Godling Academy (Sign-Up)

I'm kinda confused about the descendants.

Are they exceptional humans or gods themselves?

And are they attending school to gain the right of taking their god's place or are they passing the throne to the mortals?
The Gods/Goddess's picked either a mortal or a descendant of themselves to take over their place. Some of them even picked more than one to have a variety of choices at the end of the year. The school is a place for these mortals or descendants to learn what they are going to have to do for the next 100 years and for some, they are trying to pass the test to even become God/Goddess. No one besides the teachers are gods themselves and the descendants are pretty much exceptional humans. If you decide to be mortal than all of this is completely new to you. If you are a descendant then you had a clue that there was such thing as God/Goddess and might even know of some abilities that they have been getting. The mortals are around what the God/Goddess is like for Aphrodite she (and in some cases he) is a very loving person so the character if you choose to go after Aphrodites part will be loving. If mortal you have no abilities at the moment but because you were chosen you were given abilities and it will be harder to handle than most descendants. I hope that answered your questions savagePEST
JJ! Do you know what kind of style the school would be? And savage. There are gaining the rights and powers to replace. Them.
Old, historic, a little bit of fog/mystery and looking kind of dark? I like that idea. Yeah Ima go with that. It will look like a mansion with statues, etc. It will have plenty of floors so the girls ansd guys can have their own floors
I was thinking girls have a seperate building. And would pictures be an opption?
Pictures is an option =) And sure the girls can have a separate building =) Witt I dont really care how the building and so on look because I just know itll look great and I believe in your artistic abilitys and ideas =)
Okay! Could you. Give me a picture, so i can have ideas about it? and! Thank you very much.
Name: Adriana Mayers

Age: seventeen

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Descendant, sixth generation

Assigned Goddess: Eris

Personality: Adriana is a bubbly individual, always finding something to giggle about. In general, she's kind and loving ; she loves everyone, really, but she doesn't have boundaries. Adriana can go so far as to hug and kiss a stranger on the cheek. She also doesn't have a filter on her mouth. She'll say whatever comes to her mind aloud. Then there's her notorious pranks. She's a Grade A Trickster.

Adriana doesn't know what she's doing is wrong unless she is told directly. And even so, she doesn't take criticism well. Even if you tell her gently, she'll gain a grudge towards you. But if she really, really cares about you, maybe she'll listen.



Hobbies: causing chaos, of course. She likes to do anything, really, as long as it's fun.


- the ability to create apples that, when picked up by a living creature - mortal or god - pulls a darkness out of them, causing them to seek out a problem, fight, or sex. If consumed, said victim will become hostile, jealous, and/or lustful for a longer duration (a full day, usually).

- shapeshifting, from animals to humans. But she must know by heart how the animal/human looks like, so she usually keeps a book of what she wants to turn into.

Background/History: Adriana was always...different from other kids. Kids love to play but not as much as her. Playdates sometimes went too far and Adriana could end up hurting the other child(ren). But if she wasn't in trouble, she was the angel of the group. The other children would fight with each other, usually over someone taking someone else's cookie or one of them flicking the other in the head. But Adriana was the cause of their battles until they started their own arguments.

Then she hit puberty, and this was the time her power arose. She wasn't frightened, if anything she was excited. To know she had the abilities to cause more trouble was a dream come true. And to make things better, the Goddess of Discord herself approached her! Adriana couldn't believe she was descendant of Eris and she had the chance to become a goddess. Could things get any better?

Dorm partner: Iris

Pet or special item: If she is chosen, Adriana will be given the Apple of Discord.

Information about Goddess: Eris is the goddess of discord and strife. She is the sister of Ares, the God of War. In one of her most famous exploits, she stole one of the Golden Apples of Immortality, given to Hera as a wedding present by Gaia, and turned it into the Apple of Discord. With the Apple, Eris helped begin the Trojan War.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Eris and her descendants are pretty much the outcasts of the land of the Gods. People feel uncomfortable around them and usually do their best to keep away. Discreetly, though, or else another Trojan War might pop up. Even if one of her descendants were sane enough, the fact that they are related to the Goddess of Discord is enough to make the deities flee. The only ones who can stand them are deities who are pretty much crazy themselves, like Dionysus.

Other Information: She's bisexual
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Something like one of these? The first one is a picture of inside. I liked the stairs in the picture.
Wow savagePEST that was actually fun to read and made me excited. I have been waiting for a Hermes, Ares, or Eris to come around to have some tricksters or people with a rude attitude around. As long as you make your font the regular size you are accepted! =) Also, would you like to share a dorm? 
If you can please go to the actual RP savagePEST and just walk up to iris or whatever then we are good =)
Thank you! And don't worry, I post in the regular size when I RP, and I'll make this one bigger.

And I'm up for sharing a dorm. 
And Kat, I'll probably make a straight guy once I get this character settled in. Unless I have to make a teacher first...?
Well, if the RP gets packed with girl characters I usually like to keep the RP even. And we do have an abundance of homosexuals... ">.> [/mutters nervously]

I'm kinda new to this site... [/points to the left] So I'm being kind've a try-hard
Haha ya we do but there adorable i dont care. And if you do make him adorable!
Name: Chloe Anderson (Person she lives with is an Anderson)

Age: 17 years old

Descendant: Descendant 5th generation

God/Goddess: Aphrodite

Personality: overly flirty, romantic, sweet, bit bossy, bit spoiled (I mean nobody's perfect, right?), shopaholic


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdcba3a7d_AnnaSophiaRobb.jpg.997a9cd9bcc46627741aaa29eead6274.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdcba3a7d_AnnaSophiaRobb.jpg.997a9cd9bcc46627741aaa29eead6274.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hobbies: Ballet, swimming, singing, fashion designing, interior designing.

Abilities: Ability to charm boys and make them to what she wants just by looking at them, hypnotize people, seduction, fly with angel wings. (not much, huh. pretty much all the same things) Very good with archery.

Background/History: Chloe has been living with a man named James Anderson for practically her whole life. He doesn't know about how special she is but he suspects things. Chloe tries not to flirt, but it takes over her body and even if she doesn't want to she ends up charming a boy and she can't get them to stop following her around. While her guardian isn't home she practices her archery and aim and the backyard then when he gets home she practices hypnotizing her dog. Chloe is very crazy about makeup and clothes due to the fact that she is the descendant of Aphrodite. She has the power to hypnotize so she usually gets this stuff for free. Chloe enjoys flirting and hanging out with boys, but all she really wants inside is true love. Aphrodite isn't much help. She had several affairs even with her own father! (Zeus) Chloe hopes that she can meet someone different at this school.

Dorm partner: N/A

Pet or special item: Perfume that makes all boys fall in love with her just by smelling her scent.

History of god/goddess: Aphrodite was born from the 'manly part' of Kronos. His blood fell into the sea and from there she was born.


Zeus: father daughter relationship

Poseidon: uncle

Hades: uncle

Ares: dating

*sorry I can't think of any other big relationships...*



  • AnnaSophia Robb.jpg
    AnnaSophia Robb.jpg
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Thats not an example application. Shes a god, so shes 99 but she appears 21. Our other characters are teenagers.
Sock said:
No, cause we're not half-bloods.
ahhh thaks i understood 

Sock said:
Thats not an example application. Shes a god, so shes 99 but she appears 21. Our other characters are teenagers.
thank you so much! You're awesome. Oh and I just changed it. Thanks for the great advice!

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