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Fandom Gijinka academy

Selena's body slightly shook. She had rarely seen the school's Darkrai and seeing her act like this made it worse. She noticed Amadeus' comment, "Y-you know her well?" She asked.
Amadeus would nod, "Uh-huh! Desdemonda-chan and I have been best friends for a really super long time. It's great to meet you Selena-chan!" He would smile warmly at her.
"Not nervous, per se, but... well." He mentally took a deep breath, and regained a calm facial expression, tilting his head and speaking with a level voice. "We've been through that episode before, I suppose." The 'episode' had been on his mind for the first few months, pushed out by work, and yet it had come back with a vengeance.


Winter noticed she was falling behind the Electric type, so she jogged the slightest bit to catch up."Ah... I see." Strangely, this led her to wonder what his childhood was like, and what he was like now. She didn't know much about the man in the short time they had been walking. It made her curious. Just who was he?
Oda walked to the front of the school and gave it an unhappy glare "my judgment has been impaired ill save you my little princess" the floor around her coating in in pure ice. She took a step as she entered the school freezing the walls and the floor freezing the whole first floor trapping anyone who was in there dorms. "This place will just become the worlds largest ice cube if I cannot find her"


Lauren felt a jolt of cl and ran to the door but it was frozen shut and the ice made its way into her room "ummm this is not good" she ran back to her bed not wanting to be frozen to the floor. she glanced around and the frost coated the window and entered through the cracks.
Selena stopped shaking after hearing Amadeus talk again. His way of talking was very likable to her. "It's very nice to meet you too Amadeus!" She smiled back to him.
"Well...." The Glaceon paused, and she seemed to take on a slight sadness to her tone. Like it was a long lost memory that might never be relieved again. "You see, I ran away... from the Orphanage that I used to live at.... and a guardian, I should say, found me in the mountains..." Taking a deep breath, she continued. "..Her name was Oda, and she led be to the Ice stone I needed.... she was the closest thing I had to a mother." She couldn't help but add emphasis, the story had been asked in many ways, but it ended the same.

And it was totally not the same Oda that wandered the halls, freezing people. Nope.
The Braixen twins saw the floor turning into ice, making them use any fire type method that would keep the cold away so that their bodies wouldn't freeze. "Where is this ice coming from?" Yoruto says, fire coming from his palms. "I don't know, but it could be dangerous, for us!" Aesami exclaims, pulling out her staff from her tail, where a Braixen would have a stick, and used a flame burst on the floor, careful not to burn the tile.


"I'm Desdemona Philomena Eris, queen of the shadow realm, and you shall address me accordingly." The Darkrai said to the gijinkas in the room who weren't familiar with her.
Aria smiled at the darkrai."Hello."She unties bayah's sleeves.

Seriana looked at the frozen door and smiled for a moment then she had her child burp and it was a small ember instead and she giggled."Fire types, useful even has newborns."
"Ice Stone. That sounds... interesting." Taleo mumbled to himself before finding out they have arrived at the Ice Dorm.
Amadeus would pout while looking at Desdemonda, "Hmph, Desdemonda-chan don't be so meannnn after all we're preparing for a pageant that I get to be in! Isn't that great?" Amadeus would say looking at her smiling.
Bayah looked from the Palkia, to the Darkrai, to the Cresellia. "..Oh, thank you Aria." He blinked as his sleeves were untied, rubbing at his arms. "That feels better..."

The creature behind all of them lifted his head suddenly, noting that something was off with the air. It was way too cold to be normal, almost as if they were outside in the middle of winter. Even with his thick tail,. he felt the grip of the ice...

"...Um, I hate to interrupt, but is it normal for you lot to get like... freezing air conditioning? That aint normal..."

"..Come again?" Bayah finally turned to the fire-type in confusion.


"..Oh, we're here? Thank you..." The Glaceon hadn't realized the time had passed so quickly, yet here they were. In front of the door that housed her new life, it seemed. "...Thank you for everything that you did, Taleo. You've...been a great help."
Amadeus would look and tilt his head to the side, "I don't feel cold, do you all feel cold?"
Oda shrieked as the connected to her this only made her angry spreading the ice to the second floor that was already crumbling and started onto the third floor she slowly walked up the halls. Blasting ice at anything that would stand in the way of her wrath she used forsight to make shure no one would make a surprise attack.
The ice forming too fast, the Braixens had no choice but to escape the freezing hall. They then started running to the room where Seriana and the other gijinkas were, opening the door and then slamming it, both breathing heavily and shivering. "T-there's ice outside in the halls!" Aesami exclaims, body temperature lowering rapidly. "Gah, who's to blame for the random ice attack?" Yoruto asks, his breath turning cold enough to be seen in white.
Because Winter had lived in the mountains for most of her life, the new student did not feel a thing of the chilling cold. She didn't even find the small puffs of cooling air strange. With one hand, Winter opened her door and tilted her head. "Um... would you like to come in? It's okay if you don't want to, though..."

She hadn't the faintest clue of the potential disaster.
Seriana frowns, holding her child close to her."Well i cannot feel the cold but it is apparent that you both can and that she can, hold her for a moment."She hands the child to Aesami and then she goes out into the hall."Hyper beam."She shot quite the big beam of pure energy and it melted away most of the ice.
Amadeus would flit through the hallways, unaffected by the cold as he tracked it down to its source, "H-hey! What are you doing? You're freezing everything!" Amadeus would say idignantly.
Aesami takes the baby Fennekin, trying her best to warm up the hands holding the newborn. "It's going to be alright, the cold is going to go away.." She whispers to the child.
Selena worried about what was going on and decided to follow after Amadeus and went through the halls behind him. She reached him but didn't say anything like he did.
she felt more of her ice get destroyed as she let out a painful screech and the temputure dropped to dangerous lows as she stormed through the halls the whole school was now a frozen brick of materials. Her temper was no to be brought up lightly as she advanced to the stairs covering them in icicles of deadly beauty.
Claire found herself smiling in response to the tryanatar's actions. He was so awkward... it was... cute. He was so embarrassed that he hit his face against the wall. "I'm Claire." She said, still smiling. "You're pretty awkward around girls, aren't you? Or is it just me?"

"Oh, only if you want to... but I appreciate the offer." Once again, she bowed ever so slowly, but you could tell that she was ecstatic. Perhaps it was the motion of a new friend, and as such, that made her heart A-flutter.

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