°Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

ke began to trot and then her looked behind him to make sure he was still following, Then Luke turned a corner and stoppedwalking, He just stared at Nixon, He was still sitting against the tree, His hands over his eyes.
"Hello" he asked following the dog to find a person sitting there. "Are you alright dude" he asked next.
McAllister and Leander were still at the camp, if you could call it that. They were reinforcing some walls against the foundation of a long-fallen building so their group might have a little bit of shelter. It was more like a huge lean-to, with a couple discarded awnings as the roof. But, considering the circumstances, it was a good shelter, and one they were sure the others might appreciate. They's built it bigger than was necessary to perhaps hold provisions or more people.

After, Leander went to pick his sweatshirt up from the ground where he'd lain it for Aria when she was wounded. Patches of rusty red dotted in in places where Aria's blood had spilled on it. His looked almost exactly like McAllister's now. After the two young men had double- and triple-checked the shelter, they went to find Aria. McAllister brought her effects that she'd left.

They heard her voice not too far away, so they turned a couple corners and found her accompanied by two other males. "Lucky day," Leaner commented brightly, then he and the Scotsman greeted everyone and McAllister gave Aria her weapons.
Angel groaned slightly, "Hello?" He called looking around, She was alone, Again.

Nixon didnt look at the person "Yes." he said bluntly, he then ran his fingers through his hair but kept it pinned back,.
Aria received her things from the two of them, and thanked them. "this is my friend Markus, and just so you know the dog spirit is still here." Ariathrew her bag over her shoulder

((if you need more female characters i can make some :) ))
(ya, you said "woman come to my RP" unless you were yelling at me for being gone? xD anyway, i have two other females characters i can add? and i was thinking one of them be half human half angel so Cuber has someone to pet him and stuff?))
Faith spotted some people nearby, and folded her wings back till the disappeared. she didnt want to scare anyone, let alone get attacked. she peeked out from a tree a good distance away. there was a girl, a cat, a few guys and their dogs. one was sitting next to a tree, and Faith could feel the strong sorrow coming off of him. to her surprise, there was also the spirit of a dog, and in the distance, the spirit of a young man.
Cuber felt a light breeze, he began to run, He saw Nixon, And a woman, Cuber just stared at the woman, she was different, he could tell, He ran towards Nixon and went right next to him, He wanted to lick his human again, His human and protected him as a pup, Now who would protect his humans pups? (Babies/Children) He had let his human down, he was supposed to be there with him, Be his best friend, Savior, Protecter, And his pups play toy, and he was supposed to be like their teddy bear, some who they could hold onto at night when they were scared of the things in the dark, and some one who they could cry on and tell secrets to because they know he would never tell. He let him down, He was supposed to be there, But he wasn't, He whimpered and sat down in front of his Human, then his gaze fell on the woman.
Faith felt pain flowing off the dog spirit. she quietly beckoned him over to her, she didnt want to be seen yet, she wasnt sure about these people. her dove, Fay, sat in a tree above them quietly observing there interactions to see if they were friendly.
Faith smiled gently at the dog and petted him. "you poor boy" she scratched around his neck "you did a good thing." she put her hand on his head, "you died protecting someone right?" she whispered.
Cuber licked her hand in a yes, he didn't know if she could feel it though, He sniffed her and whimpered and jumped up onto her putting his paws right under her shoulder and he sniffed her face (He is a big pit bull)
Markus rubbed the back of his head awkward "Is there any way I can help you feel better" he asked.
Faith fell back onto the ground with a thud "whoa careful boy, someone might see me" she petted him enthusiastically. "your such a good dog" she smiled.

Aria was puzzled a moment, "hey Markus the dog, it walked away for some reason" she closed her eyes try to feel if the dog was still nearby. she couldnt feel anything at the moment, her abilities were pretty limited.
Cuber wagged his tail, he was being pet again, He longed for his owners touch and Aria's but he could settle for this, he whimpered and got off of her, He put his tail between his legs and whimpered, He looked at Nixon, He was devastated.

Nixon shook his head "No, Its alright I'm Fine." He sighed and slung his bag over his shoulder and began to walk down the street, and he walked until he came to the creek again he picked up a stone and threw it into the water, it was thick and black.
"Well he sure is in a downer mood what happened with him" he asked Aria watching him throw rocks across the water. "And he's a dog he should be able to roam if he wants too" he said simply.
Aria nodded, "but its a spirit, he wouldnt just wander off." she felt helpless. she kicked the dirt around. "maybe hes moved on."

Faith knelt down next to the dog, "you want him to pet you again." she said knowledgably. she looked over at the girl, "perhaps there is someway for that girl to tell your owner what happened? does she know you belong to that boy?"
Nixon sighed and took out Cuber's leashed, he held it tightly and stared at it, Now knowing what to do, he put it back in his pocket and just stood still.

Cuber whimpered and shook his fur, as if a no, He looked over and whimpered and looked at Nixon again He took a step towards his owner, then lifted his paw again and sat down, his til curled around him.
Leander watched the boy sullenly throwing rocks into an unctuous, toxic-looking creek. (I do suppose it was the creek you were describing as "thick and black," yes? :3) He approached him somewhat, although he kept distance between them. He understood the other boy probably didn't want him to come physically close to him. "Um, you know, we've sort of made a camp a couple streets over. If you wanted to join us I'm sure it'd be okay with the others. We've all got reason to be upset just now, but I bet it'd be best if we all worked together." Leander tried a small smile, then he backed off and went up to Markus to shake his hand. "Very nice to meet you."

McAllister smiled. Count on Lee (the nickname he had for Leander) to give the comforting speeches. They'd worked well enough on him, McAllister admitted. The Scotsman also greeted Markus and nodded to Nixon, although he doubted the other boy had seen, due to the fact the boy had his back to him. He gave Aria a polite nod and a half smile, where the males had gotten gruffness. "I'm going back to the camp, Aria. Lee and I've made a sort of temporary shelter for us all. We tried all the buildings near by first, of course, but they were all locked, so we built something modest to house us all with some space left over. Whenever you want, you should come check it out." Briefly, he turned back toward Markus. "That offer extends to you as well, mate, if you'd like."
Aria frowned. She walked up to nixon, she had a bad feeling that she was reason for his sadness. "You wouldn't happen to be the owner of a large pitbull would you?" She asked gently.

Faith couldn't hear what they were saying so she tried to move a bit closer. To her dissmay she stepped on a twig which brock with a loud snap.
(Previous ignored post is below)

Marcus slowly backed away as the severity of the situation became clearer. His arm was a deep crimson and he struggled to move his fingers in the pain. Fern lay on the ground breathing strangled breaths, she was alive but just barely and his sister lay unconscious in a puddle of blood. He stumble over to the saddle bags and pulled from them any clothe he could find to bandage their wounds. For a moment his eyes locked with the dying Doberman’s as it died and he knew that it was peaceful for the first time in a long time.

Shaking his head he set to work, he began by wrapping his arm as best he could. He used a shredded shirt and tied it off using his teeth and usable hand. Next he moved to his sister’s side, he wrapped her head carefully and lifted her onto Thorn’s back, he tied her to the saddle with extra rope than tethered the horse to his. Lastly he moved to Fern, the puncture wounds were teeth but she still seemed to cling to life. Tears ebbed in his eyes as his eyes moved between Fern and Rosa. They both seemed so close to death and Rella struggled too. The black and white pitbull whimpered as he bandaged the hound’s throat. Marcus then picked her up and carried the brindle dog over to his mare; he rested her in front of the saddle horn than swung into the saddle. “Come on Rella we have to find some help,” he whispered feeling woozy from blood loss. The man clucked softly and began to walk down the street one hand holding his hound the other pulled close to his chest in an attempt to slow the bleeding. “Help! Please Somebody Help!”

(In addition to the post)

Rosa groaned softly as she began to come to. Her bleeding head throbbed and everything was blur to her as the stallion swayed underneath her. She could not remember a thing of what had happened however remembering her own name was difficult at the moment. As the slim moments of alert concise thoughts slipped away from her she managed to croak out help then everything turned fuzzy again.

Marcus redoubled his efforts for help when he heard his sister cry out. She was slung over the saddle and tied to it so that she would not slide off and fall again. He could also see that his makeshift bandage on her head was beginning to slip as was the one around his hand and Fern's neck. Rella let out a whimper as she ran between her owner's listless form Fern's sputtering body and Marcus's weak calls for help.

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