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Fandom Gijinka academy

Seriana smiles slightly then Picks Laura up by the back of her Shirt and drags her off to her room, saying."Come on now, your going to get some rest or you can deal with the angry mother Lugia."
River would nod as he takes the baby, "You can enjoy our company as we prepare a picnic and have lunch with the newborn."
It was a bit late for that. Just because the world hated Lauren, Bayah somehow found himself upside-down and obviously... SEWN TO THE CURTAIN.

"See..." He told himself. "This is what happens when you try to possess the sewing machine. It takes back control and it gets revenge, guys."
Aria had come swooping down from the rafters and Looked at bayah."Oh come on, Again this has happened three times already."She grumpled slightly as she undoes the stiches from his clothing and the Curtain.
"I'm sorry... a third time. It was going great, I swear, but then it just decided that it would be funny to see me suffer a third time. Three is an unlucky number." On the bright side, the curtain was looking better. The puppet had even added some ruffles with his own needle, he didn't trust the appliance to do such a job. There would be a way for it to mess it up.


"Ah.. thank you both. I don't know what I would do if I had to catch her again..." Serviah bowed to the parents. "I know it's a bit cruel, but it's becaussssse we care."
"... Nodan. He assumed that I would be perfect because I am a doll. Serviah enforced it, cause she's busy keeping Lauren in bed or wherever." Bayah explained this while brushing off the imaginary dust that collected on his arm. "Anyway, not too much longer till we're ready for the thing. Just gotta finish the stitching and light em on fire.... while making sure there's no bottles around."
Amadeus would float in looking confused, "Question Baya, why are we lighting things on fire if they already burned down once?"
(We need to get Selena and Amadeus together somehow ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ)

Selena returned outside along with one of the friends she had met from a few months ago. Fiona noticed she was headed to the forest and stopped immediately. Selena looked confused, "No way am I going in there! Sorry I just haven't heard good things about the school forest from the other grass gijinkas." Fiona apologized.

"It's ok. I'll go in alone like I usually do." Selena said.

Fiona nodded and Selena gave her a smile before she turned around and walked in alone. She soon headed to the pool of water like usual.
"That is a great question, actually. Here's what the Shadow fashion diva god told me:" He cleared his throat for an explanation. "Y'see, Nodan apparently has to wear these certain clothes that not only cover his arms, but they reduce his...aura if you will. The room was freezing earlier, because the dude is the strongest ghost-type out of all Pokemon like...ever. But everywhere he walks, the air will chill. His clothing is made out of some sort of cloth that will suppress the majority of that chill. But as you can see by Lauren, if you linger around him you'll freeze eventually. Legendaries, however, aren't affected. And for whatever reason, the outfit he is supposed to wear at the show doesn't have that suppressed quality. So we all thought that lighting the curtains on fire would fix the thing, because it's not too warm if you have that guy in the room. But.... some reason, it failed last time."
Amadeus would tilt his head, "But... Nodan-san isn't that strong... is he? I never really get cold either. Though I do get kind of toasty when I go to the sun."
Bayah dropped the curtains and tilted his head back and forth. Over the months, it was a habit he had developed. "Huh...I wish I knew the answer to that myself. I hate to be 'that guy' with the stereotypes, but for a Ghost type, he seems a bit too... proper's the word, I guess. Oh well, we can find out with time...."

At the mention of the sun, Bayah smirked. "A bit toasty? I feel like I might fry if I go out there..."
Aria smiles."You would fry out their just as my feathers would burn to a crisp and i would melt, legendary's can withstand much more than we can just like Amadues can be next to the Sun while Seriana being a Lugia can go all the way to the bottom of the ocean, without being bothered by the pressure."
"I'll be leaving now. Congratulations to the both of you." Taleo smiled to River and Sirana before leaving the infirmary. When he was walking, he bumped into a Glaceon Gijinka.

@Swift Beurezu (Start the ship! xD )
Amadeus would smile, "It's only because I make sure that I'm not actually on the sun of course! I make sure that I can act and walk on the sun, but my body is still in the earth's atmosphere. It's a really really neat trick!"
"all my work" she was stuck im her room now but didn't drink any of the tea for when she attempted to drink from one of the cups they would break into small pieces this was followed by an apology of some sort. She wasn't able to relax at all the collection was being re-introduced its like trying to sleep the day before Christmas. She would of snuck out but queen of the ocean was practically keeping her hostage along with the champion river. All she did for most of the time so far was sulked in her room.

"... Sir, I think I can walk- Aii! Don't go so faaaast!"

That sentence came from a new student, an Ice-type who was walking rather fast for a girl as short as her. But technically, when you get dragged along by somebody bigger then you, you can't help but try to keep up.

The older man, who looked as if he was a Fire-type, looked over his shoulder and winked. "...Come on, lollipop, I found you wandering outside of the school. If we're both new, we have to get our schedules.

"I know- but you don't have to walk so speedil- !" The female's sentence was cut short, while they weren't looking, she had bumped into a wandering Jolteon.

"Ow...Uh... I'm...sorry..." 
"...Well, you're lucky that you can even SURVIVE out there... Man, that's kind of intense." Bayah nodded in what seemed to him, to be like Awe.
Seriana looks at Laura."You will not be leaving this room for the rest of the night."


Aria nods."Very true, they can see things we cannot unless they decided to show us themselves through special means."
"I'm ok but... Are you ok?" Taleo got up and reached a hand for helping the Glaceon, didn't even care to dust himself off first.

@Swift Beurezu
In a moment of shyness, the Glaceon wanted desperately to pull her hand back. But the Arcanine next to her softened his smile, and discreetly patted her back, to which she steeled up and took the man's hand. "... Yes." She spoke after a moment, lifting herself up with the help of the stranger. "Yes, I'm alright. thank you."
Amadeus would tilt his head to the side, "I'm hardcore? Neat! That sounds really really cool! Like the music that the spiritomb listens to?!"
"No problem." Taleo smiled softly when he pulled the Glaceon up, helping her to stand before dusting himself off.

@Swift Beurezu
"Yes, but instead of guitars you have like..." The Banette floated up to the hooks on the ceiling and arranged the curtains in place, before coming back down and speaking directly to the two one more. "..Superpowers." He nodded at his own knowledge, because the word did fit him. Legendary, super powers... he can see that happened. "Right, Aria?" He turned to his friend, smiling in what seemed like excitement.


"Well... Winter." The man addressed the girl by her name. "I think I'll see you up ahead, at the office..." He trailed off, leaving the imagination to fill in the blank of WHY he was doing that. With a look at Taleo, he smirked and did a two-finger salute. "Catch ya later." And then he went off.

"Oh... uh, Okay....." Without any other student to turn to, Winter once again faced the Jolteon. "I...um, are you a student here, too?"

Nice question, Winter. Nice question.

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