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Fandom Grouptale - Undertale RP

Lord Pug

Is Satan a Beagle Puppy?!
Hello, everyone! Yay, we're starting!! Here we go...))

Long ago humans and monsters lived in harmony together.

Then, a war broke out between them.

The humans won and sealed the monsters underground.

The monsters walked and walked until they came to the end of the cavern.

This was their new home but they did not stop trying to get to the surface,

thus their king, Asgore Dreemurr, is trying to get seven human souls to break that barrier.​

Seven humans fell into the Underground.

A golden flower popped out of the ground in front of them.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!"

he told them.

"Get ready cuz this place is hell!"
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Frisk looked around. Really, her friends didn't have to fall with her... She just tripped is all. The didn't have to do this. And now they were all stuck in some underground cave system with a talking flower? Frisk sighed heavily through her nose. Already she could tell this wasn't going to go well, even if the flower before the group wasn't warning them so.
Sam stood next to Frisk. "Hey, you okay?" He said with a serious tone. His attention was then caught by the very peculiar talking flower. Biting his lip, he muttered "I don't think flowers are supposed to talk, let alone swear..." He appeared to be on guard.

"Well, see those little hearts? Those are your souls! You need to gain LV to feed your soul!

What do ya think LV stands for?"

Flowey asked them.

Suddenly, Sam's vision went dark, and he could see a small grid. Afterwards, a purple heart took the center position of the grid. He heard the flower talk to them, and his vision showed the flower, but in grayscale. It all happened so fast, it nearly made him fall over again.

"I dunno...?"
Sam replied to the flower, while trying to move his soul around the grid he saw and managing to do so without much effort.

"It stands for LOVE."

Flowey told them.

"You know how you get LOVE?

Run into the Friendliness Pellets! Go on! Do it!"

Frisk bit her lip, before nodding to Sam. "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay? That was a long fall..." When her vision went black and white, her red soul appeared, moving about the landscape freely to her will. She frowned at the flower's advice. "Sounds pretty suspicious to me.."
"I... Dunno about this, but I guess there's only one way to find out." Sam said as he quit moving his soul and let the 'Friendliness Pellets' approach it.
Cecil's vision became clouded by the grid, a green heart taking the central position of his vision. True, he'd only just encountered this flower, but happily moved towards the pellets upon instruction. "Ow!" He called out, unaware of where his friends were in relation to him.
Frisk instead moved away from the pellets or what remained of them after the green soul, which she saw later as Cecil's soul, took them. Seeing him get hurt, Frisk turned to the flower in horror. How was she supposed to react to this? What was this flower's intentions? She felt herself tremble, though whether out of fear or anger, she couldn't tell.
Kayla blinked at them uncertainly, especially upon hearing her friends cry out, and whipped around. "Hey, what the hell is your problem?!" She snapped at the flower angrily, opting to dodge around whatever these so called friendliness pellets were. "Cecil, are you okay?! Guys, I don't think we should-" One of them hit her anyway and she recoiled, hissing in pain. "Owww... You have issues, man," she told Flowey furiously, gritting her teeth to try and power through the pain. "D'you want this fight?!"
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Flowey yelled at them.



friendliness pellets!"

Valerie had been practically knocked out after the fall, hitting her back on the ground ungracefully. The wind left her lungs and she felt her body in pain. "Ow, that was painful! Y'all need to stop adventurin' so much, ya hear? Next time that happens, I'll have a mind to fall into a pit after y'all." she complained, pushing herself up off of the ground with effort. She felt her head throb and her hat gone from her head. Grabbing the hat and dusting it off, she put it on the top of her cascading golden hair. Turning around, she heard some rather annoyed yelling. Mouth agape, Val stared at the talking golden flower. "Um... What'd I miss?" Val questioned, before being brought into this odd gridded field. She felt her heart beat, and unholstered her gun. "'Course, outta bullets." Val scowled, looking at the ground. She spotted a few pebbles, picking them up and putting a few of them in her gun's cylinder. She ended up spinning it to add some effect. She pointed the barrel directly at one of the pellets, and shot. "I don't appreciate you tryin' to hit me or my friends, pardner." She stated with a completely serious demeanor. She spat next to her, looking ticked off.
"Yeah, weed. What gives?" Kayla demanded, glowering at the flower before them. Probably shouldn't be so aggressive with 1HP remaining, according to the grid, but she valiantly dodged the rest, clutching the heavy shiv in her hand tightly, unnerved by Flowey's demeanour. "... Careful, Val," she murmured, slightly hypocritical, of course, since she was prepared to FIGHT it too, and making no secret about it- but ever vigilant for her friend's safety.
Valerie looked over at Kayla, scoffing and smiling. "You tellin' me to be careful? Look at ya! Finally growin' up!" she said, smirking and keeping her eyes on incoming pellets. She shot one coming near her, but she did not try and shoot the flower. Not yet. She felt around in her pockets, looking around her ITEMS. A piece of homemade jerky, from the package she had 'borrowed' from her father? "Kayla! Ya look like you could use somethin' to eat!" Valerie shouted, passing the piece of jerky over to her younger friend.

Valerie decided to ACT.

Val asked if he could leave them be, before things got out of hand


"Leave you be? Don't be ridicul-"

A fireball appeared, knocking the flower out of the way.

In his place stood a tall white...goat woman?

"What a miserable creature torturing such innocent youths!

I am Toriel." she told them.

"I was always grown up," Kayla insisted haughtily, then remembered her cat toy and went pink. "Mostly..." She said wryly, not admitting aloud she liked the praise, and gratefully accepted the food and ate. Once she'd finally stopped grimacing in pain, HP having been restored, she gave her friend a sunny smile and thanked her gratefully, turning to address the flower again and possibly introduce it to her shiv when she found someone else there. She craned her neck to meet their eye and blinked. "Hey, goat lady. Thanks. D'you not know who that was...? Pity, I could've taken 'em easy."
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"Um...goat lady? I am Toriel.

Yes, this is an evil little flower, but don't worry, I won't let him hurt you.

Please follow me, I will guide you through the RUINS."

She put her hand out to them.

Cecil all but ran to the goat woman once the grid slipped from his vision, cluthing his burnt pan to his chest with one hand and reaching for her paw with the other. Everything outside ached from the fall but something inside burnt with a sharp pain, only making this seemingly kind looking woman more appealing. "Where are we? I mean, where are the ruins?"

"Follow me and I shall tell you."

She led the humans through the Underground.

"This is the Underground. Long ago, monsters and humans lived on the surface together but...well, there was a war and the humans trapped us monsters down here. Ever since King Asgore has been trying to get seven human souls.

But do not worry, he cannot get into the RUINS so if you stay here, you shall be safe."

Toriel told them.

"But...there is no way to go to the surface, unfortunately, unless you leave...

So, tell me, do you all like butterscotch or cinnamon?"

It was obvious she was trying to change the subject.

Kayla trooped after Toriel and the others after jamming her shiv back in her pocket, looking around the Underground in awe, only half listening, really. She stopped fiddling with her cat toy in her hand and looked up, however, upon registering what she was saying. "Why does he want our souls, Toriel?" She asked curiously, not so subtly ignoring the change in topic. "..."

Toriel paused for a moment and then replied,

"With seven human souls he can break the barrier and everyone can go to the surface, all the monsters I mean."

Then, she returned to the other subject.

"So, butterscotch or cinnamon?"

Stacey had sat behind during most of the action, avoiding the pellets as best she could once the flower's true nature was revealed. She was glad when they were saved.

"Hello, Toriel! Thanks for that back there. Why do the monsters want to go to the surface? Why does this Asgore person need seven souls?" She paused, her head flooding with questions as she looked at their surroundings. "What are the RUINS? And to answer your own question, cinnamon! Though butterscotch is pretty amazing, too. Cinnamon, though..." She smiled and closed her eyes with relish, as if she was already savoring the treat.
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