Godling Academy (Actual RP)

The choice was made for her as Layla pulled her into the room. "Uh, Layla this isn't the best place for me to be..." She whispered, glancing at Styles.
Alex flinched when she kicked him and after a few moments of absorbing the pain he crumpled over with a loud "AGGHHHHH SHITTTTTTTT!" He cupped his groin making a rather pathetic groan/
"Its never a good place to be when I'm around so its seems!" Layla starts trying to dance with Lulu around the room. "But you dont see me giving up on me! No sire!"
Styles flicked his gaze up to Lune and he grabbed a bottle of wine and sunk into the back corner of the room.
She was miserable. Layla kept trying to get her to dance but Luna didn't know how and didn't feel like making even more of a fool out of herself. "Um, I think I'll just uh....go mingle okay?"
(guys Im heading to bed its 4, i got a job hunt tomarrow.)

jake goes back to iris" sorry sweetie, Im going to hit the hay, night." jake gives her a long goodnight kiss and heads back to the room. james puts alex in the room, "layla.. layla.. tomarrow, give this man an appologie." with that james leaves and goes to bed.
After kitty finidhes her like 3rd bottle of winee she was clearly drunk. She stumbles over a rew things on the floor and falls on her bum laughing" hahah"
Iris walks up to Alex! "OH POO OH POO!" Iris reaches into her jacket pocket to find another Lavender powder bottle. "This is a little awkward but I need you to just shake this potion in your pants if you want your uh... favorite treasure to feel better and quickly. This will calm your whole body, num your favorite treasure, and make it heal faster. I normally keep it around just incase if Jack goes bonkers again I can just throw this at him and hell relax but I think you need it more right now." She gives him the powder.
Alex sighed lowly andd took the powder, awkwardly sliding his thumb inside his waistband, he stretched it out and powdered his junk before handing her the bottle, a uncomfortable look flashing over his face. He sighed and grabbed a beer.
Layla kept dancing making a full of herself and suddenly trips on Kitty. "OOOOOWWWW! Ugh! You again! You ruin everything!" Layla crosses her arms all upset and looks away from Kitty to the guy she hurt. Layla gasped. "I am SUCH a bad ass. I think I will apologize tomorrow though..." Layla yawns and literally just knocks out on the floor.

Iris watched Jake go and frowned. "But what about the party..." She whispered. She looked around at all the people going up stairs, turned around, and went to her dorm. "I guess it wasnt meant to be..." She powdered the apple tree in the middle of her room, took a big shower, put on her rose pedal PJs, and went to sleep.

((Guys I need to finish planning out the classes for tomorrow and go to bed. I also just called texted and told I am expected at my school at 3:30 instead of 6:30 like usual -.- I am going to do the history class first in the morning, I plan on waking up early like 10am. I hope SOME people will be up for that? If anything please jsut read through it. Ill leave the meditating class around 3 because I planned on getting Athena to walk out at that point anyways and then ill pop back in to say the meditating class is over and you guys will have a break. After my class at 8:10pm I will start my last class on here. Sounds good with everyone? ))
Me too im so tired!

She looks at layla. "How do i ruin everything! Your the one who over reacted." She yawns and passes out on somes bed
Lunetta, free from Layla, looked around the room. The new guy who she hasn't met yet (Alex) was drinking a beer. She turned to gaze in the other direction but it was blocked by that ladies' man, Loki.

"Hey, cutie. I didn't catch your name." Loki smirked at the girl who ignored him earlier.

"Lunetta." She stated.

Loki took her hand, bowed, and kissed it. "A lovely name. Mine's Loki"

She stiffened when he touched her. Lunetta didn't know what to do as the boy released her hand so she just stood there, raising her eyebrows at him.  
((Am I all alone? O.o *lip quiver*))

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