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Fandom Grouptale - Undertale RP

Sam was silent, for the most part. He wasn't sure whether he could trust her or not. "I mean... I guess you saved our lives, but how can we trust you? No offense..." He questioned, whilst still making an attempt to be nice. He was thinking for the sake of the others as well.
"Wanna hear my cinnamon joke? ... Never mind, it's really dry," she grinned, looking round at them expectantly. "Aw, c'mon, that was great. Over your heads, my comedic genius is wasted on you all... Although both together might be nice, I dunno. Mmm..." She licked her lips hungrily, then grinned. "C'mon, Sam, don't be so distrustful!"
Cecil had now got a firm grip on the goat woman's hand, and tucked his pan into the pocket of his apron to offer his hand to Sam. "You have to trust some people. Why would she save us from that flower if she didn't want to help?" He then looked up at the woman as they walked, brain whirring in response to her question,"Why do we have to pick one or the other? Both is better! Butterscotch and cinnamon go really well together."

"The Underground is big but...not big enough. It's getting...crowded. Also...us monsters miss seeing the sun.

Anyway, come along, follow me."

She led them to a room.

"Now then, you must all stay here. I have to do something and I will be back soon. If you need me here's a phone!"

Toriel gave them a phone.

"We're just gonna... sit here?" Kayla repeated, looking disgruntled. "Okay. Can we at least fight bad guys, or somethin', while you're gone? Explore?" She asked hopefully, tapping around on the phone experimentally as she spoke. "Okay, that's how we call you... We'll be fine, really," she assured Toriel, with no real intention to just stay and wait for this goat lady to return, and praying none of her friends would want to, either.
Valerie was about to shoot that flower, honestly, until the goat lady named Toriel came. Val felt grateful to the fire, but she was confused as to how convenient the timing was. She just shrugged, however, and smiled. "Thank ya much, Toriel." She turned to the other regular humans around her. "I think we should just stay here. No need to get ourselves into trouble, capiche?" Val stated authoritatively. She looked at her surroundings a little more, but kept her word and stayed put.
"What?" Kayla asked grumpily, frowning. She looked longingly out to the Ruins and shook her head. "She might be gone ages. Don't be babies. We won't get in trouble, we're jus' looking around," the girl added encouragingly. Although she blinked a bit at Valerie's authorative tone, hesitating slightly, she took a few defiant steps towards the room's exit.
"Please guys, let's stay here. I-I mean that horrible flower could be around if we go looking. She could go too far away to help us, and she asked us very nicely to stay put!" Cecil offered, eyes wide and nervous- he'd get dragged along to do whatever the rest of the gang wanted, but at least he'd put out his side. The only thing he was good for was cooking and taking care of people, but he couldn't help anyone in his current state of being roughed up. Most viewed his agape kindness as foolish or naïve, a view he couldn't argue with, but it was simply who he was.
Valerie stubbornly looked at the leaving Kayla. "We shouldn't be doing anythin' of the like, Kayla. Referin' back to what I said before, we shouldn't try and get into trouble with the person who invited us here." she consoled, looking rather annoyed. "Besides, Cecil is right. That flower could be hangin' around. Try as we may, we still don't know if we can beat 'im." She stated with a calm tone, leaning against a wall and pulling her hat over her eyes. She looked at Kayla one more time, and sighed. "We only get to explore a little bit, m'kay? We can't wander off to far." Val finally said, hesitantly. She moved to Kayla's side, smiling down at her. Val was a tall girl, after all. Almost 6 feet.
"I hope we do! I'll fight him," Kayla announced boldly, grinning at Cecil. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll leaf us alone. Get it? 'Cause he's a flower," she added, giggling. Her gaze dropped to her feet ashamedly when Valerie reminded her they really shouldn't do it, looking disappointed. The girl visibly brightened when Valerie suddenly changed her mind, glancing up hopefully. "Really? We can go?" She repeated delightedly, craning her neck to meet the (far) taller girl's gaze and beaming gratefully. "Brilliant! C'mon, slowpokes, we're burning daylight!" She added, before scampering into the Ruins now that she had the go ahead, impatient and reckless as ever.
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Valerie sighed with a familiar laugh at the end. Valerie proceeded after her, nonchalantly looking at her surrounding whilst making sure they didn't get lost. She noticed a patch of leaves, but decided against rolling in it. "Kayla, don't ya go too far now! We have to make sure everybody else comes along too!" Val looked back to make sure the rest of the group was following, and kept after Kayla. A smile had managed to place itself onto Val's face, to which she could not help but put on. However, as Kayla ran about her, a rather odd looking frog seemed to come into Val's sight.
Sam, after being scolded by two of his friends about being untrusting, sighed and then went along with the others. He didn't believe for a second they were only going to explore around that area, but if they were to get attacked, hey, strength in numbers. "Hey, wait a sec, what's that glowing yellow light in those leaves?" Sam said, going over to examine it.

As he crinkled through the leaves, he was filled with determination, and he could feel any missing strength come back to him. Just then, he felt like is was a good place to record anything that happened on their journey so far. He pulled out a torn notebook which one of their sick friends who couldn't come with them to Mt. Ebott lent him and a pencil, and wrote down all that happened so far on their travels in the underground, sitting down in the leaves while doing it.
Cecil tentatively shifted his weight from foot to foot, fiddling with the handle of his pan as he watched three of his friends begin to wander off. Instead of following them blindly, he turned to face the remaining friends, a wide grin on his face. "How is everybody? I mean, we fell a pretty long way down. Those guys'll be fine, they're already moving about and chatting." He stood in the centre of the narrow passageway, hoping to block the remainder of the group from leaving. Admittedly if anyone tried to push past, Cecil would move aside in an instant, but he hoped that just by being there he would deter them.

@Marsharoo @Gabrygabra97 @Noivian @Aquaknight
"Don't worry so much, Val!" Kayla called back happily, but obligingly stuck to exploring the current room for now. She ran over to the star like thing interestedly when Sam pointed it out, tilting her head- touching it filled her with bravery. A nearby room turned out to have a bowl of Monster Candy- she took several pieces, hoping to entice Cecil out of that boring nothingy room later. She presently wandered back in the room and blew a raspberry. "Bored. I wanna fight a monster!" She announced, pulling out her shiv and looking around for one determinedly.
"Don't be so afraid, Cecil..." Stacey smiled at him reassuringly. "Plus, Kayla has the cellphone, doesn't she? We should probably stick together in case Toriel calls."
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"Hey, wait a minute there, what're you gonna do with that shiv, Kayla?" Sam questioned. "And besides, we don't have to fight, do we?" He said a slightly worried look spreading across his face. He adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat, however, and regained what composure he lost. He doesn't like sharp objects all that much. "Can't we follow that old saying and 'kill them with kindness,' per say?"
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Valerie saw Kayla's usual fiery demeanor, and kept an eye on her. As she pulled out the shiv, Val looked at her questionably. "'Member our little talk, Kayla? There ain't no need for none of that crazy violence, right? Not unless you're defendin' yurself. Sam is right. Just know that we have to keep our heads and wits with us. Ain't no little monster gonna try hurtin' any of us, so I want you to be vigilant for that sort of stuff. You'll be the guard on our little expedition. Does that sound alright with you?" The western accented blonde spoke with a motherly tone, consoling the feisty girl in front of her without shooting her down with rude words. Kayla's best quality was her bravery, but even then it did get her into some trouble. Val looked over at the leaves Sam was in, and grabbed one. She felt morally conscious and righteous, which made her feel renewed.
Kayla tilted her head confusedly at Sam's nervousness, and reached the conclusion he wasn't a fan of her waving the shiv around and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Sam," she said genuinely, then glanced over at Valerie, looking slightly guilty, the way a child would upon being busted by their mother for doing something wrong. "Forgot," she admitted, then nodded, shoving the shiv in her front pocket so it was still easily accessible. "S'pose I'll act, then... You guys are right." The girl grinned broadly at Val's next words and cheered. "I'll be the best guard, promise! Won't let ya down." Kayla nodded fiercely.
Cecil looked down nervously, before shuffling over to Sam and sitting dowm in the leaves near to him. The bright light imbued him with a sense of wholeness, his various scrapes no longer hurting. Inside he felt complete once more, need to show kindness only growing inside of him. "Be friendly! Most of those things are smaller than us, and probably terrified." He watched his friends as they went about their business, only hoping that he could be a little louder or stronger.
Val nodded at Kayla as if proud, smile lit upon her face. Her eyes caught the movement of the odd frog again, who seemed to be darting in and out of her vision. She pulled her gun from its holster, dragging two fingers along the brim of her hat for luck. She looked around for it again, eyes narrowed. She looked over at Kayla, and saw that it was getting closer to her. She also noted that fact that if she tried shooting it, she might hit Kayla too. So, instead, she shouted a warning. "Kayla! Be cautious, there seems to be some other monsters 'ere. I don't know if they're friend or foe yet, but watch yur back!" She shouted to the shorter girl, keeping her eyes on the odd frog. It seemed to be trying to avoid both of their vision, hiding in the plants around the area. Val also saw that there was an odd looking bug-ghost near Cecil and Sam, which also happened to be near her. "Cecil, Sam, you two best be careful too. Looks like we got company as well," Val stated, eyeing the bug-ghost thing. She still leaned against the wall, but her vision was sharp. She would definitely keep an eye out.
Frisk had mostly kept silent, trailing along after the group, eyes glued to the ground.

((Sorry I've been absent!))
Just then, a small ghostly looking thing with bug wings came out of the shadows and approached Sam & Cecil. It looked very timid, like it was about to cry. Sam got up from the leaves and approached it slowly as his vision went back to when they encountered Flowey. He felt sorry for the poor thing, it was kinda cute, too. He attempted to ask it what was wrong, but half way through his first word, it ran away. "Huh, wonder what that was all about. I suppose this proves they're small and scared of us." Sam said, shrugging.
Kayla nodded at Valerie's words, watching the frog with interest- she approached it recklessly, only for it to hop close and her to be flung back into the grid-type thing. The frog let out a ribbit, watching her, and she blinked a bit cluelessly, having promised she wouldn't fight it. Then what did she do?

Life seemed a little hard for the enemy, so she smiled brightly, and feeling a bit of an idiot complimented his eyes, commenting they were 'beautiful.' The frog blushed deeply, even though he probably didn't understand, then a load of flies attacked her SOUL. Despite her best efforts, one or two still hit her, and she winced. However, the frog then seemed reluctant to fight her after that, so she took pity and spared it instead of flaring up in anger and retaliating. Kayla watched the frog amble off and blinked. "S- see, guys? These things are nothing to worry about. We can go on ahead and be fine," she exclaimed cheerfully, fiddling with her cat toy for comfort. The girl gave Val a sideways look, as if for approval, but it didn't linger so she could retain her illusion of total independence, and she merely grinned smugly. "Piece of cake."
Cecil watched his friends deal with the creatures in a kind manner, and a wide smile spread across his face as he was proved right. Sure, he was scared of the unfamiliar creatures, but it was a two way street. "Do we have to go on ahead, Kayla? I mean, there's a lovely leafy patch here which just makes me feel so safe. There could be all manner if horrible things further on. And Toriel wanted us to stay here!" It would be a losing game, that much was clear, but if they ran into any issues he couldn't be blamed.
"They do seem pretty... harmless, as long as you're good enough with evasion." Stacey smiled, amused by the actions going on around her. "It's probably pretty safe to keep going, but maybe linger in this room a bit longer and see if Toriel calls or something?"

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