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Goo and Gorgons [Private]

(( It's alright! I'm pretty sure I did that once or twice with this RP aha so no worries ))

"Mmm..." Charissa racked her brain for anything that could match the pants. They were cute, she had to admit, but most of her wardrobe consisted of muted colors, just to blend herself into the background. "I don't think so," she apologetically answered. She quickly put on the pants and twisted her body this way and that, trying to see it from all angles. "What top would match this?"
"There might be something in the store... Or we could find something somewhere else in the mall?" Beryl thought for a moment. "They're a really nice color of pink, but if you don't think you'll have anything to wear with them..."
(( Hey! There I am ducking out lol Sorry for the late reply! I did see the notification for this but got distracted and forgot ;-; ))

Charissa looked at herself in the mirror again. Pink... "Maybe I could pair it off with something white? Would that work?" Despite having a good enough fashion sense she could work with, she somehow can't get it right with colors. There were the more obvious color no-nos that she could see, but style seems to appeal more to her than color, even though the two should honestly go hand in hand. Maybe Beryl was good at those kinds of things. "I'm not good with colors myself," she laughed, changing into her own clothes. "Help me pick something out or roll off some good color choices! I do look at those palettes they have? But I'm still pretty much clueless."
((It's okay!!))

"Well, white would definitely look good with pink! So would black, grey, or pastel colors." Beryl studied the pants in Charissa's hands for a few moments. "I can help you find something in the store to match it! I'm sure there's something!"
Charissa beamed at Beryl's enthusiasm. It really seemed to lift her spirits and her mood. She prepared herself to leave the changing room, wanting to see what she would pick out. Before she left the room, she grabbed the wig and patted it down a bit. It would probably take her a long while (or maybe never) to get used to walking around in public without the wig. For now, this gave her a little bit of security. "Alright, lead the way," she said once she got the wig up (and after a few minutes of coaxing the snakes to calm down a bit).
As soon as Charissa had her snakes all calmed down, Beryl lead her to a rack of t-shirts, and spotted a few ones that caught her eye immediately. A black t-shirt with a skull and crossbones on it, a pastel blue tank top, a gray and black striped shirt, and a pastel yellow t-shirt with pink hearts on it.

"I like these, how about you?" Beryl said as she took them off the rack for a better look.
Charissa thought about how strange it must look for Beryl to watch her talk to the snakes. She could understand what they were saying, but to any other person? It probably looked as if she was talking to herself. Well. Beryl was probably used to stuff like that, so she tried to not let those thoughts linger in her head any longer. She looked at the shirts that Beryl picked out, and couldn't help but laugh at the skull and crossbones one. "Younger me would've loved this," she commented, a wistful look in her eyes. Charissa really liked the pastel colored tops, though, and she wasn't sure how she felt about the stripes. "What do you think of those pastel ones on me?"
"I think they would look rather cute on you!" Beryl admitted, her face flushed. "They're such nice colors, after all...."

She looked down at the skull and crossbones t-shirt. "I'm assuming you wouldn't wear this one now, then?"
Charissa shook her head. It was a nice thought, and maybe she could wear it when she was feeling particularly ironic but she would have to skip over it for now. She took the pastel shirts that Beryl picked out and walked over the counter, paying for their haul. "This is awesome... I've been wanting some new clothes for a while!" She looked back at her and smiled. "Once I get this through, let's get some food. I'm feeling a little hungry."
Beryl smiled at Charissa. "Sure thing! I know of this really good Japanese grill, but if you don't like that, there's also this really good burger place..."

All of Charissa clothes ended up in two bags, and Beryl grabbed one of them for her.
Charissa thanked her for carrying one of her bags, and thought about their food options. "The Japanese grill sounds awesome, let's eat there!" Once they walked out of the store, she froze. There was a yogurt kiosk in the middle of the walkway, and who else had to be there other than Chad. Chad. Even the thought of his name made the snakes on her head hiss a bit, making her look as if her wig was caught in an earthquake or the like. Charissa sneaked behind Beryl, crouching down a bit. She hoped he didn't see her, and she probably needed to give Beryl an explanation, but she made a series of hand signals trying to tell her that she needed to not go through this way.
As soon as Charissa began to panic, Beryl followed her gaze. There was only a froyo kiosk and several people. Did she know one of them? Did she not like yogurt? She turned back to look at Charissa and noted the hand signals.

"Oh, there's another entrance to the food court..." she said in a hushed tone. "It's a bit of a walk there, though. Is that okay with you?" She was going to ask what was wrong, but she thought it was best to calm down her new friend first.
Charissa couldn't help but feel like a child, hiding behind Beryl like that. She felt small for having such a crush, even when she had only seen him once weeks ago, at a nearby cafe. And a human boy, for that matter! How problematic. She thought about another entrance to the food court but as she opened her mouth to go along with it, her stomach growled, and she was torn between food and having palpitations over a person. With a small sigh, she straightened up and dusted off her outfit. Charissa grabbed Beryl by the hand and walked past the kiosk, still not sure where they were headed, but faced forward enough that she wouldn't have to see his face. She'd have to explain to Beryl later.
Beryl let Charissa lead her into the food court, still internally questioning what was going on. Once they were able to see the grill, Beryl pointed it out.

"There it is, Charissa..." she said quietly, not wanting to possibly upset or scare her friend with suddenly speaking loudly. She kept her hand in Charissa's, seeing as the other girl had made no move to let go of it.
Charissa breathed a sigh of relief once they were out of the danger zone. She looked at Beryl and noted the distressed look on her face. It almost made her want to laugh, it actually made her chuckle a bit. "Just a bit of... boy trouble?" She sheepishly summarized, her ears perking up to the sound of food sizzling on the grill. The smell alone was enough to make her stomach audibly grumble. "Come on, let's go get some food and I'll tell you why we hadda bolt outta there so fast." She kept holding onto Beryl's hand as she looked over the menu options. There were too many. "Uhh, Beryl? What do you suggest? I'm bad at picking stuff when it comes to food."
Beryl could feel her face getting warm at such a pretty girl holding her hand for so long. "Okay, if you want to tell me...."

She took a few moments to think about what to suggest to Charissa. Finally, she settled on a particular food item. "I personally really like the grilled teriyaki chicken, would you like that?"
Charissa nodded. "I'll take that." She walked up to the counter and ordered the grilled chicken teriyaki. She watched them prepare her food in astonishment, and asked Beryl if she had enough time to think of what to order.
Beryl nodded. "I have..."

She shyly ordered herself some grilled fish, unable to make eye contact with the teenage boy behind the counter the entire time.
Charissa noted the interaction and chuckled a bit to herself. It was cute, almost reminding her of her younger days. It was small interactions like this when she felt older than she actually looked. Gorgon years felt short to her. Once they both got their orders, she paid for both their meals before Beryl could say anything. It was thanks for making her day seem more exciting than she initially thought. She grabbed a table and sat herself down, grabbing some napkins for them to share. "The more that I think about it, the more it seems like I'm overreacting, but I saw that guy at a cafe the other day and nearly spilled my coffee all over him. Nearly, though. But I'm sure that was enough to make him remember what I look like."
Beryl had wanted to insist on buying her own food, but she stopped herself. Would it be rude to refuse a gift? It was so awfully nice of Charissa to buy her food, after all. She could always return the favor another time.

She sat down across from Charissa, listening to her story. She understood completely, she would have been just as embarrassed herself. "I'm sure he doesn't think anything bad about you", Beryl said quietly. She tried to sound re-assuring. "It's an honest mistake...."
Charissa laughed. "Yeah, my mind knows it's an honest mistake, but that guy was awfully good-looking." She shook her head, digging into the teriyaki and sighing with how good it tasted. "And I'm sure it's difficult for humans to forget such a monstrous face." Charissa made it seem like she said it in a joking tone but it sounded darker than she intended it to be. She paused. She could see the kiosk out of the corner of her eye; at least they were a considerable distance away. "So Beryl, what else do you do around the mall? Is there a movie theater here? I like watching movies, although I haven't seen one recently."
"Your face isn't monstrous...." Beryl said, frowning. She didn't like hearing people say bad things about themselves that weren't true.

As soon as Charissa asked about a movie theater, she was more than happy to move on to the subject. "There is a movie theater here. It has really good popcorn. I've really wanted to go see the new Disney movie..."
Charissa gave a small, sad smile. At least the whole experience was behind her, and it seemed as if humans were more tolerant of monsters these days. But there always had to be something to remind her that not everything was like this. She finished off the rest of her meal as Beryl mentioned a movie theater. "Oh? I haven't kept up much with what's coming out nowadays. Tell me about it!"
"Oh, it's called Finding Dory. I don't know if you've ever seen Finding Nemo, but it's the sequel....They're about these fish who are really cute..." Beryl seemed a bit ashamed of her excitement over the movie.
(( I hate how the coding I was using doesn't work on this anymore lol..... ))

"Oh! I've heard of that movie!" Charissa perked up. "A lot of people thought it was really good. I'm glad you like animated movies, too, Beryl. I can't tell you how many times I've been ridiculed for liking the How to Train your Dragons movies," she sheepishly smiled. She didn't like it when others seemed to make fun of her choices, and even though she never seemed to dislike other's choices as well. Judgmental people tired her out, even though she can be a bit of a hypocrite at times. Charissa leaned back on her chair and arched her back a bit. "Where's the theater? I didn't realize how big this mall was."

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