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Active [Garanth Barony - Ryke] The Wails


The Overseer
The Ryken Adventurer’s Guild recently received a request that stood out, not for its content, but for its origin. The request was posted as high-priority by none other than Ludd, the newly titled baron of the Garanth barony, following the untimely passing of his father. The request itself was brief, mentioning only that the young baron required assistance in uncovering strange occurrences within his keep.

The Garanth barony, nestled near the border between the territories of Duke Seroria and Duchess Brysta, remains under the Duke’s domain. Its proximity to the capital of Ryken—no more than an hour’s journey by wagon—places it within reach of the kingdom’s bustling heart, yet it still retains the rustic charm of the countryside.

Upon arrival, the adventurers are greeted by the sight of a well-fortified barony, surrounded by strong stone walls. Inside, the barony thrums with life, from bustling markets to neatly arranged barracks. The keep, a grand structure befitting a baron, rises proudly at the center of the barony. Its imposing towers are a testament to the barony’s wealth and status, while armored guards patrol diligently, their presence a reminder of the barony’s readiness to defend itself.

Yet, despite the visible security, it’s curious that the young baron would need outside help, given the sheer number of soldiers under his command.

As the adventurers approach the keep, they are met by the heir himself. With a smile that belies the gravity of the situation, Ludd greets them warmly. His chestnut hair catches the light of the afternoon sun, and his emerald eyes sparkle with a blend of curiosity and excitement.

Ludd Garanth

“Are you the friends I requested?” he asks with innocent enthusiasm, seemingly unaware of the weight his words carry. "I am Ludd Garanth, the baron! Follow me!" Without wasting a single moment, he beckons them to follow him into the keep.

The interior of the keep is a reflection of the barony’s wealth—luxurious and lavish, with intricate tapestries adorning the walls and finely crafted furniture filling the halls. Servants move with practiced efficiency, while guards stand at attention at every turn, their eyes sharp and alert.

The heir leads the adventurers to the main hall, where three figures await their arrival.

The young baron steps forward with a sense of pride and duty, eager to introduce those who have served his family faithfully.


“This is Chamberlain Zareth,” he says, gesturing to the reptilian beastkin whose scales shimmer a deep emerald under the torchlight. Zareth inclines his head slightly in acknowledgment, his yellow eyes narrowing as he scrutinizes the adventurers. A subtle scoff escapes him, barely audible, but his displeasure is evident.


“And this is Lady Elowen, our Steward,” the heir continues, turning to the beautiful female elf who offers the group a warm smile. Her azure eyes gleam with a mix of kindness and something deeper, almost playful. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Elowen says softly, her voice smooth as silk, though her gaze lingers on each adventurer a moment longer than expected.


Finally, the heir gestures to the last figure. “And this is Master Varis, our Spymaster.” Varis, the human with dark skin, white dreads, and a neatly trimmed black beard, gives a curt nod. His expression remains impassive, though his dark eyes flicker with the sharpness of someone who misses nothing. He offers no words, simply studying the adventurers with a calm, measured demeanor.

As the introductions conclude, a palpable tension lingers in the air. The adventurers are left to wonder what exactly they’ve been summoned to investigate, as the true nature of the request has yet to be revealed.
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Asahi Fujikawa

The Garanth Barony, as well as all such impressive fortification, had long lost their luster as far as Asahi was concerned. When he had first arrived in this new world he had marveled at the structures, the people, and the magic. However, that was months ago. He had since been faced with the grim reality of life continuing as it had even back home. He needed food, shelter, and he had made mistakes. Those needs are what brought him here, and perhaps he thought to another mistake in this world. He had only joined the adventurer's guild as he thought he might get better pay as a guildy than he did cooking at inns, and restaurants. Since he already traveled from one town to the next as necessity dictated, he finally felt like giving it a stab.

“Are you the friends I requested?”

"I am Ludd Garanth, the baron! Follow me!"

Asahi studied the young man. This was his first time seeing a Nobleman. Aside from his clothes he was just some kid. Maybe like 10 or 12 if Asahi had to guess at his age. Briefly he regretted not being rich, or at least asking the so called "God" of this place to bless him with a descent funding. Too late now he mused as he followed the young man into the Keep. Once inside He was faced with another truth; he had thought that he was passed surprise, but the opulence of the place was truly something to behold. Noting the many maids working tirelessly for their master, Asahi made a mental note to acquire one in the future. Soon enough though, they arrived at their destination. Once in the main hall three others were introduced.

The first was a lizardman of some kind. Asahi had seen a number of monster-men or was it animal-kind, in any case this scoffing lizard was no different than the cute fox girls, or snake girls, except he wasn't so much cute as annoying to look at. The next was an elf. He had always thought elves were attractive in anime back home, and here it was also true. The difference though; was that all elves he had seen had a creep factor to them. This one proved no different with her oddly lingering gaze. The last was a human, though he also was super annoying to look at. Glaring like some disgruntled convenience store clerk. In this moment Asahi truly felt like he might have bitten off more than he could chew.
Cass Maven
Cass is wide eyed and awe stricken as he enters a new territory not long after being brought into the new world. He only kept himself contained to a small village far away from here, so the journey from there to here filled him with a great deal of excitement. He was quite thankful that he had accepted this request he stumbled upon as well, otherwise he probably would have never experienced such wonders along the way. Though he couldn't say the entire journey was smooth, but he can say he didn't struggle at all, especially with the companions that he traveled with! By the time they arrived at the Barony, he was smiling from ear to ear and humming happily as he took everything in.

Then he met the heir to the territory and his brows raised in surprise. They looked almost the same age as him, and just as happy to be around. Cass grinned as the boy mentioned friends and he got excited about having his first friend since coming here. Yet, the words of the elder that helped him survive came to him and Cass held himself back on excitedly bombarding the young baron with excitement. Instead he bowed his head like he was taught and followed along to meet with everyone else. But Cass was unaware of what laid inside, and when he entered the estate, his restraint broke a bit as he exclaimed quite loudly about how impressive everything looked and how cool the guards were and how diligent the maids were being. Cass was enthralled at the beauty of the place that it didn't register that they had come to the main hall and three imposing figures stood there waiting.

"Hello! I am Cass Maven! I've come to help out, its nice to meet you!" Cass announced one the three was fully introduced. He gave a big grin and held on tightly to his staff.

Eddie Hubble knew he wasn’t the strongest, fastest, or toughest kid around, but he had grit and a dream, and that had to count for something. So, despite the skeptical looks, he marched into the adventurer's guild, determined to find the fanciest job on the board. His eyes landed on a high-priority request from a young baron. Eddie didn't know the details, but he figured if he could pull it off, his reputation and wallet would benefit.

With the job in hand, he hitched a ride and nagged his way to the Garanth barony. When he finally arrived, he marveled at the well-fortified place, buzzing with life. But he had a job to do, so he headed straight to the keep, joining the other adventurers who had also taken the job.

Meeting the baron’s heir surprised Eddie. Without thinking, he greeted the kid with, "Hi there, that’s me, your friend for hire!" Then, with wide-eyed curiosity, he added, "Aren't you kinda young to be a baron?" He followed along, only half understanding what a baron really was, too distracted by the grandeur of the keep.

The sight of the three figures in the main hall quickly pulled his attention. "Geez, a cool lizard man," Eddie thought, grinning at Chamberlain Zareth’s stoic demeanor. Then he noticed Lady Elowen’s pointy ears, making him tug at his own, his grin becoming more restrained. But it was Master Varis who really threw him off. Something about Varis's vibe made Eddie uneasy, despite the similar stoic presence.

As the tension in the room thickened, one of the other adventurers introduced himself. Eddie quickly followed suit. "The name’s Eddie Hubble. I got one arm, but it’s at least twice as strong as usual, I promise," he said with a grin, acknowledging how silly he must’ve sounded but not really caring.
heartspan heartspan | Asashi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
Egde Egde | Eddie

Ludd Garanth

Cheerfully, Ludd nodded towards both Cass and Eddie, who seemed to be around his age, with a wide smile as they introduced themselves. "Nice to meet both of you, Cass and Eddie!" His youthful enthusiasm was infectious, and it seemed to put the room at ease, even if just for a moment.


Zareth, offered a curt nod in return. His yellow eyes, however, betrayed no warmth, only a flicker of mild irritation as he regarded the adventurers. "Hmph," he scoffed softly, barely masking his disdain for their presence.


Elowen seemed genuinely pleased, her gaze softening as she looked at the young adventurers. "Welcome to Garanth Keep," she said warmly, her voice melodic and soothing. There was an almost maternal quality to her, as if she took pride in seeing Ludd take charge of the situation. "It’s good to have such capable friends at our lord's side."


Varis remained silent at first, his keen eyes observing the party with a calculating gaze. After a moment, he nodded slightly, his expression unreadable. "It’s not often we receive guests here," he remarked in a low, gravelly voice, his tone cryptic. "I do hope your stay proves to be...enlightening."

Ludd then turned to the black-haired adventurer, who appeared to be slightly older than the other two, but not by much. "How about you? What is your name?" he asked, curiosity shining in his emerald eyes.

Eddie’s question brought a brief flash of surprise to the young baron's face, though it only lasted a moment. "I might be young, but I know a lot already! And I have to keep things in order for when father comes back, right?" Ludd replied, his smile faltering ever so slightly. The tension between the three advisors became almost palpable at his words, each of them reacting subtly.

Zareth, unable to hold his tongue any longer, interjected, "And, thinking in keeping things in order, is their presence really necessary, my lord?" His tone was clipped, his displeasure evident. "The sounds you claimed to have heard could easily be explained by the shifting of old timbers, or perhaps the wind playing tricks. The guards and I have investigated and found nothing of consequence. Bringing in outsiders is unnecessary and risks alarming the staff."

Elowen, ever the diplomat, gently interjected, her tone polite yet carrying a hidden edge, "Well, Chamberlain, and Regent, Zareth, it would be only natural for our lord to seek outside help, wouldn’t it? After all, you did not lend him the castle guards to investigate it." She smiled, her soft gaze falling on Ludd. "I, for one, think he is showing zeal well beyond his years in looking for alternative ways to have this problem investigated." Her words, while kind, left no room for argument, though Zareth’s scaly lips curled in displeasure.

Varis, who had been quietly observing the exchange, finally spoke, his voice measured. "Sometimes, an outside perspective can reveal things we might overlook, even with the best intentions." His dark eyes flicked to the adventurers, a hint of warning in his tone, though it was subtle enough to pass unnoticed by the others. "Stay vigilant, and remember that not everything is as it seems."

As the subtle clash of words ended, Ludd, eager to move on, gestured for the adventurers to follow him. "Come with me, I’ll show you where I heard the noises." He led them through the grand hallways of the keep, the advisors trailing behind, their footsteps echoing on the polished stone floors.

The keep was a testament to the Garanth family’s legacy, with walls adorned with tapestries depicting heroic battles and grand feasts. The air was thick with the scent of aged wood and polished metal, the quiet hum of servants moving about their duties barely audible.

Ludd stopped in a long, dimly lit hallway near the library, his expression growing serious. "You know," he began, his voice dropping to a whisper, "I woke up during one of the nights and heard some strange noises coming from somewhere around here. There were some terrible wails, going 'Ohhh', 'Uuugh', moaning, and something banging constantly!" His eyes were wide as he recounted the sounds, clearly unnerved by the memory.

As he spoke, maids passing through the hallway blushed heavily, casting quick, embarrassed glances at one another before hurrying away. The guards stationed nearby shifted uncomfortably, clearing their throats and struggling to keep their composure.

Zareth’s reaction was more visible than he likely intended; his scaly brow furrowed, and his tail twitched in irritation. Elowen’s serene mask remained firmly in place, though her eyes briefly flicked to Ludd, as if assessing his sincerity. Varis, however, gave nothing away, his expression as inscrutable as ever.

Ludd’s voice wavered slightly as he continued, "I got really scared. Maybe it is a ghost or something..." His earlier cheer had faded, replaced by a nervous tension. His eyes darted around the hallway as if expecting the sounds to return at any moment. "I need your help in dealing with whatever it could be."
Cass Maven

Cass smiled brightly at the other adventurers introduction then listened intently when the others were speaking. Zarenth didn't seem to like their presence in the castle, Elowen seemed really nice, and Varis was sort of grumpy. When Ludd addressed the third adventurer, Cass looked over at him with wide, curious eyes. Who was this mysterious adventurer with kitty ears? He listened to him before looking back at Ludd responding to Eddie's question.

Then Zarenth interjected as Ludd was talking and was trying to convince the young baron that the noises were able to be dismissed. Cass furrowed his brow at how the chamberlain was trying to make it seem like the barons concerns were unneeded. Elowen interjected and seemed to support the adventurers and Varis seemed to give a warning, to which Cass didn't pick up on at first, questioning why he would say that. However, before he could say anything, Ludd requested for the group to follow and proceeded to lead them through the halls adorn with the barony's history. Cass marveled at them, taking a bit of time to take in their stories before skittering ahead to catch up.

As the group came upon the area, Cass listened as Ludd explained what had happened as he stood near the back of the group. He thought the story was quite spooky, and taking another look around, he was convinced that it was indeed a spooky entity wandering the halls.

"So, we are dealing with some spooky entities wandering the halls and scaring people, that sound scary." Cass spoke, but he was trying to seem determined. "Dont worry Baron Ludd, as I said before, I am here to help. I will find those spooky entities and eliminate them!"

Eddie found it easy to talk to Ludd, even though Ludd held a high position in the barony. He wasn’t sure exactly where Ludd ranked in terms of authority, but it felt like he was pretty important.

Zareth’s scoff and disinterest didn’t bother Eddie too much; in fact, Eddie still thought Zareth was pretty cool. It even made Eddie straighten up a bit, trying to appear more professional. Elowen, on the other hand, had a warm and welcoming presence that lifted Eddie’s spirits. Varis was the opposite, though. His gloomy attitude and remarks made Eddie scoff, not realizing he was mimicking Zareth’s earlier reaction.

When Zareth and Elowen started discussing the reason they were all called in, Eddie’s attention shifted to them. Varis eventually joined in, and although what he said made sense, Eddie’s bias against him kept him from really listening.

Ludd, however, decided to cut through the talk and just show everyone where the strange sounds were coming from. Eddie appreciated this direct approach; it showed Ludd had the qualities of a good leader.

As they walked toward the grand hallway, Eddie couldn’t help but admire the keep. The Garanth family’s legacy was everywhere, tapestries of battles and feasts adorned the walls, and the scent of aged wood and polished metal filled the air. Servants moved quietly in the background, barely noticeable.

When Ludd stopped near the library in a dimly lit hallway, Eddie saw his expression grow serious. Ludd’s report on the situation, especially the possibility of something paranormal, genuinely surprised Eddie. Even though others seemed skeptical, Eddie fully believed in the possibility of a ghost.

Cass had already spoken up, and Eddie found himself agreeing. "Sounds like the work of ghosts. Some are friendly, some just like playing tricks, but there are ones that are up to no good," Eddie said with conviction. "It might be scary, but we're up for the job."
Asahi listened as everyone exchanged their greetings. He took a casual glance at the two kids with him. They both looked about the Baron's age. they themselves were an odd bunch. A one armed human kid, and an elf kid, one whose eagerness only served to reinforce Asahi's overall opinion on elves.

"Welcome to Garanth Keep,"

"It’s good to have such capable friends at our lord's side."

The melodic voice of the elf jerked Asahi out of his musing and turning he saw her give a rather endearing look at the Baron. He only half listened to the human, Varis. That was until he mentioned their stay being enlightening. Those words along with his tone stuck with Asahi. He briefly glanced over to Varis, meeting the man's eyes for just a moment. The Baron's sudden question was largely ignored by both Asahi, and all parties involved as they basically fell apart at the seams, arguing like a dysfunctional family, with ages of subtext. Asahi bit his bottom lip, just ever so slightly, in restrained frustration. Seeing this slice of their dynamic made him feel as if he were going to end up with four new enemies. he also felt that it would not be long before the Barony fell to some outside power.

Asahi looked over at the lizardman called Zareth, noting the vailed warning in his word's. He gave him a good long look. In that moment Asahi wished he had paid just a bit better attention to these guys. He still did his best to try to understand what was going on, cursing his own ego the whole time. Soon enough the fight ended, and eager to press on the Baron lead them farther into the keep. When he finally stopped they were in a dimly lit hallway.

"You know,"

"I woke up during one of the nights and heard some strange noises coming from somewhere around here. There were some terrible wails, going 'Ohhh', 'Uuugh', moaning, and something banging constantly!"

the Baron's words drove into his brain like arrows, stunning him utterly. His mind struggled to process what he thought he heard. The sudden appearance of a pair of maids, ,their faces cast in deep blushes, brought a dawning realization. His face contorted in a look of horrified surprise. He stared unashamedly at the Baron and his entourage. To Asahi the Baron's people all looked guilty in some way. All the while he watched them the Baron went on and on about ghosts. Then his little work buddies joined in and the entire time Asahi's heart began to sink into the pit of his stomach. Suddenly he clapped his hands together loudly; as in his mind he sent a fervent, heart felt prayer to anyone willing to answer.

......Please let it be a monster, an evil abomination, a serial killer, or even just a plain old regular killer.....

" Whelp!" He said out loud, his voice a little too loud, and just a bit strained " Lets go catch them ghosts!"
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
Egde Egde | Eddie

Ludd Garanth

Ludd looked at Cass, Eddie, and Asahi in turn, his worried expression easing as the trio seemed eager to uncover what was happening in the keep. "Thank you! I knew my new friends would deal with this!" he exclaimed with childish innocence, a genuine smile spreading across his face. The warmth in his voice was palpable, but as his gaze shifted to his three advisors, each of them reacted in their own distinct way. "Well, we’ll give you all the space you need to find the ghosts!" He looked directly at Zareth this time, his tone firm despite his youth.


Zareth, the Chamberlain, narrowed his eyes slightly, his reptilian features betraying a hint of skepticism. His tail twitched, and his arms crossed over his chest in a display of resistance, but ultimately, he gave a curt nod, obeying the young baron's command. "As you wish, my lord," he grumbled, before turning to the nearby guards. "Move to another location. The adventurers will handle this matter." His tone was clipped, and the guards quickly followed his orders, though not without sharing a few uncertain glances.


Elowen, the Steward, offered a supportive smile, though there was a flicker of something behind her eyes—perhaps concern, or something more. "If you need any assistance, just return to the hall and ask a servant to summon one of us," she said, her voice smooth and reassuring. However, she quickly added, "We’ll be... close by." Her words hung in the air, almost as if she had intended to say something else, but caught herself just in time. The slip was subtle, yet enough to make a keen observer wonder about her true intentions.


Varis, the Spymaster, remained silent, his dark eyes scanning each of the adventurers with a piercing gaze. He offered no words, but the weight of his scrutiny was felt keenly. It was as if he were trying to read them, to see beyond their expressions and into their very thoughts. After a moment, he gave a small, almost imperceptible nod, and then stepped back, letting the others take the lead.

Ludd, sensing the gravity of the situation but still clinging to his optimistic outlook, spoke up once more. "If the ghost is friendly, maybe it would be best not to hurt them..." he suggested, his voice filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. Feeling more confident, he smiled at the adventurers. "You can also call for me if you need anything. I’ll be checking on my mother." His tone was softer now, concern creeping into his voice. "Zareth, where is she?"

The Chamberlain replied promptly, "According to the maids, she is still in her chambers, my lord."

"Thank you," Ludd said, before turning back to the adventurers one last time. "Good luck!" He waved to them, his smile returning, though it was tinged with the weight of responsibility. With that, he and his advisors left the hallway, their footsteps echoing as they disappeared around a corner.

As the trio of adventurers stood alone in the now-silent hallway, the massive doors to the library groaned ominously, opening slightly on their own. The sound was unnerving, like the creak of old bones, and drew their attention immediately. Upon closer inspection, the lock appeared damaged, as if forced open by someone—or something. The door seemed to beckon them inside, like a Siren's chant calling sailors to their doom.

The library was a vast and shadowed room, the walls lined with towering bookshelves filled with volumes upon volumes of books, each meticulously organized yet covered in a thin layer of dust. The air was thick with the musty scent of aged parchment, and cobwebs clung to the corners of the room, suggesting that it had not been visited often in recent times. Despite the room’s grandeur, there was a sense of neglect, as if the knowledge within had been left to wither away in silence.

As the adventurers ventured inside, three points of interest caught their attention:

  1. A large, ornately carved wooden desk near the center of the room, its surface scattered with old scrolls and a single, open ledger. The pages of the ledger seemed to contain entries written in a cryptic, almost indecipherable script. A closer inspection might reveal more, though the meaning of the entries was not immediately clear.
  2. An ancient, dusty globe standing in one corner, its surface adorned with strange markings and names of places that seemed unfamiliar. Upon closer examination, the globe appeared to be more than just a map of the known world; there was a tiny button discreetly embedded in the stand, as if it were hiding some secret mechanism.
  3. A bookshelf on the far side of the room that stood out from the others. While most of the shelves were neatly filled with books, this particular one had a noticeable gap where a single book seemed to have been pulled out recently. The remaining books were slightly askew, and the empty space seemed almost too deliberate, as if inviting someone to discover what lay behind it.
The atmosphere in the library was heavy with mystery, the air thick with the promise of hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered. The adventurers could feel the weight of centuries of knowledge pressing down on them, yet something more sinister lurked beneath the surface, waiting for them to delve deeper.
This time, when the baron and his flunkies spoke, Asahi listened intently. He wasn't sure how this office romance was gonna turn out and from his prospective any of them or all of them were guilty. With the exception of the Baron, that kid oozed purity and virtue in a way only his new work buddies did. The trio were blinding in their innocence, and it left Asahi feeling like some corrupt old middle manager at a black company. Leaving those thoughts aside he watched each of the advisors in turn. While he was certain that they would discover nothing so grand as an illicit affair, he felt that on the off chance it was something more serious that it would serve him well not to be caught of guard.

first up was the lizard, a man dedicated to not letting them do any research. even to the point of getting scolded even if it was only subtly done. It was clear that he was not happy with their presence here. Though Asahi, upon reflection, could see why. Their ages and over all appearance didn't inspire confidence. He knew that they could handle things, these kids wouldn't have been able to become adventurers, or would have died by now if they couldn't.

He left those thoughts behind as the elf girl began to speak. She was particularly hard for him to understand. She seemed both at once like a pedofile and like she might be an assassin trying to kill this little Baron. Then again it could just be the general elven creepiness. Either way that was two for two in the can't be trusted pile. Varis the human, seemed the most likely to be on the level, then again as "spymaster" wasn't it his job to misdirect people such as himself.

The whole thing really made him think. It could even be an outside force using these people to camouflage their activity. He really felt like they were trying to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it. If they managed to sort it all out without making any life long enemies he would be mightily surprised. Hearing of the Baron's sick mother was another surprise. He had been of the assumption that the kid's parents were both dead. It added another piece to the puzzle although it might be of no consequence in the end.

All of this was put to the back burner when the library door creaked open of it's own accord. The ominous sound nearly made him squeak. For a moment he thought, damn it, it is ghosts. Yet as he entered and saw the busted lock, the door opening on it's own made more sense. Though he wondered who would be so desperate to enter such a musty and forgotten room. It pushed thoughts of an office romance much further down the list than it had previously been. Asahi took in the room with its mysteries as he did a walk through, focusing on the desk in the end, and its paper work. Hoping it might shed some light to their situation he began to take a close look at the ledger and it's strange writing.

" Well boys." He said aloud as he looked over the ledger " what are your thoughts on all this? I don't think it's ghosts to be perfectly honest."

Mundane Human, Student of Starlight Might, Attentive Student F
As the young baron and his advisors left, Eddie and his companions were left alone in the now-silent hallway, free to do whatever they needed. The massive library doors creaked open slightly on their own, making an eerie sound that didn’t really bother Eddie. He just chalked it up to something like the wind. The noise reminded him of his grandparents’ old house, more than anything spooky. He noticed the lock on the door looked damaged, like someone had forced it open, but Eddie figured it was just regular wear and tear. "They should probably get that fixed," he muttered as he walked by.

Inside the library, Eddie was struck by how vast the room was and how many books were crammed into it. "Guess Ludd's not much of a reader either," he joked, then added, "But he really needs to get this place cleaned," after coughing from the dust and cobwebs all around.

As they ventured further in, three things stood out: a large, ornately carved wooden desk near the center, an ancient dusty globe in one corner, and a bookshelf on the far side that seemed different from the others.

Before Eddie could act, Asahi, the young boy with hair resembling cat ears, spoke up. "Well boys," he said, looking over a ledger. "What are your thoughts on all this? I don't think it's ghosts, to be honest."

Eddie tilted his head in curiosity and couldn’t help but respond. "How come? Looks like ghost writing to me." Before he could get a response, Eddie realized that he hadn’t caught his name earlier, so he turned to Asahi, "Hey, what was your name again?" He smirked, a bit embarrassed that he had to ask.
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heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
Egde Egde | Eddie

As Asahi and Eddie turned their attention to the ledger placed on the large, ornate desk, they quickly noticed that it was not heavily used. The ledger’s pages were mostly blank, with only a few entries recorded. Each entry contained numbers, always between 100 and 400, alongside corresponding dates. The earliest date was a few months ago, while the most recent one was marked with today’s date. Curiously, every entry had a small checkmark next to it—except for today’s.

Next to the ledger, a single sheet of paper rested, with an envelope partially tucked underneath. The contents of the paper were written in common:

“The king is out of the board. The queen is being difficult to approach, but will be next. The knight is too suspicious; caution is necessary. The bishop won’t do much, currently in check. The pawn, close to its promotion, is easy to maneuver.”

The cryptic message seemed to reference a chess game, but something about its wording suggested a far more sinister meaning. As the adventurers read the note, they might notice a single blond hair lying near it—an odd detail that could raise questions if they were observant.

With the desk being searched, the following points of interest remained for the adventurers to possibly examine:
  1. An ancient, dusty globe standing in one corner, its surface adorned with strange markings and names of places that seemed unfamiliar. Upon closer examination, the globe appeared to be more than just a map of the known world; there was a tiny button discreetly embedded in the stand, as if it were hiding some secret mechanism.
  2. A bookshelf on the far side of the room that stood out from the others. While most of the shelves were neatly filled with books, this particular one had a noticeable gap where a single book seemed to have been pulled out recently. The remaining books were slightly askew, and the empty space seemed almost too deliberate, as if inviting someone to discover what lay behind it.
The room’s heavy silence seemed to thicken as the adventurers continued their investigation. Dust motes floated in the air, illuminated by beams of light from the high windows, and the distant sounds of the keep were muffled by the thick walls. Every detail, every clue, hinted at secrets buried deep within the heart of this grand but shadowed place.
"How come? Looks like ghost writing to me."

"Hey, what was your name again?"

Asahi only absentmindedly listened to Eddie as he picked up a note laying on the table.

" I'm....Asahi" He replied inattentively as he read the note. Then having taken notice of a hair on the table he picked it up; looking at it thoughtfully before presenting it to Eddie.

" And...well, I don't think ghosts leave behind anything but slime, and this is a blond hair." he commented " Then there is also this."

Asahi lay the hair on the table between them, and handed the note he had read to Eddie. He thought about the hair and the contents of the note with it's sinister implications. Though the ledger he felt was simply inventory, he wondered what that inventory was exactly. His immediate thought was basic castle stuff, but considering the location and other circumstantial evidence, he felt that was sure to be wrong. He put aside his thoughts, and speculations for the moment. It was clear they needed much more information than what was on the desk. He turned to look at the book shelf and at the globe. They stuck out to him, but he couldn't quite place why. He felt the bookcase looked especially off, although he could be entirely mistaken in his opinion. That itself was one thing that unnerved him about it. In the movies it would surely lead to something. Once his eyes found the space for the missing book amid the it's siblings on the shelf he immediately thought of the ledger. Surely that was it's home he felt. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end then, and he suddenly felt there was nothing but trouble in that direction.

" I think I'm gonna check out that globe." He announced suddenly as he kept his eyes on the book shelf for a moment longer.

Without further word he turned his attention to the globe, crossing the short distance to it and carefully inspecting it, being sure not to touch anything that looked too out of place.

" I found a button on this globe, think I should press it?" he asked. " Shit, and there was an envelope near that ghost inventory book, grab that shit and check it out while you're over there Eddie."

He was a little worried the globe might be some sort of dangerous trap like in a video game from back home, but the risk was out weighed by the very situation of it's discovery. He was also curious about the contents of the letter that had been left with the chess note. He had almost forgotten about it as he sought to figure out the mess he and his co-workers found themselves in. Too much evidence speaking to the fact they had stumbled into some bullshit, but not enough actual info to sort it out safely. The whole thing had him wondering what the hell was really going on. Then he thought to himself, maybe he shouldn't have prayed so vehemently for danger over office romances.
Cass Maven
Cass, having been daydreaming a bit, found himself left behind in the hall. He gave a soft gasp and scurried to catch up with the other two who were already inside the room and looking at the desk. Cass tilted his head and looked around to take in the surroundings some before coming fully into the room. The air was stuffy and smelt off, though he figured it was normal considering the entire room seemed to have a ton of dusty, old books on shelves. He made his way around the room, not drawing too much attention to himself, and examined the bookshelf to the far side of the room. He could hear the others talking, but not loud enough for him to understand them.

While he looked at the books and tried to make out their titles, he stopped short when he discovered a missing book just above his head. He furrowed his brow and tilted his head to try and figure out any clues to what the book was, however it seemed fruitless. Turning around to get the others attention, he noticed that they were now looking over the globe, so he decided not to bother them and figure it out himself. Leaning his staff on the shelf, Cass fetched a stool to stand on and set it below where the missing book was. Using the shelf to help him climb up and stay stable, Cass was finally able to see what books was on the shelf. He mumbled softly the titles before shuffling around and spotted that the dust was recently disturbed apart from his fingers on the shelves.

Cass found this odd and made a soft hum of thought before looking around at the shelf more. What he hoped to have found was maybe the book being placed elsewhere on the shelf, however what he started to see was there being a suspicion of something behind the other books. At this point, Cass decided it was best to go get the others and tell them what he had found. Carefully climbing off the stool, and grabbing his staff, Cass skittered over to the others and perked up.

"Guys! I found something on the shelf, it looks like someone moved a book and there could be something behind it." Cas spoke, a bit of exciting chirpiness in his tone.
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
Egde Egde | Eddie

As Asahi examined the globe, its craftsmanship became immediately apparent. Every continent, country, and kingdom was painstakingly detailed, with rivers winding through valleys, elevations marked by textured mountain ridges, and forests shaded in lush green tones. The surface of the globe was worn from age but still vibrant, and several markings caught his eye as he slowly turned it.

In Ryke, where they were now, one marking stood out—a faint symbol etched into a forested area at the very northeastern corner of the country, near a village labeled as Etiva. The marking itself was subtle, but its presence was deliberate, as if calling attention to something important.

His eyes continued to scan the globe, and he noticed that Ryke was not the only realm with such markings. In The Republic, the country ruled by beastfolk, there was another symbol placed right at the border with the East Empire, nestled in a mountainous region near a village named Taeko. Like the mark in Ryke, it seemed to suggest something hidden or significant about that location.

As the globe turned, more symbols appeared in other lands, spread across the continent. Each mark was placed in remote or seemingly forgotten areas—isolated forests, deep valleys, or rugged mountains—but the markings stopped short at one place: the Continental Lake. Despite being a central feature, the lake remained curiously devoid of any markings, its pristine waters untouched by the hand that had etched the globe.

A question could linger in Asahi's mind: what could these markings mean? Were they related to the strange events unfolding in the keep, or did they point to something much larger—something that stretched beyond the borders of Ryke and encompassed the entire continent?

Meanwhile, Cass turned her attention to the bookshelf. Rows of thick tomes lined the shelves, their spines adorned with titles that promised knowledge and wisdom. Many of the books seemed to focus on philosophy, governance, and the musings of ancient scholars—volumes that would befit a lord’s library. But among them, one stood out: a book with no title.

It sat alone, with generous space on either side as if the other books were avoiding it. The cover was a deep, rich crimson, smooth to the touch and unadorned by any markings or lettering. It bore no signs of wear or use, as though it had never been touched. The presence of this nameless book amidst the grandiose tomes of knowledge created an unsettling contrast, its stillness beckoning Cass to investigate further.

The room around them seemed to hold its breath, waiting for their next move. What did the markings on the globe reveal? What of the button embedded near the globe? What knowledge lay hidden within the crimson-bound book? The answers felt just beyond reach, cloaked in mystery.
Asahi looked at each strange marking on the globe wondering at their relevance. The globe was old, it's coating of dust only just disturbed by himself, or at least he hadn't noticed any disturbances as he looked at it. At one point in time they must have meant something, but to him, well he was unsure what significance they held for him. They were strange in every sense of the word and hinted at dangers beyond just the shit going on here. Though they were spread across the continent, they were all in such remote places. He decided to focus on the one in Ryke, committing the name of the village Etiva to memory. The rest he would not worry over, likely they had very little to do with what was going on here. He turned his attention to the button.

" I found a button on this globe, think I should press it?" he inquired of his companions

Pondering on what it controlled, he hovered his finger over it. Was it a trap that would see him hurt in some way? Was it the key to some hidden thing? Was it even working. He twisted and turned the information in his mind, adding in what he had found on the desk, trying to arrange the puzzle pieces in a way that made some sense. Remembering the letter, he hollered to Eddie to investigate it. However, He nearly leapt out of his skin when another voice answered him.

"Guys! I found something on the shelf, it looks like someone moved a book and there could be something behind it."

The chirpy and excited voice of the elven boy Cass startled him so badly his whole body gave a little spasm of surprise. Cass had been so quiet that Asahi had forgotten he was even there. He was just about to reply when he looked down to see he had fully depressed the button near the globe. It was in that moment that Asahi knew that he had fucked up.
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
Egde Egde | Eddie

As Asahi's fingers brushed over the tiny button embedded in the globe’s stand, there was a soft, almost imperceptible click. The globe shuddered slightly before the two hemispheres began to split apart, revealing a hidden compartment within. The smooth, crafted surface now gave way to a hollow interior, and nestled inside was an object of immediate intrigue—a small vial.

The vial was delicate, its clear glass glinting faintly in the low light of the library. Sealed tightly with a simple cork, its contents swirled with a toxic green liquid that seemed almost alive, shifting subtly as Asahi’s hand neared it. No label adorned the vial, offering no clue as to what it contained. It rested silently within the globe’s hollow, as if waiting for someone to find it, but its purpose and nature were as mysterious as the markings on the globe itself.

The adventurers now had something tangible in their possession—a clue, perhaps, or something far more dangerous. What was this strange liquid? Poison? A potion? There was no telling without further investigation. The eerie green glow reflected in Asahi's eyes as he considered the implications of the vial’s discovery.

But there was still one more mystery beckoning to be unveiled: the untitled crimson book on the bookshelf.

The silence of the library seemed to grow heavier as their attention shifted back to it, the deep red of the book’s cover standing in stark contrast to the old, worn volumes surrounding it. It had a presence—quiet yet undeniable, as though it were a guardian of some hidden truth. With each passing second, the untitled book seemed to draw them in more, its mystery more compelling than the volumes of wisdom and philosophy on either side.

Cass, Eddie, and Asahi were left with a choice. The globe had revealed its secret—now it was the book's turn. What lay hidden behind its crimson cover? Could it be another clue, or perhaps something far darker?

The adventurers were on the cusp of unveiling yet another piece of the puzzle, but with every step forward, the shadows in the keep seemed to grow deeper, the mystery tightening its grip on them.
Asahi waited for death to claim him once again and to stand once again before the God of this strange world, and yet that never occurred. Instead the globe simply split in half to reveal what looked like a strange potion. It was housed in a simple vial stoppered with what seemed like an ordinary cork. However as he reached for it, the toxic green liquid seemed to move almost as if alive. He hesitated for only a moment before picking up the vial. He wondered what, if anything, this vial had to do with the task at hand. The strange note about chess pieces, the ledger with it's numbers, they seemed to go together in some way. This however, seemed different. In fact the whole globe seemed a different issue altogether.

As he puzzled over it all, he turned to face the book shelf. This was the last of the objects that had seemed just slightly out of sync. He cast his gaze at the books looking for the one Cass had mentioned. Assuming Cass had been talking about the ledger's place on the shelf. That is when his eyes alighted on the deep red tome. It's newness standing in stark contrast to the books around it. It had no markings, and yet the other books seemed to be trying to escape it, if that could be considered possible. The book gave him the chills in a way, and yet it reminded him of something he had nearly forgotten. He looked down at the vial in hand and activated his nearly forgotten appraise skill. He hoped it would be of some use. If it was; then maybe he could use that same skill on the book as well. What a strange dilemma they faced.
Cass Maven
"See, lookie!" Cass trotted back over to the bookshelf and climbed onto the stool, gesturing to the book. "Doesn't this book look out of place? Its like it wants to be read.

Cass then reached up and grabbed the book from its place on the shelf, coughing some as a bit of dust was disturbed. With heavy book in hand, Cass climbed down and looked at it closely, flipping it over to see if there were any markings on the front or back. After examining the outside, he then curiously opened the top over a bit and peeked inside like a child looking inside a cookie jar for sweets.

"I am a little nervous to fully open this. Just by the cover and the contrast it had against the other books on the shelf." Cass shyly chuckled, closing the cover back and smiling softly. He had to admit, this was not what he was expecting to find when he took the job and heard the description of the issue from the Baron. He was expecting more spooky ghosts, but this all seemed like some sort of secret thing with a deeper meaning, and Cass's limited knowledge of the world helped him none here.
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
Egde Egde | Eddie

As Asahi’s fingers closed around the delicate vial, a strange shimmer in the air heralded the appearance of a status screen, shimmering like a magical overlay only he could see. The detailed breakdown of the liquid’s composition flooded his mind: Grimroot essence, a noxious plant extract known to slow the pulse; Noxbloom extract, famous for paralyzing the nervous system; and Serpent’s Breath, distilled venom that caused convulsions. The final ingredient, Everleaf sap, was the most unsettling—it was a rare tree sap with the remarkable ability to render any concoction utterly tasteless. These substances formed a deadly alchemy, and as the last line on the screen solidified before his eyes, the truth of the vial was made clear: Fast-acting poison. Lethal within hours if administered in large quantities. Silent. Invisible. Lethal.

Across the room, the dim light of the torches flickered as Cass ran his fingers over the smooth, untitled cover of the crimson book. Its vibrant, blood-red color, stark and unnerving, held none of the wear and tear typical of a book shelved in an ancient library. No title, no author—nothing except its crimson hue. When he finally opened it, a light thump startled him as an object fell from the first page—a rich armband of the same deep crimson as the book. Its fabric was finely woven, adorned with a black dagger symbol, sleek and sharp, imprinted on the band. The craftsmanship was exquisite, but it carried a sinister weight as if it belonged to a covert society or order, their influence whispered but never openly spoken of.

Just as Cass stood, intrigued by the discovery, the quiet of the library was broken by a sharp click, followed by a deep, grinding rumble. The bookshelves shifted, ancient mechanisms groaning to life. Dust fell in small clouds as gears hidden behind stone walls began to turn, moving one of the towering bookshelves aside. The sound of stone scraping against stone echoed, revealing a hidden passage behind it.

The air that flowed from within was cool and dry, and the torches fixed along the descending spiral staircase flared to life as if sensing the arrival of intruders. The stony steps wound downward in a tight spiral, their descent disappearing into a shadowy abyss. The flickering torchlight cast elongated shadows, giving the passage an ominous depth that spoke of secrets long buried beneath the keep. The stone walls of the passage were old, worn smooth by years of hidden use, and the faint scent of damp stone and dust filled the air.

The adventurers stood before the gaping entrance of the passage, its discovery tingling their senses with excitement and dread. What lay beneath the grand keep? What secrets were buried in the dark, hidden from the eyes of those who walked its halls above? This was a crossroads, the point where curiosity and fear collided, urging them forward into the unknown. Whatever awaited them below, it was clear that the mystery of the keep had only just begun to unravel.
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Asahi swallowed hard as the appraise skill's status screen flared to life, hanging in the air unseen by all but himself. He had used the skill so few a times, and each time he had looked so out of place using it, it's self-only visibility making him look like a crazy person. Then again, it was more than likely his surprised exclamations, and muttering to himself while using it that really sealed the deal. His focus on the information presented on the screen cause him to not notice as Cass grabbed the very strange book off the shelf. He was stunned by the vial he held in his hand. He had never in his life held a vial of actual poison intended to kill someone. He had held all sorts of your standard household poisons like bug spray, but he had never held something like this. He was kind of horrified to have found it in all honesty. He mulled over the note on the chess pieces in light of this new evidence. He had no idea about Ludd's father, but thought he fit as the king. The queen would then be Ludd's mother, the Lizardman would be the knight in this story, the spy would be the bishop, Ludd would be the pawn and the elf woman would be the author of the note.

The so called "Ghost" noises simply the bishop being put in check by the author. He slid the poison into his pants pocket, not sure he wanted to bring so much heat down on his little companions. If something went sideways at least they would be safe in the sense that they knew nothing of what he had found. He felt he ought to get Ludd to take him to meet the Baroness, but before he could say anything Cass caught his attention completely.

"I am a little nervous to fully open this. Just by the cover and the contrast it had against the other books on the shelf."

Fully open this? Asahi's mind tried to fully grasp what the kid meant as his eyes slowly found their way to the kid and the book he was now holding in his hand. The sound of a loud Click startled him, though not nearly as much as watching one of the huge bookshelves slide open among a showering of dust, and the grinding of hidden mechanisms of untold age. Cool dry air flowed out from the yawning chasm of an entrance causing Asahi to cough as he breathed in some of the dust.

Asahi went and peered into the entrance looking at the flickering torches and the spiral stairway, Cass and the book nearly forgotten. This was the reason he had left the book case alone, this was most likely the home of the real trouble, beyond even a hidden vial of poison. Asahi swallowed hard as he made himself ready to descend into what would surely be a hell of a mess.

" Well then, no time like the present eh? " He declared before entering, watching out for any sign of danger be it a trap or something else entirely.
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
Egde Egde | Eddie

Eternal Engine of Linguistic Massacre - Valkyrie Profile

As Asahi led the group down the spiral staircase, the torches flickered in sync with their movements, casting long shadows that danced against the smooth, stone walls. His sharp eyes scanned the stairs for any sign of danger, but nothing seemed amiss—no hidden traps, no false steps, just the rhythmic echo of their footsteps against the cold stone. The air grew heavier with each step, and the faint sound of a distant, whistling wind whispered through the narrow space.

At the bottom of the staircase, they emerged before a wide stone archway, the craftsmanship precise yet devoid of any decorative flourishes. The chamber beyond was vast, its high ceiling lost in shadow, and the chilly wind that greeted them felt out of place—unnatural even, as though it were exhaled by the stone itself. The floor was lined with thick slabs of cold stone, and the walls were equally unyielding. It was a room devoid of warmth, a place where secrets had long been hidden, far from the prying eyes of those above.

Directly opposite them stood a sturdy wooden door. Its surface was rugged, reinforced with iron bands that suggested it had withstood many attempts to breach its secrets. But before they could move closer, a sudden voice shattered the silence.

"Yo, chief! Early this time?" The voice, casual and laced with a mocking undertone, came from somewhere ahead of them. Heavy footsteps approached, growing louder until, from the dim recesses of the chamber, a figure appeared. He was clad in tight black leather armor, his features obscured by a hood and scarf that wrapped around his lower face. His hazel eyes, sharp and cunning, narrowed as he looked over the group.

Asahi's gaze quickly caught sight of the familiar crimson armband—the same one Cass had found in the library. The symbol of the black dagger was now unmistakable. Whoever this person was, he belonged to the same covert order. The figure paused for a brief moment, scanning the group, clearly recognizing that they weren't the people he was expecting.

"Hah! Was getting tired of waiting anyway," the man muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm, as his eyes gleamed with malicious intent. His body tensed, and before anyone could respond, he moved with blinding speed. From behind his back, he produced a glinting dagger, the blade curved and wickedly sharp.

Without hesitation, the man lunged forward, aiming straight for the group. His intent was clear—there would be no words, no bargaining. They had seen too much, and he was here to ensure their silence. The cold steel flashed in the dim light as he closed the distance, his strikes aimed with deadly precision (F Grade Attack x 1).

With the threat suddenly upon them, the trio would have to make a split-second decision. Would they find the strength and fortitude to fight back against this unexpected attack, or would they be overwhelmed by the swift, lethal assault of the hooded stranger? The battle for survival had begun.

During action economy, each character has up to 3 Actions which they can use. Examples of action would be: Basic attacks (if using Strength or Precision weapons), Defensive actions (Block or Dodge), movement and abilities. To describe one's actions during combat, the following template could be used:

1 – (Move) beside Ceylan.
2 – (Misc.) Lower Weapon [Lance "Alicorn"] E on the ground.
3 – (Ability) Attempt to appraise a troll with Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme; Appraisal D; Nature E; Religion E; Arcana E; Animal Handling E
"Festivity, Useful Knowledge"; "Wisdom, Immortality"; "Remembrance"; "Courage, Strength"—Siegfried examines either creature, object or area within 5 feet of him to gain knowledge of said target based on his appraisal and based on anything relating to Nature, Religion, Animal Handling or the Arcane - D Grade Appraisal, 2 Post Cooldown, 5 feet range.
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Thank goodness the stairs didn't provide them with any problems on their way down. Just flickering torch light and the echoing of their foots steps as they descended. The faint sound of a distant wind along with the chill air sent a shiver down Asahi's spine. His sense of concern growing with each step. He felt like he was on full alert as they descended, and even more so as they passed the archway at the bottom of the staircase and entered into the vast underground chamber beyond. The ceiling above was cast in a deep shadow speaking to it's height, across from them stood a great wooden door reinforced with iron. Not seeing anything else of note, Asahi was just about to make his way over to the door when his attention was diverted.

"Yo, chief! Early this time?"

The question shouted to them with a sense of familiarity caused his eyes to widen in surprise. He turned his attention to the figure emerging from he recesses of the chamber. The man was clad in black leather armor. His face was obscured by both a hood and a scarf, giving the impression of someone cosplaying a shinobi. For a moment the man paused obviously surprised to find Asahi and his coworkers invading his secret layer. Asahi noticed the crimson armband the man wore with the same black dagger symbol as the one Cass had inadvertently stumbled upon. He wasn't given much time to process it though as the man's words brought Asahi immediately out of his musing.

"Hah! Was getting tired of waiting anyway,"

The sarcasm dripping like venom from the man's words was all Asahi needed to know that it was go time. He had gotten into some shit here and there, his transition into his new world had not exactly been smooth and simple like in an anime. No it had in fact sucked a bit, well more than just a bit. The man rushed forward with blinding speed, his knife flashing from behind his back. Asahi immediately released his basic attack magic as he had so lovingly decided to call it. Early on he had learned that he could channel mana, and that he could damage things with it, even kill things. Though it had taken a herculean effort to get it to do anything beyond five feet. Even more so, to get rid of the gesturing and shouting like some fucker with middle-school syndrome, that it had originally required to even fuck with mana. An 8 inch pool of white magic formed instantaneously in the air facing the charging man. Then in the same moment it shot out as a beam lancing toward it's intended target. Asahi only hoped that it would kill the man flat out as it always took a moment for his mana to recharge after firing off this home made spell.
Cass Maven
Cass followed closely behind his companion, watching as the torchlight flickered on ahead of them but seemed to snuff out behind them. The feeling on the stairway descending downwards made Cass a bit uneasy, almost as if they were walking into a lions den. As they approached the bottom of the stairs, Cass knew before he heard that they were not alone when the voice rang out. A chill went up his spine and he subconsciously hid behind Asahi.

"Uh, that guy looks scary. And he definitely isn't a ghost...' Cass whispered as the man came into view. Just by looking at the ominous man, Cass didn't even need him to speak to know that he was in real danger. Taking a step back, he went to open his mouth when the guy rushed forward and the glint of a dagger caught Cass's eye. He yelped and jumped back, watching as Asahi charged up his attack and let it loose towards the man. This amazed Cass at how fast Asahi was able to bring for his magic, so in turn Cass would do the same.

He gripped his staff and stared at the aggressor, mumbling under his breath and allowing the air to begin to charge and crackle with energy. He would be summoning his Lightening Whip if Asahi's attack had not killed the aggressor in front of them out right.
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
Egde Egde | Eddie

Eternal Engine of Linguistic Massacre - Valkyrie Profile

(Any doubts, feel free to DM me in discord, here or ask questions in my thread.)

As the hooded assailant lunged forward, dagger aimed with lethal precision, Asahi and Cass reacted in perfect unison.

Asahi's eyes narrowed as he instinctively summoned his mana, channeling his magic with practiced ease. Without a word, a white beam of pure mana energy burst from his hands, crackling with raw power. The beam, eight inches in diameter, shot forward like a bolt of light, its intense brightness filling the chamber and cutting through the air with a high-pitched hum. The energy coursed through the space between them, arcing directly toward the leather-clad attacker, who barely had time to react.

At the same time, Cass raised his hand, summoning the power of the storm. The air above his catalyst shimmered, and with a deafening crack, a bolt of lightning descended from above, striking his weapon. Blue arcs of energy danced along the length of it, the sharp tang of ozone filling the room. Cass whipped his weapon forward with force, the bolt of lightning extending out in a brilliant flash, striking the enemy squarely across his chest. The lightning crackled and sparked as it lashed out, scorching the man’s armor and sending searing pain through his body.

The combined might of the two attacks collided with the assailant, halting his advance mid-strike. The beam of mana struck his side, searing through leather and skin alike, while the lightning whip tore across his chest, leaving a trail of burns and smoldering fabric. His body jerked violently from the force, and he let out a guttural grunt as he was thrown back a few feet. Smoke rose from the charred marks across his body, and his dagger clattered to the ground momentarily.

Though heavily wounded, the man staggered back onto his feet, his breath labored but his resolve unbroken. His hazel eyes, now glinting with fury, locked onto Asahi and Cass. He was injured, but not defeated.

A low, icy hiss escaped his lips as he retrieved his dagger, but something had changed. The blade, once gleaming with a metallic shine, now exuded a chilling aura. Frost began to coat the surface of the weapon, as if it had been dipped in pure ice. The temperature in the chamber seemed to drop several degrees, the cold emanating from the dagger palpable. He tightened his grip on the weapon, the air around it shimmering with a frosty mist.

With a renewed sense of vengeance, the assailant lunged once more, the chilling blade cutting through the air with deadly intent. This time, as it approached, the cold was more than just a sensation - it was biting, almost as if the blade itself threatened to freeze anything it touched. Despite his grievous wounds, the attacker moved with fierce determination, ready to press his advantage and strike down the pair. Would Asahi and Cass be able to keep their focus, or would the cold edge of the dagger find its mark? [F Grade Attack x 1]
Leather-clad assailant is heavily wounded

CDs: (Currently, both Asahi and Cass' E grade abilities are under cooldown.)
Asahi - E 0/1
Cass - E 0/1
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