Godling Academy (Actual RP)

dakup said:
(Im going to take some of that back.)
james sees as both of them leave the boys dorm, enraged, his muscles tighten, he snarls and jump out to the forest with incomprehensible power. tears rolling down his face, calling out." athena you have wronged me, I have been cheated by you, show yourself coward!"(jj9095)
Athena rolls her eyes. "Excuse me Eros. I am being called. Keep the students in check while I am gone." She poofs and gets on front of James. "What now child?" dakup
Jaden chuckled,"Well..that's cause I'm not, I just really like cooking. It brings a smile to the faces of those who eat it..infact.." He whispered to her,"I'm not a descendant of any god..just your ordinary college boy who's wrapped up in things way bigger than himself.."
Damian leaned down to Jack's ear and spoke "Do you want me to get us some drinks?" he asked.

Ronkaime said:
(I'm back quick summary of everything please)
((Jake is going around asking all the girls where Iris is, Vex and Lune were dancing and trying to figure out who each other was, James is going bonkers because Layla is taking Alex to the ball dance and James called Athena a coward and shes going to beat the sh*t out of him soon ^.^ Kat just finished slow dancing with Ash but she hasnt really been answering. Nico and Adri are dancing and so is Jack and Damian. Too new people joined. ZetaAlphaOmega (As a apollo) and GamerXZ (as a Hephaestus) which affects both of your characters. Iris is dancing with Hephaestus right now.)) Ronkaime
as the girls keep on saying "no" his grip began to loosen to the vase, till the last one said no, the vase fell to the ground smashing. his vision began to become blurry, he ran out of the ball grabbing his trident, and went to the river. when he reached it, he ripped the suit off and walked into the river, as he walked in the water started to become steam. the trident that was now full size began to glow, all the meditating he went through made him strong, the water began to grow lower till it was below his knees.
Jack rose an eyebrow "Sure.." He pecked Damian's cheek, whispering "Wine?" He kissed Damian's neck softly, smiling to himself.
"Ugh!" Lunetta threw her hands up in frustration before picking up his jacket and mask. Well, her night was already ruined, no point in wasting her time here. She walked out of the gym, not caring if anyone saw, and headed straight for the archery where she angrily shot her arrows into the poor target with tears ruining her make up. How could she have ever thought they could be together without fighting for a day?! Hopelessness only caused her tears to fall faster. Sock
[[ So many posts D: And I gotta keep reminding myself this is a masquerade.

Anyway... Why's Nico jealous? Unless I missed something o3o ]]

Nico Adriana scoffed,"Pff. Even so, Iris always has flowers on her." She touched her head,"There's always this one in her hair."

Bree Julie blinked. She bit her lip in thought before sighing. "Fine,"she said,"It's not fair for you to have to work during a party, anyway." She tried to summon some of that dancing spirit from the lesson before.
Layla rolls her eyes at Alex. "Well then you probably should of danced more in Athenas class! Either way Loki has some powers to make you follow the songs so you shall survive and I myself am not a bad dancer." Layla twirls around Alex dancing around him and making him look good. "As you call tell." Sock

[/media]"Thank you for your kindness, beautiful." Loki pulled her a bit closer as the song changed again, a smirk on his face.
jj9095 said:
Athena rolls her eyes. "Excuse me Eros. I am being called. Keep the students in check while I am gone." She poofs and gets on front of James. "What now child?" dakup
"you wronged me, you only told me what I wanted to hear, and showed me a fake future. So that I would go to the precious ball of your, you try and hold tradition, this I can see, but I call you not a god, only a being that thinks she is a god. your nothing I don't even know why he picked you. Your not worthy of being a here, or a god. I don;t see any of your kin here, why is that. Never had your cherry popped you unbearable b*tch."
Seeing all the people dancing and twirling around reminded Therax of his youth days... That was before the incident... He then began to gather his belongings...
dakup said:
as the girls keep on saying "no" his grip began to loosen to the vase, till the last one said no, the vase fell to the ground smashing. his vision began to become blurry, he ran out of the ball grabbing his trident, and went to the river. when he reached it, he ripped the suit off and walked into the river, as he walked in the water started to become steam. the trident that was now full size began to glow, all the meditating he went through made him strong, the water began to grow lower till it was below his knees.
Iris watched as Jake dropped a vase of.. Water Iris's... Her throat clenched not noticing those when he came up to her since she was trying to ignore him. She held her locket for a couple seconds. "Excuse me. I will be right back." Iris went to a corner and opened the locket to let Pyro out. "Pyro, dont let anyone else see you except for Jake. I want you to go and hear him out and come back to me. Tell him I say thank you for the water Iris's..." She goes back to GamerXZ "Sorry about that, ex-boyfriend problems. I said I would eat a cookie right?" She walked back to his silver tray and took a bite of the peanut buttered cookie. "Oh my goodness! You have a talent! If you are not the god of cooking then who are you?" She wiggles her eyebrows that she realized he probably cant even see because of the mask.
(Nico is jealous cause he likes Adri x3)

Damian nodded "Wine it is then." he smiled and walked over to the refreshment table and picked up two glasses of wine and returned to Jack "Here we are." He smiled (Sock)

Nico shrugged "Did you see his eyes. Kinda creepy if you ask me." he said in a sing song voice.

GamerXZ said:
(Sadly, I can't do anything till Jaden finishes with Eros)
(aftery you pulled out the hammer that was it) 

jj9095 said:
Athena pushed her hands on James showing him what Hera had prophesied what would happen if Layla ended up with Alex and what would happen if she ended up with James. In Alex's prophecy Layla killed her self after Alex did not keep his promise of not cheating on her and the world was destroyed. In Jame's prophecy Layla becomes one of the most supreme goddesses and the earth becomes a better place. "It is your choice if you plan on forgiving her or not but remember that she forgave you plenty of times. It is up to you if you decide to be like your father or be better than your father." Athena poofs and ends up in the ball room dance next to Eros. "Why hello sir, will you dance with me?" Ronkaime dakup
"I thought you'd never ask" he smirked at athena and takes her by the hand
[[ Yeah but Jake wasn't hitting on her or anything. Aww, he's possessive. But not abusive possessive, hopefully, lol ]]

Nico Adriana laughed. She then put on the most serious face she could muster, trying to copy the same expression Jake had. She gripped Nico's shoulders,"Are you Iris?" With one hand, she lifted Nico's mask a bit,"Are you in there, Iris?"

Bree The upbeat song ended and another slow one took its place. Julie was pulled back towards Loki, another yelp escaping her mouth. She stiffened before reminding herself to relax. She sighed, trying to relax her body as she lightly wrapped her arms around his waist. "You keep putting me off guard, I'll start becoming suspicious over everything you do,"she teased,"Is this dance a part of some master plan you have?"
jj9095 Jaden chuckled as he reached for his mask,"Well..I suppose a small peek won't

hurt..but in return you must tell me your name, young lady," He rose it and revealed his

face,"I am Jaden Maxwell, former Mortal, and now Chosen of the God Hephaestus, Lord

of Blacksmithing, Fire and Volcanoes..a pleasure." He did a sweeping bow.
jake sees the little fire ball.and a wall of water rises from the river." you. pyro, what is you business here?" jake said as if he was about to snap and put pyro out for good.
dakup said:
"you wronged me, you only told me what I wanted to hear, and showed me a fake future. So that I would go to the precious ball of your, you try and hold tradition, this I can see, but I call you not a god, only a being that thinks she is a god. your nothing I don't even know why he picked you. Your not worthy of being a here, or a god. I don;t see any of your kin here, why is that. Never had your cherry popped you unbearable b*tch."
Athena listened to James with a blank face. She flicked him to a tree and held him there. She slowly walked up to him. "I told you the truth." She hissed. "You are forgetting that I have fought in wars many times and can easily take off your head if it wasn't for the laws of this school keeping me from doing it." Athena held his throat. "Now listen here and listen well. Don't ever assume anything of a god or goddess because you will have it wrong. I did pick a child and he was with you when I summoned the furries to watch over this school. He is staying in another academy in another planet right now. You call me for a stupid reason as this again and I WILL kick you out of this school. Your father does not mind." Athena hissed again and let him go, disappearing. dakup
dakup said:
jake sees the little fire ball.and a wall of water rises from the river." you. pyro, what is you business here?" jake said as if he was about to snap and put pyro out for good.
Pyro whines at Jake and cries small pieces of fire. He tries to come close to Jake to tell him what he knows but water is surrounding Jake and he cant. Pyro whines again louder and louder. dakup
(Naw Neeks isn't abusive.)

Nico laughed and looked at Adri with a glimmer of humor in his eyes. "Of course Jake its me." he said in a poor imitation of Iris's voice.


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