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Fandom Gijinka academy

Aesami warmed her palms, placing them on the Pigeot's wings in an attempt to unfreeze them. "Is this helping? Yoruto come here!" Her twin brother Braixen came behind the Pigeot, doing the same.
She glared at him for a minute longer before shaking her head, her hair floating around her face. "Fine, just don't do it again, to me or her." With that she scooped the froslass up and took her in to see the nurse. "Ma'am, I need your help."
"We've had a flying type friend before, with feathers, so I think we know what we are doing." Aesami insisted on trying to help the Pigeot, whether or not she wanted it. "Aesami, she said to stop." Yoruto snapped at his sister. "So stop."
"Am I okay? More like, are YOU okay?!" He snapped out of his embarrassed Daze pretty quickly, getting up and running over to her. He frowned when he saw her wings in such a state, and damn if he didn't feel guilty for not staying with her.

"Oh man, I'm sorry...."

The Arcanine crossed his arms, smirking, "While we can't use the fire directly on your feathers, might as well get this room warmed up so it goes faster." Sohzin summoned a flame in the palm of his hand, slowly letting it grow bigger until it could slowly warm the place.


Winter hung her head for just a moment more, but she dried her tears and grinned slowly. Though just moments ago she was crying, she smiled because there was a hopeful chance that Oda was still alive. The 'Naughty girl' comment would be ignored for now, however, because during her happy moment, she hugged Taleo (Because he was generally closer then everyone else) in her joy.
Taleo was caught off guard by Winter but quickly her do it.

("Because he was generally closer then everyone else". Seems legit.)
"What a kind young man" as she sat waited to be treated using ice to cover any bruises she may have attained the faces were not ones of happyness "my your friends are quite gloomy winter well I guess I owe you all an explanation to my sudden outrage of emotions" she straighted out her kimono waiting for a responce only then would she say anything.

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Aria smiles slightly."Bayah, it is fine. I do not think there broken but just um... crackly."She moved them enough to fold them against her back and they made that Weird Boney snapping noise. ((I ship Bayah and aria))
Reverand placed his head in his hands from embarrassment despite her trying to be kind. "Gee thanks I try..." He sighed and his draw dropped again when she was using flame charge. "Wow your...hot." In sudden realization of what he said he quickly tried to fix it "I mean that was hot...I mean you know like temperature and stuff." He covered his face blushing.

Azrael smiled in relief as the nurse began to look over the froslass. "If you will excuse me, I will let you all have some privacy." She spoke softly and bowed to the woman.
Amadeus would giggle a little bit, "Kind young man? I will take the kind part but I'm a little bit too old to be considered a young man hehe, it' okay though. You probably don't realize this, but I'm palkia, I'm as old as space itself."
"Wha-" Yoruto shifted to the side a bit, wondering why the Pigeot had moved behind him. "Sure, let's do that.." Aesami frowned, a bit annoyed that she couldn't think have thought of something so obvious.

"Wings aren't supposed to crackleee!.. In any case, I'm glad you're okay, though." Bayah smiled as wide as ever, but yelped when the Arcanine behind him casually swiped the fire a bit too close to his sleeve. Sohzin just gave a sly wink before leaving him alone again. "Eh, it takes a lot while longer, but that's what she needs at the moment, I suppose."


Oh.. Uh, I'm sorry about that. I'm just..." Winter trailed off, a faint blush tinting her cheeks in embarrassment. She hadn't a clue why she did that, nor why she would suddenly have the overwhelming urge to do so now. That hadn't happened since she started looking for Oda. So this was a bit ironic, eh?
((Lols exactly but no seriously i do ship those two, i cannot help it))

Aria smiled a bit more."It is kind of cute to see you worried about me even when you get stuck to Curtains alot of the time."She hugged him tightly.
"Now where was I oh back when I first birthed snow........" She seemed to have started this beautiful story where she told the feels covered story between her and her 'daughter' as they were separated "at the time the place where you were staying was a criminal base the place where no trainer would go so I prepared for the worst" she stood up from her seat and moved to the side of winter holding her cheeks together "have you been eating? Going on constant walks? Doing your work? When did you cut your hair? Why went you covering yourself with more cloths? Do you go out in public like this?"

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I ship them too, honestly..hehe.)

"Hey, we're on the curtain subject again?" He questioned, but nevertheless hugged her back. His sleeves kind of made the hug a bit tighter then necessary, but it had no choking quality to it. "I can't help but worry about you, you've helped me out when I'm stuck, so I'm determined to do the same."


"I've barely known you for two hours, yet you helped me so much, I'm not quite sure how to repay you." Winter gripped her lower arm softly, looking back at him, then temporarily at the floor, and then back,.
"It's alright. You don't need to repay me." Taleo smiled at Winter.

(@Swift Beurezu 's Glaceon. I know we just have to do it. xD )

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