Godling Academy (Sign-Up)

Name: Damian Copello

Age: 18

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Descendant of Hypnos, 5th Generation

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Hypnos God of sleep

Personality: He has a outgoing and cheerful personality. He sometimes acts like he is in a lucid state but that is just because of his father. He likes to flirt with people he likes.

Picture (Optional):

Hobbies: He enjoys sleeping alot, drawing, reading, writing and joking around.

Abilities (If Descendant): Can put people to sleep, can walk in other peoples dreams.

Background/History: Damian grew up on the banks of the Ft. Walton Beach. He lived with his mother who was over protective of him. When he came of age he found out that the Gods did exist and he was a descendent of one. He was sent to the Academy and met new friends there and some old ones.

Dorm partner (Optional): Jack (if that is okay with Socks)

Pet or special item(Optional): None

Information about God/Goddess: Hypnos is the God of sleep.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Thanatos: His uncle, Nyx: His grandmother, Hypnos: His father.

Other Information (Optional): Is homosexual
I have to go somewhere real quick but I can rp when I get back. Yay~
Name. Artemis.

Age 99 ( i don't knwo her real age. xD but she would be, 25)

Teacher. Teacher

Personality- Artemis is, Strong willed. She has a fight sprit, She Tend to be nice, btu when it come to work she is strict.

hobbies. Achery, Teaching,playing with her animals.

Abilties. Achery, Exclent at spells.

Back ground, a tough warrior she is daughter of titainess leto,Brother apollo God of the sun.

Dorm partner.

Pet or specail items. Bow,and her dogs.

No that's my teacher Character i'm making my Really char now!
xD !

Don't wrory i'll be doen be froe you knoe it! (: 
Name Kitty. Nickname Kat.

Age 16

Teacher nope(;

Official god goddess God Poisden

Decendant or mortal untill chosen Mortal.(:

Personlality She is an upbeat, fun person she lovely to be around Kinda the person like goes with the flow. YOu can always Come to her when you need a talk and she will cheer you up.

Picture DOwn below.

hobbies Drawing, writing, swimming, reading , messing around with guys she likes

Ablilites -If decendant) Later on in the RP she figures her's out.)

Background. Kitty come from a loveing home. She was happy she had the best grades and the best friend a girl could ask for. it changes when her dad starts to drink and he would come home drunk and He would beat on his mom and her. Intill one day she found her mom near death. Her last words from her mom were " I love you, dont ever forget that." and she handed kitty her Locket. after that she ran away. Her dad was put into jail. Thats when poisden had chosen her.

Dorm partner. Don't have one yet.

Pet or special items. Her mom's locket and her pet wolf. Named hush, Hust is grey with gold paws and eyes hush loves everybody! So don't be afriad to pet her!

Other. Nope(:

Pic of what my character looks like. And her mom's locket


Tell me what you think.
Oh, yeah sure. Like 1 and 2 fall in love and 3 gets in the way so 1 cheats on 2 with 3 and 2 figures out and stuff. I don't mind being 2. xDD
No no! There is an actul other site this is just the sign up! Witt/Kat will hopefully be nice enough to post it here :)

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