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Realistic or Modern Gangs of Birmingham - IC Thread [Open & Accepting]

The Red Lion Pub
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Sammy Fletcher

Sammy preferred the solace of routine over the chaos of adventure. While his siblings sought out excitement and adrenaline, he found contentment in the simple, predictable aspects of life. He valued stability and security, understanding the risks involved in chasing after the unknown. Yet, despite his reservations, he remained loyal to his family, always willing to lend a hand when needed. His silence didn't stem from apathy or indifference, but rather from a deep-seated understanding of his family dynamics. He knew that voicing his concerns wouldn't likely change their behavior, nor would it strengthen their bond. Instead, he chose to quietly observe, offering support when necessary but otherwise keeping his thoughts to himself.

Despite his reservations, Sammy couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he watched his siblings flirt with danger. He worried about their well-being and the potential consequences of their actions. However, he also recognized the importance of family unity and the need to stand together, even in the face of adversity. For Sammy, the family was everything. He may not have agreed with all their decisions, but he remained steadfast in his commitment to them. And in the end, it was this loyalty and sense of unity that held them together through thick and thin.

Today, Sammy found himself once again at The Red Lion, a rare indulgence in downtime that allowed him to relax and engage in card games with Rory and Marco. "I’m foldin’," he grumbled, his voice barely audible above the bustling chatter of the bar. Despite the lack of tangible stakes, Sammy couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at not being able to boast about a potential victory later.

As Marco's attention was drawn to the pub doorway, Sammy's gaze followed suit for a fleeting moment. Two attractive young women caught his eye as they exited, one of them flashing him a smile before he quickly averted his gaze. A faint blush tinged his cheeks as Marco teased him about the redhead's apparent interest, prompting Sammy to shake his head in denial, albeit slowly.

"I absolutely was not!" Sammy protested, his voice strained with indignation at the insinuation that he would openly ogle someone without first engaging in conversation. After all, he prided himself on his manners. Granted, he often found himself on the receiving end of others' conversations due to his difficulty initiating them himself, but that was beside the point. Sammy's eyebrows arched in skepticism as he glanced at his sister, unsure if she was joking or simply being facetious. Familiar with her tendency for playful banter, he couldn't entirely discount the possibility of her teasing him. Fortunately, Marco swiftly changed the subject, diverting the attention away from Sammy and granting him a welcome reprieve from the teasing.

The relief in his eyes faded swiftly, replaced by a disapproving gaze as he silently listened to Rory recount her encounter with Sully. Confusion etched Sammy’s features as he glanced over at Marco. "Soft," He echoed, his tone reflecting a hint of skepticism, as Rory suggested that Robert might have grown soft with age. "I'm not one to defend Robert, but that doesn't sound like him at all. At least, not from what I know of him," Sammy interjected, addressing his sister. "And Sully didn’t mention anything to you? Nothing to give you even the slightest hint as to what—" His words were abruptly cut. Sammy couldn't ignore the palpable sense of fear emanating from the young man he’d yet to see across the room. Whether it was the scent of alcohol on his breath or simply the realization that he had wandered into a perilous situation, Sammy sensed the gravity of the moment.

Sammy's gaze swept across the pub, landing on the front entrance where he spotted familiar faces — the ones not welcomed in their establishment. Straightening up instinctively, Sammy turned to Marco and then Rory. "Can I help you, gentlemen?" he inquired, his typically soft-spoken voice now resonating loudly within the confines of The Red Lion. His expression remained neutral as he observed Thomas's panicked demeanor before shifting his attention to Jackie. "You seem... lost," Sammy remarked, his tone measured yet filled with an underlying sense of caution.
with: Marco Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Rory +Thomas neverbackdown neverbackdown ; Jackie purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Streets / Aston Auto Repairs
Aston, Birmingham, England
In scene: Misty Gray Misty Gray neverbackdown neverbackdown

Malcolm Murray Jr.

While Mrs. Fletcher spoke, Malcolm stood stoically to the side, zoned out of the room. His adrenaline had gotten the better of him, not noticing his bleeding knuckles or truly the full scope of his action. He assaulted a cop, a crooked cop, but a cop nonetheless. His arms were crossed while glancing down at Officer Barton, unaware he was getting blood on his shirt. Tony Fletcher would chew him out a good deal. It was self-defense, protecting the man’s wife and his sister was a good reason for what he did. He wouldn’t let someone dissuade him otherwise.

Jennifer’s touch snapped him back to reality, loosening his arms to let her inspect his hands. “I’m fine, Jen. Nothin’s broken I promise.” He flexed his fingers to double-check his claim, the swelling diminishing the motion, but nothing was broken. When she was satisfied, he watched with interest as she moved to Officer Barton. Her strength was admirable, even though he knew she was emotionally spent by now. When she turned back to him, his blue eyes locked to hers at the request to get rid of the man. “Aye, I'll get on that,” he said with a nod.

He crouched down to Officer Barton, who flinched instinctively, despite Malc having no intention to harm him again. “You heard the ladies, get gone. I’ll help you to your car,” he said softly as he gently scooped the man from under his good side. Officer Barton winced, situating himself to his feet while his arm was draped over Malc’s back. When he was satisfied, he began to lead the man out…

Malcolm wasn’t gone for long, but the dejection on his sister’s face made him frown. She’d worked overtime this week to finish the job. Now, it was all to shit. “I’m sorry you had to watch that, ladies. I wouldn’t have let anyone touch ya’, regardless of a copper or a bum.” He glanced down at his tank, now speckled with his blood as well as Officer Barton’s, shaking his head. “Guess this is a proper welcome, Mrs. Fletcher, we can have a chat in the office if ya’ still like?” There was a small ice box in the back for food and water, which he knew Jen would fuss over him until she was satisfied. Only fair, he supposed, considering his prior actions. Plus, it would help get the women's mind off of the events.
The Red Lion Pub
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Marco Alessi

Marco listened intently as Rory told them she didn't know how she and Sully had got away from the Walkers unscathed. Sully had asked to speak with Robert in private before the two siblings were allowed to leave. Sully hadn't been back in Birmingham for long and before he left he'd had no interest in joining in with the family business. He was calmer and more reasonable than Tony, that was for sure. Marco could only deduce that he'd managed to talk Robert out of any drastic actions. Given that the Walker boss had yet to take notable action against Tony, the most provoking and challenging of the Fletchers, it wasn't too hard to believe he'd let Sully and Rory go.

Sammy didn't seem convinced that Robert had gone soft, prompting Marco to shift uncomfortably on the spot. Any hint that the Walker boss was a forgiving and reasonable man gave him some hope for a less dreadful fate should the truth about him killing Charles ever be revealed. But Sammy said it didn't seem like the old man they knew, prompting Marco to clear his throat as he decided to voice his thoughts. "Still... he's not fucked Tony up yet--"

Like Sammy, Marco stopped speaking when he saw the two unexpected men enter the pub. "What are they doing here?" Marco asked Sammy and Rory in a lowered voice. Robert's son and nephew both entering the pub only served to rattle him further in that moment. That, and the fact that The Red Lion was one of the places a Walker was not welcome in. Why would they just wander into the place? It then crossed Marco's mind that they could know the truth. But surely the Walkers wouldn't send Jackie and Thomas to deal with him.

Sammy stepped up to address the unwanted arrivals, pointing out that they seemed lost. Marco made sure to move and stand firmly at Sammy's side. Regardless of his concerns about his secret coming out, he wasn't about to hide away in this situation. If Sammy and Rory needed his support, then he wasn't going to hesitate to step up. "There's plenty of other pubs in the city," Marco added, wanting Jackie and Thomas to walk away. Plenty of them your own family owns... he thought to himself.

purplecowdutch purplecowdutch (Jackie) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory/Thomas) (Jackie) Bellz Bellz (Sammy)

Gatsby's Restaurant
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Beth Henderson

Beth flashed an amused smile when Bonnie raised her doubts that Alfie wasn't running things in Birmingham. "No, no it's not him. He runs The Vixen, but it's his father who runs the Walker empire. He's a big name here, both in business and charitable work," she explained. Whilst she knew about the darker side of the Walker empire, it wasn't something she would talk about, both for her own safety and to protect her father's alliance with Robert. With mention of Alfie's dead sibling, she lightly nodded in confirmation. Charles' murder was no secret in the city, even to those without ties to the family, as they would have at least read of it in the papers. "No need to apologise," she reassured her. "Alfie's brother was killed a few months back. It's no secret around here, and people are still talking about it now. They never found who did it," she informed her.

Before Beth could continue the conversation, she visibly tensed up, her face turning red as she felt herself burning up. One of the men from the rowdy group approached the bar, stopping a couple of feet alongside Bonnie as he put his hand down on the bar and sent something of an amuse smirk Beth's way. It was the first time she'd seen his face as he'd been the one seated with his back to her the whole time. "Did you miss me, Beth?" the man asked. "I just got out a few days ago, so you'll be seeing plenty of me now. Looks like you've done well for yourself. Your old man has too - the fucking Mayor!"

"Okay, David. I need you to finish up here and leave," Beth told him, her voice breaking slightly despite her attempt to be assertive. "In fact, you all need to leave now. Don't bother paying. Just get out of here because you're not welcome back." The last thing she needed in her life was her abusive ex. Clearly, he was out of jail and still looking for trouble.

David turned to Bonnie with a puzzled expression. "The service isn't much to rave about here, is it?" he sarcastically asked.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Bonnie)
The Platinum Lounge - Office
~Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England~

Alfie Walker
Robert's response was pretty much what Alfie had begun to sum up on his mind, what with Alfie opening his mouth and sticking his foot ankle deep into it. A sign escaped him as the anger immediately left his body, leaving him feeling like a small child being dressed down by his teacher. When Robert finally snapped that they were not here to talk about his mistakes, Alfie gave him a small look of apology, knowing he shouldn't hold his father's mistakes against him - they were all human and his father was not perfect, despite how Alfie had spent so many years believing. As a kid, Alfie had always looked at his father like he was the image of the ideal man. He was tall, handsome, had power, money, women, a wife and a family, everything someone could want. He didn't think about the cost that came with it, or the affect it had on those around, he was a god among men and that gave him the entitlement to do as he wished. It was only recently that he realized his father was still just a man, and not a god. He was still human.

As Robert went on to clarify that he wasn't trying to insult Alfie's intelligence or worthiness, a look of shame came across his face. He had spent his life trying to pretend he didn't care that he came second place to Charles in everything. He rolled with the punches, dealt with being the runner up in life, and lost himself in second-son choices. There was so much going through his mind it was hard to separate it all. He still felt like he was constantly needing to prove that he was just as good as his brother and that he was worth something to the world, that he was worth the love and support Charles had always received and he'd gotten so little of. He was angry that Charles, who was gone, was still held to a higher place then him. He was regretful that his anger has burst out in a display of childishness because he misinterpreted what his father meant. It simply showed that he was not as confident in himself as he pretended to be, though that was lost on his father.

With his father expressing that his concern was that there had to be ulterior motives for such a woman to stay in Birmingham of all places, he nodded slightly, acknowledging that he might be right, but Alfie had just been ignoring those doubts. Alfie stayed standing, watching his father quietly as he was dismissed like an incorrigible child that had dropped the cake fresh out of the oven, ruining someone's birthday party. His hands moved into his pockets as he considered taking this moment to escape and return to his normal life, one where he didn't have to take on Charles responsibilities. It would be so easy. He looked around the room, thinking carefully about what he wanted. Did he really want to go back to being someone that didn't matter? Sure, he mattered to the club, he mattered to his employees. He was certain his mother loved him, even if it was just because she had too, but did that mean it was enough? He had always wanted to be like his father, to have the respect and the grandiose persona that filled the room. He had silently been trying to replicate it for years, though no one seemed to see it.

He looked at his father, pinching his nose and waiting for him to dismiss himself, but he didn't move. Deciding that he wasn't going to continue to let his father put him on the back burner, to think of him as some fuck up that couldn’t handle himself or business, he took a step towards him, closing the distance between himself and the desk. Leaning over, he put his hand on the file, sliding it back towards himself as he calmed himself, his voice, his manners, stabilizing his mood before he continued to speak. "No" He said simply. He took the folder back, the aggression gone in his physical and verbal forms. "I already accepted the job, and I'm going to do it." He picked the file up, standing up straight and putting distance back between them, the boyish looks normally surrounding him replaced by an air of maturity - even if it seemed a bit unnatural for him.

"You want me to step up, then stop trying to remove me because we have a disagreement. I know I'm not Charles, I will not always be the one to say yes immediately every time. I'm going to question things, I'm going to push back, but that doesn't mean I can't do the job or accomplish the task. It means we have different perspectives, I'm not a child after all and that's what adults do - they talk out the varying views on things. Charles… Charles started this young, he understood things I am sure I've yet to learn because he was being trained for years before I even knew what this family really was or did. It made him easy to mold, because he didn't know a different way. With me, it's going to be a different course, and you're going to have to learn to work with me, the same as I'm going to have to learn why you do things the way you do. It may not be easy, this transition, because I am not Charles and you're very use to him doing things your way without question, but that does not mean I'm not the right one for this. We are both going to have to change," His voice was determined and even, but there was a gentleness to it that Alfie always carried, despite trying to seem harder than he was.

"I can't be Charles, Dad, I'm sorry. I'm a completely different son. That means approaching things with me will be different then him. It means I'll respond differently than him. What it doesn't mean is giving up every time it doesn't go exactly the way you expect it to. I'm sorry I misunderstood what you were saying…" he looked away, not use to having to apologize to his father since his father rarely noticed him enough to care what he did, much less requiring him to be sorry for it. "I'll try to see things more from your perspective going forward. Still, you need to understand…" he shifted awkwardly, looking away and staring at some random object he couldn’t even explain what was just for the sake of having somewhere to look. "Charles was a great brother, but there were aspects of him that were not great. Sure, he would protect us, kill someone for us if they hurt us, but what you didn't see was how critical he was of everything we ever did. You never had to say we weren't as good as him, he made sure we knew he was the family's chosen one. Maybe you never saw it, and that’s fine, you had a lot to do and weren't always around to see the way he sometimes treated us, but that leaves an impression that can be hard to push by."

Alfie finally looked back at his father, a much older and somber look in his eyes. "Anyways, it's going to work out. I can handle it." He waited to see his father's reaction, quiet and attentive, trying to determine if he was really going to stick to outing him. If he did, Alfie might never return. He wasn't going to keep trying just for his father to keep shutting him down like he had done so often during the most formative of his years. As a teenager, Alfie had tried to learn, tried to follow Charles footsteps, but was always turned away since Charles was there. He wondered if now his father would regret all those times he could have been teaching both his children, instead of just one.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Robert Walker
Walker Residence
~Edgbaston, Birmingham, Englad~​

Dean Walters
Dean held his breath as he waited for those before him to respond. Eventually he released Caroline, letting her move back to her seat as he waited for Richard to give him an answer. Getting through Rich was the first move to starting his amends. He couldn't allow himself back in the Walker's lives if Rich wasn't going to be okay with him being around, it would be too painful for the both of them. As Rich slowly regained his composure, Dean's smile grew with it, trying to brighten his spirits. He knew from his own experience that Dean's new life choices were hard to swallow. They lived in a world where the idea of loving people openly was frowned upon and downright outlawed, much less embracing the idea that love was not finite and limited to one person and your children. Dean had learned love was only able to be multiplied, not just restricted and doled out in small increments to those worthy.

He also knew that hearing he had a child was going to be a shock - it was something they had both wanted but Dean had always shut it down due to the fact he knew two men raising a child would be outlandishly vibrant and highlight their way of life to a point they both may end up in deep shit. Still, he had determined to be open and honest moving forward in his life, at least as much as possible. There would surely still be times that honesty was not the best policy, especially if it put Richard, any of Dean's friend or family, or anyone he cared about at risk, but short of that, it would be as close as possible to no more lies anytime.

With Caroline extricated from the hug, Richard pulled him in and hugged him tightly, his head on his shoulder. He allowed it, simply holding him tightly in return as he could feel he man very much needed it, as did Dean. He didn't realize it until then, but he had very much missed this part of his heart and just having him in his arms was healing decades worth of pain all at once. When Richard finally pulled way, he gave him a gentle smile, releasing him completely and stepping back. Leaning against the bar, he watched with a perked eyebrow as Rich hugged Caroline and asked for her and Rob to tear into him. He laughed, a loud laugh that broke through the tension in the air. It would be worth it, just to get through all of this and back to how they use to be.

"I'll just have to hide here until Rob sees reason, can't have Caroline here dressing me down like a schoolboy… again." He grinned playfully. "As for what to offer Rob… Maybe you can help me sort it out, the both of ya." As Rich went on to explain that Caroline could have single handedly ended the war if she had enlisted, Dean gave her a wink. "I knew that even back in the day. Would have been a shit pilot though, don't think she ever liked the loops and swoops." His grin grew as he put up his hand playfully like she was going to throw something at him. After being sure he was safe, he began refilling each of their drinks, a strong gin and tonic for Rich, more wine for Caroline, and another whiskey for himself.

Moving back around to sit at his seat, he waved his arms in a wide open motion. "Let's get on to the happier stuff - hard though it may be. What shall we do now?"
Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -

Caroline Walker

Caroline had let the two men have their moment, knowing just how much Richard needed the close hug he was having with Dean. When they were done, Richard approached her to give her a small hug too, coaxing a warm smile out of her. She then playfully quirked her eyebrows as he said he'd pay to see her and Robert make Dean squirm. Richard himself had already forgiven Dean, which didn't come as a surprise to her given she now knew how deeply he felt for the man. She could only hope Dean was serious and would stick around. Maybe she would have to help make sure he did.

When Dean admitted he needed help to smooth things over with Robert, Caroline reached for her glass and took a long drink of wine as she mulled over that thought. She delicately placed her glass down as the men commented how she could have ended the War had she enlisted at the time. "Of course I could. Men and their egos don't have a clue how to solve problems. Some men were perhaps having too much fun messing around whilst away from home," she remarked, making a swipe at both of them and Robert in one go. She then rolled her eyes at Dean's suggestion she'd be a bad pilot. "I think I'd be a great pilot, given half the chance."

She held out her empty glass so it could be refilled with wine. "Robert's going to be tough to crack right now," he told them both. "Not only is he grieving for Charles, in his own way of not addressing it, but our son's death has added far more weight onto his shoulders. Added to that, I might have told the kids a few home truths about Robert, so that hasn't helped matters. Felicity has withdrawn from his fan club," she explained. She hadn't taken any joy from it and she didn't want her kids to turn on their father, but she didn't regret finally relieving herself of that one burden of many secrets she kept for her husband.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)


Scott definitely didn't seem to like getting berated by Carter the instance he stepped foot outside but this was something ongoing both of them so Carter didn't feel too bad about it.
They moved to the bar away from the door and Carter ordered two beers, Scott seemed to smile at the barmaid. If that made their drinks come any faster, Carter wasn't going to give any complaints.
When Scott seemed to focus on the conversation again his smile faded, he felt his blood boil while Scott started rambling on how they were just pawns in a game.

He wasn't wrong but the way he responded to it made Carter feel the complete opposite way. Before he could open his mouth, he blamed not only that idiot Jackie Walker but his own blood and soul, his brother.
He balled his fists under the table, trying to seem unbothered by the whole ordeal. Drugs was a casual thing for Carter and he was pretty sure Robert Walker was quite the sinner himself. If not from drugs, it were those women. Not very different than they were, was he?
If anything that could be an entrance, blackmail.

When Scott dropped Brian's excistence, Carter gave him the biggest eye roll he could to show how he felt about that. 'This is fucking bullshit and if you'd just let me talk for a second, I can think,' Carter added as if he was to pick his words carefully, as if he ever did.

'Who is taking over this shit then? We'd been through hell and back for this business, I'm not going to give in now,' Carter said, lowering his voice now dramatically to make it appear more serious and hopefully convince his brother that this wasn't a lost cause as he thought it was.

When Scott talked about the whores and running the club, Carter took the beer over from the young lady. His eyes lingered a little too long before turning back to his brother, ladies were not a priority to Carter right now.
'I don´t get this, we did all this effort and now he will get all the fucking credit,' Carter spewed as he shook his head. 'Important people, Scott, wake up. We are the important people and we made ten times the money enabling addiction than enabling sex.'

Carter took a beer vilt and a pen as he scribbled the paper first to check if it worked, 'What about Caroline? Robert loves Caroline so much he's here every weekend, right,' Carter thought out loud as he scribbled the paper, 'what if we'll give him a trade to shut our mouth if he gives us a cut of the trades.'
Carter looked up at his brother, he could care less about Mick but he wanted Scott and him to succeed.
The only problem the two brothers had was that one liked their step father and the other one didn't.
Jackie Walker - fletcher pub - with Thomas neverbackdown neverbackdown

Thomas didn't seem to process anything Jackie was saying but Jackie sure was pretending he did. He wasn't aware of any consequences neither did he want to think of any, they walked into the bar with Thomas his arm around him.
Jackie wasn't quite sure if Thomas had understood everything but as he felt his nephew froze against him in the pub, he gave him a stern look. Fear was something Fletchers could smell from miles away.

Jackie shrugged his shoulders at him, distracted by the two figures who were now coming up to them. This was not a time to freak out or make a spectacle although however they might have been too late for that last one. He recognized the blonde one as Sammy Fletcher and next to him was Marco. Jackie recognized Sammy but never recalled running into him before, Marco was a different story.

'Lost is a big word,' Jackie said as he nodded to Samuel. He had to speak before Thomas started panicking, he already looked like a shaking chihuaha so he didn't want him to make it more obvious that they were screwed. 'I know exactly where I am,' Jackie added, starting to slur a little from nerves and all the alcohol still in his body.

Jackie let out a soft chuckle to lighten the tension as he did a few steps towards the bar and gazed at Thomas for a second doing a quick prayer, hoping to get saved by his wonderful intellect, only this once.
'Plenty of pubs but none like this one,' he sarcastically answered with half a smile. 'So can I order a beer or do you guys only serve lemonade?' Jackie gave a quick look at the bartender, pushing the thought of getting a bullet through his head far, far away.

Jackie's laugh sounded a little bit more unsure but he tried to remain his facade perfectly. He loved his cousin but he never knew he'd get Thomas actually beat up and that would be the positive outcome. He didn't know if he should be more scared of these numbwitz or Robert. His dad often got called to his ''office'', he'd start cursing the moment he hang up the phone. Often making little Jackie promise that if he ever had the opportunity to screw him over as much as he did to him, the boy was five years old.

Richard never understood that Jackie loved his dad throughout that misery and was blinded by Robert's charm, as was everyone. He was the one who wielded power and if Jackie could just get a little bit, he'd never complain again.
The Platinum Lounge - Office
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Robert Walker

After asking his son to leave, Robert was a little surprised to find Alfie didn't take the opportunity to get out of the office when it was offered to him. Instead, the young man walked towards him and the desk. The word "no" caught his attention, but he didn't respond to it yet. In the meantime, Robert eyed the file as Alfie slid it back to himself, before looking back at his son's face to await his next words. The younger man maintained that he'd accepted the job and insisted he was going to do it. Robert didn't move from his seat, instead waiting patiently for the other man to continue speaking. He wasn't going to do the talking yet, more interested to see where and how far Alfie would go with whatever it was he needed to get out of his system.

Alfie raised the point that he wasn't Charles and wouldn't always say yes without questioning things. There had been times when Charles had questioned Robert's decisions, but he always had good reason for doing so when he did. Otherwise, him and his late son had tended to agree on most things. Robert knew Alfie wasn't as similar to himself as Charles had been.

"As I did with Charles, I will accept my orders being questioned when it is reasonable, but you can't get in a strop if you don't get your way and I disagree with you," he firmly told him. "I didn't get where I am today by letting people easily sway my decisions. However, I am open to working with you to help you learn the ropes and I will hear you out should you have reservations about my decisions. As I did with Charles, and as I do with your mother."

Robert nodded in agreement when Alfie pointed out he and Charles were two very different people, which he already knew full well. He observed his son as he shifted awkwardly, but tightened his jaw as he began to speak negatively about Charles. He explained how he'd been critical of his siblings and had made a point of telling them he was the favourite. When it came to his children and how he felt about them on a personal level, Robert never intended to give the impression he had a favourite, as he loved all five of them. But when it came to business, Charles was of course the chosen one and he proved himself to a point where Robert did put him first in that context. Felicity had done what she could to try put herself in the spotlight and be given similar responsibilities that Charles had, but Robert never saw that drive in his remaining children. "I know Charles had a way of putting people down. His manner served well in the business and helped keep people in line. I take responsibility for pushing him to be strong - to be a lion in this business. But I'm sorry he brought that home to you and the others too. I know he loved you all, despite the behaviour he exhibited," he maintained.

When Alfie told him he could handle it, Robert looked him in the eyes before slowly nodding. "I'm glad to hear that," he said, outstretching his arm to the seat he wanted his son to occupy across from him. "I'm giving you the opportunity to walk out of here and free yourself of the responsibility, as Diana has done." He sat forward in his seat. "Or, you can sit back down and accept your place in the business. It won't be easy, nor will it be pleasant, but that's the nature of what I do. I will, however, make more effort to hear out reservations you might have about decisions or commands I make."

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Alfie)
Streets- Gatsby's Restaurant
Birmingham, England
In scene: Misty Gray Misty Gray

Bonnie Moody

Bonnie took note of the information, whoever Alfie’s father was he seemed to be a very large player in this town. If he had dealings both in business and philanthropy, then there was likely a lucrative source for that money. Perhaps if she was brought up normally she would’ve been less suspicious. But she couldn’t ignore the glaring similarities between this man and her father. Doubling down on her hunch, the death of Charles Walker seemed like writing on the wall. All of this, of course, she kept to herself. She knew how men like Mr. Walker operated, frankly not enjoying them in the slightest. She needed to be smart around Alfie, God, despite his irresistible charm.

As she took a drink, she watched Beth freeze at something behind her. A grizzled drunkard slapped himself next to her, one who seemed to know Beth. While the two interacted, she kept her mouth shut and her ears open. Standout citizen if you asked her. The only thing of interest mentioned was her father being the Mayor. She stored that nugget of knowledge for later, interrupted by the man questioning her.

“You Brits got nothing on southern hospitality, but Beth here is quite fine.” Bonnie tipped her glass to the man. “I’d take that free tab if I were you,” she shrugged. “ If I was behind that bar, I'd have a shotgun barrel to your nose faster than you counting to three.” Her quip was nonchalant, men like him didn’t scare her in the slightest. She’d seen scarier men in her odd jobs, plus, she could pick a good fight. Men like Mr. Walker were her fear, not drunken assholes.
The Platinum Lounge
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Scott Ashworth

Sometimes, it felt like Scott was talking to a brick wall when his brother didn't listen to what he was telling him. One of these days, Carter was going to get them both killed, he was sure of it! "Alfie is taking over. Given that Charles was running the drugs before he died, it makes sense," he tried to reason. Whilst he had made progress and expanded their reach over the last couple of months, it was the Walkers' business when it came down to it. "Carter, we'd never have had chance to put a foot in the door without Robert. We need to back off."

Scott laughed when Carter said they were both important people. "Sure we are," he agreed. "But we're not important enough to challenge those at the top. I'd rather be alive and working with them."

When Carter pointed out the drugs brought in more money than the sex, Scott shrugged his shoulders. It was true, but it didn't mean he would turn his back on that side of business. When they were children, their mother had been forced into sex work to keep food on the table and it had always affected him deeply knowing that fact. Whilst he came across as ruthless and strict over the women he managed, that was all to keep things running smoothly. In reality, sex work was always going to be part of the Walker's criminal empire, but at least this way, Scott had control over it and could ensure the women weren't mistreated. Not that he would admit that out loud.

Scott quickly shook his head when Carter began to suggest blackmailing Robert. "You've got a death wish, haven't you?" he hissed at him. "There's nothing seedy in this club, so Robert's visits here won't tie him to some tart. The most you'll get is him sweet-talking women to get his way in a business deal, but that's not a crime." He nudged Carter to make him look him in the eyes. "I need you to stop talking shit that's going to get us both killed. Brian isn't taking the piss when he tells us not to cross the boss!"

purplecowdutch purplecowdutch (Carter)
The Red Lion Pub
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Rory Fletcher
As the door to the pub opened, Rory's eyes drifted subconsciously towards it before looking back towards Marco and Sammy. It seemed to take a moment before her face contorted into an expression of disgust and she looked back towards the two unwelcomed guests now darkening her door.

As Sammy and Marco stepped forward to handle the interruption, Rory crossed her arms and leaned against the bar as she looked over their lost visitors. She noted them to be Thomas Walker, the nerdy youngest son of the Walker family and Jackie Walker, the drunken idiot nephew of Robert. She decided to stay out of the way and allow Marco and Sammy to deal with the problem at hand, hoping that they would just walk away instead of bringing trouble into their premises. But as Jackie spoke with blinding ignorance Rory couldn't help but openly scoff as she pushed off the bar and walked forward to block his path.

"We don't serve your type in here, so why don't you just fuck off" Rory spoke slowly and clearly, emphasizing each word so that even if his drunken state, Jackie would be able to understand what she was saying. Her eyes flicked over Thomas and she noted the nervous shake to his hand which he was trying his best to hold still by his side, as Thomas spoke Rory simply nodded in response. "Listen to him, he clearly has more sense than you" Rory directed towards Jackie. Her posture was comfortable, showcasing her to be calm as though she was simply talking to a friend but to a trained eye, one would notice the tenseness of Rory's body, her hands slowly turning to fists at her side as she prepared herself to physically kick the walker scum out of her pub if they didn't leave on their own accord.

Marco - Misty Gray Misty Gray
Sammy - Bellz Bellz
Jackie - purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Thomas - Moi

The Red Lion Pub
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Thomas Walker
As the attention was drawn towards them, Thomas visibly gulped in fear and he subconsciously took a step backwards towards the door they had just entered. He hoped that this was all some big misunderstanding, that Jackie had a moment of drunken idiocy and would swiftly realize his mistake and leave but deep down he knew that would not be the case. Jackie was an adrenaline seeking idiot at times and this was exactly what was happening, Jackie wanted a fight and now here they were about to be eaten.

Looking towards Jackie for a moment, Thomas' eyes widened as he spoke to them and ordered a beer. Watching in horror as his cousin stepped forward towards the bar and towards the three Fletchers in their way and he couldn't help but subtly shake his head. This was it, this was how he was going to die in a Fletchers bar with no way to tell his father that he didn't choose this. He was going to die a disappointment and an idiot in his father's eyes.

As Rory came forward to stand in front of them, Thomas tightened his fists at his side to try and stop his shaking hands being noticeable. He couldn't show fear in front of them especially not the punch happy girl that was so currently so close to him that he could reach out and grab him. He never wanted to be this close to any of the Fletchers but from what he had heard, Rory in particular was a psycho.

"C'mon man lets get out of here" he said calmly as feighed all the confidence he could muster into his voice as he looked towards Jackie almost pleading him with his eyes that they could leave and forget all about this but one look at his cousin's face almost made him groan, like a dog with a bone Thomas knew getting him to leave was going to be an impossible task especially since Rory chose to insult him.

Jackie - purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Marco - Misty Gray Misty Gray
Sammy - Bellz Bellz
Rory - Moi

Aston Auto Repairs
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Julia Fletcher

Julia caught Jennifer looking dejectedly towards the bike and a sad smile played on her lips as she came over to stand by her side and placed a hand gently on her shoulder "I'm sorry about your hard work Jen but don't be worrying about it being behind schedule and if anyone has a problem with it send them to me okay" her voice was nuturing and calm as she spoke, hiding all anger she felt at the situation and how Jennifer had just been treated.

As Malcolm returned Julia looked towards him with a soft smile playing on her lips "Thank you for protecting us Malc and please call me Julia not Miss Fletchers, Im not old " she laughed as she shook her head in an amused manner before a look of concern played on her expression once again "are you sure your ok though" she asked as her attention was drawn towards his hands again.

Biting her lip Julia looked around them at the scene they were standing in as she judged the consequences of it all. "Why don't yous close up early today and take the rest of the evening off, there's nothing overly urgent and one evening won't hurt" she spoke slowly as though thinking it all through as she spoke "we could go get a drink maybe" she added, she knew that it was unlikely that Jen would take her up on the offer especially with how stressed she seemed to be about the damage to the bike but Julia didn't like the idea of her staying her right now any longer than she needed too.

"Please let us know if this ever happens again though okay" she looked between Malc and Jen as she said the last part. "Scummy cops like that have no right to be in here or treating you like that" she added as the bitterness she felt seeped into her tone but she tried to push it back, it would do nobody good if she got angry or upset right now, she had to keep a level head.

Jennifer - Misty Gray Misty Gray
Malcolm - ReverseTex ReverseTex
The Red Lion Pub
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Marco Alessi

It had been many years since Marco and Jackie got along with each other. The bad blood between the Fletchers and the Walkers, along with Marco's growing loyalty and respect for Tony meant a wedge developed between him and Jackie. Over time, Marco stopped talking to the man at all, seeing the way he was towards the Fletchers now made it clear there was not kind of friendship remaining there.

As Jackie slurred his response to Sammy, Marco received more confirmation there was no sentiment left between him and the man. As he commented about there being no pubs like The Red Lion and expecting to be served, Marco shook his head. "Then you'll have to lower your expectations and go to one of the many other pubs," he asserted. More than anything, Marco just wanted the two Walkers to go before real trouble could start.

Rory clearly wasn't impressed, as expected, telling them in so uncertain terms to fuck off. This was followed by even Thomas trying to encourage Jackie to leave. "I don't think you should be dragging your cousin in here," Marco told Jackie. "I won't pretend to know Robert Walker, but it doesn't take a genius to work out he wouldn't want you bringing his son into a pub that belongs to the Fletchers. If you're asking for trouble, then you're dragging Robert's lad into danger too. How do you think that will work out for you?" he asked, looking Jackie in the eyes to see if any sense was getting through to him. Or was he just as pigheaded as Charles had been?

purplecowdutch purplecowdutch (Jackie) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory/Thomas) (Jackie) Bellz Bellz (Sammy)
Chapter 4 - The Masks We Wear
Chapter 4 - The Masks We Wear
- Monday 1st December 1975 -
Evening - Cold, Frosty, Clear Skies
...5 weeks later...


The Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham -

Robert and Caroline Walker

The last month had been busy for Robert, not only with the business but also arranging the fundraiser and making sure enough donors were on board to fill out the hall. So despite handing more duties to Alfie, Robert still had more than enough to keep him busy. Enough for him to not have to say more than a few words to Dean, who had decided to return to Birmingham a month ago. Robert had not made time to entertain hearing out his old friend yet. On the other hand, one person Robert had reconnected with was Felicity, who had insisted on giving him the silent treatment in the weeks following her finding out about him repeatedly cheating on her mother. After letting her speak her mind, he explained himself and took responsibility for his past actions. Felicity wasn't happy with what he'd done but knew it was too late to change it, so the best thing she felt she could do was move on and focus back on the work she did for the family. That meant talking to her father and cooperating.

Someone else who needed to cooperate and be reasonable this evening was Caroline herself. Given the scale of the event, it was vital everyone behaved and allowed it to run smoothly. Robert was already dressed and ready, but rather than waiting in the lounge for his wife, he sat on the sofa in their bedroom as she applied the final touches to her make-up. "You look stunning," he complimented her, having already checked her out in the figure-hugging, long silver dress. His words drew a smile from Caroline, even if she was seated at the dressing table with her back to him. In contrast to the family dinner a few months back, Caroline was in good spirits and filled with confidence. Lately the couple, along with Richard and others, had opened up more about their feelings and it had seemed to have a positive effect all round. Granted, some subjects remained sensitive.

"You could have invited Dean, you know," Caroline commented, using the dressing table mirror she was sitting at to catch her husband's expression. A smirk crossed her lips as she caught him rolling his eyes.

"Darling, we have enough going on tonight without throwing more into the mix. The guests are generous donors and people who care about this city. Dean hasn't cared about Birmingham for quite some time. So what reason would there be to invite him?" Robert asked.

"Friends and family is a valid reason," Caroline abruptly replied. She was sure her husband wasn't going to be stubborn for much longer, but she would take any chance to speed up the process. "If the Fletchers are invited, then surely anyone and their mother is."

Robert got up from his seat and sat on the edge of the bed so he could be closer to his wife and look her in the eyes. He knew Caroline was smart and experienced enough to make only the best impression at the event, but he felt he needed to remind her of why the Fletchers were going to be there and that they all needed to play nice. "Caroline, whatever we think of them and how much of a pest Tony is, the Fletchers have some influence in Birmingham. They have businesses in this city and are contributing to the fundraiser. Gerald himself requested they were in attendance," he spoke of the Mayor.

"Yes, yes. We'll all be on our best behaviour. I've been doing this all of my life, remember?" Caroline assured him. Even before marrying Robert, Caroline had been thrown into similar situations for her parents, having to present herself for business affairs and large family gatherings. She could handle putting on an act this evening. Still, she had one thing to get out of her system whilst she could. "I'm sure Dorothy's donation from selling candles will stretch far and wide for the poor little orphan children..."

The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham -

Tony Fletcher

1712524490266.pngSince the day he'd received the invite to the fundraiser, Tony hadn't had any concerns about attending. It was being held on Walker-owned premises, but given the nature of the event and all of those in attendance, he knew neither family wanted any trouble, so safety wasn't a concern. It had meant that Tony had held back on his plans to attack Walker businesses for the time-being. Still, he'd been grateful that Dorothy had accepted Sully's offer to stay at her house in case the Walkers targeted her. He'd also forced himself to overlook the stunt Jackie had pulled when he showed up in The Red Lion. For now. If the Fletchers were going to make their mark in Birmingham, he knew this kind of event was important to make a good name for his family. With the Mayor and other rich and important folk in attendance, his family needed to be on their best behaviour tonight. He'd already given them strict instructions to stay away from the Walkers and play nice.

As his family found their seats at their table, noticeably located away from where the Walker family we seated, Tony noticed Robert and Richard approaching. Out of the Walkers' view, Tony pulled a humorously disgusted expression before instantly replacing it with a serious one in time to face Robert and Richard...

Along with Caroline and Richard, Robert had been observing the guests, greeting some where they could. When he noticed the Fletchers arrive, Robert decided to break the ice early and greet them. Of course, seeing Dorothy stirred up the feelings he'd been trying to keep locked away, which in turn made his thoughts snap to Caroline and her very different sentiments towards the woman. Richard was by now fully aware of why this could be an uncomfortable encounter, so would no doubt understand Robert's next move. Already, he could see Caroline's eyes glaring at Dorothy, so he turned to his wife and placed his hand on her shoulder. "This is your cue to give Jackie and the others a quick talking to," Robert urged her.

"With pleasure," Caroline replied through gritted teeth. "Good look, boys," she said, briefly squeezing a shoulder each of Robert and Richard before leaving them to greet the grubby Fletchers.

When Robert and Richard reached the Fletchers, Tony was in the process of pulling out a couple of chairs for Dorothy and Julia to sit at either side of him. "Ah, look who it is. Always the highlight of my life seeing you fellas," Tony happily greeted the two Walker men. Without any irony or malice, he outstretched his hand to give Robert and Richard a handshake each.

Robert firmly shook Tony's hand, before giving Julia a more gentle handshake. He then reached out to shake Dorothy's hand. Though it was intended to be the same as with Julia, he felt more of a warmth when shaking Dorothy's hand and his smile for his old flame was more genuine. "You've all met Richard before, haven't you?" he asked. "I'm glad you were all able to make it this evening," Robert said, putting their personal grievances behind him in the name of professionalism. He made sure to acknowledge the others already seated at the table; Sully, Rory, and Malc. He sent Sully a second glance, with their secret arrangement in mind. He then focused back on Tony, Dorothy and Julia. "I trust you have everything you need, but you know where to find us if the staff are unable to accommodate your requests.

When the two Walker men had walked away, Tony turn to his mother and wife. "What a wanker," he muttered for only them to hear. As if cued by his own words against Robert, he looked at Rory, an even bigger liability than himself. "Rory. Mum. Come with me," he asked them both. He gave Julia a kiss on the lips before leaving her at the table with Sully and Malc. "Julia, love, you keep these two lads under control whilst I'm away," he playfully requested. He knew he didn't have to worry about Sully misbehaving, so didn't need to pull him to one side.

With Dorothy and Rory with him and out of earshot of others, he spoke in a hushed tone. "It seems like Caroline was given similar instructions to what I'm about to give. Did ya see the way she was sending us a death stare?" he asked. Unaware that stare had been mostly reserved for Dorothy in this instance, he figured it was because she blamed him for Charles. "Now, Rory. I know they're all shite, but I need to make sure you're not going to stir anything up. Not with Robert, nor those two idiots who came into the pub," he said of Jackie and Thomas. "If we're going to take the Walkers down one day, we need to work on our public image now and get friends in high places. As much as it kills me to say that. Are we on the same page?" he asked.

With Tony: Bellz Bellz (Dorothy) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory)
Mentions/Second Fletcher Group: BeyondDandy BeyondDandy (Sully) ReverseTex ReverseTex (Malc) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Julia)


Felicity Walker

1712524508924.pngAs was normal for Felicity, she'd spent all day rushing around the hotel function hall ensuring everything was going according to plan. Thankfully, she had a full team as staff working and there had been no hitches in preparing for the fundraising event. The layout had been finalised two weeks go, with the only main issue being addressed by ensuring the Fletchers' table was located at the other side of the room to the Walkers.

Felicity would have kept working through the night had her parents, Thomas, and Richard not arrived early. Caroline had proceeded to force Felicity to stop working and go change into her evening dress for the event. Felicity was from that moment banned from working for the rest of the day. A few weeks ago she'd been ignoring Robert and was angry with him for his past affairs, but had since eased off, knowing she couldn't run his hotel for him if she was avoiding him. The fact he'd expressed his pride to her for managing to work with Richard to arrange everything at such short notice also made her soften towards her father. No matter how annoyed she could be with him, it mattered to her that her hard work was being recognised and he was putting his trust in her to help with the business.

With her parents and Alfie working the room for the time-being, Felicity remained at the table with Jackie and Thomas. She was surprised her cousin had been permitted to attend at all, but Caroline seemed keen to give Jackie a chance to prove himself. Felicity wasn't convinced he deserved it, but who was she to question it?

"I'm surprised you're both here after the stunt you pulled the other week," she teased Jackie and Thomas. "Walking into that scummy Fletcher pub? What were you both thinking? I'm surprised Dad didn't go to town on the both of you." Softening her tone, she looked between her brother and cousin. "Can you both promise me you won't be causing trouble tonight? I've been working overtime getting everything in place and I don't want things ending up in chaos. The best thing we can do is keep our distance from that lot. One thing we the three of us all have in common is we don't like them, so I say we stick together tonight," she suggested, mostly to her cousin. She didn't get along too well with Jackie, believing he felt entitled to their family's benefits without working hard to earn it. But tonight, she was willing to call a truce so they could get along for the duration of the event.

With Felicity: purplecowdutch purplecowdutch (Jackie) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Thomas)


Caroline Walker

1712524521693.pngCaroline would typically always greet guests alongside her husband, but she was more than willing to avoid having to greet the Fletchers. She still believed Tony was behind Charles' death, so couldn't even bring herself to shake that man's hand. Nor did she want to be false around Dorothy, given the past affair the woman and Robert had. Even now, seeing him shake the whore's hand threatened to break down the professionalism she needed to display this evening. Rather than going to warn Jackie and the others to behave, she decided she needed to regain control of herself before lecturing them.

An interesting distraction presented itself when she saw Alfie stood to one side with an attractive young woman. Caroline had yet to speak to Bonnie, despite hearing plenty about her. She was aware of Robert's suspicions and the reasoning behind it, understanding why he would be concerned. On the other hand, she didn't like that it had led to Alfie and Robert having the disagreement they'd had.

Caroline didn't hesitate to approach the couple, not about to hold back and spare her son's embarrassment. "Look who finally made it," she greeted Alfie, regardless of the fact he wasn't at all late. She leaned in to give him a quick hug before stepping back. She let her hand rest on her son's shoulder as she looked at Bonnie, all the while keeping a friendly smile on her face. "Alfie, please introduce us," she prompted him.

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Alfie) ReverseTex ReverseTex (Bonnie)


Robert Walker and Mayor Gerald Henderson

1712524533620.pngWalking away from the Fletchers, Robert turned to Richard, clearing his throat. "Now that's out of the way, we can focus on the evening," he told his brother. It wasn't breaking the ice with the Fletchers that had been the hardest part, even if it had been beneficial to get it out of the way from the start. It was speaking directly with Dorothy and keeping it natural that had been the difficult part. His recently reignited feelings for the woman was something he had to make sure to keep hidden. Given that Richard knew of his past and present feelings for the woman, he figured it didn't need any explanation.

"How are you and Dean getting along?" he asked his friend. "Hopefully Birmingham's novelty isn't wearing off for him yet... I digress. Caroline still thinks I should have invited him here this evening, but there's already plenty of hurdles to jump over for one event."

They soon reached the man Robert had been leading them towards. Mayor Gerald Henderson had just finished conversing with his wife by the stage. The woman returned to the table where their three kids, Beth, Carl, and Aidan were seated. Robert and Gerald shook hands, before the 50-year-old man extended his arm to shake Richard's. "I trust everything is going well?" he asked the two men, having noticed Robert and Tony having their first exchange of the evening.

patrick-dempsey.jpg"Everything is going smoothly," Robert assured him. Between the Mayor's security, Walker security, and that of others in attendance, this had to be one of the safest places to be. Not that anyone would be bold enough to attack the Walkers on their own premises. "I see you got the whole family together."

"Miracles can happen," the Mayor remarked. "I'd never have expected all three kids to be in the same place, at the same time, this side of Christmas," he said, chuckling to himself. He then focused his attention to Richard. "Dr. Finley. How is life treating you?" he cheerfully asked the man. "I'm looking forward to your speech shortly. I'm sure Robert is as grateful as I am not to have to listen to our own voices for a change."

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard)

Active Cast: Misty Gray Misty Gray BasDorcha BasDorcha Bellz Bellz BeyondDandy BeyondDandy neverbackdown neverbackdown purplecowdutch purplecowdutch ReverseTex ReverseTex
The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham, England -
- Monday 1st December 1975 -
Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley

December couldn't come soon enough. Richard had certainly been spread thin the past few weeks. If he wasn’t at uni, then he was more often than not with Felicity finalizing something for the bloody gala. The only free time he managed to carve out was either spent visiting with Dean or simply locked away in his study. Dean hadn’t been bothered with his current schedule, considering his emergence was unannounced to begin with. Once the gala was over, he’d have more time to think about how he wanted to handle his feelings there… Richard straightened his bowtie, the final touch to his attire for the evening. He opted to rent a room at the hotel, simply to make setup and takedown easier, plus to have all his essentials within a walk’s reach. Moreover, he decided to cancel his lectures today and the following day. With an event this scale, he knew he needed a day to properly reset. Nearly 100 guests, the hotel staff, music, security, and countless others made this a rather large event. Somehow it seemed appropriate for a banquet named after Charles. Robert wouldn’t have had it any other way, if not for the option to forego the event at all. Satisfied with his look, he made his way over to his briefcase on the desk and removed his speech. His notes managed to fit on an index card if needed, but he likely wouldn’t use them. But it never hurt to be prepared.


Richard reconnected with Robert and Caroline at their table, the gentle background of the piano player mixed with the overall chatter of the room brought a sense of nostalgia. Grasping Robert firmly on the shoulders from behind, he shook his mate gently. “Hope you don’t mind me stealing Rob for a dance?” He joked to Caroline, dipping down to give her a peck on the cheek. They all had a part to play, working the floors conversationally was the biggest task of the night. With the amount of Walkers, it alleviated some of the load. However, as the older guard, their presence needed to be known. Once Robert was up, he allowed him to lead the way.

Their first stop, to no surprise, was the Fletcher table. He was thankful they left Caroline behind for this mission. Robert took the lead, thankfully, while Richard returned Tony’s handshake. He didn’t have a problem with the young man, erratic sure, but not someone he considered to hate. Shaking Dorothy’s hand next, he couldn’t help but find the situation ironic. “I believe most of us have met, pleasures as always, Fletchers,” he replied genuinely. He nodded along with Robert’s reminder, that everyone ought to feel welcomed. “Please, enjoy the gala, we’re grateful to have you all here.” He smiled, humbly nodding his head, before leaving with Robert.

“I was focused this whole time, mate. I’m glad I was on your babysitting detail for that.” Richard jested, nudging Robert’s elbow as they walked. His next question about Dean took him by surprise, considering Robert had paid little attention to the affair in the first place. “We’re good. It’s certainly good to have him around again, even if it’s a little different… As for tonight, don’t dwell on it. Like you said, we’ve all got hurdles tonight. How would I give the big speech if I was blushing like a schoolboy the whole time?” He knew Caroline meant well by defending Dean’s invitation. But, he agreed with Robert on this matter.

By the time he finished, the duo reached Mayor Henderson’s table. Richard knew he was a good man, bloody hell he voted for him. But votes and dinners aside, he was a high-profile guest this evening. Returning the handshake, he let Robert and Gerald start the exchange. As they chatted, he made his way around the table greeting Beth and the others. When he heard his last name, he perked up, returning to the Mayor. “Well Gerald, I probably could give your job a run for your money with my schedule these last few weeks! Try event planning and teaching! Isn't a task for the meek. But I'm quite well, thank you for asking.” When the Mayor joked about his speech, he chuckled politely, before replying. “Don't let Robert fool you, I speak enough for the both of us in a week then he’ll speak in a month.” He joked. “But thank you, I don’t suspect it’ll disappoint. Unless I brought my lecture notes, then the room might have to sit through a history lecture.”

In scene: Misty Gray Misty Gray BasDorcha BasDorcha

Bonnie Moody

Bonnie’s initiation
to the charity gala was even odd for her. Over her last few months of employment, she truly fell into a rhythm with work. The girls were fiercely loyal coworkers, as she was to them. With the holidays approaching, business seemed to plateau. Men were on tighter leashes it seemed. Either way, she didn’t mind. She was on salary, therefore, the tips weren’t her livelihood. Unlike her girls, which she knew Alfie vouched for, could use any spare cash this time of year. With her own extra cash, from her grossly overpaid salary, she tracked down a simple flat near the Vixen. At the start of the year, she’d take a few days off to move.

All the while, Alfie Walker still followed her like the dog he was. Nearly five weeks ago, Alfie reapproached her regarding their first… Collision. It was clear between them something was there, like it or not. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was a bit smitten with him. The consensus was simple; friends with benefits. She couldn’t betray the girls by dating their boss, but at the same time, she was her own woman. She could do whatever and whoever she pleased.

No more than a week ago, Alfie had asked her to attend this gala. If she remembered correctly, it was in honour of Charles Walker, his deceased brother. She originally declined, however, Alfie shortly implied that wasn’t an option. She had to be there. And from her conversation with the bartender, Beth, she knew there was no real choice in the matter anyway...


Bonnie’s arm was interlocked with Alfie’s, purely out of politeness, even if she secretly enjoyed it. “Gosh, your family doesn’t skip on all the fixings.” She gawed. It had been years since she’d been to an event of this scale, one of her father’s campaign events. As a girl, she loathed the small talk and fancy dresses. Now, she couldn’t help but feel confident in her appearance. The remainder of her week was spent scrambling a formal outfit together. Luckily, she found a black gown that hugged her curves, and accessories to match. Her eyes scanned the room as they walked, recognizing Beth from afar, but no one else. She was alone in a sea of snobs.

Before long, an older woman approached them. She had Alfie’s eyes, yet looked more avian than her son. She had to be drop-dead gorgeous in her youth. As an older woman, age treated her kindly. Immediately, she let go of Alfie, stepping aside to let her embrace him. It didn’t take long to realize that she was his mother. Bonnie felt a lump in her throat, her reservations about her mother unavoidable in a setting like this. “No need mamn, I can speak for myself.” She smiled politely. “I’m Bonnie, Bonnie Moody.” Bonnie extended her hand to Mrs. Walker, careful to play her cards right. “You’ve put together a wonderful event Mrs. Walker, even if I'm just the arm candy for the night,” she flashed a wry glance to Alfie. She knew his mother would be a force to reckon with.
Last edited:
The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham -

Julia Fletcher
The last few weeks had been eerily calm in the Fletcher front and Julia knew that it was the invitation to the fundraiser that had caused the chaos to settle. Everyone was being on their best behavior on the lead up to this night, even Rory had been staying clear of trouble or at least that's what they chose to believe.

They had only just arrived to their table when Julia noticed the two men coming towards them, noting one to be Robert Walker. Standing up straight, Julia looked towards her husband and couldn't help the giggle that escaped at his facial expression. She nudged him lightly, amusement clear on her expression before she turned to face the two men, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

"Robert always a pleasure and thank you for the invitation, the place looks incredible" Julia's tone bled sincerity but it was definitely anything but a pleasure to see the man in front of her, once her let go of her hand, Julia greeted Richard with the same enthusiasm "and Richard it's lovely to see you again". When Robert confirmed that they would help in anyway Julia nodded in response "That's very kind thank you, I hope you and your family have a good night".

As the men walked off, Julia breathed a sigh of relief as the smile fell from her lips for a moment before being replaced by a more genuine one when she heard Tony's comment. "At least we're nowhere near them" she added as she turned back towards their table. When Tony asked to speak to Rory, Julia simply nodded knowing it was a good idea to tell the youngest sibling one more time to be on her best behavior, there was too many targets in here that she would simply love to have a go at and they all knew it.

She returned Tony's kiss before smirking "Ah I'll try my best but you know what their like" she teased back before taking her seat at the table. "So how are you boys doing?" she asked looking from Sully to Malc. She hadn't seen Malcolm since that night in the car shop and was glad to see that his injuries seemed to have cleared up.

Tony & Robert Misty Gray Misty Gray / Dorothy Bellz Bellz / Richard ReverseTex ReverseTex (briefly)

Sully BeyondDandy BeyondDandy / Malcolm ReverseTex ReverseTex (IN SCENE)

Victoria "Rory" Fletcher

To be honest, Rory still had no idea why she was being made come to the fundraiser held by the stupid Walkers. She knew why the family was there but not her in particular, she honestly thought Tony would have made it clear she couldn't come, not that she had too. There had been a few conversations back and forth since the invitation was received but she ultimately relented and agreed to come under the promise of free food and alcohol. So now here she was, dressed up and walking in to a room full of idiots and snobs all for the sake of her family.

They had only just sat down when Rory caught movement from the corner of her eye and turned to see Robert and Richard coming towards them. Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, Rory forced a sickeningly sweet smile onto her lips and tried to look as genuine as possible. When Robert acknowledged them "Pleasure to see you Robert and Richard" she nodded at each of them in turn as she greeted them, her voice calm and surprisingly nice.

When they began to talk amongst themselves, Rory watched them in silence shaking her head slightly to herself at the fake politeness coming from them. This was why Rory had no interest in politics, all the lies and pretending to be nice she just couldn't understand why in public places like this they couldn't just ignore each other. Bored of watching them play friends Rory looked around the room to note who was in attendance, her eyes fell on Thomas and Jackie across the room and she couldn't help the frown that pulled at her lips as anger began to rise within her.

Taking a deep breath, Rory clenched and unclenched her fists under the table as she tried to calm herself, She ripped her eyes away from the scummy Walkers and looked instead at the table in front of her. Not here, not here, soon enough

Just as she managed to get her anger under control, Tony called her name and asked her to go with him. "Yessir" she commented as she stood up and walked away with her brother and mother. The minute her name was called, Rory knew what the conversation was going to be about and so she wasn't surprised when Tony asked her to behave. A look of surprise passed her expression and Rory put her hand over her heart as though his words had insulted her "Me? stir anything? Why Tony what do you mean?" she spoke quietly her tone as sweet as honey and her expression one of the utmost innocence but one look at Tony's expression made it obvious now was not the time for jokes.

"I promise I'm on my best behavior and I will not go anywhere near them" she added sincerely this time.

Tony Misty Gray Misty Gray / Dorothy Bellz Bellz

Thomas Walker
The last few weeks had been nothing short of terrifying and annoying for Thomas. Ever since they walked into the Red Lion and Jackie insulted and egged on the Fletchers, Thomas had been living in fear. He wasn't sure, however, if it was fear of his father's reaction or fear of the Fletchers retaliating, especially that psycho Rory but it was fear nonetheless. Somehow he had managed to escape his father's wrath at the situation and he was sure it was all down to this fundraiser and the work that had to go into it.

Arriving in with his family, Thomas couldn't help but laugh as Felicity almost fought to keep working. Shaking his head, clearly amused Thomas stepped forward after their Mother forced her to stop and gently placed his hands on her arms "I will do what needs to be finished ok, go get ready". Thomas in fact, did not have any intention of finishing up for his sister, rather he pretended to until she was out of sight and then ordered a staff member to finish the prep, besides it was basically all ready now anyway.

It was not long before the room began to fill up and Thomas took his seat at the table hoping to escape the greetings and small fake chit chat that seemed to be the usual manner in these events. Looking towards his sister and bit his lip as she mentioned the Fletchers. "Honestly I had so much drink at that point I don't think I had any thoughts" he commented in a joking manner but his eyes did shoot towards Jackie to see his reaction. In true loyal fashion, Thomas never told his dad that Jackie knew what he was doing, rather he played it all off as drunken stupidity on both ends.

As Felicity continued talking, a more somber look played on his expression and Thomas nodded with a soft smile "I promise there will be no chaos tonight, the three of us will stay here and have our own fun" as he spoke Thomas lifted his glass towards the middle of the table to cheers them. After taking a gulp, Thomas looked around the room before looking back at his sister "you really did an amazing job sis, it looks great"

Felicity Misty Gray Misty Gray / Jackie purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham, England -
- Monday 1st December 1975 -

Dorothy Fletcher
Dorothy always found joy in lively gatherings, regardless of the company present. Whether she played hostess or was a guest herself, the blend of music and conversation brought her a sense of serenity. As her children fretted about the Walkers joining them at tonight's fundraiser, Dorothy remained calm and collected. Despite the event being hosted by the Walkers on their own turf, she had a gut feeling that everything would unfold smoothly as long as her children behaved. With confidence in Robert's ability to manage his own kids, Dorothy wasn't concerned. However, she anticipated Caroline's silent disapproval, certain that the woman would be sending mental daggers her way throughout the evening.

Tony made an effort to maintain his composure, though Dorothy sensed his motivations weren't entirely genuine. She recognized that her eldest son aimed to impress the Mayor and other influential figures who adorned the party with their wealth and status. While Dorothy held Gerald Henderson in high regard and appreciated the opportunity to support a worthy cause, she also relished the prospect of a lively gathering. Even if it meant assuming the role of peacemaker and enduring the disapproving glances of Robert's wife. With Norman behind bars, Dorothy entertained the thought of finding a wealthy, influential companion of her own at the event, should she desire. Purely for physical gratification, naturally.

Dorothy lingered behind her children, gracefully gliding into the heart of the evening. As she smoothed out any wrinkles in her form-fitting red dress, her gaze swept across the room, encountering a mix of reactions from the attendees. Some met her eye, while others remained indifferent. Yet, amidst the crowd, her attention was drawn to Caroline, whose icy stare seemed to pierce through her. Undoubtedly, Caroline was mentally condemning her in a thousand ways. Unable to face Robert's presence beside her, Dorothy maintained her poise. With a serene smile gracing her lips and her chin held high, she met Caroline's gaze before gracefully following Tony and the others to their table.

"Isn't he a true gentleman, Julia?"
Dorothy inquired, observing as Tony courteously pulled out chairs for both his wife and Dorothy. Just as Dorothy prepared to take her seat, Tony's voice diverted her attention, his cheerful greeting sounding somewhat forced. With a composed expression, Dorothy watched as Robert and Tony exchanged handshakes, followed by Richard joining in. It had been quite some time since Dorothy had seen Richard. The greetings from both her son and Julia indicated a lack of genuine enthusiasm at the reunion. However, regardless of her own sentiments towards Robert, Dorothy didn't hesitate to offer a sincere smile. Maintaining professional decorum was essential, setting a positive example for her children, who could benefit from such behavior.

As Robert's hand met hers in a gentle shake, a faint jolt traveled through Dorothy's arm, sending a shiver down her spine. Disregarding the sensation, she greeted him warmly, "Lovely to see you, Robert. I trust you are well?" Turning to Richard, Dorothy exchanged a handshake with him when her turn came, adding, "Pleasure to see you again, Richard." When Robert expressed his gladness at their presence, Dorothy noted his efforts to maintain professionalism, mirroring her own demeanor. She observed him acknowledging all of her children, but giving Sully a double take. Sully had been residing with her lately, as part of the arrangement with Tony, and he had dropped by to voice concerns about her safety. Dorothy felt irritated that Sully was keeping secrets from her, secrets she already knew about. Yet, it brought her joy to have her long-absent son back in her daily life. That's why she tolerated the whole "protection" arrangement, just for a little more time with him. She pondered what significance Robert's second look carried... what it might imply.

"You're too kind. Thank you for the offer, but I believe we have everything we need," she replied, infusing her words with a subtle hint of something more profound than mere politeness. It wasn't the obvious animosity displayed by her children, nor was it genuine warmth. Nevertheless, she understood the necessity of maintaining appearances to ensure the situation remained appropriate between them. She had to maintain a balance. Observing the departure of the two Walker men, Tony swiftly shifted his attention to her and Julia. Dorothy felt a pang of frustration, tempted to caution him about his words, as she sensed Robert's sincere efforts to maintain peace. Tony then redirected his focus to Rory. Dorothy cast a glance at her daughter, raising a questioning brow, wondering what mischief she had stirred up this time.

Once they were out of earshot, Tony broached the subject of Caroline, causing Dorothy's shoulders to tense slightly. He had noticed the stare, but remained unaware of its cause. That was good. Unfortunately, her children might feel uneasy under Caroline's gaze whenever they were in Dorothy's presence for the rest of the night, unwitting casualties to a secret that must remain unspoken. Dorothy's attention shifted as Tony cautioned Rory against stirring up trouble, and she nodded in agreement. However, when he mentioned the prospect of bringing the Walkers down one day, a faint sigh escaped her lips.

"I expect impeccable behavior from both of you. Or you'll have to deal with me," Dorothy stated firmly, addressing her mischievous children. "And trust me, I can outshine those people across the room without breaking a sweat. Your father didn't marry me for nothing, and I'd hate to ruin my manicure dragging you both out of here by your earlobes." Despite the threat, a playful smile graced her lips, reflecting in her kind eyes. "As for Caroline, leave her to me. If she persists with the staring, I'll handle it. Don't let her unsettle you. She's all bark and no bite."
with: Rory neverbackdown neverbackdown ; Tony Misty Gray Misty Gray
mentions: Caroline ; Robert ; Richard ReverseTex ReverseTex
Robert Walker and Mayor Gerald Henderson

Robert had been glad to have his wingman by his side during the exchange with the Fletchers, if only to help keep himself in check. Even if it had been a couple of decades overdue, he'd recently told Richard the truth about his past affair with Dorothy and all that surrounded it. Now it was a secret Caroline, Richard and Dorothy herself would have to keep. Along with that, Richard couldn't let Caroline know he knew, given she had sworn Robert never to speak of it to him or anyone else. In some ways, it felt like Caroline wanted that secret to stayed locked away even more than Robert did.

Richard told Robert that things with Dean were going well and he seemed happy to have his former lover back with him. Caroline hadn't hesitated to tell Robert about Dean's wife and kid, along with their apparent open relationship. With his own past with cheating on Caroline, Robert didn't think he was in any place to judge. His judgement was mostly reserved for Dean's disappearing act and the potential for him to do it all over again. After everything they'd all been through in the war, it still got to him that Dean was able to simply walk out on them without a word. He knew he needed to speak with Dean himself, but he hadn't been about to rush to the man on his beck and call. Hence why Caroline was accusing him of being stubborn. Hearing Richard speak so fondly of Dean made it clear to Robert that he couldn't actively push Dean away, not if it would hurt his brother, but if he had any suspicions their friend what let him down, he would not stay quiet about it.

Gerald laughed along at Richard's comparison between their careers. "I have enough trouble talking sense into obstinate politicians, so I will leave getting through to the minds of the younger generation to you. Those three are to blame for my grey hairs," he added, motioning to his three now adult kids. Between Aidan's drug addiction almost killing him and Beth getting herself trapped in an abusive relationship with David, the Mayor was thankful for everything finally going right for him and his family. Granted, there was still some resentment from his kids for him using Aidan's addiction experiences to win favour during his election campaign and to back up his supposed anti-drugs stance. That had also been a point of contention between himself and Robert, with the latter seeking to take control of the drugs trade in the city. They'd managed to come to an understanding on the matter, with Gerald resigning to accept the fact that it was something that could never be eradicated from the city, but at least he trusted the Walkers to control it better than anyone else. Certainly better than the unpredictable Fletchers.

Gerald smirked upon hearing Richard explain how much more of a talker he was than Robert. "I'm sure if you have brought your lecture notes by mistake, you'll have at least one captivated audience member. My youngest, Carl, loves history. He just lacks the motivation to go off to university and study." With Beth quitting university under David's influence and Carl declining altogether, it had been Aidan who'd succeeded on that front, now a lecturer in physics. Despite the mixed bag, Gerald wasn't the kind to push his kids into doing something if their heart wasn't in it. Besides, his dysfunctional family actually made him seem normal and therefore easy for the voters to relate to.

The Mayor then took a moment to look around at the guests as they were all making themselves comfortable at their assigned tables. His eyes landed on the Fletchers for a time before he focused back on Robert and Richard, a natural smile on his face. "Once again, I'd like to thank you both for organising all of this, but also for welcoming the Fletchers too," he told them, having seen them greet the family a short time ago. Gerald knew of the deep animosity between the two families and he knew more than enough about the types of activities they all good up to behind the scenes. Even if it was something he wouldn't admit to knowing. "Let's face it, these events are stuffy and filled with snooty folk like us," he said, pointing to himself and Robert. Although Richard was more aligned with the Walkers and their upper class circles now, Gerald knew about the man's roots and his childhood in the slums. "The Fletchers have an understanding of the average family and the regular citizens making ends meet in our city. I'm sure you gents could benefit from gaining access to the routes Tony has access to. I know I need to reach that demographic to stay popular and win over more support when the time comes. Wouldn't you agree, Richard?" he asked the man, figuring he was more open-minded and had lived experienced in that regard.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard)
Mentioned: Bellz Bellz (Dorothy... but don't tell Caroline), BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
The Royal Hotel
-Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham-
Alfie Walker]

Time flew by as they were preparing for the Gala. After the last disagreement with his father, he had spent the next few weeks being meticulous in getting work complete and working to start improving himself in his father's eyes. With Bonnie finding her flow at the Vixen he was finally able to turn some of that mental energy towards other more important things. It was over a month ago that her and Alfie had talked however briefly about what had happened, deciding to remain friends but take their time to see where things went. They still hadn't reenacted what happened, though Alfie had to physically restrain himself every time from doing it. Tonight he was sure would be no different.

When he had asked her to the Gala it hadn't been his idea and it had been made clear that she was needed to attend. His father had something up his sleeve, he was sure about it. It was likely a tactical move to get her somewhere public and interrogate her for more information, but only time would tell. Putting it out of his mind, he had gotten dressed and picked up Bonnie at home, jaw dropping when he seen her. He had mentally groaned and watched as the dress seemed to flow like a layer of water against her skin, snug and sleek, dark as night against her lighter skin tone. It had taken every responsible bone in his body not to drag her back inside her flat and ravage her. He was convinced she did it just to drive him insane.

Finally they made it to the event, Alfie escorting her inside with her arm draped casually through his. The touch singed him, burning into his skin even through his tux. He pretended not to notice as Bonnie talked about the extravagance before them. It was normal for him, he was use to his family doing things like this and had forgotten how it could appear to the outside world. "Not at all, they like to out-do every event with the next one. Don't worry, just enjoy yourself. Half of Birmingham would kill to be here, and the other half is here. You'll be the belle of the ball tonight, though." He smiled, watching her wonder at everything around them. The look of awe on her face only added to her beauty and he was soaking in every moment of it.

He was pulled from his quiet observation when his mother arrived, taking second place in most beautiful women in the room - which he'd never admit out loud of course. As she approached, Bonnie detached herself from him, allowing him to hug his mother back, keeping his arm around her for a few moments longer than necessary before letting her go as Bonnie stepped forward to introduce herself before he could even speak. A shit eating grin spread across his face. Bonnie was going to give his mother a run for her money, and not many people could do that. It was going to be interesting watching the fall out. As Bonnie finished speaking, he casually took her arm back, feeling the need to have her back at his side and in contact with him.

"Mom can't take all the credit, but she is definitely the reason it's always so classy. She taught my sister Felicity well. It looks like a hit tonight, you guys really out did yourself this time. I can't wait to see how you top it next time." Looking at Bonnie, their eyes met and there was something dangerous and challenging flashing in them, but in the best way possible. "We'll have to make sure you get the whole experience while you're here. There's always so much to check out a these little get togethers. Bonnie here comes from a family that does much the same though I imagine. I've heard that some of the American political events could likely rival what we have here tonight. Tell me Bonnie, I've heard of something called Cotillion Ball, did you ever have one of those? From what I read, I imagine it's a smashing big party, frilly dresses and expensive entertainment." Mentally Alfie pictured what a younger Bonnie might look like, in a fluffy multilayered ball gown colored in various peaches and pinks. Alfie would have been head over heels as a teenager for her.

Teasingly, he looped an arm around her waist, hand on her lower back with two fingers lightly pressed against the top of her behind that he wiggled teasingly, just lightly touching a bit too low without being obvious or a completely lewd ass. He had it in his mind to see if she could keep her wits together in front of people while he teased her. Why, he wasn't sure, it seemed like the thing to do. Looking back at his mom, his smile softened to one of a boyish nature, a child enamored with its mother, full of infinite love. "You look beautiful tonight mom. Charles would be raving about how you're outshining everyone. So I guess I'll have to do it for him. I'm glad to see you look to be doing better. Tell me, what surprises are in store for us tonight?"

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Caroline
ReverseTex ReverseTex - Bonnie
Last edited:
The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham -

Tony Fletcher

People might question Tony's decision as to which of his siblings joined him at the fundraiser. Sammy and Penny would have been safer sibling options, given that they caused the least trouble and tended to avoid altercations with the Walkers. However, Tony didn't always choose the easiest or more logical option, but he still had reasons for doing the things he did. Rory and Sully had recently ended up being put before Robert after their attack on Mick. It would have been safer to not invite them this evening, but he wasn't about playing it safe, instead he wanted to prove a point. For whatever reason, Robert had let his two siblings go unscathed and Tony wasn't about to make the man think they were too afraid to face him again. If anything, Tony wanted Robert to know he supported them and what they did to Mick. Not only that, but his curiosity was eating at him and he wanted to know why Robert had been so soft on them. Or why the man had been so restrained towards the Fletchers even before Sully returned.

Tony just had to hope his faith and trust in Rory would be rewarded. If nothing else came out of the evening, he at least wanted to show the Walkers that his family weren't scum, as Caroline and Charles had often so nicely put it. Them behaving and setting a good impression this evening would help in the long run. "You know what I mean!" Tony told his sister, grinning as her sweetness act. When she promised to behave and stay away from the Walkers, he nodded in a grateful manner. "Good. We don't want them bitchin' at us more than they already do. Caroline's already been giving me the death stare - no doubt still thinks I had something to do with Charles." That was the reason Tony couldn't let Marco join them this evening. He doubted Marco would have been able to keep his head straight and his mouth shut, especially if he thought the Walkers were watching him. He was sure Penny would keep him busy for the evening - well away from the fundraiser.

Even though Robert had been telling Rory to be on her best behaviour, he found himself now on the receiving end of the same warning, only from their mother. When Dorothy assured him he'd have to deal with her, a grin crossed his lips. "Not the ears, Mum!" he played along with her warning. His mother then told them not to worry about Caroline, assuring them she could handle her. "Is it wrong that I kind of want to watch you kick off with her?" he asked Dorothy whilst chuckling. "It'll liven up this snob-fest, for sure!"

His wrapped his arm around Rory and pulled her in close with a playful glint in his eyes. "We'll be on our best behaviour for you, Mum. Hell, things could be so much worse. We could have been born miserable Walkers like that bunch over there," he said, glancing to where Felicity, Thomas and Jackie were seated. One he knew was super uptight, and the two guys had recently dared to enter The Red Lion trying to cause trouble.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Rory) Bellz Bellz (Dorothy)
Last edited:
The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham, England -
- Monday 1st December 1975 -
Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley

Richard clasped his hands behind his back, standing patiently while Mayor Henderson spoke of his youngest son. If he had to be honest, he could care less about the man’s family. It almost seemed wasteful for half of his bunch to decline education. Perhaps it was his perspective, clawing his way for every once of knowledge he earned, that motivated his sentiment. It wasn’t fair to complain about one’s circumstances if they had the power to change it themselves. Caroline prescribed that outlook to the Fletchers, which he recognized was a false dichotomy. The Hendersons were a better example.

The mention of the Fletchers snapped his attention back to the conversation at hand. “As long as I'm around, everyone is welcome to any event, Gerald.” It was true, if he wasn’t, he knew Caroline would usurp the guest list. Hearing the Mayor’s logic about the Fletchers and their value wasn’t where he expected the conversation to go. It was an effort to pander to his experience. He was used to it at this point in life, using his background as an asset rather than a crutch. But at times, he preferred not to be compared between worlds. Regardless of his reservations, he obliged the Mayor.

“If you’re already looking at people of lower status than you as a mere number on the ballot, Gerald, then I'm afraid you’ve lost already,” Richard said bluntly. “Playing the numbers game won’t work in your favor if you want to get reelected. You’ve got to stay true to promises and policies that help. Lowering local expenditures, advocating for affairs and improvements, and controlling crime. If you can’t do that, then you’ve lost their vote.” He calmly lectured. “The Fletchers are trying to do that, in their way, for the so-called demographic you’re trying to pander to. That’s why they’re successful. Sure, their routes would be extremely nice to have. But if we were to seize them, then they’d lose all profitability unless we pumped money and resources into it. Which, on our end, would be a net loss.” Glancing at Robert, signaling he was getting a bit bored with this conversation, he continued. “But hey, what do I know about politics? We should leave matters like that to people like you after we stuff your pockets for a job well done.” He knew better than to be outwardly liberal with his beliefs in a setting like tonight, where aristocrats lingered and dined. But, he couldn’t help but dig a bit at the Mayor. “Sure Gerald, I agree,” he smiled, his cheery tone shifting to humor Robert.
The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham -

Caroline Walker

ygy.pngCaroline smiled back at Bonnie when the young woman pointed out she could speak for herself. Clearly, there was some confidence to her and that was important for anyone who could potentially be entering into the Walkers circle. Hopefully Bonnie had the appropriate balance of confidence for it not to cause any friction or issues. Especially given Robert's apprehension about her intentions already. Caroline was undecided, given she'd only just set eyes on Bonnie. She accepted the handshake, nodding with Bonnie's introduction. "I'm Caroline Walker," she replied, though suspected that much was obvious had Alfie mentioned his family at all. "Arm candy? I suspect you're much more valuable than that, dear. Having been incorrectly labelled as such over the years, I advise against letting the men here think they're the ones with the brains."

Caroline noticed Alfie link arms with the younger woman again but her attention was shifted to the compliment about the event. "Alfie is quite right. I can't take all of the credit. Felicity and Richard, my brother-in-law, did all of the hard work. I just kept them in line along the way," she commented. It was true, she had done her part to motivate them in her own hounding way, as well as making sure Robert kept updated in the midst of his hectic schedule.

Caroline caught the look her son sent Bonnie, almost making her feel like she was intruding on an private moment. Caroline perked up at mention of Bonnie's family. "You'll have to tell me more about them, Miss Moody," she enthused. She really was interested to learn more about the teased American family.

Once again, Caroline felt like she was a third-wheel in an intimate moment, as her son put his arm around Bonnie in a close manner. Any potential of awkwardness was quick to pass. Caroline wasn't intimidated by awkward moments, especially as she often went out of her way to instigate them herself, so no part of her felt inclined to step away from the couple.

Alfie focused his attention back to his mother, giving her a soft and warm smile. When he told her she looked beautiful and went on to suggest Charles would have been singing her praises, she returned a gentle smile of her own. At times, it was difficult to believe her husband when he complimented her appearance, with his past affairs having instilled doubt in her about whether he truly meant it all. Regardless of how close they had been recently and the intimacy they still shared, she couldn't always believe Robert's charm completely. She felt particularly ill at ease this evening, with Dorothy in the same room as them. Men, including Robert, could be so weak when it came to women. In Alfie's case, however, she decided he had no ulterior motive for his words, so she accepted his compliments. "Oh, he's a charmer, isn't he Bonnie?" she asked the woman, with a playful laugh. "I am doing better, sweetheart," she seriously assured Alfie.

With the question about surprises, she quickly shook her head. "There aren't any surprises. Take a look around. The people here only want convention... and an ample supply of expensive champagne. Best to keep them happy and not pull them out of their comfort zone too much." It was the kind of event Caroline had been subjected to her whole life. If people thought she and Robert were uptight, then she challenged them to have spent an evening with her family in London. Her mother had passed away years ago, but her father was still alive and, at times, kicking. Had he not been taken ill recently, he might have joined the fundraiser himself. Then people would have seen what old-fashioned and snobby really looked like!

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Bonnie) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Alfie)
The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham -

IMG_0386.jpegThe Walker Gala at the Royal Hotel was a display of power and riches. The wealthiest and most impactful families of Birmingham were all in attendance. Even Mayor Henderson himself made an appearance. All this hidden under the pretense of Charlie’s death - but Sully knew this had nothing to do with the deceased. The place was immaculate, the drinks were tasty and the food delicious - it didn’t speak of sadness and sorrow. Everyone was dressed in their Sunday best. Women wore their fanciest of dresses with the biggest jewels hung around their necks and clipped to their ears. Men seemed to have gone to the same tailor, all in their black and whites. Sully saw them as sheep. Mindless individuals stuck to a norm trying to impress one another but falling short.

Sitting at his designated table, Sully observed. He took sips from his drink from time to time to satisfy his boredom. He tried to put a name to everyone that walked through the door like a little game. He knew that as a young lad he'd have met these people at some point. He’d occasionally ask his mother who this was and who that was to refresh his memory. He’d been living with her for a little while now and felt comfortable with small talk - which couldn’t be said for the rest of his family members. He still felt distant from Rory and Tony, but who could blame them. At times he wished he’d never left in the first place, but would then remember the horrors he’d gone through as a kid.

Aside from that, he was silent. Unlike the sheep, Sully wore all black - as one is supposed to for a funeral. He did it as a statement, to show the Walkers and everyone in Birmingham that he was back and wasn’t the same ol’ good boy they remembered. As Robert and his minion approached the table, Sully propped his arm on one of the empty chairs. He nodded back at Robert in respect and lifted his glass. He had no intention of speaking with him directly, but needed to find a way to let him know the things he’d been working on. The two had an arrangement and Sully had every intention of satisfying his end. He’d reached out to a new supplier in London and hoped to have a new product within a few days.

So for now a simple nod was all he could offer the man. As they scattered, Tony snatched the spotlight. He loved his brother but man was he annoying at times. Always trying to be in control only to be completely lost in reality. Sully couldn’t wait to put an end to all of this unnecessary turmoil between the families. When his brother stepped away with half of his family and left him with Julia and Malcolm, Sully pursed his lips and tapped his fingers on the table. Juli inquired about how the two were doing to which Sully smiled. “All good, J.” He then looked over her shoulder as he spotted the Walkers table from afar. He hadn’t noticed it at first, or did but paid it no mind. He squinted as he tried to put names to its figures. “Is that Felicity?” He asked the table rhetorically, getting up from his chair.

“What do you reckon? Pink Lady?” He asked no one in particular as he adjusted his shirt into his belt. With a wink, he moved towards the bar, asking for the drink in question and two glasses of Galliano. The drinks were sent to the Walker table, the pink lady for Felicity, the other drinks for her cousins. Sully perched his back and elbows on the bar table and waved at Felicity from a distance to let her know who the drinks were from in case the staff had forgotten to mention his name. He hoped this would get her attention and have her join him at the bar.

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Bellz Bellz
neverbackdown neverbackdown
The Royal Hotel
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham -

Felicity Walker

Felicity rolled her eyes at Thomas when he said he'd been too drunk to have any thoughts about wandering into the Fletcher-owned pub. She loved her brother, but she wished he could get his head together and step into line more. She knew his ADHD didn't exactly help, so she held Jackie partly accountable for allowing her brother to wander into trouble. Not that it was a surprise, she generally saw Jackie as a bad influence for the family. She wished he'd understand how hard they had to work to maintain what they had. Not to mention how harder she'd had to work to prove herself as valuable to the business. Being neither male nor the eldest sibling, it had been an uphill battle to get even as far as she had with her father.

Felicity was grateful that Thomas promised to behave and that they would have fun. She lifted her glass to return her cheers to Thomas and Jackie, somewhat reassured her brother at least understood how important tonight was for her. When Thomas complimented her for her job on making the place look great, she felt it was praise she could keep for herself. Whilst Richard had helped her with much of the planning and organising, it had been Felicity who had made the layout and decorative decisions. Her image for aesthetics of the evening had been brought to life and she was proud of it.

Felicity was taken by surprise when the waitress brought three drinks to the table that none of them had ordered. When she queried it, the waitress told her the drinks were from Sully. Regardless of the reactions of Thomas and Jackie, Felicity told them to stay firmly put in their seats, not willing to let them feel like they were being baited into a fight. She had a good view of the bar from her seat so was able to see Sully beckoning her to join him. Taking hold of the drink Sully had sent her, she stood up. Both of her parents were occupied elsewhere, so she took it upon herself to see what the Fletcher man wanted. "Stay here and watch our table," she told her brother and cousin, aware most of their family were dispersed greeting others for the time-being.

When Felicity reached the bar, she stopped directly opposite Sully and set her untouched drink down next to her. Remaining standing, she glanced over her shoulder to find no other Fletchers were moving in. Focusing back on Sully, she studied him for a moment. It could have been worse. It could have been Tony who she was about to talk to and she already had a firmly negative impression of the eldest Fletcher sibling. "What can I do for you?" she asked Sully, taking the initial stance that he'd requested her attention for something relating to the event at hand, given she was the hotel and venue manager. With that in mind, she followed her question with a polite and professional smile, pushing aside her the tensions between their families.

With Felicity at the bar: BeyondDandy BeyondDandy (Sully)
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Robert Walker and Mayor Gerald Henderson

Robert caught Richard's comment to the Mayor about everyone being welcome whilst he was around. Although he had little time for Tony and Norman, along with believing the city would be less chaotic without the Fletcher gang members around, Robert was more open to them being present this evening. Despite what people believed about him, Robert was more open-minded about the Fletchers than he would publicly admit - and not just because of his feelings for Dorothy. It was just a shame the Fletcher gang led by Tony thrived on mess and disorder, which Robert couldn't abide by. Not to mention, he still suspected someone in the Fletchers knew who had killed Charles.

Robert was sure the Mayor's comments had rubbed Richard up the wrong way, even before his wingman spoke up. Given that they were both grown, intelligent men, Robert opted to let them both speak without his interruption.

Gerald folded his arms as he took in Richard's blunt response about him looking at people as numbers. Then he then went on to point out he needed to focus on staying true to his policies and promises. Gerald glanced to Robert as Richard spoke of the Fletchers and why they were successful.

It wasn't the first time it had crossed Robert's mind, but Richard had once again put the matter of the Fletchers and their routes to the front of his mind. Whilst stripping the Fletchers of their contacts and resources, to take over all of their trade, seemed like a good idea to get full control of the city, Robert knew it wasn't that simple. Tony had access to areas the Walkers couldn't tap into under their powerful reputation alone. Robert knew it wasn't going to be as simple as just taking it from them as Tony's contacts couldn't be trusted to be loyal to the Walkers instead. In an ideal word, Robert would look to form an agreement with Tony, but the younger man was impossible to work with and even if he did cooperate, Caroline and other members of the Walker family would never accept it. That was why Robert had agreed to Sully's proposal. If he couldn't get results from Tony, then the likes of Sully and Dorothy seemed like the best route to reaching an agreement.

It was clear to Gerald that his words hadn't gone down well with Richard, but he maintained an open mind for the man. When he made his flippant comment about not knowing about politics, Gerald couldn't help but smirk. "Are you sure about that? You'll be gunning for my job if I'm not careful," he lightly joked. "Speaking up like that, I could see you in this field." Sensing the man wasn't keen on continuing their conversation, Gerald gave Richard and Robert another handshake each. "Alright, gentlemen. I'll leave you to it. I'd hate to delay the schedule. Have a good evening," he told them before returning to his family's table.

With Gerald gone, Robert placed his arm around Richard's shoulder and chuckled for a moment. "Well, you'd get my vote," he teased as he led him to quiet corner alongside the stage. As much as it had served him well to get Gerald elected into the Mayoral position, the novelty was wearing off for Robert. Gerald seemed to think he could now take the moral high ground on certain matters, despite being desperate for Robert's help back when he needed it during his campaign. Whether Gerald liked it or not, drugs were here to stay. Robert wouldn't stand on eggshells simply because Aidan had nearly died from his addiction. Business was bigger than Gerald's son.

"I agree with you," he began, lowering his voice as he made sure nobody could see his face to read his lips. "It seems like the easiest option to seize the assets the Fletchers have, and Caroline sees it as black and white as that, but it wouldn't work out in the long run. That's why we need to work on Tony's family. And I don't mean Dorothy - my feelings for her are in no way guided by tactics. But not everyone in Tony's family is difficult and hard to get through to," he knowingly told him.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard)

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