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Realistic or Modern Gangs of Birmingham - IC Thread [Open & Accepting]

Finley Residence
Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham
Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley

Richard took a sip of his drink generously, needing it desperately to cut the tension. He knew the longer he waited to say the full truth, Robert would get more frustrated. He rested his hands on the counter, pushing some of the weight off his leg as he stared at the counter. Robert was letting him have it, claiming he didn’t care for the family. His mustache curled, trying to maintain his composure. But it was clear, Robert knew what buttons to push. After being caught off guard with the suddenness of this conversation and shocked with how vile it got, his temper was at Witt’s end. “Shut up! Just for once Robert!” He slammed his fist down, the rattle on the counter rocking both their drinks.

“I was going to call you tonight, but here you are. You want to have it out now? Then let’s have it. Just because I do the moral and right thing for the majority, you accuse me of betraying the family? Seriously Robert! You’ve got to be fucking joking!” He made direct contact with his brother again, clearly hurt. “Tony Fletcher came to me because he had nowhere else to go. You and Carol wouldn’t be of help, and he was scared shitless after the Gala. He wanted my help to work out the differences between the two of you, before this Marco situation

“This Marco bullshit was unplanned! He appeared, and against Tony’s will, confessed. He told me all of it.”
Richard bit his lip, uncomfortable with the details of how his nephew was slaughtered. When he spoke again, his tone softened. “As much as I loved Charles, an eye for an eye doesn’t solve anything. If he lives, then he has to live with the guilt the rest of his life. That in itself is greater suffering than anything you could do to that kid.”

“Not that you care, but he is remorseful.”
Richard added, matter of factly. “So what did I do? I opted to do the right thing. Marco is going to see a court of law and be tried like anyone else.” He replied firmly, nearly chastising Robert. “You’ve lost any semblance of a moral compass! From this reaction today, to nearly losing Caroline, and now you questioning my compassion for your family? Unbelievable! All I’m trying to do is protect you from yourself! That’s all I’ve ever done! Why can’t you see that? Caroline does, but you never have!”

Now that his temper had risen once again, Richard knew he was stoking the fire.
Finley Residence
- Birmingham, England -

Robert Walker

Robert was surprised by Richard's sudden outburst telling him to shut up, followed by the slamming of his fist on the counter. Robert had been in many altercations, be they physical or verbal, so he was more than familiar with being on the receiving end of it. But the fact it was Richard doing the yelling this time was shocking to hear. It wasn't often the two men came to severe blows, but that unfamiliarity didn't mean Robert was about to back down and submit for the sake of peace.

Robert gave the drinking glasses an obvious glance, drily acknowledging how Richard's action had caused them to shake. He then shifted his stare back to his brother as the man began his tirade. Robert folded his arms, reminding himself not to interrupt and instead let the man get it off his chest... however much he had to fire at him. Whilst Richard said he had intended to call him, Robert didn't think that was good enough and he would have still wanted the conversation to be had in person.

He was surprised to hear that Tony went directly to Richard, but in the back of his mind he knew his brother likely came across as more approachable, or a softer touch, especially if the only other option was himself or Caroline. But when it came to it, Robert wasn't about to start picking fights about Tony. Since early on, he hadn't believed the man was the one who killed Charles, and he hoped it wouldn't transpire that the murder had been at all planned. Tony's confirmed innocence was something Robert wanted to stick, for the sake of their business together and to keep Caroline away from the Fletcher boss when the families were trying to cooperate.

Richard tried to assure him that Marco was full of remorse and would have to live with the guilt. Robert wanted to take comfort from that and not have to think his son was killed in cold blood, but it would be hard to ignore the months of enduring the unknown whilst Marco walked around knowing the truth. Any hints of Robert softening were quickly snapped away by the way Richard spoke to him in asserting Marco would be tried in court. It rubbed him up the wrong way and caused him to tense up as he held back from interrupting in that moment.

Perhaps it would have been better if had butted in, as his brother went on to push his buttons further. Not only questioning his moral compass, but bringing his marriage into it. Then claiming he was protecting him from himself. "Are you bloody serious?!" he snapped, now gripping the counter with both hands as if he keep himself at the opposite side of the counter to Richard. "If I'm lacking a moral compass, then it amazes me that you've been able to stand by me for so long! I have no idea how you've managed it," he sarcastically remarked. "And don't give me that sanctimonious bollocks about protecting me!" Robert gripped his glass and knocked back the rest of his drink, but kept the empty tumbler in his hand.

"You were right there with me when all of this started. You were even complicit in what had to be done to get this city under control. Birmingham was a mess when we came home from the war and I dread to think what kind of hellhole it would be now, without the steps my family took to clean up the city. Everything I have done has been to maintain what we built. The first sign of weakness, people will take advantage and drag Birmingham back down with them. So, what message does it send when I sit back and let my own son's killer walk into court unscathed? As much as you think you can be the Mayor who cleans the streets and rids it of crime, it will never work. Especially not when there are others willing to challenge both my family and the Fletchers."

With the glass still in his hand, he pointed his index finger at Richard. "This isn't the war. It doesn't sound like we're fighting on the same side this time. You're not protecting me, you're appeasing your voters."

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard)

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