°Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

Aria was trembling, "im fine" she lied watching her dagger miss its target.one side if her face was warm from the blood and her thigh throbbed painfully. she knew it would be difficult to stand.

((ignore the dagger thing i got a little confused.))
no stop dont hurt them" Aria screamed. she was reaching her limit and she didnt know how much longer she could take the pain before she passed out. she was begining to feel light headed
Cuber looked at Aria and got off of him, He backed away from Aria slowly his eyed wide, and he whined at her, Then he bared his teeth, He was bitten and scratched by the demon, and He had swallowed its blood, What was gonna happen to him. He growlede and twitched slightly, he made savage noises as her rubbed his snout, his body felt like it was on fire, he yelped and growled loudly drool dripping off his jaws, He rubbed his face on the ground and claws at his eyes, The burning feeling spreading very fast.
Cuber stared at her, His teeth dripped with drool, he growled loudly and closed his eyes again, raking his claw sover his eyes and biting at his paws. He gashed his eyes and made his paws bleed, he opened his eyes and stared at Aria, the hot pain was going away but now a cold one was coming and it made his body twitch and him bare his teeth.

(I posted in the warrior rp.)
"theres no going back pooch." Aria said sorrowfully as she grabbed one of her daggers. "i will put you out of your misery so you can be in a better place then this hellish world." she held her dagger out towards him.

((i know but we are stuck till the guy playing the leader ends the ceremony.))
He pressed his face against the ground and whimpered, he bared his teeth at the dagger and growled loudly and nipped her hand slightly then licked it not wanted to her her, He stared ather with large dark brown eyes that were quickly getting paler
Aria hated hurting animals, but she knew she had to do it. "im sorry" she mumbled as she stuck the dagger through the dogs chest. she shed a few tears.
Cuber whined loudly and felt the his hot blood mat the fur on his chest, he laid on his side and panted, his life flashed beofre his eyes, He then felt of pain again of when he was a bait dog in dog fights, the humand hade taped his mouth shut and made other dogs attack him, When he was sent to a shelter and Nixon got him, And when he had tore up Nixon's entire house due to his teething, That was a good time, he let his tail thump on the ground happily as he saw these memories then with the last of his strength, he licked Aira's hand and laid his head back and close his eyes.
"what am i going to do?" Aria said, her hand on the dogs head, stroking his ears. "you probably have an owner." more tears fell. she hated this world. too much suffering and pain. she cringed and held her thigh. by now the bleeding had stopped. her face was a mess, her body ached and she didnt think she had the strength to stand.
Cuber blinked at her slowly and rest his head in her lap as her slowly made his breathing slow and then his breathing got softer until it stopped, he was still looking up at her then he slowly shut his eyes.

When cumber opened his eyes he was watching Aria cry and she petted him, but, he could see himself, he looked around and saw them, all of them, there were angels everywhere, this world wasn't ruled by hell, it was like a rapture. But they weren't fighting, they wanted humanity gone, and they were taking it by force.
Both Leander and McAllister stood, the former from being toppled by the dog and the latter from crouching. They were both silent and sad, mourning the loss of a brave canine. Chimera and Bear howled to show their respect, although they'd bristled at the other dog's aggression toward their owners. But, of course, one had to anticipate these things.

McAllister moved closer to Aria and murmured, "You did the right thing, lass. Can you walk? C'mere. If you can't, I'll carry you back."

Before going to greet the other fellow, Leander put in, "We've got plenty more supplies, we'll be able to treat you, Aria."
she cried quietly as she dug a whole in some soft ground nearby. it was hard, but she managed to get up and drag the dog to the hole. she buried him and lined the grave with stones. she took a chunk of bark and eched "hero" into since she didnt know the dogs name.she stuck the bark into the dirt as a headstone and collapsed on the ground next to it.she felt as though all of her energy had left her. she looked up at McAllister and nodded, allowing him to pick her up.

((haha you post just as i did so i had to add the bit at the end there.....))
Cuber watched her do this and he stood beside her, even though he was only a wisp of wind to her, he pressed his head against her face and licked her cheek, he wished he hadn't dies, he wished he had been able to stay with her, He felt complete from what he did, but he was sad due to her sadness. He listened to the dogs howl, and he howled back knowing they were not able to hear him, he again was barely a wisp of wind. Then he watched everything go light, so light it was white, and he was back in a bright world, but he knew it wasn't real, it was only what he wanted to see, not what was really happening.

Gage stared at them and ran away, he jumped over a fence and out of site That was Nixon's dog! He thought to himself If Cumber was alive, Nixon had to be, Cuber never ever would like Nixon die. But Cumber died for that Girl, Not Nixon, Was he really a hero? Or just a lost dog?
McAllister scowled in concentration, cautious of her wounds, not wanting to hurt her. He gently picked her up and stood slowly. "Alright there, lass?" He frowned, lined of worry on his forehead. "We'll get you back and have you right as rain in no time at all." He began to walk briskly, but gingerly, back to their first little make-shift camp. His scowl deepened as he felt her blood seeping into his clothes. "You'll be alright," he said again, his eyes glazing over. He repeated it more softly, sounding broken as he remembered saying those same words before he'd watched his fiancé die. Leslie Normandy, her name had been. When he realized the weakness he was displaying, he sniffles once and cleared his throat, fixing his scowl right back into place.

Leander's greeting died on his lips as the boy ran. He knew he could not stop him, but he bet he would be back.
Angel was still holding Luke, she was cuddled up next to him asleep, She shivered and Luke covered her move, his fur warming her, She petted him and said softly "Good boy." and fell back asleep. Luke was uncomfortable but wasn't about to move and wake up Angel, He watched as every one returned and his eyes were sad and gloomy as theirs were, the scent of death lingered upon them, and he figured some one was dead, but who?
Aria felt warm, not only from being carried, but there was a presence, a second one to be precise. "what is a 17 year old doing being tortured like this?" she mumbled, barely consious."two now? they are both following us" her head was spinning.
Cumber whimpered as he watched The ppor human suffer then he was determined to make it right, He decided to rebel, if it meant he would be with her, even it was only as a wisp of air, He wanted it, He was sent back down quickly everything was different though, it was brighter, but he could see all the danger around Aria, Then he saw it, it was a tall slim figure, and it was male, he watched it closely, who was this figure? The figure touched Aria and a gust of wind blew into her face, Cumber whimpered and kept watching.
Aria felt a light touch on the shoulder, and relaxed a bit. why dont you move on and leave? why would you want to stay in this place? she thought as a breeze cooled her face. "is it crazy that i feel presences?" Aria mumbled to McAllistar. she knew the dog was still there too. you should both move on and be happy. im sorry i let another die on my watch, but please, dont be angry.......Chase. she thought, even though she knew he wouldnt leave.
The Scotsman looked at Aria's face and asked, "What is it, lass? Who's following us?" Leander was quick to move ahead of his friend and the brave girl, running back to camp to set out all the materials that would be necessary to treat her. "Good work," he told her as he passed, and then crouched by Angel once he'd returned. She was asleep, he saw with a small smile. Let her rest. They all needed it. He'd keep watch.

(Wohp, you beat me to it. > xD )
Cuber wondered if she could see him now, because she seemed to be staring right at him. He blinked and wagged his tail, The stopped and looked away.

do you know any good speed painting websites?
((haha, i wish i did.))

Aria dreamed, well more like nightmare. she got the luxury of reliving the horror that just unfolded, and she trembled. she cried a little in her sleep.
((Can she see Cuber and her bf?))

Cumber felt sadness cloud over hm and he slowly walked over to her, and laid beside her. wishing she would rape her arms around him, and instead of feeling cold, he was warm again, He whimpered and he put a paw over his snout.

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