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Active [Garanth Barony - Ryke] The Wails

Several things went through his mind as Asahi watched his spell strike just off from center. First; he would need to work on his accuracy going forward. Second; he needed to stop wasting his spare money on ladies of the night, and instead put it toward buying a sword or something sword like. Lastly; He wondered If Cass' Lightning was going to kill the man. Their spells happened nearly simultaneously, and as he watched; the lightning struck their assailant's chest sending the man flying to the ground. For just a heart beat or two Asahi held a hope that such a cool ass looking spell might have in fact done the trick. However, shit is never so clean and easy.

"Fuck!" Asahi exclaimed in frustration, as the man staggered to his feet. " Fucking, fuck!"

The room's temperature suddenly dropped by several degrees as the man's weapon seemed to be overtaken with ice. This was Asahi's first time seeing an enchanted weapon being used, and especially this close up. The whole thing filled him with a sense of dread, though he did find it pretty impressive. The man renewed his approach then, driving Asahi from his brief musing, and bringing with him a truly biting cold. Asahi had no desire to tangle up with any of that bullshit, but it didn't seem like he really had any other option. He quickly moved away from Cass, trying to force their attacker to split his attention between them. He needed a little time to rebuild his depleted mana, and so took up a very defensive set of movements. He intended to dodge as best he could, and at the same time he resolved himself to face the chance that he could be made into an Asahi-cicle.

As he faced his uncertain fate; one other single thought filled his mind..........................Why an assassin? Why couldn't this have been a friendly ghost?

All this whining despite having prayed for this very sort of thing
Cass Maven
The smell of burning cloth and flesh filled Cass's nose and caused his features to suddenly shift. His once innocent look turned to a darker and more determined appearance. He narrowed his eyes as he watched the man fly back from his attack before slowly getting up from his attack, having been barely affected. The opponent was tough, and Cass could feel it, however his years of training to be a mage was not about to be wasted here.

When the man rushed forward again, Cass instinctively followed suit to what Asahi was doing and ran in the opposite direction. He ran quickly, keeping his eyes on his opponent and his staff at his side. He didn't have much knowledge about battles, but knew that close range combat against a blade user was not in his favor. Even so, he still had knowledge on how best to react to this situation and get the upper hand.
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
@Egde | Eddie

Eternal Engine of Linguistic Massacre - Valkyrie Profile

(Any doubts, feel free to DM me in discord, here or ask questions in my thread.)

As the assailant lunged forward, the icy dagger gleaming menacingly in the dim light, Asahi's instincts kicked in. He twisted his body to the side, attempting to evade the swift slash. But the blade was faster than anticipated, its tip grazing the very edge of his nose. For a brief moment, a sharp, stinging pain shot through him, as if his skin had been seared by a bitter frost. The cold was intense, almost numbing, and tiny crystals of ice formed where the dagger had made contact, leaving a thin, pale line on Asahi’s skin. (Maximum of 3 Base Effectiveness while dodging)

Cass, too, attempted to sidestep the attack, but the attacker’s relentless speed caught him off guard. The blade’s edge sliced across his cheek, leaving a fine, shallow cut. As the cold steel bit into his skin, Cass felt an unpleasant, chilling sensation that spread across his face, as though winter’s breath had kissed his cheek. Yet, like Asahi, the wound was minor, causing no further harm—just a reminder of how close they had been to a more grievous injury. (Maximum of 3 Base Effectiveness while dodging)

The chamber seemed to hold its breath, the silence broken only by the ragged, heavy breathing of the attacker. He stood hunched over, his chest rising and falling rapidly, each breath sounding strained and pained. Sweat glistened on his forehead, mixing with the dark smudges of soot and burns that marred his leather armor. His hazel eyes flicked back and forth between Asahi and Cass, calculating, searching for any sign of weakness.

Despite the damage he had sustained, there was a glint of defiance in his gaze, a feral determination to see his task through, no matter the cost. The frost that coated his dagger still shimmered, tiny flakes of ice falling from it like delicate snowflakes, melting as they touched the stone floor. The cold aura around him seemed to intensify, his desperation feeding into the weapon’s chilling magic.

The air was thick with tension, the flickering torchlight casting shifting shadows across the stone walls, making it seem as though the chamber itself was closing in on them. Every breath felt colder, every sound sharper, as if the room had been enveloped by a creeping chill that threatened to suffocate those within. The attacker adjusted his stance, gripping his dagger tightly, ready to make his next move.

It was clear that the battle had reached its peak. The next few moments would be decisive—whether the adventurers could turn the tide and bring down their adversary, or if the assailant would find a way to slip past their defenses and strike again. Asahi and Cass stood poised, their eyes locked on their foe, ready to counter whatever desperate gambit he would make.
Leather-clad assailant is heavily wounded


Characters are able to use abilities of lower grade than they possess. By reducing every component of an ability to F, example: Magic E + Affinity Elemental F → Magic F + Affinity Elemental F, a grade F ability is created. This is specially useful when the abilities of higher grades are currently under cooldown.
Their assailant's heavy breathing filled the air, mingling with the sound of his own heart beating. The bridge of his nose hurt like hell. It felt exactly as if it were frost bitten. The unfortunate fallout of coming into contact with the man's knife. Asahi took a brief glance at Cass, checking to ensure that the young man was unhurt. Seeing that he was still standing Asahi gave his undivided attention to their enemy. The man's eyes shifted between the two, but his gaze was filled with determination. It was clear that he wanted to fight to the death, and Asahi was fine with that outcome.

However, Asahi felt like they could desperately use some more information. They were knee deep in the muck, and still had basically no idea what was going on. He badly wanted to interrogate the man, but he knew nothing would come of it. He brought his mana to bear once more, immediately utilizing his basic attack magic. If this target was of no use to him, then they shouldn't prolong his suffering any more. His magic darted out from him once again, carrying with it Asahi's lethal intent. The eight inch beam of white magic darted through the air with incredible speed, but for Asahi time seemed to stretch on for forever as he watched his magic rushing toward it's target. In this very moment as time stretched out, the success of his attack still undecided, a sudden series of thoughts occurred to Asahi.

..............How much did it cost to hire a maid?
..................Would it be better to get a slave?
.........Was slavery even a thing?
.............was combat maid a job he could make a post for in the guild? How much would that cost?

And so it was that Asahi, weighed down by life's innumerable vexations, awaited the fate of his spell.
Cass Maven
Cass hissed when the attack landed, feeling a burn run across it as the cold feeling from the blade bit deep. He pressed the back of his hand to it to see if it was bleeding, and after confirming it was not, he turned his attention back to the enemy. From the corner of his eye he could see Asahi starting his attack, which meant that he also charged up his. He wouldn't attack at the same time as him, instead he waited for Asahi's attack to hit before whipping out his Lightening Whip F to strike across the enemies legs. If the attack from Asahi didn't kill him, then they would have to deal with the enemies speed so there was a better advantage. Cass then moved so he was a bit further than before and charged up for Lightening Whip E. If the man dared make a move, Cass would lash out with the whip to scorch him again.
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
@Egde | Eddie

Asahi steadied himself, channeling mana into his palm, a bright, white light forming at its center. The air around him seemed to hum with energy, vibrating softly as the magic gathered strength. Without hesitation, he extended his arm, releasing a focused beam of mana that shot across the room, swift and precise. The white beam cut through the dimly lit chamber, illuminating it briefly before striking the assailant squarely in the chest.

The impact was immediate and decisive. The attacker staggered, his breath hitching as the force of the magic drove him backward. The icy dagger slipped from his grip, clattering to the stone floor as he struggled to stay upright. But the blow had been too strong, too precise. With a final, shuddering breath, he collapsed, his body crumpling to the ground, the cold floor welcoming his lifeless form with a resounding thud that echoed through the chamber.

Cass stood ready, his whip crackling with residual energy, but he didn't need to strike. The fight had ended before he could make another move.

Now that the immediate danger had passed, Asahi and Cass could take a moment to survey their surroundings. The chamber, which had seemed so small and suffocating during the fight, now appeared more expansive. Against the far wall, several chests were neatly arranged, their wooden surfaces darkened and worn, iron bands reinforcing their sturdy frames. They were unmarked, with no visible indication of what they might contain, yet their organized placement suggested some level of importance.

Aside from the chests, the only other point of interest was a door on the opposite side of the chamber. Unlike the rest of the room, which had an almost utilitarian simplicity, the door stood out, thick and reinforced, with heavy iron fittings that spoke to its durability. Whatever lay beyond it, someone had taken great care to ensure that it was not easily accessible.

And then there was the body of the attacker. Clad in black leather, his hood still partially obscured his face, the crimson armband with the black dagger insignia stark against the dark fabric. He lay still, the cold dagger now a lifeless piece of metal beside him, the frost that had once radiated from it dissipating, leaving only a faint chill in the air. There was something eerie about the way he had fallen, almost as if he had resigned himself to this fate.

Despite the tense fight that had just occurred, the chamber was now enveloped in a profound silence. The only sound was the faint crackling of the torches on the walls, casting shifting shadows that danced across the stone. Not a single noise could be heard from the stairwell they had descended—no footsteps, no voices, no signs of anyone else approaching. It was as if the chamber existed in its own pocket of stillness, cut off from the rest of the world.

The danger that had threatened them was gone, at least for the moment, and the man who had tried to silence them lay defeated at their feet. But the mystery of this hidden chamber, the strange markings on the globe, and the crimson armband remained unsolved. With the immediate threat vanquished, what would the adventurers choose to do next? Would they inspect the chests, examine the reinforced door, or perhaps take a closer look at the fallen assailant to glean more about who he was and why he was here? Perhaps all of them?
Cass Maven
Cass, having has his magic ready, sighed heavily the moment the attacker fell. His whip dissipated and instead he tapped the end of his staff on the ground and whispered a few words as he cast Nature's Blessing F to heal their fatigue and scratches. He then took his time to look around the chamber and really take in how much larger the area really was. Chests along one wall, reinforced and mysterious about the possibilities of items that they hold. The body of their attacker in the center of the room, motionless and dead, holding nothing of value but his dagger. Then their was a door across the way that stood out as if saying 'open me' to the pair left standing. Cass chose to ignore the door for now and looked at Asahi, walking over to the lifeless body.

"I suggest we loot the room and hide this body before we move on. We have dug ourselves into something much deeper than what the baron led us to believe." The innocent demeanor that Cass had used beforehand was now more serious. Though he still sounded like a child trying to act as an adult, he knew that this was not the place to be stupid, or it would cost him his second chance at life. He was not about to let this life slip through his hands like the last one did. "I'm going to take this dagger and search his body for anything useful. When I am done, I'm going to try hiding it in the dark shadows over there so no one sees it immediately.' Cass then paused as he picked up the dagger, a thought crossing his mind. "Actually, this guy had spoke about meeting someone here. I don't know who this person is, but looting the room might have to wait."

Cass was mumbling loudly to himself as he continued to ruffle through the pockets of the body. If Asahi listened closely, he would hear the young boy speak of possible plans and outcomes as if he was some strategist. Cass was, instead, a very cautious person in dangerous situations and tended to think up of all sorts of situations that could happen. He was like this in his past life and the habit seemed to have carried over.
Asahi watched his magic sear into the enemy's chest. He watched the man stagger backward before crumpling in a heap. Just like that, just a few heartbeats worth of time, and that man had passed away. Asahi blinked a few times as he began to calm down from the tension of the fight. He glanced around taking in the rest of the room now that the danger had passed temporarily. He took note of the chests lining one of the walls, and of the man's position, and paused as he returned to the strangely reinforced door. When Cass started making his way toward the body Asahi instinctively turned his attention to the sudden movement.

"I suggest we loot the room and hide this body before we move on. We have dug ourselves into something much deeper than what the baron led us to believe."

"I'm going to take this dagger and search his body for anything useful. When I am done, I'm going to try hiding it in the dark shadows over there so no one sees it immediately."

The young elf's words penetrated the silence of the room, and Asahi's eyes followed him, but as the boy stooped to pick up the knife his next words caused Asahi to turn his attention back to the staircase they had used to get down there.

"Actually, this guy had spoke about meeting someone here. I don't know who this person is, but looting the room might have to wait."

Asahi listened to the young man mumbling to himself of possible plans, and possible outcomes as the boy searched the body.

" How about I keep watch incase whoever this guy was expecting shows up and you can search the chests." Asahi offered. " Just let me know when you are ready to hide the body, I'll help you drag it over."

Asahi considered the layout of the room looking for the best possible look out point. One that would hide him, but allow him to keep an eye on both the fortified door and the stairwell. Once he found what he thought would work he paused and looked back down at Cass.

" If you need it I am able to use appraise, so just let me know." he continued. " I think you are right, the Baron really got us in a dangerous mess. I found a vial of poison in the globe upstairs. I didn't mention it in case we got captured right away coming down here, but maybe you can make sense of this whole mess. There was also a note about chess moves. The king is out of the board. The queen is being difficult to approach, but will be next. The knight is too suspicious; caution is necessary. The bishop won’t do much, currently in check. The pawn, close to its promotion, is easy to maneuver. When I thought of it I figured the elf girl was the one who wrote the note, but maybe I am wrong. Then if you pair that up with the arm bands like the one this guys wearing. It seems like some cult, or assassin guild, or maybe an enemy nation is mucking about. What a mess."

Asahi shrugged his shoulders, his face bearing a look of hopefully you can make sense of this, before he moved off to take up a position as overwatch while leaving Cass to search the body and the chests. Now that he had shared his thoughts on their mess he wondered how deep this rabbit hole really was. He was sure the shit was gonna keep piling up but at least they would find some answers sooner or later. Right now, he really was much more concerned with the tasks at hand. He kept his eyes and ears focused on keeping watch, and his mind; well he brought it back around.
heartspan heartspan | Asahi
Daddy Dream Daddy Dream | Cass
@Egde | Eddie

As Cass searched the assailant, there were a few things he would find. The first thing he noticed was the enchanted dagger, its blade still emitting a faint, lingering chill. He could see faint runes etched along the metal, suggesting that its icy properties were no simple enchantment but rather something crafted with expertise. Setting the dagger aside, and moving on, he could inspect the crimson armband that stood out against the dark leather armor. The insignia—a black dagger—remained ominous, a mark of allegiance or perhaps a signal to others of the wearer’s intent.

As Cass continued his examination, he found something tucked within the inside of the assailant's belt: a small, folded piece of parchment. Carefully unfolding it, he revealed a handwritten note. The ink had smudged slightly, as if it had been hastily written, but the elegant script was still legible. It was not a detailed message, just a few brief lines, but it spoke volumes to those who could decipher it:

"Instructions confirmed. Keep the package secure until the delivery is arranged. Our benefactor has emphasized discretion—no unnecessary bloodshed, unless required."

The note was signed with a simple flourish, almost like a symbol, a stylized "E." It was subtle, barely more than a flick of the quill, but it hinted at the sender’s identity. The writing itself was precise, neat, the sort of penmanship one would expect from someone of refined background or position. The style of writing, combined with the mention of a "benefactor," suggested someone with resources and authority—someone who operated from the shadows but had influence within the walls of the keep.

Meanwhile, Asahi was looking for a place to conceal the body, his mind quickly assessing the layout of the chamber. His eyes moved toward the base of the spiral stairs, where he spotted a small alcove, partially hidden by the curvature of the stone wall. It was just large enough to fit a body, a perfect spot to stash the fallen attacker if they wanted to keep him out of sight. The shadows pooled there, making it difficult to see unless one was standing directly in front of it.

The plan was simple but effective: if they chose to hide the body there, it would be out of sight of anyone coming down the stairs. With the eerie silence persisting from the passageway above, it was clear that Ludd’s orders to keep the hallway near the library quiet were being diligently followed. For now, no one else seemed to be aware of their presence here, giving them a brief respite to decide their next move.

With Asahi standing guard, eyes alert for any signs of movement or sound from the stairwell, the chamber seemed to hold its breath. The torches flickered, casting long, wavering shadows across the stone, but the stillness remained unbroken. Whatever secrets had been concealed here, they had not yet been revealed to anyone else.

That left only two mysteries within the chamber itself: the chests against the wall, and the reinforced door that loomed ominously on the opposite side. The chests could hold anything—documents, treasures, or perhaps items that would provide more answers. The door, on the other hand, suggested a more significant barrier, something deliberately locked away or hidden. If the note Cass found hinted at a "package," then it was possible that whatever were the contents of the chests would be crucial to unraveling the mystery of this hidden chamber.

For now, the choice was theirs: investigate the chests, pry deeper into the secrets they might hold, or try their luck with the reinforced door, risking whatever defenses or traps might lie in wait.

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