°Gone° ≈)With Out A Trace≈)

Nixon eyes were bloodshot, he stared at her, his eyes glittered with a small glimmer of hope, "Yes, His is Gray and white." He said his mood slowly adjusting and he felt his heart flutter, Maybe she knew where Cuber was, And maybe he was okay, "His name is Cuber, It said it on the inside of his collar."

Angel went over and tugged on Leander's arm a bit, "Um.." She hesitated, She was not shy although she was afraid the boy would get the wrong idea,And she would scare him away "Would you help me...Clean up?" She said Gesturing to her mud soaked cloths, that were plastered against her thin body (I made Angel look different, Check it out :D ) She gave a friendly smile, and her eyes glittered with a bit of emotion.

Luke ran down the ally way and panted slightly, he came to the creek and lapped up the muddy water, he coughed then looked on the other side of the lake, He saw people, he growled not knowing if they were friendly, But they were injured and Then the large stiff body of the dead doberman caught his eye, He swam across the river, water flooded into his mouth and down his throat he coked, he coughed and hacked up the water, His fur was plastered with mud, He probably looked vicious and he stared at them, It must have been a scene, a large wolf like dog swimming across the river, then getting to the other side and coughing up a black foul liquid, he kept staring and pinned his ears against his head, the scent of death and decay made him almost gag.
Aria felt her heart break a little seeing a faint hope in his eyes, "i, well, there was this fight and well i..." she began to cry, and walked over to him, without a second thought she hugged him, "im so sorry, he protected me from a demon dog and was bit. he started to change so i, well i couldnt let him suffer." she cried heavily. not only had she lost who was most important to her, she had also lost someone elses companion as well.
"im so sorry" Aria continued to cry. "im so, so sorry. i dont know why ive been so cursed to be weak. i watched the one i loved most die, and ive let your dog die too. and even more, they wont leave. they follow me." she trembled.

Faith watched in horror, greif flowed off these two in waves. she wanted to comfort them, but felt the presence of another stranger would make things worse. even she cried a few tears. this scene was one she had watched many times as she stumbled upon other travelers in this dead wastland.
Cuber just stared his tail between his legs, he couldn't do this anymore, he had to leave.

Nixon swallowed hard. "I-." He didnt finish his sentince, tears rolled down his flushed cheeks and let go of the girl
"if its any consolation, you should be proud. he protected me, he was a hero." Ariawiped her tears and smiled. crying would do her no good. "he gave his life for such a person as me, he was a great dog." she put a hand gently on his shoulder. she hoped the dog could hear, because she was proud too, that a dog she had only just met would save her life.

Faith smiled as well, this girl had a good heart. she stroked the dog hoping to comfort his pained soul. "shhh its ok. youve done a good thing"
(Below: Another previous post that was ignored)

Rosa groaned softly as she began to come to. Her bleeding head throbbed and everything was blur to her as the stallion swayed underneath her. She could not remember a thing of what had happened however remembering her own name was difficult at the moment. As the slim moments of alert concise thoughts slipped away from her she managed to croak out help then everything turned fuzzy again.

Marcus redoubled his efforts for help when he heard his sister cry out. She was slung over the saddle and tied to it so that she would not slide off and fall again. He could also see that his makeshift bandage on her head was beginning to slip as was the one around his hand and Fern's neck. Rella let out a whimper as she ran between her owner's listless form Fern's sputtering body and Marcus's weak calls for help.

(Below: New post)

He yelled out loudly despite his waning strength. All the man wanted to do was crumble in the saddle and pass out, hope someone else would find and help them. HOwever he knew that the likelihood of that happening was slim to none. What frustrated him was the silence within the city, he knew there were people there and that his cries were easily heard its just that everyone ignored him. But Marcus kept trying despite his loss of blood, "HELP, PLEASE ANYBODY HELP!"
a cry reached Faiths ears, it was very faint, so she expected the others hadnt heard it. she whispered a quick apology to the dog spirit before taking a few steps back and revealing her wings.they were small, seeing as she was only a half angel, but they were sufficient to carry her 5 foot 4 inch, light weight body. yes, she was small for her age, but she had a lot of will to make up for it. she quietly lifted herself above the trees in search of the voice. she flew around a bit till she spotted two horse, one with an injured girl and boy, and dogs. she flew low as not to be seen. she landed nearby, folded her wings in till they disapeared and walked towards them. she spotted them and ran over to them quickly. "i heard a cry for help, and it appears your in need of it."
([MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] i didn't ignore the post))

Luke ran down the ally way and panted slightly, he came to the creek and lapped up the muddy water, he coughed then looked on the other side of the lake, He saw people, he growled not knowing if they were friendly, But they were injured and Then the large stiff body of the dead doberman caught his eye, He swam across the river, water flooded into his mouth and down his throat he coked, he coughed and hacked up the water, His fur was plastered with mud, He probably looked vicious and he stared at them, It must have been a scene, a large wolf like dog swimming across the river, then getting to the other side and coughing up a black foul liquid, he kept staring and pinned his ears against his head, the scent of death and decay made him almost gag.
Luke ran up beside the woman and looked up at me as if translating to her "Clean me." He looked at the other s and stood behind the woman to make sure the horses didn't freak and buck and step on him, He watched from behind her, his fur plastered back with the foul scented mud, He rubbed his face on the ground, it was the worse scented liquid he had smelt yet, He kept whipping his face trying to remove the scent.
Faith wrinkled her nose at the scent of death, but she realized the dog meant no harm and seemingly had swam in the dark river, or so she called it. she lloked around a moment, trying to find something to rid him of the discusting liquid that drenched his fur. she reaching in her large shoulder bag and found a large container of clean water, she could easily find more so she slowly dumped it over every part of the dogs drenched body, rinsing away as much of the river water as she could.
A splash broke the silence between his cries for help; Marcus slowly turned trying to pinpoints its location. It seemed to be a huge dog of some kind paddling through the water; a groan escaped his lips for he knew that he physically could not fight off another attacker. The dog was monstrous but it was occupied by the dead Doberman’s and hacking up the foul river water. Before he could say anything Rella let out a ferocious growl her eyes never leaving the wolf like dog. Marcus felt slightly less nervous, Rella could probably protect them even without Fern’s help. However before he could delve deeper into that thought a girl appeared from seemingly nowhere, even the horses, who had been facing that direction, seemed surprised by her sudden approach. They snorted and raised their heads as if looking at the sky but neither of them balked. Marcus straightened in the saddle, “Yes, is there anywhere we could go and get some medical attention. My sister may have a concussion and my arm’s mighty torn. And than there’s my hound, she’s pretty beat up as well. I know it’s a lot to ask for help and we can’t exactly pay you but once this arms heals up I can hunt,” He said forcing the desperation out of his voice.
Leander's eyes widened fractionally and he blushed faintly, but nodded. "Of course, I ..." He cleared his throat a little awkwardly, then gave a small smile. "Anything to help."

He walked with her, examining her state of dress quietly and, he hoped, respectfully. "So we need a clean water source ... Erm, you might have to wear something else while your clothes are being washed. I've got a spare pair of jeans and a sweatshirt extra in my bag. It's ratty, but it'll keep you clothed and warm. Wait here just a sec'." He smiled, ran over to their new shelter, rifled around in his bags and brought out the old garments.

"Will these do, Angel?"
Faith turned from the drenched dog to the injured duo, " i can help you." she said in an unusually gentle voice, as she usually did speaking with full blood angels, she noticed the slip up and immediatly fixed it, "i have wrappings and and medical supplies." she motioned to her bag before approaching them.
Marcus felt as if a cool breeze washed over him as she spoke, her voice was calming and almost caressed him. For a moment he worried that she might be possessed and her voice was some kind of trap but none of the animals were wary around her which was usually a good sign. He nodded, "Thank you so much, those dogs were vicious and came out of nowhere. Up until today we had had decent luck fighting them off but you can't always win, right?" he asked attempting a weak smile to go along with his dreary humor. With a grunt Marcus slid from the saddle and managed to land on his feet instead of in a heap. "I think you should look at my sister's head first, especially since she is knocked out. Once she comes too she will be a bit more difficult to deal with, should we move out of the open?"
"of course," she smiled. she chose not to speak of fighting off such predators, being a half angel who could fly she had trouble only with demons who also flew, which she easily disposed of with her arrows. "there is a building nearby, and also some fresh water." she informed. she walked over to the horse, and put a hand on its head. her already small stature seemed even more tiny next to the horse.
Faith petted the horse before turning to the dog again. "and i think this guy could use some attention too, especially after swimming that nasty river." she looked between the dog and the people, motioning for them to follow. she led the way toward a nearby building. it was one of many where she kept a store of food, fresh water and medical supplies. she could so easily fly out of any danger she used it to her advantage. she tried to help people as she went along seeing as she never had any large problems to deal with herself.
Angel blushed and nodded, She took the clothes and and smiled "Thank you." She said quietly and turned around, She removed her shirt and put on the sweatshirt, it was big on her, Then she dropped took her pants off and pulled the other pants on she then turned back to him, the clothes were kinda big on her, but she was warm, and they were comforting to her, She smiled at him, where she came from, you weren't afraid of people seeing your body, especially if you loved your body, she blushed and bit her lip, Not knowing what the guy would be thinking of her when she changed right in front of him.
Marcus nodded, "Thank you so much," he said leading the horses carefully behind her. He could tell that Rella was not exactly comfortable with the other large dogs presence but she was not about to start a fight. She just made sure to keep herself between him and her "pack". Marcus continued to whisper softly to the animals in hopes of keeping them quiet and calm. At this moment he knew that if there was another attack everything would most likely go down the drain. When they finally stopped before a building it became clear that were going to need to find a place for the horses. They could not stay outside because they would attract dogs and other things of that nature. If the building was an old apartment building they could just shove the horses into a room next door, otherwise they would need to keep them in a separate space. Marcus looped the horses' reins around an old telephone pole and began to unstrap Rosa from the saddle, "What was this places original purpose?" he asked struggling to carry his unconscious sister.
"Convenience store." Faith answered. "There's room for the horses too. My supplies are in the back room, the horses can stay in the front room. She led them in and pointed to a bed made of random pillows. She found her bandages and antibiotics.
Marcus nodded in thanks and carried his sister to the bed of pillows. He laid her down carefully then returned to Fern and the horses. Rella of course never left Rosa’s side, the dog was curled up by her mistress’s feet and gave wary looks to the kind woman who was helping. The horses quietly followed him to the directed room where he removed all of their tack and let them roam free in the compact space. He would have to find a park later so they could eat something for now he satisfied them with what was left of their feed.

When he returned to his sister and the girl he brought with him Fern’s struggling body. The hound was gasping for breath and the bandages about her neck were scarlet. “It’s ok girl, your strong keep fighting,” he whispered to the hound as he lay her down.
Faith retrieved her first aid. she kneeled next to the girl and unwrapped her poorly bandaged head. she carefully felt around her head till the unconscious girl twitched. having found the impact spot she was able to prop her up in a position that would be most comfortable and the best for her healing. "theres not much i can do for a concussion." she put fresh bandages to help cushion the girls head. after leaving her to rest Faith moved on to the dog who was bleeding from the neck. she carefully removed the bandages and took a bit of water to clean the wound. "this might hurt." she carefully cleaned, then grabbed her antibiotics. she made a shushing noise before singing a light song while she applied the antibiotics. she tried comforting the dog because she knew it was painful. after she cleaned the would she wrapped new bandages around the dogs neck. they were tight enough to help stop the bleeding but not so tight she couldnt breath.
Leander had respectfully turned away after having seen her bare bare and shoulders, fighting the blush that he knew was spreading across his cheeks. He cursed mentally, wishing he could pretend at an aloof facade but knowing that he couldn't. He turned around when she was finished, smiling softly at how his clothes fit her. "Alright, now lets go find a clean water source to wash these in." He offered to hold the other clothes for her. A moment later, something occurred to him. "Er," he murmured a little nervously, "are you wanting to bathe as well? I can ... I could go have a look around while you did so as not to disturb you ... ?" He admitted, he could use a wash, too, but he wouldn't want to look presumptuous or like he was prying to get a look at her without clothes. That wouldn't reflect well on him at all.

Back at the makeshift camp, McAllister was sitting against one of the old building's walls, dutifully sharpening his knives. Chimera lay with her tail curled around his ankle and every few moments, he would reach down a hand to pet her. If one looked at him, they would be able to see his mind was far from his tasks. His blue eyes were distant, set in a stormy expression.
Aria was unsure what to say to the distraught guy, not that she had any right to sya anything. she had let his dog die! "well, if you would like, weve made a makeshift camp. ti easy to find if you continue in this direction." she pointed. "well, we should get going." she turned to Markus, urging him to come with her. she walked with a solemn look.

(@Wingal, [MENTION=2581]DemonicPheneomenon911[/MENTION], you two still with us?)

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