Godling Academy (Actual RP)

She amiles and claps her hands" Omg, so awesome! Thanks it so awesome i want more. Haha im so greddy " she smiles and hugs rae "thanks"
Damian grasped the back that held his phone cover. "Do you guys have any other plans after his?" he asked almost nervously.
Damian blinked "Well, I have all these new cool toys I was just wondering if you guys wanted to get some food and hang out in my dorm." He smiled. "I don't have many friends so I would me nice."
"Nope I'm utterly free,I'd be happy to hang out with you but in case you didn't notice your boyfriend doesn't like me you know the whole first day of school thing' Rae smiled "And your welcome honey" He said to kitty
Damian rolled his eyes "He doesn't remember that. He hardly knows who you are now." he said. "Besides he's asleep."
"Actually instead of that would you like to come home with me,I don't want to head back to the academy just yet "
Damian put a thoughtful look on. "Let go get a box from the food court." He said happily with a smile.
jake opens his eyes form meditating and sees the irises bloomed, he takes them with out hurting them and goes back to his drom, and puts them in a vase."I guess I need a suit. I wonder if james wouldn't mind if I borrow one from him." jake goes to james's and alex's room, he takes one of his suits, I wonder where everyone is. he goes to the main lobby and sees a portal."I wonder if people are in there, Im going to see if they are." he walks into the portal and it takes him to the mall. "Oh mighty poseidon this is amazing. well time to waste some cash." jake goes to a bedding store



after that he goes to a phone store and gets a better phone

then went to got a few new wifi network, along with a saxophone and a new laptop.
"No need there's a pizza shop in my house,Come on it's not far from here,the limo's outside"

(Rae's House)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/111710scope1_t607.jpg.0802d2b98bdd9c7310b2de72ef2158eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/111710scope1_t607.jpg.0802d2b98bdd9c7310b2de72ef2158eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Vex was, at the moment, simply chilling in his dorm room at the Academy. It was like mega-chill in there. It was so chill, the thermostat froze. It was so chill, Vex had to brush the ice crystals off his body whenever he moved. None could ever possibly be as chill as Vex was at that moment. He was so chill, his breath froze mid-air. He was so damn chill, goddamn polar bears and sh*t be hanging out in his pad.

Hah, kidding.

But seriously, it was so damn chill in there.
Kitty walks out the store happy and gleeful shewaits for them "c'mon peeps"
Damian nodded and followed after Kitty "Rae's house for Pizza then my dorm for video games." He smiled.
She laughs "Haha ya! This is goin be so fun!" She get inside the limo "Pizza here i come!"
"Were here feel free to look around and if you get lost call me on my cell,I'm going up to my room to change you can come if you want or enjoy the pool w.e" Rae started his way up to his room
Damian goes out at the pool and sits down on one of the chairs. He looked up at the sky and then back to the others.
"Here you go" he hands Damian the pizza and soon enough Rae comes outside in his swim trunks with an extra pair in his hand.He throws them to Damian "Get in if you want,and Kitty there are bikinis in the bath house" he.said as.he.jumped into the pool
Iris rubs the sweat off her forehead ."Done. Now I just forgot one mofe flower that I need to buy." Without changing her clothes and with dirt on her knees she goes to the mall with one mind set, to buy just one more special flower. She walks towards the flower store, sees jake, and ducks into the first store she sees. Its a huge thrift shop. "Wow." She goes by each row slowly finding a fake flower to put in her hair, a nice scarf with flower embroidery, and a couple other accesories that would match her dress.


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