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Fantasy Gods Among us

Hestia sighed after she finished her first class, she didn't know anyone that was there. Looking at her schedule she saw that arena was next and hoped that there would be some familiar faces there.

As to what Freya was up to she obviously had no intention of participating in her next class seriously. I mean if she did she would be full of sweat, ew and no. But since it was only her first day she decided to go instead of skipping, that can wait tomorrow. After all she believed she must bestow every one with her presence at least once, or else they would regret it.
Ullr Opened his eyes just in time to see freya walk into the gym, and groaned. Of all the norse gods to be here, why her. Nudging Artemis, he whispered. "be careful of that one, she is ruthless in getting what she wants or taking away what you want if she doesnt like you."

Apedemak noticed that all of the students had entered the arena. "alright" he said in a deep voice, " all of you are to pair up and pick your weapon of choice, Everyone, must have a partner."
Artemis nodded at Ullr, understanding that she should steer clear of that god. When she heard about the pairs, she stood up, smiling. "Hey Ullr, want to be my partner?" She asked.
Ullr smiled, "Sure, I'd be happy to, let's gear up." he stood up and walked over to the weapons wall. He was about to shift into god form when Apedemac laid a hand on his shoulder "not this time, sorry" turning to the students "you are to remember that unless I tell you otherwise you will be partaking in this class in your human forms, got it?"
Artemis shivered and nodded, walking towards the bows. She took her bow off the wall, taking a quiver as well. She put leather armor on, tightening it adequately. "Ready." She said, waiting for Ullr.
Ullr grabbed and Ulfbehrt and gestures toward Artemis with it "aren't you forgetting something?" after attaching the sword to his belt. He grabbed a bow, deliberately forgetting armor and a quiver, hoping that Artemis would notice so he could show off a bit
Hades huffed, seeing the two pair. Of course they'll pair up, they have so much in common. They're both great at archery, they both like the cold, and they have nothing in common with me. "Hestia!" He called out, seeing the goddess enter. "Hey, do you want to be my partner? Those two are paired up, so I don't have any partner." He said, pointing at the two.
Artemis smiled. "Alright." She said, grabbing an Ulfbehrt and sticking it into her belt and crossing her arms. "Now I am ready." She said, feeling the quiver swing on her back. She would probably end up dropping it, but she kept it on her anyways. She wanted to prove she was good without her godly powers.
Hearing Hades she turned around happy to see him " Of course I would pair up with you~ " she said happily, but then looked to see Artemis and Ullr getting along, and chuckled " I see you have lost this round " she then put her arm around his shoulder to try and cheer him up " Just to let you know I'm on your side~ If it makes you feel better " Hestia said encouragingly

On the other hand Freya had no trouble asking for a partner as many gods have asked her, taking one of their hands she had chosen a random male out of the group as she did not care of who she was with, they would still be her slave.
Hades chuckled when he heard Hestia's comments. "Why yes my dear, it would seem that I've lost two rounds today." He said, a smile is on his face. "You're on my team huh? Well I'm glad someone's on my side. It's hard to find gods and goddesses who would ally themselves with me." He said, walking over to the weapons. Without hesitation, he reached for a scythe. "My, this is excellent." He said, twirling it around, slicing up imaginary foes. "What about you, what weapons do you use?"
Isis walked to the weapons rack slowly, looking at her options. I can fight, but there will be people better than me. I need something that gives me more reach. Her obsidian eyes rested on a long, sleek naginata and she shrugged. Guess that'll do.

She padded over to it and pulled it from the wall, twirling it in her hands a few times, the blade and staff slicing through the air easily. She glanced at the teacher as she played around with the blade, finding his presence to be quite intimidating, never mind impressive. Got my weapon, now I need a partner. I guess I already know Hermes, and he was nice enough.

Other people were blocking a lot of her view as they fetched weapons, so she began walking out to look for him.

Following him Hestia scanned at the weapons and cringed looking at them " Oh please those things? I don't need them. " she said confidently. " Besides I though you knew me better. But maybe it has been too long since we met, I'm a pacifist remember? " she smiled, though she was disappointed when other gods excitedly held their weapons. " But don't worry I'll try not to be dead weight, I can at least help protect you " She quickly added reassuring Hades that she won't be useless.
Apedemak observed the gods picking partners. "once you have a partner and your weapons, make your way towards the main floor, 1 team to each mat. In order to fight alongside a teammate, you must know how your teammate fights in order to be the most efficient. For that purpose each of you will be fighting your partner, keep the fights clean and if you see a possible hit, only make a small cut, anything serious, will result in detention."
Artemis felt her breath catch as she looked at the god. 'Well this is going to be bad." She said, looking at him.
"It'll be okay," Ullr put his hand on Artemis shoulder, "I'll be nice, and I'll be able to teach you how to use a sword." Ullr gave artemis a smile "tell you what, You play offensive an I'll be defensive, while helping you get btter. Which mat should we claim?"
"alright how about this one" Ullr gestured to the mat second nearest the wall, and walked over to it. "you don't mind learning the norse sword style right?"
Artemis chuckled, getting to the other side. 'Should be interesting." She said, getting in a ready position.
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Hermes wasn't paying any attention when the class had started. He simply walked towards the weapons rack and grabbed a dagger, short and slim, but deadly to the point. Looking around, he realized that Andromeda wasn't anywhere in the arena grounds. Maybe she had skipped the subject? "Well that's one option out," he thought. "Anybody need a partner?" he lazily called out loud, hoping that nobody had one. Maybe if no one does, he'll have to practice by himself, but if he has to battle the teacher instead, then that won't be a pretty picture. He leaned against the rack and rubbed the back of his neck, awaiting for a reply.
Hades had a cruel idea once he heard about the matches. "Hestia, I don't think you'll be a dead weight here." He said, sneering at his chosen opponents. Hades chose a mat, which is across Artemis and Ullr. "Okay, you'll play defense. All you have to do is make an aura of heat. Make it surround the entire mat when we fight, alright?" He said, hoping Hestia got what he was planning to do.
"Good ready stance, but your body isn't stable enough for your size compared to the sword" Ullr said, ready to help her, "hold the sword closer to your body and your legs closer together, about shoulder width apart with your front leg out a bit more, and make sure to bend your knees" Ullr spoke gently, hoping he wasn't angering the goddess.
Artemis blushed a bit, changing her position as directed. "Wow this feels weird." She said, adjusting to the new fighting stance.
"Yeah, but you'll get used to it, it makes you more maneuverable." Ullr took a similar ready stance, adjusted just a bit for his size, "Alright, come at me with everything you've got.

(Roll D10 2 times, I'll do the same, if your score beats mine, Artemis lands a hit. This method does not have to be used for everyone if they don't want to) 

Ullr blocked the main part of her attack but did not anticipate her second part, which resulted in him having a cut cheek, "nice one," he said as he froze the wound over, I guess I should armor up now huh?" As he finished his statement ice started forming around his body, in the shape of armor. To humor the goddess he made a Greek style helmet on her head. "Alright, let's do this again"


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