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Fantasy ~Geppettos School for Storybook Kids~

Wonder Woman

Rpns Heroic Father Figure

To Whom It May Concern,
What if I told you every story you've read is real? Well most of them. That those characters you love so much have lives outside of their stories? Well they do. They have husbands, wives and hobbies, things you wouldn't expect.
IMG_7513.GIFThey also have children. These children often inherit their storybook parents traits and powers. Once these special children turn 15 they get a letter, inviting them to my school. A school where they can still be teenagers but also learn about their histories and master their abilities. Who am I? Well I'm Headmaster Geppetto, as in painted/created Pinocchio? Yes, that one.
Now, at my fine academy every student no matter the parent, has a chance for a higher education. This has
IMG_7516.GIF caused a split between the two groups in the school that has lasted years; those who have villains as parents and those who have heroes. Those with Villainous parents call live in the south hall while heroes live in the north. While we try our best to keep the peace that can easily become near impossible with the tension caused by the conflicting parents.
I'd also like to mention that our students, while our students have unique abilities they are still teenagers and we are very aware they will; attend parties, consume illegal substances, engage in romance, etc. While we believe kids should be kids we also will administer proper punishment if students participate in extremeIMG_7512.GIF misconduct.
Before we begin our year I'd like to outline a few simple rules:

1. Use proper grammar and spelling
2. Be kind to one another in the OOC (drama is only meant for within the rp!)
3. 2 or more paragraphs with around 5 or more lines
4. No Godmodding (ask permission before controlling another persons character)

With all that said, have fun and enjoy your time with us! (Entry code: Between the lines)

Yours Truly,


Sign Up Here!

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Opening Day Bonfire
Welcome to your first day at Geppettos School for Story Book Kids! For those of you returning, welcome back!

Since you all are settled into your dorms there's a party on the cove, near the edge of campus. It's a school tradition that the students pull off every year. It's one of the only parties that headmaster and the teachers don't bother with all year, so nows your chance to get some booze and interact with your classmates before being thrown into the school year!


Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat August August amxlia amxlia MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

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Two Faced Rayne Jekyll / Robin Hyde

Rayne had a pretty uneventful move in day, everything was fine, no one spoke to her (as she preferred it). She thought it would stay that way too until some first year experimenting with thier powers created a flame which was in time for Robin to have received the invite down to the bonfire. Rayne usually didn't let Robin come out during school for this. The least people who know about Robins existence, the less of a chance Robin had of figuring everything out before Rayne could get rid of her.
Robin was always down for a bit of partying, thankfully she had slipped her flask into her backpack before she came, though she seemed to have blacked out the night before. Once at the fire the blonde had fun dancing, drinking and socializing with the students. As she danced she caught sight of a blue eyed boy who was standing, drinking. So she made her way over and linked arms with him. "Dance with me!" She smiled and pulled him into the group of dancing students.

Location: At the Bon fire dancing
Mood: tipsy, excited
Interaction: Noel ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat


Dastardly Pirate Jacob
The boy had gotten to campus late, he had spent the summer investigating and trying to figure out where his fathers went, with no such luck with results.
Once he got there he dropped his bags in the south dorm before making his way down to the cove. Once around the fire a smirk pulled onto his cheeks, while he hated the school he loved the parties. As he made his way over to get a beer, he winked at a couple first year north dormers before he grabbed a beer from one of the coolers before taking a sip, looking out at everyone dancing and having fun.

Mood: Tired, content
Interaction: No one, open for interaction

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Cassie Hatter
Cassie had been setting up her room and sure she loved coming back to school, but life was hard for her. The North kids gave her grief because she was weird and the South dorms well they just weren't fond of those in the North side so she had accepted her bubble of loneliness. She tried to be friends with everyone she could but the way her father had raised her left her quite an odd one. She sometimes spoke in riddles which was hard enough. She wasn't like other heroes children she was something entirely different. She set up her collection of hats, knitted, sewed, and some in between. Each a connection to who she was and who she would be. While setting everything up she got the notice for the bonfire, she had gone last year but it hadn't worked for her, 'Here's to another year to try.' she thought sarcastically and knew she would end up going.

Her setting up her room took quite some time, though to an outsider it would look so crazy and confusing but to her it looked perfect. Hats were everywhere, needles and thread thrown about. Her room was an exact representation of her and it was what kept her sane in the school. She had sketches already set up so she could keep working on her next design and it would never have been thought that she had just moved in. The commotion outside her door let her know that students were heading down to the bonfire.

When she arrived at the bonfire people were everywhere and she wasn't quite sure who to talk to, granted she knew her hair made her stick out even if just a little. She glanced at the faces she knew, Rayne/Robin and Jacob. She hadn't ever said much to either of them but at least she recognized their faces. She started to make her way towards the pirate mostly because he was alone, but she feared the rejection he may give her. She didn't blend with those from the South dorms and she knew it. Her heart was beating fast like it was going to burst out of her chest. She stopped in front of him and gave him a small smile. She wasn't sure if she should say hi or what but she was going to make a friend this year and maybe the bonfire was going to be her way to,

"Hey!" her voice was its chipper self and she knew that right there could be the end of her beginning, but she wasn't going to be something she wasn't.

Rowanna Redd
The wind flew through her fur as she sprinted through the woods, following the clearly marked trail her brother left her. Her midnight black fur hid her well in the shadows, and her amber eyes glowed with a sense of freedom. She loved to run without fear of who might be around the corner to hurt her. Her paws slammed against the soft grass, her well toned muscles propelling her forward in a blur of a sprint. It was times like these that she really loved her curse. Rowanna followed the scent of her brother, using her magical tracking abilities to visualize what turns he had taken as he drove towards their new home. She had argued with him, told him that they don't belong in a boarding school surrounded by other people. But Noel, being his usual stubborn self, persuaded her otherwise. So here she was, bounding onto the ground of Geppetto's school with grace.

Rowanna let out a howl, signalling to her brother that she was there and he need not worry any longer. Had she not, she knew he would have waited for her all night with concern written on his face. Slowing to a light jog, Rowanna followed the scent of smoke and water, leading her to the cove where she knew the first night party would be. Parting her way through the brush, she found herself on the edge of the firelight, staring into a mass of students drinking and dancing without a care in the world. Rowanna fluidly shifted into her human form. Thankfully, her curse allowed her to stay in whatever clothing she was wearing before shifting, thus leaving her in a pair of skinny jeans, combat boots, and a flowing black tank that showed off the array of wolf and nature themed tattoos splashed across the skin of her arms. Nervously, she twisted the ruby ring on her finger. She sucked in a harsh breath, making eye contact with a brown-haired boy with striking blue eyes, worrying that he had seen her shift.
Interaction: Jacob ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )


Noel Redd
The drive to the school was filled with concern as he was constantly worrying his sister would run into trouble. He knew she chose to run to give her wolf some freedom. If she didn't shift often enough, her wolf would get antsy and could force her to lose control. At this point in there lives, that was the last thing the twins needed. Noel was excited to receive the letter from Geppetto, truly believing that he and his sister could finally find a place they belonged. More importantly, a place that Rowanna would be protected from all those wanting to do harm to her. The pair had packed light, mostly because they had few belongings, and Noel was first to arrive to their residence in the South dorms. He quickly threw their bags into his room for safe keeping before heading towards the bonfire where he would meet up with his sister.

Noel stood to the side of the party, unsure of what to do. He was new, and had no idea who to interact with. His ice blue eyes scanned the crowd as he slowly sipped on the bottle of scotch he had brought for himself and Rowanna to share. Everyone seemed nice, no one set off any immediate red flags. But he would stay mostly sober just in case. The familiar sound of Rowanna's howl rung through the air, momentarily drowning out the fast-beat music the kids were dancing to, sending a sense of relief through Noel's body. Many of the kids were younger, but many also appeared to be around his age as well. He was busy scanning faces when a pretty blonde-haired girl approached him, linking her arm in his. "Dance with me!" she said, barely giving him enough time to set down his bottle of alcohol before pulling him into the mass of moving bodies. Noel couldn't help but grin, he lived for parties, and easily began dancing to the music.
Interaction: Rayne ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
The Stiltskin Twins


Lucian was going to the bon fire and he was going to bring Magnus with him if he had to drag his brother by his toenails. The boy licked his chapped lips in preparation to plead his case (and if that didn't work he fully planned to physically drag Mags with him) but was surprised when, without a word, his brother picked up his beat up old hand-me-down... whatever the hell the weird looking thing was called and a back pack that, knowing Mags, was probably filled with those weird flavored waters the kid likes to drink. The older boy waited pointedly for Lucian to lead the way. It fed his ego probably a little too much that his brother knew him so well.
Magnus didn't want to go to the party... like he had been dreading it all day but he remembered very well how much of a fight Lucian put up about going last year to the point that the younger boy lost his temper and Magnus ended up nursing a busted lip most of the night. He was prepared this year though. He had a small portable amp and some bottles of the water he like packed and ready for when Lucian decided it was time to go, all Magnus needed to grab was his Voodoo Staff Diddly Bow and he would have enough to entertain himself with for the night while he kept an eye open to make sure Lucian didn't do anything illegal. This just wasn't a battle he wanted to fight, but he was going to make the best of an uncomfortable situation.

When the boys arrived at the beach Magnus noted the familiar faces then set out to find a place to sit away from the thick of the crowd with a decent vantage point so he could look after his brother, who naturally went straight for the beer.​

*note Cas and Charlie will be late to the party because my muse is being weird right now and writing is hard :/
Two Faced Robin Hyde
Robin smiled, dancing for awhile with the new boy before bringing him out to the side of the dancing mob. "You're not too bad of a dance partner" she teased with a wink "I'm Robin, Robin Hyde" the girls smile was bright as she spoke. "Since I forced you to dance I feel like it's only fair I offer you a drink, so here" Robin then pulled a small flask from her back pocket, taking a small drink before offering it to him. "I've never seen you around here before, is this your first year?" Honestly, with her blackouts he could've been here a couple years and she might not have noticed or remembered.
Glancing around the party her grin only grew "I mean if this is your first year you must be interested by your first impression" she laughed, gesturing to the party. They drank and hung out in the dorms throughout the year, it being a little hard to throw parties once the snow falls seeing as how teachers live in the school with them, along with the attendant.
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Location: At the bonfire
Mood: tipsy, excited
Interaction: Noel Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Dastardly Pirate Jacob Hook
The boy continued drinking, glancing around the party when a girl with wild hair approached him and said hi. He smirked, knowing her as a North dorm girl... Mad Matters kid maybe? He wasn't really sure. He was about to answer the girls greeting when his eyes caught something in the woods behind her. He had a talent for picking out things, pirates eyes for treasures, though he wasn't sure how much of a treasure was it to see a wolf become a girl. At least that's what he thought happened? No no that's impossible... right?
"I'm sorry love" he winked at the coloured haired girl, looking down at her, his heavy British accent is usually what helped draw ladies in. "What's your name?" Even as he talked to the girl he couldn't help but glance up at the woods, locking eyes with the dark haired girl. Had that actually happened?
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Mood: Tired, content
Interaction: Cassie Hatter ~ Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler
Mentioned: Rowanna Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

((Please tag those who you are talking to or interacting with so assure everyone gets notifications and can reply!))

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Rowanna Redd
Rowanna felt her eyes flash amber as she looked at the longhaired boy, her wolf instincts telling her to run. She blinked the golden color away, and turned away from him. She was sure then that he had seen her shift, and she wasn't about to deal with that right away. Thankfully, a girl with colorful hair distracted the stranger, giving Rowanna a moment to grab the bottle of scotch her brother had left on the ground and move towards the water. She watched the waves roll in slowly, glancing up at the full moon above the horizon. The stars and moonlight created a glitter pattern on the water, calming her. Rowanna took a gulp of the scotch, the amber liquid burning her throat and warming her from the inside out. She remembered her mother calling it liquid courage, and Rowanna took another swig just for good measure.
Mention: Jacob ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Interaction: open


Noel Redd
Noel enjoyed dancing with the girl, and all too soon she dragged him from the mob of moving bodies to the side. Her bright smile was absolutely intoxicating, and Noel couldn't help but give her his charmingly crooked grin in return. He was new, and thus entirely surprised that he seemed to have made a friend so easily. But Noel pushed the thoughts away when she told him her name and offered him a flask. He happily accepted, taking a swig of the strong liquid before handing it back to her. "It's nice to meet you, Robin. My name is Noel, Noel Redd. And yeah, I'm knew around here. I finally was able to talk my sister into coming here, and so here we are," he responded, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile.
Interaction: Robin ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Two Faced Robin Hyde
The blonde bit her lip gently as he confessed he was new. He was pretty cute, she had to admit that. "Well I'm sure you'll do fine here, and with a smile like that the girls will be all over you in no time" she teased bumping her hip off his gently, giving him a wink. The girl knew she came off as (and might actually be) a wild child and she had no problem with that, she liked speaking her mind and having fun.
Taking a long drink from her flask caused her light buzz was beginning to become a more heavy drunk but she was handling it semi gracefully, semi being the key word as she stumbled slightly. "I'm also sure your sister will love it here! Hopefully I end up meeting her soon" she grinned with a nod before looking up at the beautifully blue eyed teen. "So, would you rather dance or chat?" She ran her fingers through her long hair as she spoke, her bronze eyes even brighter from the mixture of alcohol, excitement and the reflections from the large fire.

Mood: drunk, excited, flirty
Interaction: Noel Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

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Cassie Hatter

Cassie kept her smile as the boy acknowledged her, though she hadn't known his name she knew most of the kids parents she had been observing many. A skill picked up from her father. She noticed something had caught the males eyes and she wanted to swivel to see what, but she figured that wouldn't be her smartest plan in making friends. She had seen two males arrive at the party while the pirates eyes had wandered for a split second, one didn't look like he wanted to be there and she felt for him, the other looked like he had wanted to, An odd pair, her brain thought and she turned her attention back to the male before her.

"I'm Cassie and you are?" She didn't feel the need to explain more than that. Why tell everything? She had wished she had grabbed something to drink but at the same time she knew she wasn't a fan of it either. She was after all the Mad Hatter's daughter and if she wasn't in control of herself she wasn't quite sure what would happen to her. The alcohol was in the air and the smell was undeniable. As Cassie kept her composure she could tell something was holding the pirates attention and she creased her brow in confusion tilting her head slightly at him.

Interaction:Jacob Wonder Woman Wonder Woman
Mention: Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood

Noel Redd
Noel grinned again, arms shooting out to steady Robin when she stumbled. He felt a red blush tinge his cheeks as she complimented his smile, quickly willing it away. This girl seemed wild, but Noel liked it. He himself had a tendency to drink a little too much, party too much when he wasn't worrying about Rowanna. "Rowanna is pretty fantanstic. She should be around here somewhere," he replied, blue eyes scanning the crowd until they finally found his sister at the edge of the firelight by the water. He nodded to himself before turning his attention back to Robin. She seemed to be getting drunk, and Noel couldn't blame her. He would probably be there before the night was over. He let out a low chuckle at her dance suggestion. "I say we chat. Anymore dancing and you might end up stepping on my toes," he replied with a smirk and a wink.
Interaction: Robin ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
As Lucian passed through the crowd to get to the beer his eyes caught on his favorite pirate and a girl with a colorful hair situation going on. He wanted to stop and introduce himself to the girl, he vaguely remembered a long shock of unnaturally colored hair from last year in passing but never cared enough to acknowledge her. But now that his brother's giving him a longer leash this year... but beer first. Beer is a good idea. Lucian grabbed two beers, one for now and the other he stashed in his hoodie pocket with his other goodies for later. While at the cooler he made sure to look up and find where Mags had set up shop for the night... you know... for later. And saw him hunkered down by the water's edge a short, respectable, distance from a girl Lucian knows he's never seen before. Must be fresh meat. Satisfied he slides up next to the pirate from behind with a friendly nudge and a long pull from his beer. "How's my favorite pirate doing? Ready for another year in this hell hole of a school?" He barely waited for Jacobs answer before turning his attention to the girl "I hope I heard right, did you just say your name's Cassie? I'm Lucian, the pretty brother." he added with a wink and a noncommittal hand gesture indicating the general direction his brother was camped out in.
Lucian Stiltskin
Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Wonder Woman Wonder Woman

Magnus found himself just out of reach of the fire light, by the waters edge. He sits himself down careful not to sit too close to the water so he wouldn't get wet and began unpacking his bag of his waters and little amp. he Paused before turning the amp on, he really didn't want to draw attention to himself but he needed the amp so he could hear his instrument clearly. He decides on just keeping the volume low. After a minute he noticed he wasn't quite alone as he thought, noticing a new girl also by the water's edge a few feet away. Shrugging it off he hoped he didn't disturb her because he didn't want to move. Magnus put a broken bottle neck, a makeshift slider that came to him with the instrument and started messing around and playing some notes. By no means was he perfect, he had only just inherited the diddly bow from an old friend over the summer, but every now and then something that sounded like the blues came gently through the amp speaker.
Magnus Stiltskin
MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

*Charlie and Cas coming soon
Two Faced Robin Hyde
Robin laughed as he suggested they chat, looking over dramatically offended at his reason. "Excuse me! I am extremely graceful" she joked, her stumble proving otherwise as she tripped forward, grabbing his shoulder to stable herself. "Oh, shit sorry" she glanced down at her feet to ensure her balance before she looked back up at him, his bright eyes catching her bronze ones for a moment. "I like you eyes" she smiled, more gently than usual through her drunk haze, staying quiet for a mere moment before backing up and releasing his arm.
"Come on! There's seats over there" her wide excited grin pulled back onto her lips before she took the blue eyed boys arn and brought him over to a group of logs that a couple seniors cut down from the enchanted forest to make seats. Sitting down the girl smiled up at him "sit sit" she said, tapping the space next to her. The seats were nice and close to the fire, so the girl smiled contently at the comfortable heat. "So where are you from? Parent and location wise"
Location: At the bonfire
Mood: tipsy, excited
Interaction: Noel Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Dastardly Pirate Jacob Hook
Jacob watched as the dark haired girl moved away from the woods before returning his gaze to the girl in front of him. "Well Cassie love, I'm Jacob Hook" he winked and gave his usual flirty smirk. He was about to drop one of his usual flirts when he saw Lucian pull up and chuckled at the small nudge. "I'm doing well, and I'm trying to prepare myself for the year in Geppettos hell hole" he joked, his tattooed arms crossing over his chest.
Then as he listened to the twin continue his introduction to the wild haired girl he rolled his eyes and glanced over at Magnus before looking back to Lucian. "Nah I'd say Magus' got you beat for the best looking twin" he joked with the boy before glancing at the girl who stood not far away from the other Stilskin teen. Him and Lucian got along fairly well, they were both skilled at mischief though the latter of the two had magic on his side. "I'm gonna grab myself another beer, anyone interested?"
Mood: Joking, sarcastic
Interaction: Cassie Hatter ~ Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler , Lucian Stilskin ~ Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood
Mentioned: Rowanna Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat


Rowanna Redd
Rowanna was too fixated on the water to notice the Stiltskin twin sit down on the sand not to far from her. It was only when he began to play that she noticed. The sound made her jump in surprise at first, before she recognized some pieces of it as blues music. Blues was one of her favorite kinds of music to play on her guitar when she had free time. Rowanna looked over to the boy, tilting her head as she listened. She didn't recognize the instrument with its simple one stringed design. However, by the way he was playing, she knew the instrument was way more complicated then it seems.

Rowanna walked over to Magnus and sat beside him, staring at the way his hands moved across the instrument with interest. She remained quiet, intent on the music. Playing music was always her way of feeling free when she couldn't run in her wolf form. Rowanna twisted the ruby ring on her finger absentmindedly. Her wolfish curiosity usually got the best of her in situations, which could be both a blessing and a curse. Finally, Rowanna got enought courage to talk to Magnus. "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of instrument is that?"
Interaction: Magnus ( Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood )


Noel Redd
Noel's arms shot out again, placing his hands on her hips to steady her when she stumbled again. He couldn't help but grin at her chipper nature, it was bright and different from the usual attitudes towards him in their village back home. He felt another blush rise on his cheeks when she complimented his eyes, but smiled softly anyway. "I like your eyes too." As they walked over to the sitting logs, he made sure to watch her, ready to catch her if she were to fall again. He sat next to her on the log, the warm fire wrapping him in a comfortable heat.

"I'm from a small village on the other side of the Enchanted Forest from here, about 3 days drive from here," he responded, leaning back to look at the stars above them. The firelight caught his eyes just right, making them glint their natural ice blue color. "As for parents, I never really knew them. My mother was Little Red Riding Hood, well that's what the rumors called her anyway. She left us in the village as babies, so the dairy maids there were the ones who raised Rowanna and I. My father was a Huntsmen, never really came home as he was always on a quest," he answered nonchalantly, though when he spoke of his mother there was a slight bitter tone to his voice. Shaking those thoughts away, Noel turned his gaze back to Robin. "What about you?"
Interaction: Robin ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Two Faced Robin Hyde

Robin listened intently, well as intently as a drunk teenager could. Moving a little closer when she heard the bitter tone he seemed to have towards his mother, as he watched the stars her gaze was caught on the bright blue of his eyes in the firelight. When his gazed turned to her she turned her eyes to her lap, taking a long drink from her flask, feeling the sharp burn of the alcohol running down her throat before she answered. "I was born in London but moved to a small town on the east coast, its like a 6 hour drive from campus" the blonde shrugged, she knew her accent was near nothing now but her words were wrapped in a light British accent. "My father is Dr. Henry Jekyll or Mr. Edward Hyde, that depends on the day" she joked, moving to pull her hair up into a ponytail "Sadly I didn't inherit his knack for science or the cool duel personalities" she laughed and shook her head. Her father explained it that since her mother never took the potion Robin was unaffected by it. "I'm probably the most boring character you could've stumbled upon" she joked with a smirk, keeping close to his side, he was interesting, new, seemed like he could be a bit of fun and being hot definitely wasn't a bad thing.
Location: At the bonfire
Mood: drunk, warm, flirty
Interaction: Noel Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat


Lucian furrowed his brows at the pirate, sure Lucian could tell the other was joking but, it still made him upset that he could ever be less than his goody-two-shoes brother. Only because he genuinely liked the pirate did he play along. "pfft! Just 'cause he gets more sun?! I'll have you know pale skin in many places is preferable over tan." He told the pirate with what he thought was a convincing smirk. At the offer of more beer Lucian pulled his second one out of his pocket in confirmation of his words of "I'm Good" but with the beer came out a battered cigarette carton and the smell of something sickly sweet as its contents spilled out onto the sand. "Shit! ... was gonna save these for a little later. Guess that cat's out of the bag now though" Lucian said stooping to pick up the fallen drugs that was definitely wasn't cigarettes. when he stood back up he had all but three back in the box, one stuck between his grinning lips and the other two held out in an offering with eyebrows raised. He didn't intend on giving out freebies more than once. "I have more," he spoke around the joint searching for a lighter with his free hand, pulling it out of his pocket after a moment. "nothing good though. Mags raided my stash before we left this morning"
Lucian furrowed his brows at the pirate, sure Lucian could tell the other was joking but, it still made him upset that he could ever be less than his goody-two-shoes brother. Only because he genuinely liked the pirate did he play along. "pfft! Just 'cause he gets more sun?! I'll have you know pale skin in many places is preferable over tan." He told the pirate with what he thought was a convincing smirk. At the offer of more beer Lucian pulled his second one out of his pocket in confirmation of his words of "I'm Good" but with the beer came out a battered cigarette carton and the smell of something sickly sweet as its contents spilled out onto the sand. "Shit! ... was gonna save these for a little later. Guess that cat's out of the bag now though" Lucian said stooping to pick up the fallen drugs that was definitely wasn't cigarettes. when he stood back up he had all but three back in the box, one stuck between his grinning lips and the other two held out in an offering with eyebrows raised. He didn't intend on giving out freebies more than once. "I have more," he spoke around the joint searching for a lighter with his free hand, pulling it out of his pocket after a moment. "nothing good though. Mags raided my stash before we left this morning"
Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Magnus looked up for a second when he heard more than saw the girl sit with him. Her presence left him a little on edge until he realized she was more interested in his instrument than him so he relaxed. Music and instruments were safe topics to talk about... if she ever decided to break the ice that is. There was something about the girl though that Magnus couldn't quite put his finger on. He could tell the ring she kept fidgeting with was spelled with light magic but that wasn't what bothered him. Growing up around magic and being magical himself there were somethings he just knew, especially if he's come across something similar before. He doesn't dare ask though, its really none of his business. As he idly wondered about the girl in front of him he almost missed her question. Shaking himself out of his daze he answered "I-its called a Diddly Bow. Its an off breed of guitar, invented out of boredom, specifically to play blues music. Usually homemade it was considered a poor mans instrument.... used mostly by folks that couldn't afford a guitar." He rambled off what he knew of the instrument, everything its previous owner told him about it, everything he could make sense of anyway, the last owner being mostly drunk at the time. He couldn't bring himself to look up at the girl, though, instead focusing on the string in front of him.
Magnus looked up for a second when he heard more than saw the girl sit with him. Her presence left him a little on edge until he realized she was more interested in his instrument than him so he relaxed. Music and instruments were safe topics to talk about... if she ever decided to break the ice that is. There was something about the girl though that Magnus couldn't quite put his finger on. He could tell the ring she kept fidgeting with was spelled with light magic but that wasn't what bothered him. Growing up around magic and being magical himself there were somethings he just knew, especially if he's come across something similar before. He doesn't dare ask though, its really none of his business. As he idly wondered about the girl in front of him he almost missed her question. Shaking himself out of his daze he answered "I-its called a Diddly Bow. Its an off breed of guitar, invented out of boredom, specifically to play blues music. Usually homemade it was considered a poor mans instrument.... used mostly by folks that couldn't afford a guitar." He rambled off what he knew of the instrument, everything its previous owner told him about it, everything he could make sense of anyway, the last owner being mostly drunk at the time. He couldn't bring himself to look up at the girl, though, instead focusing on the string in front of him
MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Charlie was late. No surprise really, or a big deal this time around as it was only a party. But she had wanted to be on time. Actually it wasn't even her fault, Cas was being a party pooper. No way was she going to let the fairy waste his time in the dusty old library when he had nothing to study for yet! Eventually Charlie won and dragged her charge outside by the lapel of his ugly trench coat, all but jumping out of her skin with excitement.
Charlie was late. No surprise really, or a big deal this time around as it was only a party. But she had wanted to be on time. Actually it wasn't even her fault, Cas was being a party pooper. No way was she going to let the fairy waste his time in the dusty old library when he had nothing to study for yet! Eventually Charlie won and dragged her charge outside by the lapel of his ugly trench coat, all but jumping out of her skin with excitement

Caspian didn't want to go, no matter how endearing Celeste was, he didn't want to mingle with the south dormers at the party. And really there was no way to avoid them. Well... actually it was more like he didn't want to risk running into one specific person... but they were all the same in his eyes... Evil bred evil and that's all he needed to know.

But know that he was on the beach with the ginger he supposed he could at least make sure she didn't get too drunk.

Caspian didn't want to go, no matter how endearing Celeste was, he didn't want to mingle with the south dormers at the party. And really there was no way to avoid them. Well... actually it was more like he didn't want to risk running into one specific person... but they were all the same in his eyes... Evil bred evil and that's all he needed to know.

But know that he was on the beach with the ginger he supposed he could at least make sure she didn't get too drunk

(**seriously if you cant read the font let me know and ill change it**)






mood; passive, bored, friendly | x x x | mentions; Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood

Alice was extremely late, but, then again she'd practically been forced to come by a couple of the other girls from the North dorm who had insisted that this party would be much better than spending the night in with a good read. So far, she deduced, they were wrong of course. Letting out a sigh of boredom, Alice figured that maybe it would be a good idea to talk to someone. That was something you did at parties, right? Her eyes were attracted by a rather spunky-seeming redhead, and Alice decided to go for it. This girl seemed familiar, they'd probably had a class or two together before, but they'd never really talked. She just seemed the type to not be too judgemental or uptight. Her friend on the other hand...

"Hi, you're.... Charlie right?" she greeted, smiling softly and absently at the red haired girl, then her friend, then back at the girl.

{I'm awkward at conversations even in roleplay, please initiate conversation best you can I'm sorrrryyyyy ;-;}

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Rowanna Redd
Rowanna smiled when he responded, nodding in interest as he told her a short history about the instrument. She listened carefully as she always did, soaking up the information. She had never heard of such an instrument, though it looked vaguely similar to the make-shift guitars the children made in her former village. Rowanna watched him play a little bit longer before glancing out over the water once again. Even if he missed a note now and again, the sound was soothing to her normally tense body. Rowanna took a long swallow from the bottle of scotch, the harsh liquid making her head become a little fuzzy. A little bit out from the cove bank, a fish jumped from the water. Without considering the situation, Rowanna let her eyes flash their wolfish amber in order to focus on the fish. As it disappeared beneath the water, Rowanna's eyes returned to their normal chocolate brown, and she began once again absentmindedly twisting the ruby ring.
Interaction: Magnus ( Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood )


Noel Redd
Noel nodded at her story, noticing the slight British accent she possessed now that she had told him her heritage. He had heard of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde before, they were quite the talk of the village back home. Noel took the beer he had stuffed into the pocket of his jeans out and easily popped the top off. He took a long pull, swallowing and wiping the foam from his lips with the back of his shirt sleeve. Noel draped his free arm over her shoulders, giving her another charming smirk. "Trust me, you are absolutely far from boring," he responded with a light chuckle before taking another sip of the beer. Robin seemed fun, interesting, and he couldn't help but notice the blonde was quite beautiful as well. "How many years have you been coming here?"
Interaction: Robin ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )






mood; flirty, buzzed, casual | x x x | mentions; Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood | interactions; open

Jason had been at the party for a while now, and of course he'd had the usual crowd of girls- and a few guys alike- fawning over him. It flattered his ego and all, but it got a bit annoying after a while as all of them proceeded to hook up with each other and/or others. He was chatting with an obviously drunk blonde who he was sure came from the North dorm crowd. She probably thought she was daring for talking to the "bad boy", or she was just completely stoned. Finally she was swept back into the crowd and Jason was able to look up and around at the faces around him for a moment. As his eyes flitted from one person to the next, a certain head of ruffled dark hair caught his eye and he felt a deep pang of regret as he realized it was the poor kid he had beat up the past year. Though he knew if he stared much longer, he would most certainly be caught by the boy, for some reason he didn't exactly want to look away.

What kind of eyes did he have? Jason couldn't help but wonder, as the eyes were the windows to the soul. They could tell you so much about a person before you even said hello. Jason couldn't imagine what that boy had seen in his eyes when he'd lost control.

He knew he was staring too long, the North was bound to turn and see him.

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Two Faced Robin Hyde
Robin giggled lightly as the man complimented her and put his arm over her shoulder, tucking in a little and staying close as her face turned slightly red at his comment. She bit her lip for a moment and leaned in slightly before stealing his beer from his hand and taking a sip, a smirk now on her lips. "Ahh nothings better than a beer that isn't yours" she teased before handing it back, raising an eyebrow as he asked how long she'd been coming here. "This is my third year, delightfully enough" she laughed with a shake of her head "As soon as I got my letter my dad was over the moon, couldn't wait for me to come here and learn. He's pretty good friends with the almighty Geppetto"
The girl then took another long drink from her flask before leaning her head onto his shoulder. "You're nice and warm you know that?" She laughed drunkly, looking up at the boy through her dark eyelashes. "Tell me something else about you, something cool... any hobbies?" She wanted to get to know him, as well as her drunk mind would let her at least.

Interaction: Noel Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Dastardly Pirate Jacob Hook
Jacob nodded when Lucian declined the beer and went to turn but froze when he saw the joints fall from Lucians pocket. The pirate couldn't help the smirk that pulled onto his lips, chuckling and shaking his head at the typical behaviour for the twin. "Thanks bud" he took one of the joints from between his lips. The pirate then leaned into his friends lighter, stealing it for a second as it lit the end of his joint.
He then wandered around to the coolers to get himself a beer and he caught sight of a trio he knew to be North dorm kids. With a smirk he made his way over "Well look here, it's a north dorm Triforce" he chuckled, taking a long draw from the joint between his fingers before blowing a large smoke cloud into the middle of the group. "Hope I'll see you all in glass tomorrow, especially you two beautiful ladies" he winked, with a light click of his tongue before turning to walk away, as quick as he came in.

Interaction: Lucian Stilskin, Celeste and Caspian~ Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood , Alice ~ amxlia amxlia

Cassie Hatter

Cassie was quite amazed by how those from the Southern dorms acted, the boys flirted quite a bit more and it took her by surprise for a second. She smiled at Lucian, he seemed like he was decent a little off putting if nothing else but she couldn't judge, she was quite an odd one herself. So she decided that aspect of him being off putting wasn't one she truly cared about. She wasn't sure what this twin was hoping for but she did hope that if she was nice to him she wouldn't upset him. He seemed like he could be someone to pull her out of her shell of solitude...maybe. She had to question the fact that he had a twin and the compared their looks, now for her that was quite odd,

"Your twins how can one be prettier than the other? Because back home for me there are these two twins and I swear you can't even tell them apart." She was trying to lighten the mood a little. She couldn't be quite sure if she was, talking with guys was something new for her and she wasn't sure if there was a wrong way to talk to them.. This couldn't be any worse than that right? She watched as all the drugs fell out of his pocket. What could anyone possible use so many drugs for. Cassie knew she would ignore any drugs offered, she wasn't one to drink or smoke. She was good after all but she sad nothing to the boy and ignored the fact of what she had witnessed.

"So Lucian, what's it like being a twin, is it magical?" Her eyes full of wonder at the question.

Interaction: Lucian Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood
Jacob Wonder Woman Wonder Woman
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Rowanna Redd
Rowanna realized that she was thirsty for something less harsh than scotch, and decided that she needed a beer. Rowanna smiled once again at Magnus, before standing and fusting the sand from her pants. "I'm going to grab a beer," she said, leaving it ambiguous as if she would be coming back or not. Rowanna began walking towards the cooler, taking another gulp of the scotch for good measure. She could tell she was starting to feel buzzed, and hoped it would let her relax and lose her inhibitions just a bit. She was surrounded by people who were not so different from herself, and she deserved to fit in for once in her life. Rowanna couldn't help but stare up at the stars, picking out constellations as she walked. But, she was drawn away by running face first into the hard chest of someone else.

Rowanna was knocked to the ground, and she knew her eyes were the amber color they turned when her wolf wanted out to play. But at the moment, she didn't care, and so she looked up to find the brown haired boy with the striking blue eyes that she made eye contact with earlier after shifting. Immediately, her cheeks went red and she wanted nothing more than to be invisible. "I'm s-sorry," she managed to say before biting her tongue to calm her nerves.
Mention: Magnus ( Faction Before Blood Faction Before Blood ), Interaction: Jacob ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )


Noel Redd
Noel smiled as she leaned more into him, his head feeling slightly fuzzy from all the scotch he had drank earlier and now the beer in his hand. He chuckled lightly when she stole it, responding, "They always taste so much sweeter when stolen." He listened to her speak of her three years there, and suddenly wished he had convinced Rowanna to attend earlier. Pulling a long drink from the beer, nearly draining the bottle, Noel felt her lean her head on his shoulder. He sat the bottle on the log beside him, careful not to move too much so her head wouldn't fall off. "You're nice and warm too, it's quite refreshing," he answered, rubbing her shoulder gently. "As far as hobbies go, I love to play the drums and cook pretty much any food. Rowanna and I like to go running together," he said pausing at the hidden meaning behind the latter words. By running, he meant Rowanna in her wolf form and him sprinting in an attempt to keep up. He never could though. "I'm also very skilled with weapons, particularly a long sword and a bow. What kinds of hobbies do you have?"
Interaction: Robin ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Two Faced Robin Hyde
Robin smiled lightly to herself, listening to Noel as he described his hobbies and things he enjoyed doing. In her drunk haze he sounded a little foggy, but she could still hear what he was saying. "I run, play rugby, I write stories ironically enough" she giggled to herself, looking out over the fire, her bronze eyes shining. "I also like talking to people, learning thier stories ya know? Everyone has a beautiful story, no matter how kind or evil" the girl never judged. North dorm or south, she didn't really care. Heck, her best friend was a pirate. "People are just so interesting, feeling ranges of emotions and different insights" she giggled again lightly, keeping close to the blue eyed boy. While they sounded like drunk ramblings it's what she believed in. She loved learning about people. "What are you most excited about? Ya know being here at the school after waiting so long?"

Interaction: Noel Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Dastardly Pirate Jacob Hook
Jacob continued walking, a beer in one hand and a joint in the other. He had just brought the joint to his lips when he felt someone ram into his chest, causing him to stagger back and make a small "oof" noise. After taking a second to process, he caught eyes with the dark haired girl, being taken back by her bright eyes before they faded. Once he realized it was the girl he spotted earlier he smirked, offering a hand. "No need to apologize love, not everyday something as pretty as you knocks into me" he teased with a wink before pulling the girl up.
He wanted to understand what the girl was. She was like a new discovery, like a fable come true. (Though aren't they all?)
"I'm Jacob, Hook. Like the captain" he smirked offering the girl the joint between his fingers. "Hang with me tonight darling, it's sure to be a howl of a good time" he used the dumb pun to test the girl, see if she'd react in any way. He still wasn't sure if what he saw was real or just a bad drunk dream.

Interaction: Rowanna Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat


Rowanna Redd
Rowanna looked up at the pirate curiously, unsure if the compliments he gave her were real or just teasing flirts. She decided on the latter and took his hand anyway, pulling herself into a standing position. Dusting her pants off, Rowanna then brushed stray dirt from her bare tattooed arms. On one shoulder was a portrait of a wolf sitting by a lake at the bottom of a pine-covered mountain, howling at the moon. The words "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night" were suspended beneath the moon. The lower forearm of her opposite arm depicted a black pine forest similar to the Enchanted Forest at night.

Normally, Rowanna would be cautious of someone being as nice to her as Jacob seemed to be, but the bottle of amber liquid courage she held in one hand had convinced her otherwise tonight. "Well normally I'm not clumsy enough to run straight into a handsome guy's chest, but I guess tonight is my lucky night," she responded with a pretty smirk. "I'm Rowanna Redd, like the color. Nice to meet you." She gratefully took the joint from him, inhaling deeply and savoring the immediate calming effects it had. These effects were only interrupted by the word "howl," which caused her to visibly flinch and cough a bit before she passed back the joint.
Interaction: Jacob ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )


Noel Redd
Noel smiled as she seemed to be far drunker than when he first met her. He quickly stole the flask from her, taking a long drink of the alcohol before handing it back to her. Robin seemed so genuine and real, unlike most other girls Noel had met in the past. He glanced back up at the stars once again with a soft smile. "Everyone has a story that deserves to be told. My father used to write that in his letters to us all the time," he answered, turning the silver ring with a family crest on his finger absentmindedly. It was something both of the twins seemed to do subconsciously. Stopping when he heard her ask the next question, Noel turned back to Robin. "Honestly, this is going to sound really pathetic," he said, scratching the back of his head with his free hand. "But I'm really excited just to fit in somewhere. Rowanna and I were always the outcasts, wherever we go. But I really believe that we have a place here, it was just a matter of convincing Rowanna that we did as well."
Interaction: Robin ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Two Faced Robin Hyde
Robin smiled as she heard Noel quote his father, her arm moving to rest on his leg as as watched him fiddle with the ring on his finger. She liked listening to things like this, tidbits of the past. Then when he explained his excitement for being there the girl lifted her head from his shoulder quickly, her bronze eyes catching his blue. "I promise you that's not pathetic at all, everyone has a place here though so you don't have to worry anymore. If anyone says different the can answer to me" she gave his leg a gentle squeeze as she spoke, laughing. "And I'm quite the scary bitch in the right situation"
The girl then took a long drink from her flask, near emptying it. "I'm very very drunk" she giggled and shook her head, her ponytail having begun coming loose and now hanging low on her head. "I know I've said this but holy fuck I like your eyes" she smiled widely at the boy "and I think you'll really like it here, your sister too" the drunk girl was going to lean her head back onto his shoulder, but then at the last minute, gently pressed a kiss to his lips, her hand brushing up to his cheek for a moment before she pulled back studying his face through her drunken haze. "Sorry about that" she laughed half heartedly and looked down at her lap, a little embarrassed since he could just fully reject her.

Interaction: Noel Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Dastardly Pirate Jacob Hook
Jacob raised an eyebrow as the girl coughed, fluidly taking the joint back and taking one last long pull from it before stomping it out onto the ground. Giving the girl a smirk, he let the smoke cloud go "Well Mrs. Redd, welcome to Gapettos prison for story book teens" he joked with a laugh. If anyone was looking for reassureance for coming to the school he definitely wasn't the place to look for it since he hated the place. "I like your tattoos, very woodsy" he teased before gesturing for the girl to following him.
At first he made his way over to the log seats before his eyebrows rose seeing who he assumed was Robin kissing a boy he had never seen before. Rayne was not going to be happy about that... but he's not on duty right now. The Jeykl half of the girl offered him equipment to find his family in exchange for keeping Robin controlled when she was out in school. He had begun to grow round of her like she was a sister but he needed the gear so he wasn't about to tell her the truth. He also knew Robin would want to jump into his conversation with the new girl, especially as drunk as she seemed so the pirate quickly turned and made his way to the other side of the fire and sitting on a cooler, patting an empty spot for the dark haired girl. "I promise I don't bite sweetheart" he teased with a wink, taking a long sip from his beer.

Interaction: Rowanna Redd ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

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