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Fantasy Grace Pack

Would you go for any roles (I.e alpha, omega, etc.)

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Maybe

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  • Who cares about leadership?

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  • I would make an awesome leader

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  • Let's have no rules!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If Taylor Laughtner is one, I'm so in

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Harley Quinley

Just try me. I'm worse than Mr. J
A werewolf pack that is in the mountain range where people can transform between human and wolf form. Make sure you make a cs before rolplaying so we know what you look like.
Katelyn walked in the clearing of the pack settlement, and headed to the calendar, looking for the next full moon.
Amy was in her wolf form, running back through the forest back to the settlement. As she got closer, she shifted back into her human form, not caring about her nakedness as she walked into her house to put on some clothes. Once changed, she walked out to the clearing and saw Katelyn looking at the calendar. As she approached she called out, "Hey, Katelyn! How are you doing?"
Katelyn looked over at Amy and waved, "Hey! Good! You?" She intercepted her friend and hugged her. She smelled in the air the meat cooking.
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Amy returned Katelyn's hug happily. "I'm starving! I just got back from scouting out the perimeter. I smell that meat cooking and it's not helping!" She laughed as she the last statement, looking towards where the food was being cooked. "When's the next full moon?" She asked as if an after thought, distracted by the prospect of eating something.
"Well, next week . it's a blue moon month, so expect some power increase." She walked with Amy to the smokehouse, "I caught a buck today. Maybe it'll impress the elders to finally get me a whole scout group to help me hunt."
Aaron sniffed the air something was cooking back at basecamp, He gathered up the rest of the herbs he would need and started his way back to camp stopping to turn himself back to...."normal" and get dressed. So far getting used to his new power's hadn't been too hard his little scavenger runs keeping the camp running with medical supplies. All he really needed to do was get use to the others
"Awesome, I love blue moon months!" Amy said, pumping her fist excitedly. "Hopefully we'll be able to stock up on some meat so we can ease up on hunting a bit. And hey, if the elders do approve, you can totally count me in on your scout group!" She said, smiling encouragingly at her friend.
"Thanks," she said and opened the door to the smokehouse, "Everyone's still asleep, so we should take a little bit." She led Amy to the stove top and carveda piece of the buck, "Hope you like it. Just how my mother made it."
"Uuuggghhh I don't know why I always pull the graveyard shift for scouting the perimeter, I always get so hungry and everyone's all 'don't eat anything until everyone is up' but I just can't help it y'know?" Amy began rambling as she carved a small piece. Lamenting not being able to take more, she nibbled on her sliver, sulking the whole time.
"This should keep us going. " Aaron said setting the bag down. What healing Magix he knew could fix small cuts or scrapes what worried him most was the big problems like getting sick. His job was to keep the others going and he planned to do just that. He sat down in the makeshift medical tent getting to work mixing herbs.
She watches Amy and starts eating the buck. Explosions of flavor erupted in her mouth and she sighed at the flavor, "I don't know which is better. Raw buck or roasted buck." She grabbed her bow from the hook and opened the compartment that she had been hiding, "Oh, by the way." She took out a long wrapped box and gave it to Amy, "I forgot your birthday. Here. Hopefully it isn't too late." She looked over at Aaron, who was helping himself to a plate, "Ummm, hi," she said sheepishly, "I'm Katelyn."
Aaron finished up his work and got up to get something to eat. He stepped in lucky none of the alpha malwere around. So fareveryone had been very nice it was hard to explain but he still felt shaken near them. He got a small plate together looking up. He worked up a smile for her. " My names Aaron it's nice too meet you." He was still pretty new to the group still meeting new people every now and then.
"Nice to meet you too," she said, "You're the medic, rifht?" She involuntarily brushed a strand of hair behjnd her ear.
"I'm gonna say roasted. I may be a wolf but the thought of raw meat just turns my stomach sometimes," Amy said laughing. When Katelyn handed her the present she looked up in surprise. "You didn't have to do that!" She shouted before engulfing her in a hug. At that moment a male wolf came in to get some food. Katelyn struck up conversation with him and Amy found out he was the new medic. "Hey Aaron, I'm Amarynthia, but you can call me Amy," She said, smiling timidly. Him being the medic meant he outranked her, so she was unsure of how to approach talking to him.
Aaron nodded to them. He was somewhat aware of his rank but considering haw recently he was taken into the pack he considered himself lower than most of the others he was always better at taking orders than giving them. He sat back pulling down his hood. " I guess you could say that I try and keep everyone healthy. .it's a dangerous place out there."
"It is," she said and slid up her sleeve, showing a large scar, "Got that from a bear trap when takjng down a bear. Ironic," she said and smiled, "I'm glad we have a medic. A little angry that there was one after the...plague," she said, "but we have one now nonetheless. Welcome to Grace Pack."
He looked at the scar running his finger tips over it not really thinking about personal space. There wasn't much h e could do about scars it was a shame sh had been injured like that but at least it healed well. " Im sorry wish I had been there."
Amy looked between the two, a small smile forming on her face. I ship it she thought, snickering slightly to herself. She hooked her bow over her shoulder and started edging toward the smokehouse exit. As she reached the exit, she said rather loudly, "Oh, don't mind me! I wouldn't want to interrupt y'all's moment! I'll just make my way out!" Amy winked at Katelyn before rushing out of the smokehouse. Might as well test out the new bow. She thought as she traipsed off into the forest again.
She smiled as Amy left, hoping she would try out her gift, "Yeah. It's okay. I applied some weeds, which stopped the bleeding and bandaged it with a leaf. Not exactly the best, but eh," she grabbed two cups and took out a water jug, "Water?" She asked, keeping her eyes on his.
He nodded taking a cup. " We should really look into.....borrowing some medical supplies we need real bandages and disinfectant. " He had thought about raiding the pet clinic for soon useful supplies. He looked up into her eyes.
"Yeah," she said, pouring water in a cup for him and her, "The alpha, however hasn't shown up. He would give us connections for supplies that we can't get from the forest. Medical supplies and energy and such," she said, tilting the cup into her mouth and dri king the cool liquid.
He sipped as well wiping his mouth and setting his cup down. " Maybe we should consider getting it ourselve?" He said.he brushed his hair out of his eye's looking back up at her studying her eyes.
"I...I'm already in trouble for getting a TV for the cubs last week," she said, but Amy can tell you where thers are breaks in patrol."

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