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Goo and Gorgons [Private]

"Pixie Dust... that's a really cute name for a store," Charissa mused, stopping alongside Beryl at the bus stop. "So, Beryl, what do you do everyday? I haven't had much to do to actually make a schedule for myself around here."
"If I'm not working or going to school, I usually garden, or read, or listen to music, or go out to one of the places I mentioned...." The bus pulled up just then, and Beryl fished out fare for both of them.
"Ah, so you still go to school?" Charissa asked, almost offering to pay the fare if Beryl hadn't pulled up some at the last minute. She started to feel guilty, then deciding to buy her food later on. Speaking of which, what do goo people eat?
"I do! I'm only 16... How old are you?" Beryl asked as the two entered the bus. She led Charissa to seats all the way to the back. The humans stared, and she looked down at the floor until she was sitting and could focus her gaze on Charissa instead of worrying about them. Her goo was sticking to the ugly bowling-alley print cushions.
"Oh! Uh... a few years older than you then," Charissa replied, a sheepish look on her face. "316 years..." she added, inciting some looks from other passengers who seemed to be listening in. How rude. She could feel the humans stare at her as they walked to the back of the bus, almost afraid of how her wig could fall off or if she lost one of her contacts. She felt a lot better once they both sat down.
"Oh... Wow, that's so cool! How did you ever survive without air conditioning or the internet?" Beryl asked, genuinely curious.
Charissa laughed. "Funnily enough, I can't remember much before the internet," she honestly answered, her question making her feel older than she actually is. In human years, she's old enough to remember someone's great grandparents, but in gorgon years, she's pretty young. "The years pass by pretty quickly, but what I do remember, though, is that my life became much easier with the internet. No one really knows who you really are," Charissa added.
<p>"It must be really interesting to live for so long! I wish I could, but I age like a human...I'm not very familiar with gorgon aging, are you like a teenager or...?" Beryl hoped it wasn't too intrusive of a question. She was hoping that Charissa was around her age.</p>
"Hmm..." Charissa mulled over the question a bit. If she had to put her gorgon years to human years, she would be a little bit older than Beryl. "This would make me 20? Or around that, this is only an estimation," she laughed. "It sometimes feels like I'm younger at times."
"Oh! So you're about my age then! That's good!" Beryl smiled at her. "What kind of clothes do you like to wear? I wonder if Pixie Dust sells anything I could recommend to you..."
"Uhh, I don't think I'd look cute in the stuff you wear," Charissa laughed. She liked her dark-colored clothing, skater skirts, and loose shirts. There was a loose clothing movement and she jumped upon it at first chance. Loose clothing lessened the chafing of her already sort of rotting skin and accentuated her thin frame. "I like loose stuff a lot? If that makes sense."
"That makes sense! We sell a lot of loose fitting clothing." Beryl grinned. "It's really cute, I would wear some but it makes me look a little..." She looked down at her tummy and frowned adorably. "You know, chubbier."
Charissa shook her head. "Loose clothing is supposed to be for everyone," she mused. "I'll definitely find one for you." She looked outside for a bit as the bus stopped to let some passengers out. "Do you use public transportation everywhere? I don't think I could ever see myself driving a car."
"I usually do... My mom has a car, but she uses it most days."

Beryl blushed as she thought of Charissa's comment about finding loose clothing for her. "W-we should pick out clothes for each other. It'll be fun..."
Charissa's face turned red from the prospect. "Beryl... you're so adorable. I'm so happy I met you," she said, almost overcome with joy. She always imagined her life always living among humans and not really among monsters. She figured that if she spent a lot of time with humans, she would be happier but it was apparent that she wasn't. She started thinking about having sleepovers and picking out clothes for each other and having each other's backs and...300 or so years with minimal contact with other monsters except her parents was a long time without these experiences. At least with monsters.

Shaking her head from her thoughts, she asked, "How long until we get to where you work? I'm excited to see it!"
"M-me? Cute?" Beryl cupped her face in her hands, blushing. No one ever really said such nice things to her. To have such a pretty girl tell her she was cute... It made her feel nice.

When Charissa asked how long until they got there, she responded, "Oh, the mall's the next stop!"
Charissa nodded at her comment. "Own the fact that you're pretty cute," she laughed, almost keeling over when Beryl proceeded to cup her face in her hands. Once she told her that the mall was at the next stop, she relaxed a bit. It was a little awkward to be in such close proximity to other humans, but at least she had Beryl to distract her.
"I-I'll try to, I'm not very confident or anything though..." Beryl bit her gooey lip.

Those around them who were getting off at the next stop began to prepare to stand, as they were nearing the mall now.
Charissa smiled. "It'll take time," she reassured, remembering the many years where she struggled with her own confidence (or rather, still struggling but a lot better now than before). At the nearing of the stop, she stood up, maintaining her balance on the chair in front of her. The person in front of her instinctively shied away from her, eliciting a small frown.
Beryl stood up as soon as she saw Charissa do so. When the bus stopped, she waited until it was their row's turn. "Go ahead and go first, Charissa."
"Oh, uh.. thanks." Charissa moved forward, waiting for the people to leave before she moved. Ugh. It was just one person, but their reaction to her affected her a whole lot in that moment. Pushing the thoughts away, she left the bus and took a deep breath. Closed, small spaces wasn't her favorite thing so maybe she just needed some fresh air. Her eyes were drawn to the size of the mall. "Wow," she muttered under her breath.
"It's big, isn't it?" Beryl asked with a smile. She stood a bit behind Charissa. "It's easy to get lost, but I learned how to get around it. Took forever though."
"Uhh... I'll have to know how you learned your way through this place because it feels like it'll take forever," Charissa laughed, instinctively reaching for her phone. "So we're headed to where you work first? Or are you just going to introduce places as we go? I probably know most large chains, but there should be some niche stores there too that I won't have any idea what they're selling."
"We can go right to Pixie Dust, it's really close to the front of the mall", Beryl explained. "If you want to see other stores in the mall I like, I'd love to show you them! There's a giant bookstore, and a great food court, and a whole bunch of cute clothing stores..."
Charissa smiled. "Take me to wherever your heart desires," she said, doing a little curtsy. She remembered when people were doing grand gestures such as that, and made it a point to practice it to herself in her room while the rest of the world does curtsies to one another. The world wasn't as tolerant of monsters as they were now, and a a small frown crossed her face. Her demeanor changed when she looked at Beryl again. "Lead the way!"

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