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Futuristic Get Paid!! [ooc]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


a sci-fi survival story


This is an invitation-only roleplay for the following users:

  • AllHailDago
  • BeyondPoetry
  • Captain Hesperus
  • Carter Jake Mason
  • CloudyBlueDay
  • DemonKitten
  • Giyari
  • Kaerri
  • KamiKahzy
  • Meredith
  • Mordecai
  • The Dark Wizard
  • Pine

I guess first order of business would be to sort out how we should handle the character roles vs. number of people here.

Does it matter if we have more roles for the crew or should we have more inhabitants for the planet?

(Or does it matter?)

The planet was originally written to be a small abandoned military outpost, with no other people on it aside from the Ghost, any Hunters, and our washed-up crew. So, I'd prefer to have the crew be the larger group of characters - you know, at least in the beginning.
I know someone else was considering the brawn role, so I would definitely be willing to forfeit that position in favor of making my own.

I'm a sucker for apprentice-like roles, so would a cabin boy sort of thing be plausible? c:

Brain: This is the "shellperson" who is plugged into the ship. They cannot leave the ship as it is their life support system, but they can control it.

Brawn: The shellperson's handler who is in charge of their wellbeing. This person is also the captain of the ship.

Medic: This character is responsible for the health and well-being of the crew. Duh.

Mechanic: This character maintains and fixes the ship, and must work closely with the Brain.

Engineer: This character will be in charge of identifying technology that is scavenged from the ruins and storing it.

Ghost: This character is the one who haunts the ruins. We're thinking, a second shellperson who was forgotten and is attempting to make contact with the crew. Alternative interpretations of this role are welcome so long as they do not conflict with the premise or the Hunter.

Hunter: This character lives in the ruins, and wants the crew to leave as fast as possible. They are protecting something, most likely the Ghost. Alternative interpretations of this role are welcome so long as they do not conflict with the premise or the Ghost.
.... If you can explain to me what a cabin boy does - because I legitimately don't know - then sure.
It's kinda' like... a cabin boy gets to do that dirty deeds that the higher-ups don't want to do.

Generally younger, not experienced enough to have an important role of their own (for that reason, is pushed around and looked down on, stereotypically), and potentially is just doing this to observe how everyone else does their respective job to maybe be able to take it on for themselves when they get older.
You're gonna have one hell of a backstory - how on earth does someone fall into being cabin boy for a bunch of mercenaries and thieves? Because let's not delude ourselves here - this is what we're dealing with.
So if-so hypothetically I DID come up with a kickass backstory...? ;D

that would be so fun to work with you have no idea

*rubs palms eagerly*

I may be able to come up with something by the end of the day.

Luckily, I have these next three days off from work.

So a few more questions first.

When I finish plotting out the backstory, should I PM these to you just to make sure it's all okay?

Or would you want me to keep it hush-hush to reveal in the role play?

Then also... is this crew going to be all from the same planet?

If not, would we be free to devise the planet that they're from (setting, culture, etc)?
You can PM it to me, yeah!

The crew don't all have to be from the same planet - but you don't have to describe the entire planet they're from, either. Just the immediate region/culture they came from.
Alright. *nod nods*

So... either he would have to have some close relationship with one of the crew members, or maybe he was forced on the crew by their employer, and I'm kind of leaning towards the latter, if that's at all plausible.

but yeah, region/culture gotcha'

And these will all be very human characters, yes?
Pine said:
And these will all be very human characters, yes?
They have to be reasonably humanoid enough to work on a ship designed for/by humans.
so i'm considering a few possibilities plot-wise (before i forget), none of which i'm committed to

i think i read somewhere this was an abandoned military outpost?

that's what i was thinking in terms of before i returned to my laptop haha

this planet could have some sort of legendary artifact rumored to be tucked away here

military outpost was established for whatever military purposes

but a while back ANOTHER crew of mercenaries had come to this planet to seek out this artifact (rumors of granting immortality? unimaginable power? an awesome mustache?????) and that's what wiped out the colony/forced the military to abandon

the ghost could possibly be a remainder from this crew or one of the colony people, whichever

and small possibility that this original crew of mercenaries has been able to carry on this mission to find the artifact through a couple of generations

and our crew is ignorant of it (maybe sent to bait out the original mercenaries? perhaps the original mercenaries stole something?) and there really IS no futuristic technology to be salvaged

... that their employer knows of

i know that all is an unorganized mess, i'll keep thinking xD
It's good! Keep thinking! From what I can tell of my (sparse) original notes, the outpost was a disguise, there was a Manhattan Project of sorts being developed there - but for whatever reason, the project was cancelled and people pulled. The government freaked when the Gorgons investigated the outpost (because it was in THEIR sector, technically, silly humans ignoring border laws!), which caused minor tensions for a while.
thinking more about what happened to the colony and this artifact (if we decide to go with it)

maybe it was pivotal for the artifact to be maintained in order for them to sustain themselves?

it someone protected them, or at least that's what they believed?

think "the lottery" where one person in a small town was sacrificed during each year (idr the season... or the details in general) in order to "ensure" that their crops would be good for that year

possibly as time progressed, the artifact became religion, and with every religion comes extremists

these extremists came to become a great influence over the rest of the colony, and corruption came where exposing the rest of the colony became less about their religious antics and more about a climb to power

somehow, this ended up being destructive and backfires majorly, with fasting or something similar leading to the colony starving themselves out

the hunter could be the last designated person to preserve the artifact, and they do so adamantly as some legacy mission or something (this is kind of up to the person role playing the hunter, after all)
Pine said:
thinking more about what happened to the colony and this artifact (if we decide to go with it)
maybe it was pivotal for the artifact to be maintained in order for them to sustain themselves?

it someone protected them, or at least that's what they believed?

think "the lottery" where one person in a small town was sacrificed during each year (idr the season... or the details in general) in order to "ensure" that their crops would be good for that year

possibly as time progressed, the artifact became religion, and with every religion comes extremists

these extremists came to become a great influence over the rest of the colony, and corruption came where exposing the rest of the colony became less about their religious antics and more about a climb to power

somehow, this ended up being destructive and backfires majorly, with fasting or something similar leading to the colony starving themselves out

the hunter could be the last designated person to preserve the artifact, and they do so adamantly as some legacy mission or something (this is kind of up to the person role playing the hunter, after all)
my brain keeps trying to think of things that are irrelevant to me, cloudy

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