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Fantasy Gods Among us

(We have gone too far ahead, we need to let the whole group catch up with us.)

Ullr put his things in his locker, turning to Artemis he said, "hey, let's wait for hades, he seems to be over himself and I kinda feel sorry for him"
Artemis smiled. "Ok. But somehow, I see a rivalry brewing between the two of you." She said, leaning against her locker. "You know I can't read the future, but I have a hunch." she said.
"A rivalry? Of what, him making you feel bad then me telling him off for it, and comforting you. Followed by him apologizing, then melt and repeat?" He questioned
Artemis laughed, her cheeks turning a light pink. "No. Something more like a competition for some prize. And you both want me as a partner or something to help you win."
Ullr blushed a bit too but instead of normal blushing, frost just formed all over his body, and the air around him grew colder. "Oh, that, right"
Artemis smiled, gently touching the frost. "Cold," She said. "I like it." She smiled warmly at him, holding her books close to her chest. She then turned her face back to the hallway, waiting for Hades.
Ullr smiled, "oh yeah, I accidentally dropped your cold field, in class. I have to work on making you a sphere of cold air that will stay around without me concentrating on it." He said as he made sure the air around her was nice and cool.

(Ok it's late here and I need sleep because of school tomorrow, the everyday fervors of life, tomorrow I hope that everyone can get caught up and into the arena so I can introduce the arena/PE teacher.)
Artemis smiled. "Normally I am ok when Hestia is not around." She said, smiling. "Though the gesture I find charming." She said, tapping her fingers on her book.
Hades went over to the two. "Hey, Artie." He said, still feeling bad about what he did. "I'm really sorry for everything I said. I don't know why I said all of those." He said, looking apologetically at Artemis. "And Ullr, you were right. I shouldn't have done that." He said, smiling at him. "So, where's the arena?" He asks, having not read the map the night before.
"It's that way" Ullr said, pointing to the right, let's go in and wait." He said, striding towards the arena.

(Ok! Enough! No more posting for me tonight, I have SCHOOL TOMORROW AND HAVE TO GET UP In 6 hours)
(SO DO I! And I should probably be asleep)

Artemis smiled. "It's ok. I would have said so earlier but quite frankly, doing an essay would be the last thing on my list." She said, giving a warm smile. "As for the arena, it's a mystery to me. I don't really know my way around yet."
Isis packed up her things begrudgingly, thinking both of her punishment and of the next lesson. Arena. Urgh. I'm a capable fighter, but I don't enjoy it.

She got up and smiled at Hermes. "I'll meet you at the arena, chances are if I stay ten seconds longer than I'm supposed to, I'd get drawn and quartered," she deadpanned, heading for the next lesson.


Morpheus lazily packed up all his things and dragged himself out of the class, going to his locker and collecting what he'd need for Arena, before setting off for the class. This is gonna suck. I'm no fighter, and abilities that can be used in a dream are no use out here.
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And there it was, the end of the class. Andromeda got up and steadied herself, taking a deep breath before stepping foot past her desk. She knows Hermes would bombard her with questions and stick like glue to her once again. Why did she even try to talk to him before in the first place? And sure enough, Hermes was waiting for her at the door, smiling like an idiot as he waved goodbye to another student. Andromeda didn't recognize her, but she was sure she had seen her somewhere before, maybe in a book of some sorts. She shrugged and walked towards her next class with Hermes trailing behind her. "Man, first day and I got punishment," Hermes said, pouting, "You got any notes Andy?" Andromeda flipped back a strand of her hair and crossed her arms. "Yes I do, but I won't lend it to you. It's your fault you weren't listening." Hermes walked in front of her and faced her while still walking. "Come on Andy. Please? Please? Please?" He continued saying 'please' until they reached the Arena, and Andromeda had no other option but to say "Yes, Hermes. For the love of Zeus Almighty would you please shut up?" to quiet him down. Thankfully he did, but only after she handed him her notes. Luckily for her she had memorized everything she needed to know for tomorrow's examination.
Seeing people walk by, Ullr stood up from leaning on his locker, "we should get going too," he said as he walked toward the gym. "However scary we thought Quetzalacoatl was, I bet this teacher is going to be worse, after all, it will be a warrior god." Ullr Shuddered, thinking of punishments his mother gave him as a child.
Artemis smiled. "I think they will be nice. After all, I can shoot an arrow like no ones business. And quite frankly, I would like to see how well you shoot too." She said, bumping into him softly before continuing down the long hallway.
Hades tried not to feel jealous by that, but he really did. Well, his people skills aren't really the best, especially when you have spent eternity with the dead. He instead looked away, trying hard to ignore them. "Who do you think is our instructor? He or she must be a war god since we are going to an arena. Question is, what pantheon?" He asks, trying to start a conversation.
Ullr nudged Artems back, "oh I'm a pretty good shot, after all I don't have much else to do with my time except ski and home my skills with the bow." Replying to Hades inquiry, he stated, "I would hate it if it was anyone from my culture, especially my step-father. But then again, wouldn't arena also include battle strategy? Not all war gods are associated with smart battle." Ullr then looked at Artemis, "what do you think?"
Artemis smiled, looking ahead. "True. Some war gods, like Athena, where associated with knowledge and wisdom in battle, where as others where more associated with crazy and wild forms of battle." She said, her heels clicking on the tile as they walked down the hall. She had never noticed, but the tile was particularly interesting in this place.
As the group walked into the gym, Ullr surveyed the layout. Along the wall to their left was a row of stone benches, the back wall was covered with various weapons and different styles of leather armor, the middle of the room was spotted with several platforms of a soft material. On the far side of the room was a god, surveying the students as they walked in. "Hey guys, look over there. Anyone know who that is?" Ullr gestured to the lion-headed god.

(The god is Apedemak, African god of battle)

Artemis shook her head wildly, her face soon growing fear. 'I don't, but I have a feeling I don't really want to know." She said, continuing to walk with him. She looked behind her, making sure Hade's was coming along with them as they surveyed the gym. Fortunately, she spotted a few sets of bows lining the wall with all the other weapons, her nerves easing up.
Ullr noticed Artemis' reaction, "hey, don't freak out. How bad could it be?" Ullr smiled and formed an exact replica of the snowflake that he saw from her notebook on the back of her hand. The. Turned his focus to the wall. Sweet, they have bows and ulfbhert. All that I need for whatever we may be doing. He thought as he sat on an empty bench.

(Ulfbhert are just short swords)
Artemis sighed. "It could be pretty bad. I have seen some mean gods in my day and age, and trust me, the ones that look the strongest usually are the strongest." She said, walking with him. She suddenly felt something cold on the back of her hand. She turned her hand over and saw one of the snowflakes she was drawing on the back of her hand. Feeling a strange heat rise to her cheeks, she stayed silent and walked over to the bench and sat next to him.
Ullr laid his head back against the wall, closing his eyes, and wished it was winter. When he heard Artemis sit down next to him he kept his eyes closed but said out loud. "Heard of any lion headed gods in your day and age? Cause I haven't. Maybe Heyds knows. Cause I'm pulling a blank."

(Hate to say it but it's midnight and sleep must come to all of us, I'll check online constantly tomorrow should there be any posts, but I'm guessing tht not everyone else will be able to get on tomorrow. I will also wait for everyone to enter the gym before the class actually starts.)
Artemis heard his whisper and she nodded, leaning against the wall next to him. "Hmm, we don't have very many lion headed gods in greek mythology."
He saw the god and was astonished. "Apedemak." He muttered. He had heard it before, the dead must have mentioned it, but this is the first time he saw the god. Okay, granted that war gods looks intimidating, but he is a level of his own. He had a beastly appearance, due to his half lion physique, but this is not all. Like most war gods, he has an aura of power, an aura of authority. Add that to his appearance, and you created a god intimidating enough to make Ares retreat. "He's even more intimidating in person." He said to the two.

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