Godling Academy (Sign-Up)

Name:Ashton Amour


Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen:Mortal

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice):Apollo

Personality:Bright and cheerful natural born leader loves to cook and sing

Picture (Optional):http://www.themebeta.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/450/theme/screenshot/825739x_2.jpg


Abilities (If Descendant):

Background/History: Ashton is Rae's fraternal twin brother

Dorm partner (Optional): Rae

Pet or special item(Optional): Horse,Sword of Light

Information about God/Goddess: Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, healing, plague and disease, music, song and poetry, archery, and the protection of the young.

He has the ability to play any instrument and to see the future at his oracle in Delphi. He also has the ability to heal.

Apollo also had the powers of driving near the sun almost everyday and was the god of sun when time passed on.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: 4 children and 1 sister Professor Artemis

Other Information (Optional):
Woohoo! Cant wait to meet Ashton! I love me some Apollo! I thnk I am going to make up another character soon <.< xD
jj9095 If you've read the Percy Jackson series, Hades and his demigods have Skeleton warriors. That part was accurate, just the fire wasn't. When the sign ups started Kitty mentioned that it was like the Percy Jackson series, Jack controls skeletons and demons/spirits as well.
jj9095 said:
Woohoo! Cant wait to meet Ashton! I love me some Apollo! I thnk I am going to make up another character soon <.< xD
you should get like a hephastus or ares Aphrodite's lover and husband
Mm... I dont really like the skeleton part. Im doing my research now on Hades some more and I dont see anything on skeletons just imps and souls. BTW PEOPLE WE CAN HAVE SOME MUSES OR FATES IN THIS RP AS WELL. Ronkaime I am thinking of making a Artemis character to be BFFs with your Apollo character OR a Hera character to be all over James and boss people around xD  
Now that I think about it. I had a project of acting out a monologue as Hera and kinda wana go for that one now since I know I can act her out well
I called it on the roleplay. >_< Ugh. Whatever. I'll make something else. Maybe Aphrodite to be a huge flirt. xD SOMEONE SHOULD MAKE AN ARES.
Muses and Fates? Awesome! I know there's seperate Fates, but are there seperate Muses?

(I'm in the middle of typing and the dog my family's babysitting is standing creepily at my door. Scared the shit out of me TT_TT )
Sock said:
I called it on the roleplay. >_< Ugh. Whatever. I'll make something else. Maybe Aphrodite to be a huge flirt. xD SOMEONE SHOULD MAKE AN ARES.
Great Idea finally Rae got something to do
Aw damn. Sock I said I wanted to make a new character before you BUT you said you were going to make another Hera a MINUTE before I mentioned my Hera so you can take it if you want... Thought thanks for wanting to make Iris's mess more messy D= 
You know what, yeah sock take Hera so we can have some drama because me being Hera and Iris having a thing for James AND Jake is going to get annoying with me writing very big paragraphs xD  
savagePEST yes there are separate Muses, look it up =)
I would like to not have two Heras. Trust me. One Hera is enough if they do it right. The Goddess is bonkers.
I was thinking about making a Hera before, but I wanted a guy character. He would be embarassed that he was supposed to become the new god(dess) of marriage and women. But then I noticed the problems with that...1. Being a god of women, and 2. A male Zeus was already made. >.<
Yeah a guy Hera is a little out there. Guy Gods left: Hermes (very fun to act out in my opinion), Ares, Hephaestus. All 3 guy characters are VERY fun in my opinion if you do it right.
Can I make it where Damian can sprout wings? Because the God Hypnos had wings. o-o
Omg no one has Dinoysus yet! Hes another God that would be very hilarious to have involved xD Hes pretty much the god of getting drunk xD  
Nico you can make Damian have wings but do it in a couple weeks or something in one of the power classes. Sounds good?
Name: Annabelle Johnson

Age: 17

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Descendant

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Aphrodite

Personality: Flirtatious, Daring, Sly, Demanding, Over-Dramatic, Charming, Kind, Sweet, Bossy, Likes to gossip.

Picture (Optional):
She has long blonde hair falling down to her bellybutton, which, of course is pierced. She stands at 5'7 and has a long, slightly curved frame and intense blue eyes.

Hobbies: Flirting, Dancing, Drawing, Singing, Acting

Abilities (If Descendant): She has the gift of manipulation. She also has the power to make two fall in love. She also has the power to make whomever she wants, even a god to be fall in love with her.

Background/History: Anna was born in a rich family. She got whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.(I'm purposely skipping till highschool) In high school she is all this all that, top cheerleader etc. She has taken and broken countless hearts and has been waiting anxiously to finally meet all of her fellow god-to-be people.

Dorm partner (Optional):--

Pet or special item(Optional): She has a white cat named Ginger.

Information about God/Goddess:

Aphrodite is one of the most well known gods in Greek mythology. She is known as the goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture. In Roman mythology, Venus was called the goddess of love and beauty and Cupid was love’s messenger. There are many tales surrounding the famous Aphrodite, her birth and her life.

To fully understand Aphrodite, you need to know more about her birth, her life and her many lovers and offspring from these sexual affairs. Aphrodite operated on emotion and played on the emotion of others as well. Her love would enamor and seduce even the most strong-willed and her anger could elicit rage and hatred like none had seen before.

The Birth of Aphrodite

According to the story as told by Hesiod, Aphrodite was born to Uranus (the father of the gods) when his son Cronus castrated him and threw the severed genitals into the ocean. The story says that the ocean began to churn and foam around the genitals and from the aphros, Aphrodite was born.

In a story by Homer, she was called the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Stories say that after her birth, the gods would fight over her hand in marriage and so Zeus married Aphrodite off to Hephaestus, the smith god who was considered to be the steadiest of the gods.

Aphrodite’s Marriage to Hephaestus

Hephaestus was thrilled with his good fortune and worked hard to create many jewels and prizes for his beloved Aphrodite. Aphrodite loved glamour and fancy things and loved the attention that was lavished on her by the other gods and even mortals. She wasn’t pleased with being married to Hephaestus.

One famous tale explains how Hephaestus made Aphrodite a golden magic girdle, carefully crafted as his finest piece of work with all the best and lavish jewels. Unfortunate for him, this magic girdle made Aphrodite all the more irresistible to those that wanted her, both gods and mortals alike. It was also said that Aphrodite had a affair with Mars, creating Eros(Cupid).

Aphrodite and her Mortal Lovers

Of the many mortal lovers that Aphrodite was said to have, the most famous was probably Adonis. Sons of Aphrodite include Eros, Anteros, Hymenaios and Aeneas (from her Trojan lover Anshises). Aphrodite has the festival, Aphrodisiac which was often celebrated in Greece, especially around Athens and Corinth. In these festivals, she had priestesses who were women who represented the goddess and sexual intercourse with them was believed to be a method of worship.

Aphrodite was believed by many to be an old Asian-goddess, much like the Mesopotamian Ishtar and like the Syro-Palestinian goddess, Ashtart. Aphrodite has been attributed with the swan, the dolphin, the lime tree and the pomegranate.

Aphrodite’s Powers and Abilities

Aphrodite had many powers and abilities that should not be taken lightly. While her promiscuity would cause her to appear uncontrolled, she had the power to affect a number of emotions in both humans and gods and this gave her many powers. Through her children, borne of multiple affairs with gods and mortals, she was able to control a large portion of the world.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Zeus: Grandfather.

Other Information (Optional):
http://www.greekmythology.com/ <-- Information on the Gods, etc. We are pretty much sticking with the Olympian Gods and Other Gods since there is a lot to work with there already. 
Nico do you mean youre getting tired? xD

Sock Does this mean I get to have Hera? xD You did your research on Aphrodite so I am happy! (I hope you actually read through it xD ) Annabelle is accepted! Please do me a favor and make Adriana fall in love with someone so she doesnt keep planning revenge on Iris <.< xD
No it means I'm feeling his angst and sadness x3

Just a heads up I'm tweaking with Dammy's personality. He might be more cold and harsh.

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