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Fandom Gijinka academy

Winter looked back up at Taleo, faintly wondering why he was still talking. It was not in a mean way, mind you. But nobody really stuck around to listen this long to her, however short the time may seem. Her previous friends just tended to say Hi and leave shortly after.

"... Yes, i was supposed to enroll 9 months ago, but things got held up where I lived, and I.. made it late, I suppose."


"But it's kind of cool... sorry, I'll stop." Bayah pretended to calm himself down by taking three exaggerated breaths, yet he eventually stood still again. Sometimes, he just liked to create an emphasis on the drama.
Amadeus would smile, "Awesome! I'm totally hardcore!" Amadeus said as he struck what he assumed to be a hardcore pose that made him look like a dork, a twinkle in his eyes.
Anyways. Glad that you made it. Welcome to Gijinka Academy!" Taleo smiled gently to Winter.

@Swift Beurezu (Edited. Auto-correct. >.<)
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Selena finished up her trip to the forest and returned to the school. She was about ready to go to her dorm when she heard people talking in the school's auditorium. She looked in and found a group in there talking amongst each other and was curious about it. She quietly entered the and smiled to everyone. She noticed one of the boys striking a pose and giggled softly.
Bayah finally laughed, instead of those constant chuckles he seemed to emit. "Hah, yeah you are. Hardcore to the max, I would say." It may have not been the normal description, but when you had powers like that, then you were BETTER then hardcore. Like, god like.


"Oh, thank you mister...jolteon?" She assumed that his name matched his breed and appearance, yet the word still came out as a question.
Aria giggled then fixed Amadeous's pose a bit so it was like that post you do when you say boom, boom fire power and she smiled."Thats better, now let us see how many shapes we can make bayah into."She smiles mischeiviously at her well basically best friend.
"I think I didn't introduced myself properly yet. I'm Taleo Elic and yes. I'm a Jolteon." Taleo smiled softly.
Amadeus would look wide eyed at the newcomer, "Hi hi hi! My name is Amadeus! You're a Cressila right? That means you're from Sinnoh? I'm really big in sinnoh! apparently I'm hardcore! totally! to the max!"
Bayah yelped. "I..I know what you're thinking, Aria, but I do NOT look good as a Bowtie!" He protested, putting his hands out in front of him. He then noticed the new presence in the room. ". . .Huh... oh look, another Legendary..."


"Ah, I see... My name is Winter Chazikeno." For the first time since they had met, she smiled. It was a small smile, there nonetheless. "...Some of my old friends call me Blizzard."
Bayah was a bit too helpless to resist the Flying-type's grasp, and in a matter of seconds his arms were tied up into a tie to suit Men's eveningwear. He grimaced, not in pain, but in embarrassment. He was even blushing a faint black if you looked close enough, something that matched his vivid red eyes. "Ariaaaaaa, now what am I gonna do? I can't work with my hands in knots..."

Somewhere, a rimshot sounded.


Finally thanking the office attendant, that mysterious fire-type that had escorted Winter into the building walked out, stretching his tanned arms and yawning widely. The mass of jewelry distressed the office lady, but she was sort of powerless to stop it. Besides, he didn;t look like the type to use the metal for injury...

"I might as well start wandering, who knows when classes will start again." This Arcanine grimaced at the thought of working tirelessly again. He wasn't a grade A student...more like a C?


"Though, nobody knew I was going to turn into this, I haven't a clue why they chose it." Looking off, the Glaceon tilted her head in curiosity. She lingered on the question for a few moments. then remembering she was in the presence of Taleo, snapped out of it. "Oh, I;m sorry.... um, if it's okay with you, can you show me where the Ice dorms are...?"
"Of course." Taleo nodded with a smile before turning around and gestured at Winter to follow. His Thunderstone created a hologram I front of him, showing a map of the school before disappearing.
Amadeus would look wide eyed at the Banette, "Wowwww you look so handsome I absolutely love it! You're so cool and dashing and I want a suit like that!" he would say, hyperactive and being all around the Banette.
The room the gijinkas were in turned dark as the Darkrai had entered. It then turned light again as she spoke. "What is everyone doing?" She asked as she noticed the Banette in which she had tortured all those months ago when the school had barely just started, making her cold, ice blue eyes pierce through the puppet Pokemon.
Selena smiled, "Yes I am a Cresselia. I'm Selena Lumen. And you must be a Palkia correct?" She said.

She noticed the Darkrai enter tge room which made her a bit nervous. Darkrai was her opposite and creator of nightmares.
"..I think I made some sort of joke, and the universe is mocking me. Anyway..." The only response to her Christmas scenario was to raise an eyebrow in question. The other one followed at Amadeus's skipping and chattering over his strange look.

The aforementioned Arcanine heard the noises coming down the hallway, and he decided that this was the best place to investigate as any. So another was added to the Auditorium, along with the new Arrival, there was the Dream Pokemon from Sinnoh, and the other three that had been there for a while.

The only thing he could say in response to this scene was this: "..Huh, is it that time of year already?"

Bayah groaned.


"....?" The Hologram that appeared in the crystal fascinated the ice-type, and the girl leaned in for a closer look at the map, almost in a wondered Daze. "Ooh... that's so pretty..." she murmured ever so softly, tilting her head to get another look. 
And once the Darkrai entered, seemingly cold and calculating, Bayah couldn't help but to stop dead, stare at the creator of nightmares, and let out a simple... 'Oh... you."
"Heh thanks." Taleo answered, smiling. Thanks to his Jolteon's ears, he could hear really well.

@Swift Beurezu
Amadeus would nod furiously, "Uh-huh uh-huh! I'm Amadeus! The lord and master of all space! and super ultra hardcore apparently!" he would notice DEsdemonda and wave, "Hiya hiya Desdemonda-chan!"
". . . uh... So, how have you been? I've had my hands tied up, recently..." Another rimshot. ".... And yeah. Just, work and.... why are you staring at me like thattt?" His voice hitched a bit at the end. You might find it strange, but Bayah acted like a dork when it wasn't needed, and in frightening situations, he just turned it around and was a level-headed man. You'd think he'd be screaming like a girl now.

The Arcanine tilted his head in curiosity, seeing as there wouldn't be an answer from anybody as of yet. He backed up a few steps to the curtains, deciding to watch from afar before getting involved at any point.


"Where did you get such a treasure like that..." Winter lifted her head and peered at Taleo with a childlike curiosity. It fascinated her, how a simple green-colored stone could throw light into the air and organize it into some type of image. "... it seems really rare..."
"I stumbled upon it while I was playing as a child in a field near my house. This is actually how I was turned into a Jolteon Gijinka." Taleo smiled, walking to the Ice Dorm.

@Swift Beurezu
"Hehe, tied up you say?' The Darkrai thought to herself, smiling. "What, nervous? Why?" Desdemona gave a devilish laugh, knowing exactly what the answer to that question was.

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