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Fantasy Gods Among us

" First of all why are you making it sound so bad '^' , I was not crushing you chest, I was showing how much I miss you, right Hades " she looked at the guy dressed in black and surprised him with the same hug she did with Artemis.
Cthulhu soon caught up to the group, Zalgo again following him. "Hello everybody" He says nonchalantly at the group he had just interrupted. He saw a lot of different gods, but didn't know any of them. "I'd like to introduce my self." He pauses for a bit, "My name is Cthulhu, and my friend here is Zalgo." He says with a smile.

Zalgo just lightly waves at the group in his introduction.
Ullr felt bad for Artemis and projected a cold field around her. "she's got a point hestia, you have a very warming aura not too mention how hot it is already, of course my powers do include a little bit of climate change." He smiled as it began to snow over the group. Ullr turned as Cthulhu showed up, give him a small two fingered mix between a wave and salute, "hi I'm Ullr."
Artemis smiled. "Thanks Ullr." She said, standing inside the cold field. "Much better." She mumbled. She smiled, enjoying the cold with a smile. Soon she straitened, her body back to it's original temperature. She sighed, still smiling. "Now all we need is to get the moon out and I would be having the time of my life.
Andromeda is ready to once again give her breath of life up to the stars. "May the Gods take me," she whispered, as she tried to ignore the young man blabbering beside her. She declined his company, she really did, and she did try hard, but he decided to take to declination as an act of welcome. How he managed to do that, she doesn't know, but what she does know is that they are the perfect polar opposite, and that fact assures that this day, if he continues to stick around, may turn lousy and chaotic. Andromeda had known Hermes ever since she was sent to live with the Gods. The young man has the penchant of getting in trouble and getting away with it at the exact same time. She doesn't know why the Gods finds his acts amusing, but that's none of her business. Hermes is smiling like an idiot now, thinking that she had gotten the joke. Andromeda simply rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Your jokes are lame," she said, as they stopped in outside of the school.

Hermes frowned and ran a hand through his frost white hair. He thought he almost had her. Sure Andromeda is being grouchy and all, but he's determined to make her smile, just even once. Then he can brag about it to entire Olympus. He'll receive praises and offerings, and bards will sing about his accomplishment for decades, deeming him the "God who made the eternally grouchy maiden laugh." That will be his lifetime wish and goal. For now, he's going to have to wait. "Ahh, there's a lot of people here now," he said, stating the obvious. The brunette beside him sighed. She's probably wishing and praying really hard to be dead right now. He knows she hates him, and he loves knowing it and seeing her mildly irritated face whenever he approaches her. Pure gold, that's what it is. "I'd love to meet people, but I'd love not to meet people. What do you say we do Andy?" He nudged her lightly, knowing how she hated the nickname. "Should we pull a prank on them?" Andromeda frowned and raised one of her delicate brows. He likes that look, he knows she's about to burst, but not quite yet. "I'm not a child like you Hermes. And quit calling me Andy." She turned and stared at the others in front on them. "Quit acting like a thirteen year old and behave yourself." To this Hermes simply said, "Yes mom!" which caused Andromeda great discomfort and irritation.
"Hi, I'm Isis," she told Chtulhu, before giving a small wave back to Zalgo. Wait . . . Chtulhu? Isn't that some kind of God of Destruction? Maybe I'm getting it mixed up.

She took a few steps closer to Hestia and Hades, as she wanted to stay warm in the new climate that Ullr had created. But then she realised the heat from Hestia would cause it to melt, and she backed off far enough that she was outside the snowfall. The sun felt brash against her skin, but she liked it more than cold weather, for sure.

She gazed around at the other gathered deities outside the school. I don't recognise anyone. How annoying. I hate not knowing who people are.
Hades knew that Ullr and Hestia were generating their own climate, but he felt none of them. He sighed, wanting to at least feel even one of them. One of his other curse, to remain unfeeling. Sure it came handy in a fight, but it made his life even more miserable. He just gave Hestia a sad smile when she hugged him. He saw the two new comers, Zalgo and Cthulhu. "Aren't you two from some novels right? Lovecraft? That guy gives me the creeps." He said, remembering his conversations with the author.
" Fine be that way, just wait till the winter comes, and then you'll just be loving my presence " Hestia muttered softly with slight irritation, sticking her tongue out at Artemis and Ullr.

Noticing the sad smile from Hades made her instinctively pat him on the head like a puppy. As the other gods, and goddesses were introducing themselves, Hestia had no clue what they were, she only knew the Greek gods since she was always in Olympus, never going anywhere. Being the social butterfly she was she also introduced herself

" Well it's nice meeting you, Cthulhu, Zalgo, Isis. I'm Hestia Goddess of the hearth. " She even made sure that they would all get a share of her hard squeezes called hugs.
"It's nice . . . to . . . meet you . . . too . . . Hestia," Isis wheezed through the tight hug, sure her ribs were cracking. When Hestia let go, she smiled to hide pain. I don't know whether the hug was painful or the heat she emits was pleasant. I'm confused.

"I'm Isis, Queen of the Egyptian Gods, Goddess of magic and nature, crone of death and mother of life . . . but Isis will do," she told Hestia. "
(update on locker assignments in description post, along with map of school)

Not the queen types, i hate royalty gods, even more than tricksters. He thought viscously. Ullr turned to Artemis to block out the queen goddess. "Hestia may think that, but in the winter, I still feel quite content in the chill." A large ding sounded throughout the front lawn, and the doors to the school opened. "Well, looks like school has started" Smiling to artemis he gestured "shall we go in?" By now Ullr had noticed that most of the other gods had not taken to his chilling aura and seemed to move away from him. Fine by me, I'll just stick with the one who likes the chill.
Artemis noticed the others scooting away. Fine by her, they where all a tad bit annoying anyway. She smiled and looked t him. "Yeah. Let's go." She said, walking towards the school. It wasn't that big, but it was big enough for her. She had made one friend, and he seemed to have a locker next to hers. She opened her locker, putting her stuff inside.
Hades looked at Ullr and Artemis, walking away from them. He glared at the two, especially at Ullr. His stare is so intense it seems that he's staring right at your very soul, which he is, staring at the souls of the two gods. His gaze was enough to unnerve a god, there had even been accounts of mortals dropping dead just by meeting his glare. Talk about if looks could kill. "What's happening to me?" He ask himself, snapping out of his dazed glaring. He felt...weird. He felt the sudden urge to just rip Ullr to pieces, just for getting close to her. "What?! Her!?" He thought again. "Why would I even like her?! Other than her brooding stare, her beautiful hair, her-" Hades slapped himself hard, trying to rid those thoughts. "Nothing. There's a mosquito on my face. We better get going." He said, going inside the school.

(@Icefox11 permission to fall in love?)
after opening his locker, ullr noticed that there was a slip of paper in hs locker, looking at it he realized that it was his schedule. "Hey look at this" he said, showing the paper to artemis, "Do you have one too? looks like ive got mythic history, arena, study hall, then the best part of the day, Lunch!. afterwards ive got magic, another study hall, then PE. sounds fun." Ullr put his jacket in the locker. and closed it, leaning against it waiting for Artemis to be done. 
after opening his locker, ullr noticed that there was a slip of paper in hs locker, looking at it he realized that it was his schedule. "Hey look at this" he said, showing the paper to artemis, "Do you have one too? looks like ive got mythic history, arena, study hall, then the best part of the day, Lunch!. afterwards ive got magic, another study hall, then PE. sounds fun." Ullr put his jacket in the locker and closed it, leaning against it while waiting for Artemis to finish her stuff.

(Good, this gets fun when theres competition, same thing goes for Ullr as well.)
Artemis picked up the paper that had fallen. "Wow. We have all the same classes. Cool." She said, placing her jacket inside her locker and shutting the door. She turned to the right, seeing Ullr close and leaning against his locker. "Umm, so let's go to Mythical History." She said, walking towards the classroom.
Hades hurriedly went up to his locker, seeing his class schedule. He went to the classroom, when he saw Artemis and Ullr heading in the same direction. This should be good. He walked alongside Artemis. "Hey." He nonchalantly said, trying hard not to squeal and giggle. Wait, squeal and giggle? Seriously?! This is why he hates being a teen, your hormones are out of control. Apparently, even gods are affected by such mundane things. When they got inside the classroom, he made sure that he sat beside Artemis, with Ullr unfortunately still on the other side of her.
Artemis smiled, seeing Hade's. "Hey!" She said, a smile on her face. She had been closest to Hade's out of all the greek gods. The others where to pushy or irritating, they just annoyed her. The only other close one was Athena, who seemed to be absent at the moment. She smiled at both the gods next to her, hoping she would get to know Ullr a bit more and get to spend more time with Hade's/
"Yep that's us." Both Zalgo and Cthulhu said in response to the man's question.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the lockers and see if there's anything interesting." Zalgo said Cthulhu as he hurried away towards the lockers. When he was there he had found a slip of paper that had his classes on it. He quickly read it and started following a group of other teens that were on the way to the same class. "Wonder who our teacher is?" he says to no one in particular, just the small group.

"Alright, see you there!" Cthulhu yelled back as he saw his cousin run of into the large school. He then looks back to the Goddess that was emitting an aura of heat. "So Hestia, that name sounds Greek, is it?" He asks not waiting for an answer, "Oh, yes and I am Cthulhu, as you know, the high priest great old ones." He says trying to impress the girl.
Being left with her friends made her feel lonely, but her face then turned smug as she saw the look at Hades' face

* Well look what we have here, this is gonna be so fun * she thought playfully.

But meeting new people wasn't such a bad thing, seeing the other person was left by his buddy too, it made it easier to talk " Oh yes I am a greek goddess, though I'm not that well known " she confirmed. Once the guy introduced himself she really didn't care about what god or deity she was and was pondering about something else.

* Hmm...lets see, Cthulhu seems hard to say * Once she finally found a nickname she said it out loud " Ah! Chu, is it alright if I call you Chu? " she asked
Ullr got up and hopped over the desk in front of Artemis only to lean on it and talk to hades , "Hey man, I've always wondered what the underworld is like, seeing how, my culture doesn't have one.
Cthulhu laughed at his nearly given nickname, "Sure, you could call me that." He smiled at the girl. "I guess we should get to class." He said as he started to walk over to the school, but quickly stepping up the stairs.

Zalgo had chosen a desk in the front of the classroom, right in front of the teacher's desk. It seemed as if the teacher wasn't there yet so he decided to play a little prank on him. He went to a nearby poster and took out the bottom left thumbtack. He then carefully placed it spike up on the chair. Sitting back down he smiled at his deed, though it wasn't a great prank it would still generate a funny outcome.
He grinned, hearing Ullr ask about the Underworld. The place might technically be his holding cell, but he have grown fond of it. "Where do I start. You see, the Underworld can be entered through several passages, but the easiest one to pass it through the River Styx." He said, pausing for the suspense. "Just pay my trusty ferryman Charon, a good chap by the way, a single drachma and he'll let you pass. Don't dip your body in the Styx, it's worse than bathing in acid. You can ask Loki how it feels like to bathe in acid, I'm pretty sure that's how Odin punished him. Any way, after getting past the Styx, you'll be face by a black gate of gargantuan proportions. The Gates of Erebus. Be warned, for Cerberus guards the gates. If you somehow managed to get past him, which I highly doubt, you'll get to see the Fields of Punishment, Fields of Asphodel, and Elysium. Go further and you'll see two gardens. On the left, you have a garden filled with glowing mushrooms and nocturnal flowers. Plants which require no sunlight to grow. This is Persephone's garden. And to the right, is my garden. From it grows neither plants nor fruits, but rather precious gems." He said, smiling smugly. "But that is only the surface. There is a lot more to Underworld than that I assure you."
Artemis sighed. "So fond of your little haven full of gems. And that girl of yours too." She joked, prodding his arm. She smiled at the two of them, glad the two where sort of getting along. "As for me, I like being able to see the moon and the stars, just me and my bow by the moonlight. It's quite calm."

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