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Fandom Gijinka academy

"Hah, okay, mom." He joked back and quickened his pace. Maybe he would ask Zipper mouth about her name after they found what they were looking for. In the meantime, he kept his eyes to the floor outside.

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River would nuzzle Seriana as he holds the baby, "Thanks.. and you're an excellent mom and a m*** at that." River would wink at her, "Come on, let's go see how the production team is doing. It'll be nice to relax a little bit."

Amadeus shrugged, "Iunno. I'm not all-seeing that's Arceus-san's job not me. I just kind of look after space and all that while being super hardcore apparently. "
(I'm going to bed for the night so yah good night)

Oda laughed along with winter "if I wasn't controlling myself the school would of froze a lot faster I have had a ton of practice when it comes to being the ice" she was usually knowing of the ways of ice and how to manipulate it into beauty.


"Freedom" Lauren sighed while working on the curtains one more fixing what happened when bayah sowed himself to it. This is what she gets for having more then just her tea time break almost frozen like a popsicle. The curtain was hung and she had a little bit of painting the new stage on one section that got missed.

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"Guys,,.. she escaped. " Bayah breathed slowly and pointed out he obvious room, kind of frightened at the rabid way Lauren held herself at the moment.


"Woah, woah, don't do that! I can't take pain, honestly." Sozin raised his hands in the international sign of defence, but he still held that playful look to him, which was a dead giveaway that he was still playing along. The sun just seemed to make him that much more happier. Cloudy days tended to get him down...

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Amadeus would watch the odd mismagius work. "you really are dilligant huh? Well I guess it does make sense since you wanna impress my brother." Amadeus would giggle a little bit. "Lauren you're really funny. I bet Nodan likes you. "

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"If Nodan likes her, the equivalence to that would be Lauren being the Cult leader of Disortionism, sacrifices and hymn chanting come with the package, baby,...." at the mention of like, the cloth doll paused his chattering "speaking of like.... I'm curious. Who do you like, Amadeus? If you got a crush, that is..."

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She laughed, "Oh I bet you could take it. " Azrael was use to seeing if others could fight and to her he seemed like someone familiar with getting hit. His body type gave him away in her book.
"That's a fine complement but alas my heart belongs to Lyseandere and fashion but impressing my idol would also be a dream of mine" she went off into a daydream off everything in the show becoming perfect but this time there would be no fire. "But all my dreams were served on a silver platter not having to work for what I have until now" (OK I'm off to dreamland now)

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Amadeus looks confused, "I don't know really. I guess anyone would be alright since im panssexual so long as they like me back and accept me for who I am then I'll be there to love them. But so far no one has really shown any interest in me."

River would look confused, "We can't go to the auditorium in front of the baby?" he'd tilt his head to the side, "Why on earth not?"

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"......." Bayah would beg to differ, but then again the Emotional reading thing was just another one of his crazy ghost powers, so he kept his mouth shut. He had a feeling that Amadeus would find someone soon, anyway.


Nodan suddenly felt the urge to look up from his book. "....Why do I feel as if someone is talkig about me? ...ah, well."


"You're right, I can... but that's not the best way to make friends, lollipop. At least, not here." He used the nicknamd casually, ans part of him wanted to see her reaction. Everybody had a different one when he used the name. "Then again, maybe I wasn't here for the punching initiation?"

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Azrael stopped at the edge of the forest and whipped around, almost hitting him again, when he called her lollipop. "Why did you call me that!?" She wasn't use to even play flirting so she had a blush high in her cheeks as she glared. She wasn't angry at him just embarrassed and at a loss for words.

@Swift Beurezu
The man once again leaned on the heels of his feet to avoid getting whacked by her hair. It got a bit too close that time.

"Oh... well, it's what I call everyone. Everyone that can stand me, that is. It's a bit of a habit." This time he did not grin, he just looked the slightest bit on edge, ss if he was afraid he went to far. The reaction he got was a bit more serious then the others, and that told him that she might not get hit on much. Probably due to lack of people to talk to

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"Hm? Oh... yeah, no problem." The Banette nodded to Lauren, then waved good-bye to Amadeus, smiling widely.... before picking up Aria (somehow.....) and tottling over to the Nurse.

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She cleared her throat at the explanation and sighed. Looking down she muttered "I'm sorry. I don't interact with people unless its to fight them normally." She turned back to the forest and began the trek into it
Sohzin followed once again like a shadow, turning over her words in his head. She wasn't a brawler, so he could onky assume that she fought some sort of group, or perhaps just people in general. "It's alright, not your fault. " The entrance of the forest seemed s touch forboding, yet they continued.

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"I know, I know... but, being held is supposed to quell pain, right? Besides, who knows, the contact might help." Bayah winked in response to the roll of her eyes. Hopefully she would get used to this, it might happen a lot.

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When they got into the forest she relaxed noticeably and sighed. She knew many people didn't come out here and she felt safer than at the Academy. She led them to her clearing and grinned. "Ah ha! I knew it!" she ran over to the rock at the center and grabbed her cloak, pulling it around herself. She then looked around and began to pick up all of her training stuff. Looking at the Arcanine she smiled before shrugging. "Got to keep in shape, ya know?" She pushed the rock out of her way to reveal a hole under it with shelves. She organized all of the training equipment before pushing the rock back. "Okay, all packed up. Now what would you like to do?"

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