|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Lillian laughed, "Well it depends on how deep you go. The deeper you go the more it hurts, but then once we reach our limit we go numb, then sometimes we die and end up like this" She gestured to herself "...or like you...or like Myles...but I think you understand that part..."

Roselyn paused for a moment at the girl's laugh. She rolled her tongue back into her mouth and let herself all the way in, "Alright, now seriously...what's you're name?"
She watched Roselyn come in, then said in a quiet voice that was rather soothing to the ears, "Alice."
Lillian paused and then started to laugh so hard that the tomb stones began to shake, "There are many good parts and I experienced them with the most unlikely bunch." Lillian looked over at the manor and then back at the angel, "Grim was a very kind friend to me when I was alive he's still now and back then he had a different group of demons living here...they...surprisingly were so nice to me also. Myles was there too and he's been here as long as I can remember and then there was an angel...hmm...did you know of him? His name was Syrin..." Lillian stopped herself, "Wait, I'm getting off track, what type of good parts do you want to know of in life?"

"Ah! Alice! She speaks!" Roselyn clamped her hands together in a type of praying position, which was very strange for someone like her. "I'm Roselyn and so what are you doing here? People who come here are usually in need of some guidance by that old werido in the library."
She laughed a little before saying, "Oh nothing like that, i'll be gone within a few days of rest"."
"I mean as what is it like to breathe to just have a normal life?" He was scanning his mind for a angel named

Syrin... When it hit him the angel Syrin the person before him the dead one. "Tell me more about Syrin and his," he shivered,"death." waving his fingers in the air. He wanted to learn more about the famous young Syrin.
"I'm not the right person to ask about having a normal life...I never had one," Lillian tried to remember a time when things were normal for her.

Lillian had a knot in her throat as she tried to explain who Syrin was...and who he was to her. "Um...Syrin was the best demon hunter around. Him and his sister. But before all of that he was human...he was murdered in a church...impaled on the cross..." She muttered the last part not really liking it, "He became an angel and devoted most of his time to hunting down demons...he was much too serious most of the time." Lillian chuckled but it faded.

Roselyn was surprised, "Are you sure?" She asked, sniffing Alice, "You smell of something rotten...well...don't take it to offence!" She tried to explain, "I mean I'm a bad apple too! Most of who come here are...and when they come out, bam! They're still rotten...but nicer..."
"How did he die, God in all his glory does not even know that." If he knew more than his master he would end up becoming more powerful and control the Universe. He just needed to know how Syrin died...
"I...I know God doesn't know...and Syrin wouldn't want God to know...it would tarnish his good name! And I can't allow that...I loved him with all of my heart..." Lillian whimpered and her spirit grew weak, causing her to almost turn completely invisible. "Ask...the boy..." She mumbled before letting herself fade to rest up.
Roselyn nearly toppled over in amusement, "Do you know all the baggage I bring here!? A TON! Your's can't be as heavy as mine!" She said. "This place is meant for ton loads of crap!"
Vice blinked, not expecting anyone to be living there. "Uh, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll just be leaving now." That's weird, I didn't sense him. She turned around and opened the gate, beginning to walk back down the path she came.

Lenneth blinked, crunching into his apple again as he watched the girl turn around, his eyes flickering up and down the boy. So its the demon boy that lives here. He chewed thoroughly and watched the scene play out before his eyes.
"Uhh...no it's fine...people come here all the time, go inside and look for a guy named Grim. He'll help you out." Myles told her acting casual.

He then looked around, his eyes casting across the dead scene, "Alright...where are you? You should just show yourself!" Myles called out to who ever else was there.

Roselyn shrugged, "Alright, but just remember, this place is filled with welcome arms...well...besides Myles...he's such a little brat! I just want to smash that teen's head in!" She growled and punched her hands together.
"No NO NO," he screamed. He was about to do something very bad when he remembered the fallen. He quickly looked at his wings still white. "Oh God please forgive me." He knew what boy she was talking about. He picked up his sword and set out looking for Myles. I need to know the truth. I need to tell God the greatest mystery of all time. Although he said that he didn't mean it he wanted to control the universe. He wanted power...
Vice stopped in her tracks and looked back at the boy. "Grim?" She asked. "There's more people here?" I'm not comfortable with people. She bit down on her lip until he called out for another person. Wait.. Someone else is outside? She scanned the area, looking up and down, letting her tail swish back and forth as she looked.

Lenneth stopped chewing. Huh, so he's noticed me. He chunked his apple to the other side of the manor, making it bounce off of a few things before rolling down the roof and landing in front of the man. His eyes glowed purple and his wings folded behind him. He jumped down from the tree with one graceful move, then stood, walking up to him.
The angel took off flying through the air. When he saw another winged creature. He looked closer and saw that their eyes were purple yep he was definitely checking that out. He flew in close and slower. He then landed on the roof to watch the scene.
Myles didn't answer the girl since he felt the answer was obvious. With an un-amused look on his face he gazed up at the guy who reveled himself to him.

"Don't show off..." He said plainly, "And this isn't my first time dealing with crap like this so what are you doing here? And once you have that figured out, leave me alone, I have important business to take care of." With that said, Myles turns at his heel and heads towards the graveyard, where Lillian awaits him. Or at least he thinks she is.

"You sure are a giggly one," Roselyn commented, laughing a bit also, "Well there's always food appearing at the dinner table so if you get hungry go check it out...but if you're looking for some drop dead fun I'm usually hanging up on the roof." Roselyn basically invited her for dinner and some killing, of course though, she would have to do the killing in secret.

(um...Well you guys both have winged characters...uhhh...>.> lol I'm confused...)
(My chara has black wings, I'll mention the word black when in context to his wings so there's no confusion, okay?)

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