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Fandom Gijinka academy

"I... He.. did you..." Winter couldn't help but tense up, hearing her entire life's story being replayed before her ears, from the adoption to.. questioning her clothes? Was there something WRONG with her kimono? "Agh!" She lowered her ears and slowly blushed crimson, trying to make an angry face but failing.
(Well they are just so cute together, a flying type and a ghost type it just makes some sense for whatever reason, now i am just chanting in my head Kiss, kiss, kiss)

Aria giggles."Yes we are on the Curtain subject again and i am always having to stick around you because you are always stuck to something either it is a Curtain or some other article of cloth but that does not matter to me, it feels good to have somebody who will be try and protect me."
Azrael walked back out to the hallway and shook her head. Then she noticed her cloak was gone. "Crap!" She turned in circles then realized she must have left it outside. "Oh no..." With that she began to walk down the hallway.
Sohzin, now that the room was warmed up, decided to walk outside for a second to see if there was a hint of chill, but instead he found a distressed Sneasel walking about, looking for something. "Um.. excuse me?" He asked the woman in a more polite voice then usual. "..You alright?"


(YOU KNOW WHAT, HOW ABOUT THEY KISS THEN. -confetti grinny face-)

"Gah, now look at you, you're making me blush..." Well, since his day was full of possible surprises, he might as well throw in one more. With a quick movement of his wrist and the slightest hesitation, he lightly lifted Aria's face and kissed her quickly, pulling away about three seconds later. In fear that she might try to beat him off or something.

After a quick moment of silence, he decided to add a horrid pick up line to the mix."...So, uh. What if I said I was stuck on you?" And that god-awful rimshot stuck in the air again.
(Oh my goodness yes!)

Aria blushed a bright red and her wings pomfed out on either side of her(Lols that is what i call a wing boner)and she fumbled for words for a moment."Oh...i....um."She blushed a bit more then giggled."Well then i say thank god."She kissed him right back.
She turned quickly almost hitting the arcanine in the face with the longer part of her hair. Azrael stared at him then looked down. "Ah, sorry. I just lost something. I didn't mean to hit you with my hair it just happens sometimes."
While she was blushing, Bayah panicked. "I'm sorry, I know that pun was horrible gah I am a bad puppet you can hate me if you-"

He paused, because he had been kissed back... and well, not slapped across the room like the toy doll that he was. And it surprised him for a few seconds, but not for long. He felt too happy to be surprised at the moment, 
Lucky for him, he leaned back at the last second, blinking his long lashes while looking at her curiously. "Oh...it's okay. Glad it missed, though...heh. Anything specific that you lost? Perhaps I can help." He hinted hopefully at helping her retrieve the missing item, trying his best to hold back any flirtatious quite he might have had the urge to say.


While her mother kept talking, she turned to the Palkia and the Jolteon in a panic. "Don't listen to a thing she says, especially if she mentions THOSE to you..." She was even more panicked then usual, adding to the list of firsts.
(Randomly putting this in here as part of the shipping discussion but it'd be so cute if it was Selena because he could help her be less shy and show her more kind and fun side and it'd be so cute! >_<)
"Ah... Its a cloak. I think I left it outside when I came to see what was happening with the school." She was staring at him and shook her head to stop. "Um, would you like to come with me to see?" She almost hit herself for asking. What was wrong with her!? She had been trying to hide her identity, but now she was making a... friend?
Aria giggled softly and happily then she pokes him on the forehead."I am your bird now and you are my doll."she said hoping he got that small referance.
Lauren was sitting across the room from the two kissing "I think I need to take another nap I think I'm seeing things" she hurried herself under a series of more blankets.


Oda hugged her daughter in an warm embrace "you know I have missed you did you keep yourself out of harms way while I was gone" she sat with her daughter not noticing the boy who was in her daughters room in her ROOM. But she forgot about earlier events that had happened.

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Cerise was back on top of the roof, just laying there with Beryl. It had become their place to get away since most people didn't come up there.
"I'll be letting both of you alone." Taleo said with a soft smile before walking out and headed back to his room.
(Back, sorry, sweaty so I'll be in the shower so if it takes a while to respond you know why. Also update, where is Seriana and River?)

Amadeus would smile at the two as he opened a rift back to the dorms and walked in. He wandered the halls alone, wondering if he would run into anyone. He walked back to the auditorium hoping to see someone there that he knew.
He felt the presence of her staring, but he made no comment on it. It only caused his inner smirk to grow, due to his vanity. He kept it during the ring, and it showed not a single sign of letting up. "I'd love to come. Anything to help ya out,. It's never any fun going at things alone, eh?" The fire-type nodded, more or less to himself, and decided to make the first introduction while he was at it.

"... Anyway, my name's Sohzin. Just so you aren't going with a stranger. And you?"


He caught the small reference and leaned back once more. "A-hah! So I;m not the ONLY pun-maker now, am I? But yeah... just be careful, I tend to get possessive over my birds. Don't go looking for any other diamonds." He emphasized this point with a wink, then upon hearing the door open, looked over to spy Amadeus. It was a bit of a moment breaker, but Bayah said it anyway:

"..Oh thank god, you aren't a block of ice!"


"I'll meet up with you back at the Acadamy, okay?" She told the Jolteon with a last look.. in a way, she way thankful. Now they couldn't see her pictures....

"..I missed you, Mom." She murmured after she left, hugging the Frosslass tightly.
River would sigh, "I'm calm, just no one comes near my child and threatens her." As he says this he wiggles a finger in front of his daughter's face as she grabs onto it and tries pulling on it, warming river's heart as he smiles. "I only want the best for her."


Amadeus nods and smiles, "Of course I'm not! I'm part water type so I resist ice silly! Plus it's a lot colder in space."
Seriana smiles."I know you do and that makes you a wonderful father."


Aria giggles at bayah."Well i do not see any other funny Banette's at this school, do i?"
She turned away from him when she heard him agree causing her hair to fly again. She paused for a single second when he asked her name but replied anyway as she started walking. "My name is Azrael." She smiled knowing she was in for an earful if he knew the name.
Amadeus smiles, "Noooo but you do see a really cute Amadeus who sees a really really cute Banette and Pidgeot. Be careful, because if you don't want him I'll take him for sure!" He'd stick a tongue out at her playfully.
She signed in relief "if I haddent found you sooner this building would of been five feet underground" she laughed followed by a violent coughing. "Looks like I used a lot more energy then I thought I would" she wasn't planing on staying inside the school of cource but she was going to live nearby out past the now school was a log cabin she had built and was living in before she came to the school.


Lauren had realised her guards were finally gone so she did what was reasonable and escaped into the long hallway to the autorium.

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"Huh... strange name." He didn't seem to recall the name at all, and yet he felt as if he was expected to. However, during his thinking, he was left behind a few feet.

"...Ah, I'll recall later." He shrugged to himself and hurried up after her to the fronf of the building.


"Oh. Right, Superpowers and all that jazzy jazz." Bayah recalled, looking at Amadeus and then Aria. "Now now, no need to fight over me... I don't think." If he attempted teasing, he'd surely tumble over and hit his head. Such was the way of Bayah. He got the feeling, however, that he was forgetting someone...


"Oda, please don't push yourself too hard, you almost froze the school..." Winter gently nudged the old spirit back with one hand and smiled in a caring manner, much differant from her reserved self. "I'm glad you didn't, everybody is so nice to me there.... and once you explain, they'll be nice to you too, I'm sure,

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She sighed when he didn't make a deal out of the name and smiled back at him. "well come along. I want to be back before dinner." She said it in an overly proper manner that was meant to be funny

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