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Goo and Gorgons [Private]

Beryl couldn't help but giggle at the curtsy. It was so cute... Charissa was so pretty and sophisticated. She hadn't noticed Charissa's frown. "Let's go!"

She lead Charissa into the mall. The tile was shiny and new, and the place was bustling with people. A few stores in was a sign that said "Pixie Dust" in a cutesie font. "There it is", she said, pointing.
"The curtsy probably made me look more old-fashioned than I really am," Charissa joked. She breathed in the new mall smell, something that she was strangely attracted to. Maybe it was just her affinity for new things. She's a sucker for gimmicky stuff like that. When Beryl pointed out where she worked, she cooed over how cute the store looked. "It's really cute! Pretty much like you. What do you do there?"
Beryl blushed at the compliment. "I help people find things, and straighten out the racks... It's nice and relaxing, and it's always fun to see people happy because of some cute clothes..." The two were now near to Pixie Dust.
"That sounds easy enough," Charissa commented, wondering if whatever job she would end up with would be just as easy and fun as Beryl's. Once they got inside Pixie Dust, she spied a few other workers who seemed to recognize Beryl with her. They seemed friendly, at least.
Beryl waved to those working with a big smile on her face. "Hi guys, this is my new friend, Charissa!"

They all surrounded Charissa and introduced themselves.
"Oh, uh... hi." Charissa instinctively shied back, not so much used to having groups of people, especially humans, suddenly surround her with a purpose. Crowds in concerts were bad enough. At least they crowded around her with some sort of purpose. One of them introduced herself as Marina and complimented on her hair. Another really liked her eyes. Charissa hadn't felt this type of attention before, and she liked it a lot. "Ah, thanks! You guys are so sweet!" She cooed.
Beryl's smile was enormous. "They really are! Do you want to see all the clothes we have?" She was so happy with the prospect of finding something darling for Charissa to wear.
Charissa nodded. "Sure," she laughed, making sure that she remembered what their names were. It was likely that she would forget once they left the store but she made more of an effort to remember them now.
Beryl led the Gorgon over to a rack with loads of baggy embroidered tunics, dresses, and fuzzy sweaters. "Do you like any of these? Personally, I like them all, though the sweaters are super soft and comfy!"
The embroidered tunics definitely caught Charissa's eye. She peered over at the fuzzy sweaters and laughed. "I think they're fitting for you. I'm not totally sure if I'd like to see myself in those..." She trailed off as she tried to imagine herself in one of those sweaters. On second thought.... it might be a lot of fun to try out new things once in a while.
"I think you'd look good in them!" Beryl blurted out. After a few moments, she realized how creepy that could potentially sound. "E-everyone does, after all..." She bit her gooey lip, hoping she hadn't put her new friendship in jeopardy or raised any red flags.
Charissa stood there, a little stunned at her outburst, but then laughed out loud. Enough that her sides started to hurt. "Your enthusiasm, it's so adorable!" She took a pink sweater off the rack and looked at it, holding it a distance to scrutinize it. "I'll try it out once we get other clothes to try out," she smiled.
"T-thanks..." Beryl felt really shy suddenly, especially after the compliment. "That's a cute color!" she said, looking at the sweater Charissa had grabbed. "I think I know some skirts that might match it."
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Charissa smiled. The rest of the store seemed eager to help her out; all in all, it was a nice environment to be in! She could see herself helping out in the store, for sure, but she wasn't sure if the clothes really fit her whole style. "Alright, after this, let's go see the rest of the mall!"
"Awesome, I'm excited to see what you're gonna pick for me," Charissa laughed. She then told Beryl that she would wait in one of the dressing rooms so that she'd be surprised with what she picks out for her. She made a small bowing movement, clasping her hands together. "My fashion sense is in your hands," she said, in an almost royal tone and laughed some more. She went to the dressing room to wait, and was pleasantly surprised by how cute even the dressing area looked! Hanging lights and pastel colors... this place could have easily looked like her dream bedroom if she took the time to decorate.
Beryl found a pair of loose pink jeans, a black and white dress, a dark green shirt with hearts all over it, a navy blue skirt with butterflies on it, and a purple and black striped turtleneck. She approached the dressing room door and knocked on it. "Hey, I've got clothes! Do you want me to hand them to you over the door or...?"
"Oh no, you can come in! I haven't taken off anything yet," Charissa laughed, opening the door for her. She looked over the clothes that Beryl brought for her and tried to hide the embarrassed look she had on her face. She wasn't sure if they were her style but she had to try them out somehow. "Oh, uh..." she looked down at her skin, frowning at how sickly it looked under this light and turned around to face her. "Beryl, I probably should've told you this earlier but I don't usually buy clothes at stores because I flake." Charissa frowned. "I'm afraid I'll soil the clothes... I'm sorry, I should've let you know beforehand." The feeling in her throat made her more anxious.
"..Oh, I understand! I get goo stuck on clothes. If you're worried, I can clean them off afterwards. But you don't have to try them on if you don't want to, i-it's okay..." Beryl tried to hide her disappointment. She totally understood, but she had been looking forward to this.
Charissa chewed on the inside of her lip as she assessed her options. What Beryl said was true, even she had to deal with something like this and still live with herself, so why not she? The other part of her thought of how much of a hassle it would be, washing clothes she may not even like. Then again, the store seemed to cater to Beryl already, so why not her? With a sigh, she held onto the clothes. Her eyes widened, the snakes were trying to get some air again. "What now?..." She looked at Beryl and apologetically smiled. "Please don't be frightened," she simply said, before she set the clothes down and slowly removed the wig. The snakes were lively, she figured it was already feeding time.

"I hope they don't get caught onto the clothes," Charissa muttered to herself as she undressed. She motioned for Beryl to turn around but not leave the room; it would've been more of a hassle to let her in and out every time she changed. And besides, she probably needed help for some of these. "I won't let the snakes bite you, I'm sure they can feel how comfortable I am with you at this point," she laughed as she put on the black and white dress.
Beryl's eyes grew wide at the site of the snakes. "Those are so cool..." she whispered.

Her face turned bright red when she noticed Charissa start to change and she spun around to face the wall. "T-tell me when it's on and I can look..."
Charissa stifled a laugh as she heard Beryl comment on her hair. The most she got out of showing it off was a few stares from curious children and screams of fear, telling others to not look into her eyes even though it was pretty much useless. The most she could do with her stare was paralysis, and she should be actively using it for it to work anyway. The snakes seemed to calm down when Charissa didn't make as much of a fuss around her new friend. Most hung limply while some looked around the room, tongues snaking out to test out their new environment. It was the longest they've been out in public.

"Uhh, how does this look?" She motioned for Beryl to turn around, looking at herself in the mirror.
Beryl turned around and grinned. "That looks really pretty on you!" she blurted out, genuinely meaning it. She blushed. "White and black are nice colors for you, Charissa."
"Ah, thanks!" Charissa beamed, posing a bit in front of the mirror. "I consider white and black to be safe colors to wear. They'll look good on anybody!" She looked over at the loose pink pants and tried those out next. "I'm not totally sure what top to pair this off with, unless you were thinking of the dark green shirt?" she asked, still topless as she tried to judge how the pants looked on her figure.
(I never got a notification for this, I'm so sorry!)

"That definitely could look cute!" Beryl had turned back around as soon as Charissa had started to take her dress off. "Do you have anything at home that matches them?"

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