°Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

Leander raised both his brown-black eyebrows as he saw that they had been discovered by yet another person. He went back to his work, placing gauze along the dog's wound. "Okay, hold that against him, apply decent pressure so the blood stops flowing. I'll attach a bandage to hold it in place." The tip of Leander's tongue stuck out in concentration as he wrapped two lengths of bandage around the wound and tied it tight.

McAllister watched at the new girl approached, scratching between his dog Chimera's ears as she growled very softly. All this unfamiliar animals were putting her on edge, and for good reason. He walked down several yards of street and sat down beneath a half-toppled awning. He continued to pet his dog as they sat, observing the rest of the people. He called a hello to the new addition as she, Aria, and their pets approached Leander and Angel.
Aria noticed McAllister had sat down under a tree a ways away. she left a few of the peaches from her bag for the three remaining before walking over to chat. "did your dog get uncomfortable?" she smiled, "it would be better to introduce the new animals slowly." she motioned as Midnight followed her over. Hr mewed and swished him tail, sitting near, but not to close to chimera.
McAllister eyed her and have a gruff, "Aye. But not just the dog. Dunno if I like this much, see." He looked up at her, releasing the hand off of his companion. Chimera slowly edged forward, then sat about two feet in front of Midnight. She was a good dog; loyal, friendly, persevering, and courageous. She was even good with other pets, but so many so soon had made her uneasy. This was paralleled in McAllister's aversion to the new, bigger group of people.

"'S not that I dislike all of you, lass, it's just that a bigger group means more noise, traveling slower, attracting more attention." He shrugged. "Of course, it also means more ammunition, for fighters ... Hmm."
"of course. sterngth in numbers." Aria stroked Midnight, who began to purr. "personally, i dont mind all the people. ive been traveling alone for quite some time. ive grown pretty lonely." she smiled sadly as she looked up at the stars. "and to be completely honest i feel pretty hollow right now."
Russet eyebrows went up at the word hollow. "Hard not to be, isn't it, in a time like this?" McAllister then scowled away, his dog coming closer and leaning against his side. "Why are you hollow?" he asked, deciding to be polite, as he looked back up at Aria. "I'm hollow because I miss Scotland, miss my family. I'm hollow because I can't find anything to fight for other than my own skin."
"why?" Aria frowned. "Chase isnt with me. i watched him die at the hands of a demon. he meant more to me then anyone since i never knew my parents."
"And Chase was who?" McAllister asked gently, softening temporarily as he listened to her. "If you don't want to talk to me about this, I understand. It's personal. But maybe one day we'll learn how to be better for our losses, and maybe we'll even find something that makes us a little more whole." He shrugged, leaning against the building, scratching Chimera's ear. She "harrumphed" and lay beside him.
"He was my first and only boyfriend." Aria smiled a bit. "He was one those guys who had lost faith in the world. It took so much to gain his trust that I ended up falling in love. Turns out it was mutual. I taught him to trust and turns out he wasn't all insults and sarcasm, he was pretty sweet." She frowned
Rosa looped Thorn’s reins about the saddle horn so that she could adjust her gun. Well to be more specific to upholster her revolver and turn off the safety. They were entering the city and she knew that it was going to be crazy. She and Mark had been traveling for two days since what could only be called the apocalyptic outbreak. It had started in their town with a flu that killed all who contracted it, their grandparents and caretakers had been the first to die leaving her and Mark to care for the property. Next came the demons who swept through the town, luckily they had not ventured deep into the country. That had only been a mere week ago and now Rosa was traveling across the state with her brother two horses and dogs in hopes of being safe. They were low on food and needed some supplies, the water out of their well was unclean and they were running low on bottled water.

Fern and Rella, the dogs, were on high alert as they traveled down the street. They had already been attacked by muggers twice and although Rosa and Marcus had fought them off nobody wanted it to happen again. The once proud and tall skyscrapers that lined the streets were crumbling about them. It was Marcus could do to keep his mare quite and steady as they walked down the sand covered streets.
McAllister frowned softly and looked down and the dirt street. That sounded familiar, huh? He glanced up at her, saying nothing, but worrying his bottom lip with his teeth. "Yeah, ah ... I bet it was hard to lose him. I'm sorry." He sounded heartfelt, but he hoped she hadn't seen the sadness flit across his eyes. Hard, he thought. I have to be hard. Unbreakable.

He stood and sighed, looking away, Chimera following suit, then decided against leaving Aria alone there. He looked at her evenly and said in a stronger voice, "Just don't give up hope, alright? You say he was your one and only. How old are you, lass? Think about it. Do you want to condemn yourself to a life alone? ... I know it's hard to think about, but if I were you, I wouldn't just assume Chase was the end of things. You convinced him there was hope. Convince yourself."

Then he gave her a nod and turned back to the street, forcing himself to find something to do, so he went to check their perimeters.
Aria got up and followed him. "he wasnt my one and only, i meant that he was the only person i had ever felt that way about." she smiled sincerly, "he would never want me to give up, and i never will. and it seems im not the only one who is troubled." she said with a gentle expression. "hope is a fragile thing, but still hard to break. and you know, i always thought i could get rid of the pain, tell myself i wasnt effected by any of this, but i realized if these atrocities had no effect on me i would be losing part of my humanity." she towards Angel, and put a hand on her shoulder. "if i turned into such a machine of survival, i would not have risked myself to save someone i dont know." she removed her hand and there was a bit of blood from the wound she had nearly forgotten about.
A Pack of demon dogs spotted The horses, dogs, and people, The boss licked his blood stained snout with his cut up tongue, Two large fangs didnt fit in his mouth and were clearly viable, He crouched down and the others followed, They stalked them in the shadows, he scratched the concrete with he claws, They always gave a warning before they attacked, They were almost invisible in the shadows, only their scent (Of Decaying flesh) Made them stand Out, The boss growled, and three others went around to surround the prey, They were still not seen, The Boss gave the signal and growled loudly for all the people and animals to hear, He stepped from the shadows, His paws were giant and his claws were long, his slipped out of the shadows and bared his teeth at the Humans. The other smaller dogs came out, They were all dobermans, But the boss was the biggest, and the scariest, But they all were big.

Boss: View attachment 6473

Pack: View attachment 6474

Nixon was walking around then Cuber broke lose and ran away barking, Nixon yelled for Cuber, But he kept running "Great!." he said and then ran into his building, He went up it the unlocked door, It was cold and dark inside, He sat in the tub, Cumber usually laid with him, He was afraid, and cold, He listened to Demons screech and scream, His mind was racing.

Cumber ran past all the people (Angel, Luke, Aria, Etc) Barking, He stopped and kept looked at him, He jumped around and started barking, He ran in small circles, His nails clicking on the concrete. He bit onto Aria's Cote and pulled her slightly, He let go and barked again, he then turned around and ran down the street, he turned around to see if they had followed him, When they hadn't he ran back to Aria and tugged again but harder, Then her ran back and made small circles. He barked and Jumped around more.
"whoa" Aria stiffened a second, but realized this dog must be tamed, he hadnt attacked her and pacing about. he was obviously afraid of something. she beckoned to Midnight and the small cat jumped up to her shoulder. "what is it boy?" reached out to the pacing dog.

((gotta eat, be back in a bit))
((Okay :D ))

Cumber sniffed her hand but pulled away fast so she wouldn't grab his collar, in his collar was pockets with razor blades, Pocketknives, and Daggers, He barked again and made little circles, He ran up the street, ran back to Aria yanked onto her shirt to take her then her let go and ran back up the street, He looked around the corner and his tail went between his legs, he went back to her and whimpered and tugged on her sleeve gently, Trying to take her.

Nixon could hear Cuber bark and was sure other things could also, He heard the sound of something moving on the roof and he held his breath, He could hear is growl slightly, then he heard a thud and heard it leap off the roof.
Aria ran after the dog, Midnight hot on her heels. there were noises, and the dog wouldnt stop barking. she pulled out her daggers and kept her senses alert, something was scaring this dog and she knew she was about to find out what.
There where Two dogs, Both were demonic, They were pulled flesh off of a deer carcase and swallowing some organs whole, They Both had Three Head, all the heads fully functional, and all were tearing flesh off the deer, One seemed to be a rottweiler and the other seemed to be a husky of some sorts, Then the husky got to close to the Rottweilers part of the prey, And one of the rottweilers heads bite at the husky's nose, They broke out into a fight and The husky soon backed down, Blood dripped from his nose and had one torn ear. The Rottweiler then got off of him and continued to eat the deer.

Cuber watched then and stood in silence, He didn't know how the human would react knowing they were only a few feet from aggressive mutant dogs, He bared his teeth at the thought of fitting these dogs, but if they bit him, would he be possessed and try to eat flesh like that as well?

Husky: View attachment 6480

View attachment 6479

Aria spotted the two dogs, and put a hand on the dog that had led her there, "shhh. stay here." she whispered, creeping forward. Drawing her bow, she took aim at the rottweiler. if she could down one of them she should be able to fight the other. she held just a second longer, checking her aim and let the arrow fly.
The arrow pierced though the rottweilers skull, its eyes dog wide (All of their eyes) and the one in the middled had blood dripp from his nose and snout, While the one with the arrow inits head had blood drip from its ears, The body fell onto its side and Laid on the ground, it twitched and growled on the ground, The husky's eyes got wide and it looked at Aria, it went over and stood over the dogs dead boy, she didn't completely understand the rottweiler was dead, she nudged the dog then bared her teeth at Aria, She jumped for her and slammed her paws onto her chest, She jumped back and landed on her paws, knocking Aria onto her back, She bared her teeth and the one in the middle bit onto her bow, its teeth making the woods crack,
Aria was stunned a moment, but managed to get up and lept back a few paces, taking her daggers out of her bag. she braced herself as the dog lunged at her again, grace fully dodging this time. she managed to strike a shallow wound along its side before it lunged again, striking a deep blow to her thigh. she kneeled and held out her daggers, slashing as it made another pass at her
The Razors bladed into her stomach, She snarled and slammed her massive paw across her face raking her claws along her cheek, she knocked her down and pinned her, she opened her mouth to rip into her throat but then a Blur of gray and the dog was off of Aria, and Cumber was baring his teeth and sizing up the dog,
Aria screamed, blood ran from her face and thigh, her body was screaming with pain, and now the dog that had led her there was fighting the demon dog. clenching her teeth against the pain, Aria crawled on her good leg to get her daggers which had flown a bit when the dog hit her face.
Cuber took his eyes off the demon and looked at Aria and then the demon raked her claws down her side, Cumber whimpered then bit onto the demons' throat he dislocated his jaw and shook the demon the best her could, His teeth ripping though its throat, Cumber closed his eyes as the demon screeched and one of the heads bit onto his shoulder and raked its claws down the dogs back.

Then out of no where Gage stabbed the demon under its rib with a hunting knife, he twisted the knife then ripped it down its side, The doh yowled in pain and Gage made Cumber release the other dog, The dog stood while blood flowed out of its side wound, Then Gage dropped the knife, it black blood covered his hands and he looked at them, and he swallowed hard.
Aria watched in horror as the two dogs fought gruesomely. she managed to reach one of her daggers, and turned towards the two dogs. she waited till their struggle turn the demon towards her, and threw her dagger the best she could. she watched it fly, making a silent prayer that the good dog wouldnt get hit.
McAllister fell onto his knees beside Aria, making sure to get between her and the demon pack. "Are you okay, lass?" he asked urgently, his pale blue eyes wide. Meanwhile, Leander moved past, his shotgun held at the ready. He was a very good aim, McAllister had told him once, but now it was his time to prove it. He aimed for the demon dog's barreled chest and waited for the two dogs to maneuver themselves in such a way that would leave him a clear shot. If they didn't give him a clear shot, he risked shooting the other dog that had lead them here.

When the other boy burst onto the scene, Leander's eyes widened and he let the gun fall a little. McAllister called from behind, "Good timing, mate!"

Leander took to shooting the other dogs of the pack, the ones that had kept back during the fight.
Cuber growled aggressively at The human pointing his gun, he bared his teeth and ran at the man, He knocked the man down and then leaped over Mcalister and bared his teeth at him, He didnt want Aria hurt, since she was laready injured, He growled loudly and Got in the mans face baring his large teeth, He wanted to protect her, until she was uninjured, He let out a savage noise and looked the man dead in the eyes, Then looked at the man with the gun start to get up and he growled loudly again and put his paws on the mans chest and pushed him onto his back, Then kept standing over Aria.

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