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Fantasy Gods Among us

Taking things easy Freya was able to have some lower gods following her to her lockers, and had them carry her bag. She smiled at the other goddesses always loving the being the center of everyone's envy. Once she arrived at her locker she had gotten her schedule, seeing that mythical history was first. Then the other boys checked their schedules to see if they had the same class. The ones who didn't were disappointed while the ones who did cheered out loud. She then decided to walk to her classroom with other boys from the same class and choose a seat at the back corner.

Hestia smiled that the nickname didn't bother him. She giggled following right after him and asked out of curiosity " So who was that other person you were with? Are you friends? "
Ullr nodded, a thoughtful look on his face, "oh yes my uncle does know how it feels to bathe in acid. Serves him right" Ullr saw at the edge of his vision, Zalgo place a tack on the chair "of course, I'm not a fan of my uncle" he raised his voice a bit to be sure Zalgo heard, "tricksters rub me the wrong way, they cause trouble for everyone." Quieting back down, he addressed Artemis "you didn't tell me you were an archer, we will have to compete some time. Then he addressed both of his friend "if zalgo's trick works, we will probably all pay for his crime"

(Off to bed for me, it's 1:30 and I'm starting to lose my edge
Artemis nodded. "Want me to handle this? To late because I am." She said. She promptly got up from her chair and walked towards the teacher's chair. She took the thumbtack off the chair and fired it at Zalago's desk, the pin sinking deep into the wood of his desk. She smirked and walked back to her seat.
Smiling, Ullr gave a sarcastic little clap. "Didn't think you would do something like that but then again, we are still new friends. If they allow us to would you like to have a shooting competition during Study hall?"

(Gah, with such fun I can't fall asleep, although we might want to stop soon, and let other people catch up
Artemis smiled. "I would be happy to take you on. You might be the only person who has a chance of beating me in archery." she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I just hope they will let us."
He smirked at them. "Really? An archery competition?" He laughed, amused. He tried to control his laughter, wiping a tear. "Sorry, but do you know how ridiculous that sounds? It's like fighting a dungeon full of babies, using Greek Fire." He said, looking at both of them. "Okay, I know both of you are proficient with an arrow and all that, but come on, don't you want a challenge?" He ask, taunting both of them. "Why not fighting using swords, maybe an ax, for the love of Zeus maybe even use a catapult!" He said, smiling wide. "Challenge yourselves. Go out of your comfort zones! So what do you say, arena, duel between you two?"
Isis smirked at Hestia giving "Chu" his new name, and followed him towards the school. She jogged over to her locker and pulled the timetable from inside. "Mythic history?" she asked aloud to herself. Sounds vaguely dull. She waited for Chu and Hestia, planning on sticking with them in class.


Morpheus sat with his head on his desk, barely managing to keep his urge to sleep at bay. His limbs felt heavy and worn, like something was telling him that he should be sleeping. A few minutes before the teacher arrives couldn't hurt . . .
Ullr nodded at Hades comment "that may be true for you Greek gods, but in my culture we are trained in as many weapons as possible, I can wield a sword, war axe, daggers, and a war hammer, as well as a bow"

(the teacher will arrive soon and people need to be in the room or they will feel quetzalcoatls wrath)
Artemis smiled. "I can use some more weapons. Hey, I get bored sometimes." She said. 'I am all alone.' she thought, her smile disappearing for a second. She quickly replaced it with another half forced smile, looking at the two. She really didn't want either of them to worry about her, but sometimes she whished someone would know.
He chuckled, seeing the two are proficient in combat. No doubt that Ullr will have the upper hand. Sure Artemis is strong and skilled, she has grace, dexterity and the perfect aim, but she lacks something. The Norse were bred to kill. It is in their blood, it is in their gods. "You see, Artemis, no matter how strong you are, you will surely lose to Ullr." He told the goddess. A scheme forming in his mind. "Well, for one, Ullr and the other Norse gods are warriors, and you have no chance of beating him. Maybe a little, but unlikely. Here's what I propose." He said, pausing for suspense. "Since both of you are associated with cold, why not see who can stand the heat?"
Artemis felt her brow twitch. "Not strong enough eh?" She asked, her aura growing dark as she gripped the back of her chair. She felt a inner anger grow. "Challenge accepted." She said, cracking her knuckles, glaring down at Hade's from where she was. That was the one thing that pissed her off, they called her incapable.
He smirked at Artemis. He truly loved seeing her pissed off. It brings out a certain glow from her, her face bright red. "My, the last time I saw you get angry was when a peeping tom peep at you. You turned the poor guy into a jackalope and had your hounds tore him apart." He said, laughing as he recalled what happened. "You can't even defeat me. How can you fight a Norse god if you can't take the heat?"
Artemis felt her eyebrow twitch again, her aura growing even more angry. She growled, a corner of doom growing around her. "And Hade's, I will send you back to your dimension by chasing you there with my hounds." She said, her face inching closer to his until there noses where touching. Her glare was piercing his eyes. "And watch me." She hissed.
He felt her aura, a destructive and angry one, ready to erupt any minute. Many of the lesser gods would look away, some would even cower in fear, but he is not some petty D-list god. He is Hades, the eldest of the gods. He glared back in her eyes, unflinching and smiling. "Aw, what are you doing? A cute attempt at intimidating me? Because it's not working." He said as though he was talking to a baby, he even cooed at her. "Artie, I have seen horrors worse than your glare, and I never looked away. I stared them in the eyes and did not flinch." He said, his own aura getting stronger. "Or maybe this is some excuse you made to kiss me?" He said, noting how close she moved his face to her.
Artemis felt her anger pop, her aura growing dangerous. She summoned her bow and wacked him upside the head with it. She did the "you want to go" move on one of the gods next to her, and they flinched and backed up, a terrified look on his face. She growled and walked away, her bow in hand. Her knuckles where white at this point.
Ullr jumped in to stop his two friends from killing eah other. "Hey Artemis, its okay, I honestly dont care about which one of us is better, it was going to be a friendly competition. For. Fun." turning back to Hades his tone became a little more aggressive. "why do you have to go and rile people up, you of all people should know the pain of being treated unfairly." when artemis stormed off he followed her, "hey. are you 'OK?"
Okay, maybe he went too far. No, not maybe, he really did went to far. He sighed, feeling really stupid. Why did he even had to say any of those?! None of it was necessary. He slammed, and not just bumped but really slam, his head on his desk. "Why did I just do that?!" He thought to himself. It's not like he didn't know what's gonna happen. He was actually expecting it, but he can't stop. There's just something about her that makes him feel, different. He knew that he should be befriending her, and yet, he was doing the exact opposite. He looked up, seeing the others look at him. His eyes turned pure black and his voice became dark and deep. "What are you looking at?!" He bellowed. The others immediately looked away. Great, just great. "Following father's footsteps eh? You're doing a good job with that." Is what his brothers would tell him.

(I'm such a charmer. @Icefox11)
Artemis sighed, still quite angry, but a little bit less than before. "Fine." She said tightly, looking back at him. "I just hate when people call me weak because I am a lesser god, or because I am a goddess and not a god." she said, her anger disappearing. She looked down and relaxed her grip on the bow, letting it disappear. 
(Yep, really charmer)
Ullr smiled, "I grew up fearing goddesses, my mother, Sif, is one of the most fierce warriors in our culture. and forget what Hades said, i may be able to use those weapons, but im only that good at archey, i failed in most of my weapons training. thats how I became a skiing god."
Artemis smiled, turning around to face him this time. "Yeah, I am not really good with anything else either." she said smiling. "And sorry about what I did in there. Hade's can riffle me up a bit." She said, giving a small smile to him. "I prefer the moon over being all powerful anyway." She said, her smile returning. 
Artemis looked across the classroom at Hade's for a second, kind of sorry that she thwacked him with her bow now.
Quetzalcoatl walked into the room, "in a booming voice he commanded everyone to sit down and informed that they will begin shortly.

Ullr glanced at the teacher, "c'mon Artemis lets go sit back down, if you want I'll sit between you and hades."
Artemis sighed. "No, it's ok. I am a goddess. I will deal with this professionally." She said, walking towards her seat and sitting down.
||Earlier before class starts||

Andromeda had ditched Hermes while he was distracted. He should have seen it coming, besides, she never asked for his company. She simply made her way to her assigned locker and picked up her class schedule. It read: 1st class: 'Mythic History.' Andromeda shrugged and walked off as quick as she came, not even bothering to check who owns the lockers beside hers. Friends will have to wait, besides, she didn't come here just to talk. She came here to learn, and that's what she'll do. Hopefully she doesn't meet anyone as worse as Hermes on her first class. Is there anyone worse than him? Upon entering the room, Andromeda hurriedly chose the back seat, taking it before anyone else does. Most students were at the front and the middle. That's better, now she can focus and be at peace.


||After the bell/Class start||

"Crud!" The white haired young man dashed to his locker and hurriedly grabbed his schedule. He almost didn't understand the words printed because of how fast he was reading. "Mythic History. Great," he mumbled as shoved the schedule in his pocket. Being late at the first day doesn't sound good, but then again, when is he ever on time for stuff like these? Sure he had always been on time for message delivery, but never for school. Even before. "Maybe the teacher wouldn't mind; maybe he's some sort of 'God of Kindness' or something," Hermes reasoned as he went to the room. Thankfully its just opposite the lockers. He stopped short once inside, realizing the trouble ahead. The teacher is Quetzalcoatl, definitely not the 'God of Kindness and Happy Thoughts.' Hermes tried to slip inside the room unnoticed and grab the first seat closest that he can find. Hopefully the teacher wouldn't notice and the others wouldn't tell on him.
Quetzalcoatl stood up and addressed the class, "Well, it appears everyone is here, except for two." The ancient god boomed, "For those of you who dont know, and I doubt any of you do, I am Quetzalcoatl, the Mayan god of knowledge and the bringer of the end of the world. I am one of the Oldest gods, and I have seen many of your cultures grow. In this class we will be Discussing Other cultures in order for you to learn about your fellow classmates. If you would all get out your notebooks and get ready to take notes.

Ullr, pulled out his notebook and looked over at his friends, making sure neither of them needed supplies. Seeing that neither of them did, he made sure he payed attention to the teacher.

(its not required for you to pay attention, depends on your gods personality)
Morpheus slowly brought himself back up, his eyes half-closed. He watched the teacher . He seems charming. Nice guy. He pulled out his notebook and opened it, but made no move to write in it, and he had no intention of listening. He'd sat fairly far back into the room, so he doubted he'd get noticed. I've already seen a bunch of different cultures in people's dreams anyway.


Isis overheard shouting from the class she was supposed to be in and cursed to herself. It's not befitting to be late. She moved quickly to the class and tried to take a seat while the teacher spoke, using another God with white hair as "cover". Once seated, she began to pull out her notebook. I should try and pay attention. A bit more knowledge never hurts.
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