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Fandom Gijinka academy

"You... need to...? You are a Glaceon so if you wanted, you could... But don't get yourself hurt." Taleo nodded with a soft smile.
After being hit by the enormous weight she crashed into winters dorm as she looked into the horrified winters eyes she smiled and coughed and hacked as she spoke "I found you" her eyes shut as she got knocked out by the ginormous hit on her small frail body. She did think her daughter was in danger but maybe not as much as she thought she would be. The ice under melted into a pool that formed back into her body and the school became thawed once again.
Winter yelped in surprise to see her Guardian standing right there, but that surprise turned to an emotion of horror when the Ice-ghost type fell forward. "I... Oda!?" It was the loudest sentence she had ever spoke, almost similar to a terrified wail you would hear from somebody in pain. Whilst the fainted, the Glaceon quickly grasped onto Oda's shoulders and tried to pull her to a position against her to where she would not fall. She all but forgot the ice in worry for the Froslass.

"Oh my god... Oda!" She repeated almost in desperation, seemingly on the verge of tears.
River looks at her, his foot on her chest. "Don't you ever hurt my daughter again!" the champion says as he then storms out of the room. Amadeus uses aura sphere to break free and looks at the newcomer, "I warned you... River just had a baby today and he's really really scary."
"W-Winter! Are you ok?!" Taleo rushed out of the room and looked at Winter, worried for her.

@Swift Beurezu
"You...." Winter barely heard Taleo behind her, seeing River storm off like that gave her an anger she just couldn't keep in check.

"How... dare..." If you thought one floor at a time was bad...

"YOU!?!" The word was one piercing scream, and with it the entire school refroze into a blizzard once again, and for two seconds everybody was in an encompassment of ice. Though it was not long enough to cause any permanent damage, it was two seconds of not... moving... and the piercing shriek of the female.

It stopped after three however, and the school went back to normal. Except Winter was pretty much cradling Oda to her chest and crying... no one was in danger.
"U-Ungh... What happened...?" Taleo looked around, checking what has happened as the school went back to normal. He found Winter craddling some one and walked up to her.

"A-Are you ok...?" Taleo asked after he found out she was crying.

@Swift Beurezu
River would storm back to his room and quickly shut the door, cradling his child like a concerned parent. Even Amadeus looks spooked as he watches stammering, "R-r-river is really scary when angry." He would turn to the two, "You really should keep away from him if you're going to start freezing everything. His daughter was just born and he's really really protective of her."
Seriana had come up behind river and wrapped her arms around his waist with her head resting on his shoulder."It's okay now, she is okay. i am okay, just about everyone is okay."
"I made sure to keep her warm." Aesami said to River, trying to regulate her own temperature from the rapid changes of freezing to normal.
Azrael looked up from her work out as she heard a shriek from the Academy. She got up and ran back to the building, never noticing she hadn't put her cloak on. She saw all the ice fade away as she entered and began looking for the source. She found it on the third floor in the form of a Glaceon crying over a froslass. "Oh dear. May I help you?" She spoke to the Glaceon quietly, while looking at the froslass.

@Swift Beurezu
Oda covered winter's hands with hers "take me to the hospital you naughty girl having boys in your room take me to get some medical attention im not getting any younger" she slowly stood up but fell on the girl. "I'm fine I just need some ommph" she stood back up and took a fan out of her sleeve a fluttered it as a minni flurry to support her and glared at the other students. "escort me to the hospital please."
". . I'm... not sure..." Was what she said after a few minutes. "..I'm not sure, and I would GLADLY stay away from him if he wishes, but...." She looked down to the possibly deceased Oda, trying to stop her hiccups. And she succeed, for the most part. ". . While he cares for his daughter, I would care for my mother as she would me. Enough to freeze the school... " She spoke in that same soft voice, but it now seemed so void of emotions. She turned to head to Azreal, not recognizing the student, yet how could she, if she'd been here for barely two hours?

"..I...." The ice type searched for words, finding none, just sighed, bowing her head back to the Froslass. ". . . I don't know anymore." 
(..Oh. well there went that post.)
Reverand smiled at her when ever they were frozen over he jumped at her covering her for the two second that everything was frozen. Once it was over he shook and awkwardly stepped back "I'm so sorry...impulse..."

Azrael bit her bottom lip and grabbed the froslass, helping her up. "A froslass, yes. here, let me help." She concentrated for a second and channeled a small ice beam to the woman. Since she had just used up alot of her powers she possibly need some to help heal her. When done with that she looked to the Glaceon and smiled slightly. "It'll be okay, I think that'll hold her for about ten or fifteen minutes. Just help me get her to the nurse."
Amadeus would look at her, "Alright alright alright! Lady keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times emergency exits are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here." Amadeus would point to every direction possible. "If you ever feel sick please put your head between your legs and kiss you butt good-bye. Now let's GO!" Amadeus would say as the room then shifts to the local hospital lobby.

River takes the child and holds it close to his chest. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt her. Not so long as I draw breath."
This all happened so fast, Winter barely had time to hear Oda talk. She took a look to the woman who helped with her Ice beam, then the man who helped her to her dorm, and then that Palkia who was summoning one giant teleportation vortex... "Wait, what?" The Glaceon yelped loudly as the room swirled about.
Claire stared up at him, surprised when he suddenly jumped over her and covered her body. Then, fast as it happened, he was gone. She sat up, looking at him in surprise. "Thanks." She told him, but then shook her head. "It was unnecessary though." She stood and wrapped herself in fire, using flame charge to warm herself for a second. She then grinned at him. "I like the effort, don't get me wrong."


Azrael glared at the man who moved them all. "You do realize you could have hurt her worse, right!? You don't do that to someone who's this close to serious injury!" She fumed at him, her nearly red eyes almost glowing as she kept the woman upright.
"..... What just happened?" Bayah asked the mostly- empty room, finding himself in the exact same place as he was before... hell, even the curtains were on his lap again! What was the possibility of that, really?

Sohzin walked in once again, tilting his head to the man on the floor. "..Ey, you alright there, little guy?"

Amadeus would shake his head, "Hmm-mmm no way! Unless I focus, a little move like this is nothing. She's completely fine."
Aria had since wrapped her arms around herself with her wings literally frozen one either side of her since the feathers froze and now it hurts to move them without making a sickening cracking noise like that of a bone snapping in half but she still asked."You okay bayah?"

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