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Realistic or Modern Gangs of Birmingham - IC Thread [Open & Accepting]

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -

Caroline Walker

When Richard pulled her in for a hug, Caroline couldn't help wrap her arms around him to take whatever comfort she could from his gesture. Although he was Robert's brother and best friend, who he was always be loyal to first, it didn't mean she wasn't close to him too. Their relationship was entirely platonic, which meant neither of them were ever afraid to be close at times such as these. Whether it was drinking, dancing, hugging, laughing, crying, or arguing, Caroline and Richard had a firm friendship. Not quite as strong as the man's bond with her husband, but certainly stronger than most friendships she had.

As he swayed her in his arms, Caroline couldn't help the tears that streamed from her eyes and down her cheeks. She was glad she wasn't wearing make-up that evening, and she was sure Richard would be grateful for that too as she rested the side of her face against his chest.

Eventually, Caroline regained some composure. In her mind, she realised she'd put Richard through it all that evening and the poor man had only shown up at the house to spend time with Robert to begin with. Letting go over him and taking a small step back, she looked curiously at him when he said he had an idea. He encouraged her back to the couch, which she passively did and sat down. Richard suggested they waited until Robert returned home so she could tell him what was on her mind, to which she nodded in agreement. The way she was feeling, along with the alcohol, she was sure she'd verbally tear her husband to shreds if he walked through the door right now. Perhaps he deserved it too. "I don't think I'll get much reading done after all of that wine," she remarked. "And I'm too exhausted to yell at you any more tonight. So I'll save what's left for that man who I married."

Richard draping the blanket over her was more than an invite for her to get comfortable. When he left her for a time, she curled up on her half of the sofa and made herself cosy beneath the warm blanket. Closing her eyes, she took the time on her own to try rest her head and try overcome the alcohol's effects. When Richard did return to her, she was sure she may have briefly drifted into a light nap, but soon came around again, opening her eyes and watching him as he decided to makes himself comfortable on the floor. Realising he was content with that, she took up more of the couch as she laid on her side, propping her head up on the cushion. When her friend told her she wouldn't be alone that night, she softly smiled. "Well, aren't you a gentlemen," she told him. She fell silent again to think of something they could talk about that wasn't the source of their individual heartaches. No more about Robert. No Dean. Though as her thoughts ventured to find an easy topic and her comfortable position made its mark, Caroline ended up drifting off into a deeper sleep than before.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard)
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The Vixen~ Birmingham, England~

Alfie Walker

Hearing the story about her life and the things she had done, Alfie got a distinct feeling of there being much more trauma than she was letting on. Alfie had done enough and seen enough in his life, even though maybe not as much as her, to understand the underlying damage a dangerous job could leave on a person. She had obviously experienced a lot. Her body language had changed subtly and though she played it off very well, he had the sneaky suspicion there was more to the story than she was telling. He'd not pry, for now, but he would later. After all, he had plenty of shifts to ask questions as the future came. One per shift, at least. Not that Alfie was one to follow rules - he'd surely be asking as many as he could think of whenever they came to his mind. After she finished talking and he asked his question about her being a witch, he had sat back down at his desk and had been playing with the papers though he wasn't focused on it at all. He pretended to not be affected by her story despite it intriguing him even more than before and let it quietly end where she left it.

The tension in the room had driven to new heights with his last move and he couldn't deny he had brought it on himself. He hadn't intended to be that intense with her, hadn't intended to move in so close, to touch her so tenderly, it just happened. Something about her was making him do things he had no control over and couldn't explain. Alfie was normally in his zone around women, finding it easy to talk to them and carry on conversations, getting them to open up about themselves and trust him long enough to get them into bed without ever having any real consistency to the relationship but something about this whole situation was completely different. He couldn't explain it, not yet, but he fully intended to dive deep into it and figure it out. Time was all he needed, if anyone could say anything about Alfie it was that he was persistent.

As she sat the puzzle back down completed in front of him, he looked up surprised. He had been working on the puzzle for weeks and hadn't solved it yet she had done it in a matter of minutes. He was just getting ready to say so when she moved again, distracting him from whatever he was about to come out of his mouth. As she moved to his office door and locked it, a confused look came over his face as he was about to ask yet again another question that never made it to the surface. Her voice silenced him as she told him it was her turn to ask a question, an apologetic but amused look crossing his face as he waved his hands in front of him invitingly. "Go ahead." He said lightly. As she leaned forward and cupped his jaw, his mouth suddenly went dry. The feeling between them became like a blanket, dense and heavy. His eyes looked up and found hers, letting her finally come to him. There was a sick pleasure in knowing he had teased and taunted just enough to drive her to making the first real move.

As the kiss he felt had taken an eternity to arrive finally landed on his lips, he groaned and couldn't help the way his body jumped into action. His hands lifted and wrapped around her waist as he stood from the chair and now towered over her. After a moment, his lips never leaving hers, he leaned just enough to grip the back of her thighs and pick her up, taking a quick step and pivot to turn, placing her bottom on the edge of his desk. The kiss deepened, his breath coming in short pants as he drug her against him in a practiced move, his hands lifting to shove his fingers through her hair. His teeth nipped and tugged at her lips, his hands holding her face close to his refusing to let her back away now that she had started it. The feeling inside him swelled and quickly overwhelmed him, that pulling sensation that had been stretched between them now so tight it was like plucking a guitar string, singing with each strum their bodies made against it.

When finally he let her come up to breath, he placed a hand on the wall behind her, pinning her between him, the wall, the desk and his arm. It killed him to pull away because he wanted to push further and not stop until they both were naked, sweaty and completely satisfied, but he knew she was not his average girl and it was a rare moment where jumping into bed together may not be the best move. Still, the heat between them, specifically radiating from him in a very private place was hard to ignore. He groaned again, his forehead pressed to hers with his free arm still wrapped around her waist. He couldn't help the slight roll of his hips as he tried to contain himself and visibly struggled. "Fuck, Bonnie May." He growled lowly in a thick rasp that only added an edge to the situation. His hand on her back gripped and dug into her skin, not painfully but not necessarily gently either. It was demanding and wanting, begging and pleading, yet seeming to also give no room for her denial. It was layers of different emotions and feelings, pulling and pushing at the same time. When he couldn't stand it any longer, his hand moved from her side back into hair, gripping the back of her head and pulling her back in for another kiss, his tongue flicking over her lips to entice her to deepen the kiss again, hand still braced on the wall to keep him from physically pushing himself on her. Everything else faded away and all that mattered was this moment.

ReverseTex ReverseTex - Temptress
Marseille Bistro & Bar
- Westside, Birmingham, England -

Dorothy Fletcher

Dorothy was disappointed that her meeting with Robert was cut short. Even more so when she found out that her two youngest were the ones causing problems this time around. It had been a while since she felt…appreciated in her own time. Respected. Her children, of course, had their moments. But they were her children, respect was either given or it wasn’t. With Robert, it was different…different from even what her marriage with Norman had been. She came to sit down before Robert, not sure what to expect and yet here they were…being nostalgic. Dorothy knew she would have control over the situation with him, as he always had been soft with her but…she felt she didn’t have control over her feelings right now despite the mask she wore.

With her youngest now causing problems, and Robert informing her of that, she knew she couldn’t let her guard down despite her disappointment in Sully and Rory. The tapestry of their relationship, with all involved, was too complicated to let him see her true emotions right now. So her face remained neutral with the news, neither surprised nor disappointed. Some might have seen it as cold of her, to not be openly emotional over her children’s actions…but she was saving them right now, if he chose to betray her, chose to go against the deal they made just now. Now wasn’t the time to show him just how emotional she could get over her children. She made sure to even be calculated in the answer she gave him about her family before, as they caught up…only telling him what she wanted to.

"Thank you, Robbie." Dorothy said. Just as the man was ready to leave, her eyes met his. "I hope we can do this again sometime when my kids don’t interrupt things and I also hope...you can stay true to your word, problems with me are not problems you want to have." She managed to crack an easy-going smile, though she felt anything but easy inside. The brunette watched him walk out of the restaurant, taking the familiarity and even some of the confidence she normally had with him. When Dorothy was sure she was completely alone, she slumped in her chair, grabbed her drink, and took a long drink from her glass…downing the rest of it just as her food arrived.

Looking up at the waitress she asked for it to be boxed up, not feeling all that hungry anymore. Staring at the seat Robert was just in, she scrunched her nose in thought for a moment. It was just like her to always want what she couldn’t and shouldn’t have. She was truly a mess. Once she had her boxed food, Dorothy was ready to return to her empty house where she could prepare herself a much stronger, much-needed drink while she awaited to hear about what her two youngest kids had gotten themselves into.
was with: Robert Misty Gray Misty Gray
open for interaction if needed haha (not required tho)
Tony Fletcher's House
- Aston, Birmingham, England -​

Penny Fletcher
As Marco lifted her chin with a gentle touch, she gave him a soft smile, endearing and warm. It was so cute to hear him clarify their situation as he had and the grin broadened to a giant smile across her face as she nodded eagerly. "Yes, that's what you are. I'm still sorry it caught you off guard, but I'm glad to hear we're both feeling the same. I… I know we hadn't talked about it officially yet, but now that it's out there… It feels right." She said, her voice happy with just a touch of giddy. His hand moving away left a tingling sensation on her skin that gave her butterflies in her stomach, wanting to have his touch on her again. "I'm sorry about him kicking off, today certainly did not go the way I expected it to, but at least he only hit you once, I was expecting him to be worse."

The conversation turned back to the obvious - the death of Charles and her recommendation to blame someone else. Although she had suggested it, she already had an inkling that Marco wouldn't want to go with that idea and he didn't let her down. He immediately stated it was not an idea he was okay with, and she understood why. "I get it. And you are no coward, so if that's what you wish, then that's where we'll start. Tony will know what to do, just give him some time. His mind works in mysterious ways." Her hands linked into his, holding them close as they spoke. It was the return of that mischievous look that sent the butterflies scattering through her body.

Although he didn't feel like it, that much obvious on his handsome face, Penny couldn't deny that there was a dangerous feeling now mixed in with all the other emotions in her body. Something darker and edgy that made her heart race and her breath catch in her throat. It was a kind of feeling she had never felt before - never thinking about the fact that someone with blood on their hands could be as attractive as Marco was. It was indescribable the way she was feeling in his presence, like this friendly and sweet person she had known forever suddenly had this new, razor sharpness to him she hadn't seen before and had no idea would be so enticing. When he leaned in to kiss her, at first her shyness kicked in, a blush tinting her cheeks as she leaned in closer to him, their lips slowly drawing together.

The touching of said body parts sent fireworks off in her mind, her hands slowly coming up to rest on his cheeks and pull him closer, the kiss intensifying as she lost herself in it. She had plenty of first kisses before, but none shocked her system the way this one was. Before she knew it her hands had slid around his neck and her fingers were tangling in the short hairs at the back of his neck, holding him closer. When finally they broke for air, or rather she let him finally pull back, her breath was short and her voice thick. "W-wow… that was… wow." She couldn't find the words to properly express herself, something rather unusual for the outspoken and decisive woman.

Leaning her forehead against his, their faces still close as she felt the buzz of something new and exciting thrumming through her veins, she closed her eyes and grinned stupidly. "Why did you wait so long to do that. We've been missing out, haven't we?" She laughed lightly, her tone low and raspy so just he could hear as she finally leaned back to look into his eyes clearly, hers sparkling with the new feeling coursing through her. Every worry, every fear, every bit of tension evaporated away now. What was this? This was something new, something amazing, something she had never felt before in her life and she suddenly knew she never wanted to be without it again.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Marco, Mr. Heart Throb
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The Vixen
Birmingham, England
In scene: BasDorcha BasDorcha

Bonnie Moody

Their collision was everything she hoped for, as if the magnetic field that had been holding them apart ferociously snapped, sending them both into one another. It felt good to have him completely under her control. As soon as Aflie scooped her into his arms, Bonnie knew he was at her will... Maybe she was a temptress...?

She ran a gentle hand through the back of his hair, his veracity met with her gentle strength. Her hand trailed from his temple to his jaw, following the path that his chiseled jaw laid for her. When she landed on his chin and met with her own, she held it there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of their bodies intertwined. She needed more. The primal desire to push to the brink of pleasure, until one of them submitted, drove her mad. In response, she bit his lip back, teasing him for more. If she didn't have respect for either of them, she'd say the word and send them plummeting into lust.

"Fuck, Bonnie May." That growl prickled her senses, his own body quaking at the thought of where this could go. It would be a lie if she didn't feel the same. Her chest throbbed for more, as did other places... Suddenly, reality crept back into her mind, she was in her manager's office. Not in a bedroom. Not a place where those kinds of thoughts were appropriate. With Alfie in the palm of her hand, she slithered her hand down his shirt to his breast. His heart thundered for more, unfortunately, she couldn't grant that wish. Temptress she may be, she wasn't a genie. She gave him a tap, signaling the pair she was ready to come up for air, her breath was quick as it caught up to itself. "That was..." Bonnie trailed, she really couldn't find words to describe how she felt. It was familiar yet unlike anything she'd experienced before. Sure, hookups during her travels gave her incredible nights with various sultry men, but this was different. His energy matched hers, forming a sort of sublime space when the two were finally interwoven. There was no denying he felt the same. This wasn't the place to have that conversation, or even think of what may come of it. This just had to be for fun, nothing more, or else it threatened her entire world.

Bonnie slinked out from under Aflie's arm, placing a hand on his hip as she did so, and appeared behind him. Thankfully she wasn't as disheveled as she could be, considering her first shift awaited, so it made for an easy cleanup. Once she gave herself a once-over and determined she was presentable, she didn't wait longer than she needed to get to the door... But it felt wrong to leave Alfie so quickly, she wanted to stay, yet she couldn't. She couldn't face him with the truth she felt, no, it wasn't real. It couldn't be real... But she had to play her part, the mysterious damsel, not the insecure little girl... Bonnie turned her head back to the man she left in her wake, his icy eyes longing for her warm stare. "We're in for it now, aren't we?" With that, she snapped open the lock and quickly shot out the door.
City Kitchen Diner
- Small Heath, Birmingham, England -

“I’d rather stand,” Sully asserted, remaining still behind the chair before Robert - watching his guard leave before addressing his captor. Sully knew Rory’s safekeeping downstairs was in the balance, but his ambitions grew bigger than his family at this opportunity. It seemed to go against everything he’d been trying to do up until this point, but there was no way around it - Sully needed to do this. “Let me work for you.” He was straight to the point, firm and confident with his request.

Robert had simply nodded when Sully asserted he would prefer to stand. Whilst such a position could be used to assert dominance, with Robert himself having done so on many occasions, his already established power meant it didn't faze him. Despite this, he remained standing to match the other man's stance. What did disturb him was when Sully asked to work for him. A surprised smile showed on Robert's face in response to the request. "You'll have to excuse me for finding amusement in your request, given the current relations between my family and yours." His expression returned serious just as quickly as it had briefly become humoured. "If I were to agree, what exactly is it you think you can do for me and my business?"

Robert was a very intelligent businessman. Sully could hear it in his tone, see it in his posture and the way he dressed and acknowledge it by the quantity of men that bowed to his prowess. It was intimidating for most to be in his vicinity, but Sully was no stranger to stressful situations - he triumphed in them. “There’s been a long divide between our families,” he started, moving around the chair before taking a seat. He perched his arms on the desk and leaned forward.

“And there’s no winning this fight Robert. My brother will never back down, my father won’t let him.You’ve already lost one son…” Sully leaned back into the chair, drawing his arms from the desk and crossing them over his chest. He knew what he was insinuating by bringing up Charle’s sudden death. Sully didn’t know what happened to Charles, but understood the vicious cycle both their families walked. It was likely their family had something to do with it, so Sully hoped to end further bloodshed with his proposition.

“I can help you end all of this. I can bury my father’s business and give you control of the city again.”

Robert nodded in understanding when Sully pointed out Tony wouldn't back down nor would Norman allow it. As far as he was concerned, the Fletchers wouldn't win the fight and the only reason Tony hadn't been taken out of the picture before now was because he'd allowed him to keep going. Be it out of some remaining sentiment towards Dorothy or even that he'd once been on good terms with Norman, he had shown more tolerance towards the Fletchers than he had any other rivals who had crossed his path before now. But his patience with Tony was wearing dangerously thin.

He remained standing when Sully sat down, still taking some time to consider what the youngest of the Fletcher brothers was proposing. He folded his arms and studied Sully's face as he offered to help bury Norman's business. "I'm sure you can understand my scepticism with all of this. My trust is difficult to earn, particularly coming from a member of the Fletcher family. So if I were to go along with this, your actions would fall under my scrutiny," he pointed out. Moving to sit at the table, seated directly across from Sully, he looked the young man in the eyes. "You're putting yourself in a dangerous position, especially if your family learned of this." Sitting up straight, he ran his hand down his suit jacket to smooth it out. "Your brother is skating on thin ice as it stands. So your actions from this moment on could either save his skin, or push me to do what I could have done a long time ago." Holding his hands out on the table, he looked Sully head on. "I'll give you the opportunity to walk away now and we'll forget you ever made this proposition. However, if you are being sincere and do wish to save your family, then I will accept your offer. What's it to be?"

The room went silent as Robert extended his hand out on the table to conclude their business. Sully’s eyes shot down to the man’s palm as he tried to balance the devil and angel on his shoulders. There was so much riding on this decision, but there was no other way to save their family. Sully uncrossed his arms, took Robert by the hand and locked in his fate. He squeezed Robert’s hand in his own and fixed his eyes on him with an accepting nod. “It’s done.” The devil forced his hand.

neverbackdown neverbackdown
Misty Gray Misty Gray
Robert Walker and Dr. Richard Finley
Part 1

(Writers: Misty Gray Misty Gray and ReverseTex ReverseTex )

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

1708035335326.pngRichard had arrived at the house a couple of minutes ago and Robert asked him to join him in the family lounge for the time-being. The sound of two vehicles pulling up outside the house prompted Robert to move to the large window in the same room. Pushing the curtains open just enough to look outside, he watched Felicity finish parking her car before she got out and climbed straight into the back seat of the second vehicle, the one he'd requested to take his wife and daughter out for the evening.

When Caroline entered the lounge from getting dressed upstairs, Robert turned to her and smiled fondly as he admired her in her long black dress. "You look stunning, dear," he told his wife as he approached her to give her a kiss - albeit a careful one to avoid being accused of smudging any of her make-up.

"Thank you," Caroline said, returning both his smile and his kiss. Both of them adjusted their positions to ensure they were facing Richard. "Now, I know you're both staying here all night, but keep my husband out of trouble, Richard. I'm sure even at home he can get into some mischief," she teased, playfully slapping Robert's arm.

"No comment," Robert simply replied. It was easier than contradicting his wife. "Tell Felicity she's going to have to talk to me at some point," he asked of Caroline, allowing a serious tone to be heard in his voice. "She can't expect to manage one of my hotels and still give me the silent treatment."

1708035348464.png"On that note," Caroline began, clearly not willing to turn serious just before leaving for the theatre. "You boys have a good evening and don't mess up the house!" she cheerfully told them, not leaving room for discussion.

"Enjoy the show," Robert softened, kissing the side of her head before watching her leave. Turning back to Richard, Robert pointed in the direction of his home office where he intended on them having their catch up. "Let's move into my office. I'm not expecting Thomas back any time soon, but we might as well get comfortable in there now. I've filled up the mini bar in there already."

Once inside his office, Robert walked over to the mini bar and made Richard whatever drink he requested before pouring himself a generous serving of brandy. He handed Richard his drink and then they moved to sit on the leather corner sofa. "We haven't done this in a while, have we?" he rhetorically asked. Whilst Richard had been at the house a few days ago, Robert return home that night had been too late to start much conversation. Besides which, both Richard and Caroline had gone through enough wine that it was likely any attempts at real conversation would have been futile. "Catch me up. What have I missed?" he casually asked, setting his glass tumbler down on the coffee tale before propping his legs up on the corner of the furniture. In his home office, he always felt more able to relax, not having to set better examples like he would in front of his family or business associates.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

rf.pngMondays were usually a slow day at uni for Richard, students usually were recovering from the weekend and not in the moldable moods. Neither was he. The hangover from Friday night wrecked his weekend, Saturday he spent napping and hydrating, while on Sunday he couldn't go for his weekly flight. Red wine was not the right call for him... Robert and Caroline's back and forth snapped him back from his train of thought. Being back in the lounge was a rude awakening to how drunk he got with Caroline. When both of his friends turned to him, he was certainly back to attention. At Caroline's jest, Richard gave her a small smile and wink, before they went back to conversing with one another. He was glad Robert sent away the girls for the evening, considering how much trouble Robert waded in with them.

Without a second thought, Richard followed Robert to the study, practically a habit by now. "Gin and tonic, light on the gin, please. The amount of red wine you keep locked up in this house is criminal, Rob." He made his way to his typical perch, the couch near the window, and made himself comfortable. Nodding thanks to Robert when he handed him his drink, he took a small sip before setting it aside. "It's not my fault you're being dragged around Birmingham, you sealed your fate," he joked. He took a similar position as to Robert, resting his hands on his chest once his legs were crossed on the table. "Let's see... I'm thinking of starting a shrink shack after my evening with Caroline, the miracle red wine and thirty years does to a friendship really rack up my credibility." Despite the hangover and the defeat he felt the next morning, he didn't regret his night with Caroline. It was cathartic for the two of them, and it resonated dearly with him.

"In all seriousness, it was a good conversation. We haven't had the chance to properly have a go since the funeral, and I knew she needed to let off a little steam. Plus, I'm as much a part of her support system as I am yours. Thankfully she doesn't need to blow off steam like you do, she can keep her hands to herself." He shot a serious glance at his friend before continuing. "We'll get to that conversation soon enough. Anyhow, work's been good the term is on its usual course... Oh yes, the gala. Amidst the wine, Caroline and I threw around the idea of a gala. Whenever you get 'round to Felicity, talk with her about it. She popped in and was sober, she could recall the logistics better than me. The main takeaway I recall was the fact it ought to be named after Charles. In Memorium." Like he did with Caroline, Richard paused for a moment to let that idea sit with Robert. Once he was confident Robert was ready, he moved forward.

"You and I need to have it out now. About Charles. You've practically avoided any conversation with me about it. With pretty much anyone for that matter. I've only heard you talk about him like a statistic, some unfortunate business accident. That's not fair to you or Charles. So come on, out with it, how are you feeling Robert?"

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

Robert had smirked at Richard's comment about the red wine. "Rich, I can live without the stuff. You'll have to submit your complaints to Caroline," he teased. Having returned home on Friday to see the two of them drunk, Robert knew exactly why Richard was now against the seemingly endless supply of wine in the Walker household. At the comment about sealing his own fate with his busy lifestyle, he simply nodded his head, not about to argue against the statement. He quirked a curious eyebrow when his best friend then went on to say he was thinking of being a shrink after Friday night. He was about to ask if things with Caroline had been that bad but instead got the feeling from Richard's words that it had been a positive and constructive evening in the end. "Is this now where I have to pay you a fee for your work?" he asked. "On a serious note, she hasn't wanted my blood, nor professed a desire for Fletcher blood, over the last couple of days. If that was your doing, then I'll fully support your venture into pursuing a career in counselling."

When Richard made his remark about Caroline being able to keep her hands to herself, unlike him, and would get to that conversation later, Robert feigned a puzzled expression. He was sure he knew exactly what his friend meant. He was happy to dodge that subject for as long as possible. For now, the conversation was on the gala. "Yes, Caroline mentioned something but she lacked the usual clarity and details than I'd expect from her. She mentioned something about a castle? The hotel idea is the more reasonable given the time constraints. Of course, I'll pick up on it with Felicity. She can't give me the silent treatment for long. If she does, then Caroline will oversee the gala's planning," he decided. Whilst he understand why his daughter was upset with him and he would tolerate it on a personal level, he would not allow it where business was concerned. If she couldn't be professional, then he wouldn't allow her to keep managing his hotel.

With mention of the gala being in Charles' name, he simply nodded. It seemed like a logical choice, as well as one Caroline and Felicity would be pushing for, so he wasn't going to reject the idea. "Of course. That seems reasonable," he confirmed as he reached for his glass to swallow a mouthful of brandy. When Richard said they needed to have it out, Robert raised his eyebrow over his glass. Slowly moving the drink away from covering his mouth, he listened as he was told he'd avoided talking about his eldest son's death. He set the glass down on the coffee table and let out a deep sigh as Richard probed even further to find out how he was feeling about losing Charles.

"What is there to say? Wallowing in grief and self-pity won't bring Charles back. It will instead distract me from business and in turn create weakness which others will take advantage of. Which in turn could put my family at risk. He would have wanted me to keep going. Of course, his death hasn't just left a huge hole in the business. He was my firstborn and the one of my kids I'd bonded closest with. I'm supposed to die before my kids and I believed that when the time came, Charles could have replaced me with ease." Robert gazed ahead, towards one of the bookcases. "It's better I approach it in business terms so I can stay strong and focused. And I don't just mean for the business, but for my family. Caroline is struggling with losing him."

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

Richard opted to grab his glass, his finger dancing around the rim instead of taking a drink. He didn't want to repeat the other day, plus he and Robert had shared plenty of drunken nights in their youth. At the castle's mention, he momentarily looked to the ground to recall the idea. It sounded like something he'd mention, but Caroline was the culprit if he recalled it correctly. "I won't complain if you book a castle, I'll probably bore the audience if you do. I could dig up some primary sources on some pretty splendid estates," he smiled.

When the conversation shifted to Charles, he finally decided to take a sip of his cocktail. Caroline and Robert certainly handed their emotions differently, so he wasn't as tense as he had been with her when approaching the subject. Despite his calmness, he knew his best friend wouldn't enjoy this conversation. Emotional intelligence wasn't Robert's strong suit. "Rob, I'm not asking you to wallow in self-pity. But I'll tell you right now pushing the problem away won't make it go away," Richard retorted. Robert's expression disappeared into space, which usually queued him to continue. "Let me put it like this, see if I make any sense," he set his glass back on the table and faced Robert. "How did your father handle hard times? He did exactly what you did right? Shut away all the bad shit and soldered on. How did that make your mum feel? If you can remember, I don't need to hear it." He never spent much time with Robert's family outside Jackie's father, who wasn't a stellar representative. "You have a wife and daughters, not just sons. We're able to shut down a lot easier than women, but that doesn't mean you should do it for them. Have a good cry with Caroline, you can thank me later," Richard kicked his friend's foot with his own gently.

He knew how far to lecture Robert, continuing anymore wouldn't prove productive or joyful for either of them. "Anyhow, you sent the girls off tonight which means you want to tell me something important. Out with it you sod"

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

Robert let out a deep sigh as Richard told him he wasn't expecting him to wallow. Despite his stubbornness, he subtly nodded in understanding. When asked how his father would have handled difficult times, he let out a scoff at the accurate assumption he behaved the same. His father was a doctor and tended to have the excuse of work to distract him from facing his personal problems. Outside of work, the man had been more likely to confide in God than open up to his wife and kids. All of the emotions and tackling life's problems fell on to Robert's mother, and as the oldest, Robert made a point of not needing her reassurance - leaving that for his siblings, Henry and Hillary.

Robert reached forward and knocked back his brandy as his friend referred to Caroline and the girls. "Felicity and Diana need me to be a strong figure in their lives, especially with the nature of our business and now losing Charles." Richard kicking his foot drew a short chuckle out of him. "But I will... Open up to Caroline, I mean. I've tried to stay in control for her, but maybe it will help her if I cry with her," he reasoned. As it happened, he was aware her depression had been surfacing again recently, which made him more conscious of how he reacted when she was upset. It was difficult knowing how best she'd respond to his attempts to reassure her.

Richard shifting the subject only made him consider how much worse he felt about recent feelings that had resurfaced elsewhere. Leaning forward, he carefully set the glass down on the table, buying himself some time to decide whether he wanted to say what was on his mind. "Out with what?" he coyly asked as he sat back and turned to his friend. "I thought Caroline needed a night out and Felicity needed some time to relax away from work," he told him.

"I'll tell you what's on my mind, but you won't like it and you can never repeat it. I love Caroline and always have... and I know I should have learned by now, especially after what happened at dinner last week. But... Someone I had a thing with quite a few years ago, well, I've realised I still have feelings for her now. I know how unfair this is on Caroline, but it's hard to walk away," he admitted.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

Richard's jovial demeanor immediately dropped as soon as Robert's coyness came into play. He knew whatever Robert was hiding certainly wasn't good news. There would be no good in trying to pry it out of him, whatever Robert felt prudent to share he would. His friend's assurance that he wouldn't approve of this news made his anxiety sink deeper, despite his rather calm appearance. Robert's confession somehow dug the man deeper and deeper into trouble. He'd just spent an entire evening entertaining Caroline for God's sake, trying to lead her mind astray from whatever Robert's adultery brought up between them. And now, his best friend, complaining about some back-alley affair. "Fucking hell, Robert," Richard sighed.

He couldn't help to remove his glasses, rubbing his eyes in annoyance, not in the mood to stare down Robert. In their earlier years, before he properly respected Caroline, he didn't care as much about Robert's illicit affairs. It wasn't his place to intervene, plus he had love issues of his own to sort through. Once it was clear that he was true family, as true as not having the name Walker meant, he began to defend her as the years went on. To not tell Caroline wasn't a simple task as it had been years ago, he cared for her wellbeing. Now as weathered men, bonded for life through their laughter and tribulations, he was dealt a rather unpleasant hand. "I don't know what you want me to say," Richard chuffed.

"I'll never understand this... This compulsion of yours. I don't even look at it biblically, I never have. You know that. Just from standalone facts, it makes no sense to me why you'd muddle up the portion of your life that makes you the happiest." He stopped, catching himself before he could feel the tangent run away, and put his glasses back on. "You get two options, Rob, you can listen to me give you a bloody ear or you can help me understand." Richard went for a sip of his drink, the discontent evident in his tone, to push down his annoyance. Robert needed his support on whatever he was dealing with, and he'd give it without a second thought. Despite their disagreements, they were brothers after all.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

"Fucking hell, Robert" was just about the response the man in question had expected from Richard after hearing his revelation. He was fully aware of how much his friend cared for and respected Caroline, so he knew it wouldn't have been easy for him to hear. He was sure Richard would have choice words even if he didn't know or like his wife, but he did know her very well and so the impact was more serious and personal to him. In response to Richard's initial reaction and deep sigh, Robert simply nodded to himself, wanting to give him time to mull over it on his own accord.

Robert gazed to the clock on the wall whilst his friend rubbed his eyes, processing the information and likely trying to muster up what his response was going to be. Robert shrugged his shoulders at the comment of not knowing what he wanted him to say. He didn't know either. Richard was his best friend and he trusted him to keep his secrets, otherwise he wouldn't have told him at all. But judging by his current reaction, it was clear he was torn. His close friendship with Caroline of course put him in a difficult position. That pushed him towards the realisation that perhaps his confession needed to stop there. To tell him that Dorothy was the object of his affections would add even further burden onto Richard. Not only in terms of having to keep it hidden from Caroline, but also as any such relationship with a Fletcher had implications for the family business and its main rivals.

Richard didn't understand Robert's uncontrolled gravitation to breaking his marriage vows. His seemingly compulsive need to indulge himself in the arms of another woman. Robert didn't fully understand it himself, certainly not the one-night stands. He loved Caroline and had never stopped being physically attracted to her. But there was something he got from the other women that he couldn't from her; perhaps it was merely a mixture of power and lust. Him bedding other women just because he could perhaps filled his ego. For a long time now, he'd steered away from charming women he barely knew into bed. Even through the grief of Charles' death and the pressure he'd been under when faced with Caroline's anger, he'd refused to fall into the arms of another woman for any kind of release. But Dorothy was different. She had never been just a one-time fling. The emotional connection he felt to her over two decades ago had preceded the romantic and sexual feelings they eventually gave in to. That was why his feelings for her were difficult to ignore now - they ran deeper than simply sleeping with her.

"I don't know how I can help you understand," Robert bluntly told Richard. He got up from his seat, taking his glass with him to refill it with brandy. "Another?" he asked, pointing to the gin Richard had been drinking.

When he turned to the sofa, he sat up straight, taking a sip of brandy before turning back to Richard, keeping the glass in his hands if only to occupy them. "I can't tell you why I'm like this. The quick flings, talking women into bed, I guess the short story is I did it because I could. Call it an ego boost or power play, I don't think I can justify it in any way that makes me seem reasonable." He let out a sigh as he thought of his wife. "Caroline is everything I should ever need. She's beautiful, intelligent, strong-willed, and I love her dearly. I never stopped loving her." Robert gazed down into the liquor in his glass as he thought about Dorothy. "This other woman... It was over 20 years ago when he first got together. We were friends before we grew closer. She wasn't just some sexual conquest - I fell for her and the affair didn't develop out of some need for power or self-approval. It ended eventually. And Caroline learned all about it years later." Robert looked back at Richard. "It ended and we kept our distance. Later down the line it could have happened again, but neither of us felt the same at that point. But now... I don't know what it is, but I recently met with her for a business matter and I couldn't help but feel drawn to her all over again. I know it doesn't make sense to you - it barely does to me. I don't expect you to want to understand." Robert shook his head. "Selfish, entitled, spoiled, whatever it is I am. I love Caroline, but I can't ignore the feelings that have stirred back up for this other woman. Believe me, I've been trying. Reminding myself about the many problems the truth could cause; how much it would hurt Caroline. This is one area of my life I've proved to be weak in."

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

The silence between both men cut the previous jovial atmosphere like a knife. He wasn't mad at Robert by any means, this had no direct impact on his friendship, but he certainly was disappointed. It was a pity that Caroline tolerated this, despite her iron will and Robert's charm, she time in and time out accepted his apologies. If Richard was in her shoes, he wouldn't tolerate the level of adultery she endured. But yet again, he couldn't fault her for loving someone so uncontrollable. He understood, in his way, what that loyalty meant. He was quite conscious of the silence, Robert needed to answer his question before he remarked any further. Robert's antsiness from earlier continued, an odd realization since Robert had confessed the secret. Or so he thought...

Richard placed a hand over his half-drunk cocktail when Robert inquired about a refill. The sole drink was doing enough work as is, Robert certainly didn't lighten the gin as he asked. Alas Robert broke and like any good friend would do, Richard listened. Every detail he was attuned to, if not for his own sake but for Robert's. This "back alley fling" began to paint a darker picture as the story unfolded. Whoever this woman was, it felt odd that the affair had been nearly two decades old and he hadn't a direct clue as to who it may be. He concluded that it occurred during his time away from Birmingham at school, which was why Robert probably left it out. Nevertheless, he did feel a little hurt knowing he wasn't trusted with the information sooner... The mention of a business meeting perked his attention, knowing full well Rober'ts business dealings decently enough. Especially ones that dated back that far.

He chose to ignore the possibility of exploring who this infatuating woman was. But the issue that lay between them was clear. At this point, the annoyance withered back inside and his normal demeanor returned. "Well it seems clear to me you know what's right and what's wrong," Richard tutted. "But I'm always here for you Rob, you know that, regardless of what other damage this peculiar issue may cause. At the same time, to go behind Caroline's back again after your entire family knows about your actions is just plain daft." Taking a sip of his drink, he held his gaze on Robert's sorry appearance. The man was withering in this light, completely juxtaposed to the normal image he portrayed to the world.

"You and I know well enough what both of us think about this matter. I know you're still going to do whatever you damn well please at the moment the next time you see this woman. You know I'm not going to tell a soul about whatever you may do unless you tell me to." Richard set his glass down, the clink louder than he'd like it to be, and rested his arm on the armrest. Sometimes it was a burden being the logical one of the two, it certainly didn't feel good being the secret keeper. But he'd done it this far and he'd continue the job. His job now, as friend and brother, was to bring some life back into Robert. "For the record, on top of your weak will for women, you're also a weak pilot. You had no business being in the squadron on skill alone." Richard glanced at a photo on the office wall, the full squad of six men posed around Robert's spitfire. Robert stood in the center of the group, as he did in most, a soft smile creeping out of the corner of his lip. Richard sat on the wing to the right of Robert, laughing at some joke one of his mates had said. On the far left of the photo stood the tallest of the group, Dean, his grin causing Richard at the moment to smile. If he remembered correctly, the photo was taken at a French airbase near the Rhine.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

Robert nodded in agreement when Richard told him it was stupid to go behind Caroline's back again now his kids all knew about his past affairs. He knew this particular side of his life contradicted who he was in every other aspect. He was typically seen as a level-headed, intelligent and resourceful man. Rightly so, as he was all of those things and more when it came to business. With his kids he was also commanding and assertive, wanting his confidence and ambitious nature to rub off on them. But when it came to matters of the heart - such matters where Dorothy was concerned - he was aware he became something more erratic. He knew it was risky, dumb and disloyal, but the Fletcher woman had an effect on him that he was now realising he couldn't ignore.

"I wish I could say I will keep things purely business with her, but I don't want to insult your intelligence by saying I'll get my feelings under control and remain completely professional. Granted, I'm aware I need to try harder. Somehow Caroline has stuck with me and I know I should make an effort to reward her faith in me; to prove I do love her. I just can't deny that feelings I shouldn't be entertaining have stirred up in me again."

When Richard steered the subject in another direction, Robert scoffed at his comment before leaning forward to place his tumbler down on the coffee table. "Weak pilot, my backside!" he contradicted him. "I was the one propping up the rest of you that whole time!" he lightly remarked before letting out a low chuckle. He followed his friend's glance to the photo, allowing his own eyes to rest on the image of the group for a time. He missed the group, along with the comradery experienced during their time in service. But that was where it ended. He would never want to experience those wartime years again, regardless of whether he met good friends and had fun where women were concerned. The only war he would be a part of now was any that could arise in Birmingham, should rival gangs choose to get in his way. Now, the only time he wished to travel across Europe was for a holiday.

Robert knew exactly who was in the particular photograph without even needing to look. As such, he was fully aware Dean was in the image and the significance that held for Richard. Or, at least, the past significance. "I do miss us lot being together," he admitted. "Despite the circumstances we were all put together, we had some good times." Turning back to Richard, he studied his friend for a moment before deciding he wanted to ask his next question. "It's been a long time since I last saw Dean. Whatever happened to him?" he asked. If anyone knew the answer to that, it would be Richard.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley
Richard's warm smile turned to a simper when Robert bit back, noting his friend's verbal error immediately. He was quick to catch himself, joining in the man's chuckle with a shake of the head. "Don't get me started on Cambridge," he joked. "You were certainly the morale booster, I was far too serious for my age. The Hell you and Dean go into was impressive." He gave a nod in agreement to his friend's remark about missing the group, not including Robert and Dean. The War itself was a sore topic, with the other blokes disappearing from their lives in various means. Moreover, Richard wanted to be there unlike Robert. For him, his life wouldn't be the same without it, despite the horrors and near-death experiences they suffered through together. Would he go back? No. But he certainly had no regrets. Minus one.

When Robert caught Richard's train of thought, he stiffened, goosebumps running down the back of his neck. The way both men could read each other like a book was rather odd at times, it was only fair after his go at Robert it was his time around... "Funny you should ask," he sighed as he went for his drink. Taking a brief sip to draw out having to answer, he set the glass back down and locked eyes with his friend. "If my memory serves, the last time you saw him was right after I got my doctorate... 20 years ago?" The rhetorical question was buying him time, even if he knew the answer, he needed to phrase this properly. "Well, last I saw him was nearly 5 years ago. We kept in touch before that, since the War really... But yes, 5 years ago."

The airiness in his voice veered from its usual level-key, his anxiety bubbling on the subject. "This came up the other night with Caroline, thankfully I had a bottle of wine in me by then, but it's just a lot to relive. Especially having to give her the whole story of it all, which I appreciate you keeping my preferences in confidence." For as many secrets he held for Robert, it was little on his friend's back to do this for him. He scoffed in amusement thinking to the other day, before turning his attention to the window beside the men. "I fell on my arse in the living room when she kept nagging at me. She meant well by it all but was complaining about how I'm unwed and have no kids. I firmly believe if she was able to make it out herself she would've dragged me out to find a woman that night. "

The matchmaking, while it was fun and games for his friends, happened to be Richard's reality. It wasn't by choice, to be unmarried and childless, he wanted nothing more in life than that. He could feel himself drifting to darker thoughts, what he could've done differently or helped who he loved, but caught himself on that brink. He couldn't let himself go there. "You know me best, I don't enjoy anyone's company like I did Dean's. Despite looking elsewhere... Part of me wants to be rational-chop it up to the War and all its absurd emotions and tribulations. But another part of me knows that isn't necessarily true, we had good times after the War... He tagged along during my research term in Greece and it was fantastic." The thought of that memory made him smile, before returning eye contact with Robert.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

Robert was interested to learn that Richard had last seen Dean five years ago, especially as he hadn't mentioned it. It wasn't that he had to tell him everything, but given he knew Dean personally too, it was a surprise he hadn't said anything before now. Robert figured that aspect of Richard's life was in the past and he'd long ago moved on from whatever he'd felt for Dean. He raised a curious eyebrow hearing he'd touched on the subject with Caroline a few nights ago, albeit under the influence of alcohol. "No problem," he said in regards to the man's appreciation for keeping the particular secret for him.

He couldn't help the laugh that escaped him when he admitted to falling down. "Maybe I should give that a try next time she nags me..." he jokingly suggested. In reality, he wasn't sure he'd say Caroline nagged him. Granted, once she sank her teeth into something, it was pretty difficult to avoid answering her, but he figured that was something he'd brought on all by himself. Not only due to his past affairs, but with the business and matters affecting their family, Caroline demanded to have full disclosure. The last thing she wanted was to put their reputation and safety at risk by being kept in the dark.

Robert nodded in understanding that his wife meant well. "It's not my place to apologise on her behalf and I'm certain you don't expect me to. She may have approached it in the wrong way, and in retrospect, probably shouldn't have at all... But she does mean well and just wants to know you're happy." Robert knew up until a couple of months ago her focus had been on Charles and helping with his wedding planning, so now that wasn't a possibility it had perhaps left her open to focusing her attentions elsewhere. "I'll do you a favour and try steering her focus elsewhere. Maybe I'll let her loose on Alfie or Diana," he joked. He was hoping to bring his friend's mood up, sensing the subject of being unmarried was weighing heavy on him.

Robert wasn't surprised when Richard reminded him it was Dean's company who he enjoyed the most. "It might seem rational to put it down to the War, but as you say, it wouldn't be true." Robert noticed the way he smiled, making it clear, if it wasn't already, that he still had feelings for Dean. Even if he hadn't seen him for five years, it didn't make those feelings go way. Robert understood that. For years, he'd kept as much distance as he reasonably could from Dorothy, and for a long time believed that time had cured him of feelings he shouldn't have had for her. But being close to her and in a one-to-one situation on Friday had made him realise he did still harbour those feelings. So it was easy for him to understand how Richard still held on to the feelings he had for Dean. But what was he meant to do with them?

Robert reached for his glass and swallowed some brandy for a moment, once more keeping hold of it as he turned back to Richard. "I understand," he assured him. In that moment, he wanted to tell his friend the truth about Dorothy and he felt like he was coming close to doing so, if only to be able to share the full weight of his past with someone else. He had wanted to tell Richard a long time ago, but with Caroline making him swear not to tell a soul on top of how big a bombshell it would be to learn about the Fletcher woman, he was never sure he could burden Richard with such a serious secret. "Realistically, though, what do you expect your feelings for Dean to amount to? You haven't seen him for five years. Unless there are details I'm missing, aren't you trapping yourself by keeping your feelings limited to Dean, who you may or may not even see again?" He put his glass back on the coffee table and cleared his throat. "Apologies. I may not be understanding where this conversation is going. But from what we have touched upon, it pains me to see your feelings lingering unfulfilled."

...Part 2 to follow...
Dr. Richard Finley & Robert Walker
Part 2

(Writers: Misty Gray Misty Gray and ReverseTex ReverseTex )

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

To have Robert as a friend, more like a brother, in his life was something Richard was grateful for for various reasons. Robert's "lust" was a similar yet different beast of a secret. Both men had to wrestle with the idea of immortality in their actions. But it wasn't illegal to have an affair. It was illegal to be in love with a man... The possibility of marriage, let alone starting a family, was merely impossible for him if Dean ever reentered his life. That had been the main reason he dabbled with women, to possibly get a taste of the ideal life. Nothing ever felt right.

While he was in thought, Robert's laugh echoed distantly in the back of his mind. His stare was distant past his friend as he apologized for Caroline's behavior. Still not completely present, Richard raised a lazy hand to wave away the apology. It wasn't necessary. As Robert continued, his eyes lingered on the bar cart for a moment, the idea of another drink not sounding half-bad. Ultimately he opted to grab his glass and make his way across the room, if not to also break the immediate eye contact. "I don't have an abundance of love like you have Rob," he sighed.

As he fixed his next drink, a neat scotch, he continued. "Have I had partners since Dean? Yes. Have I loved them? No." Screwing the cap on the bottle and placing it back in its place, he took his drink in hand and swirled for a moment. "I can't quite explain it, similar to how you can't explain your actions, but part of me knows he'll find his way back. Anyone I've been with in between, regardless of gender, makes me feel like I'm selling myself short somehow. It isn't fair of me to lead someone on with that thought always in the back of my mind." By this point, he made his way back to the couch and took the moment after he sat to take a stiff sip of his drink. The irony in his statement was intentional, how could he sell himself short if in reality pursuing Dean would? Resting it aside, he crossed his legs on the coffee table, careful not to disturb Robert's drink.

"If I could find better answers, Rob, I would've told you years ago." Richard rested his head on the back of the couch, closed his eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath. "This isn't something I can help. Like I told Caroline, albeit worded poorly and with less context, I can't control how I feel about Dean. I can't control the lawmakers who forbid me to marry him and treat him to a life we both deserve. I can't control the fact that if that ever happened we'd be unable to adopt a child." He interlocked his hands in his lap loosely, opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling, and continued. "I don't want your pity, Robert. I don't want to be set up with alternative options. I just want time to take its course."

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

Robert didn't respond to his friend's comment that he had an abundance of love. His kids would argue that he had always been emotionally distant, seeking success and results over their happiness. He'd been strict with his children to ensure they worked hard to get the best out of their lives. But he did love them and wouldn't stop feeling protective over them. Of course, Richard was referring to the romantic love, which Robert also appeared to have a high capacity of. Despite his feelings for Dorothy and being unable to ignore them, he still loved Caroline too. They'd had many problems and since Charles' death there was something of an emotional wall between them, but he loved her and couldn't imagine himself stopping. There were many people he looked down on and people he disliked, but overall he was a people person and he enjoyed the company of others. Some just more than he should...

Robert nodded in understanding when Richard said he hadn't loved any of his partners since Dean. He was aware of him having relationships and with women, which was why Caroline in particular had thought Richard wanted to find a woman rather a man - the man. When Richard went on to say he knew Dean would find his way back, Robert couldn't help but quirk his eyebrows. He wasn't entirely sure if he should encourage his friend to cling on to Dean through faith alone. He stopped short of saying as much as it was made clear nobody else would ever match up to the man he truly loved. "You're right, it's not fair to lead them on," Robert commented, ignoring the fact there was a time when he led many a pretty woman on. "It also doesn't seem right you're being tortured with this," he reasoned, but wasn't about to try telling Richard he could shut his feelings off. He knew first hand how difficult that was.

Robert nodded along when his friend reminded him that gay marriage was illegal and he'd never be able to adopt a child with Dean.

"Good. Because you're not getting it," he abruptly replied when Richard said he didn't want his pity. "I respect you too much to pity and patronise you. Unfortunately, the laws you speak of are ones even I'm unable to twist or slide into your favour," he told him, referring to the many laws he'd broken or manipulated to benefit his businesses. "I promise the next time we're out, I won't direct you to any potential dates," he remarked. "Not even if they look like they merely want to dance."

Robert then turned to Richard, looking him head on. "I could bore you with business, or shock you with a new secret to keep, if you want something fresh to dwell on?" he offered. "Lord knows I could do to talk to someone about it after all of these years - one who isn't so directly affected and upset by any mention of it as Caroline is..." he trailed off. He was never sure if the truth about Dorothy was better being kept from Richard due to the weight of keeping such a secret, or if it was worse to have never told him at all. Perhaps he would find out soon.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

Despite his poor mood, Richard couldn't help but smile at Robert's dancing joke. He had a knack for poking at the right places, for better or for worse at times. The conversation was starting to wane, thankfully. He was grateful for Robert's opinion on the matter, even if he didn't agree. It was good information to know that both he and his wife were on the same page, they didn't want him to end up alone or heartbroken. But at least with Robert on the same page, the barrage of dates or setups would end.

At the mention of a new secret, Richard raised a curious brow. As Robert continued, he couldn't help but take the bait his friend was leading to hook him in. If had to do with business and personal matters, it likely wasn't going to be good. Especially if Caroline wasn't keen. "Add it to the repertoire of the others I've kept," he replied nonchalantly. Robert's mention of a "new" affair earlier was a clue at least for where he assumed the conversation was going.

"At least make my consulting title worth what you pay me," he joked. Richard went for his scotch, a dry smirk on his face. He didn't need the money anymore, but his compensation was settled years ago. Robert wouldn't allow him to go unpaid as a family member, even if Richard opposed it. To rationalize it in his brain, he told himself it helped keep the legal side of the business reliable to the government. "Go on old boy, spit it out."

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

Robert rubbed his upper lip with his hand as Richard joked about his consulting title. He allowed a silence to remain as his friend reached for his drink. He was waiting for any sign that he didn't want to know the secret, as if to give him an excuse for keeping in from him for even longer. But when Richard prompted him to spit it out, he knew he had no reason or invitation to continue keeping this admission from him.

"Of course," Robert said, taking a sip of brandy before setting the glass down on the coffee table. "This other woman... The one we just spoke about. It's Dorothy Fletcher," he admitted. He paused and took a moment to observe Richard's reaction as the revelation set in. "Caroline knows everything about our past affairs, which likely gives you more clarity as to why she is always so scathing towards Dorothy. I didn't tell you whilst it was going on as I thought it was be easier - yes, for myself, but also for you. There's was far too much at stake, on a personal and a business level, so I didn't want to put that burden on you. Then when Caroline found out years later, she didn't want anyone else to know. She was furious, embarrassed, God knows what else, so she swore us all to secrecy on the matter. It's a secret that's remained between myself, Caroline, ad Dorothy ever since." He was sure Richard would still feel disappointment for not being told before now, but Robert stood by his belief that it had been the safest option to keep that particular affair between as few people as possible.

"When I said I was out on a Fletcher business meeting on Friday evening, it was the truth. I just failed to mention to Caroline that the Fletcher I was meeting with was Dorothy. Given my past with her, I could hardly tell Caroline it was her I was meeting with - she would have lost it. At best, she would have demanded to come along and I'm sure you can imagine how unproductive that would have turned out to be." Robert sat up straight, maintaining an assured posture. "As one of the few level-headed people in the Fletcher bunch, I wanted to reach out to Dorothy to get Tony under control. It's only a matter of time before he or the others find themselves in trouble - be it with the law or a fate more like Charles'. Whether it's on my order or someone else's they happen to cross, Dorothy's family is heading for trouble if they're not brought under control. So we made a deal that I'll ease off Tony and the rest if she can get him to cooperate."

Realising he was going off on a business tangent, he returned to the matter at hand. "Over recent years, Dorothy and I have kept as much distance from each other as our family businesses can allow. I thought our attraction was a thing long in the past... until Friday. Sitting across from her and being able to talk with her alone made me realise my feelings for her are still there. That flame I'd felt for her all those years ago was ignited all over again, without me even intending for anything of the sort."

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

"It's Dorothy Fletcher..." Richard choked on his scotch, having to take a moment to clear his throat and set his drink aside. He couldn't have heard that correctly. When he met Robert's eyes, they were waiting for him, they proved the statement true. Sure the Walkers had been closer with Norman and Dorothy years ago, but he'd been in and out of the picture a good bit during that time with school and work for Robert. But he had no idea they were that close. His next thought went to Caroline: she ought to know about this. No quicker than the thought crossed his mind, his friend was quick with an answer. Caroline had known and encouraged the information to be kept private. Private from him. Dorothy, Caroline, Robert, and Richard were let in on the nasty secret. His friend notably excluded Norman.

How could Robert keep this from him? A 20-year-old secret and blatant lie fed to him by both his friends. One being his brother. As Robert went on about the business meeting from the previous Friday, he couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed. None of Robert's secrets ever left his lips, which made sense as to why he was finally getting the information. It had to be Caroline. She didn't trust him. Or her husband for that matter. Infidelity aside, his brother was an honest and fair man, despite what their enemies believed. It had to be eating at him... It was. The uneasiness, the sneaking off, the avoidance. It was adding up.

After his lament about Dean, Richard wasn't in the best position to chastize Robert for two decades' worth of secrets. Instead, he opted to let his silence speak for him, with no quips or remarks throughout Robert's tangent. Plus he knew the silence made his friend uneasy, especially with the nerves he'd surely built up to tell him this. Once it was clear Robert was done, he made his remarks.

"You are unbelievable Robert Walker." His tone lost all warmth, his friend's full name sounded utterly chilling for the first time in years. Robert knew what part of the secret he took offense to, his tone directly targeting it. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd used his full name. While he understood why he'd been kept out of the loop for so long, it didn't make him feel any better. He wanted to slap Robert or give him some sort of black eye. Robert could be so incredibly stupid for how smart he was. Richard's eyes searched the room for something, anything, that he could use to wack the man sitting next to him. Settling on the daily newspaper on the coffee table, he quickly made a move for it before his dear friend could stop him, and walloped the man's chest with a decent bit of force.

"You're quite a dumb bastard you know that!" He said as he leaned back, newspaper in hand, ready to strike. "Dorothy fucking Fletcher Rob! You couldn't settle for a rent girl!" Richard's warmth was coming back to him, his anger fueling a version of his younger self who would've laughed at this news. "I can't believe you made Norman a cuckold in the bed and business," he scoffed in amusement. Robert's tenseness from the last blow still lingered, as did Richard's striking position. "Ugh you bloody sod," he sighed as he gave his brother a gentle thop on the head with the paper before tossing it back on the coffee table.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker

"Yeah, I know..." Robert drily muttered when Richard spoke in a somewhat scathing manner to say he was unbelievable. He was sure he wasn't amused with the truth about him and Dorothy, but he figured his brother was even more disappointed with not being let in on the secret many years sooner.

"Hey!" Robert grumbled in protest when Richard hit him in the chest with the newspaper. "You couldn't settle for a rent girl!" Robert scoffed and shook his head at Richard's words. "Now you sound like Caroline. She said she could forgive me sleeping with some random women. The meaningless sex," he admitted. "But not the affairs. Certainly not with Dorothy." Despite the serious conversation, Robert couldn't help but smirk at mention of Norman;, how he'd screwed him over in more ways than one. He had no sympathy for his former business rival and believed Dorothy deserved better than her imprisoned husband. Whether better was being with himself or with some other man. Preferably with himself, the evidence would suggest.

When he was then struck on the head with the newspaper, Robert was ready to berate his brother, but seeing the makeshift weapon thrown onto the coffee table stopped him in his tracs. Apparently the physical chastising was over. "I could never settle for a rent girl," he returned to Richard's comment. "Dorothy is much more than any of that. What I had with her, and how I felt - or maybe still feel - about her is much deeper than just a bit of fun in the bedroom. I wouldn't have taken such big risks and complicated business if the connection hadn't ben as strong as it was."

Robert rested his elbow on the arm of the sofa and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I'm a logical man and I know this all defies any common sense, but I can't bring myself to shut these feelings down," he admitted. "Even knowing Caroline would be hurt and may even beat the living shit out of me... it still doesn't make me want to back away."

He folded his arms at his chest and shifted slightly to look Richard head on. "It was about 18 years ago when Caroline found out the truth. You know how good she is at noticing everything - she's relentless and won't drop a subject once she gets a whiff of suspicion. She noticed something was off and I knew it was only a matter of time before she found out, so I came clean to her about the affair with Dorothy as well as the flings I'd had over the years. It's a miracle I lived to tell the tale. Granted, she delivered a mean punch. But the worst was knowing how I'd hurt her. We existed under the same roof for a few weeks, with her ignoring me for the most part, before she went to stay with her sister for a couple of weeks. When she came back, we patched things up. That's when she swore me to secrecy and also pushed for me to do what I'd been considering already, given Norman's ambition. She demanded I severed any remaining business relationship with the Fletchers."

Robert shook his head and let out a deep sigh. He knew that the best thing to do was ignore his feelings for Dorothy, focus on Caroline, and not complicate his life any more than it already was. But the part of him that wanted to gravitate towards the Fletcher matriarch was overriding any of that. "I get it, I can't have the best of both worlds. Spoiled rich guy, thinks he can have everything. Has a big chunk of the city under his belt. Has a wife and kids. But still wants more. It's true, though. I don't want to lose Caroline and I've never stopped loving her, but if the opportunity arose, I'm not going to insult your intelligence by saying I'll back away from my feelings for Dorothy."

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

Robert's account of the events provided much-needed context. The mention of Caroline dodging town for a handful of weeks clicked in Richard's mind. He remembered it fairly well, he was finishing his last term in his doctoral program and remembered the call for reinforcements. "Rich, I need a favour. I just need your help with the kids this weekend, Caroline's out and I need backup..." Of course, he made the drive to help out. But at the time, he couldn't recall any noticeable strife between the couple. Granted he had other priorities at the time, his dissertation and his strife with Dean, but even then he wouldn't have guessed it was related to this.

"Well I thank you for not insulting my intellect, we paid damn good money for it," Richard chuffed. He assumed a similar position as his friend before continuing his thoughts. "I'm still disappointed you didn't tell me this years ago Rob. It's selfish to feel left out like this, I know this wrinkle has nothing to do with me. I understand the bind you're in... But I could've helped years ago, we could've solved this problem before the stakes got so high." If he'd known sooner, then maybe he could've prevented some of this. He had a sneaking feeling this secret ran deeper, Dorothy and Robert likely the only souls who knew its truth, yet that was a problem for another day.

After his evening with Caroline, it was hard for him to rationalize Dorothy's end of the situation. He hadn't spoken to the woman in years, plus her husband was a thorn in their side. How did Robert not see she could be playing him? He definitely wouldn't pose that idea tonight, his brother's feelings were clearly beyond reproach. "Listen, I don't judge how you may feel for Dorothy, that's not my place. I can call you a sod and a bastard all I want, as your brother, it's my job to do that. It's also my job to advise you to tread carefully. You're getting greedy and you need to be careful. If you go off to shag Dorothy again, you best make sure to cross your t's and dot your i's. Your children cannot find out about this. Or hers for that matter." He decided to go for his drink and take a sip. If not stop his lecture for a moment, it helped him regain his train of thought.

"I can't help but be curious about this whole thing, Rob. You should've invited me to this dinner, I bet I could've found something more blunt than a newspaper to beat you into shape," Richard chuckled.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Robert Walker
Robert understood that Richard was disappointed in him for not telling him the truth years ago. Seemingly, he found being kept in the dark harder to take than the sordid secret itself. In some ways, that was a relief, as he received enough aggression from Caroline about the affair. "I apologise for not telling you. At the time I knew sleeping with Dorothy was particularly bad form, given she's a Fletcher, so I couldn't even come clean to you about that one. Maybe I knew you'd have tried harder to talk me out of it than you would have with the others," he admitted.

He was glad to hear his brother wasn't going to start judging him about his feelings for Dorothy. He'd had enough of that from Caroline and even from his own inner voice. Clearly, neither of them he took a bit of notice of in the end! What he did allow Richard to tell him was that he needed to be careful. He wasn't going to try arguing that his actions came across as greedy as he understood the sentiment. "You're right, I do need to be careful. I will be. I've been accused of being cold and emotionless by my children and others in the past, which I know was deserved. Yet, this time it is my feelings and emotions that are driving my situation with Dorothy, but the outcome of them resenting me would still be the case." He could only imagine how the Fletcher siblings would react if they found out, but even the thought of the smirk being wiped off of Tony's face was nowhere near enough to make him want the truth to come out.

Robert managed to mirror Richard's chuckle as he said he could have beaten him into shape at the dinner. "In retrospect, perhaps your presence could have been the mood-killer I needed to avert my affections away from Dorothy. It wasn't my intention to deviate from business... but it's happened now and those feelings I had for her have resurfaced."

Reaching for his drink, Robert shook his head. "Don't we have any lighter subjects to touch on? I fear you'll stop coming here if all you get is stress and trouble when you sit down with myself or Caroline. Surely there's been some new tale of an idiotic student to humour us both with?" he suggested, along with a goading smirk.

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -
- Monday 27th October 1975 (3 days later) -

Dr. Richard Finley

Richard was thankful that for the most part, Robert listened to his concerns, knowing full well his actions would speak louder than his words. On his end, he had to accept Robert's reasons for keeping him in the dark. While he disagreed, he did understand why it was necessary for so long. It wasn't necessarily his fault, Caroline was the driving factor behind keeping it secret from him. That'd be a bridge he'd have to cross eventually. At least, if the secret ever came out... For now, he had to accept the reality that was laid in front of him. Robert would likely cheat again, against everyone's better judgment. Now that he was in the light, Caroline could shift some of the blame to him, despite their conversation a few days ago. Whatever the storm may be, Richard would weather it, for the sake of his brother and his adoptive family.

"I'm glad I'm a reliable mood killer, moving forward I'll save my most interesting history anecdotes for you," he simpered. The nerd within could go on for hours about antiquity, however, he had to reign it in. Now that the atmosphere was warming up again, Robert's question about uni made his smile continue. "Why would I stop coming here? You lot stuff me silly with booze and fill my pockets, I'm a fat leech," he chuckled. While his joke was light-hearted, both of them knew he had no intent of sucking the Walker's dry. That was water under the bridge with his brother's wife, now a nostalgic joke.

"Anywho, yes I'm sure I can drum up something..." Richard finished the last of his scotch off as he thought, if he didn't have to drive home he'd fetch another. "We just popped to the Enlightenment era, which is sometimes a hit or miss depending on the class. One particular section, right after lunch, isn't the biggest fan. So amongst the overall cultural revolution, I focus a lecture on the political revolutions. American, Haitian, and French in particular. I digress, I found a rather interesting photo of Robespierres's headcast in a journal article that I thought could make an interesting discussion... Well, I showed it, and this poor boy coat-tailed out of the room. I was told by a few students during my tutorial hours that he lost in lunch. Too graphic for him I'm afraid. Half the class was in awe, the other in shock," he giggled. "The department chair had a chat with me, safe to say that image won't be shown again."

Chapter 3 - Faces from the Past
Chapter 3 - Faces from the Past
- Wednesday 29th October 1975 -
...5 days later...
Afternoon - Cold, Dry, Clear Skies


The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -

Caroline Walker

1708128527142.pngOver the last week or so, Robert had been going out of his way to get back into Caroline's good books. He'd treated her to a shopping trip, fine dinners, and even orchestra tickets for her and Felicity. Whilst she had appreciated those gestures, they meant little to her. She could take herself shopping and he wasn't even present at the theatre. The dinners, whilst allowing them to spend time together and speak one-to-one, they still weren't enough. They were all empty gestures as far as she was concerned. However, last night Robert had finally addressed Charles's death with her. She was intelligent enough to know Richard had likely encouraged it when the two men caught up with each other on Monday night. Regardless, her husband finally addressing the subject in an emotional matter was appreciated. She finally saw how much it had affected him on a personal level, rather than in purely business terms. Robert had broken down and shown just how hurt he was by the loss of their son. For once, it was Caroline's turn to console Robert and be his shoulder to cry on. It had brought them closer, with her finally putting her walls down and letting him back in emotionally.

Caroline had slept better last night than she had in a while and for the first time in weeks she was glad to have her husband in bed with her. The married couple went out to the travel agents that morning to book them both a holiday to the Canary Islands in new year. They both knew things hadn't been healed over night, but it was certainly a start. Oblivious to Robert's reignited feelings for Dorothy, Caroline believed things would only get better now.

With Robert out on business for the afternoon, Caroline returned home with something of a spring in her step. No sooner had she settled down at the dining table to look over Felicity's and Richard's proposed plans for the gala did she hear the chime of the doorbell sound in the hallway. Placing the paperwork down on the table and taking a quick sip of her coffee, she got to her feet. Her heels clicked on the wooden hallway floor as she approached the front door. Smoothing out her dress in case the visitor was business-related, she then stood tall and pulled open the front door.

For a brief moment, Caroline was left in a rare state of being speechless. She had an excellent memory and never forgot a face, so it wasn't hard to recognise the man she'd last seen 20 years ago. Still, his mere presence had rendered her lost for words in that moment. The sheer coincidence of only talking about him with Richard a few days ago had been what stunned her most. "Dean Walters. Here in the flesh," she greeted him, her trademark deadpan tone making itself known. Her eagle eyes hadn't failed to spot the wedding ring on the man's finger, but even someone as upfront as Caroline wasn't going to comment on it so early on.

"It's been a long time," she commented, before stepping forward to welcome him with a brief hug. The implications that him appearing to be married would have on Richard, given the man's feelings for Dean, were something she forced to the back of her mind for the time-being. "Come on inside. I'll pour you a hot drink and you can tell me all about where the hell you've been," she commanded him, stepping aside so he could enter the house. "I see you're still in one piece - did you quit trying to fly planes?" she teased. It had been two decades since she'd last been able to taunt him, whereas Robert and Richard had received plenty of her playful jokes about their skills during his absence. Dean had a lot of catching up to do. "I'm afraid Robert isn't home right now," she informed him. "Have you already paid Richard a visit?" she asked.

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
Mentioned: ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard)

The Red Lion Pub
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Marco Alessi

1708128561008.pngSince telling Tony the truth about being Charles' killer, Marco hadn't been oblivious to the fact he hadn't been put on any real jobs since. The official story was that Tony was giving him a rest after the injuries he'd picked up from his violent altercation with Mick. But Marco knew the real reason was that he had to keep a low profile for now so Tony could figure out what to do. The less attention he brought onto himself, the less likely he was to flag up on the Walkers' radar. Nobody could find out the truth about Charles' death.

Marco enjoyed working at the pub, so he supposed things could have been worse for him. With Rory working the afternoon too, he wondered if she was also being encouraged to stay out of trouble. Given it was a weekday afternoon, the pub was pretty quiet. Mostly it was just a few regulars who had nothing better to do than drink their cash away. Between serving customers, Marco, Sammy and Rory were playing random card games at the bar. No bets or exchanges of prizes, of course. The Walkers frowned upon the Fletchers running their own gambling rackets. That was why Tony did those where they couldn't see it happening!

Marco's attention was drawn to the pub doorway as two young women exited the pub. "I didn't want to say, but the redhead was definitely eyeing you up, Sammy," he teased the man whilst giving Rory a playful nudge. Normally, Marco himself would have been flirting with the customers, keeping them amused enough that they stayed and continued to buy drinks. Instead, the burden of what he'd done to Charles was freshly weighing on him, to the point he was only happy in the company of those he was closest to. Besides, the only person he was interested in flirting with was Penny. As he thought of her, he had to stop himself from blushing, realising both Sammy and Rory didn't yet know he was dating their sister.

"I heard about you and Sully getting caught out the other night," Marco told Rory, looking at Sammy to try see how he felt about it. "How did you manage to get out of that one?" he asked. If they'd both managed to walk away from the Walkers unscathed, he wondered if there was hope for himself yet.

As it happened, Robert had indeed let Sully and Rory leave unharmed. His separate deals with Dorothy and Sully had certainly made him more willing to ignore what they'd done at Mick's place. Not wanting their weapons associated with the Walkers, he'd also made sure their two siblings had their guns returned to them - albeit unloaded.

Bellz Bellz (Sammy) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory)
Looking for trouble: @purplecowdutch (Jackie) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Thomas)

Dorothy Fletcher's House
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Tony Fletcher

1708128574200.pngTony hadn't been in the best of moods for a day or so after Marco's confession. It had weighed heavy on him as he questioned how he was going to ensure the truth about him killing Chares never came out. To ease his own mind for the time-being, he'd kept Marco assigned to working at the pub only. He figured keeping him assigned on Fletcher property would cut out the possibility of Marco crossing paths with any Walkers and losing his cool in front of them.

The job Sully and Rory were on could have gone better. Whilst they succeeded at sending a strong warning Mick's way, them getting dragged into a van and made to sit before Robert wasn't what he would call a win, even if they both did make it out unharmed. Tony hadn't seen Rory whilst he'd been out of his bad mood, so he had yet to tease her about getting caught and having to grovel to Robert. Regardless of no grovelling actually taking place, he knew saying it had would push his sister's buttons.

With the afternoon free of any work plans, Tony had planned to pay his mother a visit. They hadn't seen as much of each other lately and he wanted to change that, especially as his promise to look after their family extended beyond his siblings to his dear mother too. To put her mind at ease in case she'd heard about his brother and sister getting dragged in front of Robert, he decided to bring Sully along with him. Besides, he was sure seeing the two brothers forming a united front after Tony had resented him for some time for ditching them would please her.

As they walked towards Dorothy's house, Tony turned to Sully. "I'm still surprised you managed to get out of there in one piece. Did Robert at least try to bore you to death with some kind of lecture or threat? He pulls that shit with me, so it's only fair you get that treatment too." Tony smirked as he knocked on the door before pushing it open to let himself inside. "Not to worry. I'll give him plenty of chaos to complain about soon..." he commented.

When he located Dorothy, Tony approached her with his arms held out, pulling her in for a tight hug. "Lovely to see you, as always, Mum," he told her before releasing her from the embrace. "How are you doing on this fine Wednesday afternoon?" he asked. He then pointed between himself and Sully. "You remember this guy, right?" he teased - regardless of whether Dorothy and Sully had already caught up with each other since his brother returned.

"Shall I put the kettle on?" he offered, fancying himself a cup of tea.

Bellz Bellz (Dorothy) BeyondDandy BeyondDandy (Sully)

The Platinum Lounge - Office
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Robert Walker and Scott Ashworth

1708128589172.pngAfter opening up to Caroline about his grief over Charles, Robert had found his wife had softened towards him. Granted, it hadn't been 24 hours since, but last night and this morning she had been much happier and warmer towards him. Robert had felt much better with some of the wall between them been broken down. The holiday they'd booked for January hadn't simply been to cheer up Caroline but he wanted to spend the time away with her to make sure she knew how much he loved her. Granted, he couldn't deny the feelings that had stirred back up for Dorothy. It didn't mean his feelings for Caroline weren't genuine, more that he was torn in two. He knew it was greedy, but his feelings for Dorothy were very real and very difficult to ignore... even if he were to try!

Robert had dropped Caroline off at home so he could attend to business. With Alfie required to take on more responsibility, Robert needed to give his son some guidance and get him to take on more tasks. He'd told Alfie to meet him at the Platinum Lounge as the first matter of the afternoon was one he was happy for his son to sit in on.

In an ideal world, Robert wouldn't have had to involve his business in the drugs trade, but he knew it was a direction they had to monopolise on if they were to maintain and even strengthen their hold on the city. With Charles gone, he'd tasked Scott with seeking out further opportunities and ensuring any competition was taken out of the picture. That had included staking out the Fletchers to get a handle on the full supply chain of a trade Tony had somehow managed to run effectively. Of course, Scott's employee, Mick, had managed to make quite a shambles of that. Not only being rumbled by Fletcher's street rats, but he'd managed to lead them straight to his doorstep - literally. The outcome of that had been Sully and Rory showing up at Mick's house a few days ago. Whilst Robert had let the two siblings walk away unharmed, it didn't mean he was happy about it. But much of his frustration was directed at Mick, which fed up the chain to Scott, the man who who brought him in on the gig to begin with.

As manager of the Platinum Lounge, it was Scott who usually took the commanding seat at his desk. However, with Robert already in that seat, Scott had found himself sat on the other side of the desk, with Alfie to his right. Given that Robert owned the club, it wasn't like he had any room to argue. In fact, he had no place to question it. Instead, he listened as Robert lectured him on the mess surrounding Mick. He was sure he would just have to go off and tell the big jackass to get his head into gear; avoid any more mistakes.

"I don't want Mick involved in anything this important. He's best put to use on security work," Robert firmly told Scott.

"He won't like that. Mick just got out of doing that--" Scott began, but stopped as Robert held his hand out to silence him.

"Scott. I wouldn't trust that man to water my plants. If he doesn't like the choice I've given him, then you come back and tell me. He won't like the other option, but he'll be out of everyone's hair if it comes to it."

Scott nodded his head in understanding. In reality, Mick meant nothing to him. He was more irritated by being told what to do when he felt he had everything under control. "I'll be sure to inform him about his new role," Scott confirmed, flashing a smile. He still found it hard to understand that the free-spirited Diana was Robert's daughter. Before he could let his thoughts wander to the subject of his boss' attractive daughter, he sat up straight and maintained a serious expression. "Is that everything?" Scott asked, briefly looking to Alfie.

"Not quite," Robert told him. "You've got a lot to focus on with managing this club. Not to mention managing the women you have on your payroll," he began, referring to the prostitutes. "I want you to focus on those now. Alfie, I'm putting you in charge of managing the drugs from now on. Charles had controlled it before he died and now it falls to you to lead on it."

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Alfie)

Gatsby's Restaurant
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Beth Henderson

Beth had spent the morning at her parents' house catching up with her mother. It had been going quite well, even hearing about her father's campaigns and who he'd been schmoozing with lately. When the conversation eventually moved onto herself, with her mother being nosy about her love life - or more accurately, lack of - Beth suddenly lost the will to live. Hearing about the dull men her parents thought were respectable enough to date her made Beth's mind wander to Jackie Walker. That man was trouble and she could see that from a mile away. Yet, the more her parents nagged, the more tempting it was to entertain the idea of flirting with Jackie. It helped that he was attractive and more interesting than the men her parents crossed paths with. But his dangerous background and erratic nature did plant at least a little doubt in her.

Beth started work later in the afternoon, wanting to be around for the evening shift. As was often the case, it was was a quiet Wednesday afternoon, with most people coming to the restaurant for lighter bites or just drinks. She knew once the evening got underway the restaurant would undergo a drastic change and have her team rushed off their feet. For now, she could savour the calm before the storm.

As she stood at the bar checking the diary for the evening's bookings, she became aware of the four men occupying the table in the distance. Looking away from the book and towards the source of the male laughter, she observed the group. Something was familiar about the laugh of one man. Only able to see the faces of two unfamiliar men, with the others' having their backs to her, she couldn't quite figure out whose laugh rang bells with her, or why.

Beth snapped out of her thoughts when a fellow blonde woman entered the restaurant. With a friendly smile on her face, she walked towards Bonnie to greet het. "Welcome. How are you doing?" she politely asked. "Would you like a table," she began, motioning to the main dining area, "or would you like to sit at the bar?" she asked.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Bonnie)

Aston Auto Repairs
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Jennifer Murray

The loud music could be heard from outside the repair shop as Jennifer listened to 'Paranoid' by Black Sabbath on one of the highest volumes the stereo could hit. Despite the loud music, the young man was extremely focused as she made the finishing touches to the respray of the red motorbike. It belonged to one of the Fletcher gang members who had managed to scrape the paintwork when speeding away from what she had no doubt was a crime scene. Whilst she was fully aware of what the Fletchers' business really entailed, she liked to know as little as possible if any of the vehicles she was fixing up had been involved in any lawbreaking. There was no chance of the truth being dragged out of her that way.

Just as she removed her face mask and stood up to admire her handywork, the room fell into a sudden silence as the radio was unexpectedly switched off. "Julia--" she began, expecting to see Julia as Tony had asked her to replace the tyres his wife's car that afternoon. However, when she turned around, she was surprised to see the policeman standing behind her. She frowned at him as she dragged the gloves off of her hands and tossed them on the nearby workbench. "Office Barton. What's the problem?" she asked, her tone reflecting just how little his presence was welcomed. It didn't happen too often these days, but there were still some coppers who had it in for Jennifer. It was through no fault of her own, but after her father had killed an on-duty police offer ten years ago, her family name was like dirt around the local police force. Many had moved on since their colleague had been killed, but the odd few still lingered.

"How's Malcolm?" Office Barton asked about her incarcerated father. "Still clinging on in jail, I hear?"

"You heard right," Jennifer simply replied. "What do you want? I don't fix up cop cars."

Barton laughed as he circled the bike she'd just finished respraying. "I wouldn't trust you around my cars. Sure, what do women know about motors anyway?" he teased, chuckling to myself. Without warning, he grabbed wrench from the workbench and scraped the metal tool along the the side of the motorbike, the sound of the scratching metal hard to miss. The fresh paint job now royally ruined. He then swung his arm and smashed the front headlight with the end of the tool. "See what I mean? You're a liability."

"Well, that was a whole lot of stupid," Jennifer commented as she defiantly folded her arms. Whilst her heart was racing in her chest, she had no intention of letting the man think she was intimidated. She knew she just needed to stand her ground and let the Fletchers deal with him later. She just had to ride it out.

"Who do you think you're talking to?!" he asked, his tone threatening as he took a step towards her and continued to tightly grip the wrench in his hand.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Julia)

Active Cast: Misty Gray Misty Gray BasDorcha BasDorcha Bellz Bellz BeyondDandy BeyondDandy neverbackdown neverbackdown @purplecowdutch ReverseTex ReverseTex
Last edited:
Dorothy Fletcher's House
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Dorothy Fletcher

Living alone wasn’t as lonely as some people made it out to be. By night she was the matriarch of the Fletcher family, but by day, Dorothy was an interior decorator. She often found herself hosting parties for people who wanted to show off their products which ranged from wall paint, furniture, rugs…basically, anything that went into interior home decorating. The parties were an idea she came up with, people could dine, wine and if they were just the right amount of drunk…they would buy. It was a business that made her a lot of money, legal money. It was different from the living the rest of the family wanted to make for themselves but…she always liked being different. She always liked earning her way, like her parents taught her.

After quite a wild night of wining and dining guests, today she was putting on her matriarch and mom hat once more, having baked some cookies for her sons who were probably way too old to be excited over baked goods…but she didn’t care. It made the house smell good. Thinking back to everything happening...it was troubling that Sully and Rory were getting themselves caught up in trouble. Sully hadn’t been involved in the crime, hadn’t been interested and suddenly he was getting into trouble. Dorothy wanted to say a lot…but couldn’t, knowing it would give her position in all of this away.

As she had been sticking the fresh chocolate chip cookies onto a plate, her mind went back to her conversation with Robert at the restaurant. His eyes still etched in her mind, remember how he had been looking at her. Dorothy had been working hard to remind herself that what they had (which wasn’t anything at this point) was over, but she was a stubborn person…annoyingly enough. It was probably what kept her going in their relationship was the stubbornness well and the way he made her feel. Norman hadn’t even- Dorothy slammed the spatula she had been using down on the counter slapping the thought down with it. Norman was good to her. But he’d managed to get himself in jail…for life. Sighing, she moved the plate to the corner table in the kitchen where the sun shined the most. It was where she did her best thinking, and had the deepest conversations when family or friends were over.

There was a lot of unresolved bitterness there that she couldn’t deny over Norman. While she could surround herself with work and convince herself that living alone wasn’t as lonely as it seemed…the house was always quiet at night these days. Hearing a knock on the door, Dorothy didn’t waste her time with such thoughts any further and forced a smile on her face. Some of her children were here and she was excited to see them. They always saved her from the quiet, even if they drove her nuts with their antics.

Seeing Tony and Sully appear in the doorway of the kitchen, her forced smile grew more natural, "Boys!" Dorothy moved to hug Tony in return, giving him a tight squeeze before kissing his cheek. "Handsome as always, I’m doing just fine. " She hummed at her eldest son before he commented on remembering Sully. The older woman brunette rolled her eyes, "I’m not that old, Anthony!" She said before hugging Sully lightly, kissing his cheek with a smile. "Just as handsome, you know. I don’t want to take full responsibility for you kids but…your dad isn’t the pretty one." Dorothy teased with a laugh before pointing to the table,"Sully, my dear, I made these cookies special for you. On the table! Don’t let Tony eat them all…because he will, trust me."

Tony mentioned putting on the kettle and Dorothy nodded her head, "That would be lovely, then come sit by the corner table over here. The sun is out even if it is dreadfully cold." Once the kettle was on, the brunette looked between her two sons, her smile fading only slightly as she calmed. "It’s not every day I get to see you two together, what’s the occasion?"
with: Sully BeyondDandy BeyondDandy ; Tony Misty Gray Misty Gray
mentions: Senor Roberto Misty Gray Misty Gray
Streets- Gatsby's Restaurant
Birmingham, England
In scene: Misty Gray Misty Gray

Bonnie Moody

Despite the horrendously inappropriate start to Bonnie’s first day, the shift ran smoothly as did her subsequent ones. The girls were warming up to her thankfully and she to them. Yesterday she went as far as to pick up a box of pastries from a local Moroccan bakery she found to keep in the back for the girls to snack on as they pleased. She also explained to them her time there as a bonus treat: a popular anecdote they all seemed interested in. The responsibilities weren’t demanding and telling off drunken men was a skill she had down to a science. The pay was tremendous, paying off a few month’s rent in advance with the bonus while saving the rest for her own place and personal expenses. There was one problem: Alfie Walker.

She played nice following the collision the two had, too scared to get close again yet craving more. It was an evil fine line- temptation and sin pinned against responsibility and respect. He seemed to respect the distance for the most part, however, that didn’t stop the wavering glances and magnetic attraction like she hoped…

Bonnie was off this evening for the first night in her stint as Madame of the House, her roommate being in the flat this afternoon and evening with a date meant she needed to stay out. What better time to explore the city? The Vixen bartender, whose name she couldn’t place yet, recommended a bistro called Gatsby’s. She had immediately giggled, thinking of the wretched book her tutor made her read, wanting to check it out as soon as she could. It was simple enough to find, entering as quickly as she could to escape the cold, and took notice of the place. It was rather empty for the time of day, but by the stock at the bar and the overall size, she could infer it would get crowded later. The sudden laughter from a group of men made her glance in their direction, her gut urging her to avoid them, she then turned her attention to a woman. She was pretty and friendly yet carried herself with poise. Her mother or father might think of her as a ‘southern doll’ if the apparent Birmingham accent hadn’t suggested otherwise.

I can get cozy at the bar, thank you,” Bonnie replied. She didn’t waste her time veering from the men, wanting to minimize the time her back was facing them. Once she found a seat that suited her just fine, she made herself cozy as the woman came around the bar. “Before you ask, the accent is Texan,” she said abruptly. “I’m Bonnie, Bonnie from everywhere and nowhere and now Birmingham,” she extended a gentle hand to the woman as she introduced herself. “I’ll take a light beer if you’ve got anything on tap. Not any of that dry Guinness shit you British people like.
Dorothy Fletcher’s Home
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Having kept his meeting with Robert secret, Sully knew there would be speculations about what had occurred that night. News of his capture spread through the Fletchers like a wildfire. Everyone in the organization knew. What lacked answers were how he and Rory managed to escape from Robert’s grip. Questions to which Sully forged answers to.

He smirked at Tony’s remark about Robert as the brothers approached their mother’s home. “He wants us to find out who killed Charles. Said it’d be best if we were all out here lookin,” Sully put simply, not trying to dig himself deeper into lies.

Tony had no reason to suspect anything had happened that night - especially a deal between he and Robert. Sully decided to use the information he knew to create a believable depiction of the events. There was a fine line he needed to navigate between lies and truths if he wanted his plan to work. Getting his family out of the shadow of their father was the only way to save them from an inevitable fall. After all, Fletchers didn’t fall gracefully.

The duo approached heir mothers doorsteps. Tony knocked and entered soon after. Sully followed close behind, shutting the door behind and escaping the cold. He missed his mother and her infectious smile. He couldn’t hide the one that escaped him as she embraced Tony. He could sense the joy that filled the empty room when company packed it. Their mother must have been lonely all this time. Sully couldn’t help but feel guilty.

It was his turn next. He stepped forward and hugged her tightly, squeezing her in his arms. “Hey mum,” he said softly as his cheek dug into her shoulder and deeper into her embrace. He didn’t want to let go, but inevitably did and moved towards the cookies she motioned him towards.

“Thank you, they look delicious!” Sully sat down and scoffed down one of the treats before Tony had a chance. His eyes shot open and he hummed as he chewed to express how tasty the cookies were.

To his moms question, Sully looked to Tony. He wasn’t sure why they were there, but couldn’t help but feel it wasn’t a simple wellness check. Tony didn’t work that way. Every move had an intention, visiting their lovely mother must’ve had one too.

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Bellz Bellz
Walker Residence
~Edgbaston, Birmingham, Englad~

Dean Walters
The time had slipped away like water through his fingers. How long had it been? Two decades. Two decades since he had seen or talked to Robert or Caroline. As he stood outside the house, his hands in his pockets, he examined the door as if it might move to attack him. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous to be here, except that he had left a lot of baggage on his way out. Things with Richard had not ended on the best note but he wanted to fix it, he wanted his old friends and family back. For the last twenty years he had been busy working and building his life in London, pretending his past had not existed. He had grown his company, starting his own private eye investigative firm, found a wife and married her, even had a kid.

But things had changed. He had changed. The new Dean wanted to make things right, to tell Rich the truth, to have his brother in arms and adopted sister back. He had not made the best choices over the last few decades. He had been a scared boy in fact, running away from his troubles like running away ever solved anything. He had deliberately hurt those he loved because he saw no other way to protect them. He knew better now. A warm smile fell on his lips as he thought about his lovely wife and how she had changed him, embraced him, loved him despite all the things that society said was wrong. She had shown him a new way to be and was eternally grateful for it. In a world still so backwards as to outlaw love, she had been a breath of fresh air, a reprieve from the stigma, a blessing he had never known he needed.

For a few weeks now they had been back in Birmingham and she had asked Dean if he'd made time to see Rich, Rob and Caroline but Dean had put it off, talking about needing to get his newest location in order - which he had done over and over and over until he had literally been shoved out the door by his newest receptionist saying they had it under control. When he had wandered home, his wife had essentially done the same, telling him to get out so she could set up the house and to go start his amends and to quit putting them off. It had been easy showing up at Richards place because it didn't take a genius to realize no one was home. After knocking and waiting a few minutes, he left, deciding it would be better to try Robert's place. The drive hadn't been quite as long as he had hoped and now he stood outside, struggling to find the courage to walk up to the door.

Finally steadying himself and deciding to stop bullshitting around, he walked up and knocked a loud, resounding knock that made the house almost feel empty. As he stood there, hands shoved in his pockets again, he turned and put his back to the door, examining the road. Some things changed, but others never did. Robert definitely lived a life of luxury. When the sound of heels on wood started faintly then grew louder, he knew without a doubt who would be answering the door. He turned, a grin on his face that came on in an instant without him realizing it. Just as the door opened, he flashed that smile at her and turned fully around, leaned his weight fully on one leg as his left hand pulled from his pocket and shoved through his hair.

"Caroline Walker." He said, nodding and grinning broader at her comment. "It has indeed been a very long time. A time that has treated you well I see. You're as beautiful as ever, Care." He hugged her back, squeezing tightly as both arms came around her and lifted her up an inch or so off the floor before putting her back down and releasing her. He couldn't help the laugh that bubbled past his lips as she demanded him to come in and explain where he had been hiding the last two decades or so. He accepted the invite and slid past her into the house, looking around. It screamed of decadence and poshness. "No, I still fly from time to time, just not as much as I use to. Pay's much better though, I'll tell you that." He winked.

"I haven't seen Richard yet, no… Went there first but he wasn't home. Thought I'd come see if you guys were all together here. Since you're not, do you know where he is? We could take our hot drink on the road, grab a coffee to go, and go see him." He offered, nodding his head back towards the door and his very nice new car sitting outside.
University of Birmingham
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -

Caroline Walker

Caroline pursed her lips together when Dean informed her he hadn't seen Richard yet. That meant the two men hadn't yet caught up and Dean's apparent marriage had still to come to light. She had a feeling this was going to be a long day. Able to maintain a good poker face, she managed to look relaxed and smile along as Dean explained he'd come to her house to see if Richard was with her. "Well, it's a weekday afternoon. Unless he's living a double life, I would assume he's at work teaching the future's brightest minds," she drily remarked. "It's the same job he had five years ago... when you last graced him with your communication," she knowingly added.

Having got a little of what was on her mind out of her system, she managed to regain her warm smile for Dean. "Coffee to go sounds wonderful," she agreed. "I'll call the University and give him a heads up we're on our way over."


The University wasn't far from the Walker residence, so it didn't take long at all to get there. As they walked through the corridors, Caroline was once again reminded of another life she'd intended for herself back when she was a teenager. The life where she would have studied and gone on to have a career of her own. That same life Robert stumbled into when he couldn't find his way around the City of London. At her worst, she wished she'd just let the idiot stay lost that day. But really, she wouldn't have changed the path she ended up on, not at the cost of the five children she went on to have. She was just glad her daughters had been given the encouragement to go to University, even if only Felicity went through with it.

Helen had shown Caroline and Dean to Richard's office before leaving them alone. Caroline walked to the window and looked out onto the grounds, seeing the clear view of the clock tower. "Richard is being spoiled with this view, isn't he?" she lightly commented. She then turned away from the window and sat herself in Richard's chair, rather than one of the two that remained empty at the other side of the desk. She waited for Dean to sit across from her before relaxing back in her seat. "I think I could have been a good teacher," she commented. "Or a lecturer. I'm good at giving lectures," she added, maintaining a smile as she studied Dean for a moment.

"I'll never repeat this in public, but I'm glad you're here, Dean," she told him. Sitting forward, she clasped her hands together on the desk. "But why are you here now? And who's the lucky lady?" she asked, pointing to the ring on his finger.

Before Dean could even answer the questions that had been playing on Caroline's mind since the moment she let him in her house, the door was pushed open and Richard entered the office. Part of the reason Caroline had opted to sit in the man's seat was so she was facing him when he entered the room. "Richard!" she greeted him, placing her hands on the desk as she stood up from the chair. "You have a visitor," she said, motioning to Dean. Not in rush to move between the two men, she remained where she was for the moment.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
Last edited:
The University of Birmingham
- Birmingham, England -
- Wednesday 29th November 1975 -
BasDorcha BasDorcha , Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley
The lecture hall sat in complete silence, the occasional scratch of a pencil or eraser cutting the tension. It was exam day for his sections, which unfortunately meant additional work on Richard’s end on top of gala preparation. There was more anxiety lingering in the room than usual for the first test, he wasn’t quite sure why that was. Maybe there was stress in other courses, or perhaps it was a tense day for everyone. Regardless of the cause he did his best to ignore it. He had found a stray chair in the hall and set it up on the stage, seated with his legs crossed, reading a book. His cooking timer from home sat atop his briefcase, slowly ticking away, almost time for it to ring. At first, he was reading its contents, an analysis of French diplomacy during the Napoleonic era, until he started processing his conversations with Robert and Caroline. As much as he enjoyed pestering Caroline, it was hard to take his brother’s side in this particular matter. In a way, the entire conflict that loomed over the family was Robert’s fault, but he knew Norman and Tony weren’t innocent by any means…

The shrill ring from the timer sent it tumbling down next to his planted foot, the sudden sound jumping the room to attention. Richard quickly clicked it back into place, killing the annoying sound, while the students began to file up toward him with their exams. “Make sure you lot put your name on the cover please, if there’s not a name it’s going in the bin,” he called to the line. As each student handed in their exam, he began to stack the pile on his lap. Once the last one was in, he gave a smile and nod to the student, then made his way to pack his things. “...Excuse me, Professor Finley,” a timid girl’s voice called. At this point, his briefcase was packed and he was pulling his blazer off the chair to slide back on. He turned around to see a student, her name was Kate if he remembered correctly, clutching her book bag tightly. “Yes, dear?” He replied as he grabbed his briefcase. “Umm… How much will the exam count toward our overall mark?” He knew where this conversation was going, so he was quick with a comforting smile. “Let’s walk and talk, I've got to get back to my office,” he said as he ushered the girl along with him. As the pair left the lecture hall and out of the building in general, the nippy November air snapping him to attention, he made sure to slow his walk to fit her speed as he spoke. “You did well on your paper, I thought you made excellent points regarding Athenian logic with the war. You just need to work on your citation. You can’t take what Pericles said and make it your own dear, despite how well he said it.” Kate nodded, “Yes sir, I didn’t mean to do it. It’s just that this course has been a lot this term… I didn’t have the time to study for this exam as much as I’d like. I know a good deal of other people felt the same.” Richard nodded, careful to not demean her concerns, “And that’s important for me to know. In the future, I can be more in tune with the academic calendar, however, you need to learn time management. Uni is the time for you to do that, I wouldn’t assign anything I didn’t expect every student to be capable of.” The two turned past a large crowd of students, the history department offices in his line of sight, and then he continued. “To answer your original question, the exam is only 25% of your overall grade. The term exam is the next 25%, the paper is 15%, and participation and attendance is the remainder. You’ll be fine Kate, now pop off and enjoy your evening.” The girl nodded, thanked him for his time, and scuttled off amongst the traffic of students.

The conversation certainly set his work timeline off-schedule, he had planned to revise an estimate Felicity had faxed to his office this morning before starting grading. He glanced briefly at his watch while waiting in the elevator, he was very behind schedule. The elevator ring cued him to automatically exit, his autopilot taking over to get him to his office. “Dr. Finley… Dr. Finley,” whoever called Richard’s name snapped him from thought. Helen, the department secretary, flagged him over. “You have two visitors in your office, sir, they said they’re family? A woman and a gentleman. I tried to ring your office because I thought you were in by now, but I suppose you weren't. She called me around an half hour ago while you were in a lecture with a message to say they’d be stopping by. I hope you don’t mind if I let them back. You’ve got such a nice view of the quad I figured it was better than the front office.” It took him a moment to catch up to Helen’s rapid-fire information relay, it was certainly odd for him to have visitors. It must be Robert and Caroline. “You’re quite alright Helen, thank you for trying to track me down. Apologies I was rather difficult to find,” he smiled. The older woman returned the smile and returned to her work. With that, Richard made his way back to his office. It was rather simple compared to his home office, his various books and reference sources the only major decor behind his rudimentary desk. The window that Helen had mentioned was rather nice, it took up the wall to the left of his desk and faced the entire quad and clock tower. Two wooden chairs were always propped across his desk, in case any students needed to stop by for tutorials. He couldn’t remember how much of a mess he left behind on his desk, so he quickly called in as he turned the handle to his office office. “Apologies to…

Dean Walters. Richard stopped dead in his tracks, his heart immediately dropping in its chest. The rugged ghost sat before him as if he’d belonged there the entire time, across from Caroline. Only days ago he wished a drunkard dream that his friend would be here, a wish he wasn't sure he wanted granted. Caroline was quick to greet him, snapping him out of his head only for a moment to peck her cheek. Age had been kind to his dear friend from a physical standpoint, the same couldn't be proven emotionally... He wasn’t sure how long he stood at the door, but he knew it was likely an inappropriate amount of time. He needed to snap out of it. “The ghost himself, and whatever you are at the moment Caroline, dear,” he jested as he slung his briefcase to the side of his desk. Mock teacher or bomb diffuser, Caroline had the potential to be both at the moment. “Sorry I kept you lot waiting for so long, I was administering an exam then had to encourage a poor girl who thinks she’ll fail. She's quite bright, too in her head about things for her good." Richard wasn't sure how to appropriately greet Dean, he felt like a little boy all over again. To please Caroline, he simply extended his hand to Dean. Once he grabbed it, he placed his other hand and shook it gently between his own. More intimate than a handshake, but not deserving of a hug where things stood between them.

Once Caroline shifted to the other side of the desk, Richard took up his seat across from them. He tried to make himself comfortable, the uncomfortable heat from Caroline coupled with the lump in his throat was growing by the minute. Dean Walters. Here right now. A quick once-over sent another dagger into him: Dean was wearing a wedding band. A sudden rush of nausea ran over him and it took every fiber in his being to push it down…He immediately regretted telling her about Dean. Maybe she was here with good intent, or maybe she wanted to see him squirm. Either way, she hadn’t a clue what decades-old beast she unearthed. What was said all those years ago started to resurface when he briefly locked eyes with Dean. It was easier to remember the bad times when he had to face him in the flesh, rather than focus on the idealized moments he clung to to hide the heartache... He had choice words for the pair of them, but ones he couldn’t say at work. Richard needed to remain level-headed and as normal as he could be. Caroline's presence helped ground him oddly enough, acting as an anchor to his current life rather than letting him sink into the past. “I can’t help but find it ironic that the two people I know who hate academia the most are sitting in my office.” It took all his will to get any words out at all, so the tone that trailed along couldn’t be helped. "I suppose I should be thanking you, Dean, it takes a good deal to get Caroline out and about for free." Richard couldn't hear the words he spoke leave his head, the sound of his heartbeat drowned out any cohesive thought. He probably looked like a mess, shaking and stammering. But that was in his head. "Jokes aside, what brings you lot in today?" The first crack in his exterior slipped, as his voice cracked from the stress he held within. Richard wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer or not.
Dorothy Fletcher's House
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Tony Fletcher

Even though they lived relatively close by, Tony hadn't visited his mother as much as he would have liked lately. He knew he should try to see her more often, especially with his dad in prison and her living alone. She at least seemed happy on the outside, finding humour in his comments as he expected she would. He watched on as she greeted Sully. Tony's greeting a few weeks ago had been less positive and though they were in a good enough place now, there was still a small amount of residual bitterness for his brother staying gone for as long as he had.

Snapping out of those thoughts, Tony smirked when Dorothy took credit for her kids' good looks. "I'm sure Dave from across the road would agree," he teased, referring to one of their neighbours who was 15 years youngers than Dorothy but had made no secret of finding her attractive.

With mention of cookies, Tony playfully wiggled his eyebrows, only to pull an exaggerated frown when she claimed he would eat all of the cookies if Sully didn't get in first. "That's favouritism," he pouted.

Leaving the two to go sit at the table, Tony set about boiling the kettle before making Dorothy and Sully their requested drinks. Once sorted and served, he joined them both at the table with his own cup of tea. "Alright. Time for one of these beauties," he commented as he reached to take a cookie from the plate. Barely finishing his first bite, he nodded in approval. Once him mouth was empty, he pointed to Dorothy. "You're a saint. These are spot on," he complimented her baking.

Dorothy soon asked what the purpose of their visit was. "Can't two brothers visit their Mum without reason or occasion?" he asked, feigning offence. Still, his expression did turn more serious as he thought about the many things on his mind. One such matter having been mentioned by Sully before they entered the house - helping Robert find who killed Charles.

"I came here to see you so we could have a catch up," he assured Dorothy. "But I did have some things I needed to share too. Sully already knows a bit of it, but you need to know too. Even if you don't want any part in the business you still need to be careful," he told his mother. "I've had Robert on my back again about who killed Charles, about setting boundaries, and the rest of it. Fact is. I don't care about Charles... the only people that care who killed him are the rest of the Walkers, so I have zero intention of helping Robert. Nor do I intend on going along with his rules and boundaries. The Walkers are distracted right now and I'm going to take advantage of it. They won't have time to micromanage our family when I see to it their business is thrown into chaos and they're left chasing their tails." Tony glanced to Sully, knowing his brother had already completed one job for the gang, when he and Rory visited Mick. But Dorothy wasn't involved and she still needed to be aware. "Obviously, Robert won't like it and he'll come straight for us. So I just wanted to warn you to be careful, Mum. And I can see to it you're not alone here, just in case... All we have to do is ride it out, take them down, and then the Fletchers will be running this show. Just as Dad would want."

Bellz Bellz (Dorothy) BeyondDandy BeyondDandy (Sully)
The Platinum Lounge - Office
~Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England~

Alfie Walker
The last five days had been something else. Alfie found himself thinking about Bonnie May every time his mind tried to slip away from whatever he was focusing on. That kiss had destroyed every moment of his waking mind since it happened. The night had gotten full and eventful within the hour and thankfully distracted him enough to get through the evening, but by the time he went home to his quiet flat and was all alone, it was back on his mind. The feel of her skin against his hands, her lips against his, their bodies touching intimately but with layers between them, it made him groan again just thinking about it. A cold shower rushed it away before he went to bed frustrated and forced to relive the memory in his dreams. When he woke up the next morning, he needed another cold shower just to get moving.

The days after that ran together. It was a busy season for work, plus he was spending more time in the family business than he had his entire life. When he was at work, it was obvious that Bonnie May had been avoiding him, throwing herself entirely into learning every aspect of her role, the girls, and her responsibilities and he had to say he was impressed. She acted as if she had been there and trained for it all her life. The girls were taking to her like kids to candy, eager to have a woman to deal with more of their issues that he could never understand fully, and just enjoying breaking in the new manager like any one would. On the several occasions they had run into each other, it was an awkward dance step to avoid each other and lustful glances across the room, so much so that Alfie was constantly disappearing to his office out of frustration.

Three days ago he attempted to loose himself in one of his regular girls - mind you not one of his employees but one of the girls he saw from time to time. They'd gone out, had a few drinks, ended up back at her place where things went as they normally went, but when he'd left in the early morning he was no more satisfied or relieved than he had been when the night started. The girl, on the other hand, was passed out happily in her bed, unaware she had been used more than normal and left him completely uncontented. The rest of that day he'd been edgy, grumpy, snapping for no reason and locking himself away in the office to deal with the things he needed silence for. The one time he stepped out, Bonnie May had been passing by, sending certain body parts to immediate attention which in turn sent him growling and angry back to the office without accomplishing what he sat out to do.

Since then, Alfie had turned his focus to trying to do what his dad needed of him. Today that meant meeting at the Platinum Lounge. Glad to have a chance to get his mind off the club, he listened intently to his father chastising Scott as he sat to his right at the desk that Scott normally sat behind. It was common knowledge between the men here that Mick had been fucking about and dropped the metaphorical ball. He could see why his dad instantly decided to remove the man from that position. He could also tell Robert was giving a life or death ultimatum for the man if he chose to push back on the return to his old job.

What he wasn't expecting was his father to hand over the drug trade to him right off the bat. He carefully controlled his expression though he was thoroughly shocked. "Welp, if Charles can do it, so can I." He sat forward, elbows on his knees, and turned to Scott. "Maybe we should start with you filling me in on everything I need to know?" He gave the man a friendly smile, though there was a steely business feel lurking behind it, as if the boyish Alfie was hiding for now. It was time to step up and show his father he had this and could fill Charles shoes - at least to the best of his abilities. Looking at his father, he held his gaze for a moment, trying to judge the man, before looking back to Scott see how he was handling having a chunk of his current business removed and given over to the all but forgotten son, now in a place of favoritism because the original was deceased.

Clearing his throat, he looked around again. Would Scott kick off? Or would this go more simple? He wasn't sure he was ready to handle something quite so… well… Slimy, but he would do it and he would succeed, if only to prove that he could do one thing better than Charles - and that was survive.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Father Dearest / Scotty Boy
ReverseTex ReverseTex - (Mentioned) The Temptress
Gatsby's Restaurant
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Beth Henderson

With Bonnie requesting to sit at the bar, Beth placed a fresh beer mat down on the already clean and dry surface of the bar where the customer would be sitting. Beth picked up on the woman's accent, but didn't know enough about the United States to hazard guess of where exactly Bonnie was from. She was saved from asking when the other woman informed her she was from Texas. There was an abruptness to the way she told her, leaving Beth to simply assume Bonnie was tired of being asked about her accent. She smiled at the comment about her being from everywhere and nowhere. "I imagine Birmingham could be underwhelming if you're quite well-travelled," she commented. "From the many family holidays I've had, I can't pretend this city isn't lacking," she half-joked. "I'm Beth, by the way. Owner of this restaurant."

Bonnie requested a light beer, followed by a remark about Guinness. "I can assure you that's not to my taste either," she told her as she pulled the pump handle to fill the glass with beer. Placing the drink on a beer mat in front of Bonnie, she held her hand out for the cash. After opening the register and getting the woman's change, she placed the coins in her hand. "Between you and me, I'm convinced most people simply pretend to enjoy Guinness because they think it's the norm."

With the waiter taking his break, Beth was aware of the table of men who seemed to be getting louder. One of them caught her attention and waved his hand to beckon her over. "Hold that thought," she told Bonnie. The group had arrived at the restaurant before Beth's shift, so she hadn't checked them in to gather a first impression. However, what little she had seen made her conscious of their presence and their potential to become rowdy. When she approached the table, one of the men with his back to her kept his head down the whole time. She focused more on the one who had called her over as he asked for some dessert menus.

After fetching the man some menus, Beth returned behind the bar and continued her conversation with Bonnie. "So, what brings you to Birmingham? How long have you been in the city?" she curiously asked. She sent a couple more glances to the men seated in the distance, getting an unsettling feeling she couldn't quite pinpoint. "I've been to the US before, when I was younger, but never so far west. Just New York, Boston, Chicago... my father was always keen on visiting the cities rather than letting us all relax and have fun. I favour relaxing beaches myself. The sun doesn't come here often, so we have to seek it out elsewhere!"

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Bonnie)
Walker Residence
~Edgbaston, Birmingham, Englad~

Dean Walters
Dean didn't miss the sneaky barbs that Caroline threw at him, he just ignored them as if she never said them at all. Life had been… busy for the last five years. This was the thought crossing his mind as they'd entered the campus, distracting him from seeing how it looked until they were inside. It felt uncomfortable to be inside a school again. He had never particularly enjoyed school, just merely dealt with it and was glad to be done as fast as possible. Dean had always shown up for school simply so he would never be held back and half to do it again and stay even longer. As they entered Richard's office, Dean was surprised at how down to earth it looked. There was a scattering of papers and books, home work assignments and pens. It smelled like Rich, that was the next thing to hit him. He cleared his throat, once, twice, three times before gulping and finally moving past it.

By the time reality caught up with him, Caroline had positioned herself in Rich's chair and was watching him expectantly. He slid into the chair before him, casting one last glance around the office. He finally looked at her and smiled, nodding, "Yeah, you would have been. I've been to a few of those lectures, which I'm sure you remember." He laughed teasingly. He was just getting ready to look back towards the door, when Caroline started talking again. His head pivoted back to her inquisitively. Leave it to Caroline to get straight to the point. Just as he went to answer her though, the door behind him opened, and much like it had the day he last seen the man he loved, some sixth sense kicked in and he knew without looking that it was Richard as soon as the air from the swinging wood hit him.

Dean spun, looking up at Richard. They're eyes met and a long moment passed, how long he wasn't sure. It was nerve wracking and thrilling to see him again, all at the same time. For a second, he completely forgot Caroline was in the room and fought the immediate urge to rush him. Regardless of how he had imagined he'd react, none of it prepared him for this reaction. He listened quietly as Richard finally broke the silence and called him a ghost, to which he couldn't help a small crooked smile from forming. He turned slowly back towards the desk, watching as Richard moved closer. He reached out, gripping his hand and holding it longer than a normal handshake should last, before finally dropping it and returning to his seat.

"Yeah, well. If you want to see a princess, you gotta climb an ivory tower once in a while." Dean immediately teased without thinking. It felt natural and light, as conversation had always been so between them. It didn't matter than Rich was obviously not pleased to see him, Dean was delighted. It was a bubbling of happy emotions and the relief of decades of longing being lifted instantly. When Rich went on to joke about Caroline, he looked over and offered her a playful wink. "She practically jumped me. I didn't even have to beg."

A sense of relaxation came over him as he settled back into his seat, grinning at both of them. "I have just opened a new branch of my company in town… I wanted to come and see the old crew, let you know I was back in town. I seem to have quite a bit of making up to do for being gone on that old daily grind for so long. It's the first time I've had free since we got here, so I came straight out to find you lot, ran into Caroline first and she thought you'd be here so we came by." He went silent for a moment, his eyes landing on Rich and his voice going soft, and rough like gravel, speaking slow," You know, just old friends, checking in on each other." He wanted for Rich to look up, holding his gaze and unconsciously rolling his lips between his teeth. He suddenly had a lot more reasons for wanting to come by, plus he still needed to say sorry, but those plans were long gone and whatever happened, well it was going to happen anyways. He'd get around to the rest of it later. For now he just wanted to enjoy the moment.

ReverseTex ReverseTex - Lover Boy
Misty Gray Misty Gray - Third Wheel
The University of Birmingham
- Birmingham, England -
- Wednesday 29th November 1975 -
BasDorcha BasDorcha , Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley

Richard’s brain fogged over the answer Dean gave, something about a new section of the private eye firm, which made logical sense. What didn’t make sense was why he even came back at all. It certainly wasn’t out of character for Dean to go against the current, hell, that was part of the reason he loved Dean. But still, the curse he uttered on the porch all those years ago felt… Absolute. “If you abandon me today, Dean Walters, the next time I see you will be in Hell…” The entire fight left Richard in a poor state for the remainder of his graduation party night, only Caroline noticing his internal despair at his party. But he hid it well, amongst the alcohol and smiles, drowning out what hurt him the most. The sense of abandonment, of simply being unwanted by the only person he unequivocally loved. For what reason Caroline didn’t know then but now, years later, she could probably piece together the cause… As dearly as he loved Dean, God did he love him, he had years of rage to unleash.

Except there was one thing holding the rage back. Dean just bloody well being Dean. The immediate flirtation and banter like when they were young men surprised him immediately. It had been decades since he was openly so bold, before all the fighting and the loneliness. It was what he always wanted, growing old yet young at heart. And here Dean was, sitting right here before him as if that was what happened. Richard ran a nervous hand through his greying brown hair, “Forgive me, Dean, I'm delighted you’re here. You just caught me by surprise…” If only Achilles and Patroclus didn’t have to meet along the Styx. Watching Dean’s lips, his little unconscious idiosyncrasy, always made him melt inside. “Good to hear that business dragged you to Birmingham, Lord knows you’ll make good money around here with the current state of things,” he sighed. With the family rivalries ramping up, he felt sorry for what Dean was unknowingly about to sign up for.

The tension in the room hadn’t subsided amongst the three of them. He knew he was partially to blame, however, the setting didn’t help. “Why don’t we take this elsewhere? It’d be quite unfair of me to interrogate you in my office, that’s just setting you up for more academic trauma. My home office is suited for proper chastising,” he joked. The comment was for the both of them, but at the mention of his home office, his glance went straight to Dean. “There are plenty of pubs around campus, although we run the chance of running into a student. Tenure now, you missed that,” he jabbed. “So having a drink in public shouldn’t be a problem… Or we could head back to mine? I’ve got the necessary rations to keep us quenched. Just not your house Caroline. I’ve been over too much in the last week, one of which I barely remember.” He masked his plea in sarcasm, partially out of defense and for his peace of mind. If he had to walk up that drive today, with Dean, he’d hurl his guts up. “You make the call, Mr. Important, guest of honor,” he wanted to bite his tongue. The bitterness didn’t come naturally, yet Dean deserved it.

Once Dean made the decision, Caroline making no real fight against it, he nodded. “Good. We’re off then. Maybe next time, if you catch me not on an exam day, I can show you lot around.” Now that the decision to leave was final, he quickly grabbed his briefcase. He needed to add a few papers from his desk to his briefcase, regarding school and Walker business." Caroline, I'm behind on reading Felicity’s latest expense report. Let her know I’m sure I won’t get to it till the latter half of the week at this rate,” he nodded in Dean’s direction. His next move was to loosen his tie to tuck away inside as well. The immediate relief felt incredible, especially with the lump of anxiety lingering, he undid the topmost buttons of his shirt to have more of a causal feel. Even though the action itself only took a few seconds, he could feel Dean’s primal stare as he did so, sending goosebumps down his neck. Dean always had an issue with ties, Richard being the one to tie them for him. Hopefully, the lucky lady was able to keep him looking sharp… He bent down to open the bottommost drawer in his desk, removing a dark brown jumper he wore this morning. The blazer felt rather formal for their next adventure, plus he wanted to be limber in case he needed to have a go. “Can you fetch the elevator Caroline, i’ve got to lock up this old place,” he asked. He knew she wanted to keep them well-monitored for his own sake, but he needed to remind Dean before whatever this outing would be where he stood. As she stepped out, Dean also rose, making his way to the door. Richard immediately positioned himself in the door frame, his back to the outside of his office, locking Dean inside. While Dean always had the physical upper hand, he wasn’t looking for a fistfight. Words were his weapon of choice.

“You don’t get to show up after a decade and act like everything is ok. You can beg for my forgiveness later, once you understand half of what you missed.” He removed his blazer, helping him redirect some of his anger. “Like the death of Charles, mind you, a funeral you didn’t bother attending.” There was a small coat hook on the back of the door, which he hung his blazer on, before sliding the jumper over his dress shirt. He knew Caroline wouldn’t have brought that up with Dean on their trip here, plus he was looking to guilt trip his friend. If maybe he could make him feel half as bad as he felt that night… Once his head popped through, his hair astray, Richard’s cold stare met Dean’s yearning gaze. Things aren’t how they used to be, I’m not giving you the luxury of a hero’s welcome,” He cursed quietly, not wanting to raise an alarm to Caroline or any neighboring professors. The proximity between the men burned, wanting to sink into his lips yet also give him a bloody nose. He opted to slap Dean’s stubbled cheek gently, his long-standing show of affection, an act he’d longed to do for years. The physical connection was electric, igniting the passion he buried deep years ago. No matter how much anger he held, at the end of the day, Dean was the only person he’d cave in to.“Go on you sod, welcome home, dear,” he sighed as he moved aside to let Dean pass. As he followed his friend’s movement, as soon as Dean faced away from him he let a smile escape him. His love was certainly no longer lost.
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Streets- Gatsby's Restaurant
Birmingham, England
In scene: Misty Gray Misty Gray

Bonnie Moody

Bonnie instinctually tensed when Beth mentioned she was the owner of Gatsby’s. She was 0-2 with introducing herself to noteworthy people with a piss-poor attitude. So much for Southern manners… She watched Beth work around the barwell to fetch her drink, a task only a trained eye could appreciate. She didn’t waste her time or space, plus her pour left the right amount of foam at the top of her beer. A grateful nod and cash were ready for Beth when she was done. “Much appreciated,” she smiled, before taking a sip of her beer. Before she could say anything more, the owner rushed off to handle a table behind her. At first, she paid little mind to the sudden getaway. After working in hospitality, she was used to it. Only then when she was bored did she think to check the troublesome table near the entrance.

Once Beth returned, she made a mental note to keep an eye on the table as well. If not for her safety, but out of respect for a fellow hospitality worker. “Oh, I'm just getting settled. I left the States years ago and traveled a good chunk of northern Africa and the Mediterranean. Europe too, can’t leave her out of the mix,” she mentioned simply. It wasn’t that her travels weren’t exciting, people loved to show and tell, but she just wasn’t naturally that type of person. Somehow she always feared it would tie back to home and her folks would hunt her down again.

“I was a chief stew on a variety of yachts in the Med, so I love a good beach too.” She smiled, the genuine interaction starting to make her hopeful. Maybe Birmingham would be good for her. “I just tracked down a job in the city nearby at the Vixen, before you ask, no not a dancer. They call it Madame of the House here. Seems to be good work!” Her roommate had warned her the Walker family had a reputation around Birmingham, for better or for worse at times. Either way, she wasn’t afraid to be honest with this Beth woman. If she was recommended here by one of the girls, she had a feeling there wouldn’t be a problem with it.
The Platinum Lounge - Office
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Robert Walker

Scott would be lying if he said he was at all happy with Robert handing the drug operations over to Alfie. He'd worked with Charles on it for a while before the other man's death and had then continued to make progress over the last couple of months. As much as he liked Alfie, the man had coasted by under the radar, with little responsibility and being able to do as he pleased - usually spending his time chatting up women. So it was a kick in the teeth to have what he'd worked for handed over to Robert's son. Despite his deep dislike for the decision, Scott was an intelligent man and knew better than to question a man as powerful as Robert. "This club and the hookers. Got it," he confirmed, through gritted teeth.

Both Scott and Robert looked at Alfie as the man spoke to accept the new position. When asked to be filled in on everything he needed to know, Scott stared at him for a moment. He was now expected to hand over the leads, contacts and processes he'd worked tirelessly to learn. Yet again, he wasn't foolish enough to refuse. "Of course, yes. It'll take some time to get you up to speed," he told Alfie, glancing to Robert to see if the boss actually wanted him to go through it all now.

"Very well. You can both arrange a time to go over everything in private," Robert said, clearly not intending on it happening at this moment in time. He'd studied Scott throughout and he knew the man would have some resentment about losing part of his responsibilities. "Your father was always a good employee, Scott. A wise man who knew where he stood in this business," he commented, making it clear Scott should also know his place and to accept it. "Tell him to give me a call when you next see him. A catch up is long overdue. But for now, I need to speak with my son alone," he told Scott, prompting the man to leave the office.

"Of course," Scott simply replied as he got up from his seat. "We can arrange something when you get chance," he told Alfie, before turning away to exit the office and leave the two Walkers alone.

Once Scott was out of the room, Robert's only focus was on Alfie. "We'll discuss it in more depth soon. For us to get full control of all drugs operations in Birmingham, we need to take over Tony Fletchers hand in that business, and I may have someone on the inside to help on that front," he told him, his thoughts shifting to his recent conversation with Sully.

Sitting forward and clasping his hands together on the desk, Robert looked Alfie in the eyes. "First, I'd like to know about your recent employee at the strip club. Bonnie, I've been told... How much do you know about her and what does she know about our business?" he pointedly asked.

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Alfie)
Dorothy Fletcher's House
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Dorothy Fletcher

Dorothy was pleased with the reaction both of her son’s had to her cookies which she may have spent a little too long baking. Not like she had anything else to do with her time today. She enjoyed making food for her kids when they did manage to see her. "Have as many as you like boys." She said, "I’m glad all my hard work has paid off." Her smile remained genuine, eyes shining with sparkling adoration for the mere fact that her son’s came to visit her as she asked what brought them to her house. Even as Tony tried to give her the run around the smile never changed, though her eyes narrowed slightly as she shook her head, "Now, now, Tony. Don’t you think I know you a lot better than that by now? If I am wrong, then by all means, prove me wrong…" On cue with her words, her eldest son’s expression turned serious and Dorothy let her smile relax, looking between Tony and Sully now with curiosity now.

Still, his reassurances hinted at a desire to catch up, a notion Dorothy acknowledged with a nod, though she anticipated the inevitable "but" that would follow. And when it did, it hardly surprised her. Maintaining her silence, she listened as Tony mentioned there was information he needed to share, information Sully seemed to already possess. Dorothy glanced at her youngest son, trying to discern the direction of the conversation, her thoughts drifting back to her recent meeting with Robert. Despite his brief time in town, Sully appeared remarkably informed. She couldn't fault her children for their relentless involvement in their father's business, but it never ceased to puzzle her.

Tony cautioned her to be cautious, even if she preferred not to be involved in the family business. Dorothy released a practiced sigh, her gaze shifting to him, prepared to assert her independence, yet he persisted. None of it offered reassurance, confirming Dorothy's earlier apprehensions during her conversation with Robert. She realized persuading her son to step back would prove challenging.When he finished speaking saying that the Fletchers running the show would be what Norman would want…Dorothy let the silence hang there for a long moment. There was a few ways she could go about this conversation…discussion was difficult…she knew that Tony had his mind set, and with Sully right next to him, she was sure that they were ready to work together on this little plan. That was now two kids she had to worry about losing.

She reached for her tea, her hands trembling slightly as she gazed into the cup, her brow knitting together in deep thought. "He’s locked in there for life…" Her voice wavered with emotion, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I understand you boys think you've planned this out, but… Tony, Sully. Do you realize it's not as simple as you're making it sound?" Dorothy's voice cracked as she raised her gaze from her cup, tears now streaming down her cheeks. "I'm not concerned about myself. It's you kids I worry about, every single day. I'm not saying I sympathize with Robert, but I can't bear the thought of losing a child like that bastard did. I can't bear the idea of losing any of you! Whether to death or a life behind bars."

She hoped that by revealing the depth of her distress, she might dissuade them. It wasn't often she displayed such vulnerability, but desperate times called for a different approach.
with: Tony Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Sully BeyondDandy BeyondDandy
The Red Lion Pub
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Rory Fletcher
"Read 'em and weep boys" Rory grinned as she revealed her winning hand "If only we were paying for cash, I wouldn't have to work here anymore" she muttered thoughtfully in a teasing tone as she placed her cards down on the bar and walked over to the till as a customer approached.

The weekday shift was essentially the "grave yard" shift where only a few locals who couldn't hold a job were present. Not that she judged them of course, they were customers and in general terms Rory tended to get on well with the usual people that were here, she found solace at times with the old men who loved a pint and a bet as after all she did spend a lot of time around them.

Whilst she was glad that Marco and Sammy were here for the company, she couldn't help but feel that they were here to keep an eye on her and make sure she stayed out of trouble. She hadn't seen Tony since the events of the previous night but she had no doubt that he had been told, whether it was by Sully or some little rat that worked for the family, Tony knew everything and this felt like his doing.

As she walked back beside Marco he nudged her and Rory smirked in response. "Ah sure he was eyeing her up too weren't ya brother" she teased with a playful tone to her voice. "You should clear their table maybe she left her number for ya" she wiggled her eyebrows at him before a small chuckle escaped her lips at her brothers expression.

As Marco mentioned the previous night, Rory sighed as she bit her lip. "I've honestly no idea" she admitted as her hand subconsciously went to the bruise on her cheek that the idiot Mick had given her, she just hoped that he spotted some sort of injury from the blow to his nose. Shrugging her shoulders Rory leaned against the bar "When they figured out who we were I honestly thought we were gonna be killed but then Sully asked to be taken to Robert and the next thing I know we're walking out of the place alive with our guns. He wouldn't tell me what happened just that it was sorted so I don't know what happened".

She looked over Sammy and Marco as she spoke taking in their reactions to what had happened, while she had decided to let Sully back in to her life and forgive him there was something about that night that didn't sit well with her at all. "Maybe Robert's just gotten soft in his old age" she smirked, unsure if she was trying to convince herself or them.

Marco - Misty Gray Misty Gray
Sammy - Bellz Bellz

Aston Auto Repairs
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Julia Fletcher

The past few days had been a lot, between Marco's beating, Marco's confession, Rory and Sully being taken before Robert and Tony's mood at the whole thing, Julia was happy to finally have a day to herself where she could destress and not worry about everyone around her. She knew that Tony and Sully were with their mother and Marco and Rory were in the bar with Sammy, all accounted for and all with people to keep them out of trouble, the only person she wasn't sure on what they were doing was Penny but the girl never seemed to cause Julia any stress and so she just assumed her sister-in-law was at work.

Julia had gone into town early, around mid morning, to have a nice coffee and breakfast in a cute quiet little cafe before setting off to do some shopping. She had the day off in work and decided to spend it doing some much needed retail therapy. As Tony had confirmed to her that things were going to ramp up she decided to get out and do what she wanted, alone and free before the inevitable lockdown and dangers turned on their family. She knew this freedom wasn't going to last for long and she planed to make every minute of it count that she could.

Finished with shopping, Julia had one more stop to make and that was to Aston's Auto Repairs to pick up her car that Tony had kindly dropped in for her. As she approached the building she was surprised to not hear Jennifer's normal music blaring through the speakers and she couldn't help but feel something was wrong. Picking up the pace, Julia walked into the building and bit her lip at the sight in front of her as the man approached Jennifer with a wrench gripped tightly in his hand.

She caught sight of the broken headlight and the scratched paint and sighed to herself as all hopes of a drama free day quickly floated away. Dropping her bags, Julia loudly cleared her throat as she approached the pair and moved to put herself in between Jennifer and the officer. "what exactly is going on here?" she questioned pointedly as she raised an eyebrow at the man before quickly looking over Jennifer to make sure she was unharmed.

Jennifer & pig Misty Gray Misty Gray
Streets / Aston Auto Repairs
Aston, Birmingham, England
In scene: Misty Gray Misty Gray neverbackdown neverbackdown

Malcolm Murray Jr.

Quick left. Right. Step back. Hook. Step in. Repeat. The speed bag was his temple on days he couldn't rouse a sparring partner Afternoons were particularly empty at his childhood gym in this part of town, with kids to take care of or blokes finishing up day shifts, most men popped in the wee morning hours. If he wanted to pick a fight, he could've gone uptown. Quick left. Right. Step back. Hook. Step in. Repeat. With a puff of air, he used the side of his wrapped fist to stop the bag, the heartbeat of the gym coming to an end. His blue eyes shot to the wall while he caught his breath, it'd been a solid hour of bagwork. Not proper work but good enough considering he had to get back to work...

After a quick rinse, Malc was on the way back to the garage. His gym bag was lazily slung over his shoulder, and wet hair chilled him as he strolled. He didn't bother rebuttoning his greased garage jacket, favoring the white tanktop he sported underneath. His jeans were also dusty, not as dirty as Jenny's after a hard day, but enough to solidify his blue-collar status. In all honesty, his dear sister worked much harder than he did. He managed the business and books for Jen per Tony's ask. "People will ask fewer questions if a uni boy scratches numbers like yourself. Plus you're a fit mechanic!" The irony in Tony's words was what clung the most. Jenny loved her work, being belly-up in an engine was her heaven, God bless her. That was his utter hell. It was too stuffy and small for him, plus the smell of gas brought too many memories back to him. Not all good and not all bad. Automotives were always their father and Jenny's hobby while boxing was Malc's, but that didn't mean the other didn't tag along. Car rides and long summers in the garage were the times he enjoyed the most, particularly because he got to listen to their old man's music. Malc could hear Black Sabbath blaring down the block, Jenny was definitely in her world. Not long after he noted the music, he spotted a patrol car wheel to a stop. Bloody hell. Jen could hold her own no doubt, but it didn't sit well that a copper was poking about. He immediately quickened his pace, not in a hurry to interrupt the interaction, more to be near if his sister needed.

"How's Malcolm? Still clinging on in jail, I hear?" His name, shared by his father, sent a chill down his spine as he was in earshot. Their father was a good man, an honest man, and he was proud to carry his name. Now that he was back in Birmingham, to hear it with such malice made his blood boil. Malc dipped towards the back of the shop, wanting to avoid the officer's eyeshot and his sisters. As he tossed his things quietly in the office, he peeked through the window into the garage to see another car pull up. Julia Fletcher. Jenny mentioned she'd be popping by today. While there wasn't much of an age difference between the rising Flethcer dynasty, the Murrays still looked to them for help and guidance. He then noticed a wrench in the hands of the officer, his official sign to intervene, as well as a nasty scrape on the car Jen was working on. The bell that hung on the office door to the garage chimed as he gently opened the door, sending the attention of those in the room to him. Malc was glancing at a clipboard with the receipt from the damaged car to seem inconspicuous, then, he popped his head up.

"Hey birds, I heard a gummy call my name?" Malc's blue eyes caught the officers and then checked over the women. "Aye, my bad officer, no disrespect, thought you were a customer." He could sense his sister's tension immediately, but he knew that she'd loosen up knowing he was around now. Mrs. Fletcher didn't look too pleased either, but he was glad that he left the gym when he did. He didn't want to bash this copper if he didn't deserve it, but if the girls said the word he would. Keeping up his act, he made a note to glance at the receipt, back at the car, and back at the wrench. Laying it on thick seemed to be the path of least resistance. "Now why'd you go and do that? You cops aren't made of money nor are the folk who are comin' to the shop. Pickin' on ladies during the weekday, I can't believe you lot have already stopped all the crime in Birmingham today!" His joke was pointed, despite the jovial tone that disguised the insult. Malc gently set the clipboard down on the car, stepping between his sister and the cop, then leaned his hip on the car with crossed arms. "Do we have a problem officer?" Malc's quiet disposition rumbled like distant thunder, awaiting one crack of lighting to break the tension.

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