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Futuristic GOV.RP [BETA]


Neon yellow laces are cool.
(We've discussed the main plot in PM, so everyone should already be ready.






This is where we will be roleplaying. I'll post everything we've added and might make a few adjustments if necessary. I'll send the first roleplay post, so please hold tight until then.

If you have anything you want to add, please let me know. This plot is still underdeveloped.)


There, I colored, underlined, bolded, and italicized it. I will let you know when we will begin. And if you didn't hear me clearly, here it is again: Do. Not. Reply. To this thread. Until we start. Please.
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Julian Goings

The short, light-haired boy scoffed when he had received today's list of newbies, new students, that are to attend the boarding school, even if it means dragging them by the throat. Their parents sold them (some parents they are) into the business, so now it was his business.

He skimmed through the list quickly, for any names he might recognize. Finding none, he closed the file, pushing down his hood and letting out a frustrated sigh. There were a hundred and seven new students that were all coming in tomorrow. The lists seemed to build up over time. When the government first started asking for children, the list only consisted of one or two a day. A day! It hasn't been so long since then, and now they were getting into the hundreds. By the day. It was unbelievable. These people were sophisticated adults. They needed to learn how to control how many children they decide to have together. He swears, the last name 'Smith' keeps popping up everywhere. The woman should be getting tired, by now, jeez.

For working extremely well, his boss gave him the option of picking one kid from the list he got daily, and showing them around for the next week. Babysitting, basically. Since Julian didn't really have the heard to care, he always picked the very last child.

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New Students (99.87.45)

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Josh Deckard

He rolled his eyes. What kind of last name is "Deckard"?

Perhaps it was time to see the new kid in person. The newcomer should be arriving in a few minutes anyway. After replying to the email, Julian got up and headed to the front of campus.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Experiment_S-509.png.e2512bcf63d9d5038e876d4ee0a6e7b9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115688" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Experiment_S-509.png.e2512bcf63d9d5038e876d4ee0a6e7b9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Josh walked into the wonderful campus where he would finally get a brighter fut- sure. If they pay you to come, it is guaranteed that it's not pleasant.
Andrew woke up. "Do i have to get up?" He asked his dog. He just stared at him with thise big puppy eyes. Andrew got up and went into the kitchen. As he was eating he saw a note on the counter, Went to work early...again, "well that wasn't expected." he said sarcastically. Later during noon there was a knock on the door. He opened it, and two people who may or may not be from the government were standing at his front door. "Aye." He said to them. "You need t-" one of them said but cut off when the door closed. Andrew turned around and went to his bedroom. He came back after getting dressed and went to the door and opened it. "What was it you wanted?" He asked not really caring. "You need to come with us." The bigger male said. "Ummm....no thanks." Andrew said turning around but the bigger male grabbed his arm. "That hurts you know!" He walked over to the car. He went to open it but he acsidenley pulled the handle off. "Uh, we have a problem!" He said turning around but the next thing he remembered was waking up in a strange campus and the door handle gone. "Poop, I wanted that!"

Julian Goings

Julian skipped outside, searching for this so called Josh Deckard. He wasn't expecting his boss, Stark, to walk up to him, though. The guy was almost always busy and never really had time to talk to him directly.

"New student."

"I know, I got the list earlier today."

Stark shook his head, pointing to a file on his laptop that he held in one hand. "No, one just came in. Usually he'd start tomorrow, however his parents specifically assigned him to you."

Julian gave him a look, but wouldn't dare question why. That's why the government valued him so much, he did his job, he was good at his job, and never questioned them. In short, he was the government's loyal dog. "I see. I decided to take in Josh Deckard, today, so...I guess I'll be taking two." Inside he was groaning. Another person. More work. Just great. He was planning on enjoying his weekend.

His boss nodded, disappearing into one of the buildings. Julian on the other hand, still needed to babysit. He searched for his people by pulling out a mobile device, greatly resembling a phone, and typing in their identification numbers, accessed by nobody except the government. Knowing all the passcodes to everything in the system was pretty sweet.

He found one. Josh, he thought. The other kid's name was Andrew.
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Andrew got up. "Uhh, why do i feel so weird?" He said itching his eyes. He looked around trying to find something to entertain him while he waits for something to happen. After walking in circles, he sat down on the floor and played with his shoe laces. Soon he looked in his pocket, but didn't find his phone. He got up and walked to the nearest location he thought would be fun. He was wrong, since he just ended up finding a bathroom. "This just might come in handy in about an hour." He said walking away.

Julian Goings

The fudge, why was Andrew walking into the bathroom? Julian was sure the government emptied bladders before throwing them onto campus. The light-haired boy sighed, following the newbie.

He opened the doors to the bathroom, spotting the new student. "Dude," he started. "What are you doing?" His phone was blinking white in his hand. Julian walked over to Andrew, pulling his hood up over his head. He looked the new kid up and down behind his glasses, a bored expression plastered to his face. "Dorms are this way, but we gotta pick up someone else before we assign you a room," he stated as if it were obvious.

@Sunny814 @Eragon56
"Wow there! Who are you?" He said poking the new male in the nose, with a smile on his face. "And what's with the hood? Are we in a secret agent, um, um?" He said trying to think of the word "Pharmacy?" He said putting up his own hood, mocking the new male.

Julian Goings

A light blush appeared on Julian's cheeks when he realized he was being mocked. "Nonononono, this is not a pharmacy and I am NOT a secret agent! Just...c'mon, we need to find this other guy. Have you heard of Josh Deckard? Stupid last name, right?" He shrugged, walking out into the hallway, gesturing for Andrew to follow. He typed in Josh's idetification code and found the little booger just outside campus. "This way, Andrew."

@Sunny814 @Eragon56
Andrew laughed. "Your funny!" He said putting his hood down. "And no I haven't heard of him, he sounds like a weirdo." He said caching up to the male. "What's your name?" He said staring deeply into the males eyes.
Josh saw two guys walking toward him. Oh crap, he thought. He wasted too much time messing around outside the campus. He was probably late for something. Well, at least being tardy was something he was used to. Felt like home already... Except for it being a mysterious place he knew nothing about that he got sold into. Their punishments couldn't be much worse than they were at his old school right? Of course.... harsher punishments were why his parents sent him here. Josh hesitantly walked toward the people approaching him.
"Hey there Mr. Waffle pants!" Andrew said waving. "Mr. Pancake socks here was looking for you." He said pointing to the male with the hood. "He says hes not but I'm pretty sure he's a secret agent!" He said putting his arm around this"secret agent" or what ever he is.
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"My name is not Mr. Pancake Socks, it's Julian and you are super hyper today, aren't you, Andrew? Looks like the government didn't just drain your bladder." He glared at Andrew's happy behavior and turned to Josh.

"You must be Josh Deckard. Stupid last name, by the way, it was an eyesore even in black, Helvetica font in my email. I'm Julian and I'm here to take care of you both for the time being, you guys being new students. So hold onto your buttcheeks, it's going to be tough and the government is here to break all your hopes and dreams into a million, tiny pieces." He clapsed his hands together excitedly. "So, let's get started."

Andrew stood there in surprise, what did the government do to me, he said looking at his hands. After Julian said the thing about our "butt cheeks" he looked at them and decided not to hold on to them. "Um can you please explain why we are here, and I'm always hyper, but not in the mornings." He said puzzled.

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