, so this was hardly of note.
Coach Brik ask Zacsh for his name and he replyd "um..uh..well..." he wanted to lye and say it was like Dalgi or some weird name but he new he was a bad liar and just said "Zacsh....my name is Zacsh Mr um....Stone was it?"
Karichi felt a bit relieved for her teacher as he was no longer being crushed by the supposite hug he had been given. The Uro stated his name as Coach Brik. It sounded somewhat fitting for him at least from what she had seen of him. She nearly jumped again as he demanded to know the names of her and the other students. She stood up as straight as she could, "I'm Karichi Technis sir! An F1v.3 from the fourth moon of F1-T4!" She responded as confident as possible to the giant.
The coach nodded as they spoke their names, not seeming to notice Isis didn't say her name, but he did notice and he would turn all these little pansies into fighting machines.

"Good, now let's start with a little warm up. Run quickly around the perimeter of the arena 50,000 times!" The arena it was massive, with one lap around the perimeter probably being half a mile.

He stared at the kids as they hadn't started to move, considering the impossible task he just said.

"NOW!" He screamed so loud the whole place seemed to shake when suddenly the rocky pipes on his back began blasting out steam as they made an extremely painful whistle sound that stung the ears of all who heard it, especially Ven with their sharp hearing senses due to their big ears. The whistling was loud it would force all the kids to start running immediately, despite any unwillingness to get the sound to stop.

Alan who was still recovering when he heard the outlandish demand as he slowly picked himself up, was about to same something when the painful whistling sound shot out and he had to cover his ears in pain.
Chiana looked over at the arena, disbelief crossing her face. Of course a big walking pile of rocks wouldn't be training them in anything with finesse, but pure unadultered bulk. The small Ven sighed, rubbing her face with the back of her hand as she steeled herself to start running. 50, 000 times, with that much distance... 25, 000 miles. How was that even possible?

The girl curled up in on herself, barely remaining standing as the coach blew a whistling sound, her hands flying up to cover her sensitive ears. She bolted, as fast as she could, to get away from that noise, in a slightly blind daze. The sound was so harsh to her sensitive hearing, she was seeing spots against her vision. And she felt slightly deafened from it.

Chiana was not looking forward to this training session anymore.
The scream caused Zacsh to jump being as terrified as he already was he fainted and due to the extra gravity he hit the ground hard which echoed around him.It appeared that he may have broken a bone since he is only a child.
Isis stared at the giant in askance for several moments after his order. Was he insane, or just trying to appear that way? Surely he was not stupid enough to think that they could actually do what he asked--unless his head was, in fact, full of rocks. Perhaps he just wanted them to follow orders? Issis'ii wasn't in much of a mood to argue--that guy was more than five times her size!--and she hardly needed to be encouraged by the ear-splitting noise. She started off running after the Ven--Chiana--more than a bit awkwardly. Legs were stupid. Wings were her method of travel. She wondered if it would be okay to substitute running for flying, but she wasn't about to ask, and she was too terrified to try and get yelled at.

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