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Realistic or Modern Gangs of Birmingham - IC Thread [Open & Accepting]

Walker Residence
~Edgbaston, Birmingham, Englad~​

Dean Walters
Dean was not unaware that Richard was fighting a torrent of emotions. Dean had been sneaking back around for a while. For the past year he had been making trips regularly to Birmingham to start checking on a new location, considering it a place to retire to - after all, everyone wanted to come back home eventually. The turning factor had been Charles death and not being able to be completely present at the funeral. With the distance between them all, how long Dean had been gone, the lack of communication, he didn't feel it was the best time for him to make his appearance back in the world of Richard and the Walker's. Instead he had sent an anonymous gift of flowers, then stood out of sight at the church and the graveyard, crying to himself over the loss of his nephew. He had been gone to long, and he knew it now. He had to come home before he missed anything else.

Within the months following Charles death, he had pushed through his move and new business and before he knew it was sitting in Richard's office trying to start the adventure that would be earning his way back into the family he missed dearly. There were, of course, other motives, but he'd keep those under wrap for now. As Richard expressed he was just surprised to see Dean there, he nodded, listening to him speak. Of course he was, what else would he be? Caroline was surprisingly quiet, allowing them to interact while she watched with hawkish eyes, observing everything in detail. It was the suggestion of moving that got Dean up and out of his chair, adjusting his dressed down self to smooth any wrinkles as he smiled and waved a hand at the door. "Well then, after you Richy." He let the jabs roll off, taking nothing personal though he knew he probably should.

"Looks like your house is the best place, at least we can be comfortable there," Dean smiled broadly, hands in his pockets now that he was standing and his form relaxed. "I'm sure a walk around campus with you would be an educational experience but I'll gladly save that for later, gives me an excuse to come back around and hassle you on another day." The grin on his face was genuine and bright. He watched as Rich removed his tie and he had the thought of removing it for him, sending thrills to another part of him. The things he could do with a tie alone. Clearing his mind, he sat down on the edge of the desk and watched as Rich finished collecting his things. Once Caroline stepped out to get the elevator, he stood again, only to be blocked by Rich. A dark, tempest of a look took over his face as he realized Rich had pinned them alone and he had to stop himself from reacting to his deeper instincts

There was the slightest flinch on Dean's face when Rich called out about Charles. He didn't know, no one did, that he had actually been there. He'd reveal that later, when it would hurt less hopefully. Once they understood why he did it the way he did it. When his hand reached up and gently slapped his stubbled cheek, Dean's hand shot up and stopped it, capturing it between his cheek and his hand. "I know, Rich. I know. There's a lot to talk about, and a lot to apologize for. We'll get there, and you can be as mad as you want for as long as you want, but I'm back now and if you know anything about it, it's that I'm tenacious as fuck." He released his hand and grinned, stepping back and allowing the man to finish moving his coat and jackets around.

With Rich moved out of the path, he slid out, hands back in his pockets as they all gathered together and headed for Richard's house - a short trip that felt long due to what was coming. As nervous as he had been before it was gone now and he was ready to go, ready to conquer this and start making his amends. As they entered Richard's home, he looked at each of his companions silently, gauging how they were feeling. This was going to be an intense evening to say the least.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Caroline
ReverseTex ReverseTex - Richy
University of Birmingham
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -

Caroline Walker

Caroline had watched on as Richard shook Dean's hand. Up until just days ago, she wouldn't have had need to read into the gesture. But knowing what she did about the true nature of the men's past relationship, she found herself watching the handshake more closely. Richard surely must have noticed the wedding band by this point.

Caroline stayed uncharacteristically silent during the majority of the conversation between Richard and Dean, but that meant she could focus on their every word, expression and movement, instead. Dean explained how he'd opened a new branch of his company in town. She sent him an uncertain smile when he pointed out he had some making up to do. He might be speaking lightly, and she may be holding back on any cutting words, but she hoped he was prepared for the backlash he may well receive from both Richard and Robert. Having listened to Richard pour out his feelings for Dean to her just days ago, she suspected her friend might end up buckling and letting the man straight back into their lives. Robert, she was more uncertain about. Her husband had a deep bond with Dean and Richard, one built up during wartime experiences she would never truly understand. But there was something raw about Dean walking out on their lives, and that was that he'd missed so much of Robert's life. Most recently, he hadn't been there for him during Charles' funeral and the grief that surrounded their son's death.

Caroline had folded her arms when Richard seemed to back down, stating he was delighted Dean had returned. She didn't want Richard to be cruel or to reject Dean, but she did want him to face the reality that the man being married would mean the love he longed for would likely never happen. Hell, if it did happen, she would have choice words for both Richard and Dean. Having been in the position of a betrayed wife on multiple occasions, she would look down on Richard chasing a married man, no matter how much he cared for him.

Although there was still some bitterness in the way Richard addressed Dean, Caroline sensed the man was going to back down without making Dean suffer too much. All she wanted was for Richard to avoid getting his heart broken all over again. When she was eventually addressed directly, Caroline nodded her head in acknowledgement of Richard's update on being behind with Felicity's report. She'd pass the message on and let her daughter decide if it wasn't going to be done early enough.

When asked to fetch the elevator, she got up from a seat and nodded her head. It was an odd request and she suspected she would need to take her time in pressing that button. "Of course," she replied, sending him something of a glare. "Don't take too long," she drily added and left the office. Her heels clicking along the corridor as she walked away, she stopped by the window and took some time to observe the view outside. It hadn't been too long before the two men emerged from the office and the three of them made their way out of the university building.

With Richard driving home in his own car, Caroline chose to be Dean's passenger again as they made their way there in his vehicle. Caroline didn't say much during the journey, despite the fact she had a lot to say. It was out of respect for Richard's trust that she held back as much as she did. That, and not knowing what had been said in the brief time the two men were alone in the office. Still, she couldn't stay completely silent. "You'd best be honest and upfront with Richard about why you're back here. About that marriage of yours," she firmly told Dean. "This isn't the war anymore and you can't all fuck around like you did back then. Robert has done enough of that without the rest of you doing it now too." She lightly shrugged. "And I'll leave it to you to explain your absence to Robert."

Once they got to Richard's house, Caroline got out of the car and made her way to the front door before Dean had chance to take the keys out of the ignition. She opened the door but hovered with her hand on the doorframe until he caught up to her and Richard.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
The University of Birmingham - Finley Residence
- Birmingham, England -
- Wednesday 29th November 1975 -
BasDorcha BasDorcha , Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley

As soon as Richard made it to his car, the only time he’d have without Dean or Caroline’s wandering eye, he let his anxiety unbuckle. He clutched the steering wheel in anger and confusion, thrashing back and forth for a moment in a state of disarray. “What the fuck!” cursing to no one but himself at this moment, he rested his head on the wheel. What the hell was he supposed to do? Dean’s homecoming wasn’t supposed to be riddled with his self-doubt and anger. Yet here he sat, tears welling and chest thundering, a ridden mess. His breath was quick, the world felt like it was ensnaring him, and he could hear his heartbeat. Utter panic. For a moment, he closed his eyes, trying to tune out the world if only for that moment. It was ok. Caroline would be there. He could handle this…

The drive home was a needed reprieve. He used the silence to recenter, to truly evaluate his course of action. It was clear Dean accepted fault in the riff, unabashed and with a smile, which made him more upset. But he also knew that it meant something had changed, whatever it was, he hoped to pry it out of him. Whoever this “wife” turned out to be, it was likely Dean kept their relationship from her. While Dean was at fault, Richard knew he wasn’t innocent in the situation. If he hadn’t pushed so hard all those years ago about making a life together, maybe things would’ve been different. He loved openly, regardless of Dean’s bashfulness, which was his biggest fault. Even if the law forbade it, he would have happily married the man if he could. Moreover, the newfound moral dilemma that he never expected to have to deal with sat before him: extramarital affairs. If Dean was married and outwardly flirting with him, did he have the gall to resist anything more? He knew the truth, as scornful as it was, and pushed it back in his mind… Regardless of the blame, Dean was right; there was a lot to talk about and apologize for.

The two had beat him to his house, no surprise considering his episode. Once he was parked, he met them both with a kind smile to unlock the door. Richard let Caroline slip inside first, before tossing the door to Dean to close. His house was by no means comparable to the Walker’s, however, it was quintessentially his own space. It was quaint enough for his needs, with plenty of personal and workspace. The meticulous tiled floor was the staple piece of the entryway and one of his favorite features of his home. The blue accenting throughout he had spent months working on when he purchased the house, a home project that helped keep his mind from wandering to darker places following the fallout. Photos from throughout the years adorned the walls. The matching squadron photo in Robert’s office, various photos of him and the Walker clan throughout the years, and none of Dean. Other than that, the home was well-furnished with antiques and an assortment of historical memorabilia. All tasteful, yet rough around the edges, quite like Richard.

Richard set his briefcase down at the base of the stairs, he’d tend to it later. “Let’s get whatever tonight will end up being started, shall we?” He called behind him as he headed to the kitchen. Just like the rest of the home, it had its flair. The bulk of the kitchen was a rather large slab of granite, big enough for the sink and multiple bar stools. A small breakfast nook and window were also included, but he rarely used the space if not for reading. Without much thought, he made his way to his well-furnished liquor cabinet. While it wasn’t as expensive as the Walkers, it was rather well-stocked for living alone. Spotting Caroline’s favorite red, the one wine he made sure to keep in stock, he handed her the bottle as she sat. “Never say I don’t take care of you,” he simpered while he went to fetch a glass. He knew full well they’d all be toying with dangerous territory with liquor involved, but with emotions so high at the moment, it was a risk he was willing to take. Next, he went to make his drink, a gin and tonic, whilst breaking the silence alas. “Here is how this is going to go.” He snapped, the freshly opened bottle of gin snapping the room to attention. “You’ve properly pissed off the two most scornful people in Birmingham,” he continued. Once he finished making his drink, he took a quick sip before hunting down a drink for Dean. He knew the man preferred darker liquor, whiskey, or scotch if given the choice. “Consider this your trial Mr. Walters, to see if there’s even a case to make to dear Robert.” As he poked around in the liquor cabinet, his hand froze as it grazed over an older bottle in the back. After much glass clinking, he managed to remove the sealed bottle of whiskey from the back. He’d bought it for the night after his graduation party… Trying not to dwell on it, he slid the bottle across the counter to Dean before a glass followed. “I won’t be lenient tonight, dear. You properly broke me and you left the Walkers to dry because of our quarrels. Our differences will not suffice as an excuse to explain why you left them.”

Now that the trio was watered, there was nothing to delay the inevitable. “You abandoned us.” His words were cold and coated with double meaning. “I can abase myself for you each day I breathe Dean Walters, it’s what I fucking do. It’s what I did all through God-awful war and what I did for twenty years after. I can do it for Robert because he’s my mate and he’s a good fucking man,” he growled. “We three had a blood oath amongst brothers and you broke that oath. But I know what you said, “It’s not the War, Rich”.” His impression of Dean was shallow at best but got his point across nonetheless. "You know what that war fucking gave me? I earned the life I deserved. I had love, money, and people to finally call family.” The room knew all too well of his struggles. We are family,” he gestured between Caroline and him as he spoke.You are not. I’m your only hope to even step near this family again.” Richard’s blue eyes were like daggers at Dean. “So let’s start with that,” he remarked as he raised his own hand to wiggle his ring finger.
The Platinum Lounge - Office
~Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England~

Alfie Walker
Alfie didn't miss that Scott had moved to talking through barred teeth, as if accepting the decision was hard. He had the good sense to give Scott an apologetic look, as if this was just as uncomfortable for him as it must be for Scott. He hadn't come here with the intention of taking something so large away from someone who had already been building and doing the job. He'd have to talk to Scott solo later and explain, try to smooth things between them. He didn't like having friction of he could help it, especially between people that needed to work together. When Scott accepted that Alfie would need whatever info he could give him, and offered to get him up to speed later, Alfie responded with a somewhat contrite tone, "I look forward to working closely with you Scott. I know you've been a big part of this and I'm sure I'll need you." He didn't want to say openly that he wasn't sure he had the first idea on how to handle this, but he certainly was suddenly feeling it.

Thankfully his dad pushed through the awkwardness and moved the conversation forward, oblivious to the way either Scott or Alfie was feeling or just choosing to ignore it, either way. It was then that Robert essentially kicked Scott out of his own office, and Alfie couldn't help feeling awkward again. This was Scott's private area… Though he guessed it was technically his father's first. The conversation certain did nothing to alleviate the fact that Scott was being treated like a serf in the kingdom of Walker. Do as you're told, know your place, don't stick your head out, and you'll make it. Alfie made a mental promise that one day, if he ended up running the business, things would be different.

Scott left, leaving Alfie to straighten himself and face his father alone. When his father mentioned that he might have someone on the inside to help take over the Fletcher's part of the underworld involving drugs, Alfie perked a curious eyebrow, silently probing for more before his being ignored and his father pressed on. His father made it clear that was not a conversation for now and Alfie, much like Scott, was learning he had a place and a time to be able to talk and ask questions and a time when he was expected to do as he was told. What did surprise him was that the conversation turned towards Bonnie - since when was his father involved with who he hired and his business in the club? The club was not a family business - he had earned the money himself to start the club, had purchased himself, had not taken his fathers money or help from the family to start it. Everything on the club had been self earned and his father had never been overtly interested in it before, much less on who he employed because he never mixed the two.

Adjusting himself in his seat, he lifted a hand and rubbed along his jaw, contemplating what his father might actually be asking. "Well, I know she's worldly and well-traveled, she's from Texas and," Alfie was suddenly remembering the kiss, the intensity, the need he'd felt when he finally had his hands on her, and had to suppress a growl of want, "she's something else." He said a bit more dreamily than he had intended. Clearing his throat and getting himself under control, he found his father's eyes and continued, "But as for what she knows about the family business? Nothing. You know the club has nothing to do with the family business, I've never mixed the two and that doesn't change now. She's been hard working, capable, and is incredibly smart. She's been good with the girls and came into her new position as if she were made for it." He made sure to meet Robert's gaze and hold it, asserting his confidence and attempting to make it evident that he had made a final decision to keep her. What was his father getting at? What did he know about Bonnie that Alfie didn't?

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Robert
Walker Residence
~Edgbaston, Birmingham, Englad~​

Dean Walters
During the drive to Richard's, Dean had expected to be grilled by traditional Caroline, but was surprised when he made it mostly unscathed. When Caroline did finally speak, it was direct and to the point, calling out that Richard needed to be blunt and forward about his life, his marriage - which he knew they both had already seen the ring on his hand, he'd be an idiot to think otherwise - as well as mentioning that it was no longer the war. The words said back to him that he had said so long ago had a sting to it. Is that how he had sounded to Richard? He knew it would have been painful, he had intended to be painful, but never once had he enjoyed it. He had never wanted to do it, but it had felt like the only way to protect the people he loved the most then. Then again, they didn't know his wife, didn't know she had openly embraced Dean's past, and was even open to the idea of Dean exploring his love with Richard again with her a protective cover for them. Most people wouldn't get it, it was a very forward thinking logic in a world that was still very conservative. It had taken Dean quite a while to trust and understand she was serious in what she had said, that the openness was real, that the love between them wasn't in danger just because he still have love left to share. With time the rest of them would understand too, hopefully.

Dean nodded to Caroline, choosing not to respond verbally at the time but simply to accept and let it linger. At the house Caroline had shot out of the vehicle like it physically burned her, but still Dean said nothing. Everyone had the right to react the way they wanted too, Dean knew he had been the one to cause it and he had a lot of mistakes to make up for, and he'd do it slowly and in time, and nothing was going to resolve all at once. As Richard met him at the stairs, a kind smile on his face, Dean smiled back, wanting to reach out and touch him but refraining. Something like a memory of emotion washed over him and he wanted to relive it but knew he couldn't, not yet. He followed the two in, closing the door behind him and turning to examine the inside of the place around them. It screamed Richard which made Dean smile even more. This was definitely a place that he could see Rich calling his comfort zone.

As he looked at the photos, his heart panged that only one had Dean in it - the squadron photo of all of them - had been folded the put him out of it. He admired all the accents and decorations, feeling Richard in all of them. He wished he had been here to help make memories of them all, but knew that they never would have been where they are now, with Dean in a new state of mind, if things hadn't happened the way they did. Richard commented about moving the night on and Dean quietly followed, allowing his friend to act and respond as he needed while finding comfort in his own home. As the entered the kitchen, he was not surprised to see it too had Richard's particular flair to it, and he admired it quietly. Taking a seat at the bar, he watched as Richard made his way around the kitchen, grabbing liquor and cups, wine for Caroline, talking the whole while. The loud snap from the gin bottle made Dean raise an eyebrow. It was like everything was taking on Rich's tone and he almost wanted to laugh, but didn't.

When Richard slid the bottle of whiskey across to him, his eyes shot up and caught his, holding them for a moment before moving back to examine the bottle. It had almost twenty years of dust on it and somehow Dean knew when it had been bought. He picked it up tenderly, examining it between wiping it down with his hands, dusting it tenderly, then opening it and pouring a small amount into the cup. He had no intention of getting wasted on twenty year old whiskey. He continued to remain quiet, letting Rich unload as much as he could right off the bat because it wasn't going to get any easier, not quite yet. The more he could get out of his system now, the better he would listen to what Dean really had to say. Then the torrent started and Dean actually relaxed a bit. Rich was finally uncorking the bottle on his emotions and letting them flow freely, like the liquor into the glasses they had been handed.

As Rich finished speaking, physically enraged in his own way by his own words, Dean let the silence settle between them strategically, sipping his own drink quietly as he considered the best way to start. Looking down, he glanced at the ring on his finger and a slight smile came to his lips. Alice had been a silent storm blown into his life, stirring everything with a breath of fresh air. He knew eventually, Rich would come to love her. They all would. She was amazing. Richard's words wounded him, but he deserved it, so he let them dig deep and make him bleed because right now it was the thing to do. His eyes grew a bit misty as he finally looked up at them both, cleared his throat and got ready to begin.

"This?" He said, raising his hand and waving his banded finger at them. "This is a wedding band, as I'm quite sure you all know very well. Her name is Alice. She's younger… But she's great. She's been very accepting of who I am, the whole truth of who I am." He said, looking particularly at Rich. "She's actually part of why I'm here today, she pushed me to come and face down what I came to do, and encouraged me to accept my own responsibility in the harm I had done to those I love." His eyes shifted between them now, acknowledging both of them. "She believes in open love, in the ability to love more than one person, and that we should be true to ourselves… And I'm here to do just that. I'm sorry, to both of you, but you especially Rich. I promise, in time, you guys are going to get to know a lot about her and I'm sure you're both going to come to like her." He looked at Rich and gave him a soft smile, "She's a free spirit and she's been very good for me, helping me come to accept myself and learn to love myself as much as those around me do." He cleared his throat, looing away, swirling the alcohol in his glass.

Addressing both of them equally now, he moved on, determined to get through the first part of the big speech he had planned in his head, "I know you two have a lot to say, and I deserve it, but let me say what I need to first, then you can lay into me with the questions. I'm sorry for leaving the way I did, I know now what I didn't know then and that's that the way I did it was wrong. I thought a quick clean cut was the best way to protect us all. I always loved you, Rich, and still do, that never changed or stopped and I didn't leave because I didn't feel that way. You know better than anyone, or should, that my biggest concern was always that us, our relationship, was going to be a danger to us and those around us. I never wanted to put anyone in a position to be at risk because of me. I also knew that a quiet, hidden relationship was not what you wanted. Rich… you would have set the world on fire if it meant being with me, but I didn't want to burn down the place you loved so much." He caught his eyes and held them, trying to impart what he meant to him.

"After Greece… I knew you'd never be happy with what that. You wanted to live openly, together, and damn anyone who didn't agree. You never thought about the fact that it would get Robert and Caroline publicly scorned, not just personally but professionally for being involved with us. Not that you're not top notch at defending yourself Caroline," Dean said, lifting his glass towards her. "But I didn't want something as lovely as our caring for each other to turn into a black mark on everyone's lives. It just wasn't who I wanted to be. You also never considered that all that hard work you did Rich, all that schooling, could end up being for nothing if they turned you away the doors, denied your application, if you were breaking the law despite the fact that it was all for love." he said, staring Rich deep in the eyes. These were the harsh realities that Dean had been all too aware of before he left.

"So I decided to push you away, to walk away and make it so I couldn’t have that negative impact on everyone. I thought it was the right thing to do, to drive the wedge deep and make it a clean separation. I knew if I didn't make it hurt you would continue to come back until I was worn down and gave in, and all these fears would have been at risk of coming true. I…" he trailed over, determined to face his flaws openly as he had been told by Alice to do, "I was scared. And I let those fears run me." He finished quietly, staring back at his drink now. Silence fell for a moment, before he looked back up with fresh determination in his eyes. "But I refuse to be scared anymore."

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Caroline
ReverseTex ReverseTex - Rich
Jackie Walker - fletcher pub - with Thomas neverbackdown neverbackdown

'You’re a good fucking bloke,’ Jackie mumbled in between snorting the bump of cocaine off his hand. ‘That’s what I’ve been telling Richard, I should be doing way more than I’m doing right now,’ he continued, looking up to his younger nephew who to no surprise was no stranger to getting plastered on a Friday night either. ‘And so should you, you’re young, you’ve got your life ahead of you.’
Jackie cared a lot for Thomas, it felt like his younger brother at times especially like these. The last time they went out must have been before he went to prison and that was a long, long time ago.

Thomas and Jackie been pubcrawling around town on a Wednesday night and doing some shady business bumping coke in alleyways, Jackie said he knew a great pub down town and here they were. Little did he know what was going to be the cherry on top and it weren’t the blondes they met in the pub before who definitely wouldn’t shy away to a bit of flirting here and there. Jackie must say he liked the attention now he got out of prison but he couldn't help but think of Elizabeth from time to time. It was purely business but those girls from the pubs were easy and even though he hoped Elizabeth would've swooned over him right away, she just didn't. That somehow made him want her even more.

After his speech Jackie pulled his nephew closer holding his shirt with a tight grip, very aware of the lousy pub they were just outside of. It wasn’t just a pub, it was Fletcher territory. A genius idea had crossed his mind, Jackie had found out where those Fletchers had been hanging around. He had his insides here and there, Scott knew a lot of things besides just getting him his coke.

Jackie wasn’t sure who did it or why but he knew they were involved in some shady business that was hurting theirs. Maybe it was the cocaine thinking or the pints of beer they’ve been drinking but Jackie felt confident in doing this tonight and he was strapped on too. This could be major.
The only problem was that he didn’t exactly tell Thomas where they were going, but the boy was smart. He’d figure it out.
‘Listen Tom,’ Jackie loosened the grip on his shirt but put his arm around his shoulder to stay close and be as discreet as you can be after the amount of pints they had. ‘You have to swear on your nan’s life that you’re going to have my back, alright?’ He asked, piercing his eyes through his.

Jackie pulled his arm off to grab into his pocket and then shook another line of coke out of the bag on his hand, handing it to Thomas. ‘You want some?’ Without waiting for an answer Jackie had already took the bump and immediately made a new one for his nephew with a big grin. ‘Trust me, you’ll need it.’ A little focus is might just what they needed, Jackie was feeling pretty buzzed and arrived like two crazy people was calling for trouble. Wiping his nose with the bottom of his blouse, he let go of his nephew completely to point to the pub right in front of them. ‘Guess who’s pub that is?' Jackie almost couldn't contain his excitement and pointed at the strap-on in his pants. 'We're just going to drink a few pints and then leave, alright?' Jackie wasn't really sure of the plan either but he tried to sound as convincing as possible. He wasn't going to start shooting, scarface style, not unless he got provoked. Maybe he was just looking for trouble like he always did but this time it was more personal than all of those other times. There was no more time for innocent crime.
Finley Residence
- Birmingham, England -

Caroline Walker

Caroline entered the familiar house, following Richard into the kitchen. She invited herself to sit at the bar whilst he retrieved a bottle of her favourite red wine. She took the bottle when it was handed to her and let out a knowing scoff at his comment about taking care of her. They did well to balance out each others' efforts, with him often being given unlimited amounts of alcohol from the Walkers, but also in terms of offering each other shoulders to cry on - especially more recently.

Once a glass was given to her, Caroline set about pouring a serving of wine into it. Despite filling the glass, she didn't rush to take a drink from it. She peered up from her glass as Richard began setting out how the conversation was going to go. She folded her arms and continued to listen as Dean was told to consider this his trial before deciding to make a case to her husband. "Robert's very set in his ways, you know. He's quite committed to holding a grudge," she warned. Granted, she was more stubborn when it came to holding grudges.

When Richard got a little more personal, pointing out how Dean had broke him, Caroline reached to hold her glass, her perfectly manicured nails clinking against it. Still, she didn't take a drink from it. She lowered her eyes when Richard emphasised how Dean had abandoned them, knowing full well he didn't just mean he left his friends, but he abandoned his relationship with Richard.

Caroline looked up, her eyes trying to meet with Richard's as the man seemed to be getting all of his frustrations out. She hoped it would give him some reassurance, knowing that she agreed he'd earned the life and family he now had. He went on to point out Dean reconciling with the Walkers would rest on first winning over Richard.

With Dean now up to explain himself, Caroline fixed her eyes on him. He confirmed he was married and began to speak highly of his wife, Alice. Caroline shot a glance to Richard to see how he was holding up but soon focused back on Dean. When he explained how Alice believed in the ability to love more than one person, Caroline couldn't help but scoff before finally knocking back her first mouthful of wine. She wasn't going to drink a lot today, but that comment was enough to give her a head start. "Whatever happened to the sanctity of marriage?" she rhetorically remarked. It was clear to see what Robert and Dean had in common. Apparently both believed in disrespecting their marriage vows and didn't see an issue with sleeping around. Regardless of Alice being seemingly open to the idea, Caroline couldn't respect it, not after what she'd been through with her own marriage.

Dean asked for her and Richard to let him speak first before asking any questions or laying into him. She simply nodded her head and took another drink of wine. Much of what was said was about why Dean had walked away from his relationship with Richard. Part of his explanation was that he didn't want it to have a bad effect on Robert's and Caroline's public image.

Dean continued to plead his case, explaining that he'd been scared all of those years ago and gave in to his fears. But he confirmed he refused to let his fears control him now. Caroline stayed silent, looking at Richard as he was the one Dean had been mostly addressing and it was his reaction he was awaiting.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
The Platinum Lounge - Office
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Robert Walker

Robert could tell his son was apprehensive about his interest in the club's employees. With his position in Birmingham, he had to take an interest in key businesses across the city. Whether rivals or family, it was important Robert knew what was going on around him. Of course he'd pay attention to his own family's independent venture's too. When Alfie told him Bonnie was well-travelled, Robert nodded along. He didn't bother to hide the fact he already knew the woman was from Texas and had travelled before ending up in Birmingham. What did draw out a curious expression from the older man was the way his son paused. There was a familiar look on Alfie's face - something that Robert knew all too well. Be it lust, infatuation, or simply physical attraction, it was clear his son was keen on Bonnie as more than just an employee. "Is that right?" Robert replied when Alfie said she was "something else".

Alfie went on to explain that Bonnie knew nothing about the family business. Robert let out a sigh when his son said the club wasn't part of the Walker business. He let him keep talking and singing Bonnie's praises, waiting for his time to speak. Once Alfie was finished, Robert sat forward and rested his hands on the table, interlinking the fingers of both hands. "Intelligent women are a risk if you let them get too close," he asserted. Whilst he had married an intelligent woman, Robert had met Caroline years before he built his criminal empire. She wasn't a danger to him because she helped him build the foundations of his business after they were married. Bonnie was an outsider and her position in Alfie's club had potential to be risky. "Your first mistake is carrying the belief that your club has nothing to do with the family business. In your position, anything you do and any business you run will always be tied back to my empire. I'd say the same of your siblings - even Diana who has no interest at all in what we do. But for you especially, everything you do can affect my business and our family. Your second mistake is taking a fancy to Bonnie. Should she be untrustworthy, then you're playing straight into her hands... not just her knickers!" he bluntly warned him.

"Third mistake. Not doing your research," Robert told Alfie. "I've looked into Miss Bonnie Moody and I'm concerned that there's more to her than you realise. Back in Texas, before she ran off to Morocco, she was living with her wealthy family. The Moody's have quite the political sway over in Texas. Has she told you about that yet?" Shaking his head, Robert reached into his briefcase and pulled out a file which he handed to Alfie. "I'm still getting further details on this next part, but she spent time in Libya and I have no doubt there is a dangerous side to her. Something isn't adding up with Bonnie and if you're going to fill my shoes one day, you need to start being more careful. You can't trust this woman, not until we know more about what she's doing here and what she's left behind. I don't put my faith in coincidences, so why did she happen to seek a job at your club? An intelligent and well-travelled woman..."

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Alfie)

Carter Ashworth - The Platinum Lounge
Carter leaned against the door to hear any loose information coming through but he couldn't make sense of the mumbling through the loud music already playing through the club even without the guests. Scott usually did the talking but if it was up to Carter it wouldn't have gone this easy for Mr. Walker. That jerk Robert was setting them up and like always Scott was way too naive to see it. Playing them around like little puppets, Carter knew how to sniff those people out, perhaps because he wanted the exact same.

His little brother never seemed to listen to him after all and it was something Carter could get real frustrated over. He leaned away from the door to give the opening barman a heavy gesture to put it down, he hissed but the chances he was going to notice Carter at all were very low so the music was not turned down at all nor was he listened to. God, how badly he wanted to fire that guy on the spot. Carter had a hard time dealing with people commanding him in this world, he been taking xanax and crushing it up from time to time to calm down but sometimes it felt like he became immume for it. His college time sure wasn't for the faint of heart, there was probably a mini Ashworth somewhere on this world. How much longer was the conversation going to last?

Carter was a bit startled when the door opened up, hitting his arm but he recovered as fast as he could and looked his brother up and down curiously, his patience clearly running out.
'Did you tell him off? You told him what I told you, right?' Carter asked while he tried to peek through the door before it fell shut. 'You tell me everything Scotty,' Carter tapped lightly on his brother' shoulder to non-verbally ask him to follow him to the bar, ordering two big pints of Guinness.

'So, where do we begin? I'm not going to give him any more of our cut, this shit was our idea and we executed it,' Carter couldn't help but rumble on about it already. Maybe those two lines of coke weren't good for the nerves after all.
'This business, I mean, forgetting that little mix up with Mick, everything is going great. Smooth even.' Carter believed in this business with his whole heart and not just because it's been a great, hectic distraction from his upcoming divorce, definitely not that….
He looked at his brother while peeling the felt laying next to his beer, sometimes it felt like they weren't even brothers. Just business partners. Scott was a mediator, charming and a bit intimidating but always fair. It reminded Carter of his, well, their father which made him a bit envious. He hoped he could get along as well with Brian as he did but Carter didn't even want to try. That chapter was closed a long time ago and if there was one thing Carter was good at, it was being stubborn.
Finley Residence
- Birmingham, England -
- Wednesday 29th November 1975 -
BasDorcha BasDorcha , Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley

Fortunately, Patience was one of Richard’s redeeming qualities necessary for his career. At the moment, Dean’s words were testing every ounce of patience he had. He clutched the kitchen counter behind him with both hands, leaning on them to cover how much tension he was exerting… So her name was Alice. This woman, who somehow could mend every broken part of Dean, was supposed to receive his praise? He might have thought the man was lying if his soul wasn’t interwoven to Dean’s as tightly as it was. But he knew better. The thought of him being with someone else was a familiar feeling, both of them had flings in-between their time together, minus this time. This was uncharted territory.

Caroline wasn’t helping ease his mind as much as he thought she would, her tiger-like analysis worried him. While she meant no real harm, her opinions tended to govern her reason. That thought worried him more than any words she’d say. When she scoffed at Dean’s commentary on love, he lost focus with Dean to observe her. Part of him had to agree with her, the intimate betrayal she endured led to her logic. Perhaps the academic in him led his curiosity more than it ought to. The full scope of Dean’s idea was vague at best- somehow wanting to love this so-called Alice in tandem with him. It seemed… Fictitious. But as the two men were interwoven, visually and spiritually once again, he knew that Dean was serious.

The only thing that brought Dean’s fiction to reality was his logic. Richard anticipated Dean wouldn’t show up without an arsenal suited exactly to counter his own. His AWOL claim: to break ties to save the both of them, was backed with decent evidence. Law was the strongest appeal, considering everything he wanted was starkly against the law. However, Dean wasn’t a stranger to bending the law nor was he. Love was stronger than law, every time. He conceded the point when he mentioned his love then and now. His next argument, protecting Robert and Caroline’s reputation, was tailored better. While any public relationship would have brought more eyes to the pair, it wouldn’t have necessarily impacted Robert. Richard’s public association with the family was mysterious to most middle-class citizens. Elitists would have cared more about the affair, however, mutual skeletons in the closet could have been brokered to keep the secret. Because of the hypothetical solution, as well as Dean’s lack of knowledge, he let him win. With this claim, he opted to award a mental point to Dean. Lastly, his career was Dean’s best defense. At the time of the rift, he was riding the high of achieving his doctorate. With years now under his belt, it would be foolish of him to ignore what could have happened to him. He could have been discredited, unpublished, or even targeted personally. Caroline’s lack of reaction indicated she agreed, alongside what he knew about her thoughts on the matter from the other night. To this, Dean earned another point.

Richard’s mental chess match had taken most of his focus. Once he snapped out of thought, both of his friends peered curiously at him. They wanted an answer. He released his hands from behind him, flushed and throbbing, to make a move for his drink. He kept his line of sight on the pair, refusing to back down as he planned his next course of action as he sipped. Setting the glass down with a harder clink than intended, he broke the silence alas.

Touché,” he scoffed, announcing defeat whilst addressing the fear. “At least age made you a bit wiser, if not anything else,” he sighed. He wasn’t sure what the lot expected out of him. Rage, sorrow, loss, heartbreak. All of it was muddled into one. He placed both his hands on the bar in front of him, the only barrier keeping him from the pair, and stretched his arms outward. To express whatever he felt was near-impossible. To please everyone was near-impossible. Caroline’s anger at Dean was misguided by her issue with abandonment and mother’s scorn. Dean was facing his fears as well, honoring his past self as well as whoever he was in the present. His fear of abandonment stared back at him, making him have to face the fear head-on. How was someone supposed to feel in this situation? The only way forward, he thought, had to be with valor.

I’m happy for you, dear” he croaked. Richard’s eyes were welling as he spoke, the stress of the world ripping his mind apart. He truly meant what he said. This new Dean found inner peace, the peace he always thought was his job to help him find. But to be loved so well, so deeply, and have it ripped away was a wound that words could never heal. Especially from a woman. He turned his attention to the floor, feeling the loss of control slowly return. It was too much to ask at the moment to meet his friend’s eyes. “I- I’m glad you weren’t alone… You never fared well by yourself,” he spoke to the floor. He was alone. Despite the Walker family, Richard Finley would forever be a lone man in this world. Clawing and scraping for anything he earned. That wasn’t Dean nor ever could be. He could deal with the frigid solitude, despite it shattering his heart, or so he thought.

This entire afternoon completely negated his emotional security. From a panic in the car, to now this new emotion he was processing, the world was playing a cruel trick on him. “I-I- needed to hear you admit,” his anxiety was ramping up again and caused his mouth to play catch up with his mind. “That.” Richard managed to pull his eyes up to Dean alas. They were plagued with pain and welled tears, pain solely inflicted by the man in question. “So, this is the Hell I predicted all those years ago eh?” Dante’s lustful layer, as it did for Francesca and Paolo's eternal fate, welcomed Richard like an old friend. At this moment, he no longer could hold the poise external front he maintained for so long. A stray glance to dear Caroline, like a silent plea to save him from sinking, sealed his fate. No one could. He simply looked back down to the floor, surrendering himself entirely, and alas let the tears fall quietly.
Dorothy Fletcher’s Home
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

It wasn’t long before the atmosphere in the room shifted. Sully kept his gaze neutral as his brother explained their family’s situation to their mother - who Sully believed should not be involved. He chewed on a cookie and drank some tea, watching his mother’s reactions to all the details spewing out of Tony’s big mouth. He wanted to jump in and stop his brother from saying more, but it wasn’t the right time for that. Mentions of their father’s hopes of dreams made Sully want to spit.

Having visited the man in prison did not change Sully’s feelings about him. It forced his hand, but his hate for what his father had put his family through was still very present. For Sully, their father was the reason his family seemed so fragmented. He would be their downfall and Sully needed to bury his image if he wanted to save them all from the upcoming storm. His deal with Robert would put an end to their family business and hopefully give them the fresh start they needed.

Taking a sip of tea to wash down the remnants of delicious pastry, Sully cleared his throat before speaking. “I can stay here with mum. It beats crashing with Tammy-Sue, innit? That is, if you don’t mind, mum?” He asked Dorothy, looking up at her as he placed his cup down and reached for another cookie. “Tammy-Sue smells like wet cat,” he added with a smile, trying to guilt her into agreement.

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Bellz Bellz
Dorothy Fletcher's House
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Tony Fletcher

Tony made sure to keep his mouth shut whilst his mother let a silence hang in the air. He wanted to know how she felt about what he'd said, so wasn't going to break the silence before she could gather her thoughts. Watching her hands trembling as she held her cup was enough to threaten his resolve to stay quiet, but he managed to fight back the urge to reassure her. He hated see his mother look upset and troubled, but that was why he wanted to make sure she was kept safe. He glanced down to the table when she pointed out Norman was in prison for life. That was a fact Tony hated and wished he could change, but seeing as he couldn't, he believed it was on him to keep the family business and name going strong.

Having picked up on the emotion in Dorothy's voice, Tony looked back up at her with concern in his eyes. "Of course it's not simple, but that's why I'm working so hard and putting in the graft. I'm gonna make this work and nobody's going to stop us..." Tony trailed off as the sight of his mother's tears dragged his focus from his ambitious plans to his natural concern for her. He didn't like seeing his mother hurt and upset. A lump formed in his throat when she expressed her worries about losing a child. Though any mention of Robert tended to draw a sarcastic or cocky remark from Tony, it didn't happen this time as his only concern in the moment was for Dorothy. Getting up to his feet, Tony walked to his mother's side and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close. After resting the side of his head against hers for a moment, he then turned to look her in the eyes. "You're not going to lose me, Sully, or anyone else, Mum. We've made it this far without a scratch. We can do this," he tried to reassure her.

When Sully suggested staying with Dorothy, Tony removed his arm from around her and returned to his seat. "That's a good idea, yeah?" he asked, looking to their mother to get her reaction. "Not that I think Robert would even have the balls to come anywhere near you, but I'd feel better knowing Sully's here too." Briefly switching to a lighter note, he did send Sully a curious glance. "Who the hell is Tammy-Sue?!" he remarked to his brother.

Bellz Bellz (Dorothy) BeyondDandy BeyondDandy (Sully)
The Platinum Lounge
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Scott Ashworth

Scott had smoothed out his jacket and had his head held high as he left the office. Regardless of what had just happened with Robert and Alfie, he wanted to maintain a confidence as he exited the room. He held that well, but his coolness was threatened when he almost bumped into his brother who had set about looking him over. As Carter persisted to ask if he'd berated Robert, Scott tightened his jaw. "Jesus," he hissed as he willed his brother to move away from the door with him.

Carter tapped his shoulder and urged him to go to the bar with him, which Scott was grateful for. Their conversation wasn't something the boss should overhear. Scott sent his attractive barmaid a friendly smile as his brother ordered their two pints, but his face turned serious again when Carter continued to question him.

Scott frowned as his brother said he wasn't giving Robert any more of "their" cut. He shook his head as he noticed Carter had clearly taken something beforehand, no doubt coke. He let out a deep sigh when his brother said everything was going great with business. "Get real, Carter. It not our cut and it never was. This all belongs to the Walkers and we're getting the most out of it as we possibly can. Robert's taken the drugs gig away from me and there's nothing we can do about that. You understand?" he asked. "He's not bloody stupid, either. If it's not you topped up on drugs, then it's Jackie. None of that looks good on me, does it?" he pointedly asked. Whilst he believed Alfie had been handed the responsibility over the drugs business through nepotism, he knew Jackie's obvious misuse of drugs didn't reflect well on himself either. "We've got to let it go and we need to cut Mick loose too. You and me have to look out for each other, and if we're going to get anywhere then we can't go challenging Robert. Dad would say the same thing," he said of their step-father, Brian. He knew Carter hadn't bonded as well with the man, but Scott looked to Brian as his real father and respected what the man had done for them growing up.

"I'm running this club and managing the whores, so that's what we've got to focus on." Scott thanked the barmaid as she handed them their drinks, not much caring if she'd overheard his derogatory descriptor of the women he employed. "This club is a big deal, Carter. Maybe it's a blessing I don't have to fuck around on the streets enabling people's addictions," he said, his gaze lingering on his brother as he spoke. "My image needs to match this place and the important folk who come here."

purplecowdutch purplecowdutch (Carter)
Aston Auto Repairs
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Jennifer Murray

Jennifer was relieved when she saw Julia and that there may at least be a witness to whatever might go down. But then when the woman approached them and put herself in the firing line, the relief turned to concern. Jennifer automatically positioned herself so she was standing alongside Julia rather than behind her. She didn't want Julia to get hurt because of her. She demanded to know what was going on but the police officer stood in a stubborn silence.

"Officer Barton apparently took offence to the paintjob I'd just finished on the bike," Jennifer explained, pointing to the now damaged vehicle. "Shame. Tony was keen to get this one fixed up for his mate today."

"If you think mentioning him is going to intimidate me, then you need your head checking, love. I've fought bigger and better than some lowlife scum gangsters," the cop pointed out. "I'm certainly not scared of their wife nor some woman pretending she knows how to do a bloke's job in here," he said, targeting Julia and Jennifer respectively.

They were then joined by Malcolm who proceeded to address the two women before apologising for not realising he was a cop. Jennifer was glad to have her brother there, even if she was worried he might do something that would get him into trouble. "Officer Barton is clumsy," Jennifer drily remarked when her brother pointed out nobody was made of money.

When Malcolm asked if he had a problem, Officer Barton remained standing with the wrench in his hand, but he'd now stopped focusing on trying to threaten Jennifer. "If you and your sister are standing here right now, rather than in a prison cell, then clearly I haven't stopped all of the crime in this city. You're both scum, like your old man, and you deserve to be locked up too. How long would it take me to find something incriminating in here, do you think?" he suggestively asked.

"The only dodgy thing in here is you, Barton," Jennifer hissed back. "Go back to your piggy friends and leave us alone, you dick-less fuck. Me and my brother haven't done shit to any of your lot," she angrily told him. No matter how much she love and respected her father, she hated been treated like his actions were in any way hers or Malcolm's doing.

At that moment, Officer Barton reactively stepped forward, ready to grab Jennifer...

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Malc) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Julia)
Streets / Aston Auto Repairs
Aston, Birmingham, England
In scene: Misty Gray Misty Gray neverbackdown neverbackdown

Malcolm Murray Jr.

Malcolm’s blue eyes were locked completely on Officer Barton, ignoring his sister’s chirping behind him. She was all bark no bite, unlike himself. His eyes carefully followed the wrench as well, it could prove useful. He truly didn’t want to hurt this copper, it wouldn’t be a fair fight if he did… As soon as the thought crossed his mind, completely ignoring what Jen said behind him, Officer Barton moved toward the girls.

Lighting struck. Without hesitation. Malc didn’t waste his time, his relaxed position on the car was a mere cover to the untrained eye. He was in the perfect spot to off-center Officer Barton. He made a move for the man’s shoulder, locking his own to his opponent, and threw his weight into him. The two men crashed on the garage floor, the wrench clattering to the side in the moment. He could hear Barton’s gun slide from its holster during the fall, thankfully another thing he didn’t have to worry about. Assaulting an officer was his charge, regardless of how badly he’d bruise the man. So now that the action was done, he figured he’d send the cop praying. He quickly straddled the man, locking the cop’s arms in between his legs, sending punches to Barton’s face. Amongst his barrage, the cop was swearing and kicking frankly to escape. His blows were certainly disorienting and ended up cutting the man’s forehead. His wiggling made him miss a few blows, sending his now bruised knuckles into the concrete. Office Barton eventually wormed himself free, attempting a pitiful crawl to reach for the wrench. Malcolm was quicker. Since he was already in a seated position, he had the upper hand getting up and over to the wrench. He was able to roll himself there, grabbing the tool in the nick of time, before rising to his feet. “The fact you even thought about touching my sister is sickening, you pig,” he called. His breath was quick, not tired nor ragged, and his tone was calm. With the wrench in hand, he made a glance up at the girls, ensuring they were ok with what they’d have to witness. Officer Barton managed to pull himself up at this point, utilizing the hydraulic car jack as a brace. Once it was clear to proceed, he made a hefty swing of the wrench…

The sound of cracking bone and Officer Barton’s screech echoed in the small garage when the wrench collided with the man’s ribs. In the back of Malc’s mind, the scream made his blood curl, despite being the one who caused the pain. Officer Barton tumbled over in pain, clutching his side as he gasped for air like a fish out of water. It was clear no more force was required, so he tossed the wrench far to the side of the garage. He could shatter the kneecap, however, the cop needed to drive home after this. Broken ribs and a concussion ought to do. Malcolm made his way to Officer Barton, who now sagged near the edge of the garage, and grabbed him by the collar. “You’re not quite done here, bruv,” he sighed as he dragged the man back inside the garage. With some effort, Malc tossed Officer Barton’s limp body against the garage wall that was shared with the office. Then he crouched down, grabbing Barton by the collar with both hands and pushed him firmly against the wall. The pressure he applied certainly tugged at the broken ribs, made evident by Officer Barton’s grimace. “Keep my dad’s name out of your soiled mouth. The next time I hear it, you’re not going home, got it? Good. The same goes for my sister, if you ever come rollin’ through here uninvited I’ll be sure to see you off personally.” Glancing behind him, the women watched him both in awe and disgust. Violence like this wasn’t flattering no matter how you supported it. He shoved the cop into the wall, standing up from his position to hover near Officer Barton.

“You’re going to apologize to both of the birds, plus you’ve got to answer to Miss Fletcher,” he growled. He gave a gentle nod of his head to the cop on the ground, knowing full well he wouldn’t be in much of a state to harm either of the girls if they wanted to come near. Whatever they wanted to do or say, they could, as he backed up to give them both space. As he did so, he inspected his now battered hands, which were throbbing and scraped.
Last edited:
Gatsby's Restaurant
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Beth Henderson

"That sounds amazing," Beth enthused when Bonnie told her about the jobs she'd done on the yachts in the Mediterranean. "Whilst this is my home and I have a lot to appreciate here, I would love to spend some more time where it's bright and sunny."

Hearing Bonnie had found work at the Vixen was a surprise, one Beth failed to mask from her face as her smile dropped. Although the woman was quick to assert that it wasn't as a dancer, that hadn't been the thing that had caused Beth's reaction. Her smile returned when the woman explained her role and that it seemed to be good work. "Oh, I wouldn't judge you if you were a dancer," she assured her. "Madame of the House sounds interesting, though I'm not entirely sure what it entails?"

Beth toyed with the idea of speaking what was on her mind. Unlike her father, the Mayor, she didn't feel all in debt to the Walkers nor did she have as much to lose by speaking openly about them. "I know Alfie and his family," she informed Bonnie. "He has quite the reputation where women are concerned. A womaniser, some would say," she commented with a knowing smile. "Not that I expect he'd mix that with his club. The Walkers are a big deal in Birmingham and have a lot of businesses, so The Vixen is a safe place to work if you want job security," she reasoned.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Bonnie)
The Platinum Lounge - Office
~Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England~

Alfie Walker
The tension in the room was rising. His father definitely knew something he didn't and thought it was going to be a problem. Alfie had been so infatuated with Bonnie that he hadn't considered that there may be more to her than he knew and that a background check deeper than a resume review was needed. Silently he chided himself as he listened to what his father had to say and considered what was going on. Alfie remained silent as his father went on to tell him that his club definitely had to do with family business strictly because he was his father's son. There were a lot of things about the two that were similar, him and his father, but there were a lot of things that were different. Alfie never had to the drive to run an empire - he just wanted to live and enjoy life. He wanted to make enough money to be comfortable, eventually settle down with a good woman and have a family, like his own father had, but he had never really wanted the key to the kingdom - that was to much work. Now it was being thrust on him despite his best efforts and there was no way to prevent it. You didn't tell Robert Walker no.

He went on to say all the siblings would be getting the same talk, but he seriously doubted it, not that he was about to argue with his dad. He knew since he was a kid arguing with the man was pointless. What finally got a reaction out of him, even if it was just a flush of the cheeks, was his comment about getting into her knicker. Him and Robert had always shared a weakness for women - it was one of the most commonly shared traits for them. Still, it wasn't a conversation that they had openly very often. Alfie wasn't ashamed of himself, but it still felt like a dressing down, despite it all.

"What does her family being rich and in power an ocean away got to do with us, Dad?" Alfie looked genuinely confused. He picked up the file, keeping it closed for the moment as he continued on "No, she hadn't told me, but I didn't think who her family was in another country would matter - maybe if they were Irish or something close by, but Texas really has no sway here in England, so what could they possibly do?" He finally flipped the file open, looking through the contents. Information about the Moody's in Texas, detailed breakdowns of her father, her mother, her family in general, and some of the things they did. Then more information, but more lacking, about her time in Libya. "She did tell me about Libya, some. It seemed to really affect her, so I didn't push it. She didn't seem to enjoy it, whatever it was."

Alfie closed the folder, setting it down on the desktop, eyes steady as he looked back at his father. "We all have past, you know that better than anyone." He let the comment sink in, knowing his father would know he was talking about his past and how it had affected his mother, how he had made his own mistakes, and likely still was. "I'll be careful, but sometimes - and Dad I'd think you'd know this - you have to trust your instinct. I get that you're distrustful, you've been proven right too many times. Sometimes though, people are just trying to start new. She had a whole list of places she'd visited, I was just another stop on her list. The woman has been all over doing all different kinds of jobs, why not my club." Alfie had a sudden feeling of being insulted growing in his chest that he tried his best to tamper down despite it coming out in his voice. "My club is damn respectable. And while I may not be well-travelled, that doesn't mean I'm not intelligent or that hiring someone with those same qualities is a mistake. If anything, her experience is going to help boost the club to higher levels. I look forward to putting it to use. Dad, I'm fucking worthy of such a woman, even if you're mistakes make you feel like I'm not because I could so easily be you."

The final words came out acidic. Venomous. He didn't mean to, but the news of what he had done to his mom - something even Alfie would never do - plus the insinuation that Alfie was somehow lacking both in his business and in himself to deserve such a person in his life was too much like Charles putting him down for not being the favored son. Standing up, Alfie paced around the chair, rubbing his jawline again. He turned his back to his father, before turning around again, voice slightly raised though it was obvious he was trying to control it. "I'm not such a piece of shit that people like her shouldn't want to be around me. Is that what you think? That your own son is so lowly, that his business is so dirty, that good people wouldn't want to be there?" He felt a shake starting inside of him, but he contained it. Whether his father had meant to or not, he had essentially just called him trash compared to such a woman and said his place of business wasn't worth someone like her. "I bet you never would have said something like that to Charles. Mr. Golden Child would have been worthy of having people like that in his life, in his business, however he wanted it. But me, not at all. Is that it?"

He knew almost instantly he had stepped over a line, but it was too late to take it back and if he was going to one day run this business like his father wanted, he needed to be seen as an equal, not some scamp that needed cuffed behind the ears for every step he made that wasn't approved in advance.

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Robert the Asshole
Walker Residence
~Edgbaston, Birmingham, Englad~​

Dean Walters
Dean looked around after his words settled. They were aimed more at Rich, sure, but they were for her too. She needed to understand why he made the choices he made, as he was sure Robert would need to as well. When Caroline commented about what happened to the sanctity of marriage, Dean couldn't help the small smile he got. He understood where she was coming from, he had felt the same way at first. He had battled against the concept that he could love her and still love Richard without being disloyal to her. It had impacted them for a while, Dean being uncertain in how he was going to continue forward with her, he had delayed their relationship for quite some time. It had been her open and accepting heart that had eventually changed his mind. She had been like the wind, gentle and persistent in convincing him to open up about himself, tell her the truth, and when he had he had cried like a baby. It was something a person would not understand that had never been through it.

As he finished speaking, he reached over the counter to Richard, reaching to touch his hand, while his other hand had reached for Caroline, but neither made it as Richard reacted. Looking quickly to Caroline, he tried to judge her, but like normal for Dean, it was impossible. Caroline had always been unreadable for him. He knew her back then because he had time to get to know her, to learn her, to understand her, but there had been a large chunk of time between and all of them had changed. He gave her a pleading look, as if asking her to try and understand instead of shutting him down, but it didn't have time to register before his attention was jolted back to Richard.

He watched as his love ran the data through his mind, analyzing and configuring it to make it make sense. As the math began to add up, Rich's face changed and he began to grow sadder and sadder. Dean's heart broke, he didn't want to hurt the man now, he hadn't come for that. He hadn't come to hurt any of them, but he knew that he had to get through the pain before the healing could begin. The last almost two decades had been like a wound with a splinter still in it - festering and becoming infected but never cleaned. Now the invader was being pulled out, roughly, and the sickness was oozing out. It was time to wipe away the dirt and grime and start fresh, letting the gash that caused so much pain finally seal into some sort of healed but scarred remnant.

Dean stood slowly, not sure what to do. Suddenly feeling the pressure, he slugged his drink back in one fell swoop. He needed the burn to steady himself. When Richard finally spoke, he listened carefully. The heartbreak was evident to Dean, and he understood that right now, Richard felt like the world had just opened beneath him and was swallowing him. It would take time to make him see thing the way Dean had come to see them. When the man, his love, finally turned away and started crying, Dean began to move. He snagged Caroline by the wrist in a loose but confining grip, and pulled her with him around the end of the bar to Richard. When he was close enough, he put his arms around the man, pulling Caroline's arm along with him into some kind of three person hug. He needed both of them, not just Dean.

After a moment of just simply holding the two, his arm draped around Caroline and Richard equally, he sat back, his own eyes wet but no tears falling. "I'm sorry, Rich. I'm sorry Caroline. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, and leaving you, all of you, was the biggest. I know not everything makes sense right now, and all of this is fresh and new, but I just need you guys to give me a chance. Give all of this a chance. Let me start making my amends… I want to be here, for all of you. I get that my new situation isn't the standard… That can be hard to accept, but with time, we can find a way to make it work. I want you to meet my family… My wife, my son. I want them to know you. And if this is hell," he said, looking directly at Richard as he pulled back, one arm still around Caroline's shoulder as he used his free hand to grasp Richard's chin and make him look at him, "We'll get through it together. It's not our first trip through, after all, we've been here before and we survived, we can do it again"

He tried to smile, to be reassuring, to comfort his friend. "You're not alone, Rich. You never have been, and now, I'll make sure you never feel alone again, I promise."

Misty Gray Misty Gray - Caroline
ReverseTex ReverseTex - Richard
The Platinum Lounge - Office
- Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham, England -

Robert Walker

Robert didn't humour Alfie with a response when he asked what Bonnie's prominent family in Texas had to do with them. In this business, Robert had to scrutinise everything, and Bonnie showing up on Alfie's doorstep with any kind of ties was something he couldn't ignore. Robert studied his son as he set about reading over the file. He mentioned Bonnie had told him about Libya, even if not in full detail. At least she'd told him something. "Aren't you at all curious to know why she didn't enjoy it? This woman of the world..."

Unsurprisingly, after closing the file, Alfie switched the focus onto Robert and himself. He pointed out that they all had pasts and Robert didn't need to think about it to know it was a dig at himself. He chose to let that one slide. Caroline's revelation about his affairs as still fresh with their kids, even if Alfie had seemed to be the least affected by it. "Oh, I trust my instinct. I've been in this game for long enough to know what not to ignore." Alfie soon shifted back to defending Bonnie. Chances were, the young woman was innocent and there wasn't anything either of them needed to worry about. But given how recently Alfie had met her, Robert found it naive for him to be rushing to her defence so easily.

When his son asserted his club was respectable, Robert kept his opinion to himself. Objectively, a strip club was not respectable, no matter how much care Alfie put into it. Robert wasn't about to judge that though, not with his past with women and the seedy businesses he had his hand in. What did grab Robert's focus was when Alfie took his concerns over Bonnie as a personal attack on his intelligence and somehow that he wasn't worthy of her. Before he could reassure his son that wasn't what he was saying, the younger man directed his attack onto him again. "We're not here to talk about my mistakes," he snapped back at his son's venomous tone.

Alfie stood up, but Robert remained seated, if anything sitting back more comfortably as he watched his son turn his back on him. When Alfie turned around, his voice was raised as he assured him he wasn't a piece of shit that was unworthy of Bonnie. He went on to compare his treatment to how Charles had been treated, claiming the eldest had been the Golden Child. Robert had a lot to say but he kept quiet to allow Alfie to get everything out in the open and, as it happened, cause Robert to reassess recent decisions.

"Are you finished?" Robert calmly asked, despite the cold stare he was now sending him. "You misunderstand me. I wasn't questioning your intelligence, nor was I suggesting you're unworthy of this woman. If anything, my concern is she isn't worthy of you. You're resourceful and smart, and you deserve a good woman who strives for the best. Excuse me if I struggle to believe this intelligent and well-travelled stranger is going to settle for Birmingham - doing a job that doesn't befit her supposed intelligence."

With that assurance out of the way, Robert now stood. "I won't accept you throwing in low blows at me and then dragging Charles' name into this like some sulking child. Charles worked hard and he fell for a respectable woman - one who was no kind of enigma. This is clearly too soon..." Robert trailed off, pinching the bridge of his nose as he internally deliberated with himself. Pulling his hand away, he looked Alfie in the eyes. "Forget speaking with Scott in any capacity. I will deal with that business for now. I hoped you were ready to take on more, but clearly your mind is focused on your club and now this woman. I can't afford to let distractions put this family at risk." Sitting back down in the chair, Robert slid the file back towards himself. After a pause, he looked back at Alfie. "We're done for today, Alfie," he dismissed him. "Come see me when you're ready to step up."

BasDorcha BasDorcha (Alfie)
The Red Lion Pub
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Thomas Walker
It had been a while since Thomas had been this inebriated, when he really thought about it, the last time he had gotten this drunk was quite a long time ago, the last time he had gone out with Jackie to be precise and Thomas had just started to drink back then. He thought that now he was older and a bit more experienced that he could hold his own better but as he stumbled up the street with his cousin, falling into bar after bar, it was obvious that he couldn't hold liquor as well as Jackie. Although maybe no-one can, the man is a beast.

He had purposely held back from partaking in drugs for a good part of the day but as his mind started to blur and his body felt as though it couldn't continue he finally gave in, joining Jackie in the alley this time instead of standing on the sidelines under the guise of "keeping a look out", a lie that he knew his cousin didn't believe but thankfully didn't push him on it. He was sure that Jackie knew as well as Thomas did that he would come around eventually once he had relaxed into the situation.

"Your right man, we deserve to be doing more, we're more capable than they think" Thomas agreed with a strange sense of confidence in his voice. "We need to prove ourselves and loose the title of the family fuckups" he added quite loudly as he swung his arm around his cousin's shoulders. Lost in his own thoughts about the family business and the respect that he, in that moment, believed they deserved he didn't notice his surroundings or what territory they had crossed into.

As Jackie made him swear to have his back, Thomas raised an eyebrow in confusion "off course man, I'll always have your back" swaying slightly in his stance, Thomas couldn't comprehend what Jackie was suddenly so worried about, they were out having a night on the town, a boys night and the only logical things that Thomas could think in his state was that maybe Jackie would confront Robert and ask for more respect.

When the coke got offered to him, Thomas didn't even hesitate this time feeling he needed to sober up a little before he completely blacked out. Rubbing his nose to get rid of any excess before looking up at the pub Jackie was pointing out. He squinted his eyes as he read the name "The Red Lion" he said each word slowly as he tried to get his brain to wake up and remember, he knew that he knew this pub, the name was so familiar but yet it was so far down in the debts of his mind that Thomas couldn't remember why it was so familiar. He noted the smile on Jackie's face and shrugged before moving towards the door, if Jackie seemed this excited it must be a good bar. What he didn't expect was for Jackie to be in a destructive mood or to get them in trouble, how stupid that belief seemed now.

Stepping into the Bar, Thomas looked around for anything familiar to give him an insight as to how he knew this place. As the doors closed behind them Thomas stopped walking as he spotted three very familiar people behind the bar and his breath caught in his throat. His eyes widened as he stared at the Fletchers behind the bar and he quickly dropped his head hoping not to be recognized himself. "What the fuck" he hissed at Jackie as he stood almost frozen in fear as it all came back to him.. The Red Lion was Tony Fletcher's pub and ironically they had just walked into the lion den.


Jackie purplecowdutch purplecowdutch
Rory Fletcher (Moi)
Sammy Fletcher Bellz Bellz
Marco Misty Gray Misty Gray
Aston Auto Repairs
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Julia Fletcher

"So what you go around vandalizing other people's property and threatening woman seems just like something an upstanding cop would do" She remarked in bitter sarcasm. Since she was a child Julia had always hated the police and the entire justice system as a whole, they were corrupt, unjust and she found that the majority of cops she had met in her lifetime hid behind their badges to do whatever they wanted, more times than not she found policemen to be bigger criminals than those that they put away for "public safety".

As Jennifer spoke, Julia watched the man intently readying herself to fight should the Cop follow through on what he was clearly thinking, he reached to grab Jennifer and Julia moved to step toward him but before anything could happen, Malcom had brought the cop down on to the ground. She watched for a moment before turning her full attention to Jennifer "Are you ok?" she asked looking her over to make sure she was unharmed, shaken up as expected but thankfully unharmed.

She kept an eye on the fight to make sure if didn't turn the opposite way but she was relieved to see that Malcom was holding his own very well. A pained scream made her jump and Julia turned to watch as the cop stumbled away but Malcom was quick to bring him back. Violence like this wasn't something Julia particularly liked but having grown up in the family that she did, Julia was almost accustomed to it, it didn't affect her like it should but that was also helped by the fact that he had threatened them. She didn't want to even think about what would have happened had Malc not been present, that thought alone made her shudder.

Hearing her name brought Julia back into the room and she looked towards where the cop was now resting against the wall. Her eyes scanned over him, taking in his injuries and it seemed to be in that moment that Julia remembered this man was a policeman, that Malcom had just assaulted an officer and she frowned as the realization hit. Tony was not going to be happy about this at all and she decided in that moment maybe it was best not to tell him, he had too much going on to now be worried about a cop being beaten up in a garage associated to them.

Julia waited to see if Jennifer would step forward and followed her as they moved towards the police man. Wiping all emotion of her face Julia looked down at the mess of a man as she crossed her arms "I don't want to see or hear youve been around her again" she commented slowly in a cold tone "and you will not tell anyone what happened here today" her eyes flickered towards Malcom and Jennifer for a second before she looked back towards the cop "It's in both of our best interests after all, although I'm sure people would love to hear that you damaged property and beat up two defenseless girls with a wrench, what happened to you was self defense after all" a threatening tone could be heard in her voice as she spoke, a cold glint in her eye making it very obvious that this threat was real.

Jennifer Misty Gray Misty Gray
Malcom ReverseTex ReverseTex
Streets- Gatsby's Restaurant
Birmingham, England
In scene: Misty Gray Misty Gray

Bonnie Moody

Bonnie noted Beth's shift at the mention of The Vixen. Her mention of the club was a ploy of sorts, she wanted to test the waters in Birmingham to see how it was perceived. Especially the Walker name. Her roommate could warn her all she liked but to see the reactions in person was crucial for her understanding. She needed to know why people had such opinions about the Walkers.

When Beth noted she knew Alife and his family, her attention shifted back to the conversation at hand. Alfie being a known womanizer didn’t come to much surprise, considering their rendezvous, his personality suggested as much. Beth continued to explain that the Walkers also had other businesses, piquing her interest, while she took a sip of her beer. From what she gathered, it appeared that she found herself in a similar situation she left all those years ago. Part of her lurched at the thought but another found it ironic. To run across the world to escape her ensnared wealthy family to land at the doorsteps of another. It seemed the world wanted her to grow up and act the part she was born to play.

“It can’t just be Alfie running the show right? He doesn’t seem like he has the backbone to keep the ship afloat,” Bonnie questioned. Sure he was charming and kind, but he wasn’t a man like her father or brother. He didn’t have the animalistic drive to succeed. “Anywho, he also said he had a big family, minus a dead sibling?” Her prying at this point was a bit obvious, so she needed to muster a decent cover. “Sorry for all the questions, it’s just been tough trying to navigate this city alone.
Walker Residence
- Edgbaston, Birmingham, England -

Caroline Walker

Throwing Robert into the mix, Caroline determined that these men were going to be the death of her. She held back from intervening whilst Richard gathered his thoughts and addressed Dean about the happiness he'd found with his wife. She could see how difficult it was for Richard. He'd been struggling a few nights ago when she shared drinks with him and now Dean's return had made it all even harder. She watched as Richard's eyes welled with tears, but she remained stoic so as not to add to his emotions. However, when he caught her eyes with a desperate gaze for her help, she sucked in a breath as she was about to speak. However, she silenced herself upon seeing him look back to the floor before his tears finally broke free.

Richard hadn't been the only one sending pleading looks her way, with Caroline also catching Dean's gaze as he willed her to understand him. Once again, she'd remained stone-faced long enough for the man's focus to be redirected to Richard.

Caroline had fought the instinct to rush to Richard's side to comfort him. Her eyes instead fixed on Dean as the man took a moment to knock back his drink. She expected, or hoped, he would then proceed to making a move to reassure Richard. Thankfully, he did that, but Caroline was taken by surprise when he took her arm to pull her with him. "Oh jeez..." she gasped, feeling more like an intruder in their intimate business by the second. Dean then pulled both Richard and Caroline in for a hug. The woman remained rigid in the gesture at first. After a short time, she relaxed her shoulders and allowed herself to sink in to their embrace. This was nowhere near what she'd expected today to be.

Dean released her and Richard from the embrace, but he kept his arms around each of them as he apologised for his mistakes. Caroline was going to tell him it wasn't her he needed to apologise to, that it was ultimately Richard and Robert whose second chances would matter more than hers. Instead of saying that, she remained silent as he spoke of wanting them to meet his wife and son. Even the curious revelation he had a child wasn't enough to draw words from her for the time-being. Instead, she watched Dean direct Richard to look him in the eyes before assuring him he was not alone. This drew a gentle smile from Caroline as she looked at Richard, willing him to believe he really wasn't alone.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Richard) BasDorcha BasDorcha (Dean)
Last edited:
Finley Residence
- Birmingham, England -
- Wednesday 29th November 1975 -
BasDorcha BasDorcha , Misty Gray Misty Gray

Dr. Richard Finley

The sudden force of Caroline and Dean’s hug made Richard stiffen instinctively. His defensiveness on edge, particularly with his mental disarray. Once he rationalized there wasn’t a threat, he let himself go. He silently regained his breath, trying to not sound like a blubbering anxious mess as he did so. It felt good to get his anxiety out, despite Dean’s words. He wasn’t in the mood to think about Dean having a child as well, something he so desperately wanted, the present was more important than the future. Once he regained his composure, he let the two of them step aside. Caroline made more room than Dean, who stubbornly wouldn’t let him go.

Although he rationally knew he wasn’t alone, it still was nice to hear he wasn’t. No matter what any of his chosen family did, he’d always be stuck as the homeless boy from the slums in his mind. A curse some might call, to be trapped in one’s mind in that fashion. While it served as great motivation to achieve goals, it also hindered him in such times. To be completely accepted and loved at this moment, both by Dean and Caroline meant more than words could convey.

“Thank you,” he said rather hoarsely. The strain of his anxiety today was evident, despite feeling much better. Now that Caroline was more separate from the makeshift group hug, Richard had a chance to properly pull Dean in. His head rested gently on the man’s shoulder, taking in the peaceful moment he longed for. Nothing else would be required to revive him, the electricity from their hugs always recharged him. He knew Dean felt it too… Once completely calm, he pushed away and took a deep breath. Caroline had made her way to her chair again, to which he slowly walked over to give her a side hug. Looking across the island to Dean, he glanced down at Caroline, a wry smile starting to emerge. “I’d pay good money to watch you and Rob tear him to shreds. You already know he got a second chance in my book,” he added as he let Caroline go.

With Dean around, he could figure out his issues with him in due time. That was a private matter, not one that ought to determine his place amongst the Walkers. Robert and Caroline had good reason to be upset about their reservations. It wasn’t his place to determine their decision nor was it theirs to determine his. “You’ve got an embassy here in the meantime, dear,” he said as he made his way back to his side of the island. He went for his drink, finishing off the rest of the gin and tonic, in desperate need to numb the senses. “You best offer something in return when you talk with the gaffer, or else he’ll sic her on you,” he jested as he nodded to Caroline. “She almost took me out the other night, damn woman would have single-handedly ended the War if she enlisted back in the day.”
Aston Auto Repairs
- Aston, Birmingham, England -

Jennifer Murray

Jennifer stood wide-eyed as her brother stepped forward to intervene and stop the copper from attacking her. She wasn't disturbed by violence or at all squeamish, so the most concerning thing for her was how far Malc would go. She watched on as Officer Barton was was knocked onto the floor beneath Malc's weight. She saw the policeman's gun slide onto the floor and was fully prepared to kick it out of his reach. She didn't want Malc to go too far, but more than than she didn't want Barton to get any kind of retaliatory blow or shot in.

Jennifer shot an apologetic glance Julia's way as Malc delivered repeated blow's to the cop's face. She hoped the boss's wife wasn't upset by it. She flinched as one of her brother's punches missed the target and his fist collied with the floor instead. When Barton got free and made a move for the wrench, Jennifer stepped forward but stopped as her brother had it all under control. With his check to see if she was okay, Jennifer gave a quick and certain nod to reassure him she was fine. She did, however, turn away as the wrench was swung at Barton. Having heard the sound of cracking bone and the pained cry from Barton, she wasn't sure she wanted to turn back. When she did look, she was relieved it was a blow to the ribs and not his skull. Now that would have been a big mess in many ways. The copper needed to remain alive, unfortunately.

Barton breathed heavily as he remained slumped down on the floor, only to have been grabbed and pushed against the interior wall. Malc warned him to keep his father's and Jennifer's names out of his mouth, prompting a rapid nod from Barton. Malc shoved him again before standing to tower over his floored position. When told to apologise to the two women, Barton hesitated, reaching up to touch his increasingly swollen face. He relented with another nod. "I'm sorry. Real sorry. To both you off," he groggily told them, his hand now moving to feel the area around his broken ribs.

Julia stepped forward with Jennifer. She spoke first, telling Officer Barton she didn't want him at the garage again. "Okay. Okay..." he relented when told to keep what had just happened quiet. As much as he hated the Murrays and looked down on the Fletchers, he wasn't about to let his superiors know what had happened. He was already on a warning for recently roughing up some thug who'd got mouthy at the station. "I ain't saying a word!" he assured them.

Jennifer had moved to Malc before giving Barton acknowledgement. She lifted her brother's hands to inspect them. "Are you okay?" she asked him. "We need to clean and ice those hands. Maybe get an expert to check for any damage?" she suggested with concern. She let go of his hands and for a moment turned to face Officer Barton. "Like they both said. Keep quiet and don't come here again," he firmly told him. After sending Julia another apologetic glance, she turned to Malc again. "I just want him out of here," she dejectedly confirmed.

Jennifer folded her arms as she looked at the motorbike she'd been fixing. It was now in worse shape than it had been when Tony asked her to work on it. She'd worked hard to get it finished today and had been proud of the outcome. Now she was concerned her boss was going to be disappointed. It had been challenging enough getting the guys he employed in the gang to take her seriously as a mechanic and now she felt she'd have to prove them wrong all over again.

ReverseTex ReverseTex (Malc) neverbackdown neverbackdown (Julia)

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