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Fantasy Gods Among us

Artemis paid attention to the teacher for the majority of the time. But some of the time was spent humming to herself. She sung a lot of the time when she was alone, because it seemed like it was the only thing that paid close attention. She sighed softly, doodling on her paper instead of taking notes.
Andromeda grabbed her notebook and rested her chin on her hand. The teacher seems interesting enough, he sure does seem to know about everything. She was determined to listen and learn all that she can. Who knows, she may have an advantage over the others if she does. They don't seem to be participating anyway...


Thankfully, no one seemed to notice. Hermes sat next to one of the other student who was late. He leaned in close to her and whispered, "Hey, what's your name? I'm Hermes by the way, and I'm in need of a notebook paper." Hermes offered a smile, hoping she would give him one; he came unprepared, bringing only a tool for writing. He wasn't one to take notes anyway, but just in case.
"Isis," she replied, ripping him out a few pages from the back of her own notebook and handing them over. "Shouldn't the messenger of the Gods have paper?" she asked coyly, recognising his name from one of her conversations with Osiris. Just like Hades gets Egyptians through his Underworld, Osiris gets Greeks through his.

She watched him from the corner of her eye and returned the smile.
"Thanks Isis," Hermes ran a hand through his hair and rested it on the back of his neck. "I know," he smiled sheepishly. "I left everything behind, too much to carry. I really don't like carrying stuff to be honest." He accepted the papers and laid them on his desk. He was actually surprised that she knows him. Had he delivered to her before? Surely he would remember. "I'm a messenger, what about you?" he asked out of curiosity, "I don't think we've met before? Oh and I owe you one. For these papers. "
"We haven't met, but I've heard of you. I'm the Egyptian Goddess of Magic and Nature," Isis told him. "I'd also brag about how I'm Queen of the Egyptian Gods, but people always seem to get annoyed when I do," she joked, folding her arms and turning to face him fully. She tried to keep an ear to what the teacher was saying, but it was unlikely while talking to someone else. He's very laid back. I expected someone more hyper or annoying.

"I'll have to get you to deliver a message for me sometime," she said, shrugging, "or you can just give me some paper. Up to you."
'Queen of the Egyptian Gods' Hermes almost choked on his own spit. 'Queen.' He turned and looked around for Andromeda, just to brag that he's sitting next to a queen, but she's too far on the back. As usual, she was poised like the perfect student, trying to desperately to avoid his gaze. Hermes tried his best to stifle his laughter as he turned back around. He just couldn't believe that a queen is sitting in class. It's like seeing Zeus copying notes from the board or something. "Oh I don't mind," Hermes replied. "It's a nice title, "Queen of the Egyptian Gods." Do you mind if I call you that?" He grabbed some of the paper she had given him, leaving him with just a single paper left. He then placed the others back on her desk. "Now my debt is paid Queen of the Egyptian Gods," he said, smiling.
Isis laughed quietly, placing the pages back in her notebook. "Not what I meant."

"You can call me that if you prefer, but make sure none of the other Egyptian Gods overhear. None of us really rule the others, but I'm the only one of us worshipped by everyone. Mortals took to calling me "Queen of Heaven", but some of the others aren't too pleased about it," Isis told him, smiling. He's either mocking me or feeding my ego. I'll just go with feeding my ego for now. It's more amusing.

She noticed he'd looked back at a Goddess sat behind everyone else. "A friend?" she asked.
Quetzolacoatl stood walked in to stand in the row just in front of Hermes, and Isis. "If you two like my Culture so much, then you can work together to write a three page essay over any aztecan god to hand to me in two days." turning to the rest of the class, he boomed, "the rest of you are to study your notes as there will be a small quiz tomorrow. For the last few minutes of this class, you are to study your notes, and I will hear no talking lest the two of you will suffer the same fate as those two."

Ullr raised his eyebrows as the Teacher made his punishment, then made the words, Wow, harsh much? appear in ice on artemis desk.
Artemis tried not to laugh. She nodded, looking at Ullr. She smiled, wanting to get out of this class quick, seeing as the teacher was literally shoving the words down there throat. She smiled and looked over her notes quickly, trying to make sure that she would get this quiz right. But thanks to her friend, Artemis, she was a bit more than averagely smart.
Hermes nodded to Isis just as Quetzalcoatl walked in front of them, demanding a three page essay. Hermes scrunched up his nose and tried to think of what could possibly happen if he failed this class. Another extra year in here perhaps? A tournament to the death? He shrugged and made a mental note to either bribe someone or ask a God who owes him a favour to write the essay for him instead. Maybe Andromeda can help, but then again, she hates his guts. He could almost see her suppressing a tiny smile from where she sat. For now, He can only sigh and stare at his blank piece of paper. It seemed to mock him from his desk. The nerve. He turned towards Isis and whispered, "You got anything written down?"
When artemis noded at him Ullr made the words return to their original form of water vapor. looking over his notes he realized that this would be quite easy as they didnt even have a page of notes. turning to artemis he wrote on her desk once more, if we have to spar, ill help you hone your skills with a shortsword, thats the only other weapon I'm skilled with.
Artemis smiled again, looking at the ice letters. She smiled, nodding to confirm her answer. She smiled, resting her elbows on her desk. She was really starting to appreciated this Ullr guy. He was nice, and he wanted to help teach her things that would make her stronger. He kind of understood how it was to be a lesser god.
once again Ullr made the words evaporate at Artemis nod. This is going to be fun, the Ice god thought to himself
Hades didn't even had to try hard. One perk of being the god of the Underworld, you get to know people. Dead ones, but still people. Every once in a while, Hades mingles with them. Oh how he loves their stories, its his only source of entertainment. There are stories of love, heroics, betrayal, death. But there are also some who told him about their culture, their traditions. Hades can, and did, practically answered many of Quetzalcoatl's question. He sighed, knowing Artemis is still angry at him. He decided to send her a message. Using the shadows, he wrote on her desk. "Sorry."
Fury boiled in Isis's stomach and she scowled at the teacher until Hermes spoke again. Something about him soothed her a little. She sighed and shook her head. "Not enough for three pages. One at most. We'll have to get someone to help," she whispered.

Harsh teacher. Would've preferred a simple detention or something.

(Last post. Half one in the morning where I am, start college today, gotta sleep, sorry).
Artemis saw the second message. She sighed a bit, not being able to stay mad at him. She nodded, not wanting to face the wrath of the teacher like Isis did. She sighed, looking at her paper, tapping her pencil on her paper. She began to doodle little snowflakes and a pair of ski's on one corner, and a moon, half lit and half dark on the other.
(Sorry, quetzal isyou it short tempered)

Quetzalcoatl stood from his desk and returned to Isis and Hermes desks "you two won't have a quiz tomorrow, because you will be in the library researching"

(replace bathrooms with library)

(@CrimsonEclipse I edited your charcuterie sheet for you to include your crush. Everyone else please remember to update your character sheets if your god develops a crush
Artemis patiently waited for class to end, continuing to draw her moon and snow. At the moment, they where just stupid drawings, but she had a feeling they meant something.
Hades just nodded in acknowledgement at Artemis's forgiveness, but on the inside he's howling with joy. "Wait, seriously?! Howling? Why did I even need to apologize to her?!" He thought to himself, surprised by the change. He was not usually like this, well not until now. Must be the hormones. He saw her sketching a moon. He smiled, seeing the drawing. Using the shadows, he created a moon above her drawing. A moon is now floating above her desk, looking very much like a real one.
Artemis smiled at the cute gesture and she reached out placing her hand under it. Maybe Hade's wasn't such a bad person. She turned around for a second, sending a warm smile his way before turning back to her sketching. She smiled to herself humming softly as she sketched the snowflakes in more detail and the moon as well.
The bell rang and Quetzalcoatl reminded the class of their quiz the next day.

Ullr got his stuff together and waited for Artemis, "off to the arena we go. you coming hades?" He said pronouncing the name like, heyds
Artemis got up, smiling at Ullr. "Ready!" She said. Leaning against her desk. She had closed her notebook and things, the moon and snowflakes now concealed from view. She really hoped Ullr hadn't seen her doodle of his elements on the corner of her paper.
As Artemis hurriedly closed her notebook he caught sight of a snowflake. Nice, he thought, she's like so many of us. Alone and hiding something. "well, let's get going, I'm looking forward to this class and I don't want to be late" he said as he started walking to his locker.
Artemis smiled and walked to her locker, the one right next to him. She put her stuff inside, taking out more things and closing the door, sighing a bit as she realized this was going to be an every day thing.

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