|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

While on the roof he turned his head towards the graveyard where he saw the boy entering the graveyard. "This is just too easy," with one look back he spread his wings and flew to the graveyard the meet the alleged boy...
Vice blinked as the man walked away. Well, he's charming isn't he? She thought sarcastically before walking back through the gate, she eyed the man with purple eyes, but kept moving past him and up the steps.

Lenneth raised his eyebrows in amusement after the Demon-boy walked off. Show off? I just threw an apple and jumped from a tree, that's hardly showing off. He smiled to himself, but stopped smiling once he felt another presence on the roof. He looked upwards, watching an angel fly to the back of the manor. Stupid god, sending me to a place like this with one of his angels. He frowned and walked behind the girl, peeking his head over her shoulder. "Hey." He spoke quietly.

Vice flinched, narrowing her eyebrows. "Uh... Hey." She moved further away from him, wanting to get into the house as quickly as possible. As little contact as possible Vice, very little. She chewed the inside of her lip and rested her hand on the knob to the house.
Myles crouched down at Lillian's grave, noticing the fresh flower there. His blood began to boil at the thought of someone else talking to Lillian without letting him know.

Someone was here...

Swiftly Myles turns around and looks right at Caricon. He frowns, lowering his defense, "Oh..." he said, "It's just you..."

Roselyn opens the window in the room and climbs out. Jumping up onto the roof and laying there. She sighed and got comfortable as she closed her eyes, ready to take an extremely long nap.

Her eyes shoot open though when she hears others. She stands up and looks over at one side of the manor. There was Myles and that Angel. She then looks towards the front.


Roselyn gets closer to that side and peeks over the top. "Mmmhhhmmm...you both smell of trash..." She comments with a smirk.
"Hello Myles. To let you know this is mine." He the plucked the rose off the grave and it disappeared in mid air. "Why do you have such a deep connection with the ghost?" He wanted to know as much as he could...
Alice stretches once again, as if having taken a really long nap though she hadn't slept for very long, but she felt like she had. Once again curious, she walked out of the room and walked around the manor, looking inside of rooms and walking down random hallways.
Vice jumped at the sound of another voice. Too many people are sneaking up on me today. She made a mental note that she needed to be more aware of her surroundings. She glanced at the girl, who was peeking from around the corner. Man, I thought this place was abandoned. So much for resting here tonight. She chewed her lip and turned around, walking around the purple-eyed dude and down the steps, regretting her decision to possibly stay here.

Lenneth crinkled his nose at the sound of another female. "You both smell of trash.." He sighed, looking back at the girl who was now walking away from the manor, then at the girl who made the comment. "And you smell like a rotting corpse, but you don't see me complaining." He grinned, flashing perfect white teeth and placed his hand on the door knob, turning it and walking inside.
Myles gave an oh-really? look before rubbing his head in irritation, "The real question is, why were you talking to her?"

This feeling that the boy had really unsettled him. Something was off but he was not sure what.

Roselyn pouted. "I don't think you understand what I meant!" She took her opportunity to crawl down the face of the manor and through the front door while the fallen angel still had it open. Kind of like...spiderman, but a bit more creepy. She got on her feet and stood up straight, "What I meant was that you smell of sin..." She looks outside where the girl was walking away, "And you smell of it too! So you should get back here!"
"That i the business of me and... Did you hear that? It sounded like a dying soul." Then the image of the ghost appeared before he. It was screaming. That could only mean one thing. "I don't believe it. She's dead. How could she be dead!?!?!??!" Then a mist began to set in the place.
Myles's eyes narrowed, "W-What? Who's dead!? Explain yourself!" The boy demanded.

If he's talking about Lillian I swear to God I am going to f**king kill everyone I know, starting with this fool in front of me...

Myles thought in his head, feeling himself get nervous.
Vice stopped in her tracks and looked back at the girl. She felt her body go numb. Sin? But I haven't done anything wrong.. "What do you mean sin..?" She asked cautiously.

Lenneth stopped, keeping the door open and looking back to the girl. Sin, huh? He chewed his bottom lip and waited for the girl to explain herself.
"We should be more concerned about our survival." The mist grew thicker. "The devil is here, he is here. Tell me is this how Syrin died. Is it tell me demon boy tell me!!!!!!!!"
Roselyn shrugged, "I just smell it okay. Either you two have been doing some dirty stuff, or you're rotting from the inside out."

The demon put her hands up like she was surrendering and backed away a bit, "I just say what I think okay." 
Myles' eyes gazed at the mist and he covered his mouth. "Gosh...it smells like the good ol' days..." he commented.

"But...how do you know about Syrin!?"
Vice felt her blood rush to her face. Dirty stuff? But I haven't done anything like that before.. or at least nothing that I can remember. She chewed her lip, trying to remember her life before she became a demon, and again, nothing came up.

Lenneth grinned. Dirty, huh? He walked down the steps and came to a stop in front of the girl. "You can smell sin huh? I wonder how you can smell anyone else's through the thick scent of your own." He said playfully, slipping his hands into his pockets and letting his bright neon-purple eyes bore into hers.
Kiba walked slowly and quietly.He stared up at the manor,which he had been told would house even the worse people imaginable."Then again I stopped being a person a looong time ago..."He frowned and walked up to the door.He knocked a few times then stepped down,peering around at his surroundings.He had heard a loud voice upon coming up the stairs and wondered what was happening.
Myles clenched his fists, "No!" Myles refused, attempting to kick the angel in the gut, followed by a couple punches. "No matter what happens...I won't let it happen again! NEVER!"

His body started to change, his skin going pitch black. His body arching like a wolf. He was turning into a beast. Something that had let go of all sanity.

Roselyn folded her arms across her chest, "I used to eat boys like you right up," She said with a wicked smile. "And don't worry, I wear perfume to cover it up," She responded sarcastically. "Like daisies over sewage..."

At least Roselyn admitted that she's a sinner. It's the first step to working your way toward being pure again...well...not exactly. Just to change her ways. That's all.
The angel was unaffected by this attack. He then took off in a halo of light. "I am sorry." He then raised his Nature sword and pointed it at the center of the mist. A piercing light and sound came off the sword blinding those who look at it. The mist fell instantly and the angel took off towards the house...
Vice watched a new boy walk up to the front door, her eyes scanned him for a moment. Another person... Just how many people are here? She let her eyes flicker over the people in front of her.

Lenneth laughed half-heartedly. He grinned and put his face close to hers. "No offense, but you're not my type." He backed away and looked towards the front of the house where the newcomer had been. "But he might be." He nodded towards him. He felt a shift in the air, as if something had changed. His body tensed and he looked around to the area of where the grave yard had been. "What's going on back there?" He asked the girl in front of him.

Vice felt the air tense, and her eyes flickered over the area. She walked around the house, more like jogged, to get a better view. The closer she got, the more intense the feeling became. She skidded to a halt when she saw a demon attacking an angel, in the middle of transforming. Whoa.. That can't be good. She then was blinded by a piercing light, and the angel flew away, leaving the demon standing there.
"None taken, after a life time of people like you I think I may be more attracted to lamps," Roselyn snapped back quickly with the same attitude he had given her. But then she realized what was going on


As fast as she could Roselyn pushed everyone aside and ran out to the graveyard. "Myles!" She cried, just to get a backhanded slap with Myles's large claws.

He was in full demon form...otherwise known as a werewolf.

Roselyn got a mouth full of dirt and her blood all over her face. "M-Myles please..."

Then the oh so great Grim Reaper dashed out of the Library. He was a bit dazed at first, seeing all these people in his home but he quickly recovered.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking at the people through the bandages that covered his eyes.
The angel hovered above Grim I believe your beloved demon is going on a outrage promised to kill everybody he knew better go in there and save the day he then flew off as fast as you could.
Lenneth followed the girl to the back. Oh damn, someone's lost it. He watched as the girl flew back, crashing into the dirt after being slapped. He ran to her and grabbed her shoulder. "Are you stupid? You don't go running to a demon who's lost it!" He grimaced, looking at the big claw mark that ran across her face.

Vice licked her lips at the smell of blood, but quickly found her control, she blinked, her eyes resting on the were just a few feet in front of her. She took a step closer, testing it's patience. If he came at her, she'd have no choice to turn. A man with a bandage around his eyes ran out, looking bewildered. "What's going on?" He asked. Vice shrugged her shoulders, pointing to the werewolf. "He lost it."
"I know he's lost it! But...but..." There was a crack in Roselyn's voice. "He's just a boy on the inside...he's physically and mentally fifteen no matter how many times he demands to be treated as an adult..." The demon girl got up and wiped her cheek, trying to get a better feel of what was going on.

As Myles' trampled around the area, he was crushing tombstones under his feet and he ripped a whole tree out of the ground, tossing it back at the gates.

Grim paused. He felt something lost. She...was gone. He now understood what was going on. His bandages began to soak lightly with his own tears.

Roselyn looked over her shoulder and saw Grim. "Oh crap...he's lost it too...we're all doomed..."

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