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Realistic or Modern Gangs of Birmingham - IC Thread [Open & Accepting]

The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham -

Dr. Richard Finley
Misty Gray Misty Gray BasDorcha BasDorcha


Something about Robert’s demeanor seemed off. He couldn’t quite place it at first; his brother’s usual bravado seemed lackluster. Richard raised a brow when his brother went for a cigar, clearly defying the house rules Caroline established long ago. Had he lit a cigarette years ago, he would’ve been flogged! When invited to take one, he raised a hand to shrug away the opportunity. Cigars were always Robert’s poison; he preferred a cigarette if he had the choice. But it had been well over two decades since he quit. If circumstances were to change, that’d be his own silent cry for help. His brother’s snarky remark about Caroline’s absence further indicated something was seething under the surface. “I think London missed her, not the other way around.” He retorted, subtly hinting at his wingman’s ill-mindset. “I’m sure the family arrangements take time, Rob. You know how it is…” he trailed, not wanting to bring up Charles.

Before he could finish, Robert finished his drag and blatantly commented on Caroline’s unlikely return. “That’s bollocks? You can’t be serious!” Richard’s tone rose, careful not to be loud enough in case Dean waltzed in. His brother explained, and he silently listened, his mind trying to find a solution to the problem at hand. However, he saw none as soon as the will came into question. “Shit, Robert. I wish you had told me sooner.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. The events of the night were already stressful on top of his campaign, but this certainly added another layer. “Don’t kick yourself about it now; best do what you’re best at and solider on.” He heard the front door open after his remarks, cutting the conversation short. He’d get a hold of Carol and sort this out. For the family’s sake, the marriage couldn’t fall apart despite Robert’s wrongdoing.

Richard opted to remain seated, his leg being the primary motivator. Though he was off crutches, the brace he wore over his pants kept his leg awkwardly positioned. Moving around was difficult enough, and a mere polite welcome could be excused for now. “Glad you made it, Dean,” Richard warmly smiled. The previous conversation and stress were pushed back in his mind. This needed his full attention. Gratefully, he took the small box Dean bestowed and sent a glance to Robert. A peace offering? At the same time, Richard opened the box to reveal a twin watch. A light chuff of amusement escaped him, the gift reminding him of his and Caroline’s watch present. “Looks sharp, Dean. Cheers.” Richard mused, politely removing his current watch to wear the new one. Perhaps the night could be civil.

As he switched time pieces, Robert's previous frosty attitude resurfaced. Richard knew it was out of love, in a sense. Sure, his brother had his own reservations about Dean’s disappearance. The trio were dear friends. But the brotherly bond fueled deeper frustration. Robert wanted vindication for the emotional pain Richard endured. Caroline fought it in her own way, and Dean handled it well. But now, this was his own fight. He flashed a curious glance at Dean, a bit amused by the hostility. He wasn’t going to call off his brother for this; Robert needed to let off a little steam.
Electric Lounge
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham -​

Alfred Walker
The tension in the room was thick, but Alfie chose to ignore it. It was all about faking it till you made it, eventually he would really be as confident as he was portraying to be. His idea, this great peace treaty he could foresee in the future, would be hard fought for, but it started right here in this little room. It started today. He was still mad at Sully for bringing his sister into this bullshit, but other than that, he held no real grudges. After all, Felicity had a way of putting herself in the worst situations if she put her mind to it, and Alfie had little doubt that she brought this on herself as much as Sully dragged her into it if not more so. He had wanted her to be here tonight but Robert had flat out denied it at this point. He had tried to talk some sense into his father, but the conversation hadn't made a lot of headway yet. It was going to take some time to figure out how to either work around, or through Robert to give his sister more control to her pet project.

Over the weeks he had been supplying her with steady updates, trying to bring her around to working with him instead of feeling like he had stolen it from her - something he certainly did NOT DO. More like it was forced upon him. He didn't want to deal with something this big, this quick, that took not only the Walker's to deal with but also the Fletchers. It was a long term goal but it had suddenly been pushed forward. Alfie thought of everything they had done to push this product. Felicity had been given a small supply to unload at the hotel from the main supply that went to the Walker's, while Tony and Sully dealt with their portion of the stock.

Felicity was doing a good job at the moment. He looked at the men across the bar and wondered how they had managed. As Tony warned him that he'd become his father is he wasn't careful, he grunted, unable to deny that Charles did that exact same thing. As Sully asked him about Felicity, he gave him a begrudging look, "Same as always. Mad at me, wants to skin my backside." Alfie sat down, waving down a waiter for a drink. "To business though… Felicity would kill me for talking about her without her here to correct me."

As he looked over at Tony, he chewed his lip, thinking about how they were going to tackle this. "Felicity isn't talking much at the moment, and my dad is… well, you know how he can be. At the moment, I have two plans to put into action to at least buy us some breathing room. First, this stuff is to strong for the general buyer - we're going to need somewhere to cut it down some so people stop dropping like flies. Secondly, we need to try to find a few bulk buyers so we can move the majority of the weight easier, also means less we have to cut down. Then, we need to find out everything we can about Russo, his business, how he works, and we're going to find a way out from under this." He looked up at Tony, his eyes giving a more serious glance. "It might even be good to try and get someone inside his organization to help us get more details."

He waited to see how the Fletcher's reacted, giving them a chance to respond.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Tony
BeyondDandy BeyondDandy - Sully
View attachment 1179117View attachment 1158764
Jackie Walker - scott's bar - vinny , scott neverbackdown neverbackdown

Scott playfully greeted Jackie, joking about how they just let everybody in tonight. Jackie normally wouldn't be able to crack a smile but since he just had a massive bump, he gave the man a friendly smile.

Scott and Jackie got along pretty well, Jackie saw him more than any of the other Walker members. He was straight-forward and had a clear mind, something Jackie lacked.
The two of them sat down together but Scott shrugged away the fact they had spotted Vinny McConnel. Even though he trusted Scott his judgement, he trusted his own more. Jackie didn't even listen to the words coming out of Scott's mouth but he gave him a reassuring nod as if he was listening before dragging him along at his shoulder.

They knew each other and Vinny let out a chuckle, Jackie felt like those cartoons, steaming out his ears.
Though he felt stressed out and depended on some overpriced white powder, only his hand was showing it as his hand lightly trembled when grabbing his drink. ourbon is for the forged, whiskey is for the gospel,' he remarked at the man who thought he had the audicity to change his order and put his hand on Stacy's back.

Stacy was easy unlike Beth who had class, money and style, it frustrated him that he'd still be attracted to girls like Stacy. He didn't want someone who was doing better than him, he wanted to feel better than them.
They took the shot, all four of them, Stacy included. If Vinnie was actually spying for the boss, he wouldn't get drunk. He was smarter than that, right?...

Scott asked him if the boss was off, Jackie hadn't even though of that but was a little relieved when he heard the reason. Good side, Robert wasn't ten feet near the club, bad news, Vinny wanted to '''let loose'', whatever that'd mean.
Jackie's eyes wandered off for a second, his head felt like a mist of fog at times. He really needed the restroom but he couldn't leave Scott alone with that scum.

A full night? With McConnel? Jackie almost looked at Scott begging for any kind of excuse before he stopped thinking and shrugged. 'Depends on if you can keep up,' he quickly added, scuffing a bit as he said it. He would be no match, Jackie was tough even though he might not look it, he certainly had stamina.

When he spoke about the gala, Jackie bit the inside of his lip. Did he want to know something about it? Jackie was sitting with the major at dinner and it could've been suspicious or that he saw Tony Fletcher personally get arrested with front seat views and so did Scott.

His suspicious grew but he slightly nod, 'maybe it's a lucky coincidence then,' he now added a little less daring as he grabbed onto Scott's blouse. 'I'm going to use the loo, give me five.'

Franctically Jackie started splashing his face with the ice cold water in the sink, somehow these drinks were already hitting him and not gently either. He took two big bumps of the palm of his hand before fixing his hair in the mirror. He was a little vain, perhaps.

When he got back Vinny was still there and so was Scott, Scott never told the truth about Stacy but Jackie didn't mind. He probably thought Vinny was influential, more intimidating and smarter than Jackie but he was wrong at that too.
'You know what's funny,' Jackie announced, grabbing his drink to wash away any after taste, 'me and Stacy actually met as well. A few times.'
Jackie was too messed up to tell if there was any tension but occasionaly looked at Scott as some sort of measurement. 'Scott introduced us but I think it's for the best we don't see each other a lot anymore,' Jackie gave Stacy a slight smirk before punching Scott playfully on the arm. 'But I guess tonight, history must remain history,' he blurted before pointing his finger at the waitress, a signal for another round of shots.

Birmingham Central Police Station
Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham

Victoria "Rory" Fletcher
As Robert confirmed that he was not there to punish her, the relief she felt could be seen on both her posture and expression. With the fear of attack now gone, Rory pulled her legs under her so she was sitting cross legged on the bed and listened intently as Robert spoke to her. It did not go unnoticed that he had failed to mention his actual reason for being there but that was something Rory would have to deal with later, right now she kept her mouth shut and listened to what he had to say.

As he confirmed that he believed her, Rory gave a small but defeated smile as she nodded slightly in response. Apart from her family, she knew he was probably the only other person who would believe she was innocent but what she couldn't figure out was why. Robert had always been lenient with the Fletchers and she knew that but she could never understand why. He had the power to destroy a person and yet nothing bad seemed to really happen to them. Tony had been released from prison after the Gala, hell Robert even let her go with her gun after the Mick fiasco, it just didn't seem to line up in her head that was until he said her mothers name.

Rory glanced up a bit too quickly as the mention of her mother, a flame of curiosity burning in her eyes as she finally believed she had put the pieces together, was Robert having an affair with my mother? The thought alone made her head spin and so she quickly pushed it out of her mind, deep down down into the abyss to never be remembered again. As if her mother would get with him, she was just being stupid and it was obvious the consequences she was facing was really starting to take a toll on her.

As Robert offered her freedom, Rory couldn't help but show the shock on her expression, an eyebrow raised before a more skeptical look took over her features as she stared at him for a moment to get her thoughts in order. "As much as I appreciate the gesture" she mused thoughtfully "what are you getting out of this or is it all purely for my mother's benefit?" she questioned. She wished that she could believe in him, that she could be the type of girl who would jump up and hug him and thank him for helping her out but that was not the person Rory ever was or ever will be. She knew too well that people always expected something in return, always had a trick waiting up their sleeve to trip you up or trap you and while the offer was exactly what she needed, Rory just couldn't believe it to be true.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Robert
The Walker Residence
-Edgbaston, Birmingham-​

Dean Walters
If Robert was going to kill him, might as well get on with it, starting with the cutting jibes. Dean at least had the good sense about him to look properly reprimanded, his eyes flinching as he dropped them quickly away at the comment about him being a few more minutes late then the rest of them. He swallowed hard, looking around to see Richard with a warm smile on his face. Instantly some of his nerves eased, his shoulders relaxing. That is, until he saw the brace on his leg. A startled look flashed in his eyes, but the men pushed on, not giving him a chance to question it at the moment. He gave Richard a look saying, Tell me about this?

Dean snagged a cigar, though not his preferred toxin of choice it gave him something to do with his hands and he desperately needed it. A few clips and a light later, he helped himself to a seat on the couch and took a long drag, nodding a thanks to Robert as he twisted the thing in his fingers anxiously. He had a lot to explain and a lot to make up for, and he knew Robert was going to put him through the ringer to get it all out of him. He watched as the men opened the small boxes, a light blush appearing on the tips of his ears as he tried to not react at all to them opening the things he had gotten over a decade ago for them. When it seemed to pass both of their inspections, he let out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding. The smile on their faces, as well as Richard immediately putting it to use, brought a boyish grin to his face as he bit his lower lip and drug it through his teeth. Mentally, he couldn't help thinking that was one hurdle he could count crossed.

It was Robert's scathing words that kept the red in his ears and spread it down his neck though it never reached his neck. Twisting the cigar again, harder this time to a point it almost unraveled it, he forced himself to stop and look up taking his friends eyes in his own and giving a slight small nod as if to say he was right. "It wasn't always a habit you know, but the excuses stop here. Well, they stopped a bit ago, but you guys wouldn't know that." He looked at Richard again, needing that warmth and support he felt just seeing him, before turning back to Robert. "I don't plan on leaving again, if that's what you think. I'm not the same dumb kid I was back then. Much like everything around here, everyone around here, I've grown older, and I've realized some very big mistakes I made. I'm here to do what I can to repair old wounds and do better going forward. I'm sure there's questions, for both of you, and I'm happy to explain anything you want me to, to answer anything you want to ask."

He gave Robert a solemn but steady gaze, his normal laughing and easy going demeanor hidden away as he knew this was the moment that would determine how much he'd be allowed back into the lives of the people he had missed so much. Richard had been easy, he knew just how to butter him up and start fixing those wounds. Caroline hadn't been as vicious as she thought she was, and she had gave him a soft in with them as well, but Robert was like cracking diamond - it would take more than a scratch to crack him. Still, as serious as he was, as he leaned back and reclined into the couch, right ankle propped on his left knee, arm slung over the arm of the couch with the cigar moving casually to his lips and down again mechanically, he looked like his normal self, just a little less smiley.

He wanted to smile. He wanted to be joking and off handed with everything and let it all roll off like he normally did, but something about Robert always made him feel like a child being chided by the principle when he was in trouble. He knew Robert would not take lightly to him treating the whole situation as something less than it was - a mistake. He should never have ran. He should have told Robert why. He should have explained to both of them his decision. Back then it seemed an easy choice but now it seemed like a cage holding him back and he wanted out of it, he wanted to move forward, he wanted to fly again - and there was no one he wanted more by his side then these two.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Robert
ReverseTex ReverseTex - Richard[/I][/I]
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The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham -

Robert Walker

It became clear to Robert that Richard wasn't going to try stop him from putting Dean on the spot. At least he didn't have to consider if he was upsetting his brother in this process. The tension clearly hit Dean, though. He could see it written all over the man's body language. Soon enough, he made eye-contact and spoke up in response to Robert's cutting comments.

Dean gave his assurance he wasn't planning on leaving, stating he'd grown older and now wanted to repair old wounds. Robert observed as the man reclined back in the seat, taking on a more casual and relaxed position as he smoked the cigar. Robert had offered that to him and by having the catch up in the living room had made it a relaxed setting. Despite, that for some reason it grated on him seeing Dean look so comfortable for the moment. Even though it was the textbook Dean he'd known those years ago, he wasn't feeling so tolerant of him yet.

"I'm glad to hear that you have no intentions of leaving. You and Richard have a lot of catching up to do." Robert fell silent as he recalled how Caroline had kept pushing for him to invite Dean over so they could repair their broken friendship. Deep down, he'd agreed with her that it needed to be done and the three of them sitting in the lounge now could all be friends again, maybe close as they had been during their war days. But so much had happened since then and Robert wasn't even certain they would have anything in common now. Dean wouldn't understand the gravity of the business he was involved in. He was likely better off not knowing.

"I have nothing to request of you, Dean. You're back in Birmingham and you are well. I'm glad to hear it," he bluntly told him. "There's little that can be solved here tonight. You swanned off out of our friendship, without explanation, a long time ago and that kind of betrayal can't be fixed in one evening. Where was the loyalty in that?" He paused, trying to push aside his own feelings. "Do you have work here to keep you afloat?" he asked, wanting to assess just how stable Dean's commitment to being home was. "The distance between our two worlds has only grown further since your absence and I suspect mine is a world you don't want to find yourself caught up in." After shaking his head, Robert motioned to Richard, who he believed deserved Dean's assurances more. "That's not to say there aren't any questions and explanations to given, but this isn't about me."

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
Electric Lounge
Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham

Tony Fletcher and Lewis Ramsey

Tony turned to look at his brother when he suggested they found someone else who could sell Russo's product. "Oh yeah?" he curiously asked, mulling over the thought. "Do you happen to have anyone in mind to do that?" As Tony thought on the idea himself, the only contacts he could come up with who would be on board wouldn't be based in Birmingham and so they would require any of the profits. Not that it felt an issue at present, as their main objective was getting Russo off their own backs.

Tony smirked when Alfie pointed out that Felicity wanted to skin her brother's backside. "Maybe if we have a next time, your sister can join us." Having had enough cold conversations with Robert and the odd unpleasant exchange with Caroline, Tony doubted anything about Felicity could shock him. Maybe she'd even be a voice of reason, despite her frosty aura.

However, Alfie explained how Felicity wasn't saying much at present. It seemed like she'd been cut out of the Russo business despite being the one to get them into it, along with Sully. "Agreed," Tony spoke up when Alfie pointed out the drug they were shifting was too strong. He supposed cutting the product would bring in more profit along the way. "I have contacts outside of Birmingham. Whilst they could help shift a fair bit, we shouldn't expect to gain much from it in return."

With talk of finding out more about Russo and getting someone inside the man's organisation, one person around the table received Tony's stare at that point. "Sully. You brought Russo onto our doorsteps. What can you tell us about this jumped up prick?" he calmly asked his brother. "How did you know to get in touch with him to begin with?" he probed.

BeyondDandy BeyondDandy (Sully) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Alfie)
The Platinum Lounge - Office
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Scott Ashworth

Scott couldn't help but grin when Vinny mentioned how Robert had left him to check in on the ladies at the club. "Oh, I'm sure he did," he knowingly remarked. He was by now aware of how much their boss liked women, even if the man was married. "I won't say no to a boys night given I don't have to babysit any VIPs tonight," he agreed with Vinny's suggestion. Often, the club was reserved for private guests; ones of political importance or wealth, which tended to mean all staff had to remain on their best behaviour. Tonight wasn't one of those nights. And with Robert occupied with the many other complications surrounding the Walkers, Scott was more relaxed knowing he wasn't on the man's radar at present.

It was clear to see Robert's bodyguard was using Stacy to tease Jackie, but they were all grown men so it wasn't his place to say anything. There were plenty more women around, after all. Scott was pulled away from his thoughts when Jackie tugged at his shirt and excused himself to use the restrooms.

Scott was happy to remain in silence as Vinny paid attention to Stacy. If anything, he was happy to take what little peace he expected he'd get tonight. Eventually, Jackie returned and proceeded to speak about his past meetings with Stacy. The woman wasn't under Scott's employment, but by all accounts she was seemingly another woman who didn't mind sleeping around either - only, she did it free of charge. "I guess you're right, Jackie. Best to move on," Scott went along with his friend's words. Stacy didn't come across as a keeper and Jackie didn't seem like the commitment type either, so Scott didn't see what issue there was. "There's plenty more women to make history with," he remarked.

purplecowdutch purplecowdutch (Jackie) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Vinny)
A few hours later...

Birmingham Central Police Station
Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham

Robert Walker

As Rory was ignited with curiosity about any possible links between Robert and Dorothy, the man in question was undergoing deep thoughts of his own. This has to be the longest time he'd ever spent standing so close to his daughter, not to mention just the two of them in a room and speaking to each other. He'd never had chance to speak to her directly, without others present. Nor had he really had chance to take in her features as much as he now could. She clearly carried the same fire in her eyes that Dorothy had and now he looked at her he couldn't help but see some familiarity in her features that weren't just from her mother's side. She certainly didn't look at all like Norman, not that any of her family, who weren't privy to the truth, would have ever thought to question it or even look for it.

Now Robert understood why it had been easier and wiser to avoid being in Rory's presence. Standing across from her now only made it harder to stomach the fact he'd missed out on all of her life. Even now, the stakes were far too high to even imagine being able to come clean and try make up for lost time. She couldn't learn the truth and she likely would live a happier life never knowing who he truly was to her.

The sceptical look she sent him brought Robert back down to earth. When she asked what he was getting out of it, Robert opened his mouth to speak, but for a moment no words escaped him. He wished he could tell her the last thing he wanted was for his daughter to suffer in prison and waste potentially years of her life. "Your mother..." he began, speaking quieter than usual.

Clearing his throat, Robert caught his voice back to speak with more confidence. "I'm sure you know there was a time when our families got along with each other. Dorothy was a friend, and despite the issues between our families now, I wouldn't want your mother to suffer with you being behind bars. Even I'm not that heartless," he remarked, figuring the Fletchers had all kinds of names and impressions of him by now.

"Besides which," he began, shifting on the spot for a moment, but continuing to block the door. "There are reasons both of our families must work together right now and your loved ones don't need to add worrying about you to our list of concerns," he told her. "I need your brother's head in the game, for all of our sakes. So what I'm getting out of this is knowing Tony has one less distraction on his mind, therefore less chance of us all getting screwed over."

"And because I can't let my daughter suffer in a prison cell," he thought.

He briefly checked his watch, realising just how late it was. Still, it wasn't like Caroline was waiting for him at home and wondering where he'd got to. "If you must choose to pursue the same lifestyle as your family, then I suggest you do it better. These petty crimes and causing nuisances are surely beneath you. You should push your brother to give you more suitable tasks within the business. Do you agree?" he posed the question to her.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory)
The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham -

Dr. Richard Finley
Misty Gray Misty Gray BasDorcha BasDorcha


Throughout most of Robert and Dean’s back and forth, Richard remained silent. His peace was made about Dean’s affairs, minus the addition of a wife. While that still confused him, he didn’t want to judge his former lover. The world wasn’t kind to them, so even if it hurt, he couldn’t be mad at Dean for creating his own happiness. So when Dean silently looked for comfort, he gave it. Out of his own love for him along with generally being kinder than his brother.

Robert seemingly found some level of satisfaction, quicker than he expected. Perhaps it was already his brother’s touch-and-go mood already, but he didn’t pick any unnecessary fights. Dean owned up, and all was well-enough. But he knew his brother too well; there were underlying issues he likely had. Shifting in his seat, a bit uncomfortable due to the healing injury, he finally spoke up. “I think my feelings about this particular situation are clear.” Richard started, eyes locked with Robert.

“I’m never going to turn you away; it’s not in my blood to do so.” His attention shifted to Dean. “For better or for worse, you’re quite hard to say no to.” A playful smile almost escaped, but he wanted to keep a serious tone for his brother’s sake. “I know you’ve changed. That much is crystal clear; parenthood tends to do that, so I hear.” A brief glance to Robert before back to Dean. “That is my only qualm, if I even had to call it that. The fact I was robbed of the chance at fatherhood.” His lips pursed, displeased, to say the least.

While he knew the prospect of children was impossible with Dean, there wasn’t another person on Earth he ever considered raising children with. That was what hurt the most. “I forgive you, Dean; that part is easy enough. But time will just have to heal that wound. Just like all the other wounds we collect around here.” Richard commented, alluding to the rocky moments he and Robert have had themselves.
The Walker Residence
-Edgbaston, Birmingham-​

Dean Walters
Dean tried his best to appear relaxed and at ease, but it was hard. He wanted to move around the room, pace away this feeling, get all the ugliness out in one go. It would be easier that way, just dump it and start clearing the rubble, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he keeps his eyes on Robert, watching for him to take the lead like they had so much when they were younger. So often Robert had set the scene for them in one way or another, guiding their group as easily as breathing. Dean was outgoing, cocky, and could do it himself if he needed to, but letting Robert do it was one less worry for him so he followed Robert's example and enjoyed the ride. Another thing Dean needed to probably own up to at some point was that he had, since the time Charles died, started using his investigative skills to fill in the holes of how their lives had been in the time gap between him leaving and returning. He probably knew more about Robert's life right now than the man would be happy to hear.

It turned out that besides flying, Dean was also really good at this private investigator stuff. He had picked it up quickly and over the years honed it to near perfection. He was paid good, took on only the jobs he wanted, and could make a lot of money at it - if he wanted to that is. Instead he only ever worried about taking the jobs that would keep the bills paid and some extra cash on hand, keeping the wife happy and the home standing, and turned away anything he felt was to much trouble. He had done the grind and established his name after leaving Birmingham. He didn't need to do that anymore. Still, it left him very good at finding out things about people, even the most secretive. He hadn't gone professional level on his lost family, but he had spent some time trying to just reconnect, along with searching for what happened to Charles since it seemed Robert and Caroline hadn't had any luck yet.

As the thoughts muddle his brain, Robert's voice clears them away, catching his attention. "I know it can't be fixed tonight… But I can at least start. I know I didn't offer an explanation then but I can now, though Rich has already heard a good deal of it. Just know I'm an open book, when you are ready, either of you. As for work, I'm good. I just finished the preparations for my new location here in town. The firm will be opening in a few days officially. Thankfully, the crew I have running the original location keeps the money flowing." He pauses snuffing out the cigar. Standing, he moves to make himself a drink, still processing what Robert said. "I know our lives have all changed dramatically, but if you think that would make me want to be less of it, than you forget that I live in the shadows brother. There's nothing that's going to push me away this time, and if there's ever anything I don't want to be involved with, you know I'm not the kind to stay quiet. If you'll have me, I'll be there."

Looking over at Richard, he gave him a small smile, holding his eyes for a long moment before Richard turned to Robert, almost missing it when Rich turned back to him to continue. He held his gaze, really letting the words sink in and be absorbed, giving him the fullest of his attention. Rich's words brought a shine to Dean's eyes, blinked back but not invisible. It hurt him that Rich felt robbed of fatherhood. He also knew that his relationship with his wife was unusual, considering. With time that would be understood, he knew it. It wasn't the parenthood, though that was some of it in the later years. It was the sadness he felt being away from them, it was the warmth and support his wife gave him, reminding him he was not some freak of nature or thing to be hidden away. It was getting to a point in life where you stop caring about appearances for just appearances sake, stop caring what others think of you because you're just to old to deal with it anymore. It was a lot of little things, coming together, like ages whiskey, to form a finished product.

Younger Dean was emotional with no idea how to control it, trying to live with ideals that weren't his own, to survive a society that couldn’t comprehend someone like him as a whole. These day's though, Dean has come to realize that it doesn't matter what other people think - he only has so much time on this planet before it runs out and he can't do any of the things he wanted to. Life is too short to live it trying to be someone he didn't want to be.

No, Dean had definitely changed. Richard wanted to be a father, and if Dean could have his way, one day he would be. The little dream he has been nursing for years of somehow having both the people he loved in his life and a bigger family to boot runs through his mind as he listens to Richard, wanting to sooth it but knowing it's not yet time to try that bridge, just nods, understandingly. "I agree. It's going to take time. It's going to take a lot of talks, and getting shit out in the open… But I'm here for it. I'm here for you, all of you."

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Robert
ReverseTex ReverseTex - Rich
The Platinum Lounge
- Birmingham -

Vinny McConnel

Vinny let himself be observed, his carefully trained eye still taking in what was going on around him while appearing mostly interested in Stacy. The more Jackie talked, the easier he made this. While he was not here on business, it really was his night off, that didn't mean he wasn't going to report anything that needed to be back to the boss. One of the reasons that Robert trusted him so much up to this point and paid him so handsomely well was that Vinny was never truly off duty. If something happened while he was off and it needed handled, or he was called in, whatever the case may be Vinny was loyal and always told Robert the truth without question. He never felt the need to lie to his boss. The man knew the worst things he's done, and that forms the kind of bond that only those who share it could understand. The bond of mutual destruction. Robert could take him down, easily with all the things he has done, but Vinny could do it as well, knowing some of the darkest parts of Robert's organization. It forms the kind of relationship that requires explicit trust in another to know they are going to keep your secrets and not keep them from you.,

When Jackie tried to goad him about keeping up, Vinny laughed lightly, setting his empty shot glass back on the counter. "Don't worry, I may be obsessed with work, but I was a party boy at one point to, and I'm still a young, full of energy. I'll make sure I don't let you down, Jackie." It's said like he is doing Jackie a favor, not passing out drunk early like some college kid. Behind it, hidden in the underlying text, is a challenge. It's a statement that he's not going to be outdone, regardless.

Jackie ambled off the restroom - probably for his next bump from the twitchiness in his hands - and Vinny carried on casual conversation with Stacy. She was actually a very easy person to talk to. She liked music and played piano, she liked to read, and spent her free time baking. She works as a legal assistant downtown for some scummy lawyer. Mentally, Vinny filed that away as need to know information for later. When his prey returned, wet faced and with pupils blown wide, Vinny made another note - this one marked as urgent. He'd make sure Robert knew first thing that Jackie was still out here bumping cocaine, even though he knew for a fact Scott wasn't dumb enough to keep selling to him.

His bragging about meeting Stacy was a perfect set up to allow him to woo the woman and get a dig in at Jackie at the same time. "Ah, so you've gotten to know Jackie boy a little bit in the past? Well once you've been with the rest, all that's left is the best, ain't that right beautiful?" Stacy, who looked properly ready to smack Jackie aside the head, instead laughed and leaned more into Vinny. "The best huh? I guess that's true, but you'll have to prove it." Vinny grinned, placing a light kiss on her jawline. "That is definitely something I can do." Vinny could care less that Jackie had her first. That just made the conquest even better. He wasn't just winning over some dame on the street, but taking away something Jackie possessed. It was like stealing a favored toy. It was being the cool kid on the block until someone else moved in and losing your friend because suddenly they want to hang out with this new guy.

It was going to be glorious.

"Scott, thanks for agreeing to come along to. It's been a while since we last had a drink together. Speaking of history, I think the last time we had a rager was a few years ago. Do you remember the last fight I had for Robert before he took me on full time? He had you working the crown that night and afterwards we went on that bender till the sun came up. I had so much adrenaline running through me that night, I thought I was going to fly." Vinny laughed again, nodding his head to Chloe when she came with another round of drinks. Stacy waved hers off, but Vinny picked his up. "Didn't we race the cars that night? I think I remember watching the sun come up out on some backroad middle of nowhere."

Although he brought it all up casually, Vinny wanted to give Jackie a taste of just how much he didn't know. Outwardly, it was just a friendly conversation between friends, but inwardly it was a jab at the fact Vinny was a fighter, meaning he had stamina to burn. It prodded a the fact he could stay up all night, no problem even after partying for hours. Jackie had no idea how little his world really was, or how much Vinny had done with the people of this organization. He had no clue how much Vinny had worked himself into the system, leaving his mark in every place of importance, both through his own determination as well as Robert's influence. Jackie, forever an idiot who thought he was better than everyone around him, yet wasn't worth the powder still lingering on his nose.

Truth be told, Vinny didn’t have a specific reason for disliking Jackie other than the fact he was just scummy. Scott on the other hand had always been someone that Vinny easily meshed with. He didn't have to try as hard to keep up his veneer with him - Scott knew some of the truth of Vinny's work, and didn't ask a lot of questions - just enjoyed the company. He made it easy for Vinny to keep up his day to day appearance around him.. Scott was the closest thing to a friend Vinny had - if he had any friends that is. He doesn't, never wanted them, never craved for them, never tried for them. Whether Scott considered him a friend or not didn't matter to him either. For Vinny, Scott was just another necessary part of his well planned and executed front of being a normal person, a part that made him appear like everyone else by being just one of the guys. If Vinny knew what it meant to feel grateful for something, he would likely feel it for Scott.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Scott
purplecowdutch purplecowdutch - Jackie
The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham -

Robert Walker

Robert stayed silent as Richard said his peace. Of course his brother wasn't going to turn Dean away, nor even make it difficult for the man to walk back into their lives. He knew it wasn't just because of Richard's deep feelings for Dean, but simply because he was a better man than himself. He was more forgiving and open-minded, which were hardly traits he could knock him for, even if he operated in different ways himself. Despite the many things, including the present conversation, weighing him down, Robert could at least take some solace from seeing his brother's playful smile show itself. Of course he wasn't going to stand in the way of Richard's chance for happiness.

With that hope soon came a more serious subject. Not only was it sad to hear that Richard had missed out on a chance at fatherhood, but it stirred a barrage of feelings in his own chest. Of course, he was grieving the loss of Charles, but where his eldest son had been concerned, he'd had over three decades of fatherhood with him so that was a different kind of loss. But he'd never been a father to Rory. Richard had wanted to be a father but had never had the opportunity, yet Robert himself had spent over two decades knowingly avoiding it where Rory was concerned. The present conversation only served to further ignite his growing need to connect with his youngest, albeit secret, daughter.

Robert couldn't help but feel bad as a result, knowing Richard would have loved to have had a son or a daughter. Still, a small smile crossed Robert's lips when his brother said he forgave Dean. That grew into a knowing smirk at the pointed comment about them all collecting wounds they had to heal from. He and Richard had certainly had their fair share of troubles they had to overcome which each other. For all they knew, fresh wounds and rocky patches could well still be on the horizon...

Dean's reassurance about his work and income was met with a simple nod from Robert. With mention of the firm opening in the city, Robert couldn't help but joke. "Don't you be making the city look untidy. Otherwise, I'll have to start taxing you," he remarked. Of course, Dean's business naturally wasn't one that would cross paths with the hold the Walkers had in Birmingham.

"You're here for all of us? And nothing's going to push you away?" Robert asked, repeating Dean's own words. He turned to Richard and chuckled. "I expect you haven't filled him in on everything yet, have you?" he asked.

"There's years you need to catch up on, but perhaps the last few months alone will be enough to get your head around," he told Dean. Despite the subject and Robert's attitude still being serious, there was also a sense that the man was opening up to Dean now. He'd always been bluntly honest and to the point, so that much would feel familiar to Dean.

Robert reached for the bottle of whiskey and poured a very generous amount into his glass tumbler, then proceeded to knock back more than enough in one go. Placing the glass down, he let out a deep breath. "Where to begin... Richard is running for Mayor, and will do a stella job, might I add. But that's after the last one was assassinated at a charity gala. The same one where Richard was shot in the leg after intercepting a bullet intended for me, by parties still unknown. Charles is dead and his killer is still sauntering around somewhere. Felicity has dragged herself into business far above her station. Caroline told the kids about my affairs... In fact, I'm quite sure my wife has left me, and left this city. She always was the smartest one of us all," he trailed off. "That's all only the tip of the iceberg. I'm quite certain harder times are ahead. Sticking around will be challenging," he warned Dean.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
Electric Lounge
- Small Heath, Birmingham -

IMG_0827.jpegFeeling the weight of his idea linger between them like a dense cloud, Sully reclined back in his chair at the Electric Lounge. Tony's gaze was fixed on him, anticipating a response that Sully was unable to provide. He had thought it would be a brilliant idea to find someone else to take over their portion of the distribution operation; it would be a clean way to escape Russo's control without causing too much trouble. Yet, when Tony asked, "Who is this person you have in mind?" Sully had nothing. He looked down at his drink and shook his head.

Sully took a drink of whiskey and grumbled. He detested feeling vulnerable and cornered like this. When it came to people, Tony had always been the astute one. Sully was a talented chef, but how would he manage the business side? Tony was an expert in that field and had a keen sense of weakness.

Tony sighed, growing impatient. He mentioned Felicity and waved her away. Sully's mouth tightened, annoyance rising to the surface. Tony always made Felicity sound like a bother and not worth their time when her name was mentioned. Sully was not fond of it. Felicity wasn't his favorite person, but she was helpful, and Tony's condescending attitude annoyed him.

Sully murmured, "She's smarter than you give her credit for," interrupting Tony before he could say anything crude. “However, this isn't about her.”

Tony stared at Sully. “What can you tell us about this jumped up prick?" he asked his brother. "How did you know to contact him in the first place?"

Sully's thoughts strayed to his early years in London, when he was still employed as a chef. It had been a simpler time, or so he thought.

“I was a cook. Had a small job in the city, usually preparing Italian food. One of my signature dishes was chicken Parmigiana.” Sully's voice trailed off as he thought back on the incident. "Russo ordered the dish one night and was really happy with it. Said he felt like it was from home. He was flashy even then - big tipper, always made sure the staff knew who he was. But at the time, I didn’t care. I only saw money.

“He asked me to this posh hotel he was staying at one evening. Claimed to be hosting a party and asked me to prepare food for him and his guests. The money was good, so I went.”

He paused, taking in the scent of the pricey suite, the women, the laughter, and finally the drugs. The white powder dispersed like a focal point over the table.

“That's when I noticed it. The cocaine. Everyone was on it, having the time of their lives. Russo wasn’t just some rich guy throwing parties; he was running product through half of London. I didn’t think much of it at the time - thought it was just rich people doing what rich people do.”

"That's basically how I got involved," Sully remarked in a sour tone. "Russo gave the impression that using the restaurant as a front for his distribution was my idea. Said we would both be extremely wealthy. I was innocent and youthful. I believed I was in charge. With hindsight, he forced me to enter it. But it wasn't until it was too late that I realized that.”

"He had me from the beginning," Sully muttered.

Gazing into his drink, Sully pondered about the months he had spent under Russo's control, observing the man's actions. Russo was meticulous and cautious. He had an army of devoted warriors who would die for him, and he had eyes everywhere. It was not going to be simple to escape.

"Russo is cautious," Sully eventually remarked. "He's always one step ahead, but he doesn't trust easily." Here in England, he now has his own family. suppliers I've never heard of and contacts I've never met. However, one thing stands out.

Tony seemed to come alive.

"He has a daughter," Sully mentioned. "I haven't met her, but I have seen her photos. The only soft spot that comes to mind is her. If we could find her… maybe we could use her as leverage.”

Although he didn't like the idea of utilizing Russo's daughter, he realized it was their best chance. If they wanted to break free from Russo’s control, they’d have to play dirty. Just like Russo had played him all those years ago.

Misty Gray Misty Gray
BasDorcha BasDorcha

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