Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Loki smiled and pulled her into a comfortable slow dance, his hand resting on her hip. "Yupp. You look beautiful tonight, Julie." savagePEST
Vex thought for a bit more.

"Not even close, eh? What about....hmm....Layla?"

((Bree just curious, the slow dance song is on right now, so Vex and Lune are slowdancing, right?))
Nico smiled and held Adri close and moved slowly to the music. "Slow dancing is one thing I am good at." he said and let the music influence his body.

((*savagePEST no, I'm talking to Bree, Vex is trying to guess who the person he's dancing with is))
Alex sighed, he shook his head and took off his uniform. He tugged on his suit and his mask, he turned and stared at her quietly "Happy now?" He looked miserable and a couple tears slid from underneath his mask to down his cheeks.

Jack smiled and kissed Damian's jaw, closing his eyes as they danced.

Styles caught Lune dancing with another guy and he frowned, his best move was the sprinkler, he seriously had no chance to woo her. He sat down in the back where he wouldn't be noticed and took off his jacket and his mask, drinking his punch in silence.
jake makes it to the ball with the vase of irises in hand. he walks up to someone he thinks is Iris but is really adir. he taps her shoulder "hey Iris I wanted to give you these water irises. I saw them and thought it about you."
(FroggieJay yupp xD ) Lunetta shook her head again and did a twirl into his arms. "Getting a bit closer but no." She twirled back out then resumed their slow dance.
Damian held Jack close as the music took on a slower tune. He leaned down and kissed Jack's lips softly closing his eyes and getting lost in the music. (Sock)
( xD ) 
Jack kissed Damian gently, his hands moving to cup Damian's cheeks. He closed his eyes, swaying softly against Damian.
((Ronkaime and Sock btw GamerXZ is Hephaestus))

Iris notices everyone is getting close and feels her cheeks grow red. "Sorry this was probably a bad song to start with but..." Iris gets close and puts her head on his shoulder feeling kind of embarrassed but happy he is at least dancing with him. She thought of Jake and pushed the thought away as easily it came.

Ash held on to Kitty and put her arms around his neck. "Come on beautiful." He kissed her cheek and started to slowly go around in circles with her dancing. ArtisticKwittyKat234
Vex thought for longer, his arms wrapped gently around his dance partner's waist as they slowly danced.

Julie? Maybe...could be Julie, or it could be....

Vex grinned.

"You must be Looney, right?" he said chuckling, referring to the nickname that Vex had given her as a joke when they first met.
Damian hummed to the beat and swaying with Jack. He leaned down and nipped his nose softly before twirling them around lightly. (Sock)
As Therax strolled to the Ball he had his more formal attire on... A black to-hat, a mask made up of blackened sunglasses, and a white cane, as well as, a black trench-coat in case it rained. He was dressed to the nine he thought to himself as he approached the door in his black tuxedo with silver and white enhancements... Then as the slower song started playing, he slowed his stride to match it's tempo... He entered the double-doors and saw these people dancing, and having fun... Would he fit in he thought to himself... then he realized that he was already inside, there was no turning back, and he had to go forward... Therax then proceeded to walk towards a set of tables to set his stuff down...

[[ FroggieJay Bree Oh, okay. I thought he had something super important to say to Adri, with the "Are you...Adriana?" thing, lol ]]

Adriana laughed, the movement making her rub her cheek slightly on his chest. "I've noticed."

Julie blushed as he complimented her and placed his hand on her hip. The second action though made her put some space between them on instinct. She cleared her throat,"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself."
Styles watched as Vex slid his arms around Lune's waist. He leaned back, mumbling "I've been sober for too long." He poofed up a wine bottle and tilted his head back as well as the bottle, chugging pretty much the entire thing. He set the bottle on the floor next to his chair, gazing at the dance floor flatly
Sock said:
Alex sighed, he shook his head and took off his uniform. He tugged on his suit and his mask, he turned and stared at her quietly "Happy now?" He looked miserable and a couple tears slid from underneath his mask to down his cheeks.
Layla looked at him dressed up and she still had her mask off. She went up to him, wiped his tears, took off his mask, and kissed him passionately. "Much." She hugged him for a couple seconds and then looked at him. "Okay, time to make a huge entrance!" She put back on her mask. "Cant believe you were about to leave me all alone!" She opened his door. "Lets go mister. Time for you to give me your arm."
Lune smiled, "Finally! Bout time Vex. And it's Lune, if you please." The song started to end and she backed up, curtseying. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to go find my date who disappeared on me."

Loki smirked as the song changed on it's own and changed the tempo of Julie and his dance. [media]

ZetaAlphaOmega said:
As Therax strolled to the Ball he had his more formal attire on... A black to-hat, a mask made up of blackened sunglasses, and a white cane, as well as, a black trench-coat in case it rained. He was dressed to the nine he thought to himself as he approached the door in his black tuxedo with silver and white enhancements... Then as the slower song started playing, he slowed his stride to match it's tempo... He entered the double-doors and saw these people dancing, and having fun... Would he fit in he thought to himself... then he realized that he was already inside, there was no turning back, and he had to go forward... Therax then proceeded to walk towards a set of tables to set his stuff down...
((Automatically thought of tuxedo mask, my kindergarten crush ^.^ ZetaAlphaOmega))

Iris saw this guy walk in and realized he was super cute. She was still dancing with #1 mystery guy and she thought about staying with him because she was sure this wasnt Jake but since the other one seemed to be dashing she was worried it might be Jake...
Nico laughed and smirked "Looks like the Music changed again." He noticed the the music had a chipper beat and he bounced on his heels. (savagePEST)
Alex grabbed her hand instead and walked quietly out of his dorm, he gripped onto her like he was afraid she would float away. He walked quietly to the gym, sighing.

Lune's drunken date sat by the punch table, he had two wine bottles in his hand, one empty one half empty. He hummed stupidly to himself, yawning.

(I have dinner, brb)
(Im going to take some of that back.)

james sees as both of them leave the boys dorm, enraged, his muscles tighten, he snarls and jump out to the forest with incomprehensible power. tears rolling down his face, calling out." athena you have wronged me, I have been cheated by you, show yourself coward!"(jj9095)
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