°Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

((she cant see them, but she can feel them. she knows they are there but cant actually see them. oh and, check your spelling, you spell 'rap' wrong xD ))
The evening was silent, hauntingly silent as if everything was about to fall down around Rosa but she could not stop it. It seemed to last for hours as they walked through the city and than it happened, Rella let out a warning bark and a growl as she stared into the shadows. Fern was doing the same thing except she looked at a different ally way. Marcus pulled out his gun and guided Royal closer to Rosa; the smell was putrid and stung his nostrils and eyes. “You ready to fight?” he whispered staring into the shadows. Every few moments he managed to see a flick of a yellow, the beast’s eyes. His sister snorted sarcastically, “That may be the dumbest thing you have asked me all night,” she laughed cocking her gun.

Then the pack slinked from the shadows, they were very organized and ready to attack. Rella let out a snarl as did Fern and they bore their teeth at the towering mutts. There were four of them and Rosa knew that the moment she and Marcus shot all hell was going to break loose, “Don’t shoot if the dogs are fighting them, you might miss and hit one ours,” she whispered than turned aimed and shot the revolver. The bang shattered the silence and hit one of the beasts scare in the chest. Marcus had also taken aim and hit his target however the dog had only been wounded. They both leaped from their saddles and pulled out their hunting knives. Rella and Fern were tearing into the third Doberman which left the Alpha.
McAllister went slowly to his knees and lay her on Leander's coat that he's lay down for her. "There you are, lass. We'll get you straightened out." He and Leander went about attending her wound, peeling her clothing back away from the wounds only when they weren't baring intimate areas. They wouldn't go about this by denying her her privacy, even if she was unconscious. Leander needed to get to the wound, though, and not through layers of bloody clothes. They cleaned her wound and pressed gauze to them with healing agents, then wrapped bandages around the afflicted areas to keep the gauze tightly in place.

McAllister sat beside her a couple feet away, his eyes scanning the darkness, while Leander looked over Angel's dog. Hopefully the healing process would be quick. Looking over at McAllister, Leander knew his friend was tired. "Go on to sleep. I'll take first watch."
Oh my god! xD i didnt even notice! Lmfao!! Oh gosh.

The Alpha let out a aggressive blare of noise and bared his teeth. He ran at the man who had shot his mate, He Then bit onto his jacket, barely grazing his skin with his knives sharp teeth, He shook violently then tossed the human backwards, The then bit onto the gun taring it from its hands. He then looked at Marcus and Ran between his legs knocking him off his feet, he watched as the dogs tried to defend their owners, and his eyes widened and waited for the dogs to attack. He remembered his owner, he had killed him, And he would do it again to another human. or any dog.

Aria awoke to find her self aching all over. as she sat up she noticed she was bandaged up in various places and the two presences were gone. her senses had become dull from the fighting and she reasoned that she wouldnt be able to sense them till she regained her strength. she spotted McAllister nearby. "thank you for bringing me back." she said politly.
McAllister woke blearily, his eyes blurry and his voice groggy. His Scottish accent seemed to come out even more. "Aye, yer welcome, lass. Wasn't about to leave you there." He blinked at her and then his head fell back. "Leander and I patched you up good. ... Are you feeling any better?" He groaned as he sat up.
"much better, just a bit sore." Aria said with a small smile. "although i cant sense our tag alongs....." she trailed off realizing she must sound crazy. "er, nevermind."
Angel opened her eyes and let out a breath, it was a cold morning and she could see her breath, she yawned and shivered, Luke yawned also and pressed his nose against her cheek, She smiled and kissed his snout and let her head fall back on the ground,Luke stood up and was covered in mud with a little of His Blood, Angel was as well. Luke whimpered and began to lick his coat, Angel groaned and sat up, Her cloths soaked in puddle water and mud, She stood up and looked around for any source of water to wash up in. she groaned again and sighed.

ber watched Angel stand up, and he watched everyone start to wake up. He felt cold and his heart was heavy, He hated with, he saw the male again, but this time it was different, Cumber felt frozen as if he couldn't move, Then he started to realize, This wasn't right, in his own mind, he was seeing what he feared the most.
Rella and Fern sent the third Doberman running and turned to see the last and final dog attacking their owners. Both dogs were cut up and marked with blood and saliva. Rella let out a throaty growl then raced to her owner’s side as she was hurled to the ground. Fern did the same for Marcus as he was knocked off his feet. The man sent the dog’s away and staggered to his sister’s side, she was out cold and bleeding profusely. The horses remained guarded by Fern and Rella which left him with the job of getting rid of the beast.

The Doberman was a good four feet tall and seemed to be almost possessed. Marcus wondered if it had been touched by a demon or infected by some chemical however these thoughts left his mind when his fingers grazed his remaining weapons. He holstered the revolver and pulled from his back the hunting rifle, taking aim he flicked the safety off. The shot rang through the city but he was unsure how deadly of a hit it had been. The beast had been moving so quickly.
McAllister raised an eyebrow at her, then said softly, "I don't think you're mad, lass. And I'm glad you're healing up."

Leander yawned at his post as the watchman. Everyone was waking up, so he stood to check on his patients. He strolled by Angel and her dog, who were closer to him. "Things looking good here?" he asked and then asked Aria who was a few yards away, "How about with you, hm? Are they looking better, the wounds?"
Aria shivered, then pulled an old pullover hoodie out of her bag. " im fine thank you" she yanked the hoodie over her head, taking a deep breath. it smell was comforting, and she felt safe. the scent was from the home she had left after the disaster, it also had the lingering scent of cinnamon, as she had been making snickerdoodles the last time she had worn it. she let out a pained smile. how she missed those days, standing in the warm kitchen, baking as though nothing would ever change.
The Alpha stopped slightly as blood began to rush from his rib cage, He was slightly weaker but he lunged again he bit the owner on his arm and tasted the human blood, Which made him sink his fangs so deep the largest bottom fangs ripped though the skin and left deep gouges, He could feel the blood run down his throat and he shook violently, And pulled back, his fangs were curved and the more the human struggled the more it bore into his soft flesh.

Angel rubbed her arms in cold and began to walk away Luke followed her but more slowly She looked around and called back to the others "Do you know where i can... Clean up?" she asked loudly
Marcus howled in agony and struggled to grab his hunting knife it was jammed between his hip and the asphalt and the pain in his arm was not helping. With a grunt he finally managed to pull the weapon from its sheath. Thankfully Fern and Rella were already coming to help nipping and biting at the beasts legs in hope of distracting it. The man took advantage of this and stabbed the knife into the Doberman’s throat. His strokes and stabs for clumsy seeing as he was using his left instead of his right and therefore using his weaker side but that did not stop him from releasing himself from the beasts jaws. He ordered Rella and Fern back, Marcus did not want to put the dog’s in further danger in case the Doberman stood and fought back again.
The alpha stumbled and began to caugh up blood as it seeped from his nose as well as his gashed up throat, He stared at the human his chest heaving and his gaze then turned to Fern, he attacked and gave the dog and bite around his throat , his blood covered the dog as well as its own blood, he started to feel light and he raked his claws down the dogs chest, he then realesed and backed up and began to pant, he then fell on to his side and he stared at Marcus panting, blood slowly dripping from his mouth, he stared at marcus, and his eyes began to darken to the light brown they were before he was poised by his own owner. He gaze a faint whine and her laid his head down his eyes wide and puppy like brown again.
Marcus slowly backed away as the severity of the situation became clearer. His arm was a deep crimson and he struggled to move his fingers in the pain. Fern lay on the ground breathing strangled breaths, she was alive but just barely and his sister lay unconscious in a puddle of blood. He stumble over to the saddle bags and pulled from them any clothe he could find to bandage their wounds. For a moment his eyes locked with the dying Doberman’s as it died and he knew that it was peaceful for the first time in a long time.

Shaking his head he set to work, he began by wrapping his arm as best he could. He used a shredded shirt and tied it off using his teeth and usable hand. Next he moved to his sister’s side, he wrapped her head carefully and lifted her onto Thorn’s back, he tied her to the saddle with extra rope than tethered the horse to his. Lastly he moved to Fern, the puncture wounds were teeth but she still seemed to cling to life. Tears ebbed in his eyes as his eyes moved between Fern and Rosa. They both seemed so close to death and Rella struggled too. The black and white pitbull whimpered as he bandaged the hound’s throat. Marcus then picked her up and carried the brindle dog over to his mare; he rested her in front of the saddle horn than swung into the saddle. “Come on Rella we have to find some help,” he whispered feeling woozy from blood loss. The man clucked softly and began to walk down the street one hand holding his hound the other pulled close to his chest in an attempt to slow the bleeding. “Help! Please Somebody Help!”
The doberman closed his eyes and Then let his tainted life escape from his young body. Nixon opened his eyes and it was morning he stood and crawled out of the tub, he could hear screaming, but he felt sarrow cloud her would, Cuber was the only thing running though his mind, He got the puppy at such a young age, he begged for all that he lived on, That cuber was alive.But it was a slime chance. He held back his tears, and grabbed Cubers leash, "Please"He whispered to himself and walked out of the building.
Aria yawned. the morning sun warmed her face. nearly everyone was awake now. her senses were almost back in top condition and she figured she would be feeling her two companions rather soon. she got up and decided to go for a walk, seeing daylight as a safer time then evening. she picked up Midnight and held him in her arms as she walked.
Nixon walked down the street and came to a small little creek bed in a trench, He sighed and his gaze ran up and down the stream, No sign of Cuber, He held his hunting rifle in his hand and his Machete against his back, He never felt safe, not matter the time of day.
Aria shivered. it was colder then she thought. the wind blew and she heard noises from all over the city. she felt unsafe, not like it was any different from any other day. she set her cat down and hoisted herself into a tree and sat on a low branch. Midnight quickly followed her up and curled up in her lap.
Nixon walked for 30 minutes but it felt like three hours, he dropped to his knees, Mud splattered on his jeans and he put his hands over his eyes, his shoulders shook slightly and he sobbed, That was all he had left, He felt alone, Cuber was gone, And He couldn't find him.
Markus was walking along the side of the road keeping his jacket close to try and stop the wind. He wasn't that worried about his hawk, Kallin, He knew he was somewhere near-by and smart enough to at least be taking cover when the wind was too much. "This is ridiculous" he said shoving the bag back on his shoulder and tightened the grip on the knife in his hand. He still haven't seen any sign of a person but have had enough encounters with some odd creatures to know he was going to need to fight first ask questions later.
Nixon Rubbed his bloodshot eyes and sniffled, He lost his sister when they were trying to ship her out in a helicopter, it had malfunctioned and crashed, She was dead like the rest of the people in the helicopter, His mother and father were inside as well. He sniffled again He took out his knife and Pressed the blade against the tree, He pressed hard and engraved a C, For Cuber, It would stay there a long time, He sniffled and put the knife back inside its sheath.
the wind was strong, and Aria was getting cold again. she jumped nimbly down from the tree, and started to walk again. she whistled a tune just in case there were people nearby. she already had a small group, perhaps there were others? she never did like being alone, and she assumed that other people were the same.

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